The Lucknow Sentinel, 1936-01-23, Page 1i ■ > ‘-k . f •i r--| & fi f S2A)O PER YEAR iN ADVANCE; $2.50 OTHERWISE ........................... VETER IH AR Y J. M. KAINX'V S;, B.V.Sc. Havelock Stw Lucknow ■—p WONE 104-W Graduate *of Ontario .Veterinary College, '’University of Toronto Charges reasonable. Day or night calls promptly attended to Office* in the residence of the late Mrs. W. E. McDonald DENTAL DR. J. E. LITTLE Dentist - X-RAY SERVICE Office In The Johnston Block . Telephone No. 5 --J® i'-f?- '■ 1 i % I / /I ! LUCKNOW, ONT.,^THURSDAY, JANUARY 23rd,1936 Todds Are Honored ? ‘ • ti . ‘ ’ ' . . . & ;. At Lucknow Banquet . H «... . . fl ....... ; ./ • ' ' . '•*' ♦ *. v o t, — ------------------—,—.—- SINGLE COPIES 6 CENT8-________J John McQuillin Heads Agricultural Society Lucknow Society ^Pays Prize Money . In Fu 1 And Shows Small Balance On The Year—Hour For Receiving Exhibits /On Show Day Set At 12 O’clock And To Be Rigidly Eri- Jorced, ■'* / •’. ’ ’ , ' ' • *.!«/ ' In /spite of unfavorable . weather, an attendance of about thirty offi­ cials and members, resulted in" a successful. annual meeting • of the Lucknow Agricultural Society bn ■Tuesday afternoon. The financial statement showed . that with prize money, paid in full, the Society would ■ show a small/ surplus on the year. Mr. Jacob Hunter, president / for the past two years, presided. 1 The Sociefy decided against con­ ducting the. Field Crop Competitiop. Messrs. John 'McQuillin and Sam Alton were appointed delegates to the convention' in Toronto, ’.i , I)irector A, B. McKay._str,es§e.d the/, importance of clearing the hall of. all but the judges and directors when iudcing commences. The .Society approved of advancing the hour of receiving exhibits at the '’hall from 11 a/rh; to 12 o’clock,'and that no-exhibits be , accepted after that. hour,. the rule to be rigidly en­ forced. A committee • of Jacob Hunter, John McQuillin and S,. E. Robertson was appointed to make necessafy re- i .vision. of the jules. / * ' * The Secretary was instructed to- send letters of condolence 'to•’the'/ .-families of the late Wm. McQuiVinj' James Alton and Mrs,. W. • E;. Macj Donald, all of whom had given-value service to the Society; until then1 .death during the past' year.' |. : ■ Mr. A. B. McKay staged' that :t^e Society should feel honored in .‘’hay­ ing such a man as Mr. 'Frajnk T^d-d KT x . ■ “ -------- -------------------------------------- -----—--- ---- ------------- o Che Bread g /io The Bread of Health Mo V lO of Health QUALITY AND SERVICE OUR MOTTO ,< A. P. STEWART IN • NEW LUMBER. COMPANY ■ 1.1.1 A new firm known as the Mahood- Stewart Lumber, Ltd.,-has. recently been formed. This firm incorporates the lumber businesses conducted by W. E. Mbhbod of Kincardine and A. P. Stewart, owner of the Stewart .Planing Mill of this, village; Officers q£ the new company, which has', cap­ ital of $100-,000 have, not yet been appointed. . ' As Owners And Exhibitors. Qf The Grand. Championship .Steer, Mr. Frank Todd & Son Tom Bring This Singular Distinction To This A District; For First Time, • Mr. Frank G. Todd and son, Tom, of St. Helens, widely known.as out­ standing.' breeders and. feeders of Aberdeen-Angus cattle, were pub­ licly honored at a banquet, in this village on Friday evening. The func­ tion. was staged to fittingly recog­ nize the success of these gentlemen as owners and/exhibitors of .the grand championship ’steep at tR'e Royal Winter Fair at Toronto. The'^anima1 was a senior- steer calf 1 weighing 905 pounds and shortly after carry­ ing off the sweepstakes in the mar­ ket cattle division was sold by auc­ tion to the T. Eaton ,Co. at the hand­ some price of 75c a pound.. „ The ...banquet,.. sponsored ...by the LuOknow Boosters’ Club, attracted an overflow gathering of about 110 men, many of them prominent citF .zens of the village and surrounding municipalities,. ' who took part in the ..speech making that ended,.with the presentation to Mr. Todd b'f a large framed picture of the prize winning beast. The banqueters were served to a fine turkey supper,, with the ladies of the Women’s Institute catering. Robert Rae, ex-reeve of Lucknow’ was master of ceremonies and the speech making ; got underway! after Lome MacDonald gave a tune on the pipes.; Cameron - Geddes, with Mrs. Newton . as accompanist, sang a couple of appropriate solos. Speakers on the evening’s , toast list were, W. B. Anderson, reeve of. Lucknow; Richard Elliott, reeve of Kinloss Twp.; Wm. McKay, Ex-M.P. P> for Bruce; Hugh Hill, ex-reeve, of Colborne Twp.; Ben Logan, reeve of Huron Twp.; Wm. J. iStewart, reeve of West Wawanosh; Mr. J. G, An derson, ex-M.P. for Bruce; W. E. <1 SIREN FAILS BUT BLAZE . FORTUNATELY) MINOR ONE Garage At Rear of Millson Residence Takes Fire—Ford Coupe Badly Damaged. - ■ i-WEEK-END SPECIALS FRUITCAKE J SHORTBREAD DATE SQUARES FRUIT BREAD DOUGHNUTS 'CHELSEA’'BUNS ’- CREAM LAYER ' CAKES JELLY ROLLS HO L L Y M A N *S QU A LIT Y BAKERY Phone 36 . ' ' . 'Lucknow MUSICAL INSTRUCTOR Learn To Play This Winter ART McCARTNEY — teacher of ” Violin, " Banjo and Guitar. Special ' instruction for children and begin­ ners. Commence at once. FOR SALE—10 head of - young cattle at Lot i; Con. 5, Kinloss.— _ . Mrs. D.an. McLeod. LGBT—One bunch of shingles on boundary. east. Please notify Frank Miller. &LOST—A sum of money, some time ago, Apply at Bank of Mon­ treal, Lucknow. . \ APPLES FOR SALE—Choice No. • 1 Russefs, $1,35 per hamper; Do­ mestic Russets $1.10; also good do: mpstic spies $1.25. —J. W. Joynt. . LOGS WANTED—Good prices will be paid for 20'thousand feet of white ash logs. Enquire as to length logs are to be cut to—Ernest Ackert, Holyrood. Fire of uncertain origin broke out in the little garage at the rear of Mrs. A. E.. Millson’s residence, on Monday, shortly -after one; o’clock. Fortunately the blaze was a minor one, for the siren, with a burned out .fuse, failed' to work, and the church bell had to be used to sound; an alarm.'• v ’/ However little time was lost and as the scene oij the. blaze- Was. quite: ne^r the fire hall,, a,line of ihose was soon laid aiid the blaze extinguished. A model T. Ford coupe, ’owned by the late; A. E. Millson was housed in the little building’ and, was bjadly damaged. Only a passageway separates this garage from a large tin covered building, which” was not seriously endangered - howeveii, as the blaze was quickly extinguished-. This-, ad- 'joining building was formerly used as a tinship and warehouse by Wm. Murdie, when his hardware business was located at that end of the town.., WEDDfNG BELLS FOR SALE—Green body wood’; box-stove blocks; 10 cords limb wood, cook stove size and 12" dry body wood. — Frank Miller, R. 5, Lucknow. ’Phone 46-r-12. AUCTION SALE—of 18 horses, all quiet and sound, 6 miles south' of Lucknow at Wm. Cook’s farm. Con. 8, West Wawanosh, on Monday, January 27th. - 3 Mares in foal, 5 matched teams. H. I. Patterson. Owner. Matt. Gaynor, Aug. ' BALES—MacLENN AN A charming wedding . was solem­ nized at-21 Glen Grove Ave" W., on Saturday evening, when Margaret Jessie MacLennan, daughter