HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1935-12-26, Page 7I
th chi
shaveol - Too latol Shuttea
shop!” Wa
guessed this
was SherrYan.
Quite as gay as the traditional holly berries' are these unusual
tree-like pompoms but they grew iu no greenhouse. They can be
, easily made at home: The modernistic pots are of spun aluminum.
The “plants” themselves were made from transparent dpinking straws
of “Cellophane’’. ‘
I a m jh on the
floor fit the
horrible place, 'about the Walls of which" were/tOn or
twelve bunks. Ono Or two occupants sucked ad their
opium pipes, but the rfistlay motionless-—drugged ..
cheese. ■ 5 ■ '
’ Note—By using brown, and white.
br;nd and yellow ami white, cheese,
an attractive plate of ..open sand
wiches con. bo made very quickly.
By Mair M.-MorganBy Mair M.> Morgan
Enyied by many is the hostess wh'o,
when - unexpected company - arrives;
can .sit . down ' and - enjoy a friendly
visit;'then in almost the twinkling, of
an eye is able, to.'the delight and su^
prise of her guests., to- ^erve delectr
able,-refreshments. Such_lr.u.e,.Jao.s.pj.t;
ality and ease ’.of entertaining is
within the reach of all. It is ’ simply
a matter .of .always being prepared by
having om hand the hecessary in
gredients for. a refreshing beverage—
either hot" or cold to suit the oc
casion; a well filled cookie jar or-
cake box', and the materials for mak^
ing appetizing' sandwiches or- other!
enticing tidbits’. • ' ' •
Undoubtedly the prepared' hostess
will have among ; fheother --good,
- -A”th-i-ngs--in—her -kitchen ojie , or..,,'more
kinds, of . cheese; for she ^realizes its
possibilities atod knows that with
'very little time-.and effort- she can
make a number of cheese delicacies.
For instance, _ an. . assortment of'
" crackers'
' with jelly; olive's or celery
a matter • ofarranging. the
tractively,.. arid yet wha’t ••
popular, or,-as ah" alternati
■the following'recipes -may be chosen,
They are • quickly prepared anc
sure to please guests.
-Cheeser-Bacon Strips
Eigdi-tly^to'a'st-^thin slices- o-f^
one. side' only. Cut iri strips'
3. inches, long, a’nd- one inch
Cover' the .untoasted side gene
-very '
broiler, until, bacon
ay be
e hoi.. .
t .bread
and cheese served
grated. Ciinadiar
s-sed'-ehees-eZ bleni
kle- with
finely wii
i sciss
Put ‘sugar; •water, ;raisins, shorten
cup milk* K cups flour, % tablespoon
/baking ppwder; .1% teaspoons salt,
% tablespoon ginger. - „
Cream_butter, add sugar gradually,
milk' and dry ingredients mixed and
sifted. Put soirie of mixture on
Modernizing Trees For The Table
inverted dripping pan arid roll as1
thinly as'- possible to cover pan. Mark
dough with coarse, grater. Sprinkle
404 Candidates Forfeit $200
ing and,-salt in sauce pari. Bring to
the boiling point and boil-three min
utes. Cool.' When -cool add soda dis
solved in. 2 teaspoons’ ho"t. water. Beat
•well ; and add flour mixed and sifted
with. spices and baking powder.. Mix
Turnthoroughly and . add -vanilla. ,.
into an-oiled and floured loaf chke
pan and bake forty minutes in a
moderate oven.
The following, icing uses no- eggs
and is soft and creamy. ;
. .One. cup confectioners’ sugar,
mpoons' powdered cocoa, 2 dessert-
5|!-nb cold coffee infusion, 2 table-
|roons butter, 44 teaspoon vanilla.
Mix arid, sift sugar
Cream butter and gradually beat - in
and coco'a.
part of sugar. ,A‘dd one spoonful of
■coffee, vanilla and eemainirig\ sugar
Mix- thoroughly,-, .adding . coffee to
of , spreading
Spread-the cake while it is slightly
warm. .. ■
make consistency
with - sugar and bake in a moderate
oven. - Before removing from pan,
cut in strips 4% . inches long by 116
inches wide;
•Rice Pudding
4 cups-, millft-1-3 cup’rice, 16 tea
spoon salt, 1-3 cur.,sugar, grated rind
■Vz a lemon?- - -
Wash rice, mix ingredients and
into buttered '.pudding-dish;pour
•bake 3 hours in a. very slow oven,
stirring 3 times during first, hour, of
baking to prevent rice from settling.
