HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1936-01-02, Page 4-:'-i of the Canadian Order of Foresters. / 1 >■ to .7 ana . of Mr. AL WP^csy ate'not going to >py,. autographed by the author whom I knew fairly well when I a young man.—WILL FARA­ DAY. re- on Lyceum Theatre WINGHAM Show Starts at 8.00 P.M. --------------------.. . | On Christmas Day, Mr. and Mrs. ■ 1? ASHFIELD NOTES * $ * Another one. that should appeal to the Scots in our fnidst is a lyric, “Flora McDonald’s* Lament,” by the OBSERVE 55TH ANNIVERSARY senior elder in the United since union. phi THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL •L r ■ h : -r I ...^a IZJ Sport- Ch alter1 HOLYROOD*■ 233; or to. cost ? some $300.00. " Mooney,* formerly of where he- commenced a should look debut. ♦ of the Kin the end of V '■; - Shirley69; sister, Mrs. Archie MacIntyre. - / , ._---------------— PURPLE GROVE I' • 4' A Brookville, . r'S Jean Havens. ; to number attended . the of I and mencing at 8 o’clock sharp. HER i AND THERE iS| Jean Ha' oongratulati ons * . missed one Shirley •r IRIVERSDALE YOUNG MAN BECAME HUMAN TORCH Scottfreid his tonsils Kincardine hospital * * ■ i I P ••Si THURSDAY, JANUARY 2nd, 1936. Recalls 3 By Local Authors ; . i- ■ : “Will Faraday” Makes Mention Of ' Two Volumes Written By Luck­ now Authors, A(eneus McCharles And Dr. J..H. Garnier—-Book Not Produced For General Public And Copies Are Scarce. ip Bargain EXCURSION dulbTSe Child 40c CKNOW Lucknow Sentinel Published every Thursday morning at Lucknow, Ontario. Mrs, A. D. MacKenzie — Proprietor Campbell Thompson—Publisher THURSDAY, JANUARY 2nd, 1936. Rou Minimum' Fare FROIVI ( aeent C.N.R. Stations EDI I AM* irv Napanee, Kingston, Gananoque, . FKIat JAIVa lU Prescott, Morrisburg, Cornwall*. Uxbridge, . Lindsav; Peterborf.’^ampbellford, Newmarket, Allandale, Penetang, Collingwood. Me/ord, Barrie, Orillia, Midland, Gravenhurst, Bracebndge, "Huntsville, No/1 Bay. Parry Sound, Sudbury. All towns in New1 'nn linn pf Tc,aiskaming & Northern Ontario Rly. ; Nipissing Central Rly.; Kapusiasing, Longlac, Hardrock, Geraltfton, Jellicoe. Sat. JAN. 11 to TORONTO Chesley, Clintom Durham^ Eyafcriy? Fergus, Goderich,—Guelph,^Hamntom-^Hanoverr-JIj^rastonir Ingersoll, Kincardine, Kitchener, London, Listowel, Mitchell, Niagara Falls,Owen Sound, Paisley, Palmerston, Paris, Port Elgin, St. Catharines. St, Marys, Sarnia’, Southampton, Stratford,4 Strathroy, Walkerton, -. Wiarton/Wingham.I Woodstock. ■.______’;>• ■ ' ; For JpJnu,'Return Limits, Ttain Information, Tickets, consult nearest Agent. See Handbills. T7ii»o feeAJMADIAfl NATIONAL Mrs. Wm. Stanley J and family spent the Christmas holidays with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Thompson ■ at Kinlough. . C Miss Stimpson of Toronto spent : the i -Christmas holidays'-—with -—-her brother, Mr. Wm.. Stimpson. Mr. and Mrs. A. Havens and fam^ ily visited last week with Mr. and4 ’Mrsr-Elliott Taylor of- St. Helens. t Mrs. Spence Irwin of .Belfast vis­ ited last Friday with Mr. and Mrs. Mervip Deeves. Miss' Anne Taylor- of 'St. Helens visited over the Christnias holiday! with her cousin, Misi We extend Lucknow’s grand old lady, Mrs. Hays mother( of Mrs. A. G. Elliott, who reached the age of TOO years on. Monday, December 23rd. GIB.. -.JR'C"'" .JI ECZ- .2S.B The first^jf the week, the local junior entry was still without any information as to with what teams they might—be grouped this season. Word has now been received that they are grouped • ^ith Tees water and Brussels. Some yof the players have- been getting' their “skating leg^” during—the—past'“week land Thiesday Tiight the squad was out as a unit. ■ ' Gasoline Bjespatteredi Clothes Set Afire—Burns Severe And Recovery Will Be Slow. A story in last week’s Walkerton llerald-Times tells how Tom O’Hagan 20-year-old son of ex-Couhcillor Nic­ holas O’Hagan of Riversdale, while carrying a pail of gasoline iri