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The Lucknow Sentinel, 1936-01-02, Page 6
0 XI i dic'ated. “Canning “the league membership will WASHINGTON — Merit system in P'O! ■ '•Lo ing commercial fertilizer a better IOWA CITY, Iowa — The poss ibility of speeding up plant growth . ... ■. _ i. ---’’-Jr- --x roots in arid regions to obtain more ; sajjieJ VOICE A Noteworthy Idea Out of Centro^ CANADA, THE EMPIRE THE WORLD AT LARGE CANADA >HS1^A.DING_ADV-ERTISINCL - Radio listeners who have lost .pa-, tience With the volume' of advertis ing which comes over the .air will be interested in a report which has been made on radio advertising by the Fe deral Trade (^o^aission of . the Un- ' ited States, rfhe Commission has made a thorough analysis of a great — quanbit^ff—radio advertising'mater-" -Tai, and publishes its findings that a substantial percentage of .that ma terial is false and misleading. In its investigation, the Commis sion found that over 38,000 radio ad vertising continuities were false and misleading. This should make radio listeners think seriously as they lis ten to the advertising messages be ing- given over -the air. They have no way of-telling# which messages , are in the false and misleading class ' and which are genuine apd reliable So the natural reaction is that,, in additidn to finding the excessive ad vertising obnoxious, they will mis trust it, because they will have no ..real assurance as to its genuineness. In this respect, radio advertising differs from newspaper advertising. 'Newspaper advertising, appearing in printed form, is there in a perman- m-^rit record,- and can easily be .check ed up, and ,heavy penalties await the person who is responsible for the in sertion of false advertising in a _■ newspaper^ There 4s- -ndt“-the- same; check on radio advertising, particu larly on that which has its origin in another country,- and ,which is' thrust, upon listener* "who have ho means ■ of checking its authenticity;—Whitby. - " ■Gazette and ■ Chronicle. ? DON’T DO IT Listowel woman finds; $100 stuck behind an old .wooden'picture frame which had lain "for several years in a trunk. It is an old trick of man kind to hide away money so secure ly that its whereabouts is forgotten and only some lucky accident brings ; . it.„te light agaih. :No doubt-mQney thus hidden in every community and never found amounts to an impres sive sum—Toronto. Globe. \ Your morning smile The lading. Was i visiting the" ac- quarium. “Can . yoji1 tell me whether / r t^ould get a live shark here?” she asked ifh^^ftAndant. “A live shark? What could you do •with a live shark?” / “A neighbor’s cat has been eating my goldfish and I want to teach him a lesson?’—Toronto Mail and Em pire. ' “Spy©' the surface and yotyTsave.’ all,” they tell tis. -. , ^0 v^en we read thaF oo-eds of the University of Wisconsin use enough lipstick each year, to paint four barns, all we can say is that perhaps it is the more important surface that is receiving attention. . Barns may be important to house horses and cattle and machinery and potatoes. But just think of all the romance there is wrapped up in a ^air of girl’s lips! f Arid without that romance there probably wouldn’t be any use for the'Tattle and “ithe^ potatoes before long. Perhaps even the farmers will agree to that. By all means save both surfaces* Sault Ste. Marie Star. FIFTEEN TONS OF FREIGHT We shouldn’t have been out that late but as the Post Office clock tolled two in the morning we stepped off the curb on Ontario street and deferred crossing until a huge motor truck with a trailer .lumbered by and rolled to a stop a few rods up the street. The two-bodied thing was so big that • even in the darkness it seemed to cast a shadow. On inquir ing we/found that the truck carried a load, of ten tons and the trailer, five tons—fifteen "tons in all.j-Strat- ford B.eac'ofb-Herald.. ’ fe ^Automobiles and lions The newspaper .makeup • the harassed fundtit '■ beneath a toiling>printer > td , insert this^-strify' that ^torytherriL^metim- —.S's by puttin^twri^contr-asting stor-. .les" s'ideJHy^ide, he can point a mor- al^-nTore deftly than pie most elo-. >fquent of scribes. -.. - . ■ An example, of - this appeared in an - eastern contemporary a few ‘days ago. There was a* little story from France,- teiling how litfas which had, ■ escaped froni some zoo’or circus had waylaid and' eaten .