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The Lucknow Sentinel, 1935-12-26, Page 2
Somebody To Se^ You , Nine Rules For Driving If everybody with someilLing to • ; - (Fredericton Daily Gleaner) interest you should eome and ring A motorist who has driven, an your bell, what a nuisance it would automobile fpr 34 years and has be! Think of the swarming, jostling never had an- accident, submits that crowd, the stamping of feet on your he describes as “dimple rules," which porch and carpets! • t ‘ if followed all. the time, will, in my Every week we know of ‘ .many opinion* prevent 90 per cent., .of the callers ' Who. com'e8 to see you. They , road accident's.” . They are simple never jangle Jbe^ 'bell—thely don’t'- rifles. Most'dhiveXs-khow fhem,'but ■ take up your whole, day frying to not all drivers apply them. They -..x _x£—x.«— t—4.—i .may be summarized-as follows: \ Always drive on th© right handj 2 _ 2 _ ____* ■ ■' ■'< . G® slow on curves. . When going. up hill on hi^li, cut off andx float bver the crest ready for" a quick stop., » . ' i Never cut out of line to «pass a cas ; unless you are sure of ample room, gather quickly just what. you\ want - Never pass o.h a hijl or a curv®. ’ ' ' *' ' ;Slo.w down ftfr si(fi? ro.ads and' cross roads. ’.<-1 • : 7 Never turn your head while driv- Let the other passengers enjoy fhe Slow down as if gets dark and keep below 30 miles ah hour after '. dark. Ba&s Buffalo interest you should eome and ring young' lady s who has an apartment sub-normal -moisture' iri' so,uth-f many farm * fa,frillies precious years may be sumiriarized as follows: .canAdA. ; GAS BILLS ; The Doiriinioh Bureau of Statistics .reports..' that ‘ during - 1935 , gasoline sales in the DominioR to tabled 534,- 782;O18 gallons arid that Ontario ac counted for ” 48 per cent of the pur- chasiiig, with Quebec next, 17.4 per. •cent.J Ariy- motorists who think that all .the tax. levies go to the upkeep of roads "have- another think coming. 1—Brantford Expositor. . ' • THIRTY MILLION IN SMALL ' CHANGE ■' . Over $30,000,000 in -Canadian coins hayo been turned out) arid placed in circulation by the Royal Canadian- Mint,- The- commonest coin is * the •.^ne-cent piece, of which over. 279 million have been. struck. There are. over’ 90 million ‘five-cent pieces, 86; million iO-cent pieces, 44 million 'quarters, . and five million half-dol lars scattered throughout the world. Tri J April, 1935; 428,120 Canadian silver dollars were- minted, of which ■417,760 werg issued, - but. not many of those are in circulation, most of. them being kept as souvenirs or. keepsakes. Another uncommon Can adian coin- as the silver .tWenty-cent piece. They are seldom seen now adays but there are 4'6,000 ih ’circu-1 Nation..—Canada Week by Week, . . KING OF WHEAT The. grand champion of the world’s grain .conference" in Regina, in, 1933 has';be-en; groWned- Wheat King for I9;3'5~“Tlre':nTew^dist4metioh-~Ga.m.er~at;: the .International,.^Livestock Exposi tion’s 17th' annual gra'in and hay show at Chicago. The winner is W. Fre'lari Wilford, grain farmer of Stavely, Alberta, .. Reward wheat, with which he car ried off the honors, including sub stantial cash awards offered- by Ca-- :nadian farm organizations,- was de veloped by the. Canadian poverri- ment in 1928, since which j Stavely, Alberta, ... Tied off the honors, including sub stantial cash awards offered- by Ca nadian farm Organizations,- was de- , ____ jime it. ‘has won the world’s- championship, every year except in-1931, when, the honors went, to Herman Ttfelle of Wembly, Alberta, with a sample of Durum, The winning variety this year -weighed 66.6 pounds to the bushel. The crown was won' in competition with thirty-five states, seven Can adian provinces and 'eight samples from New South' Wales, Australia. Wjlford’s. victory, moreover, gave the Canadian growers .52 out of-the -8-7—prizes -awarded- by — the—-judges^- The rupper up.for the capital award -was-another Ganadian,. Williaih - Rog-. ■„ars., .of.