Mr. Geo? Scott’s garage . at Walkerton about—8“ o’clock Friday , nightr aF“ tempted to light a cigarette, when the gasoline ignited and in endeav­ oring to throw the, blaming' gas from him the. pail , struck a truck and spattered the flaming fluid over his clothes. Like a human torch he fled- .. from j.the„, building,. ..pursued: by two garage attendants. They finally Over­ took him and smothered the flames, but not before severe burris were received about the neck, arms, chest and hands, that caused intense agony His recovery in Walkerton Hospital . will be slow and skin grafting, it is expected,, will later, be resorted to. A fire alarm was turned in as the blaze threatened to envelope the garage, but which was, extinguished Before—the brigade arrived after' some damage had. been done to a truck and a new Dodge coach be­ longing to Al Spencer of the Cen­ tral Hotel. .A cement floor in . the building- prevented, a possible major conflagration. Mr. & Mrs. Frank Henry Mark 50th Anniverary . Thursday, Friday, Saturday?' January 2-1-4 JANE WITHERS ■ . z JACKIE SEARL In '■'■'? "GINGER” also ". , : ‘UOME BRIDGE WORK” With Easy Aces and NEWS REEL Writing in the Vancouver Sun, re­ cently “WilL.^Faraday’’ makes inter­ esting reference to two T-are old two' rare old works, from the, pen of works,, from the pen of Lucknow authors, . Aeneus McCharles and- Dr. J. H. Garnier. Jlis article follows;., -- “I have recently read two books written with' more or less the same object in view.' The - -firs-tr-oneT—loaned^to-be—by—a - friend of the Keogh family, is a .collection of verses written, some years ago by Mrs. T. A. Keogh, by her .son,' Lucious Keogh, and her daughter, Alice Keogh, the group be­ ing selected and published by another son, W. O. Keogh, who writes the introduction. In addition to the verses are a few short stories. . The book has been given the name of “Poems of a Pioneer Canadian Family.” The ihost pretentious is a narrative poem, “Rose Delaney,” by' the -mother, which is quite interest­ ing and reads well. . ' . - Some sentences here and. there' at­ tract one’s attention so that he stops to read them over, like the two-lines stating that Rose blushed when she met the teacher in the, woods: ‘■And. rosy red and lily white by turns' ' Her lovely face alternate pales and burns.’’- Have Lived In ; Kinloss All Their Married Life— Mr. Henry Served On Kinloss Twp. Council For; .15 Years. ■■■ <. ' • One of the district’s most? highly respected -couples, Mr., and Mi's: ' Frank. Henry,?;quietly celebrated the. 50th anniversary, of thei'F marriage at their ,home in Kinloss on Tuesday. Mr. hnd Mrs. Henry are both enjoy­ ing fine health. ■ It was ori, the last da£ of the year. 50 years ago that Jennie Sim­ pson, Culross, daughter of Mr. and Mrs, William Simpson, became ? the bride of Frank Henry, son of Alex­ ander and Elizabeth Henry, The "marriage was performed by Rev. James A. ’ Anderson, Of Whitechurch and the briide and groom have been continuous residents at lot 34, con­ cession 2, Kinloss, since that time. TJie bridesmaid was Annie Simpson sister of the bride, Who lives at Jas- ’ oer Parik, Alta. The groomsman was James Ross, of the second concession of Kinloss,, who- still resides there. Mr. Henry was born.in New York 80 years ago and as a child settled with ’his parents in Kinloss, where Ke”fias“ been a continuous. resident since. He, has taken, an active inter­ est in the welfare of the comrhunity. having . served as member’ of the. Kinloss council fot 15 years, five years as reeve1? For over 20 years . • ■------- "he~h-a^bTjerTorrthe-bdafd-Kf^^ to--use- tors of Wingham Fall Fair and for Dofic. 