HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1936-01-16, Page 51 THURSDAY, JANUARY 16, W36.:THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL ■a I i V > I *• 7 I HE1RE AND THERE 1,1 r 1 \ We desire to extend the heart; fel| sympathy of the community to Mrs. Dave Ferrier rind daughter Luella (Mrs. J. D. Ross.) „of South Kinloss. Mr. Farrier passed away at the home of his daughter, Mrs/ Ross last Saturday. Interment in Bethel cemetery ;on Monday after­ noon. Mr. Willirim Webster is visiting fora few days with his brothers. John and Ewart at Kirkland - Lake. Mrs. W. G. Rei$ and family atten- ed the Orange at home at Zion last Friday evening. Mr. W. T1. Gardner of Zion visited on-Saturday with Mr. arid Mrs. Wm. Webster and Mr. and Mrs. W- G- Reid. ■ -Mrs. Havens of Fordyce . visited over the week-end with- Mr. and Mrs. A. Havens. . , L. O. L. Kinloss district will meet at Kinlough on Tuesday’ afternoon, for, general business and election of officers. Mr. Victor Durnin, foreman bf«the Goldie, Construction Co., in Toronto, visited over the week-end with Luck­ now friends. 1936 HURON COUNCIL Ashfield ..............Murdoch Matheson,. Ashfield (deputy)' ...:~.;"Sam Sherwood. Colborne ................ ......G. C. Feagan. Goderich Tp.............William Haacke. Grey .......................... Henry Keyes. Grey (deputy) ..........0. Hemingway Hay ..................................-A. Mellick. Hullett ...................»...,........H. Mogridge Howick. ......._____............J. A. Bryans. Howick (deputy) .....Thomas Lovell McKillop John—Ecke-rtJ Mqrris ..........................R. E .. . Cardiff Stanley .......................:...... W..Turner,.) ’ Stephep. ....... W. Swjitzer | ■ Stephen (deputy) .....C. McWhinnoy ; TuckeEsmith' ..*•.........LWm: Archibald. ‘Turnberry .................• R. t^pain. Usborrie George. .Westcott. Wawanosh E?.............:...„.....P'. W. -Scott.- :1 Wawanosh W. ............W. J. Stewart Blyth ............ ................W. G. McNall. Brussels ..............Rbht. Bowman. Clinton .........................G. H. Elliott kExeter .........-...*...;....Thomas' Pryde Goderich ..................;.....;..J. J. Moser Goderich (deputy) Hensail ... ■ Seaforth ................... Wingham .... ......... R. E. Turner ;.........Owen Geiger ....J. H. Scott. Fred L.: Davidson- w; a &C5 Sr ' Filling in Time until 7 o’clock With the supper dishes cleared away, Mt- and Mrs. .'. Elmer Banks sit down each Wednesday evening to a rollicking game of checkers. Really they are just filling in time until their son John makes his weekly long , distance, call from a far-away city — a few minutes after 7 when Night Rates are in effect. That weekly chat with John is the big event in their placid week. He never fails them, and his cheery chatter means more to them than they would care to say. Jil . • On both "Anyone” and "Person to-Ptrsofi”- calls, Low Night rates apply af .er 7 p.m. and Low Week-end rates ALL DAY SUNDAY. WHITECHURCH JKennedy is visiting Mrs. Wm. McIntosh Falconer returned The W.M.S. meeting of the Pres- byerian Church will be held on Thurs- ^L__da.y;^at_.2J30~pjmni--in-the--basOmenti Miss Olive with Mr. and of Lucknow. Mr. James home from Wingham hospital last Thursday after his recent operation. Mr. and Mr?. Wm. Conn celebrated their 40th wedding anniversary last Wednesday evening, when; they spent a.social evening with their relatives and • neighbors. Mr. David- Ferrier, a former resi- . dent of’ this community, passed away Saturday. at the home of his daughter Mrs. John D. Ross of Lucknow. He had been . in failing health for some time. He -leaves to mourn his loss, his Wife, . and his daughter, Mrs. J. D. Ross? The [fun- •( era! was held on Monday afternoon to Bethel cemetery. This' community extend? their sympathy to the ber­ eaved relatives. Mr. Patrick McMillan had his eyes hurt one day last week, when he was working' with a stick "of. wood,, 'which in some way flew rijprdss his eyes and hurt them.. He had to go to the doctor to have them at­ tended to. We hope they will soon be better again. I ■ I . " . All the Reading You Want for $2.25 Per year Assure .yourself of a year’s interesting; diversified reading and SAVE MONNEY by taking advantage of this -special Low .Rate Combination Offer of ’ -The 'Sentinel—with. " the ' Family Herald -and.