HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1936-02-06, Page 4TH® LUCKNOW SENTINEL
_______ ___ ___
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Low ,Night_ and Week-end rates now
. ■ apply'on both “Anyone”, and
Person-to-Person Song distance
telephone calls
Lucknow Sentin el
Published -every Thursday, morning
, at Lucknow, Ontario.
Mrs. A. D. Mackenzie — Proprietor
Campbell Thompson—Publisher
We extend congratulations to ’Mr.
and. Mrs.- John Thompson on the ar
rival of a baby girl last week. ■
. Mr. and Mrs. Al. Irwin and Mr.
and Mrs. Will; Stanley visited r on
Friday last with. -Kinlough friends.
Mrs. T. , Hockley of Teeswater is
spending a few days with Mr. and
Mrs; J. Thompson of Lucknow.
Mr;- and Mrs. H- Stanley and Rus
nell, visited bn Thursday last with
Mr. and .Mrs; Garner Stanley, boun
dary -west.
We are sorry to 'report that Mrs.
Dave Farrier is very sick at pre
sent at the home of her ^ daughter.
Mrs. J. D. Ross, Station street north.
We Hope for her speedy* recovery.
-■ . , ■Following an old custom of throw- Mr. Matthew Johnson is working
ing tacks into his mouth, when he with Gecil Gardner at present
vas/performing aS an upholsterer Miss Myrtle Ritchie spetjt Sunday
! Mr. Cecil Hyde, Mr. arid Mrs. Pe.r-
jey Hyde and little...»sail™jiimni.yi re-
_____ _ ___—______ - . . , - • -turned to Kincardineo on Saturday
in tlJ erstwhile Rattan Factory, Po-' with her sisters, Mrs^’. Gibson of Rafter “ ten-dfiy stay, here, owing^ to
bills’the othet davthrew four ‘Lochalsh. . Mrs. Robinson Woodses called
tacks "into his magazine, and as his I Mr. and Mrs. Sam Reid ppent to Brueefield-qn Friday; by the sub
teeth, like the old gray mare ain’t^Xhursday-.witkitheiri daughter,..Mrs-,T.*:ien .rieaih of - her brother-in-law, Mr.
what she used to be, as several vac-; Peter Cooke. ! Thos. Campbell, following a stroke.
* C where the molars once flour- [ Mr. arid Mrs. John McDonagh and ; The lantern lecture under the
- - - 1' “r and j of the' Y. P. U. on Friday
___ .___„ forth [Mrs. Fred Anderson on , Thursday.we’J attended and the
mi-y three, and recalling that there! Mr? Joe Freeman and' daughters, , °n ‘^Cr°SS, whiclJ
.was more anxiety oyer the one that' Lo5s and Beryl, returned home on Ithrough the coartesy o
- • > , ’ ithe U.N.R., proved interesting and___ last-^after-a.' ..week__xis.it-^>j,-.. ■, „ , ..® ■ ■ with Miss Nellie - Malcolm in the ’ ty-and-nine. ;that safely lay. the copj intr ,^Ir. gnj-Mrs. Will GardnerW&ucfave. An enjoyable ~pxogranr
chair,. The Scripture was taken by V doing a bit of worrying on hi§ Robt Andrew recently re ! the lead^SnM^Ted
Mrs. Wm. Haldenby. Discussion by Awn. over that which is lost. j<?eive<J tbe ?ad neW3 of death of the leadership, of Mr. Ted
Miss N. Malcolm. Rev. Mr.. McRit- Even the search warrants that the “,is sister-in-law;;Mrs. Steele Andrew’: Her’,manv' friends are glad to
ehie lead in prayer; Mr. Jno. Lane ;C.hief is so used to .executing, would; of Verdun. Man. Deceased, w;ho ^as. kno^ that 'Mrs George Stuart re-
P43—5-turned on Saturday—from Chicago?-
F' where she has spen£—the past year
; receiving medical treatment,
j , Mr. John Miller of Toronto was al
< week-end visitor with Mr. and Mrs
i.W.’.A. Miller and,‘Mr. and Mrs; E.
