The Lucknow Sentinel, 1935-12-19, Page 5'V * a* 4 1 A r\ THURSDAY, DECEMBER 19, 1935 '* J‘THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL PAGE FIVS A X KING’S STORE Wingham WISHES AtL ” , A JOYOUS CHRISTMAS y THERE ARE just five days lefty in wki€h to Complete Christmas buying. DO COME* and see our big . stock of liveable, useable a n d ■ ~ artistic Christmas presents. SOMETHING for every mem- •., ber of th« family . and' the ' home as well. LISTEN for KING’S (Special Daily Broadcast. GIIVE GIFTS THAT- LAST, you will long be remembered by the. one ! who receives it. We have the stock i priced to suit your purse. — WM’ MURDIE & SON. You don’t have to go to Reno for .quick divorce^-from your corns. Just go to, your druggist and get a tube’of NOXAOORN, Sold At A. E. McKIM’S DRUG STORE. A Rabbit Hunt About 45 bunnies were bagged on Monday in ’ Huron Township be -. tween the 6th and the 8th conces- . . sions by a party of Toronto hunters, ahd a number of local sports who joined in the roundup. Practically the entire bag was given to the.Tor- onto gents. ‘ Those Blooming Pansies. Many of our readers will recall those “blooming” pansies of Mr.] Joe , Collyer’s which were in flower prac: tically the year round last year. Well - r they’re at it again this year and last - week* after a blanket of snow had melted o/ the patch, Mr. Collyer picked a dozen or more prettily colored .flowers in full blossom. COLLEGE AT HOME sj Learn while you earn; save board money; pay when convenient. There is.an increasing demand for scienti fically business trained young people. Prepare at home or at college, or nartly at home and finish at college. Opr Employment Department is at your service, Write to-day to Canada Business College, Bloor & Bathurst ■ St., Toronto: or,, to the Wingham Business College. _^_^^_.A—Gift--^Pr-6bIem-“-~------: _u_—T—Easily-Solved—--—;---------------—r—— At, least ione of your Christmas gift problems can be readily solved by giving a year’s subscription to The 'Sentinel, to some relative or friend, not now a regular subscriber. To an absent member of the-family 'it is a very welcome ’letter from home each week.” ' Attractive gift cards accompany each gift subgcrip- " tion. .1Murray Murdoch Sets All-Time Record Lucknow Born Lad Competed In EH® •Five Hundredth%Consecutive Hock­ ey. Game With Same Club on Tues- day—rlModestly Alibis His Remark­ able Escape From Disabling In- - •—-juries,-—7..... ...---4—:---- --' - ■ • ’ ----- Wiry Murray Murdoch reached an all time record as hockey’s,, iron man on Tuesday night as the polished pro­ duct of Winftipeg. hockey took 'hi« turn in his„ 500th consecutive game with the New York RangOrs-7-exhi- bition, league and play-offs—when his team met the Canadians at New York. ' ' One of the five originals left on the' team, formed for the 1926r27 National Hockey League season. Murdoch concedes luck was the big? ’n the world’s fastest sport with its crashing bodily contact.. and fre-' qijent injury. When he left - Winnipeg Maroons- to join Rangers, N. H. L. teams car­ ried only 10 men and Murdoch thinks, this had something to do with his. amazing record, for in those days minor hurts did not keep a’ man out of the line-up like they do in the riresent day of plentiful reserve strength. , . ’ Later, when the 15-nian team w.as^ adopted, the Cooks-Boucher trio was at its peak. “They got all our goals,” said Murdoch, “ajl we had to do was keep our opponents from scoring.. Just back checking was simple en­ ough and reduced the danger of being hurt.” Murdoch is in his 10th season of major hockey, league arid, exclusive of playoffs,' has