- Weekly Star. . THE SENTINEL . gives you; All the Ideal news of - the. . community as w^ell- as fre- . ■ quent ? special articles,- -in­ cluding' p.iqrieer day, rem- •iniscences. For the “Want ■ Ads” alone, you cannot afford to be without The • Sentinel. " ’ Family Herald and ■ Weekly Star “ gives you: - A .’Digest of: the Latest. World-Wide ' and ' Canadian , ■., News; Stories- Home Hipts - 'Helpful Articles on' Farm M.ritterjs; ' Agricultural,. News; Yoiing Folks’Pages; . Family . Doctor; ’’Approprir ate Sunday Reading; Fav- h - orite Songs and Hymns, . Etc. • ' • ■ ......... TO OPEN PRIVATE AIRPORT Dr: L. G, Cargill If London. took over a .farm last week at. Cargill, Ont., north of Wingbam, on Which he will establish a private airport. This is one of the first flying fields of its kind in Western Ontario. It is probable . that a school of instruc-. tion for prospective young flyers, of the district will, be started in the spring.,Work of fitting up the land, which comprises some 206 acres will be started at' once.— lastowel- Banner.. . < CHILBLAINS PARAMOUNT^ Miss I.yla Richards from Toronto was a week-end visitor with her ipareiits;~Mivand^'TvIrsr ;~RrRichaTdsr" Mr. Joe Wesley has returned to Mr. John Jamieson’s after spending a few weeks holidays with friends in Southampton. The January meeting, of the para­ mount U. F. W. O. Club will be held at the home of Mrs. John Jamieson on Tuesday, January 21st. Mr. Norval Richards returned to the O; A. C» Guelph to resume his studies; , .(Too late for last week) , Mr. Carman' Hamilton has return­ ed 'borne after spending, tbe past year and a half at Auburn. Mrs. Melvin Rriyriard and daugh­ ters Spent a few days last week with her "parents, .Mr. And Mrs. Drennan at Kintail. ( - , New Year’s, visitors with Mr. and Mrs. John Jamieson, were Mr. . and Mrs. Howard Harris, Mrs. T. Hariris and Earl from. Holyrood, Mr. and Mrs.. Gordon Jamieson, Isabelle and Stewart from Lucknow. Mrs. Carruthers' and . Mr. Dave Carruthers, 6th co'ri., were recent vis­ itors at Wm. Martin’s. Harness and Life 1 . “He died in, harness, poor chap.’’ “Yes, and; by the way, did you ever notice how much like a harness ‘ ft '• ' Those Good Old Days Whatever happened to the old was- , trel type of grocer who plugged every kersene-can spout with a po- life is ? tato?—‘Literary Digest. “There are traces of care;, lines of Girls in New York are having trouble; bits, of good ' fortune, and their sweethearts’ portraits painted breaches of faith. Also tongues must on thjeir fingernails,. Later, of course.’ be bridled, passions curbed and ev- they will be uhdei* their thumbs. erybody has to tug to pull through;” ► ► ► > * I % YOUR HOME IS YOUR CASTLE Admit only clean, constructive news by trading THE, CHRISTIAN SCIENCE MONITOR A Daily Newspaper for the Home . It kIvm all tha con.lrucdv. world new. bui doe. not exploit crime end «^>«dai. Mm intAMcttnti feature Dane, for ail the,.fatnily on Women s Activitie., Home- mnkin«t Garden», Education and Boole.. Al.o page, for the Chitdrcn and ' OU"« FolWrVigoroua editorial an lUieirpretation ol urn tn the March of the Nation.'