HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1936-02-06, Page 4TH® LUCKNOW SENTINEL -ywRh.- 4 ? THE LOST TACK ZIONKINLOUGH . FA(»E FOUR. _______ ___ ___ ........................................................ V - „ ... -ili?..<;■ -fe ' ‘ c- si'- ' • y '• " ’ ' / ’ - ' 'I’ I V ■ THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 6, 193$. SAVE AFTER and ALL DAY SUNDAY Low ,Night_ and Week-end rates now . ■ apply'on both “Anyone”, and Person-to-Person Song distance telephone calls The Lucknow Sentin el Published -every Thursday, morning , at Lucknow, Ontario. Mrs. A. D. Mackenzie — Proprietor Campbell Thompson—Publisher THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 6tJ 1936. HER- AND THERE We extend congratulations to ’Mr. and. Mrs.- John Thompson on the ar rival of a baby girl last week. ■ . Mr. and Mrs. Al. Irwin and Mr. and Mrs. Will; Stanley visited r on Friday last with. -Kinlough friends. Mrs. T. , Hockley of Teeswater is spending a few days with Mr. and Mrs; J. Thompson of Lucknow. Mr;- and Mrs. H- Stanley and Rus­ nell, visited bn Thursday last with Mr. and .Mrs; Garner Stanley, boun­ dary -west. We are sorry to 'report that Mrs. Dave Farrier is very sick at pre­ sent at the home of her ^ daughter. Mrs. J. D. Ross, Station street north. We Hope for her speedy* recovery. i i i -■ . , ■Following an old custom of throw- Mr. Matthew Johnson is working ing tacks into his mouth, when he with Gecil Gardner at present vas/performing aS an upholsterer Miss Myrtle Ritchie spetjt Sunday ST. HELENS ! Mr. Cecil Hyde, Mr. arid Mrs. Pe.r- jey Hyde and little...»sail™jiimni.yi re- _____ _ ___—______ - . . , - • -turned to Kincardineo on Saturday in tlJ erstwhile Rattan Factory, Po-' with her sisters, Mrs^’. Gibson of Rafter “ ten-dfiy stay, here, owing^ to bills’the othet davthrew four ‘Lochalsh. . Mrs. Robinson Woodses called tacks "into his magazine, and as his I Mr. and Mrs. Sam Reid ppent to Brueefield-qn Friday; by the sub ­ teeth, like the old gray mare ain’t^Xhursday-.witkitheiri daughter,..Mrs-,T.*:ien .rieaih of - her brother-in-law, Mr. what she used to be, as several vac-; Peter Cooke. ! Thos. Campbell, following a stroke. * C where the molars once flour- [ Mr. arid Mrs. John McDonagh and ; The lantern lecture under the - - - 1' “r and j of the' Y. P. U. on Friday ___ .___„ forth [Mrs. Fred Anderson on , Thursday.we’J attended and the mi-y three, and recalling that there! Mr? Joe Freeman and' daughters, , °n ‘^Cr°SS, whiclJ .was more anxiety oyer the one that' Lo5s and Beryl, returned home on Ithrough the coartesy o - • > , ’ ithe U.N.R., proved interesting and___ last-^after-a.' ..week__xis.it-^>j,-.. ■, „ , ..® ■ ■ with Miss Nellie - Malcolm in the ’ ty-and-nine. ;that safely lay. the copj intr ,^Ir. gnj-Mrs. Will GardnerW&ucfave. An enjoyable ~pxogranr chair,. The Scripture was taken by V doing a bit of worrying on hi§ Robt Andrew recently re ! the lead^SnM^Ted Mrs. Wm. Haldenby. Discussion by Awn. over that which is lost. j<?eive<J tbe ?ad neW3 of death of the leadership, of Mr. Ted Miss N. Malcolm. Rev. Mr.. McRit- Even the search warrants that the “,is sister-in-law;;Mrs. Steele Andrew’: Her’,manv' friends are glad to ehie lead in prayer; Mr. Jno. Lane ;C.hief is so used to .executing, would; of Verdun. Man. Deceased, w;ho ^as. kno^ that 'Mrs George Stuart re- P43—5-turned on Saturday—from Chicago?