HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1936-01-16, Page 1$2.00 HER YEAR IN ADVANCE; <2.50 OTHERWISE LUSKNOW, ONT., THURSDAY, JANUARY 16th, 1936 r INGLE COPIES 5 CENTS
J. M. KAINE, V.S., B.V3c. 1
Havelock St„ Lucknow
’PHONE 104-W
Graduate of Ontario Veterinary
College, Uriiyersity of Toronto
Charges reasonable. Day or night
“ . : calls promptly attended to
Office in the residence- of the late
Mr?. W. IE. McDonald ■ •
Office In The Johnston Block .'
Telephone No. 5
Learn To Play This Winter
ART McCARTNEY ~ teacher of
Violin, Banjo and Guitar. Special
instruction for children and begin
ners. Commence at once.
——.. ■, ■————— —-
FOR SALE — Complete 2-yeai/
home-study^ guitar course and a
Phjlco Electric radio, 1934 xnodel.
Fred Emberlin,’ Lucknow.
LOST — Ah,out 4 weeks ago, a
large-black—collie - - dog, —wearing a
collar bearing A. Stinson’s name.
Please notify David Brooks, • R. 4,
Ripley, 28-r-9, Ripley..
LOGS WANTED—Good prices will
ash logs. Enquire A8 length logs
are to be cjiit to—Ernest Ackert,
Tenders will be received' by the
undersigned up till January 25th,
for 12 cords of green body wood,
ba^h or maple, 18" long. Delivery
made at the school of section
No. 15, Ashfield, on or before the
15th day of June 1936.
N. J. MacKenzie, • Sec’y., R. R. 3,
Lucknow, Ont
TencL'~ will be received by, U. S.
S. No. 4, Ashfield (Lochalsh school)
for 6 cords) good body wood, beech
and maple, 16 inches Tong. Wood
may be delivered anytime before
June 1st, 1936. Tenders close Jan-,
uary 24th, 1936. / - L
-J Jdhip/dSee/y^Treas.;—J
R. 3, Lucknow.
Tenders will be received by thri un
dersigned up to February 1st, 1936
for: 50 cords of 18 inch, body wood.
Beech and Maple; 10 cords, 4 foot
wood> Elm, not less than 4 inches in
diameter, and the following Village
work, Day work, man arid teatn,
snow plowing and rolling, grading
and dragging.; The*4qwest or any
tender not necessarily accepted.
Joseph Agnew, Clerk.
-I, ------ ...... . —
Annual meeting
The annual meeting of the Luck
now Agricultural Society will be held
in the Town Hall, Lucknow, on
Tuesday, January 21st, at 2 o’clock
p.m. Al! members are hereby noti
fied accordingly and requested to
attend.—Joseph Agnew, Sec’y.
A' meeting of the Lucknow Joint
Club will be held in the Orange Hall
on Saturday,, January 18th, at 2
|).m. All 19>36 directors are asked to
be present to discuss an issue at
stake.—Sec’y. . .
In the Parish Hall, Kingsbridge,
on Tuesday,’ , January 21st. Supper
serVedVat six o’clock, ham for those
who prefer it.. Admission including
siippek arid dance:. Adults 50c;
Children 25c. Hogan Orchh^tra.
The event of the season, Bobbie
Burn’s Ball, will be held in tlie Town
HSli, Lucknow, under auspices of
the'Lucknow Fire Co., on Friday,
January 24th. Hogan’s Orchestra arid
pipe^^. McCreight, caller-off and
Bill. Davison, master of rieremohies?
Lunch Served. Admission: Gents, 45c
plus t^xp Ladies 25c, no tax; Gall
ery. £5c, no tax. Come oot afid hac a
gran’ time. ' <;
„ The first Church League game of
Che ,seasdrt Will be played tonight,
Thursday, January 16th, when the
Anglican arid United Church teams
piect. Puck faced at 8.15. Admission
15e and 10c.
Hamilton and Murdie
Bid Adieu Monday
1935 Council Winds Up Year And Re-
/ tiringj Reeve And Councillor JBid
> Farewell To Old Board And Wei-,
come New Members. ‘ .
At an -hour , session <Sn Monday
morning, the 1935 Council wound
: up a few last minute details, ipast
accounts, and with their house well
in order,. Reeve Hamilton and Coun
cillor 'Murdie, concluded their muni
cipal career, by biding farewell to
their colleagues and by welcoming
the pew members, Alex McDiarmid
arid Garfield McDonald.
Council. decided to pay half of the
account of Nurse Chesnut and Mrs.
