The Lucknow Sentinel, 1935-12-12, Page 4GIF TS MEN’S RUBBERS . Men’s Spat Rubbers 6-ii JO ■ MEN’S' .ROMEOS “ - Genuine Kid I 6 -11----------------C O You Cant Name Anyone Who Doesn't . 'Need' Something 1 n FOOTWEAR 4 THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL THURSDAY, DECEMBER 12, 1935 RUBBER GtlLQSHES Women’s Rubber ‘ Goloshes. 'Size 3-81 INFANTS’ SLIPPERS Infants’ pretty; Kid Slippers. 1 Blue/ Pink and White < —60c DR. FISK’S HEALTR SHOES FOR WOMEN AAA to EEE widths. Standard Heel to Ball fitting. Brown ; -Kid, Black Rid and Nurses White Kid. Ties. a At — $4.00 3.-8 WOMEN’S SLIPPERS Ribuon Cosy Slippers, —“65c BOYS’ SLIPPERS Leather Boudoir !.5 ----------g5c . ...WOMEN’S SLIPPERS ' Fancy Trim Christmas Slippers. All Shades 3-8 __ MEN’S OVERSHOES Wool Jersey, 2-Buckle Over? . shoes. Best Quality “ $1.65 | 6 11 ——$2.65 “MODEASE” — BEAUTIFUL WOMEN’S SHOES A beautiful line of Women’s Shoes AAAA to E widths, < featured by "our store. Retailing At _ ---------- $6.00 WOMEN’S SLIPPERS Mauve,. Blue, Red, Green and Black Rid Sappers - s"8- —.-.95c; -. - ' - MEN'S' OVERSHOES ... I1, Men’s 4-BuckIe Overshoes. * .Besi ■ -Quaillty 3*15 RUBBER GOLOSHES Misses’ and Childs’ Rubber Goloshes $1.15 °$ 1.35 --------RUBBER BOOTS Men’s Rubber. Boots M2 $2.25 $2.95 $1.79 $3.25 WOMEN’S &OLOSHES / Fur. Trimmed. Black & Brdwn. 3h8”. 'MEN’S 'SPATS ' Dome Fasteners. AU Colors And Sizes1 -----------$1.QQ HEEL HUGGER BOOTS AND OXFORDS FOR' MEN Mjake a Gift Worthwhile. Carried in stock in all Widths. SCOUT BOOTS ■-j ’t. / . Boys’ Scout' Boots, q - I $2.95 $3.95 LUMBERMEN’S RUBBERS Where. Shoes , are Scientifically . Fitted. Graduate Practipediist in Attendance Hand Badly Injured ■ (St. Helen’s News) . >• Mr. Ewart McPherson spent a day in the ^Vinghany Hospital/as "the re­ sult of ^n unfortunate accident in their bush on Friday. As he and , his brother Ross were skidding wood, somehow lhe axe wielded'by the lat­ ter, slipped, and struck Ewart ' on the back jof. his right hand, severing the pords. and chipping the bones. rlau. co. actena One annual ^ciiuui concerts, next week—4uai.of 1*ordye’e *u men ^cxiuoi un 1 uesuay the • x i ui, ana Su Aeien s ’ op Friday’ uw iwtu, »u . uw community tian. •AU.A. mvo.. xxyue mi cuuei-viood is a * Isa tui' v»/Ui ms' uiuMiex, ous. uii.u, ->xis. iiyue. — -- At, um niurning service m trie oea L/iiurcu, -ue*; ixecoeii lexcy ux' xtXMgara jjaixs,. treiigmeu, .pis neuxors’ rt-iux ms recitations oi. seveiai vers oi tue Om les eminent, toiicoxa ‘•rig ..j^ja^„xUs..j^U'Au.ceur.S'. story-uuu.. axs uxamauc renae-nng oi wnat: ue. -texmea ”a nuiogy on Fatpei^. oas-. ca on the ' story Ox vpe rromgui bdri, was’ wexi v/o’rtn hearing./ . xne x>eei -King meeting wiupe hem .fcOiixgnt <1 ntirsuayj in tne vomiiiuri- .ty xialli At tue meeting of the Y. P’. U. .u trie evening, icev. Percy was Heart; m a Bible recital oi tne odox oi xsscer and” in a'„,,delignL£ui Uhristnius' _ ..stoiy-.au uut >~Gia-~Ma-H-iiir—t-ne--b noe— mane. Un0 Monday evening,. Rev. Percy again presented a-very tine program; ills splendid ' recital of the story oi Jean Vai Jean from victor Hugo s "Les '• Miserabids'”- was interspersed, witn humorous numbers. Mrs. j., W. Joynt of Lucknow, accompanied by Mrs. Newton, contributed three plea­ sing solos,’ Which ■ added much to the splendid evening’s .entertainment: Mr. John Darnin ’ of •.