^Tappen, ‘ B.G. _ He -exhibited. Durum of the' • Mindum, variety.' which' weighed .65.A pounds "to “tfir bushel. A third Canadian Waiter Nagel, of Fisherville, in Haldimarid County; Ontario, .won the blue rib bon for white wilnter wheat.' The three Canadians who thus upheld the credit of Ca'nada in wheat-grow ing are to-be . congratulated, and so is Canada.—Toronto Mail and Em pire. • ' wood.. It is* expected that the. new .cloth will not,'only provide abundant opportunities for punsters, but that with its further- perfection the for est resources of. Canada will be con siderably enhanced . in valuer—Em- ph-jp Review., ’ ■' ■ OLD MAN EXPERIENCE Experience is the best teacher, an old adage' “declares,^but the cost*--of tentimes comes high; .This is par ticularly true of the mistaken policy .of settling the areas, of persistent sub-normal -moisture' in- south-jm.st-. ern Alberta. That error co.st an~tbo many farm Yaftiilies precious years Of life, besides the' lack of success, the loss of governments, both pro vincial arid .federal. -Now-an, effort is being made to restore, the dried out areas to ranch , land as they Were for untold centuries before the com ing of the white man. This is not an easy task, • but the Dominion Farm "Rehabilitation Act set, up a commission to further Alie -work. Re- grassjng WJr‘ be undertaken arid the range held for livestock pasture.—*, Calgary Herald. BACK TO GRASS Large areas. in southern Alberta •and southwestern Saskatchewan are being-; revetted to. grass-.land .under the .Dominion Government’s , drought rehabilitation plain Experience~ has^ taught a. stern lesson in. these areas, and- a costly one. Settlers in'-the past thirty years -have been permitted to break Up large tracts of light soil in districts where the normal: .raih-i Yal'l^isTlIfsufficTentwfeo— ''This largb-scale' error has cost'many' farm, families precious years of .life. It has cost millions' in cash expend ed in the form of relief; and it has brought large' losses., through , the building of towns and services which- is injur t get yoUr attention. Instead,. !they do it in a Why that, is most consider- . ate otf ypur. privacy Und your conven- side of the road. . fence.. They ad vertise in - your news- paper! . .. ,In this way you haye^only to list en to those you know at.a jglance have something , that interests you. They make it short, too, .’So, you can. to knowl You can receive and hear., them all without noise or confusion, in a very few- minutes. . i In fairness .to yourself look .over ing. all the advertisements. . The small- . est and the largest —you never can , landscape. ., be sure which one will. tell some-1 thing you really want to know. , x7 Tussle a $250,OOO 000 For in a- brownstone in East' Fortieth • • street, on the third floor. The door bell that i connects, with" her aparr- nwrit hasn’t been working w.e.ll of •late, and when it fails her. . .callers are depefrdent oh the whims of a caretaker,, who is rarely ever heard from.. The other evening, the young Word' has been .received about , --o'. ■> ■ BritairCs Defence London.-^-The Government an nounced lapt week, that about $250,- 000,000 %f the total sum . realized . by its previously announced $1,500,- 000,000 bond issue Will be' allotted to defence. ' It is expected the first installment be granted -to the Admiralty,- so (that the l.ong-ahticipated reconstruct i.tion of Britain’s fleet may be un- I dertaken immediately.'' . ‘ - | ' Informed circles- her,e believe a Deep -knee bending is. useful- both couldn t get. any , answer ' from the, low< However, they are not likely for. developing muscle and for burn-. doorbells. She'.told. Rim to- come on ’ to involve a sum as large as the is-; In addition -to the sum allotted. Elliot Ropseveit, son of the,President, with buffalo he bagged with one shot during'-hunt- on the'private preserve of Frank Philips, o.il magnate, at Bartlesville, Okla. Head'will be mounted for the President. ' , - ; ; Qsieer WorW / A f6‘0“/pFopbsal of marriage has been made-^and accepted;—by tele- jihone between London, and the U.S. A. ’Mlost expensive call 'on record' ■ was made when Britain went off the gold standard, rone conversation ~c6stihg ''£200.'