of Mr, Finlay MacLennan of Lucknow, be­ came the bride of Joseph Allan. Bales ' . . •_____NOTICE. RE- LOGS- ■ We are open to buy only a limited o£. logs -this. year, ---- We can handle, Elm, Soft Maple. Poplar and Rough °Elm suitable for Crating Lumber. ’ As the stock required is very lim­ ited, we kindly request^' that each one make their own arrangements with- us before cutting their logs.. Our log yard will be open to re­ ceive logs February 1st and full par­ ticulars can be' had at our office. Lucknow Table Co., Ltd. • , ’ .: ' TENDERS . Tenders will be received by . the un­ dersigned up. to- February 1st, 193.6 for: 50 cords of .18 inch, body wood, Beech and Maple; 10 cords, 4 foot wood, Elm, not less than. 4 inches iri diameter, and the following Village work, Day work, man and team, snow plowing . and rolling, grading and dragging, ’thdl lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. Joseph Agnew, Clerk. NOTICE RE WOOD We are open to buy a quantity of good four foot wood. Although our home market for furniture has been opened to the United States factories by a substantial reduction in the lariiff, and the tariff "on furniture ' > gjing into the United States has ,bcen left the samp which by the way 'is not reciprocity but is a sell .out to the factories of the. Southern Sl.iites employing cheap colored help. ’• We still believe our duty is to put our money in circulation with Ontar-- io farmers and burn wood iri our fpetory rather than send Pur money over to the United iStates for fuel. For further’ particulars please call nt our office. Signed, e The Lucknow Table Co., Limited, 1 '5 ‘ ..........— ' ■ ■ .... 'gj'"'.' m««!■■■■■""« TMeaven, Liicknow-and Murdo 0,iv_cr theson, reeve of Ashfield Twp. Fol­ lowing this list of speakers, Dr. Wb V. Johnston made ..the presentation to which Mr. Todd replied. ' . The winning of the Grand Cham­ pionship brings this honor-^-to .. the? Counties of Huron and Bruce for the first time, .Note We include Bruce . foTwEne Mr. Todd is/a^ resident of Huron County, this banquet was held in the village that straddles the Counties’ boundary line, * and 'thus Bruce chiselled in on the honor,; and numerous humorous thrusts in-this regard" crossed the banquet table on- (Continued on Page 4) School Board Appoints Donald Henderson Sec’y At Statutory Meeting Last Week When Committees Were Appointed At the statutory meeting of the Lucknow•; School Board, last week, Donald Henderson, sori of Mr. and Mrs. W- W, Henderson, was appoin­ ted secretary-treasurer "’to the Board for the year, 1936, at a salary of $50.00.' Donald is a recent graduate of Westervelt School, London. j| The Board placed on record its sincere appreciation .of the work of Rev. C. H. MacDonald, Who acted as secretary during 1935, without remuneration. -fl .First business of importance wa/?. the copipleting. of a few details in. connection with last year’s Work/ Hr. W. V. Johnston was then ap­ pointed chairman for 1936 with the appointing of 'committees resulting as follows: Supplies,\Messrs, Doug­ las ‘and Macintosh;'Finance. Messrs . MacDonald and Rae;: Property, Mes-‘ srs. MacKenzie ani^ Douglas: Mana- ___ .... ..... ^ment, Messrs. Rae and McKenzie, on the Board.' -Iri securing the Grfind | chairman is a member of each" Championship, Mr.