amassed a total of T70? Scoring points' and the' same'' number of minutes in the . penalty box. His point total is made up of 83 goals, 87 assists. Murdoch ,Jjas not missed a game #since joining the Rangers 10 years ago. Hockey is a gruelling game and injuries frequently creep into the ranks but Murdoch, despite minor injuries, has been able to take his place in?the line-up without a break. Murdoch’s record will likely be un­ equalled in the future., ManagerULes- ter Patrick considers Murdoch as one of the wonder men of pro hockey. He has a number of8 years of the game ahead of him but Lady Luck might not smile on him in the future as 'she has in the past and an injury would bring his record to a close. John Murray Murdoch was born, at. Lucknow, Ont., May.. 19, 1904, and moved with his family to ;'Edgerton, -Alta— Hehas been^ hears and has a severi-year-,old dau- ghter. .... Trespass Charge Withdrawn Was Laid By. Mr. W. Scott Of Kin- , lough Against Frank Baechler— Plaintiff .Did Not Wish To Press Charge. MAFEKING CULRQSS CORNERS DANCE in the Paramount Hall on Friday night, December 20th. Ad­ mission: Ladies 9 c, plus tax; Gents 25c plus tax. Hogan’s ' orchestra. Booth. Check-room. Everybody wel- 1 ' come. ' A good time is expected at Blake 'S, S. concert, December 23rd. Sidney .Brown of Benmiller spent,, the week-end with Richard Kilpat­ rick. .• . x. Arrangements have been made for Normal School students to spend s week observing and practising teach­ ing—m schools Convenient to their homes, previous to the Christmas and Easter holidays. Miss Cora Dickr son of Con. 4, Ashfield, is in Miss Olive Anderson’s school, No. .9, Miss Jean;‘ Anderson, is with Miss Qlivq Kilpatrick at Crewe. School and Ern­ est Craw-ford of "Port Alb.eidL.is—with.. / Richard Kilpatrick at Sheppardton. Miss Isohel Anderson of Cargill was the guest of Miss Olive Ander­ son, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. S. B. Stothers of Arthur” were guests of Mr. and Mrs. , Henry Horton, during the week. purchases farm Mft. Geo. F. Brooks has recently '’completed a real estate deal where­ by he becomes owner of the Sam Smith farm, in ‘Huron Township be­ tween. the boundary and' ttye second concession. This gives ' Mr. Brooks 150; acres on - this line, he haying owned an adjoining “50” for several years. ’ Mr: iSftiith’s farm is at present oc­ cupied by Mr. Lloyd Stein, and the new owner does not taken possession until. spring. An . idea of the slump in land values is gained by the fact that Mr* Brooks purchased the 100 acres for less than half the price he paid fourteen .years ago for the'50 acres. Together with the home pl&co Mr. Brooks will now have 250 acres of land, and although the effects of .permanent..-injur-ies^--suffered~-~in—-a- motor accident a few seasons ago prevent Mr. Brooks from doing stren­ uous farm' work, he has three sons who are well able to " operate this expanse of soil. . , —— —y—— - .. - - . Mrs. Walter Hodgins spent ah af­ ternoon with Mrg. Alex Whytock last week. . 1 Mr. and, Mrs. JaS; Wraith spent Sunday with Mr. afid Mrs. Stobo. Mr. and Mrs. Alex Whytock and family visited. Mr. and |Mrs. .Dune. Thompson, jSunday. > - Mr.-Harry-Hodgins- -spent- the week end with his mother, Mrs. W. Hod­ gift’s recently. ■ 'Mr* and Joe Hannah, spent- an afternoon with Mr; and Mrs. Robt. McKee recently. ....... -. 