52 years has been financial secretary ^°t being a Doric scalar, I cant of the Whitechurch branch, No. 116, no^ saV b°W well she has succeeded Of the Canadian Order of Foresters. bnt 1 the lilt of these four ver- Mr. and Mrs. Henry . are members *es their middle rhyme. There of Whitechurch [ United Church. Mrs. Henry has Jbeeri keenly1 interested iri the women’s organizations of the -shureh—arid 'is—one- of the-r ori vrina-F members of the Whitefchurch branch ?of. the Women’s Institute. Tbay havc thiee daughters, and two sons, Mrs. C. H. Hind, of Was­ eca. Sask.; Miss Annie Henry, nurse in New York, who served. overseas for three years; Mrs. M.<F. Green, of North Bay; William at home, The other son, Alex, lost his life «in .the Great War. while serving with the First Battalion. WHITECHUReH ?V ' —- , ' " ■ • Miss5Bertha McKay of Stratford spent ’ Christmas with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Hector McKay. Mr. and Mrs. Hector McKay, Mis­ ses Agnes and Bertha McKay and Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Putdon, spent Christmas with the former’s son, Mr. arid Mrs, ■WiTigham. . .......v Mr. James Falconer underwent dn operation in Wingham hospital last Monday for appendicitis. We hope for a speedy recovery. I . ■ Mrs. Chas. Lee of Toronto visited ’ast week with her mother, Mrs. Alex Rintoul/ ; ■ Mr. and; Mrs. ;Alvin Griffin and family of Detroit, Mr. and Mrs. John Wacks and family of Teeswater, Mr And Mrs. Joe McMillan and faimily of Lucknow and Mr. and Mrs. John: McMillan and family, spent Chris­ tmas with, their brother, Mr. Patrick McMillan. Mr; James -and ?Mr; Caskinette of Larigside are cutting wood for Mr. Tack’TfiU’les. . ? ' Mfs? Arinie Henderson, ’who has •'» ’ been visiting her Laidlaw relatives ?or a few month^, returned . to her home at Powassan before Christmas. Her father, Mr. Wm. McCartney, massed away the Saturday before . Christmas. He was brother-in-law of Messrs. Joe,, John, James Sr,, and Miss Q,. Laidlaw. ' Mr. Wm. J. Fisher and daughter, Mrs. ^A. Knight, visited on Monday with the latter’s grandmother, Mrs. George Gillies; at Palmerston and formerly .of Lucknow. Miss , Catherine Patterson, student nurse at Stratford hospital, spent Mrs. Torrance of Lucknow, Mr. & Mrs. Wm. Blue, Helen, and Margaret of Detroit, were Christmas visitors with Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Anderson. The Blues attended the Golden 1 wed­ ding anniversary of Mr. Blue’s par­ ents on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs.-Ed. Smith, Elinore and Yvonne of Toronto are visitors with Mrs. John, Webster. . Mr. and Mrs. R. Moore, Marguer te arid Beverley of Hensall were re­ cent guests of Mr. and .Mrs. Harvey Webb. • / Mt. Robert McQuillin of Toronto was home for Christmas. Miss Florence McQuillin, nurse-in­ training at Stratford Hospital, spent Christmas Day at her home here. Ari" enjoyable sociaT was "field4" ifi~ . ‘•fie United Cfiurcfi on Friday even­ ing, under the auspices of the ,.Y-P- TJ. Mr. Stanley Todd presided over the meeting which was opened with coimnunity singing; Readings ware; -^i-vgn-^by--Rev^Hv--M^Wr-ight—and-M^r^ Ted Rice. Games and Icontests were enjoyed. An interesting feature was the presentation to Mr.? and Mrs. Tom Todd of a mantle clock. Mrs. Ted Rice read the ^address and the presentation^ was made by Mr. ,Dick Weatherhead.. The January meeting of the Wo­ men’s Institute will be held at Mrs. Jas. . Gaunt’s on Thursday^—January ■^thrRoircall “My Favorite Author”; Subject—Reading, Music and Games for the Home Evenings, by_.M?rs^Dr Phillips. Mrs. Gaunt wiP give a de- §&a£eft^ite^Making. Hostes­ ses—Miss Annie Watson, Mrs. Har­ vey Webb, Mrs. McKenzie Webb. The community was saddended on, Saturday evening when it was learn­ ed that Mr, John Webster had pass­ ed away, following a serious; opera- ~tibn rierifo^ed earlier in the day in the Wingham Hospital. 