, J. Thom. ’ ■ ■ ’ . \
; Miss Ruth Ramage.. Convener of
Messrs. Geo. Haldenby and Bert
McLean, spent the week-end in TofJ
’ onto. . .
Teri Eckenswilier and Kath-
leen Graham, visited friends at Lis-
towel over the week-grid.
Miss Evelyn McLean is spending
a few days at London.
A large crowd attended the presen
tationheld in the Orange .hall on ............ ......
Friday evening, in honor of-Mr; and 'j^hed. would, indicate, he was able In11'Murray. were visitors with Mr.
Mrs. Alex Percy, who were married.,‘he final analysis to bring f
recently.. . •
The regular meeting of the Church’ .rr.^ ,------atlu w
Society was held a on Monday nigM^ had , gone astray 7±han^oyer thg_nine“A^dnesday^]
. , ■ WT —. .V - . _ ____3 ■ 1-TT- ./»rtT3 J « ..
.>,n? 1
Mr. -.
, . I eeived the sad news of the death oi
Miss N. Malcolm. Rev. Mr.. McRit- Even the search warrants that the : hjs sister-in-law;. Mrs. Steele Andrew !
lice Chief Jack Ferguson while put- ’ Laurier and . Mrs, Wm. Ross of ; the illness axld death0 of their mother,
ing up bills the other day threw four\Lochalsh. _ . -
Huron County Council in session
last weak passed a by-law, that
anyone keeping an automatic vend- •
ing machine of a type set out in the
by-l'aw shall be required,, to make
application to the County for a lic
ence'. - The annual fee required foy
each niachine shall be $500.00 pay
able within 15 days from the date^
thereof. ■ •; ------
"ReeVe Murdoch Matheson asked:
“Does the payihg of this license fee
legalize, the machines ?” Mr? Erskine
.“Yes,"‘but tbe fee is so high that it.
is. unlikely that'anyone .will 'pay it.”
;Wai^^’^owman. explained that the
County Council has. riot "the power to
make such, machiries ' absolutely il
legal, but . that it has the power to
set, a license fee on them.
Feeling that the northern section
of the County- needed better high
way facilities,’ Council passed the
following resolution to, be forwarded
to- the Minister of Highways, Hon.
T. B.. McQuestin: That we in ‘the
electoral district • of North Huron
have paid a great. portion of revenue
to the provincial government tn car
licenses, gas tax^s in the past and up
to the preseftt time we have no pave--
ment. in North Huron. And at this
time we .would ask the Minister pf
Highways to give our case his earn
est consideration and if abv paving
is decided upon in 1936 that High
way. No, 4 be completed to the town
of Wingham.
ovm.—Walkerton Herald-?,
“I’ve never had the pleasure of
meeting your wife!” 9
“What makes you imagine it wouh’
he a pleasure?”
“Well.” -remarked the kind’v old
Lady. yon mustn’t expect too much
of n husband.”
•■What shall I do?” wailed the
;eet young thing. “Fm engaged, to
heart attack
spoke on municipal affairs: Mr. Me- useless in locating the wantedLformerlyi.Miss Emily Clarkson, par;
Ritchie on the provincial govern- ; article in this case, and although hc ed a-^y after A few months’ illne^!
ment and Harold Percy gave a paper fries to console himgelf by saying' 2t the age of 65. r
oh the Dominion-government. Solos -Every day in every way I feel bet-,. M[]ch ’y^DithT js extended from
were given by Miss Malcolm a. d >er and better.” yet like Rachel he, zjon (riends’to Ande.
Fred Jackson. The meetmg closed. ,e„n-t he comfort^ until , he cets ‘,f K - Mrs Herb E!ber of Cre<ii
& ... i I ii ji
Lyceum Theatre
Show Starts at 8.00 I’.M.
