HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1935-12-19, Page 1of lovely sift selections & possibility. WILL BE 100 MONDAY <tv , 1 , v.v» ’’II interest. ‘ Mac- and eligr- r A GN E W * S WATCH STORE, LUCKNOW probable next year, wTien a one fniTI increase in the.tax rate is.forcast as a SPECIAL CHRISTMAS DINNER —at the^ Lucknow Hotel. ' Those wishing same, please ■ leave orders. Special rates’ given steady, boarders. Watches! and Gents’ councillors are Angus McIntosh"' year and Alex , Ross, who were I THESE MAKE DELIGHTFUL GIFTS, ° PACKED READY ■ ' ’ ' | . MAIL" . ■ Come and See Quality and Price WE HAVE ENTERED our thirty- first Our is a ness Municipal Matters Very Quiet Which Indicates That The Present Body Will* Possibly Be Given A Second ’ Term By Acclamation DR. J. E. LITTLE Dentist X-RAY SERVICE Office In The Johnston Block . -£ .' Telephone No. 5 . Get the Men’s, Women’sl and Children’s LIFEBUOY Rubbers and. Overshoes — at W. J. LITTLE’S SHOE. STORE. year in ^business in Lucknow, sincere wish to this community Merry Christmas and all happi- throughout the • year 19363— WM. MURDIE & SON. ' " Departmental Regulations Require High.. School Board To Cohsist'.Of Seven Members—Only. Six At Pre­ sent. . • Learn To Play This. Winter ART McCARTNEY teacher of Violin, . Banjo and Guitar. Special instruction . for children and begin­ ners. Commence at once; • WOOD FOR SALE—hard or soft wood, any length, either delivered - or at the pile; — Harvey Ackert, Lucknow, 29-w. ir GIFTS THAT LAST *2.00 PER YEAR IN ADVANCE; $2.50 OTHERWISE LUCKNOW, ONT., THURSDAY, DECEMBER 19, 1935 SINGLE COPIES 6 GENTS ................. i----;------- ■ 1 - ------------------- -—:----------------------------------C--------Z------------------------------ 7 ' ' ' 1 * ' ' - *’ Wishing Our Readers and Friends A Merry Christmas VETERINARY J. M. KAINE, V.S., B.V.Sc.^ . Havelock St„ Lucknow ,’PHONE 104-W Graduate of Ontario Veterinary College, University of Toronto Charges reasonable. Day or night ( calls promptly attended to -Office in the residence of; the late. —^"Mrs.W.E.McDonald . . 2 Hundreds Of Children Meet Santa Claus Mild Weather Forced The Old Gen- , .tieman To Discard His Sleigh And Reindeers And Make Last Leg Of His Journey To Lucknow By Horse And Buggy. FOR SALE—At price; one. only, k Sentinel: subscription, to a. ne vy> su t scriber, for a one year term. For .^particulars apply at* the Sentinel" Office. \ , FREE FOSTER HOME, wanted for lovely baby boy 5[ months old, Roman Catholic; also boy 11 years old, nice- healthy boy.; also fair haired boy, , one year and a half. Apply R. Perdue Superintendent C. A. S., Walkerton. Two bands and close to a thous­ and children greeted Santa Claus on his arinual visit; to Lucknow last. Sat­ urday afternoon. Mild weather and oractically no snow .forced old St. Nic. to make the last leg of his jour­ ney to[ the village by Dune." Mc- Charies’ horse and buggy, but he ar-, rived on Schedule,, and after waiting around a short time for all the children to gather at .the town hall, headed a large parade down street, followed ’ by the Citizens’ Band and a long, file of children and . the Luck­ now Boy Scouiss. Bringing up the rear were the Pipers. Thronged around , the tree, the children and adults listened to the “tall” tales, told by the old. red coatri^. gent, whom one could have taken for Mr. Jack Miller, had they not known that it ?was Santa Claus himself; From infants .in arms to teen age children,. were among those to re- SCHOOL OPENS MONDAY When pupils of the local. 