- Todd has /“put j “ Lucknow and St. .Helens, on the map”. Many don’t understand What winning the grand.. championship means,/ he continued, for the champions pi all', bgef breeds compete for this award/ / I''- committee. ... .. ■ ,./X. J Mr., Harry MeQuiTlin and,. C. B. AHin were appointed auditors for -to nr- '•1935. ' . ‘4 MEMORIAL SERVICE TO BE HELD HERE TUESDAY BIRTHS ATTHILL—-iJ Alexandria Hospital Goderich, on Monday, Jan. 13th, to Mr. and Mts. D. A. Atthill (nee Jean Lednor), of Ashfield, a daughter. CURBAN-“Af Crewe, on Sunday, Jan. 5th, 1936, tq Mf; and Mts. Jack Curran, (Cnee Eileett .Treleaven) a daughter, 0n Tuesday afternoon, His Majesty King George ’ V will be laid to rest. In common . with other communities thru out the Empjye, the ‘‘■day will . be observed locally as a day • of mourning. Local clergymen have com­ pleted arrangements to hold a Community Memorial Ser­ vice in the United Church that afternoon, the hour to be announced in local Churches on Sunday, when individual me- morial services will be held. The service on Tuesday will . be attended in a body by war veterans, civic and school offi­ cials, Girl Guides, Boy Scouts and school children, who will gather at the school and march to the church in the above ofder. Special memorial Service sheets' will be used for • the service. A massed choir, with each choir wearing their owh choir goWns, will assist in the ser­ vice in which all local clergy- ‘ men will take part; Cameron Geddes will sing. As a part of. an Empire burdened with, sorrow, this . community will pause oh Tues­ day to join with millions" of subjects in paying a final tribute of respect and patriot­ ism to the memory of a be­ loved sovereign. Lansing.-The ceremony was perform­ ed by Rev. W..GHlBack. The guests were received by. Mrs. W.. F. Sorley and Mrs. Gordon Hicks,’’sister of .the bride. The wedding ..music was play­ ed by Mrs. E. B. Gallanough, and during the signing of the register Mrs. R. E. Bales sang “O Promise Me?>~Th'eTbri'de;~gi^ by her father, made , a lovely, picture in her wedding gown of golden ivory satin with tulle veil, caught with orange 'blossoms. Her qnh’ ornament was a diamond brooch set in gold which hhd belonged to* the groom’s mother. 'She carried Johanna Hill roses. The bridesmaid. Miss Ann MacLennan, sister of the bride, wore a blue gown and carried Im­ perial roses. Mr? R. E. Bales, bro­ ther of the groom, was best man: The buffet table was decorated with, roses and lilies of the valley. After the wedding slipper the fy^ppy counle left, on a motor trip. They will live in Richmond Hill. . - * SCURRY FOR RADIO LICENSES AS INSPECTOR HITS WINGHAM a/ward/ ’ Mr. Todd replied expressing his thanks, and gave a little incite’ into/ activities at the Rpyal. ‘ / the Society seek the co-operation n/f S. E. Robertson, urged ..ithaf other-organizations in- improving the lavatory; accomodations 4on- . the- : ^rjiuuds"r-—-;--------——— Officers Elected / A. few associate' directors,Who have not been taking arr active inter­ est in the Society were dronned. < Officers and officials are as follows: (Continued on Page 4) 1 / TO SAVE 50c, RENEW NOW’' '■ Many.. Sentinel subscriptions that expired .the end of the', yea/r- have’ been renewed by those takjng. ad­ vantage of the $1.50 rate foi/ pro/npt. payment in advance. There ^.rz New Quilting/Materials for patch ■Work, linings-,^etc. Battings and wad­ dings— THE7' MARKET STORE. / NAME OMITTED : L-fi’st- v^ee'k in* naming the Silver ~w?yodflmiployees, and their period of service we inadvertently omitted the name ‘of Mr. Jack Bell of Ripley. Mr. Bell is the second oldesiZof employees' from.. point having been employed/fo secutive years; in ch"^-* ’ey'buying station^ which was'Estab­ lished in 1922.J ' / Majesty Passes THE FOLLY OF GUESSING