Ida (Sills, for professional and prac
tical nursing, in connection with a
local relief case. The total .payment
approved by Council was $9.50,.
A lettter of thanks was- received
by the Beard from Mr. Bert Ward
for a Christmas, gift. V",
Council decided.-to equalize the bus
iness tax of Mr. A. E. Buswell, ac
cording to the assessment on the two
places ■iof business he,, occupied dur-,
ipg the past year.
Council moved that owing to the
dilapidated condition of the Douglas
barn, “the Board” “proceed with the
matter as directed by the corres
pondence from the Fire Marshall’s
Councillor Anderson, in a recorded
the services of. the two retiring mem
bers of the Board, Reeve A. W. Ham
ilton and Councillor1 Murdie, and
Lucknow’s 1935 governing body sev
ered their municipal associations by
Retiring Members Speak
In responding to the. vote ,-of ap
preciation, Mr. Hamilton said, mem
ory, took him back over several years
of municipal life, with general good
co-operation, especially during his
term as, reeve. Neither was he un
mindful of those whom he had. sat
with as councillor, among them, those
who have passed pn..
In welcoming the new members to
the Board, Mr. Hamilton said, he be
lieved they would be disappointed if
they took the office for the honor of
it, but if it was assumed- with a
view to "working- for and serving-the
anriinibcipality th ey..avould ^find-mtich
wo rk -awai tin g—them:—
Mr. Hamilton invited: the: incoming
Reeve to take the chair, and called
on Councillor Murdie.
“When a moment like this arrijteSj
it carries regrret,” said Mr. Murdie,
as he recalled the associations and
work accomplished durjng his muni-'
cipal career.
“You’ll like it,” he told the two
new members, Whom he advised if
they were criticised, on the' street, to
tell ^their critic that the place for
that was at .the Council meetings.
“If more would attend council meet
ings, ' they would have a better idea
of the work done,” said Mr. Murdie.
The new council. would have the
Sympathetic support of he and Mr.
Hamilton, who would be glad’ to be
of assistance at any time. This,'how
ever;, he did not think xyould be . nec
essary, because the 1936 ship of. state
would have ati efficient captain at
its head. ■ . , ■
The new council took their .-places
and* the declaration of office. Reeve
Anderson welcomed the new mem-
bets, who spoke briefly in reply
Council adjourned to meet that
ening at 7.30 o’clock. \
Those who desire tickets forP
Booster Club’s Bqnquet for F.
Todd & Son, may secure tickets from
Robt. Rae or Geo. H. Smith. -
We are open to buy a quantity of
good four foot' wood. Although our
home market for furniture has been
opened to the United States factories
by a substantial^ reduction in' the
tarriff and the tariff on furniture
•going into the ? United States has
been Idft the same which by the way
is not reciprocity but is a sell out
to the factories of the Southern
States employing- cheap colored help.
We still believd our duty i? to put
our money in‘circulation with Ontar
io farmers and burn wood in our
factory rather than send our money
over .to. the United (States for fuel.
For further particulars please call
nt out office. . Sighed,
The Lricjtnow Table Co., Limited.
Village Council Decrees, Or Others
wise This Muriiciality Is /Not Re
sponsible For Cost, Of Treatment.
' At a recent special meeting of
Lucknow’s 1935* Council, the1' Board
went on record to the effect that the
Municipality Of Lucknow will. not
assume any responsibility, for the
payments of c'Osts for treatment of
indingent patients unless they are
inmates of either Walkerton or Kin
cardine Hospitals,
Bruce County is paying large
grants for the upkeep of both these
hospitals,^ and locally the Council felt
that in cases, where this municipal
ity has to pay for hospitalization
of^Jnd.ingerita, that these., should be
treated in County hospitals, the up
keep of which the Village is a con
tributor to. .
Toronto hasn’t got a thing on
Lucknow when, it comes to worms.
Monday’s Globe reported the discov
ery of a big caterpillar . crawling
around in a Toronto garden the
day previous, which- as a harbinger
of spring, replaced the traditional-
Globe Robin.,
However, a worm in warm Toron
to “aint nothing”, . compared with
finding them up in this. bleak neck
of the woods." Lucknow’s caterpillar
noon |ipur by Marion Johnston as it
was slowly slithering over the snow
and- ice in front o^ Bill Douglas’
Clarke With Midsets
Doug, Who" Is Attending Stratford
Normal, Is With Fast Junior
Company. .
Doug Clarke, son of Mr. and Mrs..