‘~r~''-——— TdPrheavy rugger men, because they have grown too'fat to wear the Ahirts they brought from New Zea land', Several of the All-Blacks are now on a strict diet, cutting . out pastry, potatoes, sweets, and beer, permanent utilization of’the land.—' Amiable Alligator, Ali,. owned by Winnipeg Tribune. i l^lr* .Robert .Lloyd^ of South .Banr • AIR HOSTESSES near Mjddl.esborbugh.' is near-ly six Seven domestic air ■ lines in the)'feet: long, but there’s not an inch cf United-States employ a total of one I wickedness in him.^ He jogms the hundred and 'ninety-seven young wo'- ** ~ ' men as hostesses. Each of the air lines has received “thousands of ap plications for hostess positions, and air hostesses for American Airlines -besides . being . registered nurses, must: know at -least one foreign lan guage—Cariadian :- Aviation. . • BROTHER, CAN YOU SPARE TEN GRAND? Prosperity is ' no longer “just . agound the -corner” in the United States. If we may judge' by appear- jinres^it has actually" arrived. The sad era oif “Brother, rdAfi you spare •a~ ;dime'*?” is- pai-t-v-- F-rir-...eighteen. . -"nw-frth-s-Ame-rica.ns-hav,e..Jj.stenecI with . a sense of envy to' storitL of recov ery/ in Great. Britain. Now ' they - are , •must* now be re-adapted to a more Pastry, potatoes, sweeps, and beer, -----11-..J__' Amiable Alligator; Ali, 'owned- by j Mr. Robert' .Lloyd, of South .Bank, near Mjddl.esborbugh.' is near-ly six house at will and likes to-be .used as a footstool by his master. ■ Golf Before Education—To reduce ■unemployment, the town of Palermo. North. Dakota, applied to the relief, board- for permission to. build a school." The request- Was refused, .bu" the. board offered funds to construct a golf, course and bird banct'uary which they declared, would provide more work. - A' dummy . policeman for duty a! dangerous, cross-roads has been in vented in Budapest. The robot pq- -liceman • holds an electric - toTclr in pnehand. A, sign-post hangs from hi.y arm. On fiuTKaclT neeted with/ the nearestrypnlice "sha™ tton and ambulance post. He has se- 1 lady-was to go out to dinner with a “ : 1 pSomewhat older gentleman of con- broad' shoulders, and' narrow hips, siderable dignity and portliness'. A However, the'perfect figure does have J-fttle while After he was supposed Symmetrical thighs that. are . firm’and to *e>all for her; he phoned from ... a round. ' . . ' ..-*•■ [drug stpr.e on ;tthe corner that ,.he. < Deep 'knee bending is .useful- both ' couldn't get., any _ answer ' from the ‘ jQW mnwla'anrl fnr burn. 1 She '.told. Rim tO' COme On ! ins .°5 Jat- T<? 2dUCi ^CehSS!back and.she’d attehd to if.' She.^y^^nnZced. N . w?2ht* movements gh.opld be opened a window-and,, when h£ ap-l In addition -to the suiu yP.1.4- •To dev^op. muscle, they •■i^st{.p-e<avedv-'.-sh-Oti-ted--over, thf plunking.,.thex. AdiniraRy,' firiancial! circles here’ -- - -j.... .... .,--------------- routin_e.^wmi(.ur], . t^t. she • was •'th rowing down 'earmarked to /finance' -industrial re- ■ j ing wrapped it in a bit .of brown.'suffGred' most from- the depression, i paner. T.t- hit the sidewalk occur-) A portion of the ■ total will, aiso j.atelv,' an l the gentleman .made' a) be 'guaranteed, future' loans when •s’. ■- , -,t . . x. .. [dive for it/ So did "the hardy-'the Government, undertakes- rehab- ' .gurdy man.. There was quite a tus- ihtation of• the nation’srailways, as: Ao't’Xh/ ;?™ ‘Me-' in which the callerl-s dinner.shirt1 forecast in the-' speech from thedenze tne tn..ghs is clone flat-on your,-/ ■ , •,...., , _ . . -s■ • • , ,,was-ruffled and his hat knocked off .Throne to Parliament recently. J5e^bTTe“^lnwly^a-rifi-yd-elfbei!a-feeIyv-^he^f^^|1:u.rtH^^ ■°t'd J 2a.'n^2he'blCZCf2.. 2' -S ■ ‘‘‘ h l tuIM »IIC YV“S Vi.ruvynn; uuwlt earmarkeci to.i'inance industrial re- s.endenze le s apd thighs d° her .front-door key'. • She did, hav- construction in those ■ regions ..which, it quickly. It will develop them- if1 - - ... . . . . . i. you do it slowly, making the muscl-,- es stretch and pull with each motion.; Rolling back and 'forth c;n the floor ing-the-bicy'cle A portion of the' total ■ will. huso . “Another good exercise to*' sle'm < stomach on the .floor,' C'Asping your " ■ . . , . . , ,hands behind your back, raise your The'hurdy-gurdy man won but when chest upward; Then, keeping Kneesr,le the paner and 'save what straight and, stomach flat, raise the ba^ caPtured.