■Morriston, is visiting his ■ mother, Kirs. Tbasfliur- pin. Sr. • ’■ V ? ■ ' "■ ■ ■ 4th CON.; KINLOSS Mr. Dick Carter spent the week end at Mr. E. Hodgkinson’s. •Mr." Win. Wells of Londsboro vis­ ited recently W’ith Mr. and /Mrs. Moffat. . Miss Elizabeth Robinson returned- home after visiting with friends in Woodstock. -i. The U. F; W., O. will‘meet at the home of Mrs. Chesnut the 3rd Thurs­ day in December. > ;. Miss. .Rose Caskinette spent Sun-: day at fier home. . Mr. and Mrs. Rogers of Sask., .are spending the wifiter with Mrs. D. McLeod. -i' Messrs. Wm. MacDonald and L/ ■ McIver attended .the funeral, on Mon- ’ day of the late Hon. James Mal­ colm. Mr. ' Dan MacKenzie who is con­ fined ‘to the' house withr a" broken leg, is iihproving. Published every Thursday morning at Lucknow, Ontario. Mrs. A. D. MacKenzie — Proprietor Campbell. Thompson-^-Publisher THURSDAY, DECEMBER 12, 1935 Huron Council Declines Grant To Local Library Endorses Resolution That, Province Take Over Road East Of Amberley I •j Lyceum Theatre! WINGHAM I Show -Starts at 8.00 PJ-M-. i. > MAITLAND PRESBYTERY jSE£EjCTS??T93fE^MQDERATOK '“ Huron- County Council, in session in Godptich last week, turned a deaf ear to the communication from the. Lucknow Library Board, asking for a grant. The. Board pointed out that a new indexing system had been in­ stalled and many old books cleared. out, and that most of the readers were > residents of- Huron—Coun ty- . Council also declined to ’ make a. grant of $100. to the West Huron Women’s Institute. . The County of Bruce requested the support of Huron Council in ask-, irig that the Bruce and Huron boun­ dary be made a Provincial highway. Huron Council endorsed the petition and recommended that the Minister -'>f-Hig-h-w-a-ys—be—adv-ised-accord-ingly’-;:-- , Reports Of County Officers , Gaoler J. B. Reynolds’ report was read- by Clerk Roberts-. There were fifty-nine commitments during the rear, as follows: L.C.A., 26;. theft. 19; H.T.A.’, 5; fraud, 3; contenipt of /'ourt 2, and• one each for breaking and entering, assault;. deserting1-! chil ­ dren and receiving1 stolen goods. . There are at present Seven in • mates, in the gaol. The cost of daily rations per. man is ;10Uc.- ...’• The County: Clerk, ■ Mr.—Roberts,- gave the following data rej old-age tensions: Applications forwarded arid recorded, 109,; pensions granted. hicluding° applications previously for- varded but not dealt with, 128; ap­ plications refused. 17; - increases -n-anted; 49; cancellations, 2; < reported, 66; applications; at present forwarded but-not dealt., w’ith, 9; "einstatements; 1. /<As closely as we can estimate.” said the clerk, “pensions paid will amount to*11 about $15,500 by the close of the-present year. This does not include the amount to be paid municipal. clerks/’ EARLY SHOPPING TAYS Christmas' is less -than two weeks away. Merchants and post office offi­ cials are making their , annual appeal to shoppers todo. soipe of their buying mow instead , of leaving every deaths,^ 4 $ ■ TfX ■ BANOV^R -C^ERK4;.FORMERLY . | ■ OF KIN LOSS, SU FFERS STR OK E --------------------, Last week the Hanover Post “A legion of friends learned much regret late last Thursday after­ noon that Mr. John Taylor, veteran town clerk, had*1 suffered a s’lght’ Stroke of -paralysis, and hr.d been remdyed to the.