Another rice pudding is, made with
4 cups. milk,'. 16 -cup rice,1-3 cup
Each; 162 Stevens Men
OTTAWA—Forty-five per cent, of
candidates in the federal election lost
their $200 deposits, it is announced by
Jules Castonguay, chief electqi'ial of-
.fleer, -A total- of 404 candidates, out
of 892. lost deposits, the highest
.number ever recorded in a general
•election. '
molasses, 1-6 toaspoom salt, ■>,% tea-’
spoon cirinamon, 1 tablespoon butter.,
Bake -as directed in first rice pudding
Recipe. . At last stirring add butter.
• To use up old lace curtains join
the best parts together and dye them
coffee color. Stitch them, over ah"
.old sheet dyed to match your bed
room color- scheme arid you.will have
ap up-to-the-minute bedspread
Under Canadian election laws every,
candidate must post $200 with the re^
turning officer. Tie loses it-if he. does
riot poll half as many yotes as the
therefore, metted $80,000 "from lost
deposits this election.
T.h0 record number of lost. deposits
was attributed to the presence,
third parties in the field. The Recon-
structionists, for ‘instance, nominated
174 candidates and 162 of them lost
deposits. Similarly, the.C.C.F. lost 78
out-of 119 deposits’, and Social Credit,
23 : out of 46. The returns', showed
5 merely
ids at-
any of
rl .are
’b u
■ously *<***!!orched'd,
: . b'ac'
1, > cut
id of
in square
che.s), blend .' together
id'ian ..■c.h'eddat cheese, v
t butter to make a soft
ad the four-f^des and top. of the
d squares with the cheese mix-
; Sprinkle-with ■paprika-. Bake' in
a hq,t oven or under-broile
cheese begins to melt. Serx
Open Cheese SandWi
Cut white, o
ilf to one inch
.cutter jnto v;
d- fill with
lian. chedda
d cheese, k
pped gre
■ Apple Sauce Cake
Add additional fruit, to this recipe
id "
'" “To"tTh^^ the wall' and
so-prevent drampness; press ' two or'
three used gramophone needles .into
a large cork.. Stick the points into
the back.of the mirror and let ’the
cork rest.on the wall.. :
that , every Reconstruction and C.C.F.
candidate in Toronto lost his. deposit;
s (about
■ grated
/ith :suf-
■us, shap
hird^of ,am. inch Thiel
i.'.omctianiG.ncLshapcd cookie.mut=
Butter an
o aroii’nd-
with jc
or grape
fluting bt
uiwi’ch; '.Fill
.black cur-
con junction
using . "red
alongside of white cream or cottage
if sa
in ■
These are the days when the cook
needs to economize on eggs.-sq w.e've
■ gathered together recipes for egg
less cakes—and in 'two cases milkless
ones—-and puddings for you to refer
' to when you’re in doubt about des
serts. Inexpensive dishes prove a
boon when the food budget is deplet-
<ed-—and it’s bound to be. that wayr—
sometimes? ' .
Raisin Cake
■gteTwi? cups seedless raisins. 1 cup
su£-a’’, 1 CUP water, 1-3 cupt
.^Bnortening, 1 teaspoon cinnamon, ’2
teaspoon clove's, 1 teaspoon nutmeg.
i/z teaspoon salt, 1 teaspoon soda.
tetaspoon baking ■ powder,' 2 cups
flour, 1 teaspoon vanilla. v >'
You may use lard' as shortening if
you like. ' .
you will- have a very
ititute for 'fruit cake.
'1 as
t. keep . .indefinitely
Cake, will, but it -1
weeks after it’s
This one
, the bona
be' better
the ■ even-,
sugar, y2
.when -just. taken”' from
; One clip granulated
butter—or "other ■■shortening, '• 1’16'
2' cups rhisins, 3
teaspoons soda-* 1 table
16 teaspoon
teasp 6 dm -h*ia tit
When knitting ' .children’s vests,
cast off at the. shoulders. When they
outgrow ‘them, they can be length
ened and ^he armhole made bigger
by knitting
a pie<;e into the.