1 Ripley Redmen have be ice regularly : and are showing im­ proved form at each appearance. The Lucknow players who have sign­ ed with Ripley until Monday of tfiis week, have not a workout, arid will not be, in good condition for the opener 'in Clinton this -Friday— night. “TThe Ripley Club has spent close hundred; dollars in purehasing* ^complete new uniforms, consisting of * red and white sweaters, hockey pantL and hockey gloves, and quite natty upon their »■ * ■■ of the, roof ♦ . A section cardine larena, caved *■ in the week under its heavy load of snow. We understand repair work .hag parted at>mee .in ordey to re­ open ^Rjfe?^lace as soon as pos­ sible. To make good the damage it is. expected • Cecil Ripley and successful hockey casreei’ has been appointed coach of the Woodstock Junior O. H. A. team- &Cecil has for sevef&l seasons, been, left-winger for the Woodstock Intermediates^ . ♦ .♦ ♦. ♦ A change has been made in the. officers of the Ripley Jubilee Arena Co. Mr; Shirl Bowers, president last year, became treasurer. - Mr. Eugene. Martin riteps into the president’4 chair, and Mr. W. F. Patterson- as surrtes the Secretaryship upon the resignation of Mrs. White. Mr. Pat- '^-terson was the former treasurer. , held last Thursday, Mr. Peter Wat~ soiLwas elected. trustee and Mr. Wm. F.' jMcQuillin was elected secretary treasurer at a trustee meeting later Mr. Watsonand Mr. McQuillin have filled these positions since the death of Mr. Wm. McQuillin in July. Stan­ ley Todd and Gordon McPherson arc the auditors. Mr. Wilson Woods of the O. A. C- Guelph, is home after having his tonsils removed at Hamilton. At the. meeting of the Y. P. U. on Sunday evening, Gordon Miller read the scripture lesson and Jean Thom read an article on “Loneliness.” Mrs.- Lome Woods took as the subject of her interesting paper “Christmas Customs in Different Lilnds.” Members of the Women’s Insti­ tute will be “at home” to their, hus­ bands and families at the Commun; ity hall on Friday evening, com- 4th CON., KINLOSS Miss Elizabeth. McIver of Powas- sari/ssperiding the“hblidays ~at/fieT home. Mrs. A. Graham had as guests, her sister, Mrs. A. Cameron > of De­ troit, j Mrs. A. ’McCauley of Ripley Tnd her mother, Mrs. McMurchynjF Huron——?------- -----— — Mr. hnd Mrs. Wm. Robb and Olive spent Christmas with Mr.and Mrs. C. Robb. Mr. W. Wells of Londsborough visited this week at Mr. R. Moffat’s Mr. and Mrs. R. Martin, Laurine and Austin, spent Wednesday with Mr. and Mrs. J. Irwin. Mr. Jaek _McKinnon—is-- -v-isit-irig- nt the home of his grandfather, Mr. McDonald at Langside. •? A sleigh-riding,'party was ^nioved 'on “Monday night by a large num­ ber of the young people in the neigh­ borhood, on McKay’s hill; f Mrs. W- McKenzie is spending a few week’s in Toronto. Miss Baldwin of Toronto is spend­ ing the holidays with Miss. A. Mc­ Leod. . Mrs. F. Weis of Rochester, is visiting at the hpme of her brother. Mr. John McDonald. ___ . . , T, ""“Mr. and Mrs. Bert Brackenrid^a., visited with friends in Detroit last week. ” — ; ■ ........; ■ Mrs. E. Hodgkinson and Henry spent Christmas with Mr. and Mrs. Allan Durnin. A number from here attended the nomination at Holyrood on Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Little spent Christmas with Mr. and Mrs.1 Thom-, pson. • Mr. and Mrs. Dan McKinnon visit­ ed at Langside on Wednesday. Mrs. McInnis is visiting in Detroit Miss Bessie Camocha?i is spend­ ing a few days with Elizabeth Mc­ Iver. Rev. A. M. Nicholson of • Hudson Bay Junction is visiting with hi? •is a strain of sadness in the last lines: “■FFae"“the7? friends wha watched' b’er _ him. frae—them^wha adore, him. Frae his hame he has., gone, .an he’ll no-come again.” - Then there are several hundreds from Bruce County who will apprec­ iate the selection, “To the Inyermay Boys,” arid those of Grey. County will be interested in. the authors as Mrs. Keogh was bom on the south shore of Georgian Bay in that county rphg- Look is called “Bemock- ed. by Destiny,” and is by Aeneufr ,'McCharlpSj born in Cape Breton in 1844. He was a commercial traveler, .... . . newspaper correspondent and then John Symington celebrated the 55th a mining prospector. The. book