- F' where she has spen£—the past year ; receiving medical treatment, j , Mr. John Miller of Toronto was al < week-end visitor with Mr. and Mrs i.W.’.A. Miller and,‘Mr. and Mrs; E. , J. Thom. ’ ■ ■ ’ . \ ; Miss Ruth Ramage.. Convener of Messrs. Geo. Haldenby and Bert McLean, spent the week-end in TofJ ’ onto. . . Teri Eckenswilier and Kath- leen Graham, visited friends at Lis- towel over the week-grid. Miss Evelyn McLean is spending a few days at London. A large crowd attended the presen­ tationheld in the Orange .hall on ............ ...... Friday evening, in honor of-Mr; and 'j^hed. would, indicate, he was able In11'Murray. were visitors with Mr. Mrs. Alex Percy, who were married.,‘he final analysis to bring f recently.. . • The regular meeting of the Church’ .rr.^ ,------atlu w Society was held a on Monday nigM^ had , gone astray 7±han^oyer thg_nine“A^dnesday^] . , ■ WT —. .V - . _ ____3 ■ 1-TT- ./»rtT3 J « .. .>,n? 1 Mr. -. , . I eeived the sad news of the death oi Miss N. Malcolm. Rev. Mr.. McRit- Even the search warrants that the : hjs sister-in-law;. Mrs. Steele Andrew ! lice Chief Jack Ferguson while put- ’ Laurier and . Mrs, Wm. Ross of ; the illness axld death0 of their mother, ing up bills the other day threw four\Lochalsh. _ . - VENDING MACHINES IN HURON TO BE HEAVILY TAXED Huron County Council in session last weak passed a by-law, that anyone keeping an automatic vend- • ing machine of a type set out in the by-l'aw shall be required,, to make application to the County for a lic­ ence'. - The annual fee required foy each niachine shall be $500.00 pay­ able within 15 days from the date^ thereof. ■ •; ------ "ReeVe Murdoch Matheson asked: “Does the payihg of this license fee legalize, the machines ?” Mr? Erskine .“Yes,"‘but tbe fee is so high that it. is. unlikely that'anyone .will 'pay it.” ;Wai^^’^owman. explained that the County Council has. riot "the power to make such, machiries ' absolutely il­ legal, but . that it has the power to set, a license fee on them. Feeling that the northern section of the County- needed better high­ way facilities,’ Council passed the following resolution to, be forwarded to- the Minister of Highways, Hon. T. B.. McQuestin: That we in ‘the electoral district • of North Huron have paid a great. portion of revenue to the provincial government tn car licenses, gas tax^s in the past and up to the preseftt time we have no pave-- ment. in North Huron. And at this time we .would ask the Minister pf Highways to give our case his earn­ est consideration and if abv paving is decided upon in 1936 that High way. No, 4 be completed to the town of Wingham. I ! i i i.nricies..' ovm.