'Public and High School commence . their Christmas—holidays—- this Friday, it will, be, for a full two weeks’ period, as school will not re-open until Monday, JianUary 6th. This . is the decision of the local. School Board and while it‘ is contrary to the rec­ ommendation and instructions of the- Derpartment^of -Education, it is the course being adopted in Thany centres. The Department recomm­ ends that school rq-open on Friday; January 3rd, but ‘ in, rural centres particularly this* does not appear to be popular - and attendance would no doubt, be "small Were school to open on this last school d&y of the week.-. ■/. • ' . . ...".................... -i............................. ■ Council. Ends Year In Brief Session Monday Fail To Approve Of Payment Of Relief Account And Claim For Damages To Con'ley-Car Which Hit Christmas Tree. ■ > f lie Bread g g y / g The Bread of Health TjlO w .1-0 of Health QUALITY AND SERvicE OUR MOTTO BUILDINGS FOR SALE, on the /- N. H. of the S. H. of Lot 51, .Con­ cession 1, Huron Twp. 1% Storey House 18' x 26' (upstairs 14 ft); . 'one storey kitchen 14-x 18'^; and one " frame barn 36'x 54’, with 18 ft. post f and a 30 ft. Windmill. Apply to F. D. MacLenrtan, Box 254, Lucknow*. TENDERS WANTED — for 30 cords of green, maple and beech body wood, 18 ihch,’ andfor 20 cords of dfy . body wood, beech and maple, 18 inches, delivered at the United Church, Lucknow. Dry wood' requir- — ed^minedi^^ly^T^h^r^Wil— ceiyed" by fhe undersigned tip to” December 31st, 1935. * Hugh McIntosh. Lucknow. NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE ESTATE OF ELIZABETH WEBSTER. All persons having; claims against the Estate of Elizabeth Webster, late, of the Village of Lucknow, in the County of Bruce, Spinster, who died on or about the 25th day of . June, 1934,- are hereby notified to send in to the undersigned Executors on or before the 3ist day of Decern-' ber,’ 1935/ full. particulars of their claims. Immediately after _the last . mentioned date the assets of the said Estate 'will be distributed amongst the persons entitled thereto, having regard only to the claims of which the Executors shall theri have notice. DATED at Lucknow this 3rd day of December, 1935. , r Frederick Anderson, ■ ' W. G. Andrew, Executors. ENGAGEMENT ANNOUNCED ■ Mr. arid Mrs. Alex Scott of Wing- 'Xam, announce the engagement of their youngest daughter Agnes May, " to James Cecil Forster, son of Mr. and Mrs' Jas. Forster, Lucknow. The marriage to take place, the latter part of- December.' ceive ’ '9'50 “bags;'’"“each’ containing candy, nuts and an orang’e, that were later passed out. Many amusing incidents and an occasional pathetic one . occurs dur­ ing such a distribution. On Saturday one wee lad had become helplessly squeezed in the crushing crowd that carried .him with, .it. Afraid that he would be overlooked,, big tears. com­ menced rolling down his cheeks, but .these were, soon replaced by\i happy, smile, as one of Santa’s helpers spied his plight and, released the lad and sent hint on his way with a bag of sweets. ■ . ' The event this year was well, han­ dled and " appears to have been a general success. Thete Was plenty- for all. with about 50, of the thous­ and bags that had been nrenared,- left over.. iVillage merchants who snoh- Faqta’s. visit, enjoyed a [good /lay2s—business?.—•-----------------,-J—: ANGLICAN CHRISTMAS TREE Children of St. Retet’s Sunday School ~and parents had a gay time in the Qrange Hall on Tuesday ev­ ening, on the occasion, of Santa’s visit, dames and an im.prompt^ pro- granr by the children provided . much. merriment. [With the . arriyal of Santa. Claus, gifts, from a. prettily diecorated Christmas tree which was. well loaded down, was distributed, as well' as caridy and oranges, and to’ top 4t all, lunch was served before .the.ga.thering^-broke—up.