contains the story of his own life and was written to his only son, from whom he had 'been separated from his second or third year owing to the death of his wife. To any one from the -southern part of Bruce or from Sudbury, or anyone who knew McCharles or the vson, this well written book has sp] appeal of its own. Pknew the son when he was a young maA^in Luck­ now. but cannot recollect having.me* the father. There are interesting little refer­ ences to people he met in-his news­ paper or his 'prospecting days such as Thomas Edison who often called at his “den”. ' Also a rather ? illuminating para­ graph about a Canadian .poet who wrote .under.- the pen name ’ “The Khan.” * * * > At the end of this book is a1 copy of the author’s will "’which is quite interesting enough to- include in the hook, .particularly a book published under , terms of that Will ' for the members -of his. family. These two books of 1.20. and 244 pages respectively,/bear no imprint of publisher or printer—not being- produced for the general' public; However, it is to be hoped th'at cop­ ies .of.both of them haVe found their, way into the Government and Uni­ versity libraries. Both these books are connected in a V?ay with'Bruce Countyi where C. E. Mahon and' R. G. Clarke and other well kijotyn Vancouverites -ame,froiri. This reminds me of ano­ ther Bruce County book,'’“Prince Dedro,” by Dr. J. H. Garnier of Luck­ now. I kpow that there is a copy of Prince Pedro” , in the wonderful library of Canadiana in the home o7 Robie L. (Reid, K-C; And I know also that the Toronto library has beep trying to get a. copy of it, but they arie pot going to get my copy, au'tographdd by the j I was a young man.—WILL “FARA- h a v r- ■ Christmas with her mother., Mrs. Henry Patterson; Miss Alba Mowbray of Bluevale, spent the week-end "with her aunt, Mrs. Wesley Leggett. - Mrs“David“Gillies* and MrU-Jack Gillies, Mr. Peter ’’McDonald, ' Mr. TTtgh'~DaVid MeDoriaTd and Mrs. Alex “Rintoul and family, spent Christmas with Mr. and Mrs. Donald McDonald ■>f St. Helens. anniversary of their wedding at their, home, in Auburn. Mrs. Symington was able to cook the dinner for the family party. On December 25, 1880/Mary Medd and John Symington were married by Rev. Janies Pritchard, then min­ ister of •“ the Presbyterian Church. After a short honeymoon at Seaforth the couple took up their home on the farm in Colborne, now. occupied by their son-in-law, John Moulded. Mr. Symington was ordained to the eldership of .the Presbyterian church 53 years ago and has contin­ ued as church Mr. arid1 Mrs. Wm. Humphrey arid ’ family and Mr. Jno. Mallick and sister, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Jake Hunter and family Christmas day. Mr. .and Mrs. Les. McKeith spent the festival with Wm. McGill’s. Mr. and Mrs. Jno. McDonald ac- 'pmpanied by Rob. Reed and Miss Lizzie, spent, the day at Amberley. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Hunter and^fam- ily at Jas. Johnston’s, Luck'ROvv“7nTd“^~^ Mr. and TttSx^Les. Ritchie and Alvin were guests of Mrs. Sherwood and Earl. I Miss Della Gilmore of Kitchener, arid Miss Emma McDonagh, London, returned to duty after spending Christmas at their respective homes. / Mr.,. Kenneth Robertsori of Detroit is visiting his brother James. ' Quite a 1----- funeral of the late Mrs. Last Kincardine. Much sympathy is . ex­ tended the bereave.d. family. | Mrs.; Al. Irvin of Lucknow, spent a few days with her father, Mr .George Thompson. • , We are glad to report that Mr. Tom Gawley is improving; also Jack McDonald. .