HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1936-01-30, Page 50 r .. >' A ■ i • : .■ THURSDAY, JANUARY 30, 1936 THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL 1 PAGE FrVH O x '■ O$ Sport newj) PRESBYTERIAN TEAM . j , Stormy weather last week caused. WINS ONE SIDED VICTORY the postponement of the Ripley-at- Kincardine 0. H. A. game scheduled d for. Friday night, as the Kincardine management feared the weather would cut down gate receipts too . much. , • • ■ The game had been billed .as, Shirl Bower’s riight, to mark 38 years of organized hockey for the 51-year- old- veteran of the Redmons’ defence.; Fitting ceremonies^ were. , to take place before the start of the game. The game was placed on Monday .bight, when blocked roads forced Luckno^y players who are assisting the Redmen, to go by train. As a- result, pnly^two players, Clark Fin­ layson and Bob Thompson, could get away for to take part in the tussle. Church "League activities are at a standstill this week,, with no games scheduled, and the4 rink managemerit is taking advantage of the hockey lull to work in an old time’"skate to­ night (Thursday). The Juniors, after a prolonged layoff are .billed to meet Teeswater » bSst' either Teeswater or .Brussels can do is. tie them for first place. ■■ * * * ♦ Ab. Traplin’s “Teesers” are no setups. The local- “kids” realize tjiis for it kept, ■'them busy to eke out a 2 to 1 win in Teeswater and tomor­ row night they’ll probably have to attfen.d strictlj^ to business - if they Go On Scoring Rampage In Second Period—Final Score 11 To 3— Harold Ritchie Hurt. ....L”1 > •"’ The Presbyterian team, playihg . their first, game of the season, hand- CRITICISM ST. HELENS No wonder Flour is a favorite for ’ bread. Its richness in nourishing gluten is suppled by Western Canada hard Spring Wheat. A strong flour that goes farther economical. Miss Iqna Swan read the scripture lesson at the meeting of the Y. P. U. on, Sunday evening. The Bible char­ acter'on “Isaiah” was taken by Miss Isabel Miller.. ] led an interesting discussion on" “The Church and Unemployment.” , A beautifully, illustrated . lantern lecture. on the Maritime Provinces- ■ will be the feature of a social even­ ing under 'the. auspices of the Y. P. U. next .Friday evening. You are in*, vited. , ..Mrs. Will.. ;Buthe^foi;d' and.- little son John, went to Lpndon .last week? where tfie latter; remained .in. .the Children?s . Hospital "for treatment, A1T those interested are •.-invited to the meeting of- the-. . Farmers’.. Club' next Monday evening, Feb. 3rd. The February meeting of the Wp- meri’s. Institute wjll be ' held at the home of Mrs. R-. K. Miller on Thurs- , day afternoon, February ■ fitb. . Roll call “A. Health. Habit”. Hostesses—* Mrs1, Jas. Durnin, Mr,s. Will Mc- Crostie, Miss Mary . J. Irwin.- Her many friends werg - saddened ■on Sunday to hear of the death, •of. Mrs. Jas. Hyde, and .mluch sympathy .is felt for Mr. Hyde and family-. , Goderich by Provincial- police. It is easy enough to pick out the illaw-s- ' ■ In the work that others have done; To point out' the errors that others -have made, When your own task you haven’t begun, It is easy enough to fuss and find fault - \ < ... When others are doing their best, ' To $neer at the little that they have achieved, - - When you have done nothing but rest It’s easy enough to cavil and carp, Tocriticize, Scoff /and deride, For few of us ever have done per- . /feet work, / “ . No matter how hard we have tried. It is easy enough hot to speak of the best, “ And to dwell all the time r on the worst, And perhaps it times to find But be' sure that thirig first. Rev. H. M. : Wright’ ed the United squad an 11 to 3 drub*, bing on Thursday night/ A scoring rampage jn the seedrid period ac­ counted for 'the one-sided score. For the first period the ; United team . made a game of it with the period ending 1 to 0 for the Pres- . .byterians. As the first period ended, Harold- Ritchie, the United goalie, got cracked on the nose; when he failed to see a long shot hoisted from centre ice. He retired from the game, and was replaced by JjJlwood . Solomon. ' ' The Junior line of Charlie Jewitt, Jack Fisher and Leonard MacDonald were