^ he banded it .over; leg;; slowlv upward iri the direction! w-iU'1 ,an apologe.tic bow. zThe gen-1 ■ of the small cf the bAgk..- - Hold . the! tieman ' came up, the stairs puffing) ■position a few seconds, then lower and red. feet to thh floor again. .'When .. .-you j 1 '■ -------------——■ have mastered the technique., rep'eat.'.^ccffegS and Roaches Rapidly ten tirhes'. -night- and fb'j ■_ ■ ____' If the inside of the oven is cleaned regularly, cakes and p-ies will rot burn so easily. Tnorning.” I ' I Fifth Avenue One - - - Four Varieties celebrating their own recovery. They ) yeral pockets containing motor maps MARRIAGE We get out' of marriage Juist about what we put into it. ADVERTISING An important statement was made' last week at a conference in New York city of the representatives of associated business papers. '.Erpest C. Hastings, editor of D*ry Goodsi Eco nomist, declared that-the daily/news paper was the dominant ' force in bridging buyers into retail I stores. Department stores spent approxi mately $150/000,000 last; year for newspaper advertising, he said, twice as much as was spent fn other frirms of advertising. “Newspapers always have been and alyays • will be the' dpminating' force "tfr bring people in to'the store!,” Hastings'said. “With out local papers, the department and' dry goods stores,1 of this country woulu soon become as dead As „.a 'morgue.”—St. Catharines Standard.- FAKES We have a hews story from New York which, complains bitterly abdti'i: the number of titled Europeans nriw kicking around the-American, metro polis and causing mo end of. embar rassment' to honest folk whp are not accustomed to their ways. For in stance, it is highly mortifying, Ave . learn, for an American to’ give a dime to a hat dheck girl and.then find out that she is a Russian cotfn-' tess. Also it is destructive to the dasy .Camaraderie of the republic' to have citizens "overawed by doormen who have been grand dukes a-nd Wait ers "who have been barons. We would hazard a guess, ' then, that Wholesale leg-pulling is going o.n in -New Y&rk. We Would like to .bet that a good 90 ,per cent, of 'the ’counts and duke^ and prinpes who open doors, check hatsi drive taxis, hbnd knees and nibble hands in New York ar.e just plain fakes.—-Vancou ver Sun. NEW FABRIC Canada, has given a new fabric to the' World. . As a result of experi-, ments by , research worker's--a .cloth, having the.-grain -and texture as well as the durability of •leather, - Ijas; been macle from Dom-inion 'spruce ADVERTISING important statement was made' bringing buyers into retail in. different -European languages- and traffic, regulations. Make Your Hip : Line Symmetrical “Bending and stretching exercises that cause a direct pull of .muscles and tendons in- the back of the legs burn off fatty tissue, thereby reduc- I ing weight on the thighs,” says Don- I aid -Loomis, trainer ‘of Hollywood | stAr's. That’s a gfood thing .to.rem- I ember during coming, weeks when wreav oanaua, .xncwwuhu-I 'BUiy puunJ-audhljr land, and the Irish Free St^te will hsweets and holiday feasts that threat in I ' Atlantic air service. . . The d’ecis'-! 1 ( are spending, money once more. Tliis is attested most impressively . by the'ir night-life. In all their big cit ies long queues may be seen outside the theatres and cinemas. Hotels, so. j long deserted, are crowded. So are the. new stream-lined and air-condi tioned" trains.-—W7 ’F. Bullock in London1 Mail. ... FAIR WARNING TO MONTREAL At opposite ends of .the earth,new steps in the developrnent; of Brit ish commercial air routes are. being taken. The message of our corres pondent at Ottawa hints at the im-- nortance of.the discussions,'in which. Great Britain, Canada, i ; ■ ~ \\ 7 take part, over the proposal for ar ' Atlantic air service. . . The d'ecis1- , ions taken now may determine, the . main outlines of other services which will have-to be s,et up ..during the next - quarter of a' century. . What happened in the early days of the railways is in process of happening On the air routes. Once