The “eye-guesser” is every­ where. Men and women guess. Children do, not bother to do even that. Many guess their eyes need attention, many more that they DON’T. The former guess is much more likely to be true,. FACTS are. easily Obtained. And should be secured by everyone who is not. sure of his vision. ARMSTRONG’S Eyesight Service Presbyterian Church Had Successful Year Reports Revealed At The Congrega­ tional Meeting Last Week—Sun­ day School Attendance Up—Mis­ sion Allocation Oversubscribed / The congregational meeting of the Presbyterian Church was held on Thursday evening, marked by . har­ mony and the hearing of encourag- , ing reports from the various de­ partments of the, church,’ that be­ spoke success and advancement dur­ ing the past year, with church fin-, ances in a healthy, state. i - Financial reports were not com­ plete at the time of the meeting, but; indications were, that the year would -result in increased givings, with the mission. allocation again beng over­ subscribed. It is not an uncommon occurrence for the Presbyterian con­ gregation to oversubscribe this al­ location and it is an interesting fac|^-^ that during the -ten-year pastorate of Rev. C. H. MacDonaldy-'fhis con­ gregation has raisjyP'more for mis­ sions than has-been paid in- Salary—- -to-their-pa^tSri----^—.—-—— Particularly encouraging were the ‘/M.S. and Sunday School reports. In the latter case attendance figures are at the highest point during the past ten ye’ars. ■ ■ . ' , Rev. Mr. MacDonald and all active workers in the several branches of „ the church work had their services recognized in a vote of appreciation. 1 Fourteen removals by death and otherwise exceeded by three the number of new members received in- ■ to the church, eight by profession ' of faith and three by certificate, leaving the total number Of commun­ icants 332. • Mr. R. V. MacKenzie presided over I the meeting that during the evening observed a minute’s silence in mem­ ory of a stalwart and faithful mem­ ber of the, congregation, Mr. Ben McClure. H ;Mr. T. W. Smith, radio-, license, is- uer, was. one of the busiest men in town the latter-part of the week, as ■ 'word Was received here that a lie-, ense inspector and an officer of the R. C. M. P. were in Wingham* mak­ ing a check-up. • 'the thirteen form's that Mr. Smith had on hand were soon grab­ bed up, and a rush order sent for twenty more, which were not equal to supplying the demand and another order had to be sent in. Althogether 36 persons, slappe'd down a two-dol- lar bill for the little slip that may Save them a five spot, should an in­ spector drop in. After his Wingham visit -the in- -spector doubled back to Listowel,'sb those Who locally are still without’ a license,, can breathe easier, for the . time being at "least. ■ » ' ■ TOLLED KING’S DEATH ■ When news- of His Majesty’s death •was flashed here .Monday night, the tolling of the Anglican church bell announced the. sad fact to ' many. Three tolls of the belt announces the death of. a man; Then there Was a pause, followed by the bell tolling his age, 70 times. Another pause follows and Jhe tolling continues fot an indefinite period/ Locally th^bell was tolled 'a total of 14 minutes. payment m advance. There are many however, who as yet have/ failed to renew their subscription/ and / they,’wish to be eligible tor tiie,5 reduction, must do so by/the/ehd, the mohth. Qtherwise rPguWr pfifbs of $2.00, and $2.50 to United will be Charged. Keep., th.i^jiiattei in mind and remember th eb another week during whJ bate rate is in effect. , T - . ve/.n/' a tor 1 /■■a / BAND MAKES PRESENTATION, ALSO ST. PETER’S CHURCH Members of the Lucknojw Citizen.