H . 1> __ ...■■• -| . -----___ ___ ___
Thursday, Friday, Saturday.
February 6-7-8
When a Man*s a Maw
A Western Picture by
:■• ll'HareM Bell Wright
with a hymn and prayer. The next hnck hi«
meeting will be on Monday. Feb. Times.
‘17th, in the Anglican Church. . The .
program will be of a humorous na- .
tune and will be competition between !
the married and single members.
• /
^on. .in the death of their brother, i
diaries Girvin of Oklahoma. U.S.A..; ___ ___ _ ____
who passed away^ suddenly from a . the Christian Fellowship committee,
heart attack on ; Monday, afternoon. J onesided at the-meeting of the Y. 7.
----— ;----------- |U. on Sunday evening; Grace Weath-
-* man who just cannot bear child- '; AfYour husband looks like a bril >’rbead read the scripture lesson and
. j 'iant man. I suppose he knows every- ■ RQth Ramage gave a reading. The
^hing?” - - --------------------------i .topic, Unemployment and War.” '
‘TJon’t fool yourself. He doesn’t w^s taken by Mr. Dpmin Phillips, j
even snsoect"anything!” - * af|er which, Rev. H. M. Wright let» !
. I in an interesting discussion. i
[ An impressive Memorial • service i
’^^^bridugte^b^^vrHrMr WrighT....
j-31 -th e'—■'U nit-ed- ^Chiirch' ■^oir'.'rSunda y
-^wrningr^rh^faVofite~hyhtriris "bl Triet ’
,I king were sun'gf and the congrega- j
? Gon stood reverently while the Dead
j March in Saul was played. In 'hie
| address, Rev. Wright, eulogized the/
j sterling Christian characters of the
| beloved' monarch. The service • con-
■ | rinded with the singing of the. Nat-
i ;onal AnthenE~ ' . ’
| Mr. Tom Alexander has been ser
iously jll'since. Thursday, with pneu-
mo.n|ia at his home on the, 9th,
■ ~ ~ :---------- - ' ' .
HENRY: ‘rinses.;! cm remember D&d refl
.Egg. es rhm.m hss dsv.jtoev used to thresh
their ztiiz with z r~z£. We couldn't, get
ajoeg thzz.-ei hovrsdiTs; meres 'Xo'sKKh-’’
JaJ€E5': re r.ghn. Hehrv. Wemtst have
.-zectaz-jcL. Dehr''t“ “rocude grzrn ar z psefct
■ sx'.griese izyK I ~ u: hvpm C*f empkmag
s user’ men as. vy- cah.' > ■ ’ “
HxNEY.' "Tda-- 5 .=^71’ sers'Sle .Ctaadaa's
'posse of rijev- O.r ■ Mcotrea!
trscu-cer -em me mm the secmxv'h ali
r.t.*- ms- Smc s - z.:.. jest mcoe-i fog
ti-rrnm ms: cere' mr r .ememes-. ’Ev tbe •srzr.
> x*. tr-x... ,.,k .x. s r-aju,
tail aht ’ doe rms occc-sec ■ to ad-
O P {t S’
/ ■ < ' J .s',
dL V . ' ' . ' ■ ' . ' .. . ,
Some oF oe____ _ _____________ kes to Gnus Grow
ers: Bnkmess_________iccocam, savings zc-
CXXLZZ3, cede
tbe dshsig oc g
by sszS; safiekeegriag of secanges.
loams for p&zatisg, hlrresting xn-d! firm
: /
The January meeting of the Para
mount. U. F. W. 0- was held at the
home of Mrs. John Jamieson on
Tuesday, Ja.miary 21st, with a good
attendance. -The February meeting
is to be held at the home df?Mrs.
Wm; ’ Martin on Tuesday, Feb. 18th.