—Walkerton Herald-?, “I’ve never had the pleasure of meeting your wife!” 9 “What makes you imagine it wouh’ he a pleasure?” ren, “Well.” -remarked the kind’v old Lady. yon mustn’t expect too much of n husband.” •■What shall I do?” wailed the ;eet young thing. “Fm engaged, to heart attack CAN A £>M spoke on municipal affairs: Mr. Me- useless in locating the wantedLformerlyi.Miss Emily Clarkson, par; Ritchie on the provincial govern- ; article in this case, and although hc ed a-^y after A few months’ illne^! ment and Harold Percy gave a paper fries to console himgelf by saying' 2t the age of 65. r oh the Dominion-government. Solos -Every day in every way I feel bet-,. M[]ch ’y^DithT js extended from were given by Miss Malcolm a. d >er and better.” yet like Rachel he, zjon (riends’to Ande. Fred Jackson. The meetmg closed. ,e„n-t he comfort^ until , he cets ‘,f K - Mrs Herb E!ber of Cre<ii A & ... i I ii ji Lyceum Theatre x WINGHAM Show Starts at 8.00 I’.M. H . 1> __ ...■■• -| . -----___ ___ ___ Thursday, Friday, Saturday. February 6-7-8 GEORGE "O’BRIEN In When a Man*s a Maw A Western Picture by :■• ll'HareM Bell Wright also ‘ FILM FOLLIES” ‘‘MICKEY MOUSE” ’ •' AND FOX NEWS ' with a hymn and prayer. The next hnck hi« meeting will be on Monday. Feb. Times. ‘17th, in the Anglican Church. . The . program will be of a humorous na- . tune and will be competition between ! the married and single members. • / ^on. .in the death of their brother, i diaries Girvin of Oklahoma. U.S.A..; ___ ___ _ ____ who passed away^ suddenly from a . the Christian Fellowship committee, heart attack on ; Monday, afternoon. J onesided at the-meeting of the Y. 7. ----— ;----------- |U. on Sunday evening; Grace Weath- -* man who just cannot bear child- '; AfYour husband looks like a bril >’rbead read the scripture lesson and . j 'iant man. I suppose he knows every- ■ RQth Ramage gave a reading. The ^hing?” - - --------------------------i .topic, Unemployment and War.” ' ‘TJon’t fool yourself. He doesn’t w^s taken by Mr. Dpmin Phillips, j even snsoect"anything!” - * af|er which, Rev. H. M. Wright let» ! . I in an interesting discussion. i [ An impressive Memorial • service i ’^^^bridugte^b^^vrHrMr WrighT.... j-31 -th e'—■'U nit-ed- ^Chiirch' ■^oir'.'rSunda y -^wrningr^rh^faVofite~hyhtriris "bl Triet ’ ,I king were sun'gf and the congrega- j ? Gon stood reverently while the Dead j March in Saul was played. In 'hie | address, Rev. Wright, eulogized the/ j sterling Christian characters of the | beloved' monarch. The service • con- ■ | rinded with the singing of the. Nat- i ;onal AnthenE~ ' . ’ | Mr. Tom Alexander has been ser­ iously jll'since. Thursday, with pneu- mo.n|ia at his home on the, 9th, ■ ~ ~ :---------- - ' ' . HURON AND KINLOSS TELEPHONE SYSTEM AND THEIR BANK • GRAIN GROWING * HENRY: ‘rinses.;! cm remember D&d refl .Egg. es rhm.m hss dsv.jtoev used to thresh their ztiiz with z r~z£. We couldn't, get ajoeg thzz.-ei hovrsdiTs; meres 'Xo'sKKh-’’ JaJ€E5': re r.ghn. Hehrv. Wemtst have .-zectaz-jcL. Dehr''t“ “rocude grzrn ar z psefct ■ sx'.griese izyK I ~ u: hvpm C*f empkmag s user’ men as. vy- cah.' > ■ ’ “ HxNEY.' "Tda-- 5 .=^71’ sers'Sle .Ctaadaa's 'posse of rijev- O.r ■ Mcotrea! trscu-cer -em me mm the secmxv'h ali r.t.