— ~ WEDDING BELLS TODD-AIILLER A pretty wedding was -solemnized atthe home of Mr. and Mrs,. W. I... Miller, St. Helens,; on Thursday, Dec­ ember twelfth, at high noon,, when- 'their eldest. , daughter, Helen Eliza­ beth became; the bride of Thomas James Todd, only son of Mr. arid Mrs. F. G.. Todd, St. .Helens. The bride, who was given in marriage by her father, was becomingly attired iri a gown of navy’ bitie crepe and carried a Sheaf of Johanna Hill roses. The wedding .march was played bv Miss Dorothy Miller,, sister of the bride. After /the ceremony a wedding dinner was served to the rhembers of- the immediate'families. -Later "Mr. arid Mrs. Todd left for a short motor -t-H-py-the—brid e—tr a-veli-ing-Hn—a—navy-: Xmas Special Watches! .Ladies* WRIST WATCHES 15 and 17 Jeweled N.EW DESIGNS FULLY GUARANTEED AS LOW AS $5.00 See These Beautiful Watches At A Special Christmas Discount< ■’’’• * • • • •• 52 YEARS MARRIED TODAY Congratulations are in order for Mr. and Mrs.. D. K. Alton, venerable Ashfield residents, who today . celebrate the 52hd anni- - yersary of their marriage, which wks performed by Rev. R. C. Hendets. one of the pioneer clergymen on the Ashfield cir­ cuit. Mr* Alton is 80 years of age and his wife 2 years his junior. Both are enjoying a fair measure. qf health. Mrs. Alton has made a remarkable recovery from aj hip fracture 3 suffered more thaii a year ago, and .is able to get around quite well again. Reeve Hamilton Plans To Retire This Year —22a__ And The Resulting Developments Of This Action Are Problematic As Nomination Night Approaches. Alfter seven years of 'municipa1 service, culminating in a two-year term in the reeve’s chair, Mr. A. W. Hamilton, has definitely planned, to rietire at the end of the . year. Unless lifr/ Hamilton is prevailed upon to serve another year, it is problematic what may be the result of this vacaricj£ when nomination night rolls around a week- frdrn Monday. , Councillor Alderson with six years on the board, from point' of service, is in line for the reeveship. Mr^ Anderson has stood two elec­ tions. The first time he was low man to be elected, but two years ago was re-elected at the head of the poll. Councillor Murdie 'is the other member of the Board, who from point of-service, is also in line for the reeveship, but who has hot. expres­ sed any aspirations' tel head the local government. Reeve Hamilton who has efficient­ ly and fearlessly presided during the past two years, states he is well sat­ isfied to-step out, feeling that he has been well used bv the .ratepayers, in general during his'tenor of office. Nomination night developments give promise of being watched with blue coat with matching accessories. On their return they took up resi­ dence on the bridegroom’s farm at St. Helen’s. SENTINEL AFTER CHRISTMAS ■ The "’Sentinel will be published next, week after- Christmas Day,, which, falls on Wednesday, and cor­ respondents are asked to send the budgets in as . .usual., on Monday of Tuesday morning. If possible your paper, will reach you Thursday or Friday, morning at the latest. If you have' a Christmas visitor, don’t fail to inform either your local ed.r,res­ pondent of let this office Tndw clir ect. . SHOW EACH NIGHT There will be a show every night kt the Lyceum Theatre, Wingham, during Christmas and New Year’s, weeks. , A good lineup of pictures has been Secured for. your holiday’s en­ tertainment at no, advance in prices,” Read the Lyceum ad, announcing this week’s picture and also the pic­ ture fori thie first three .nights of next week, which. includes Christmas night. The .Village ". Council,- had their house pretty well in order and, the final regular session. of the yiear on Monday night, was a brief pne that consisted chiefly, of routine business. Ariiong the bills that cartie up for payment, was one for $8.90, being a claim preSented by Ivan. Conley for damages done his car when it crash- . ed into the Chpistmas, tree on main street last week.. Council failed to j approve of payments of the. account, . and