-.two', honest Jf^rSnchmen. And,the ‘adjoining story : Of’equal ..length and prominence, was one of-the Very familiar traffic'stor- ,• les telJtpg^how,, two Americans Were .killed by^an automobile. , ,,, . •And the. makeup ma'h, it seems to Us, did well to put those two stor ies side by side. We get* a shudder |ut of thinking of ravening - lions foaming through "a civilized country- side—and then we are reminded that our“ own automobiles shuttling along the highways, are more of, a. menace -to-hu-man lifp-t-han - all the -beasts of Africa.—Victoria Times. • ' ■ THE MAN WHO LAUGHS In Dedham., Massachusetts, a cer tain gentleman w,ent to a movie comedy. As-the comedy unfolded he chuckled to himself and then /gave way., to unrestrained laughter. The ThfectibhrspFe’ad and soon the whole audience was -convulsed.' The laugh ter multiplied itself, the whole aud ience being in sympathy and laugh ter shared multiplies itself.. The comedy itself, together with the hearty laughter of this one particu lar man, combined to. .generate such a mood in the audience that it laughed till the tears came,. Then the lights came on, and the audiefice craned its neck to see who it was had lefl the merry Houk Sud denly abashed the man in question realized he, was the attraction of all eyes and Searched about for a hasty exit. ' ; ' ■ But while he paused seeking , the- quickest way put, he was tapped on the shoulder and an envelope placed in his hand. It - contained two free passes ; “Good for life,- and please come often.” What a world it would be if some of us could now and again laugh like that.—Halifax Chronicle. A PLEA FOR THE HORSES 1. With the coming-of lthejrfir-st--snow of the Winter,- it is not inopportune to call the attention of all firms who use horses for* transportation purposes, to the necessity of seeing that their animals are all, properly' shod for Wiri^r/v^atHer; Every year witnesses its toil of sad accidents to horses, due to the fact that they have not been fittingly equipped to meet the slippery conditions of the streets. Especially on our hilly thor^ oughfarea does the necessity for Winter shoeing make- itself dpubly manifest. To expect horses wearing, shoes designed for Summer, condi tions to tackle stiff gradients cover ed with slippery snow and ice is not/ only unreasonable; it is an offence against humane principles which no-" thing can excuse.—Montreal Star. A COMMON HERITAGE If additional proof were needed of J the fact that so far the ccwmw^old has eluabu a’! tlie" efforts of science to eradicate it from .humanity, news comes from an eminent American doctor th’&t the, United States’ winter sneezing bill amount* to one hundred million dollars. Ours cannot be very ..much, less,- if.~any,—in—proportion - to ..our—populaHonT'' ■- Dr. . JLlqyd 'Arnold, of .the Univers- . ity ,r .of..Illinois, ..jvho—mafces -this—esti mate, Says that amount is spent on treatment for cohis between now and spring, and adds other effects of the* common cold a3- follows!’' Eighty thousand more deaths between Oc tober and April, the majority assoc iated with common colds and--their complications; two' million wage earners in industry, stores and of fices sick for at least eight days, due to common colds and the sinus infections, sore throat, influenza, and pneumonia', that follow or begin as colds; and children losing, time at school. - If this ...does-' not make people stop and think—and sneeze—then the pub lic is impervious to warning. We have- cold troubles of, our own here, and this year they seem to be un-. necessarily numerous. To keep dry- shod, stay out of draughts, and tileat a temperature immediately, are but --the dictates bf routine common sense.—Montreal Star, ‘ THE EMPIRE Industrial arts students" at the Washington State College* Pullman, Wash., aides of Santa Claus during the pfe-Christmas rush. They are pictured in their workshop repairing and. repainting old and. broken toys for .Christmas distribution. They helped to°brighten Jives of the poor childrenjn their, sec tion of the state by work like this for-the . past thre e-years. «. .. PERTH, West Aust.—An amend ing act to the, traffic "control legis lation in this State has been subject of debate, and the proposals brought forward by the government have found more than usual support from the opposition,, thus expressing a re cognition that reforms were over due. E. H. Angelo, in the'legislative council spoke on the amending act and showed from . official figures how motor, traffic had simply drift ed from . control, and pedestrian saety was a matter of only ..casual., regard -.in many parts of the state and in the city of Perth in particu lar. Mr. Angelo’s statement disclos ed that traffic fatalities had increas ed from 42 to 69. a year since 1927 mndHnjuriesHhadrHncrea^ed^Tn—the- same period from 320 to 971. Tlie accidents rose from 2,31Q to 3,123. Would Reduce All Accidents New: York Safety CounciLls. *; Organized As Toll Mounts ' . NEW YORK — New York has a safety council whose aim is to reduce accidents in the streets, in the JiomM and 'in industry oy 50 to 80 per cent- It was organized at a meeting of city officials- and men and women leaders1 called together; by Arthur Wiliams, president of the American Museum of Safety. A letter' was read from Mayor J^ioreilo—H.,„LaGuardia_pJe.dging.