Mrs. , Alvin . Irwin has returned
home after spending the ..past rt-wo
weeks with her father, Mr... George
.Thompson of Kinlough.
■ Mrs. Wm,. Reid and E-unice spent
last Wednesday with Mrs. ..James T.
Mr. Orland Richards has returned
home after visiting with his brother
Mr. James -Richards of FTeshertbn.
Quite a number from the Boun
dary attended Burn’s Ball last ’ Fri
day ’ night, ■ '’v ’
We are pleased to report that
Mrs.. Garner Stanley is able to be
around again after her sickness.
1 Mr. and; Mrs. Alvin Irwin attend-
; °d the Pearcy-Thompson reception
qn’ Friday night.
^ith her father recently,
Miss Marie - McDonald, who was
ill with scarlet fever, is improving.
A large number from here attend
ed the reception held at kinlough
for Mr. and Mrs. Alex Percy.
Mrs. Jack Emerson visited with
her father. Mr. Ralph *NiXon of Bel
fast last week. 1
Mr, and ’Mrs. Jack Wraith spent
’apt Sunday at Mr. Milton Walsh’s.
Mr. Frank Currie spent the week
end, at his home here.
! ' ” ■
Rural School Reports
1 < ■■ ;ll .. 4
Killloss Municipal Telephone *
January 25. 1936.
• The Commissioners ofz the Hurdr
:and C ’ **'**.’’*“* _*
< System rfiet in the .Secretary’s office
ton the above date at 2.00 p.m. wjtr-
j Neil Mackay, president in the, chair
? Members present, John W. Co l we 1;
:and Dan D. McDonald.
• Moved by John W. Colwell, sec-1
i ended by Dan D. McDonald that-the
’ mtantes of last meeting be adopted ■
<as read (carried). 1
I Moved by John W. Colwell, sec- ■
’->nded by Dan D. McDonald that’the;
- following accounts be paid: Cbh
’rnoSer of Revenue-tax. $195’:Jame= ‘
., Coorer.- rent $10.00; BiU McLean
'trucking $9.00; Bell Telephone- Co..’,
* sHs ' Dec.. 552.5,5: 'Rental ..S29.73.-J
MelyiDe. . Osborne. -. aedito;;, *512.15. j|.J
i A'ex ,W.' Patterson, auditor $12.15
; Neil McKay, meetings '$4109: John
W. Colwell meetings $4.00; Dan D
t McDonald meetings, -54.^0. I Carrie'! i
:’ The . secretary, under ’ instruction«
from the chairman, . opened the ten
der received from Ripley Eipresj
and inquiry -from Lucknbw Sentinel
• Mp'red by Jobs W- Cdlweil.
ed -«&y.- ' ....... 'that we g
flL-,.. .A".
Presbyterian Y. W. M. S.
The ’Young Women’s Missionary
Society met Thursday evening at 8
o’clock, at the home of Misses Fern
and Ida Reid. Mrs; C. H. MacDoftald
took the Bible study' arid. Miss Eliz
abeth Henderson led in prayer. Mrs.
Philip Stewart sang a pleasing sold.
Miss Evelyn MacLeod gave the topic
pn 'Missionary Work. Mrs. Carter
read ”Is it nothing to you.” The
meeting closed .with prayer by Mrs.
’ \ ■'
United Church Y. P. S.
I The regular -meeting was in charge
of the < Christian > Fellowship group.
rrhe worship period was opened by
quiet riiusic; following which Alex
Smith read thg “Call to Worship.”
;Hymn 347 'was sung, and Rev. Tuck-
or led in pTayer. The scripture rea’d-
>ng: was -taken by Miss. Doris.Rit
chie. A pleasing vocal dupt was giv-
,o.n.,,,by>^;jM[.isses--A-rlene..„Jew.i.tt and.
