The Lucknow Sentinel, 1936-01-23, Page 8ft; WW ’ 1 re i ft ft/; ■ ■■■ r.-.T,*' ' '• * I-’" ■; ggggjS ®7 rl ’W" Of 5*a i PAGE - EIGHT W-V s>. 4* THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL y T Kinloss Township ' Sets Relief Allowance "'T-:—*.Heads Of Families Maximum Is 12 "Cents A Day With 8 Cents Allowed Fo< Ekwh Dependent — Appoint­ ments Made. CHURCH NOTES Kinloss Council met on January r 13, 1936, for the inaugural meeting I ,of the year. Haying signed the Dec- I; laration of Office, they took their seats at the Board’ as follows: Reeve,. Richard Elliott and councillors Ross, McKenzie, Macintosh add Graham, all having been elected- by acclairia- [ tibn. .. , . ' ' r-r--'- . The minutes off the December meeting were read and approved* - . Ross-McIntosh, that copies of the Municipal World be subscribed, for the Council and,officials. McIntosh-McKenzie, tjiat the Road Sunt, attend the Good Roads Con­ vention in Torohto. ’ Ross-McIntosh, that, we petition the Dept, of Highways for the Sta- ' tutory Grant oh . Road Expenditure bf 1935. ; • . Graham-Mclntosh, that R. Elliott be refunded $1.51 error in taxes.. The Court of Revision on the Me- Kay-McQuilliri Municipal Drain con- ... vened with the- Reeve Enjoyable Skating Party The Presbyterian Guild skafing, Lparty. on Monday evening, was large­ ly attended, when a very pleasant evening was enjoyed, from 7.30 to 10 o’clock, during which novelty skat- ling featured the fun. Lunch was served at the rink before the party broke up. The Citizens’ Rand was in attendance. . Will Contribute Her Copy Of "Prince Pedro” ( LOCAL and GENERAL^ 1, If THURSDAY, JANUARY 23, 1936. TEMPLETON’S (The Scotch will celebrate Burn’s Anniversary with real values Mr. Fred Nixon visited in London la^t week-v^ith his brother JMr. , J.' T." Nixon and Mrs. Nixon. Mr. Thomas Aitchison, who hs* been quite poorly, is considerably improved at present. Subscribers to this paper will get - an extra bargain in 1936.- There are 53 Thursdays in the present year. - Mr. Alvin-Strachan of Winnipeg, ’s visiting iwith^igs Maude a.nd Mr,. Bill MurdodK and Other relatives. Mrs. Jack Gillies left for London m Tuesday, aftei-1 being the week­ end guest of Mr. arid Mrs. Wm. Dav- isori. .. _■ ■' ' ■(. 1 t . Mr., ajid. Mrs. J. McNab and. Mr. and Mrs.’ Watt Hamilton, werel;, : -n Auburn on. Monday., attending the ■^neral of Mr. Hamilton’s aunt, Mrs. mmes Johnston. At Montreal, Convention Mr. J. C. McNab left for London on Saturday, fr^m- where he went to Montreal to attend a Dominion can­ vention of produce men, Fractures Collar Bone Miss Flora Andrew of the London 1 teaching, staff is at her home here' ^suffering from a. fractured collar­ bone, which she received in falling , from an icy -.step. . \ Mr, Caswell would have no- trouble j Mr> 'Inglis Patterson arrived , here with a carload of horses, which are being sold by. auction on Monday. This will make about 100 horses that this young man has. sold at different times ' in this community.' Mr. Horace’ Aitchison, who hS.d a. setback last week while1 convalescing from his recent serious illness, was forced back to bed for. a few days, but js now considerably improved and;- able to be up again: "Tf"HKi1e^Se^lassies troops were as effective in ■ removing ' the Italian” oeril as Nox&corn in removing corns . —rNewspapers would be seeking a new subject for front page news. Get Noxacorn at — McKlM’S DRUG STORE. " •_ .