■ -'9C1
Deposits in Banks'Take Ad
vance c.‘ ’A..J.-J .’.’.‘7.’...'...
.—Loans Decreasing ■
of Hundred. Millions
Here is a novelty. In table decoration for the festive reason. Be
tween the tall white tapers is a modernistic Christmas .tree Tif crushed
"Collophane”. The cloth is .as modern as the decorations.'It is of slit '
'‘Cellophane” and rayon".
apple sauce,
flour, .2
spoon d
spice. •
r. Sif
ns ah.
' U
and -
salt, 1- cup nut
•vanilla, 1 tea-
.teaspoon cloves,
r-1A'b'f easimd-n ■■■■alP
■e .sweetened as for
m shortening' and
cup of flour oyer
well. Mix' and sift
with soda, . spices,
everal. 'times to. be
Add .1
• when
que-half hours
d baker one. and
Dec,. 13.
Eggless Chocolate Cake
1cup light brown sugar
i'ng., .1 Cup thick sour
our, 1 teaspoon soda
vanilla, 2 .squares' bah
and teaspoon salt.
gar anti
nixed and
sour 'milk
.nd turn i
cd loafLcak
Creams shortening
idd melted. chocolate,
sifted with, salt
nto “
e ,'pa
. vanilla,
an' °oile
i.. • Bake
>vep for forty' minut
IkFTmalies""*a", gbodTMe
;r"TiT "slicreruud7'seTveJdA '’WTrh'‘ hot
"have been ‘added. ■ . '
0r cover the cake with.-fudge
fronting' and’ 'sprinkle witth poarsejy
chopped walnut, meats. .
Hot Water Gingerbread.
I cup im.lasses, la-cup boiling wa
ter, 2'1!. cups flour, T teaspoon soda.,
1 \z teaspoons ginger.; 'IA . teaspoon
salt, 4 tablespoons melted butter, .
Add water to molasses; Mix- and
/Sift da'y ingredients, combine mix-
. turps, add butter ‘and beat . vigor
ously. Pour into 'buttered, shallow
pan and bake 25 minutes in, a mod
erate oven. Chicken fab. fried out
and clarified- furnishes an . excellent
.Shortening. and p’-v he used instead
of buttei. ■ - “ ' ■ ■
..^curAi'lk Gingerbread
1 cup molasses, 1 cpp sour- mirk,'
2 1-3 cups flour. 1% teaspoons’soda,
2 teaspoons, ginger, % tcaspob’n salt,
14- cup melted butter.- ' . ’ ■
' Mix soda with sour milk and add
to molasses, Sift together remain
ing' ingredients, combine > mixtures,
add butter and beat vigorously. Put
in shallow pan arid bake 25 minutes,
moderate oven;
H,ard Sugar Gingerbread
' % cup butter, cups.'sugar, %
1 ,•
The Chinaman w h a *p> I
proachod Nayland" Smith and |j
me from behind tho curtalriod
doorway la Shen Ydn.'s, (hat*
tered like a monkeyi *'bl<»
thick enough to, spread
ige or pineapple
ig ora
ng sugar - until the , it
juice in-'
ixture 1
'I .1
^The secret' of successful; china
edges, .use: a, sparing hand, with the
cement, and tie-the pieces firmly to
gether until ,the cement has hardened.
ihayb”; yphTfec tly"'-’ecleam
If I were to- read, much less, an
swer, all the attacks, m.ade on me;
.this shop might as well close.. I .do.
the very best I know how—the very
best I can—and I mean to. keep do
ing so until the .end. --If, the
brings me out all right, what is
against: me won’t amount
thing;, if the end
wrbn'g, ten angels
right would make
Abraham Lincoln.,'
brings me
swearing I
no. difference,
. out
OTTAWA — Sayings deposits , in
?ma.d.i.auL c ha£tened2ba.nks„.... on..'. Oct-.;C.
o-ber 31, amounted ■ to $.1,465,301,708,
almost ’$100,000,000 more than on
the ^corresponding date, in 1934,■ ac
cording to the" monthly -statement of
the banks to the .department of -fi-ri-
a $21,000,000 increase, in deposits
since last September 30. 1
Current Account
. Current' account' deposits .also show
ed' a marked ..increase, being- up $35,-
000,000 in the month and more
$80,000,000 .as. compared with Oct
ober .31, 1934.'