-kVl hospital, who .-a, it was said yesterday he is recover- sets you humming with two sunny songs! SAc sets your feet tapping with . . three hpppy dances I captures you completely as ii she introduces her jeducatod \ pony and trained duck ^in 1 the most deiightful picturej . that ever won your heart !- ...'/ /____ • ft ' «h SHIRLEY Mil ___, Si PICTURE J O H N ''B-^WEROCHELLE R|H|1 ____ JANE D A-M with. IN ■ ‘ ‘ v ‘ , 1 . . I DELIGHTFUL SHIRLEY TEMPLE LN HER BEST PICTURE - ' also ' ■ . / “SPRINGTIME IN HOLLAND ’ . — In Technicolor f AND FOX NEWS ’■ .A0>US.SION^AduLts_„25c,-_plus 2^.Ltax—27cjl.._^..C . - A- SPECIAL PICTURE AT REGULAR PRICES. —NEXT WEEK— ... ' . ...... "ROCKY MOUNTAIN MYSTERY” BY ZANE GREY 'J HERE AND THERE . ' . L ‘ • Mrs., Wm. Armstrong is at. present seriously ill in Wingham General Hospital. Her many friends wish for” her speedy recovery. Mrs. Harry Champion returned to her home last Thursday frorii Wing­ ham Dospital, where she'underwent an operation' for appendicitis, and is slowly recovering her strength again Mr. John Miller. . Deputy County |Master of West Bruce County.L./). iCounty.tJ.L,O,'L^. held_-in.-ilie-~t©-wm— -WL . mgh ani last_Twesd:aM.-JH.is^:4odbeJL. Tho’s. Miller, • was, elected County Master of N'orth H,urop for the en­ suing year. North Huron /County Lodge .endorsed and recommended the town of L’stowel fo.r the 1936 12th of July celebration.- '' Mr. J? Miller visited on Tuesday with Mr. McQuillin at St. Helen’s. CREWE The W. M. S. met at the home of Airs? Matthew Shackleton ,on Thurs- lay- afternoon. There was a good.at­ tendance. The election ’of officers . as’ held. The ^officers for the. past ’ year were re-elected ■ for the coining -.'ear. Mr.- and Mrs. James Drennan of vlntail spent Sunday with their son ’ ■ 1’iii'icd and Mrs. Drennan. , Me. and Mrs. Wilfred .Drennan__ _ —aiui—3Li:s., Gocrg-e-- -Hunter oi • Zidh. .'-../a ./..rushing -the- -stores for- qtwo -or ■ thpee would it. be to the ■ shopper’s own beriefit,...of course, but it would be a .vonderful help to the clerks, store- -nanaerers and mailman >to Lave Chri- -tmas Presents bought earlv,. mailed early to distant places so that .they would be sure to reach there; This idqa of piling two weeks’ work cm the mailmen and store' clerks in a ■'Oriple of. days is not a sensible, one. Shoppers} can never get just what they want at the last minute. Stores run short-of- popular articles and cannot stock their shelves again in time.. The better gifts and bigger bargains are pitk.ed over "bv the ’army ghoppeL -The heavy Christmas trade certainly is welcomed by- mer- •bants, but everyone would be better Sff if the public shopped sanclv and did its buying over a-period of two or three weeks, instead of in tbe'dayc ; nt mediately preceding Christmas. ■ At- . its.. Maitland Presbytery yf- the 'Presby­ terian church > chose 1 Rev. William Moore, Of that place, moderator for 1936, with Rev. John Pollock of Whitechurch, clerk, and ’Rev, Ken­ neth McLean of Wingham, treasurer. Rev. Mpore succeeds Rev. J. L. Bur­ gess of South Kinloss, moderator during 1935. The presbytery made - no recon>; mendation of a successor to the late Dr. A. S. Grant-a’s secretary of missions for the church at large: Various’ committees were appoint­ ed on which representative elders serve in addition, to the following ministers: Young Peoples work. Rey. John Greig. 