Temple Clarke, and who is ■attQnd-
ing Stratford 'Normal School, is
performing with the Stratford. Mid
gets, a fast junior hockey team.
A Free Press report .of the Niagara
Falls -> Stratford game ' last, week
which Stratford won 4 to 3 says,
that ‘‘Clarke, a newcomer; proved a
find and a hAtd._.woxJ£er ..oWho, -AviB-
improve.” / /LocalJ JLorkeyt- .£olloWeEs-i
. jhinft^do^ubt--4hatr“for" Doug\ has a
smooth skating style, is huskey’
packs a hard shot and, is always in
good .condition as' he neither smokes
nor drinks. Expert coaching should
bring out Clarke’s hockey ability -and
be is likely to be a real asset to,the
He,-, tried out with the team in their
pre-season workouts, but came -home
when Normal closed for three weeks
at Christmas. Upon his return the
first of |the year, he was called out
,to practise, and ,last week .given the
assignment on the first line.
Horticultural Society
Held Annual Meetins.
S. C. Rathwell Re-Elected President
—To Make/.Energetic Membership
Drive'—Discuss Means Of Increas
ing Interest- In Flower Show.
Lucknow Horticultural Society that
provides a splendid and economical
service to .the horticulturist, gardner.
and orchardist, held their annual
meeting in the Town Hall, Tuesday
night, with only a small attendance.
A review of the year’s activities
was quite satisfactory, revealing a
large volume of business transacted^
with a surplus of more than $80.00,
in spite of a slight decrease in mem-
bersjiip. ’ ■ " t . '
Mr. S. C. Rath well jvas re-.appoin-.
ted president for his foufrth . term;
Vice-Pres.; G. H. Smith; Second Vice
-Pres., Emma MJcCluskey,; ^Sec’y.
Robert Fisher; Treas*, A. W. Hamil
Mt’s. /Thos. Salkeld, was appointed
delegate "the Horticultural Con
vention at the,. Kirig Edward Hotel,
Toronto, in February.
Arrangements have-been^made" to
have John F. Clark, provincial'
turer, give an illustrated lecture
Luckriow, on March 31st
Ways and riieans of improving
Society, were discussed at lengths
energetic and thorough membership
drive is to commence rind me^ris of
creating interest in the. annuaf
flower show devised. The exhibits of
the past two years have brieri /num
erous and of high driver, biA- very
few Support’the show by .attending. '
Recognize Service of :
Silverwood Employees
v.■ ' '■
Thirteen, J\|em{bers , Qf Local Staff
Have Been Continuous-.Employees
. From. 5 To 14 Years And Are
Eligible For ^Service Pins—Harry
Anderson Oldest .Employee." .
. ( Members of the" LuCknpw . branch
of Silverwodd’s Dairies. -Ltd., who,
have - been continuous employees of
the Company for 5 years or more,
had their services fittingly recog
nized on Thursday evening, at the
home of their manager, Mr. J. C.
McNab and Mrs. McNab.
From its very modest beginnings
in London some 35 years - ago, the
Silverwood business has grown to
great proportions with plants at
London, Cargill, Guelph® 'Sudbury,
Lucknow, Windsor, Chatham, Sarnia
Toronto, Hamilton, Brantford, Kit
chener, Stratford, Worth Bay,. El
mira, Woodstock,' St* Catharines,
Ppterboro and Cayuga.
Service pins, that mark,' periods of
service , from 5 to 25 years, are being
presented .to employees. Local em
ployees are only eligible for the 5
and 10 year. pins. The forrher is”a
neat arid attractive Stirling silver
oin for. the ladies and a button- for
the men. The 10-^6ar pins and but
tons have a blue., band, with the
name! Silverwood in white-letters.,
Mr J Harry Anderson is the oldest
employee of__theJ.O£.aI_hr-a-n&h-^-bo--hav^
ing opened a buying branch' in Dun
gannon 14 years ago.' .
twelve " .years ago pthe Lucknow
plant . was established with J. . R
McNab as manager. Through a com
parative short period of years this
plant, has grown and expanded and
is one of of Lucknow’s outstanding
industries,/the value of which,/ to
the cominunity may be " sometimes
not realized. .
