HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1936-01-30, Page 50
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O x '■ O$ Sport newj)
PRESBYTERIAN TEAM . j , Stormy weather last week caused.
WINS ONE SIDED VICTORY the postponement of the Ripley-at-
Kincardine 0. H. A. game scheduled
d for. Friday night, as the Kincardine
management feared the weather
would cut down gate receipts too
. much. ,
• • ■
The game had been billed .as, Shirl
Bower’s riight, to mark 38 years of
organized hockey for the 51-year-
old- veteran of the Redmons’ defence.;
Fitting ceremonies^ were. , to take
place before the start of the game.
The game was placed on Monday
.bight, when blocked roads forced
Luckno^y players who are assisting
the Redmen, to go by train. As a-
result, pnly^two players, Clark Fin
layson and Bob Thompson, could get
away for to take part in the tussle.
Church "League activities are at a
standstill this week,, with no games
scheduled, and the4 rink managemerit
is taking advantage of the hockey
lull to work in an old time’"skate to
night (Thursday).
The Juniors, after a prolonged
layoff are .billed to meet Teeswater
bSst' either Teeswater or .Brussels
can do is. tie them for first place.
■■ * * * ♦
Ab. Traplin’s “Teesers” are no
setups. The local- “kids” realize tjiis
for it kept, ■'them busy to eke out a
2 to 1 win in Teeswater and tomor
row night they’ll probably have to
attfen.d strictlj^ to business - if they
Go On Scoring Rampage In Second
Period—Final Score 11 To 3—
Harold Ritchie Hurt.
....L”1 > •"’
The Presbyterian team, playihg
. their first, game of the season, hand-
No wonder Flour is a favorite for ’
bread. Its richness in nourishing gluten
is suppled by Western Canada hard
Spring Wheat. A strong flour that goes
farther economical.
Miss Iqna Swan read the scripture
lesson at the meeting of the Y. P. U.
on, Sunday evening. The Bible char
acter'on “Isaiah” was taken by Miss
Isabel Miller.. ]
led an interesting discussion on" “The
Church and Unemployment.” ,
A beautifully, illustrated . lantern
lecture. on the Maritime Provinces-
■ will be the feature of a social even
ing under 'the. auspices of the Y. P.
U. next .Friday evening. You are in*,
vited. ,
..Mrs. Will.. ;Buthe^foi;d' and.- little
son John, went to Lpndon .last week?
where tfie latter; remained .in. .the
Children?s . Hospital "for treatment,
A1T those interested are •.-invited to
the meeting of- the-. . Farmers’.. Club'
next Monday evening, Feb. 3rd.
The February meeting of the Wp-
meri’s. Institute wjll be ' held at the
home of Mrs. R-. K. Miller on Thurs- ,
day afternoon, February ■ fitb. . Roll
call “A. Health. Habit”. Hostesses—*
Mrs1, Jas. Durnin, Mr,s. Will Mc-
Crostie, Miss Mary . J. Irwin.-
Her many friends werg - saddened
■on Sunday to hear of the death, •of.
Mrs. Jas. Hyde, and .mluch sympathy
.is felt for Mr. Hyde and family-. , Goderich by Provincial- police.
It is easy enough to pick out the
illaw-s- ' ■
In the work that others have done;
To point out' the errors that others
-have made,
When your own task you haven’t
It is easy enough to fuss and find
fault - \ < ...
When others are doing their best, '
To $neer at the little that they have
achieved, - -
When you have done nothing but rest
It’s easy enough to cavil and carp,
Tocriticize, Scoff /and deride,
For few of us ever have done per-
. /feet work, / “ .
No matter how hard we have tried.
It is easy enough hot to speak of
the best, “
And to dwell all the time r on the
And perhaps it
times to find
But be' sure that
thirig first.
Rev. H. M. : Wright’
ed the United squad an 11 to 3 drub*,
bing on Thursday night/ A scoring
rampage jn the seedrid period ac
counted for 'the one-sided score.