• ' ’ -ft Suffers Sprained Wrist Miss Christena Finlayson suffered a badly sprained. left wrist , when knocked down while skating at th? rink- oh Saturday'1 evening. The wrist 'va.s r.ot thought at first to be badly injured until Swelling , and sorerie^ mode it necessary to .have a doctor ''X'amine"the-injuryr— Book Penned By TheJLate Dr. .Garn­ ier Is Owned Baker Of Holyrood • # Contribute Volume . To Library By Mrs. James Who Will Toronto CHILDREN’S MITTS & (£ LOVES, SWEATERS, BROKEN HOSIERY SILK HOSE, Greatly Reduced. ' United Church Y. P. S. The meeting Monday evening wag opened by several minutes of silent' prayer, followed by the National An­ them., Mi?. Tucker "then led (in prayer. The scripture passage was read by Mrs. Black. Bob McKenzie gave the Bible character “Isaiha”. The topic for the evening “The Church and the Unemployed” was ably taken by Mr. Calvert. Miss Margaret Rae contri­ buted a'pleasing solo. A set’ of slides “Triangle, Four and Alaska” issued by the Publicity Dep’t. of the C. N. R. depicted interesting scenic [views of Western Canada and Al­ aska. The accompanying lecture was given by Alex Smith. The meeting closed with a hymn and the Mizpah Benediction. ; Form New Organization On Tuesday evening a new organ­ ization in the United Church took VI form, with the - organizing of a. Young Women’s Auxiliary. With By-Law-No. 1-1936, was prepared eighteen ladies in attendance at"the and finally passed, makingjthe, home of Mrs. R. H. Thompson, an lowing appointments for 1936.- Clerk, enthusiastic meeting was held with J; R-. .Lane;- Treasurer, Gaunt; I g; T. ■ Tucker presiding for the Dan Cassidy; Collector, eiectiQn of the slate of officers as _ : _ . "i ^• follows: Hon. Prez., Mrs, R. H. as chairman, 1 and asFthere were no appeals against the By-law, it was moved by Ross . and McKenzie that the by-law be now | finally, passed. i Assessor,. D.R Statters; Auditors, Wm.J. I m., “MrsT’"^. h” Henry and Levi E=kenswiller;We«l|ThoIn!lson. Pres, Miss ISabel Mur. Inspector, A. E. Thompson; Board Lfe/ Vice presidents. Mrs. Newton -Health,. Dr. Jphnston.._ Allister J and. Margaret LMcCaliuih.;—itec.. Hughes,. Richard Elliott; Angus Me- Se Intosh and. J. R. Lane, Sec’y.. Sheep , Valuators, Dan McDonald, John M- Leod. Mark Johnston, John Kennedy: School Attendance Officers, Wm. Statters , Walt er McKenzie, Robert Donaldson; Pound Keepers, Lome Hodgins. John McFarlan, |W. S. dfeadik Tyndal Robinson, Peter T. Carter, J. F. Dawson,’ Wm. Wraith, Robert Ross; Fence Viewers, James Geddes, James .Hodgins, Ross McMillan, Angus McKay, Thomas Hill, J. B. Morrison, John Mowbray; Road com­ mittee, The Council Board; Relief — committeer-TheCouncilBoard.- . By-Law No. 2, 1936., was' prepared, and finally passed, providing for es- . timated expenditures on Roads for the .year 1936. , / Ross-McKenzie, that the relief al­ lowance payable until further | notice . ■ be° oiithe..following basis:12 cents. __—per-day—for- heads of fa™ilies, and 8 cents per, day -for each dependent- - ^AB^asking-^f or-~relief--^to - sign- - with.: the clerk, before receiving any “aT-~ lowance. Cheques issued: Municipal World,/ supplies $11.16; Mrs. N. D. McKen­ zie, relief supplied ? $3.92; B. E. My-' ‘ Lean, relief supplies, $14.31; picft: now Sentinel, printing $23.4Q; Tljos. Gaunt, bank exchange, $1.05; A./e.