an air route is established, it is a matter of in convenience and expense to diveyf .it. The great city which misses its chance today to place itself on a great air route may have the ut- pnost ■ difficulty ten years hence in recovering a lost opportunity. That fact is perhaps as fully appreciated in Canada as in any part of the world. . . All the signs at present point to- Montreal as the focal point ./of the first 'Atlantic" services; and. the' fact that, the forthcoming dis cussions are being held, in Ottawa may perhaps be taken to mean that Canada has' suggestions to *make, and i,s prepared to do her full share ish commercial air routes are, being pendent at Ottawa hints at the im-- Newfound-1 y°u’re “sure to eat pound-addin 1 en your ^figure. ; “You“ can’t' reduce the hip bones, of "course, so don’t wear yourself out trying to obtain a V-shaped figure. Women aren’t supposed to have J ‘ ■ . with some of the respect and hon our wh'ich *we accord .the 'pioneers. —Toronto Star. “GETTING ABREAST” ' Somewhere -eventually in Canada the process of draining wealth from the rural -communities is going to ' be reversed. .The drift of people in- 'to the cities, where the resources -of Canadian wealth are controlled, is de trimental to the best interests of the' nation. A.’niw national policy has to be found fo-. make life, in the country mote attractive, with ecq-‘ nomic security for Workers ■ in the primary industries. Whoever is to .give the lead in this direction, it is encouraging to see the signs Quebec in' proriioting a set ofw arrangements.-1 a^reasl which would "’‘make her part of'-the zeT1- ■ mg-in airway soon ,:to encompass the. worhK—London. Times. THE BARNYARD PIONEER . The chicken of 1893, and we men is getting ready to of the times.—Ottawa that be Citi- having the.-grain and texture as well been spruce “HOW LONG?” Fifteen thousand acres of lands in ■ southern Albefta has just $18'^000. As • the de5- tiori this ’in" order to'be fair, "scratch- ’-spatch .from. Lqthbrldge stated, this ,ed its own living* from the’ soil and' ^ould indicate ap- agricultural come- ’wa-s, perhaps, a bit thin from chas-! i?ack in th,e Province. One* Wonders ■ i-ng grasshoppers and toiling from . k<Jw long it will ^e before- big real dawn'to dark trying to scratch earth esi;ate deals,are announced, in the ci- wprms from, heavy clay loam,' ’ It lies.-—■Tr^vv*>'v,4-''vi earri'^d* its own living, (hid its eggs I under .brush heaps, while its . pam-; H should be nipro widely realized perod dnscendapts of' to’day are fed Northern. Ontario has agricul- from silver spoons,/* So one looks turB^fend unexcelled anywhere, and back-on' the hen of. fifty years ago" ptesenQnd potential weath. that is ....-..------------------not limited to dts minerals.—Ottawa 1. Journal,' . farm ■* .—Ednfonton Journal. . .FARMING IN THE NORTH 21 . -. ■ ,1 \EW YORK-i—Society" matrons'ofDouble . Apple Exports Fifth avenue and tenement families ' • r . '• . ... • sofrtetimes have a common . problem —bedbugs and cockroaches.It is expected that fb.e export .-of ■ Bedbugs ■ and cockroaches came .P .- -,year over with our best fannlfes on' the; ^2222; J 2- th^mv2-—se-i-eh-t-Lsts—affreed. bemg at convention • of the National, kpy Association of Insecticide and Dis- most- sor.*etimes have a common . probleiri It is expected' that fl.e- export .-of r./ . :' '■ ’ ’ ■ 'easily— ■■ McIntosh ai'e the- varieties chiefly exported at present; and other wimcr varieties are ly stored’for later export. ' Great .improvements ' have been ■ maile in lhe export of Ontario ap- o( .nsect, kn t bugi; n-ipst m t.ha nn .t t.pti vajivw iQro'niv * irifectant Manufact.urerers. . “The very, wealthy as well as the v<?iy poor are affluted with all sorts they said.. Founded 22 years ago, the associa tion is pow 15 times its original size; But during the same, period,, its mem bers admit, bug and. insect, life in the United ■ States, has increased 1,000 t The “bugologists” talked of hhese thing: - pies, in the pa.-t ten years, largely ( through the efforts, of the 'Ontario by. Secretary P.