1 , . .Mr.» and Mrs; ;R6bt. Scott'''and Art Hodgins spent, an , evening *■ of Jast week with Mr. , and Mrs. Earle'H,od- gips,.. ' Mr. Charlie Hodgins delivered a horse, to Mr. Walter Ballagh l^st week. ,.Don’t forget the Christmas Trees and concerts .this week. -■ dVhr^anft—Mts “Charlie' S chum acker? and, family spent Sunday in Mild- may. Miss Alice Wall is spending this 'veek with .her sister, Mrs. Howard Haldenby. I . Boy’s & Mon’s Wearables CHRISTMAS GIFT SPECIALS BOYS’—-FINE SHIRTS AND BLOUSES TWEED CAPS, LIGHT AND DARK COLORS TIES, RAYON SILK, BOXED ^.GQLE SOX^ALL WOOL OR COTTON MIXTURES. M|EN—JERSEY KNIT V NECK PULLOVERS ’ . GLOVES, LINED A ND UNUNED FINE SHIRTS, WHITE AND FANCY COLORS SOX, AT 25c, 35c and 50c PER PAIR TIES, BRACES, BELTS, HATS AND CAPS ■___Q . Jf UEELERS:—L___ C Reg. $1.65 for _ ▼ * ODD PANTS < O g E Reg. $3.95 for __ 0 I UNDERWEAR ; Reg. $1.25 for — UNDERWEAR X. .' Reg. $1.85 for (SWEATER COATS d* | £ C . Reg. $2.00, for Our Closing Out Sale is StilLOn. Call and See duy Special Off®f iags.-~ A E. BUS WELL Lucknow, Ontario KJ KJ ./■ re-Mr. and Mrs: Tom Todd have turned from their wedding trip and will reside on their farm, the former Gordon place. ’ ' • The regular meeting 'of -the Y. P. U. was held , on Sunday evening. Miss Tsobel Miller read the Bible charac­ ter. The topic “The Forward Look In Missions”" was“ taken by Mr. Ted Rice* Next Sunday evening ; the Young People plan to. present the nageant “We Would See Jesus”. Mr. John Webb of High River. ?Aita^*-,is-home—for-aUvi&i.tr -—— HOLYROOD Mrs. Almev Ackert 'and Jack spent Sunday evening at; Mr. Ralph El­ liott’s, Huron. ' . Mr.-and Mrs. Robt. . MacDonald and son ..Jack were recent visitors at Mr. J..-B. Turnbull’s of. Underwood. 'ind at Mr. Harvey Ackert’s of Luck­ now': •' ■ ■ ■ . Mrs. James Murray of Teeswater, ‘was a recent guest at Miss-S. Pur- Vis’. ; Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Eadie spent Monday at Mrs. Rachel Culbert’s. Miss Kathleen Eckenswiller and Mr, Dan Cassidy: were' the prize, win-' -ner-s—at—t-he-P-rogressive—euchre—on~ Friday evening. . Miss Vera* Johnston was a recent visitor with Mr? Fred Johnston’s at Listowel. Mrs. Rachel Culbert, Eva and Lome, spent Sunday at Mr. John Peterborough’s, south line. Mr. and Mrs.' George White -iand' fapiily spent Sunday at Mr. Ambrose . Gamble’s at Clinton. o They were ac­ companied home by -Miss' Leona White who had been at Lucan for some time.' . . Mr,, and Mrs. Allister 'Hughes were recent visitors at Gueiph. . We' are pleased , to .report .that Miss Winnifred Acker.t is improving in health. 1 . Mr, and Mrs. Ernest Ackert' spent Sunday at Mr. Chas. Cohgram’s. Choice Christmas Meat Ir, Ambrose -y were ac- At The Meat Market v CALL IN AND SEE OUR'/'.^f CHRISTMAS DISPLAY OE MEATS WHETHER YOU BUY OR NOT _ Choice BabyBeef AS WELL AS OTHER GOOD CARCASSES • ■ ■ * ■ ■ ’ • - \> LOOK THEM OVER AND SATISFY YOURSELF. Everything Reasonably Priced WE HAVE A FULL LINE OF CURED & FRESH MEATS EVERYBODY WELCOME \■ R. J. BUTTON ,pH°NE 54 . ijiiii , I „„ , „ .. II,III— ip - --ir /-■ ZION *• BELFAST Mr. Ralph Camerhn spent (th« week-end Vrith friends, in Ripley. Mr,, and Mrs. Roy Alton visi on Tudsdajf with the former’s uncle/ : Mr. . Herb Alton df Dungannon. / Many from, fhiS ymmity aftepd^d- /the funeral of the I^jte Mrs which was held from the homi Jer^brother, Mr. Gilbert Vint. /Much / / sympathy is extended the bi ‘ family., »< ’i / y Visitors the . Miss Goderich is spending a few weeks with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Will Ritchie.‘ —iMrs^-Jaines—Cook—left—on—Sat-u-i-da-y- -for-Torontp^vhere-^henvfll^peTTd“tk(r winter "months with her sister, Mrs. F. G. Topp. Mr. and Mrs. Jpo. McDonagh and Murray of Hackett’s, were recent visitors with Mr. and Mrs.