‘ Thompson,: worn! $19.50, caretaking $4.25. . Highway cheques—Alex MjcLeod pay list no. 1, $8i90: ’ J. R. LANE, Clerk, I Sec’y., Miss Martha McCallum; Cor- reap,reSp. and press sec’y., Mrs. Camp­ bell Thompson; Treas., Mrs. J. M- Kaine; Christian Stewardship sec’y, Miss ‘-.Mrs.! Mrs. sec’y, . Meetings are "to be held the first Tuesday of each month,. the next meeting to, be held at the' home of Miss, Mrs, Viola; Kerry; Strangers’ sec’y., Sidney Decker; Temp, sec’y.. R. L. TreleaVen; Miss. Monthly Miss Hazel Webster. Sometime ago,. Mr, E. S. Caswell jf the Toronto Public Library, en­ deavored to secure a copy of “Prifte. Pedro”, a 'book penned by the late Dr. J;" H. Garner of Lucknow. / As far as we know, Mr; Caswell /was riot successful in this regard, as* copies' of\this 'book, .appear /.to ■ be. extremely.'rare, "ft ■“ Last week however, a letter from Mrs. James Baker of Holyrood, in-, formed uj3 that she, had a copy of this (book, Which was given h,er by' MtsAGarnier, the doctor’s widow, and which she.-would, be pleased to. give to Mr. Caswell. [ An article by Will Faraday in a recent issue of. the Sentinel, in which he mentioned Mr. Caswell’u desire to get the book, prompted Mrs. Baker to offer her copy. She was previously aware that the Toronto Library was, anxious to secure this volume, but being unaware of theu rarety of the book, expected that in securing this publication. Mrs. Baker states that she does not know Mr. Caswell, but has read .“all the nice things he writes to vour paper”. Mrs. Baker is arrarig-f ing to have the book left at The Sentinel Office, frorii where it yvill be gladly forwarded to Mi’. Casweli —but not before the publisher has read this -much publicized volume from the pen of * one who appears, to have been rather an eccentric- character, jbut a much resj)ected~ cit­ izen of Lucknow’s early days; That he. was a genius intellectually, there appears little doubt. Thanks Mrs. Baker, for your kind offer, and no' cloubt Mr. Caswell will Join’’ in - expressing his sincere ap­ preciation also. . . ft ■?. Gladys Hodgins, in charge of Thompson and Miss Eva: Greer. THE CHAMPION STEER TRIBUTE c> Surprise Delegation ' Invades “At Home” (St. Helen’s News) . ..I I 1 Miss Helen Ferguson of Auburn 'St LINES IN LADIES’ CASHMERE HOSE; DISCONTINUED STYLES IN GIRDLES & WRAP AROUND CORSETS, NOT ALL SIZES IN THE RANGE AT »/2 PRICE. A VISIT TO OUR STORE WILL REPAY YOU.------- 1 hi...................... : . ... 11 i’-" u ■■■ FltibAY ONLY * fcc.u/.”4, ft . ' . I !. ■ 1 '■'?■■■' • ' t Sale of Ladies1 Coats and Presses MORTGAGE SALE New Cretons, Draperies, Curtains, etc.—THE MARKET STORE. BOOKLET ON BANKING There is much about bank methods ■ V» and practices that is a mystery to the ordinary man an<f woinan. They know about savings, accounts and cheques, but they know little about numerous other services that the banks are prepared to give them. To enlighten the public op the sub­ ject, the Bank of Montreal has just issued .a new^. edition of its booklet entitled “Your Bank-and How You May Use It”. Prepared “for the pur­ pose of setting forth the many W.ays in? which the bank can serve the in­ booklet is really adividual,” this most valuable manual on Canadian banking. The booklet may b.e had for* tlrt asking at any branchv of the Bank of Montreal.