, Bert Roach ,and Bill Lloyd have
been with the Company since its es
tablishment. George Hassal ■ and
Charles Steward has been employed
continually fot ,11 years; T. Wr
Hamilton and . Viola Kerry for 8
years; Redfers Johnston, H. McLen
nan and Harvey Treleaven, 7, 6, and
5 yeats respectively. ■ Miss Kerry
joined the. (Silverwood’s staff in'.Car-
gilU-and ..Mr, •M-a'CLennan ~?was-'"'first
iOjnp! oyefii. .with, - sth-enr7- a< •KifchgTi’er'."., ’'
The""pfesOTT“mal"nager, Mr. J. C.1
McNab-has served some eight years
with this'firm,but not continuously
and was. .thus not eligible for a but
ton. The presentations „were made
by Mr. -J. 'fC. McNabb), with his
father, Mr. J. R. McNab addressing,
the employees. ■ Each pin was ac
companied by a card of congratu
lations, bearing the signature of
ML A. E'. Silverwood. .
On Friday evening ' a similar
gathering was held when members
of the Cargill branch received serr
vice buttons. .;■ ■ ■ 1
Both evenings were very enjoyably
spent, with .card playing, followed
by the presentations, .which called
for r^plys from the several recip
ients and resulted in a jovial time.
Lunch was served by the hostess,
Mrs. J. C. McNab. . ° .
The Bo/ Scout committee is ar
ranging to-present.a moving picture
show1 in the Town Hall on Wedne's-'
day, January 29th. The'show will be
somewhat similar to, the’ one pre
sented a year ago, although ; great
ly improved upon, One of^the chief
films will depict the building and
launching of the Queen Mary, Great
Britain’s masterpiece in ocea^i lin
ers. • It is also planned to have a
comedy as well as scenic reels. Keep
this date in mind /and enjoy ah en
tertaining and educational evening,
that, will be a financial boost, to our
newly re-organized Boy Scout Troop
• ’
1 , '
Lhe Bread | ? \ / ■ The Bread
of Health riQVIO of Health
' • . . *•
Phone 36 Lucknow
Dan Nicholson President
Of Lucknow Joint Club
The Report Of Mr. John Jamieson,
Buyer And Shipper, Showed 397
Tons Of Fertilizer Sold—Gross
Tons Of Fertilizer Sold—
Business Was $14,10733 . .
Small Credit Of Less Than
■The ’“Lucknow Joint Club” held
its annual meeting' in the . Orange
Hall on January 8th, and by listen
ing to reports of the different com
mittees,. a good year has been con- [
eluded. The ’minutes of the previous
meeting were read and adopted on
motion of. Dan. Nicholson and Alex’
McI.ennan._„The^treasurer^s—-report- ■
was read and adopted by E. Jamie
son and G. Drennan, and noted a
gross business turnover of $348.28,
and. a cash balance of $73.45 to
start the year with.
The buyers And shipper’s report
was-read and adopted on motion of
Murdoch Matheson and Dan McDon?
aid. This was a real report for the
Fertilizer business in .running its
infant year; turned out .397 tons, and
many are the obstacles to be met
with. But nevertheless, a gross bus
iness of $14,107153 was transacted
and to show that it was done “co
operatively” the small sum of .$6.76
on the credit side of the ledger sim
ply means, that the farmer got all
the assistance possible. Much, credit
is due Mr. Jamieson, the manager,
for his efforts arid saving fpr his fgl-
’ ± Jowmen-.------—■■ - -...L ‘
President, Dan Nicholson) Vice-Fres.,
D.. L. McKinnonSecond Vice-Pres.,
M. Matheson; Sec’y ,-Tr.eas., Alex
McNay; Buyer and Shipper, John
Jamieson; Directors, T. A. Cameron,
Jno.’ McKay, Pat. Gilmore, Fred An
derson, Eldon Henderson; Auditprs,
Jas. Baird anfl O. Richards; Program
Com., Basil Hogan, Geo. Kennedy, O. Richards, I Grant McDiarmid, Eldon
Henderson, They are free to be as-,
sisted by 1 others. Lunen Com., Mrs.
Jas. T. Webster,. Mrs. Jas.. Webster,
Miss Jessie McKay.
’Oh. motion of E. Jamieson and G.
Kennedy, all . cheques must be signed
by the president and sec’y-treas. A
vote of thanks is tendered George
Kennedy, the retiring president.
Mr. Hannam, the sec’y.-treas., at
Head Office, Toronto, “gave , a thor
oughly' instructive • address? on Bus
iness Organization and Co-opera
tion. Thru the,medium of his visit
to Denmark, he gave us an idea of
their methods and stressed the fact'
how they „simply dropped the. “I”,
and use the “We” and thus are real,
co-operators. After a'vote of thanks
was tendered Mr. Hannam,- the mo
tion of adjournment wan. in order
by Jamieson.