-the. ^upport^f’The -fusion -administr-atioii,^ Similar offers, of aii1 came from Police Commissioner Lewis J. Valen-_, tine, and Walter Miller, Jr. secre tary of the board of education- Mr. Williams said that accidents here last year took a toll pf 3,256 lives and resulted in a financial loss’ pf about $100,000,000. . Indicating ( that the Home may be as great a haz ard as the street. Mr. Williams cited a total of 1,071 fatalities resulting in home accidents,-as compared with 1,098 on the streets. Accidents in industry brought 616 fatalities and in recreation and sports the total came, to 471- /“During the last 25 years.” Mr. Williams continued, “organized.7 ef- foft in industry has: reduced all aegi- dents 54 per cent. During the same period railroad- fatalities have been reduced 60 per cent, and injuries 80 per cent?’ Autos Banned JAPANESE PENETRATION We de not Wish to appear too pes simistic, but the attitude of the Ja- pa.nese Military-- power,„sjnce-4he--foi£ ' ^a;tion_of.4he'Tpup5et State under -Emperor Pu Yi, inclines us to the view that xJapan, would not reSt con sented unless .and- until North Chiba, ..i-5-madl; part arid parcel fcof Mari-' chouku'o. ■ Geographically speaking, .North China is "riece'ssary to Man- choukuo. but the Japanese claim that- without -financial assistance, from her, the vast Resources of North China would reniain ^undeveloped, and that.j^ is only, for this"reason, that Japan is so arixio'usfl tb ‘separate North China from Nanking. -This may or may not’ be the true object ive, ’but on® -thing is certain, that Japan has-’so far s,hoWn no sincerity in her avowed, policy to help’ Chiha 51ong to a. stable government. Under one pretext or the other, Japan may .Wrest North Chiha from • Nanking, and -whether the achievement Cf her object would -bring any profit to h#r- . sejf is a. problem well, worth the . study. — Horig Kong Press. J Reclamation Of Drought Areas Ottawa. — Extension of the present program for the reclamation of died out areas in . the Prairie Provinces . may. be undertaken by the Dominion Government. Western representatives, attending the Dominion-Provincial conference, were Interested in the fed eral government’s policy oh . the mat ter but the question was not discus sed in the agriculture sub-conference. Hon. James Gardiner, federal min ister of agriculture, Intends to have a meeting ..later ; qn , with the. .ministers, of agriculture for Manitoba, Saskat chewan and Alberta, to .discuss the. niatter. As these ministers did not at tend the conference the drought prob lem was left over for the other meet- -in-g. Last session an act was passed ap propriating $750,000 for reclamation of drought-stricken areas and. the in auguration of measures to prevent ■future suffering from drought. The act provides for a five-year program and for the next four years the an nual expenditure is to be $1,000,000. A large committee of technical "experts, farmers, business . men, rep resentatives of the federal and pro vincial governments was set up to di rect the pifcgratffr ’. * It is understood the western pro vinces .were informed the Dominion is prepared to consider an. enlarge ment of the/program On the basis of the present set-up. . ’ ■ The agriculture sub-conference con sidered the Farmers’ Creditors Ar rangement Apt but made no recom mendation epneerriing ft. Some pro vinces were opposed to tjhe act, some favored-and- v/ish It—retained; , —-. — — -Earlier—-in- -Its- -deTiberat-ionsHhe^ -group jlevided in favor of a Revision -of—government -grants- to <Btll Tairs. These grants are now made by both Dominion and Provincial governments under different conditions. It is pro posed to set up a committee to draft a uniform policy and standardize the methods of making, grants to fairs all across , the country, 4. ^Bermuda’. More Warv Since' First ‘Fatality in Its . History - Hamilton,- Bermuda.