■$ Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Hill have re­ turned from their wedding trip. We welcome Mr. Hi|l to our neighbor­ hood. ~ . . . Miss G. Emdrson of Walkerton-is Spending the holidays at her home .here; also Misses Ethel' and Ada Gawley. . . . Mr- Hugh Taylor is visiting at Mr. W. H, Scott’s, . Mr. and Mfs-. Jack Emerson spent Christmas at Mr. Isaac Nixon’s BRUCE & HURON BARRISTERS APPOINTED KING’S COUNCIL David Forrester, Bruce County Clerk L. E. Dancey of Goderich and J. G. Stahbu.ry Of Exeter'Among Those Honored ' ■ . ' . ,4 Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Eadie and fam­ ily, Mr. and "Mrs. John Peterbough and family. spent" Christmas .at Mrs. Rachel Cuibert’s. Mrs. Aimer 'Ackert, Gwendolyn and Jack,were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. George Elliott of Amberley for Christmas. \ . , Mr,. a,rid Mrs. John Jamieson .of Paramount were Christmas day vis­ itors at Mr. Thos., Harris’; Mr. and Mrs. ,.Thos? Rribb) and family of Amberley, were the visit­ ors at Mr. Richard Elliott*^ on Chris­ tmas day. * . .We are pleased to report that Mrs. Cha's. Congram is making a favor­ able recovery from her recent oper­ ation., ■ . Mrs. |Wm. Hodgins< Derry and Art ;pont CfyristmaS day rit Mr. Albert Tlionjpson’s. ' , Mr's. Dan McKinnon and, Billie of 6th con., spent '“Monday afternoon '•ith 'Mrs. Wm/Eadie.- ■' II Mr. Richard Baker spent Ghris- fmas at Mr.? Jas. Baker’s, Mr. Reggie Broom Wgs a recen£ visitor at Mr. Marik Johnston’S. Mr. and. Mrs. Cliff Harton arid . Avri. atf. 16D3.1 fnmilv and Mr. Ed. Me Leila nd spent Beatrice McQuillin Christmas with friends at Tara., ■ _ —— -------- ■ S. S. "No. 4, Wesi Wawattosh Test Marks Sr? III—Muriel Wright 81 Mar­ garet Aitchisori 78; Gladys Wright 77; Helen McDonald 66; Mae Mac­ Donald 63; Ross Gammie 57; Allan Cranston. 46. ■Jr. lit— Marie Aitchison 77; Dor­ othy^ Webb 75; Phyllis Gaynor* -58 •. Marie Swan 57. It—iEarl McDonald Buchanan* fi6. „ Daily Marks JI—Earl McDonald Buchanan* 179. It-^Jean Wright;408; Helen Gem­ rille* 331; Wilma Gaynor* 286. Pr.__^Jean Aitchison 353. Those marked mere day?. Nfo. on toll 17. Christmas Belfast. . .Kenneth moved in Monday. The Kinlough choir spent a very social evening at the home of Mr. Albert Thompson, oh ~ Monday, Mr. Neil Nicholson of Bervie is assisting with the chores at Mr. AL bert Thompson’s. - Ampng the 47-. Ontario lawyers announced by, Attorney-General Roe­ buck as recipients, of the horior of being appointed King’s Council, is a trio of Bruce and Huron County lawyers. . In Bruce the honor goes' to Mr , David Forrester of Paisley, County Solicitor and County Clerk; in Huron to Loftus Ef Dancey of Goderich and T. G. Stanbury of Exeter. Mr. Forrester is on of the best- known and most widely respected men of Bruce county, his years of service; in county, council and as county clerk having brought him in contact with people of every section* Mr. Forrester has . been a practition­ er in Paisley for twenty-five years. Mr. Dancey is the dean of^the Huron county bar and has practised law for over fifty years, for most of that time in Goderich. He is a native rif that town, a son of the late Cap­ tain Thomas N. and Mrs. Dancey. Known as an astute lawyer, he has been connected successfully, durinc' his long pfaetTce, with some riiore .'ttiari bfdiiiikrily iiripdrtant Casea. - Mr. and Mrs. TZ A. Cameron are . visittrig- with relatives in Lanark bounty. - , ( - Mr. Melvin Morrison has returned days and home after spending a few: with his grandparents, Mr. Mrs. D.'K. Alton. . . Mr. and Mrs.’ Watson Davis __ . family have returned home after spending the holidays with their ')atents at Tara and AUenford. Mr. Geo. Henry of Centralia spent it few days with relatives here. Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Hunter Spent - Sunday with. Mr. and Mrs. John ‘ ", .Campbell. f, -- ‘ Quite a number attended the party at Keith Cameron?s last Friday night. All report a?.good time. Misses Frepla' Rintbul and Jean Purdori of St. Helens’ are Visitor with Miss Jdan Cameron. ■ Mr, and Mrs/ Les. Ritchie spent Sunday with Mrs. Sherwood and Earl. . ■ ,. 4 Miss Melda Lane of, Coldwater 4s spending the. vacation wjth her par­ ents, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Lane.