Verna Steward’. The topic for the
evening “Unemployment and War”,
was taken by Edwin Buswell. The ,
devotional period closed with a hymn
and the , Mizpah benediction. A short •
-ecreational. period was then con-,
ducted by . Miss Gladys Hodgina^
The Y. P. S.' xVill hold a slSfepg' .
■arnival in - the rink on Wednesday, 1
February 11th. ' •<
United Church Y. W. A.
The first. meeting of the United
"'hurch Y. W. A. was held at the home
->f Miss Gladys‘Hudgins on Tuesday
night, with 49 ladies, in attendance,
nnd the president, Miss I. Murdie in
charge. The business period follow-
?d the. opening- exercises, when . fees;. -.
were, .-paid, Mrs. Norman Wilson -ap- -
.-an:d'"^ -of .
Mrs.-Newton decided. upon as the
next meeting’ place, with- the. prcx ■
"ram -in charge of Mrs. Black arid -
Mrs. Harold Treleaven. Mrs. Tre-
’eaven sang a solo, and the scripture
massage was read by Mrs.- Black. ■
Miss Margaret McCallum took the
^ric “Facts on Africa” .and Mi,ss
Fva Greer gave a paper, followed
hv an instrumental -by Miss Gladys
Tri?ker and
The hostess
the closing exercises,
served lunch. ■ '
Presbyterian Guild
• J The Presbyterian. Y. P.’s, society
_____ * opened by hymn 81. The scripture
S "S. No. 5. Ashfield “eading v as read by Mr. Henderson
, Form V—Tested in Alg. Geog the'Lord’s I*ayer was repeated .
grammar ^nd E’nglish-Rena Huntor Mymn 595 was ^ung fol-‘
: 57^. ’ .“wed by a splendid program consis
ting of a duet by Miss Madylne Me-
Moran and Peggy* MacDonald; solo • v ... .
:57^. •
i Sr. IV
j Hunter
> —total marks 640—Jimmie '
534: Eldon Riuhie 451.
IV—Total marks 640—Lorna
457; Kathleen Gardner 437;
eer. Git =on 423: .Doris Reid 348.
Ill—Total marks 601—^-Russel;
Ritchie 5'?6: Keith Hackett '.440:
Ke-th Ritchie 350. •
, Jr. II—Total marks’’ •?>”>— A’lar
Ritirle 237; Markr. .Gardner 234.'
Ly;e Rit'chie 218: Johnny Hunte? pu
Erl' 'Hack’etr
- Pr-Lob
Glacv’ Cam
No.- on rof
S. S: No. 11. Huron .
V Ma;I
hr MtG'Sire 41.
Fred Wainwright, Accompanied
Frank MacKenzie; violin Selection
Dr. Little, accompanied by Rex-
• ord Ostrander. The debate “resolved
■sat civilized man is happier than •
.-he oarbarian”, proved* vgry inter
esting. Mr. MacIntyre' and Dorotoy
Nixon upheld the Affirmative side,
tvhile'is’-hel Douglas and Rev, Bur- ■
?ess took the negative part.' . The •
^regative side wqn, Mrs. G. Smith,
Mrs. W. Huston and Rev. Gilmore
fne Leonard MacDo.m
side was ahead having 32 n^em-
’^rs present, while Donald Hender-
-on« side had-30* meihbers. After
ringing hymn 663, Rev.; C/H. Mac-
D na!d closed irr prayer. ’
&’ Mgr-
C«k ;■
d,?taff'!ey‘ Irwin, 47-year-old
Wa’wanosh youth died W^iis
l?“t Tuesday, after a two-
.iurtess.. w.itlT. double pnebmon-
- ■'A.ing» an attack of - .measles,
'arrived by his sorrowing par- '
Mr. and Mrs.'^Herson Irwin and
' younger brothers and' fout
^^^i-^rvice was held in
Br:cdl Church on Thursday con-
by Rev. "J. g Townend. In-
*as in Wingham cemetery,’
cousins acting as pallri,