„Fted An­ derson. ‘ Misses Elsie and Daisy Ritchie of Lucknow were home over the week­ end. , , Misses Birdie and JEunide Reed of Lucknow visited on Monday Wth- their aunt, Mrs. Will Gardner. / Zion W. M- ’8. held, their regular November meeting on Thursday last at the home of MrAs> Geo. Hunter with a good attendance. After an in- foresting meeting, election of officers was held as follows f President, Mrs, Geo. Hunter-; Viqe/’res., Mrs. Wes­ ley Ritchie;Mrs. Ernest Gardner; Ass’t Seb’y., Mrs. Albert Helm; Treas., Mrs./C? E. McDonagh ; Supt.(of Systematic Giving—Mrs. W? T. Gardner; Supt. /Mite RoxeS-^Mrs, Jeanne Ritchie, R.N. of ■——-D-T.-—and-r-lVLrS;.—JjL-JlaU——of-—-Godcmch— spent Sunday with the latter’s broth­ er Marvin and Mrs.iDurnin.- .' A number- from here attended the Community. Christmas tree at Luck­ now last Saturday.” _ . Bill Watt of I.anes spept the week end renewing Old acquaintances here. Miss Catherine Heed has' returned home after spending the past few weeks with. Mrs. Matthew Shackleton We are sorry that Anna Mae Cul- ber.t isn’t improving as fast as her many friends would like. , ‘ Crewe Sunday. School’. concert on- Friday night, Dec. 20th, at 8 o’clock. ■ Miss Mabel Reid spent Monday • j? • ' -i. r * i- I*'1* PaiilS for the week-end. The December meeting of the W. M. S. was. held at Mrs. R. J. Wood’s. The devotional leaflet was' on the Spirit of Love and Forgiveness and the chapter from the study book was on the Faith of Africa. At the con­ clusion of the regular meeting, the following officers were elected for 1936: president, Miss M. C. Ruth­ erford; Vice-pres., Mrs. W. I. Miller; Secretary, Mrs. W. A. Miller; Trea­ surer, Mrs. W. E, Gordon; Mission Band Supt., Mrs. Lorne Wpods; As­ sistant, Mrs. Tom Todd; Miss. Mon­ thly iSec’y., Mrs. W. I. Miller.; As­ sociate Helper’s Sec’y., Mrs. D.-Todd: Press Seb’y*., Mrs. R. 'K. Miller; Lit. & Temperance Sec’y., Mrs. Ted feice; Stranger’s Sec’y., Mrs. R. Woods: Pianist? Mrs. Ted Rice; Auditors, Mrs.- D. Todd, Mrs. R...K. Miller. The annual meeting of the Beef ■Ring was held last Thursday even-, ing, when the busines of the ' year was wound up. The following .officers were,elected: Pres., Mt. Albert Alton; Vice-.pres., Mr. Hugh /Rutherford; Seely .-Treas., Mr. W. .A* Millet; But- cher, Mi*. Tom Webster. The annual meeting of' the Farm-* ers’ Club will be fteld in the hall On Monday evening, December 23rd. Reception For Newlyweds „ Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Todd . were guests of honor at a reception in their new home, given on Monday night, by Mr. and Mrs. Frank Todd. About 150 friends aftd neighbors were present to enjoy an- evening of dancing and to extend congratula­ tions to the bride ahd groom* who haye the best wishes of a host -of friends in the community. ----------------—:------- -—•----- '■ aved ''/ . . ome of WiL -. ■ fred Hackett’s on/Sunday, w^re Mr. / and Mrs. Norin;MaADonald 'and / daughter Anna </f Ripley; r. and . A . AJ ■* ''Mrs. Acldisop River and Mr. Bouder oftOsha __■_ her, sisteij, Mrs. Mr. and Mrs ___ Sunday with1 Mrs. j Earl. ( Mr. James R.i Hackett of Lucknow called ori Mr. Vint on'/Tuesday after* noon, ' Irjristr-ong / of Pine rind /ifrs./ Egerton a. Miss Wilkie of JPaisUy,/ is visiting / / With Magistrate . F» W. Walker presiding a charge of trespass Lodg­ ed by W. Scott of Kinloss, residing 2T/3 miles west of Kinlough, against Frank Baechler, was withdrawn on Baechler paying half the costs qf the action and agreeing to keep of the plaintiffls property. Mr. David Rob­ ertson, K.C., acting for Mr. Scott, said it. was not his client’s wish to have Baechler fined, but it -was his desire .that he should refrain from coming to bis place and -remaining on his premises