*- ms- Smc s - z.:.. jest mcoe-i fog ti-rrnm ms: cere' mr r .ememes-. ’Ev tbe •srzr. > x*. tr-x... ,.,k .x. s r-aju, tail aht ’ doe rms occc-sec ■ to ad- BAN O P {t S’ / ■ < ' J .s', dL V . ' ' . ' ■ ' . ' .. . , along- Some oF oe____ _ _____________ kes to Gnus Grow­ ers: Bnkmess_________iccocam, savings zc- CXXLZZ3, cede tbe dshsig oc g by sszS; safiekeegriag of secanges. loams for p&zatisg, hlrresting xn-d! firm Montreal AD OFFICE. MONTREAL '" * : / 4 4 BOUNDARY , WEST The January meeting of the Para­ mount. U. F. W. 0- was held at the home of Mrs. John Jamieson on Tuesday, Ja.miary 21st, with a good attendance. -The February meeting is to be held at the home df?Mrs. Wm; ’ Martin on Tuesday, Feb. 18th. Mrs. , Alvin . Irwin has returned home after spending the ..past rt-wo weeks with her father, Mr... George .Thompson of Kinlough. ■ Mrs. Wm,. Reid and E-unice spent last Wednesday with Mrs. ..James T. Webster. Mr. Orland Richards has returned home after visiting with his brother Mr. James -Richards of FTeshertbn. Quite a number from the Boun­ dary attended Burn’s Ball last ’ Fri­ day ’ night, ■ '’v ’ We are pleased to report that Mrs.. Garner Stanley is able to be around again after her sickness. 1 Mr. and; Mrs. Alvin Irwin attend- ; °d the Pearcy-Thompson reception qn’ Friday night. -TAl.-Jrir’rin^f-fmvkn ^ith her father recently, Miss Marie - McDonald, who was ill with scarlet fever, is improving. A large number from here attend­ ed the reception held at kinlough for Mr. and Mrs. Alex Percy. Mrs. Jack Emerson visited with her father. Mr. Ralph *NiXon of Bel­ fast last week. 1 Mr, and ’Mrs. Jack Wraith spent ’apt Sunday at Mr. Milton Walsh’s. Mr. Frank Currie spent the week­ end, at his home here. ! ' ” ■ Rural School Reports 1 < ■■ ;ll .. 4 Killloss Municipal Telephone * died" January 25. 1936. • The Commissioners ofz the Hurdr :and C ’ **'**.’’*“* _* < System rfiet in the .Secretary’s office ton the above date at 2.00 p.m. wjtr- j Neil Mackay, president in the, chair ? Members present, John W. Co l we 1; :and Dan D. McDonald. • Moved by John W. Colwell, sec-1 i ended by Dan D. McDonald that-the ’ mtantes of last meeting be adopted ■ <as read (carried). 1 I Moved by John W. Colwell, sec- ■ ’->nded by Dan D. McDonald that’the; - following accounts be paid: Cbh ’rnoSer of Revenue-tax. $195’:Jame= ‘ ., Coorer.- rent $10.00; BiU McLean 'trucking $9.00; Bell Telephone- Co..’, * sHs ' Dec.. 552.5,5: 'Rental ..S29.73.-J MelyiDe. . Osborne. -. aedito;;, *512.15. j|.J i A'ex ,W.' Patterson, auditor $12.15 ; Neil McKay, meetings '$4109: John W. Colwell meetings $4.00; Dan D t McDonald meetings, -54.^0. I Carrie'! i :’ The . secretary, under ’ instruction« from the chairman, . opened the ten der received from Ripley Eipresj and inquiry -from Lucknbw Sentinel • Mp'red by Jobs W- Cdlweil. ed -«&y.- ' ....... 'that we g flL-,.. .A". CHURCH NOTES Presbyterian Y. W. M. S. The ’Young Women’s Missionary Society met Thursday evening at 8 o’clock, at the home of Misses Fern and Ida Reid. Mrs; C. H. MacDoftald took the Bible study' arid. Miss Eliz­ abeth Henderson led in prayer. Mrs. Philip Stewart sang a pleasing sold. Miss Evelyn MacLeod gave the topic pn 'Missionary Work. Mrs. Carter read ”Is it nothing to you.” The meeting closed .with prayer by Mrs. Jewitt, ’ \ ■' United Church Y. P. S. I The regular -meeting was in charge of the < Christian > Fellowship group. rrhe worship period was opened by quiet riiusic; following which Alex Smith read thg “Call to Worship.” ;Hymn 347 'was sung, and Rev. Tuck- or led in pTayer. The scripture rea’d- >ng: was -taken by Miss. Doris.Rit­ chie. A pleasing vocal dupt was giv- ,o.n.,,,by>^;jM[.isses--A-rlene..