a similar _fate , befell a relief. adcoUrit of $15.00 for practical nurs­ ing services during a confinement case in November, as; relief did not -start until December 1st." , , ■ Harvey- Ackert appealed against his -implement business assessment t of $15.75, which he believed to be too high compared with the assess- - ment of another1 such-, business. His assessment was sustained ’uporf the explanation that a business tax was based on the. assessed value of the ' bui^in^iiT^wKich the business was carried on. Copncil derided to seek information from the H.. E. P.- C. regarding the possibility of the village moving the meter-from Holyrood to Lucknow, so . that. locally the’ load b’eing . drawn could be conveniently checked , and., the peak load controlled. • That relief this Winter should be - administered with , an Iron hand, w’as • in effect, Reeve Hamilton's . opinion, I , because for ' the next four ' months • this will no doubt be a problem fac- l ing 'whatever Council is in power, J and there are those who are having I a-difficult time paying taxes as it | and yetjiave to .help' pay for relief | I for those, among whorti are some ; W’ho are only too eager to shun wqrk’l and accept the town’s charity. | Relief in the past has been, paid , out of the“~general. tax levy, but a ! J ■^peeia-1—rebefi-'Ievy—is—cons-idered—as-H-;] Improving Slowly ■Saturday saw Mr.'W. J., Todd, for the firist time in six months, able to Jbe uptown .“on. foot” with the assis­ tance of a, couple of. canes. Occas­ ionally during, the past, month or so Mr. Todd hds been put in a wheel chair. And while on Saturday, he was neither spry enough, nor young enough, to get into the grand jam for candy around the Christmas,, tree, yet the gradual improvement in his condition is encouraging to' himself and his friends. OAR LICENSES—Truck and trail­ er Licenses; Dealer transfers; Chauffeur’s licenses - and. Driver’s permits.—Alfred M. Carr, Wingham. Corner of John & Minnie Sts., two blocks west of Dominion store. OUR OWN MAKE Puddings, Mincemeat and Fruit Cakes * BEAUTIFULLY DECORATED All made from the VERY BEST ingredients. We already have a heavy list df repeat orders. ■' H 0 L L YMA N * S 0 U A LIT Y BAK E R Y Phone 36 Lucknow Last Minute Gift Suggestions Are plentiful whenyou look over our stotk MARY WOULD CERTAINLY LOVE One of those BLUE WHITE DIAMONDS set in white or natural gold band settings. . - ■ ’ ’ • J •' ■ . ‘ ‘ > *’ , ■ ’ ', ' ' ' ; ■ ■ , OR IF SHE HAS CNE A Good Watch, Necklet, Bracelet Or Compact, an Artistic Piece/ „of- ^Silverwared^ (^t'Glass Would be a welcome ■' Gift. < " . . J-' - " ■'? . AND MARY, WHAT ABOUT THAT GIFT FOR BILL? There are some lovely rings, signet or emblem, fountain . pen and pencil sets, toilet cases, bill folds, cigarette cases and wrist watches. GIVE DAD & MOTHER .A GOOD CLOCK FOR CHRISTMAS. . Mrs. Hays of Lucknow, moth­ er of Mrs. A. 0. -Elliott, will . reach the. century mark on Mon­ day, December 23 rd, when she will observe her One Hundredth ' Birthday. While Mrs. Hays’ niem; •ory is failing her somewhat, she is physically we|l„ and no doubt will have countless friends call at her -home, on-Monday-to - congratulate her on her reach-? * ing the 5 score mark, needless to say, a rare and remarkable feat. Acclamation Appears ; yi Likely |n Kinloss F. T. ARMSTRONG THE STORE FOR IDEAL CHRISTMAS GIFTS. - Hear Cameron Geddes from CKNX, Wingham each Thursday night from 7.30 to 8;00L; ONLY FOUR MORE DAYS I It is- now. too late to shop early i and- those who have not completed their Christmas, purchasing have only four more days in which to do it. LocaljstoTes are well stocked with a ' wide variety of suitable goods arid. you can do rio better than to do. all. your buying at home'. A, good- many "stores will be open evenings until | Christmas to accomodate shoppers. Town folk 'will be well advised to take advantage of these open evenings, to shop and thus help to i relieve the shopping congestion of the last two or three days. 