For the first period the ; United
team . made a game of it with the
period ending 1 to 0 for the Pres-
. .byterians. As the first period ended,
Harold- Ritchie, the United goalie,
got cracked on the nose; when he
failed to see a long shot hoisted
from centre ice. He retired from the
game, and was replaced by JjJlwood
. Solomon. '
' The Junior line of Charlie Jewitt,
Jack Fisher and Leonard MacDonald
were clicking nicely "rind accounted
for 8 of the Presbyterian’S goals.'
McDonald getting 4 and Fisher and
Jewitt 2 each. Bill Henderson got\a
pair and Bill McKenzie one.
Harold Greer, Stewart Cameron. layoff are billed to meet Teeswater
“ and Gomer Gibbons netted one each helie this Friday evening. A win.
for the Uniteds. Referee McCoy han-^01* the juniors vvill mean that the
. ded out nine penalties, 5 to the Pres
byterians and 4 to the Uniteds.
Presbyterian-r-Goal, “Pete” Agne,w
Defence, Clyde Reid arid Gordon
Fisher; C., Jack fisher; Wings, L.
MacDonald, C. Jewitt; Alternates.
Bill Henderson, Bill McKenzie, Dune.
MacDonald and Fred Steward.
United—Goal, Harold Ritchie and
■ appeals senten^'., \
is proper
fault, ’
you’ve done
H. W.
Mrs. Jas. Hyde, and much sympathy
For The Neighbors r, >
i - “Anne,”' sahj.-Hfe rriistrefes of; th*
-. Notice of appeal-1-has been filed by,,. .- j house,. “I notice you have been tak» Clifford Grimoldby, - twenty - one - 1. ■ ' ,ing our empty grapefruit skins hom* ■
I with ' you? What do you do with
The negro, maid looked up at th*
lifiistress with a sheepish grin.
| “Yes, ma?am,”. she admitted. “I’b*
been carrying ’em home. I. think they
• twenty - one -
year-old deaf mute,' who was 2 sen- I
fenced by Magistrate’J. A. ’ Makins -
in December, to.three years in Ports
mouth .penitentiary., ‘Grimoldby was
found guilty ■ of the - theft of. $2,500 i
from, Joseph Coulter,-o'f Bly th; He
was arrested at St. John, N.B.,
days later and was returned
to ; make my garbage can -look so sty
I lish.”
IThe monthly Fleeting of the
I. will be held next Thursday at the
home of. Mrs. Fred. Thompson. Dir
ectors, Mrs, Elliott arid Mrs. Legge j
Topic, “Canadian Industries, ’ 1st J
“Fishing” by Mrs. Earl Hodgins:
2nd, “Lumbering”-Miss. Irene Wall,
3rd, “Mining,” Miss Ilene Valad'.
Roll call “The talen of the lady to
the right. Display of homemade ar
ticles. Lunch committee, Mrs. Wall
Mrs. -W. Hodgins and. Mrs. Hannah
Mr. Legge is under
care at present. .
. Mr. Richard Elliott,
loss,-is attending.
Walkertori this week.
‘. V Star Enjoys Canadian Winter Sportst
the doctor’s
It looks as if the local lads should BUY AT HOME
- i
rnn it may cost .us a quarter to
five cents.—fax.
I .i
lot of juniors that have their
reeve of Kin
County Council in
A Sissy .
Bob.: How do you like your
baby boy, Henry?
Henry: It isn’t a boy, it’s a
Bob: But your mother told me it
was a boy. • .
Henry: Well, I know it’s a girl
because I saw them putting powder
on. it this riiotning. .
winner is doubtful.