* ■ REAL BLOW TUESDAY Tuesdays night, brought the sea- i Son’s worst blow of the year, when a high wind wiped a light .show into . a real blizzard which 'was oniy short lived and calmed down Wednesday morning. There, have been few blows so far this winter add those there were, seemed to lack their usual punch. Cold weather has prevailed during the past week, with the mer­ cury hoveripg at times around zero. Saturday morning was the coldest since the' Ne'w Year with the official reading 2 below. -is -the guest-of- her c_ousin, Miss Vera -T^ylOT. — ~-y— r“Members of■^h^Wxmreii’s tnsti-; MaTwert'lio^^ Zing in the Community Hall on Fri­ day, when "progressive euchre was enjoyed. The ladies’ prize was award­ ed to Mrs. Tom Todd and the gent’:, to Mr. John Aitchison. A surprise feature of the evening, was the ar­ rival of a good-will delegation frpm the Boosters’ Club Banquet at Luck­ now, arranged for Messrs. Frank arid Tom Todd, who brought honor to the community when their steer Won the Grand Championship at the Roy­ al Winter Fair, Toronto. Led . by Piper . Lome McDonald, the delega­ tion accompanied Frank and Tom Todd to the platform. Here Mr. Mur^- .doch Matheson, reeve of. Ashfield, spoke briefly and displayed the phot­ ograph of the steer which bad been previously presented to'Mr. Todd and Ml joined in the rousing song “For they are jolly good fellows.” Tw music furnished by Piper McDonald Dorothy Webb contributed scotch dances. The Craig orchestra from St Augustjng, Messrs. J. D. Anderson and Chester Taylor provided music for the dance, that followed. Quite a number of St. Helen’s men attended the banquet on,,Friday ev­ ening, given by ’-the Booster’s Club. Luckpow, in/honor of Messrs. Frank and Tom TodeJ. All report a splendid evening. The meeting of the Y. P. U. on Sunday evening/ was !in ; charge of the. Citizenship' committee, with Cuy- ler Ramage convener. The vice-pres^ ident, Wallace Miller, presided arid. Gordon f Miller read the scripture lesson. The topic “Inequality and its results in our community,” was tak­ en by Cuyler Ramage. Rev, H. M. Wright led the discussion on the sub- ie'ct?■■■-, ■ . " . Cecil,' Pefrcy and Harold Hyde of Kincardine, are at their home owing to the quite serious illness of theif mother. A-t the annual meeting.of the Pub­ lic Library, held on Monday ev^nirie. the following officers were elected- Pres.. Rev. H. M. Weight;, vice-pres. Mr. D. Todd; secretary. Mr. Herb Taylor; treasurer,- Mr Cliff Murray; librarian, Miss Isohel Miller; direc­ tors, Mrs. Gordon, Miss-Mriby Mur­ ray, Mr. T. B. Taylor. Npo let'me'-sing anither sang, I’ll sing the. noo mayhap D2„Frank_G._ToJdrwKaJb^p^ St:’ Helens on the map. When frae. the Winter Fair he. came Weighed doon- wi’ fame and gear, When word gaid roond we a’ rejoiced His Was the Champion Steer. Noo Frank, he. is a cautie chap, Nae better can ye find, TIe“ smiled’'wherirtTe^audJttrpHhJluon- Sm-iled when -the-Thichts-4ie“”eli:mbed.