clicking nicely "rind accounted for 8 of the Presbyterian’S goals.' McDonald getting 4 and Fisher and Jewitt 2 each. Bill Henderson got\a pair and Bill McKenzie one. Harold Greer, Stewart Cameron. layoff are billed to meet Teeswater “ and Gomer Gibbons netted one each helie this Friday evening. A win. for the Uniteds. Referee McCoy han-^01* the juniors vvill mean that the . ded out nine penalties, 5 to the Pres byterians and 4 to the Uniteds. Presbyterian-r-Goal, “Pete” Agne,w Defence, Clyde Reid arid Gordon Fisher; C., Jack fisher; Wings, L. MacDonald, C. Jewitt; Alternates. Bill Henderson, Bill McKenzie, Dune. MacDonald and Fred Steward. United—Goal, Harold Ritchie and ■ appeals senten^'., \ is proper fault, ’ you’ve done some- some- HOLYROOD H. W. Mrs. Jas. Hyde, and much sympathy For The Neighbors r, > i - “Anne,”' sahj.-Hfe rriistrefes of; th* -. Notice of appeal-1-has been filed by,,. .- j house,. “I notice you have been tak» Clifford Grimoldby, - twenty - one - 1. ■ ' ,ing our empty grapefruit skins hom* ■ I with ' you? What do you do with them?” The negro, maid looked up at th* lifiistress with a sheepish grin. | “Yes, ma?am,”. she admitted. “I’b* been carrying ’em home. I. think they • twenty - one - year-old deaf mute,' who was 2 sen- I fenced by Magistrate’J. A. ’ Makins - in December, to.three years in Ports­ mouth .penitentiary., ‘Grimoldby was found guilty ■ of the - theft of. $2,500 i from, Joseph Coulter,-o'f Bly th; He was arrested at St. John, N.B., days later and was returned ten to ; make my garbage can -look so sty I lish.” IThe monthly Fleeting of the I. will be held next Thursday at the home of. Mrs. Fred. Thompson. Dir­ ectors, Mrs, Elliott arid Mrs. Legge j Topic, “Canadian Industries, ’ 1st J “Fishing” by Mrs. Earl Hodgins: 2nd, “Lumbering”-Miss. Irene Wall, 3rd, “Mining,” Miss Ilene Valad'. Roll call “The talen of the lady to the right. Display of homemade ar­ ticles. Lunch committee, Mrs. Wall Mrs. -W. Hodgins and. Mrs. Hannah Mr. Legge is under care at present. . . Mr. Richard Elliott, loss,-is attending. Walkertori this week. ‘. V Star Enjoys Canadian Winter Sportst the doctor’s It looks as if the local lads should BUY AT HOME - i I new girl. G. B. the fre- iri- rnn it may cost .us a quarter to five cents.—fax. I .i lot of juniors that have their Pla, c. reeve of Kin County Council in A Sissy . Bob.: How do you like your baby boy, Henry? Henry: It isn’t a boy, it’s a Bob: But your mother told me it was a boy. • . Henry: Well, I know it’s a girl because I saw them putting powder on. it this riiotning. . winner is doubtful. ♦ ♦ » I * * Send Your Subscription to: I I*’ • Wifi® Elwodd Solomon; Defence, Sid Deck- wish to hang up their 3rd . straight er and Stewart Cameron; C., Bob victory. ■ McKenzie; . wihgs,_UE... Salomon^and Gomer Gibbohs; Alternates, Harold It looks as if the local lads should Greer,' Harold Treleaven, Ted Col- coast along to group honors, and if Iyer, Ivari Rawlings and Jack Leith, they reach the plavdowns. will lin­ REDMEN COME THROUGH ON BOWER’S NIGHT v Brilliantlyj To Shut Out Kins fcmlne By 3 - 0 Score On Monday Nights—Shirl Bowers Preseiited By Kincardine When Ripley played in Kincardine on Monday .night; tne tussle was fea tured a Shirl Bower’s night, which marked^ the 51-year-dld veteran’s 38th year in organized hockey. To fittingly celebrate the event, the Red- men pulled a surprise package and ■ .. _t. .jetrit—the highly tooted Circle-Bars back with *a “3"i:0 ^defeat. ' '* - “ . Prior to the jstart of_ the —second $. - • • ■ lined up to observe two minutes silence, following which Kincardine presented Shirl Bowers with a swea­ ter. The game was a fist and rugged one with the two local players, Clark Finlayson in goal arid" Bbib Thompson on defense, important factors’ in the Ripley victory. The first line of Mc- Lriy, McLean and Ahern were click­ ing smoothly with Ahern turning in his best game of the season to score all three goals, at the rate df "one a period. The Ripley lineup was—Goal, Fin­ layson; defence, Thompson, Bowers: centre, K. McLay, j. McLean, Ahem; . alternates, B. McLean, Ahem, Matheson and T. Ferris. they reach the plavdowris. will un­ doubtedly meet a different class of opposition. _ ... ".'7 *...