* Column, and Watching the World Go By are of e.pecial. in'tere.t. to men. ^^2., The Christian, Science Publishing Soolety . « • period of _ * Threii months I2.2S 'sS months “ O*« ,uonth ' 760 ' ............ ..................................................... .............................................. Street.*•■»• ......... -if 1 > ■ A'-. A tt < < < < < < < < .< I A HEALTH SERVICE QF THE CANADIAN MEDiCAL ASSOCIATION AND UFE'CS« ■ INSURANCE COMPANIES , ' * IN.CANADA A purplish tinge to the skin with intense itching of the part, i'olloWed- by a blister with - severe ' pqJn,. tjie blister breaking' down later in Id an open sore which is slow to heal— that is a chilblain. . . Chilblains do1 not . endanger. Jife but they destroy happiness and may even ruin tempers at Christmas time/ The feet suffer most' frequent-' ly; often the hands are affected and . sometimes the .ears. .Chilblains, hap- pen as a result of poor circulation in the parts “affected. - Children • who are in poor health are frequent victims. This may be due to defective circulation . which accompanies a low. .standard .of nutrition and vitality. • The flobrs of stove-heated" hotises arO usually cold. This is ^particularly true of. the kitchen which has. no' cellar or an unheated cellar benqath it. The housewife. who spends much of her time standing on cold floors is. likely'to have chilblains. Tight shoes arid tight stockings interfere with the circulation in the feet and £o predispose to chilblains. Thin shoes arid stockings which al-1 lbw thb feet to become chilled do thef same thing. It is just as . bad if. the feet and hands are dressed to warm­ ly for then they perspire excessive­ ly and later become chilled. i ■■ Enough has been said to. indicate the liries of prevention. Tq . begin with, general attention ■ must be given to the health of the bod^. Next comes clothing suited to the temperature rather than the season. Tight shoes and stockings - ate to, be avoided, and round garters ‘ should not be wornas they imay interfere with the, circulation. Woollen gloves may not be in, style but 'they may still be needed to keep .hancis warm. Tlje wrong way to treat, cold feet and hands is to hold them close to the' fire or heater. To do so causes a sudden rush of blood, into the parts and this engorgementG with blood is undesirable in those who are predisposed to chilblains. The rjght way is to trike1 Off the shoes or gloves, bathe the feet.' or ■ hands in cool writer with a igood brisk roupjih • towel. In this lation is improved, are. made to feel comfortable and no hai'm is done. People who are subject to chilblains miist not rush' to the fireplace or stove when they come in cold. They mugt keep their cold hands and feet aivriy from, the heat. Questions ‘ cohOertiing haalth,. ad­ dressed to; the Canadian Medical Association, 184 College St, Toronto Will be answered personally by and follow this tub, using' a way, the eircuJ the 'extremities No Let Up iiere Because of. Depression Every oiu' -wlw> is •«» a position to.d-b-so, should assist lii tin* -work of ut am pi ng.out tuberculosis Tin' National Saiiii aritini .Association rliroiu.h. ns, . hospitals in 'Muskol-';** ami at ■ Wi-slpo lias ./been light­ ing this'disease lot- more' t Ulin HW- years, , . and lias extended its, mvm-V and ns charity to upwards of 25.(>(i(>-. atiijeted. tpen-, women and cliildren - .who would -urely have died without such- assistance . Throughout the years ol -depression, because of „the ■increased'’ demand for ■ service. these- hospitals, have • been.-- forced to add ex-tensive additions to ' their .buildings arid-, plants, Until, now . they' accommodate more than LOCK) patients. • . . *■. - ’•■ Serving onl.v- they do the- victiifis pi consumption who are without means* to pay for their (reatmentiand care, these" institutions are always '"in h,he.. red and could not carry .on at all without the help ol generous friends. The. short age this year wit:-be maw' thousands of dollars, towards-* which . amount' you arc asked to contribute.