~; .jn^appUsitiori^lie’-srteleaT^gri^ - —r Contestants he’ll no fear, „ An noo success, attends his way His was. the Champion Steer. His graund auld faither laid the wa Frank solidly huilt on The same ambition grips the heart O’ . Tom, his only son. Noo Bruce an’ Huron rise an gie, The “Doddies’Uae mair cheer, Anither for the man that reared, That Black Grand Champfon Steer. We danced the wee sma oors awa, We held a banquet grand,, Wi’ speeches, toasts and singers guid. The finest in the land. , . . Noo bonnets off tae Frank G. Todd,1 An its por wish this year, : His heifers sweep the stakes an he Have ae Grand Champion Steer. . —E, R. B., St. Helens.' PICTURE SHOW WEDNESDAY A moving picture show under Scout and Ranger auspices will be Jieldjn^ the _Tow.n.Haji -next. Wednes--. W’ evening; “Tickets are “now - being - sold"-'for’"'the-'“'-event,“-nnd”~wh-en—ap~; ^ii,oached7-~givemt;he~yo'untg-_-people~’a~- boost by dipping down., The reels will depict interesting- scenes from different parts of Eur­ ope and the , British Empire,- chief among which will be a reel showing the building of Britain’s monster liner. The Queen Mary. An interest- ’ng. local - talent program will be an accompanying feature of an inter­ esting and educational evening. Re­ member the date, next Wednesday. January 29th. Kinlough Couple , Mark 52nd Anniversary ' (Kinlough News) ±rs. E, J, Haldenby left, last week for the Soo where she- will visit her sister, Mrs. '■Robinson for the winter months. : ,The friends , and neighbors of Ml’; and Mrs. Jacob Eckenswiller met at Lheir-home on Friday evening last; to honor them oh the 52nd, anniver­ sary of their wedding. The ladies in? charge of the gathering were Mrs, George Haldenby, Mrs. Bert McLean, Mrs. Arthur Graham and Miss Hazel Percy. Mr. Thos. Malcolm acted aS chairman, in his usual pleasing , man a ner-r-MK..,AMm.ljRercy^^nd_3^— Bpyle were .called bn for speeches and felt honored -to be present at the occasion; also wished that Mr. and Mrs. Eckenswiller might live to celebrate their diamond anniversary. A - very appropriate program ..follow-, ed: readings,.. Mrs. McLean, Mrs. Jas. Hodgins, Misses .. Evelyn I Pinnell, May Boyle; Hazel Percy and, Mary McLean; solos,- Miss -Nellie-.Malcolm, and Mr. Fred. Jackson; 'song?, Mrs. Eckenswiller (in German), M’RReK Clara MacDonald, Edna and May Bovle accompanied on the guitar; violin, music, Messrs. Eldon Ecken-r swilier. John ‘ rind Toni McFarlan, Mrs. Arthur Graham then read tjm edd-ress. and ‘the presentation nf a nair of Wookot' blanket^1 and a woo­ len ,comfortable was. made bv the other -ladies in chartre. Mr. and.-1'Trc Eckenswiller thanked those ^r-nTArt. Jor - their kindness a-ndrtalT -i-”- sfh gih'F^FH'r. they • ar e . J ell v ;ERR-nws7’’’~T7un-'ch"'*'was served? and a •gnhi'aj^hajfJTmiT^no'o^ ■ ■ .. Miss Mabel Johnstone, daughter of Mr. ’’’and Mrs. Frank Johnstorf'e, 10th con:,, who has been under the doctor’s UNDER AND BY VIRTUE of the Powers of Sale. contained in a cer­ tain mortgage which will be produc; ed at the time of sale, there will be offered for sale by J. E. KUHL, , Auctioneer, at Public Auction, on Wednesday, the Twelfth day of ' February, 1936, at the hour of two o’clock |ih the afternoon, at the farm of Alex McKinnon, Lucknow, Ontar­ io, the following property: ■ ' -» . AT.L ‘ AND SINGULAR . those certain parcels or tracts of land and premises, situate, lying and being ' in the Township of Kjhloss, s in the County of . Bruce, and Province of . . Ontario, qnd “ bging composed of FIRSTLY-—Lot number Six, in the -Fo urt-lr- —Goncessi on^—-of-—-the—sai d— Township of Kinloss, containing One Hundred -Acres more or. less., SEC­ ONDLY—The east, half .of Lot num- ber Seventeen, in. the Fifth Conces- siori, of the said ToWnship of Kin-4 loss,, containing Fifty acres' more or less, THIRDLY—Lot number eigh­ teen. in the Fifth Concession, of the 'aid. Townshin of Kinloss, contain­ ing One’HundrddlM^es more j^'jfess.1 and -FOURTHLY—Lot numbe^^ine- , ^eeri, in the Fifth Concession, of the mid To,wnship of ’Kinloss, contain­ ing One Hundred Acres more or lpus. _Qm th.e...