♦ ♦ » I * *
Send Your Subscription to:
I I*’ •
Elwodd Solomon; Defence, Sid Deck- wish to hang up their 3rd . straight
er and Stewart Cameron; C., Bob victory. ■
McKenzie; . wihgs,_UE... Salomon^and
Gomer Gibbohs; Alternates, Harold It looks as if the local lads should
Greer,' Harold Treleaven, Ted Col- coast along to group honors, and if
Iyer, Ivari Rawlings and Jack Leith, they reach the plavdowns. will lin
v Brilliantlyj To Shut Out Kins
fcmlne By 3 - 0 Score On Monday
Nights—Shirl Bowers Preseiited By
When Ripley played in Kincardine
on Monday .night; tne tussle was fea
tured a Shirl Bower’s night, which
marked^ the 51-year-dld veteran’s
38th year in organized hockey. To
fittingly celebrate the event, the Red-
men pulled a surprise package and
■ .. _t. .jetrit—the highly tooted Circle-Bars
back with *a “3"i:0 ^defeat. ' '* - “
. Prior to the jstart of_ the —second
$. - • • ■
lined up to observe two minutes
silence, following which Kincardine
presented Shirl Bowers with a swea
The game was a fist and rugged
one with the two local players, Clark
Finlayson in goal arid" Bbib Thompson
on defense, important factors’ in the
Ripley victory. The first line of Mc-
Lriy, McLean and Ahern were click
ing smoothly with Ahern turning in
his best game of the season to score
all three goals, at the rate df "one a
The Ripley lineup was—Goal, Fin
layson; defence, Thompson, Bowers:
centre, K. McLay, j. McLean,
Ahem; . alternates, B. McLean,
Ahem, Matheson and T. Ferris.
they reach the plavdowris. will un
doubtedly meet a different class of
opposition. _
... ".'7 *...“ _ * - \ .
In group one, composed of Chesley,
Durham, .HanoVer and Paisley, Han
over Rip-Saws are out in front with
4 straight wins. In group two, com
posed of Walkerton, Mildmay. Har
riston and PaWrierston, Walkerton
leads with 4 victories ’ and no defeats
is riot so far advanced arid the ul
The Rip-Saws are regarded as . a
classy lot of juniors that have their
eye on the W.O.H.A. junior cham
pionship. j
The v Clinton - fct - Ripley game,
scheduled for Tuesday ut Ripley- was
set. ahead-.omaccount~of.4he .funer&h
■ • * ♦ * .*
Bob Thompson got a letter in the
mail this week that delighted him.
It contained an autographed picture
of “Toots” Holloway,” manager of
the London Tecumsehs last year and
this season with Cleveland. Hollfi-
way and Bob are personal friends.
77—.—r------- —
Customs Officer (to Chinese im
migrant) :
“What is your name?”
“Is that your real name?”
“No. ‘ Me translate it into velly
good Englisl^.”
“Well, what is your native name ?”
“Ah Ghoo.” *
You should never forget the
importance of the various in;
dustries that . make up your ••
town and never lose a chance .
to encourage and assist them in
their- growth, for. therein rests
the success of your cnm-Aunitv
and the welfare of all v hi live
and work there.
The above words of a n > • °ner
feature writer may w^l -p as a
reminder to all of us that th.‘”e- are
certain things we may do which will
be to the good of our town, and thus
to bur own good.
Some people arg . terrible . 'short
sighted in such matters. . *
But, after all, there is a loyalty
■we owe the home town and we must
make that a practical loyalty if we
qgn -expect, to- prosper.7^Wherever-pes-
^Ibler^o w-' • hi ti-zen-s-^wld-’Suppor
-buy ■*lf^'e-'^’eal--miialnufadtuvei*s:'
and.merchants. If it caribe purchased
here, then get it here. --;
■ If that principal were fully carried,
out here, there would- be a greater
circulation of money here and all of
us would share indirectly in its benr
Too many people think home
town loyalty is a fine thing, partic
ularly if they are in business and
want their fellow citizens to buy
from them instead of out of- town.
But it is soriiething else when they
become purchasers instead of sellers.
We need to. see’ a little farther
than our own nose and realize that
we may save a nickle , by buying
“foreign” -goods, but that in the long
run it may cost .us a quarter to slave
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Look The
Nancy Carroll, red-headed Hollywood star, had her first taste of winter sports at Quebec over New
Year’s. “I have skated on artificial ice.in Hollywood,” she said to Jack Strathdee, Sports Director*
at the Chateau Frontenac, “but > skiing, tobogganing, and dog sled riding are all new experiences,,r Her
fij^st ski lessons' turned her into an enthusiast’for breakfast'off the sideboard^
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