• . .r
W[i’. T, B. Taylor of West Wawari-
osh has received word of the death
of Mrs. E. B. Hocken, * foi'niei'ly
Annie Asquith of St. Helens* Mrs.
Hocken who., was in her 83rd year
died, oh December 3.0th, at her home
in. Aurora, Oregon* Her death was
quite, sudden, as she was apparently
in. her usual health,
. Mfs. Hocken was7 born in England
and spent her' early life at St. Hel
ens. 'She visited here about 30 years'
ago. Surviving is one son
Hocken of Newport, ‘Otegom
■ Errors of vision are often so
subtle. They , exist in countless
. eases without anyone being
aware of it. Thus they produce
harm which is blamed on other
causes. It is not at all a. bad
idea to Ibe eye-suspicious, if
something is doile about it.
ARMSTRONG’S Eyesight Service
! ' Yesterday was the 15tji and by
order of the Minister of Highways,
was the last day of grace for secur
ing 1936 markers for passenger cars.*
keeping an eye open for cars bear
ing the old orange and black plates
for the owners of such will be run
ning* a chance of prosecution.
To Remove Snow If
It Piles Up On Street
Work To Be Done By Men On Re
lief, Village Council Decided At
Its Inaugural Meeting Monday
Night, When Appointment Of Com
mittees, Was The Chief Business.
At a three-hour session on Mon
day night, Lucknow’s 1936 Council,
composed of Reeve W. B. Anderson
and Councillors Donald Ferguson, -
Nelson Bushell, Alex McDiarmid-and -
J MWlF^d~spentri;he"^r^t^”part of
the session naming committees. All
village employees were j re-appointed
without change in salaries or allow
ances ‘ in any case.
Council decided that this winter,
■if snow piles up on the street in
front- of business places, it will be
drawn away. This work will be done
by men on- relief. Should the depth -
of snow warrant this work, it will
. result in an improved appearance of
the street and in the spring will
minimize the customary slush and
slop that is increased, as hujjri banks
of snow/are dragged from, in front
of the stores into the main street.
'• * • ./—;—■' ) < ■
A jplpasarit evening was spent re *
cently at the home, of Mr. and Mrs.
Phillip Stewart, when a number of
immediate peighbors gathered for
the purpose of makirig- a presenta:.
lion to Mr. and Mrs. John Heyworth,
December—newlyweds. CSrds’ and
singing were enjoyed and during the
course of the evening, JJr. and Mrs.
Heyworth were presented with a
pair of flannelette blankets and a
pair of pillow cases. Lunch, was serv
ed before the gathering broke
Committees Struck. /<-“
Finance—Bushell, Anderson
MacDonald. ‘ r.
Hydro — Anderson, Bushell
Ferguson. •
Roads and Bridges—Ferguson,
Diarmid, McDonald.
Property and Supplies?—McDiarm-
id, Ferguson and Bushell.
Petitions : and By-Laws—McDonald
Bushell. and McDiarmid.
Water,: Fire and Light—Council
as a whole.
. Joseph Agnew was appointed clerk
and treasurer and Robert Douglas
assessor, with salaries unchanged.
A- F. Busw’ell and C.' Thompson
were appointed auditors.
.Mrsk (Dr ) Johnston re-appointed
to. the Library Board for a 3 year
.term. Rev. T. Tucker and Rev. J, '
Ht Geoghegan, who are appointed
by. the municipality, have 2 and 1..
years respectively to run. Thcf reeve
is a member by virtue of his. office.
Fence Viewers — John Spindler,
Wm. Robb and A. Lockhart.
Dr. W. V. Johnstoh was reappoin
ted M. O. H. and Mr. A. E. McKim
a member of the Board of Health.
Weed Inspector—Maxwell Raynard
Bert Ward was reappointed . • as
Town HalL custodian and general
iitility'’ man.. ‘
Poundkeeper—Jas. Johhston.
Constable R. J. Moore, was reap
pointed until April»1st, at the same
.salary as^last year. ■
A grant of $.10.00 was made the ■
Juhior hockey team.
Alex Havens was reappointed
Monday morning brought a
lived cold spell and blow that looked
as. if the district’wasin for a Jan
uary- blizzard, The weather quickly
calmed and moderated however, and
mild weather again prevails. The
season has beeri particularly calmj^ydro and ,Wat,er. attendant,
and not since the first of .November, ”
has there, been a wind that reached *soft
gate velocity,
The clerk was instructed to adver-
and hard (wood and for