^id^arnuther.e. is. said .to Jo erected a dwelling- house with suitable, farm. 1 buildings,' ■ - The lands Will be sold subject to a reserve bid,. .. . ' TERM'S OF SALE: Tep per cent, of the purchase, money to be paid at the. time of sale,-and the balance within' thirty 'days- 'JL__........................ .For. fnrfhpr particulars and con- ditiot®" of sab' app’v. to , ' J"” ..ft ; g? m?- apdougat,t Fart Block. PTliamont Buildings, Toronto. - Ontario. Solicit aj* to the Mortgagee.' care for some time, ; was ..taken .to DATED at Toronto, this 18th day of tt . , " •• ,january 193$..London Hospital on Sunday. .We a’l . join in wishing her a speedy recov- er.y. , I Mr. Wm, Boyle is visiting friends at Hensail. 4 . Despite the storm, on Monday ev­ ening, the Church Society held its usual meeting, with the speaker, Mr. Levi Eckenswiller in- charge. Meet­ ing opened' with hymn “From Green­ land’s Icy Mountain”, and prayer by Mr. Burgess. Scripture reading ’ and talk by Mr. R. Malcolm; duet, Mrs^ Art Graham and May Boyle; discus­ sion on tithing, ■ in charge of Miss Hazel Percy; minutes otf previous meeting by the secretary, Miss Clara MacDonald; 'current events by Bert McLean, showing ’ the"la’test. radio cast was the passing of I-Iis Majesty King George V; Mr. Burgess gave a humorous account of a ' trip to the Maritimes. Mr.. Denzi'l Statters also gave a splendid talk on his-trip thru Northern Qudbec and read two poems,, which proved most • entertaining/. Bert MacLe'an moved a ’ vote ftf 1 thanks to Mr. Burgess and Mr. Sta-1 . . tters. for their splendid addresses ?ln,a JIast,n^R before her marriage, The meeting closed -with hymn '* RUrvived her husband, Law- ‘‘What a Friend we. have, in Jesus” rpnce; ftft P^ents, Mr. and Mrs. and prayer. ' f . .’ 9UV Hastings;- three children, Lois’,- - The Church Societft meetings are Lawrence, Jr., six-year-old held the first and third Mondays of ft’ns’ an.d •Tatnes, 21 months.; two the month. *■ and everyone ‘will he Mrs* Katherine M. Hasting.^ made welcome. Lytle and Dorothy Hastings and two. I ,-ft . , .ft : brothers. Dop and.. Guy Hastings Jr. Mrs. Fipla'vson. who was- horn iit P’itleis: Pa;.—had lived in.-. Ashtabula.. ahnnt/.30‘yoars and' attended the Ashtabula aehollR. She and hWUs- arul wore widmy.'known in Ashta­ bula, Mr. Finla^nn is an officer in f 1C. h'd'ft and activer^’h the activities of that order, j “Funeral service for Mrs. Finlay- I son; was held Wednesday. Dr. J. E. | Carhartt,, -rector of St. Peter’s Episc- ftcpal church, conducted the services.” Warm r’Amf -m * tt ' WaR ^uybrook cemetery.„ A TT . v * ^ • * n T ,Coni-fortab,e' Underwear ftbe services were1 largolv -iftefidhd from Mount Albert choir. Oyer eigh* | Garments ■ for every member of i^'and many beautiful‘floS iy guests were present. ■ / Jfamily.rTHH MARKET STORE. I were received.” ° offerings Young Mother Dies ' In The United States 4 DR. & MRS. J. S. DUNCAN . . , f ’ MAIlk SILVER ANNIVERSARY / ’ Was The. Wife Of Lawrence Finlay­ son—Leaves Six-Year-Old Twins And Young Son, Besides Bereaved Husband. . Presentations are . Numerous as For­ mer Lucknow Clergyman And His Wife Celebrate 25th Wedding An­ niversary. I .