„Jew.i.tt and. Verna Steward’. The topic for the evening “Unemployment and War”, was taken by Edwin Buswell. The , devotional period closed with a hymn and the , Mizpah benediction. A short • -ecreational. period was then con-, ducted by . Miss Gladys Hodgina^ The Y. P. S.' xVill hold a slSfepg' . ■arnival in - the rink on Wednesday, 1 February 11th. ' •< United Church Y. W. A. The first. meeting of the United "'hurch Y. W. A. was held at the home ->f Miss Gladys‘Hudgins on Tuesday night, with 49 ladies, in attendance, nnd the president, Miss I. Murdie in charge. The business period follow- ?d the. opening- exercises, when . fees;. -. were, .-paid, Mrs. Norman Wilson -ap- - .-an:d'"^ -of . Mrs.-Newton decided. upon as the next meeting’ place, with- the. prcx ■ "ram -in charge of Mrs. Black arid - Mrs. Harold Treleaven. Mrs. Tre- ’eaven sang a solo, and the scripture massage was read by Mrs.- Black. ■ Miss Margaret McCallum took the ^ric “Facts on Africa” .and Mi,ss Fva Greer gave a paper, followed hv an instrumental -by Miss Gladys Tri?ker and The hostess the closing exercises, served lunch. ■ ' Presbyterian Guild I- • J The Presbyterian. Y. P.’s, society _____ * opened by hymn 81. The scripture S "S. No. 5. Ashfield “eading v as read by Mr. Henderson , Form V—Tested in Alg. Geog the'Lord’s I*ayer was repeated . grammar ^nd E’nglish-Rena Huntor Mymn 595 was ^ung fol-‘ : 57^. ’ .“wed by a splendid program consis­ ting of a duet by Miss Madylne Me- Moran and Peggy* MacDonald; solo • v ... . *.V :57^. • i Sr. IV j Hunter Jr. > —total marks 640—Jimmie ' 534: Eldon Riuhie 451. IV—Total marks 640—Lorna 457; Kathleen Gardner 437; eer. Git =on 423: .Doris Reid 348. Ill—Total marks 601—^-Russel; Ritchie 5'?6: Keith Hackett '.440: Ke-th Ritchie 350. • , Jr. II—Total marks’’ •?>”>— A’lar Ritirle 237; Markr. .Gardner 234.' Ly;e Rit'chie 218: Johnny Hunte? pu Erl' 'Hack’etr - Pr-Lob Glacv’ Cam No.- on rof &r. S. S: No. 11. Huron . V Ma;I hr MtG'Sire 41. Fred Wainwright, Accompanied Frank MacKenzie; violin Selection Dr. Little, accompanied by Rex- • ord Ostrander. The debate “resolved ■sat civilized man is happier than • .-he oarbarian”, proved* vgry inter­ esting. Mr. MacIntyre' and Dorotoy Nixon upheld the Affirmative side, tvhile'is’-hel Douglas and Rev, Bur- ■ ?ess took the negative part.' . The • ^regative side wqn, Mrs. G. Smith, Mrs. W. Huston and Rev. Gilmore fne Leonard MacDo.m side was ahead having 32 n^em- ’^rs present, while Donald Hender- -on« side had-30* meihbers. After ringing hymn 663, Rev.; C/H. Mac- D na!d closed irr prayer. ’ rj ‘hat "AW.INOSH YOUTH DIES &’ Mgr- C C«k ;■ d,?taff'!ey‘ Irwin, 47-year-old Wa’wanosh youth died W^iis l?“t Tuesday, after a two- .iurtess.. w.itlT. double pnebmon- - ■'A.ing» an attack of - .measles, 'arrived by his sorrowing par- ' Mr. and Mrs.'^Herson Irwin and ' younger brothers and' fout ^^^i-^rvice was held in Br:cdl Church on Thursday con- by Rev. "J. g Townend. In- *as in Wingham cemetery,’ cousins acting as pallri,