—Grown-more' wary since this-^colbny had the first .automobileTatality in its history on -September 3, legislators ‘‘are now more determined,, than 'ever to keep Bermuda- a “motorless paradise.” When the war department request ed that military authorities be per mitted to use motof lorries fortrans- portation purposes, the House of As sembly turned thumbs' down with the same fitmness it r’efused ,tbe gover nor permission to have an automo bile for .official, use. S’. S. Toddings, one of the mem-- bers taking part in the brief' dis cussion which the war departments request occasioned, told the House he h*d just returned- from a visit to the United States .where he had “anything, but a pleasant time” due to... the number of cars. He '.added criticism of' the trade development board for advertising Bermuda as a, motorless Edeh,”; which he said it was not-. The only moto-r vehicles in the colony, though, are a very few 0p6T^'^""l5yThF"De7' partment of Pubjic Works to keep the road* in good Condition.'" Trans - Canada Route Backed Pedestrian Safety is "Onl} Casual' Matter, Says Australian New Hermone Speeds Growth Found By Botanist — Two Crops Per Year Seen As •_ . '■ ' . Possibility in cold regions and extending plant, ■ j moisture,, was seen recently by Pro fessor Walter F. Loehwing, Univers ity of Iowa botanist. - He r announced--experiments “with a' new .laboratory-produced plant hor- .mono i- " eliev" “~ —*•— I ini BOOTLE, Eng. — Making naillest boxes, a ‘ new industry in . Britain has been.started here, and as,a reJ suit several hundred workers are be -employed. . The packing case, u an Australian invention, patented more, than 30 countries, Apart from an experimental works in tlie Netherlands, which will catei solely for the Netherlands traded “tW^Bbotle factory is said To^be th® first one of its kind in the world. Each complete manufacturing unit for the production of these boxes costs £10,000:' Each machine Turns odt. 12 boxes a minute, -compared With one, l}qx every two minutes from" a plant, which produces nailed •ybpxe'srv y .’■... . ..■ / • ' Nails are’ rendered ndce'ssary by .having the. hoop-iron which, encirbles the box punched in such a way that spikes are .driven in.to the wood. ' '• ■ '■ i-------------------------------------— , ■■ ■ ‘Softness’ a Growing American Tendency “Too Much Femininity in. the Saddle” ’Declares College Professor. SYRACUSE, N. Y. A revolt against. women was urged last week by Dr. Charles R. Clure, Hartwick College .nglisfi professor in ah ad dress before the. state association of j district school superintendents. “There is too much feminity in ______said Prof. McLure In d.ecraying the “softness* and “namby- pamby Sentiment,” which he said, Is ^.a .growing American-tendency-' • ~ Dr. McLure disclaimed any hos tility toward women or a disregard ■ ■ ■ ■ - ■ e commercial ■ v substance, ueeiared it may be used in mak- i better products It is^the substance in barn yard mapure, he declared; which makes it a better fertilizer, than com mercial fertilizer. He said it may be possible to speed up plant growth in moderate climat es so two crops can be harvested where one was harvested before. The hormone, called “hextroauxin” is produced here synthetically by Lyle. C. Bauguess in the university chemical laboratories. Loehwing Said a vital of the substance no bigger than his index finger contains more growth hormones that can be pro- Iditced—bya—-square—mi-le~of' plant": /vggeiatiom—------:—•; ■ rrr-1 Dr. Bauguess, he said, is the .first chemist. „to, ^produce -hextiio auxin in quantity. * Otjtawwai — Rapid constructions of the ldng-drbamed highway extending from Halifax, to Vancouver, the Trans-Canada route, was evisioned In a committee report to the Dominion- Provincial, conference. The Dominion agreed to contribute 50 per cent, of a province’s cost of constructing the highways and the same proportion of feeder roads*. Eliminating of dangerous railway crossings also was recommended. The. report read as follows: Following a lengthy discussion, on the general subject of highways, with a view, to further increasing "tourist traffic in all parts of the Dominion and as a useful"'and' profitable means of increasing employment, providing revenue producing public works and stimulating business, it was resolved that contributions of .the Dominion government for highway construction, be oh the .basis of 60per cent, dr fu ture provincial' expenditures for ’con struction'oL the Trans-Calpada high way to a standard designated by each province 'and approved by the Do- minbn government, add of such other highways aS <> may be designated by the provincial (governments and ap proved I by the 'Dominion government as" being fbt thfe general benefit of the development o,lf Canada. It was also resolved to make a suit able recommendation to the Dominion government with a view to the earliest possible 'elimination of all existing level crossings in ail parts” of the. 