{INLOSS COUPLE Sl 40 YEARS MARRIED On Wednesday last week, Mr. and Mrs; Will Conn, of the 4th Conces­ sion of Kinloss, celebrated the 40th anniversary of their wedding. , In the afternoon the members of their immediate family, gathered to have tea together, the following being present: Mr. and' Mrs. Johnston Conn and daughter, Ruby; Mr. and Mrs. ^.Hardie Simpson and, four little dau­ ghters, of Culross;. Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Scott and son, of Kmloss• Mr. and Mrs. Harold Johnston of Lucknow and Wallace at home. Mrs. Sam Hutchison, , of' Wingham, Mrs Conn’s sister, was also present. Af- *er the bounteous^ wedding ' supper. -Mr?—Johnston. Conn . ..proposed: the' ^oast to the bride-and groom' and Mr. Conn ably responded. ■In the evening many neighbors and oM friends of the family gather- -’d and spdnt' a hanpy time in r'emin- ?scent chat, singing? cards and danc- ?n<v R'pfnre the gathering broke- tin all ioiried hands around the bride} 46,-tnla and <^ang. “Auld Lang Sv+»r»0 ihri “Fav They are .Tolly“Good F«l- 1aw«,” Their " marfv friends'* in ■ thw '’ommunitv extend hart- wishes for minx hwnnv wedding aJniver- -aries.—Advance-Times., ’ . ■p" The following item from the New­ market Express Herald will be of nterest to .many readers Of the Sen­ tinel. Dr. and Mrs. Duncqn, who are now alt Mount Albert, are well known :n Lucknow as;he was minister' in the Presbyterian church here from '910 to 1917, . • , . Dr. and Mrs. Duncan0 happily cele-* brated their silver wedding anniver­ sary on Monday, January 6th. The rooms were prettily decorated with nink mums ' and silver- trimlmings.' In the - afternoon, Mrs. John Leefc and Mrs. George Hammett presided at' the table, and several. yoUng ladies from Hartman assisted in servin.g the guests. In the evening, Mrs. Wes­ ley Theaker and Mrs. William Steep er poured tea and coffee and young Ijgli.eS ‘ from . Mount,. Albert serybd.. Mrs. Duncan’^, dress was navy blue with white-: facings, and her aunt. Miss Meikle, wh'o assisted in .recei’v-. ing the, guests, vrtts becomingly at­ tired in black silk. Besides many nersona‘1 gifts. Dr. and Mts. Duncan were presented with a handsome enffe vrn by, Mount. Albert Women’s Association, a beautiful silver bas­ ket JJled with , mums bv the Hartpian congregation, and a Sheffield silver tray with mt glass relish di«h- She said she had turned .twenty-three .I’ve noticed ■ that -many- girls dirt’ ■ Tf you turn twenty-throe, it is' easy • to see, ' '“The tanswer is just “thirty-two”. Although no details accompanied Lhc following obituary, - we .believe that the bereaved young husband, Vlr. Lawrence- Finlayson, was a for­ mer resident of Kinloss, who resided with his mother a short distance north of the C. N:z'R. depot.' “Death claimed Mrs. Lawrence Finlayson, 31, mother of three small ■ children, af. 6.45 a.m. on Monday, - January 13th, at General hospital, Ashtabula, .Ohio. Mijs. Finlayson was taken ill Friday and underwent an ',m°rgpricy operation at. the hospital. . * | “Mrs. Finlayson, who was “ Vir- ali of Ashtabula. What profitcth it a-, man" to have a Vocabulary ,of 25,090 'words and not bn able to say “No”.?—.Washing­ ton Post. . - ' ■ / )< .