• W; Hodgetts; and their overseas representative, And- Fr'uit Growers’ Association, directed r6w Fulton. ,T ■ x n , ■ per. cent.Large ■ exports of apples are re ported from bs ova .Scotial To Octob- ei-.. 16th overseas ?hipwnts through ,m . dur .<clcah„ finger T. ’ort WhUams, totalled « ho^WllI number 500,- 403,297 ban-els. Last year, as of. 3 _ n nnft : .. October 23, shipments totalled 299,- r ■ ■> ' -. . ... ... Bacteriological- damage in ■ the743 parrels. Thus shipments this £ amounts r t0 year,.onwhht.ssa1<ltobo aSmaler . 0 ... . crop, have been Very much greater r ■■ . than a year ago.- - | ' - t * $ \ * Hi “' j A most, commendable change in Ontario's penal syste'm te announced by Hon, Harry Nixon, whereby boys and young men who are “first offen ders” will not be incarcerated with hardened criminals from whom they secure advanced. lessons in crime; octui.e <au vcim;i=(j , icsduiu m viuuc;} , fI Hereafter,' youth' convicted on first sPrinS,a--day. The total . weight of the insect po pulation of the worhf. is more-, than 360,000,000j)00 pounds, greater than the weight of'the human popu lation. . ■ * ’ - “A bedbug mjust bite a human be ing five times before it grows .urj,” the - delegates were told’. “A germ breeds one million off- offences will all bri sent to the Guel-i ph Reformatory, • olifer first-timers will go to Mimico and the “repeat ers” will 'be ihcarcerated r,ti Bur- wash. By this -arrangement, the chances of reforming youthful off-- enders will be gladly increased.. - . ■r .Edsel Ford was cited as a-perfect ly dressed business, executive. ' Wil liam Rhinelander Stewart was called by one stylist “the ^ut'sfariding man in a dinner suit”, < in ‘New York. “Tony” Biddle has “a great. variety of cl-othes for any occasion and knows how. to wqar them.”, William Goaclby-Loeyr was called the* “Beau Brummel of Wall Street.*.’,.. The* tailors Said Busch shows ( .“great versatility in- dress for busi--I ness and social _ life. He wears gray- topper at steeplechase events^ "meticulous Attention he pays to all the details of 'Tress.'”’ • Perry .is J' - . “sophisticated in his fpjmal evening' one in which I never said a word attire and in hili outing attire.** x“'5 4,kxl Richard K. Mellon, ' neph'w .of An drew Mellon-, is “outstanding for his bunting an.c| outdoor attire.” ■ Teague, is “very original in his selection of clothes,” ■'hnd/is' kfn'own- for. individuality'. .'<••’ « a , Cfuidkly ■ The Longest. Play ■Eugene O’Neill, who is .working at a play in 30 acts*- presumably-!, hopes for a kinder reception of his work thdn was accorded another long-drawn-out ■ dramatic experi merit, “Oon^h,” by Edmund Falcon-! er, produced’at Her'Majesty’s"Thea-( tr-e, Dondonf in 1866. -.The .curtail^ j went up at 7.30 p. m. and when thei "”d:cr.ec withdrew, just! .make a French- there were still severaU- (sBA smaill /vieW). 1 have it, with de and sleeveless.' ’ ' Foui* different "Style No. 83^’ ! the longest play ever inflicted on the' • 4 6-in ch eg bust. ■ ‘.Size. 16 rerfui '39-inch material lace fo,r gown; qpires 4% yards erial.. HOW TO OR -Write your ri plainly, , giving j of pattern wan in stamps or c - red-; wrap (f. c ' dress your* brdl terri Service, S Street, Toronto; .. It’S modern tp b in a soft shimnl “nightie' shirt” ' | “nightie shirt” g view!). Besides they’re so cprhjy •their little buy co sleeve. And .then for xft ashioned sat i n or e small o ' 'smart, rm with cuffed last of the audience withdrew, after 2 a. m., t scenes-to be played.' With the thea tre empty, however, the weary aetdrs I refused to dai’ry on and the curtain/ an*2ebsily ^niTde! I$eil for the' first and last, time on . 1'n; Ztt I what until how, seems to have been, sizes 14, 16, 18 British public,.—M-ancheter . Guardi-: Marshall Field is' known for tb'e(a;rt* | ---- -----------| “The, hot fight 1 ever fought arid th^t was with' a woman.”—Prof. Wikpl, History, Purdue'Univ. “Fathers send .^hgl^^ons to' col-, lege ..either because wei/ went ,to college or because they didn’t.” — Dean Lh-L, Hendf'eft, Univ, of Ga. yon can pajapia : is would ■ V-neck I gned for f 38 and yards of Ji, yards of • ijama re- ■irich. -niat- VTTERNS id address ‘ and Size Inclose 15c * Jm’n. prefer- ’ ■ aj)' arid atFS.3 wilsbn Pat- ot Adelaide Ifi r L-Cl /