'Dominion. ' Thank God ’there is .one door that ojSqns to the touch, of the humbles! door Is t the Church) —Jefferson;1 "Uod'’s“chIldiTn, and that door of the Christian ■ \ I ( comply with the collective demand® of the collective feminine voice of society,” he said.' . ‘ Y . ... I .More masculinity, in- • tional- setup was urged—by L^Mc-^ Lure, who said he ’L in the hickory stick. " Women Favor \ Merit System League Of Voters Also To Ask For Neutrality „ I Legislation. For Transfusior ; . Shipped The . ’ .. Miles ' ■ > Chicago. — Perfection of a techril- que on “Canning” human blood for long range transfusions was .reporteS-^" 7fW®fftiyYnThe“journal of the Amert can MedifaL 'AssocTatTonr■ - :l ' The blood was “darined” in South I TAmwioa aird'"sMppe(l aa far as Italy and France for successful transfus ions, the Buenos Aires correspondent of the journal said. ' * As much as 27 days elapsed • ba- ? tween the “canning’^ and the trans# fusion; the correspondent said, and the average time was 7.6 days, A to# tai. of 395 such trasfusjens were per# formed in two years by Dr. R. Plaz- zb and Di1. J. Tenconl, of the Hospital - Italiano of Buenos Aires, the Journal, Was advised. / The technique was’described as fol lows: While0 the blood is being taker public service appointments,, a better i from the dohor, it Is automatically food and drug law, and neutrality mixed with sodium citrate. The fed legislation aimed to keep the United 1 corpuscles'are divided from the liquid .... . • . . - food and drug law, and neutrality mixed with sodium citrate. The fed legislation aimed to keep the United ' corpuscles' are divided from the liquid States out iof war, will be “the big part of the blood by centrifugal .force, three” in the 1936 federal legisla-? The corpuscles wth-e■: ^eaiint-d^—ky-— tive program of the National League mixing them with a solution of sodium.H — ... I ---- . TllG Both . of Women Vot^s. ' I citrate arid sugar or dextrose. The league will seek in the coming liquid birfbd is kept by .itself, congressional session, according . to1 are. placed in refrigerators at orie, td Irinnoundtement by Miss Marguerite' three^’degrees c.entrigrade. M. Wells, president, extension of $e i. Cultures are made to exclude bac- merit system throughout the federal teria, and the type of blood is deter. ‘ service, To include all postmasters' mined to simplify the' trans fusion and others in ernergency and ' newly- J,wjhen/tba.t. stage, is reached.-. Then , created agencies Under civil service-; before the transfusion, the blood is League members believe, Miss Wells- passed through a silk filter to restore said, that legislation to establish the/t to its original condition. merit; system' and eliminate spoils practices mus_t be passed if stand ards of public service are to 'be.rais- ed4 and waste and inefficiency era dicated. • t. Hay Market Report j. There is an abundance of hay, . In urging some form of rigutral- straw and other feeds in "most areas . ity •legislation, .Miss Wells ^feaid, Df Canada this year du-e to-a very be favourable production Reason;. The guided by a study now..'being made Supply 'of market liay is s-) great "i of, various neutrality proposals. Fore generally that Shipments- arc few at ' most it is anxious to .support a rie?.. the present" time, .there being- lots . tiahty measuie des^ned specifically, of. local.' supply to meet the needs to keep the United States out of war . for the. time being or'even the iarg-‘ but Which defin.tely will not.. ob-^r cities .arid-, towns; which ordinarily - 'Stl^-P16aC® cffl0l?;s of nations., are supplied in part with' market • The league already has started it# hay from distant points,. Only e ■ I work for favorable action by . the sm'a]1 eA.port demand is. expetI D, C°Pehn;1 W ,ars'c other fodder brops- are ' I and Drug Bill, the-passage of which reported in the United States and- I We believe will.be a concrete bene- Great-Britain, Nevertheless export ’• ■ fit to the much discussed and neg--..ship-mens, t.n +’ie' UniM SHt-s from • ' dected copsunw. We believe, the border localities s]Wd benefit afidt question at ist ue is whether our laws January .1, 19'36, from ’The r'Cdtic# shall give people the'protection they tion in the "American Import tariff need, or whether legislation shall be recently . announced.- . The«-ncw im<,........