'll ' Raisins School Status Means An Extra Trustee CHRISTMAS DANCE The Christmas dance in Lucknow, i will be held in the Town Hall, on I.Ch^’istuia's night, ■ Wednesday, iDec-’ 'With Kinloss Township's nomina-Jember 25th. McCartney’s- -orchestra; tion ' meeting, just about ten- days ' Admission, Couples or Geftts 45c plus .away, Municipal matters seem to be’*”?- -W or K?I,e7 23c P,us' ■ . , tax. Luhch counter With free coffee,very quiet, and ..indications? would. , . 1 > . -_____ point to an acclamation, 'provided : 7§HOP AT SOLOMON’S 'GREEN-, the present, members.- sit pat, and HOUSE—A* fine selection of Chris- are willing to continue on the gover- 'tmas Gift Plants and Cut Flowers, ning board of the township fol. i Sneeial attejitipn to ’phone orders... another year. Nothing of an. unusually momen­ tous nature has faced the Council this year, and Reeve Dick Elliott arid his four associates appear to hafve conducted their work in a gen­ erally satisfactory manner. , Re’eve Elliott was elected to this office,last year by a 70-vote majority over "David Carruthers. Mr. Elliott had previously six years’ experience as councillor. The Arthur Graham and newly elected last McKenzie and Mac. re-elected, .,.all' in ; the above ord^r. Councillors • '‘Graham , and McIntosh filled the vacancies created by Mer Elliott contesting the reevoship ami by the retirement of[[ Rod McDougall from mufiicindl life. tention to ’phone orders.- i Visit our Greenhouse.—’Phone 88. 1 ...• ■_________! - ■ • ’ • -Christmas Greetings J My. sincere greeting to all my [customers and friends in the wish that, th‘e happiness of the Christmas season may remain with you thru ; out the New Year, and bring; you much prosperity.— . « ', • i‘ MURDOCH MORRISON.’ School matters which have > been of special interest during the past couple of years, appear likely to be in the limelight again this year at the Nomination meeting. With the local school recently . raised to the status of a High School a different system of selecting a . Board of Trustees, is set out by De- • ■partmental tegnilations. A High * School-Board consists of seven mem- Ibers, one more than the ^pres^nt •Board of six members. These sevqh receive their position by appointment rather than election. Three members are appointed by tibe County Coun • cil, three by the Village Council and one member by the Public School . Board. The Public School Board is $till entirely a iolial matter and the six trustees of this body are elected by the ratepayers, three ,each yehr for a two-year teriri. The retiring mem­ bers this year are Rev. C. H. Donald, Dr. W. V. Johnston Hugh McIntosh. All three, are ible for re-election; . Thus it can been seen .that two sep­ arate bodies would comprise a total of 13 members. But as . both the public and the high school are iri- c<yrpdrated in the- ofte building And- ■with the interests of the two schools as one, no difficulty is anticipated in this respect, and it is expected that a Board of 7 members will handle the affairs of both schools. ThiS; can be Accomplished- by the County I and the Village each appointing three of the elected ’Public with an additional l-to be appointed. CHRISTMAS LITERARY i The Christmas meeting of the Lit- •iyrarv Society of the .Lucknow High' [ School will be held iri the Town Hall i Friday, December 20th at 8.15 o’clock- ] Progranr includes.’ a ’ short play,. i gymnastics, choruses, etc'.' Admission 2fof and 15 c, including1' tax, <• Boy’s Hockey $4.50Z"Sizes One, Vt J . LITTLE’S Boots, $3.50 for Four & ' Fi£e. At SHOE <> STORE. ~r ' School trustees, seventh member