after he had been ordered off. , “Crown Attorney Freeborn, acting for the Crown, stated that Mr. Scott being an elderly ipan, was not phy­ sically able, to eject Baechler, who is b’young, blocky chap, and that th-j plaintiff had rightfully insisted that the police come and remove him. By the tirpe the police arrived, Baechler had departed. The point is, continued the Crown, that Baechler persists in staying on. Mr. Scott’s premises, af­ ter this householder has- repeatedly ordered him off, arid he was agree­ able to having the charge withdrawn if assurances ‘ were given by Bae­ chler that, he wotild no- longer trou­ ble .Mr. Scott in this respect. Magistrate Walker declared that the court Plight refuse to grant. thq> withdrawing of the case and. insist that the trial gb on. It costs money for constables to run out to a man’s home* and he hardly considered it the y,ight thing that after,the officers liad done their work and a charge is laid for .the11 complainant to come t:. court and ask that it be withdrawn. If householders want the protection of the police, continued the magis­ trate, they, must be prepared to co­ operate with the officers and see the matter through. The court assessed the Costs of the action at $6. and each paid $3 as hig share, and each was given* to understand what ws.« expected Of -h’m in future—-Walk erton /Herald-Times. z' with friends at. Mafek'ing. Bert Lea., Ritchie spent erwood and f u , / *♦’ de­ tri. KINLOUGH LODGE HOLDS INSTALLATION OF OFFICERS t'mas gift buying^ - . c get a C. W. Ritchie; plates and, operator’s permit until by Hori. ember ^ls associations, which felt tliat'the nee- s y Total . ----1456.27 /.‘ ' • Payments . ' CandSdate.’s personal expenses$829.14 Postage __ Hire of Premises Services __ Goods* supplied •Advertising PARENTS VISIT SCHOOL. . With a view to stimulating co-. z’ operation between the school and the 1 home, about 20 parents visited Dun- x ganfion school, upon the invitation ..jffT cbf- Principal Gordon Kidct, who with dF/ Miss Olive Farrier, the assistant, outlined the courses of study and the. methods of teaching as adopted- by " them.’ The recently installed manual training equipment and. the work keing done by the class was also in- ; \ "spected. It is planned to organize a Home and iSchool Club, after the New • . ■ Year. ... ... '■ ■■.•■' . ATTENTION! LUCKNOW. SCOUTS For those who have not heard? ?’ Scout meeting is on Thursday night at half past seven. Plda'se bring cup and . Spoon as wp have prepared a special, treat for you.' ‘ - A new patrol has started up under Joe Patten, patrol leader and , Jim Webster, second. So all new boys whose age is twelve Or within a Very' short time of it come and,, join. This is the fourth patrol;and wljen it is full, we Will have, . after. all have" tried their tests, a trOop of thirty--two (full pledged members ready to begin the new year as a genuine scout. The organization is becoming more and more advanced everyday and by the end of lf>3G we ewtiLio••have■& mi good tteop* eavenwnt. Gard Of Thanks . Mt. Gilbert Vint and family sir6 to express grateful thanks theltfrid'e circle of friends for 'their many kind acts and expression Of sympathy during their recent b’er- BEEF RING ENDS YEAR - Dungannon Beef Ring concluded its year’s business at the • annual, meeting last week, ’gvhen 10c’ was sot as the price of beef for the past season. Bert Treleav^n, Upon retir­ ing after several «years service as secretary-treasurer, was tendered a vote of thinks./Officers are hs fol­ lows: James McWhinney, president; Frank Pentland* sOC.