•• ' Will' you please send..as-; large a gift as- you can to the National Sanitarium >• ■ Association. 223 College Street. Toronto 2. “^Send Your Subscription to: THE SENTINEL LUCKNOW, ONTARIO Make Use Of This. Offer To Solve A Christmas Gift Problem. Gaft Cardis Supplied. ZION .... - -i— -u.i.- ~ ”. ing of Kinloss District L. O. L. at Kinlough bn Tuesday. Mrs. Will Reed and Eunice of Rapid City, viSsited Zion friends last' week. ' ■ Miss Beryl Gardner is spending this week with her aunt, 'Mrs. Will Webster of Lucknow, who sprained <- her ankle last Friday. Mr. and Mrs. »Thos. Helm, and children of London, were Sunday visitors w-ith Mr. Robert Helm. Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Campbell spent Sunday with Lucknow friends. Mr. Ralph Nixon and Mrs. Maggie McKay, visited their uncle, Mr. Ralph Nixon of Hackett’s, on Sun­ day. Mr. Nixon, who-' is nearing his 96th birthday, is quite smart and able to be about as usual. This country is .not wholly wicked. There still exist communities where residents hide the playing cards when the13 minister calls. New Year resolutions.; like con-; tracts and 'Covenants, are made to Be broken. ' One . thing the old year left, behind was a lot of ...bills ..that still •'hayej to be paid. . - ' ‘ • ' “V", I shown. \ ‘tiXKSfS. MAIL COUPON TOOAy .. fe n Current Thought. . 1 yr. n Pictorial Review.. .1 yr. | | Canadian Magazine 1 yr. | | National Hbi^te Monthly ........1 yr. n Canadian Horticulture & Home Magazine 1 yr. It beats all how 'figures of speech change. ’Tis. not- so long ago, for instance,. When', the accepted - form was:, “He blusters I like, the deuce.”* Nowadays you put it this way: :“He blusters like the Duce.”—Walkerton Herald-Times. ’ Mr. Boden Ritchie, who is assist­ ing Mr. Will Ross of Lodhalsh, was home (Sunday. - , The social evening' in the. Orange Hall', on Friday evening, was well attended and •> an enjoyable evening is reported. Progressive euchre, with Mr. Dick Reed and Miss Beryl Gard­ ner carrying. ofTthe honors as high man arid lady,, was followed ' by a short program, consisting ! pf read-. ,ings by Miss Elleda Hunter t and Harold Gardner; mouth organ selec­ tions by Messrs.. Thos, Hackett arid Charlie ■ Anderson'.;. violin numbers by Mr. Mil vert Reed, accompanied by Miss Lorna Reed; solo by Miss' Doris Reid. Followinglunch, daric- > ing was engaged in for the remainder of the evening. Howard Reed- of Rapid City is. helping Mr;'Frank Ritchie this week. Mrs. Richard Gardner visited her aurit, Mrs. Wm. Irwin of Belfast on Sunday. ' | Messfs. G. E'. McDonagh and Harold Gardner attended the meet- TAKE ADVANTAGE OF THS Here is a real offer that will save you money. . ■ Give yourself and your family lasting enjoyment and enter­ tainment the whole year through . — ■ ■ have to do. f together with your local VeKvs paper and you will receive the whole 4 publica- j. tions for one year V from the date we T receive the coupon. Here is the amazing combination low Our Guaran,^ to Youl 5 'price. This wonderful offer is avail- ___________. . ■_______ ' ■ ' able to old and flew subscrib­ ers to this newspaper. We guarantee the fulfillment of all magazine subscriptions and you have positive assurance that this generous offer is exactly as represented. Re­ newals will be extended for full" term Please clip list of Magazines after checkina/3 Publica­ tions desired. Fill out coupon carefully. • Gentlemen:,I .enclose $........... Please send me the three magazines checked with a year’s subscription ' to your newspaper. i NAME ...._____ _____ STREET OR R. F. D. .... TOWN AND PROVINCE