“ _ * - \ . In group one, composed of Chesley, Durham, .HanoVer and Paisley, Han­ over Rip-Saws are out in front with 4 straight wins. In group two, com­ posed of Walkerton, Mildmay. Har­ riston and PaWrierston, Walkerton leads with 4 victories ’ and no defeats is riot so far advanced arid the ul­ timate The Rip-Saws are regarded as . a classy lot of juniors that have their eye on the W.O.H.A. junior cham­ pionship. j The v Clinton - fct - Ripley game, scheduled for Tuesday ut Ripley- was set. ahead-.omaccount~of.4he .funer&h ■ • * ♦ * .* Bob Thompson got a letter in the mail this week that delighted him. It contained an autographed picture of “Toots” Holloway,” manager of the London Tecumsehs last year and this season with Cleveland. Hollfi- way and Bob are personal friends. 77—.—r------- — Customs Officer (to Chinese im­ migrant) : Chinese: “What is your name?” “Sneeze.” “Is that your real name?” “No. ‘ Me translate it into velly good Englisl^.” “Well, what is your native name ?” “Ah Ghoo.” * You should never forget the importance of the various in; dustries that . make up your •• town and never lose a chance . to encourage and assist them in their- growth, for. therein rests the success of your cnm-Aunitv and the welfare of all v hi live and work there. The above words of a n > • °ner feature writer may w^l -p as a reminder to all of us that th.‘”e- are certain things we may do which will be to the good of our town, and thus to bur own good. Some people arg . terrible . 'short­ sighted in such matters. . * But, after all, there is a loyalty ■we owe the home town and we must make that a practical loyalty if we qgn -expect, to- prosper.7^Wherever-pes- ^Ibler^o w-' • hi ti-zen-s-^wld-’Suppor -buy ■*lf^'e-'^’eal--miialnufadtuvei*s:' and.merchants. If it caribe purchased here, then get it here. --; ■ If that principal were fully carried, out here, there would- be a greater circulation of money here and all of us would share indirectly in its benr efits. Too many people think home­ town loyalty is a fine thing, partic­ ularly if they are in business and want their fellow citizens to buy from them instead of out of- town. But it is soriiething else when they become purchasers instead of sellers. We need to. see’ a little farther than our own nose and realize that we may save a nickle , by buying “foreign” -goods, but that in the long run it may cost .us a quarter to slave All the Reading You Want fa $2,25 Per year Assure yourself of a year’s interesting, diversified reading and SAVE MONEY by taking advantage of this special. Low Rate Combination Offer of The Sentinel With the’ Family Herald and Weekly Star. 1 THS SENTINEL gives y<*u: AJ1 the' local newsPof .. community as well as quent special articles, eluding pioneer day rem­ iniscences. For the “Want Ads” alone, you cannot ’ afford to’ be without The ^ftentinel. ■ Family. Herald and Weekly Star. gives you: A Digest of the , Latest World-'wide and Canadian News; Stories; Home Hints Helpful’ Articles on Farm Matters; Agricultural News; Young Folks’ pages; Family Doctor; Appropri­ ate Sunday Reading; Fav- ■, orite Songs and Hymns, Etc. Through This -Bargain Offer You May Have BOTH PAPERS for $2.25 THE SENTINEL LUCKNOW, ONTARIO 'Make Use Of. This Offer To Solve A Christmas Gift Problem. Gift Cards Supplied. WE CAN SUPPLY ANY STYLE-* Carbon Leaf Carbon Back BEFOREPLACING YOURORDER PHONE US TO’R PRICES Look The Nancy Carroll, red-headed Hollywood star, had her first taste of winter sports at Quebec over New Year’s. “I have skated on artificial ice.in Hollywood,” she said to Jack Strathdee, Sports Director* at the Chateau Frontenac, “but > skiing, tobogganing, and dog sled riding are all new experiences,,r Her fij^st ski lessons' turned her into an enthusiast’for breakfast'off the sideboard^ Select any 3 of these famous Magazines Together and you will receive the whole 4 publica­ tions for one year from the date we receive the coupon. Here is the amazing combination low ^price. '.................................................... | | Current Thought.. 1 yr. D Hctoria! Review:. .1 yr. | | Canadian Magazine!yr. 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