'Bluevale. and minister of Knox-. -Church,'.Kincardine, when one is chosen; budget, Rev. J. L. Burgess, South Kinloss, and Rev. W. : missions/' Rev. C. H. Mac- _ -------- ... — ... . K. 'Me- Lean; colleges? Rev. W. A. ’William': Cranbook, and Rev. J. K. McGilb- vray. *Ashfield; church work. Rev. J. Pollock and Rev. K. McLear;- pen­ sions, Rev. F. B. Allan. Tepswater and Rev. W. A. Rev. Rev. J, L. Mr.- and ' Mrs. pent Thursday Kirents: Mr. and ■It of Lucknow. , Bert with’ 1 ?irs'. ,1 ATTENTION! LUCKNOW SCOUTS Scout meeting Friday night as usual und we want every member present Trig the use of his fingers! and arm. ™ order to receive, special instruc­ tions from "the Scoutmaster regard­ ing the parade ori Saturday to the town Christmas tree, December 14th, at 1 o'clock ’ sharp. The trapeze is now up, 'so come and step the Wonderful acrobat, Cliff­ ord McNall. perform. More fiyi and' enjoyment, as well as scouting infor­ mation every night. Bnng a. new. memfer if you ean. Moore.; 1U1^,UI,5. t ...- want every ambrtiour Uetaow, and Rev. elsethough his left side and leg are affected. v “Mr. Taylor seemed to he’ in bis usual good health last Tb; vsdar. rn« was - busily engaged in el tendon nre- parations. having filled <•>-.-* ‘be eV-- tion form, prepared the® ballet boxes and had thorn delivc-rey! t the various- officers. “Leaving the towr; L-.tc :r the. afternoon, he - wort, ' mt. c-^t out a sffi^ip ladder and '■'/r'bpd hr on to it to saw . seme Ihrl? off an apple tree which had beer wmte-'- killed. Later he' was d<-i-e otv. er chores about the re: vxrr be. noticed , that his fin re1‘,; "p- 1 v« in ’■ their, powerp and - he ' f-'-’.’anse.j He was taken to the h:-?: :t:.’ ■" p-;day where he.is resting rem’ly “ -Mr! iTaylor is a set <f ': r 'r‘e M* <rid Mrs. George- Tr.yy-- ‘ ref- residents of the Largs''f '"mu*- •rty in Kinloss. v'hete . anti] _ early in thf .-ert -v mother 'passed away m ■ VT-^gbam early in ' October. fhe- wfic . -- her P3td year. His father d»e/. .w. ■?;'•?$ * * I J because we 1 young Lucknowite -to join. A special short -talk by Dr ..Bowen, will be a feature of Friday night’s meeting. Members, as scop as possible, should bring registration fees for 19o6. Scout Editor. OBITUARY - ’4 A number from here aitei.-ded t ie Pungr.p-v.n Library (ouee.-t last Fi.-i- I: v evening. Little Miss Edna Riveit re’-.irried ’i me from the ’ (i'ldoric’i .hospital after spending' the past 3' weeks S. S. Sfo. 4. Wpsrf Wayannsh '' .' (Seni-.r y,-. w . A verage \Test M n r i; <r « Sr. Vi-Ftta SwarjS?: A ,;.r ?< i9*; Ronald Crans/’r* Jr. W— Grace V < - Muriel Pardon *■?*. phrey; 5ft; Perry D Sb. TV—-Johr." Dr ■ Artchison 61:’ Busse Jr, TT^MaWiirr Angus MacDonald Donald 42*. No. "on roll 13 Those marked * exams. FLOWERS IN MEMORY At the /morning service held in Presbyterian Churdh last-Sun- r1- y. ilpr.- 1st. the Choir dedicated its mt hem in loving memory o? Charles RicharJsdh. The anthem riHe's Gone” t y P. P. Bliss, was rendered Very beautifully, some of the' older mem- o<rs being present for the odeagiori The fiowets on the Communion Ta:>-‘ were placed 'there .by Mrs. R.