-trOas.; Thus. Wiggins* ahd Robdrt Davidson;, in­ spectors; Jacob Reid and Wm. Stew­ art, auditors; Thos. Webster, butcher. Worshipful Master, Is . Bro. Oscar Hodgins—Mr. Isaac Pinnell Presided The Annual election of officers of L. O. L. 113'9, KinloUgh, was held on Saturday evening, December 16th, and was presided over by Brq. Isaac Pinnell, Past Master of Kinloss. Dis­ trict; The following are the- officers:. Oscar Hbdgins, W.M.; Peter Carter- D.M.; Art Graham, Chaplain; Grahaii, Rec.-tSec’y*; Isaac Pinnell'? fin.-sec’y.; .Wesley Guest, treas.; Henry Pinnell, Marshal; John John­ ston, 1st Leet'.; Fred Jackson, 2nd' LeCt>; Levi Boyle, 1st committee,- Noble Guest, 2nd Committee; Win. Pertjy, 3rd Committee; Geo. McKen­ zie, 4th committee; Sick'Com., Levi Boyle, Bert McLean. After the elec- tibn the officers were installed- in their respective offices by Isaac Pin<: neil, Past' District ‘ Master and Byo.. Isfoble Guest as Marshal which w^s followed by speeches by each x>f the officers. Instead of holding our lodge meeting op Tuesday flighty 6n>dr .before tike full of the rftdon, they', will be held on the 2nd Friday of. each hioftth. The ; annual district meeting will be- held ' at Ki/rljpugh. Tuesday1, January 14th. Kinljough News Mr. Bruce Reihl has-relutneci after a visit with his mother at Londbm ? Mrs? Thos. Malcolm and daughter. Miss Margaret, were/: to / Toronto this. week.. • . ■ I ■ . . * Mrs. F. McMuTlen and -ktr. R'well J^cMtlilen of ’j’oftonto Visited ^ith upt.* pf Associate Helpers—Mrs. Ja/k Gardner,; Supt. Flower Fund—ss Myrtle Ritchie; Supt.- Subscriptions to Missionary Monthly—Mrs.Ralph Nixon. Ap­ preciation of/Mrs* Wesley Ritchie’s ■faithful an ’capable seirviceg fig president fo/the past two years, was expressed. January meeting will be held at the home of Miss/ MyYtle Rit­ chie. " _ ''■! ---......:! /■■ •' / '. *<■• // f f INSTITUTE MEETING' - Teace” wis ■ thq ® theme of the /Women’s Institute December meet­ ing held at the home of-Mrs. R. J. „Cameron, on< Friday. A gift (exchange and carol singing- with Migs Gladys Tucker at the piano, werle, special Christmas features. The topic was' dealt with by Mrs. D. M. Thompson; “A Willing Helper.* Doesn’t Wait Until He Is Asked.” Mrs..‘■Harvey Webster I gave a paper oh “Peace and Mrs/ Andrew one on ‘/What Con­ stitutes |the true Christian Spirit?” Mrs. Archie Patterson gave a read­ ing on “Peace”. Mis^ pOnalda Mac- Callum/ contributed a, /sldlo! Mrg. Charles Steward won the homemade ^andy Contest,'which1 was judged by •Miss Tucker and Miss' Gladys Hod-' Uns. The Institute pjaris Jto do ooh- ............ ,...... siderable benevolent work and to re- Mr'ss. M. McLean on Thursday last, member the siclTat Christmas time.' TIME EXTENDED.. Motorists, have been granted a two weeks’ extension of.time, and will not have toy secure their license plates and. operator’s permit until January 15th/ it has been- announced K” • r- McQuesten. The pre­ vious ‘final/date had been set at Dec­ ember pi Up ‘but this aroused consid­ erable /protest, by ‘business 'men’s associations, I which felt that'the nec­ essity of / securing licenses, by the end of,the year, would see many dol­ lars converted to this channel that would o erwise be used fbr Chris­ tmas gift buying. a z ’ Commercial ?ydhicles pnd trailora . ' orriewhat greater extension in time to purchase their permits. The 1935/ffiarkdrs will be valid until thez day of .February. ELE^ltoN EXPENSES’' _ / / ' ------— ' Official/ figures of the electioh ex* ■" of Robert John Deachihan. Candida/te at the recent election to House of Commons of Canada for the riding of Huron? North. \Receipts -- Cohti/ihutions, etc._______$145(1