^ Band gathered last Wednesday even/ ing at the home of, them conductor. Mr. John.Heyworth and' presen^d’. he and Mrs, ■ Heyworth with a w411 ! filled purse. The presentation was I made by, Mr., Wm'. Hornell, witl/^Mr 5G. H. Smith, president. of the/ |lor.- ; ganization, Speaking briefly, ./n;, ';|s The Band;marched to' theit/h^md ; in a body, following band pfac4ise’1/ j where they played a few select ons ( indoors, Lunclr was served fitter presentation was ■ made.. Pantry Shelf Shower gapization, Speaking briefly. ./ On Thursday at a social' evefimg iri the Orange Hall, the e6ngmga- tion of .St. Peter’s ’Church,, ''heji'dl a “Pantry Shelf Shower” for Mr/7^nd Mrs. * Heyworth when they, -ireueived many useful articles,' with- whjch to stock a pantry. As well the?A presented the newlyweds silVeij (Jish. Thl H. d stonj Currie Colwell, George Hassal and John Thompson leaking the//pre- ;;tiom AFbr they' are Jolly fco^d .. ? Sling and a pl(/asi hour' spent while luhcl Ma, Jl/hnd F :edl jivhi to f.HA. fl- » address was read' b^'Revi J', (eoghegan, with Melvin . J^5hn- r /\Z A nation that last year re« /joiced upon the^occasion ,ol King George’s Silver Jubilee, today sorrows, for Britain’s, beloved monarch passed peace- . . fully away on. Monday even-.' ing within five minutes of mid- . night;, or by eastern standard time, five minutes to seven. In his 71st year, the King’s death occurred at Sandring­ ham, Hie (7,000 acre> Royal manor* in Norfolk, after a. brief but critical four-day ill­ ness. with bronchial catarrh, and a rapidly weakening heart condition. . „ Immediately upon the death , of his father, the Prince of Wales became King Edward VIII. the' first u bachelor king since 1760. His mother, Queen Mary now becomes Queen Mother and will act as hostess to her son“when the ‘period of mourning is past. The death of His: Majesty The. King, has _gripped with sorrow the hearts of his 450- 000,000 subjects, who through his illness have prayed for. his recovery. Never has the Nat­ ional Anthem had more sig­ nificance—never, was it sun.'’ more fervently., During tli^ 25 years of . his reign. xCana. dikns have grown inJlKve and devoltinn to King/Qeorge. Ju this the radio/hrts played an • i4np<irtant rule for fox listen tn the sinveintv of the seasonal* messages of His' Majesty wajf^ to Jbve him. ? Mr; George D. Thompson, of Rip­ ley, announces the engagement of his youngest daughter, Myrtle Ger­ trude to William Alexander Percy, youngest' son .of Mr. and Mrs. Wil­ liam Percy of. Holyrood., The mar­ riage to take place the latter part of January. '■/ . DANCE ■ ' \ Under auspices of* the Lucknow Joint Club in the Town Hall, Friday, February 7th. Lunch. Admission 25c. CHURCH HOCKEY TO-NIGHT Tonight (Thursday, January 23rd) the Presbyterian and United Church teams will play a scheduled Church League game in Lome Rink. Ad- - mission 15c and 10c. OLD TIME SKATE In -Lome Rink, Lucknow, 1’hurS-.' day, January 30th. Band iff atten­ dance. Admission l§c and 10c. Get ,out yohr skates fill you old-timers find* be on hfind for- a pleasant :eyen,<\ ing’s recreation. POSTPONED C ( On account^, _.,c UC4»U11 «1O .;MajestvJKtfig George ’V, thfe annual ’Bu^ft^Ball, billed for this , Friday xJhght has'been postponed dhe^weekf ■ The dance, under Fire Cd. auspices;' ’ will be held Friday, January' 31st. Note the change. EF WEEK death of His r (k sent] Fell fws”' .was half SePV .....a- "• ? ■■■ ji;