-r.ardson in memory of* her hus- .>ahd.-‘-‘-Tee.'rwater News. /:■■ -..y.-t.- J /............... .............. .............................. ir W ;:.ap M; ■ h ,aa att i'. ,r' s^ed -itv *i-;" Sadie- McCharic: zr-r-— 7 • ■ / LADIES. THE’ ANSWER / M HAT WOULD <fie nicer than a beautiful Watch for Him. Tt“-Will be a remembrance every day for years to come. See the nice new styles for . men at • Agnews" watch store Lucknow . Williams; remits A. Le^gefrt, Molekworth. and W. A. Williams; auditor. .Rev Burgess? \ . , GETTING EXASPERATED ’ - Those on relief^ancb those charged with the administering of relief will do well to take notice of a growing feeling of exasperation Oh the pari of the people who are providing, the funds. The taxpayer's are beginning to believe, and- not without justifi­ cation. .that there are hosts qf tbqse now receiving relief who are quite, contented with'their lot.; and will resist any attempt- to get them back to work. The day is rapidly roffiinc I when the impatient taxpayer wif [demand of those administering fund" j that work be found for. -every mar i and woman Ito dp it and 'even at low relief rolls not -allowed naVebc h^ve paid opf for relief and they are getting up. vdth nien -who ooTOniain- that - Cannot get work and then v-slk rigb past Work which' is -offered te them. i who is all that wages, without on algain. Canada's fax £hno'ofro.nno they physically abb refuse to, whrk. he --dropped. ’ m ceremony and . MRS. ROBERT SNELL The death, Occurred on Thursday 1ast at her home in East Wawaimsh. , •if Jane Bradford," Widew of Rober* >nell, Mrs. Snell was '.in -her T7tV •year, dpd'has been ill for five Weeks. „Jane Bradford was the daughten' of Robert and. Mary Afin Amvtr-- na Bradford ard was born- on Jvrfy 26, n?59, at Ashfield, . where she lived- for some, years. Previous-,'to her mar­ riage, she’ lived at Belfast. On Nov­ ember-1.- 1882; she .was married t* George Snell. After their ’hiatria re. they, lived* at Lucknow and Lane« ■ Tn ,1885. they moved to‘ Lnndcs-bot? and from there -irr 1908 to- their farm­ in Ea&t Wawanosh.- Mr. Shell passed -away in June. 1930. tA family of seven survive: Mrs. John McDovc'I. Mrs. Elwin Tayfog and Robert $-. 8nell. of .East] Wfiwannsb; John A,, of Windsor; Minnie,. George anr' Tames at home; a sister. Mrs. Moses 1 Fhoffips'ori, Holyrood, and two broth-- - »rs. G-eotge ’Bradford bf Goderich- ^bd Henry Bradford '.of .Pleasant Dale. Sa.sk, Thebe are 14 grand- . -hildren.' < )'■ ' •The funeral was held from ’ f^-c resident -on Saturday at ? r'-h'-i tr. Dalle Ometehy,, Rev Hugh C. Wilsrm. of Westfield United Chur-k , where deceased Attended, officiated^ there. ft & ^CHEN it’s been storffiy for days on end, or you haven’t been feeling quite 'up to your . • usual round of visits . . . how pleasant it is to- chat with .friends by telephone;. \ou ate ’ never alone' With your tele- pbonfe. It banishes isolation: .keeps you in touch W'ith vour own immediate dtcle -and with the tkorid at large. And it’s a!- ways on glar'd fp emergenc)’. o' 5ehs the Doetar • "lnets ^ablot v . . I br^ki°QiUf^'p fir, on. f0 tf6V tomey fo^d 6«enS°f;oZnWhen *ferv,cet b d»Wn, , « 4 ■1 I, ' OF YOUR TELEPHONE IS JUST WHAT YOU MAKE IT” "is*