Deposits outside Canada were up
about. $6,,000.0.00 .in. the month and
more than. $60,000,000 in the year, ac
counted, for in a large measure by
the. .'increasing deposits of currency
other .than Canadian in Canadian
banks’, which -are shown in this col
umn.. ,
College- Editors--Fear Danger
■ 0’f Suppression In
A Touch Of Variety In Holiday Decoration
— Ii^.W_;Y0,RKr2Wi.t.h„a.„call far.
jfeii.se of freedom ‘of . speech and
press in colleges the key-note,
Association . of'College ' Editbrs,
conference at'the International House,
is organizing a clearing-house.’to fur
ther discussions of the , social and
■ economic problems of’.the day in their,
■columns. , *
A plea to uphold liberalism on the
campus came from Francis G. Smith,
"Jr., president ■ of. thb'association' and
editor last, year of the Daily Prince-
, Ionian, who told 75 attending Repre
sentatives from the newspapers of 25
ehstern and,? southern colleges -that
“university administrations today , are
more apt' to suppress freedom or,.the
press than formerly.” .
“Coincident with a healthy change
in the undergraduate outlook during
the last few years,” he. said, “certain
college newspapers have exerted' a
vital force on campus opinion through
intelligent comment' on; American po
litics and economics.”
James A. Wechsler, editor last year-
_o£ .’2the Cb-lu mbia Spectator, ~ .-another J
, patriotic -s^detles^and bther-conserv-a-
tive groups on radical' demonstrations
in the colleges; asbertifig that it Was
.the; “first indication of approaching
Fascism.'” . ;
Would Lead In
Gold!? reduction
MOSCOW —- Russia expects to be
the 'leading gold producer. of the
world by 1936. It is now second
only to South Africa. ■ Officials
claimed the socalled Stakanoff sys
tem of. increasing individual otitput.
had already lifted gold ' production
to 24 pei* cent, more than last year,
.arid would' malie it possible to fill
out the year’s planned production
schedule a month, in advance.
Gold mining has been urgently
pushed by, American mining methods
because of the- need’ for gold in' mak
ing needed purchases abroad.
‘“If youT'e coming to college only
for booklearning, you’rb. foolish. - A
|good encyclopedia will cost you one-
sixth as . much ar.d will- contain 6.00
times more than you’ll ever learrf.’’
J? jZ-Trof. John Erswine, English, Col-
umbia Univ. ■’ .
: There s’appealing loveliness in.
■the metal lam.e’ formal evening'
• -gown patterned for today. ■ '
It is accompanied, by a smart ?
little tailored jacket that will,give \'
allure for dinner wear, when bare
arms are expected. ... »
It’s glamorous b'Sauty• make im
perfect foi* almost, anything aii.er./>
, 5 o’clock as,cocktail .hour, bridge, *
. theatre and so on; 's
Velvet pr gleaming satin is ->
equally lovely for this simple to *
sew ensemble. It may be street.
length, also. '• ■
Style No. 2940 is designed for
sizes 14, 16, 18 years, 36, 38 and .
40-inches Bust.
Sizfi 16 requires 3V2 yards of
39-incli material" for evening ■
length with, "2 % yards of 39-inch
■ material for jacket. '
Write your name and address ,•
plainly, giving number and size-
of-pattern wanted.; tlnclose 15 c ",
. in stamps or coin (coin prefer
red; wrap it careft|llv) and ad- ~
dfesh, your ’ order to -Wilson- Pat-,,/
tern Service, ’73 West Adelaide '
Street* Toronto-." ' A
By Sax Rohmer
>'1 . I ■■■— — ———r2----------
"Allee lightee," the China'man said. "Full up, ho room.
You come see.” He dived behind the curtain, Smith and
I following.'. He ran up a dark stair. The ne^ rhocnent I
found myself in e room which reeked with opium fumes...