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The Lucknow Sentinel, 1935-12-12, Page 4
GIF TS MEN’S RUBBERS . Men’s Spat Rubbers 6-ii JO ■ MEN’S' .ROMEOS “ - Genuine Kid I 6 -11----------------C O You Cant Name Anyone Who Doesn't . 'Need' Something 1 n FOOTWEAR 4 THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL THURSDAY, DECEMBER 12, 1935 RUBBER GtlLQSHES Women’s Rubber ‘ Goloshes. 'Size 3-81 INFANTS’ SLIPPERS Infants’ pretty; Kid Slippers. 1 Blue/ Pink and White < —60c DR. FISK’S HEALTR SHOES FOR WOMEN AAA to EEE widths. Standard Heel to Ball fitting. Brown ; -Kid, Black Rid and Nurses White Kid. Ties. a At — $4.00 3.-8 WOMEN’S SLIPPERS Ribuon Cosy Slippers, —“65c BOYS’ SLIPPERS Leather Boudoir !.5 ----------g5c . ...WOMEN’S SLIPPERS ' Fancy Trim Christmas Slippers. All Shades 3-8 __ MEN’S OVERSHOES Wool Jersey, 2-Buckle Over? . shoes. Best Quality “ $1.65 | 6 11 ——$2.65 “MODEASE” — BEAUTIFUL WOMEN’S SHOES A beautiful line of Women’s Shoes AAAA to E widths, < featured by "our store. Retailing At _ ---------- $6.00 WOMEN’S SLIPPERS Mauve,. Blue, Red, Green and Black Rid Sappers - s"8- —.-.95c; -. - ' - MEN'S' OVERSHOES ... I1, Men’s 4-BuckIe Overshoes. * .Besi ■ -Quaillty 3*15 RUBBER GOLOSHES Misses’ and Childs’ Rubber Goloshes $1.15 °$ 1.35 --------RUBBER BOOTS Men’s Rubber. Boots M2 $2.25 $2.95 $1.79 $3.25 WOMEN’S &OLOSHES / Fur. Trimmed. Black & Brdwn. 3h8”. 'MEN’S 'SPATS ' Dome Fasteners. AU Colors And Sizes1 -----------$1.QQ HEEL HUGGER BOOTS AND OXFORDS FOR' MEN Mjake a Gift Worthwhile. Carried in stock in all Widths. SCOUT BOOTS ■-j ’t. / . Boys’ Scout' Boots, q - I $2.95 $3.95 LUMBERMEN’S RUBBERS Where. Shoes , are Scientifically . Fitted. Graduate Practipediist in Attendance Hand Badly Injured ■ (St. Helen’s News) . >• Mr. Ewart McPherson spent a day in the ^Vinghany Hospital/as "the re sult of ^n unfortunate accident in their bush on Friday. As he and , his brother Ross were skidding wood, somehow lhe axe wielded'by the lat ter, slipped, and struck Ewart ' on the back jof. his right hand, severing the pords. and chipping the bones. rlau. co. actena One annual ^ciiuui concerts, next week—4uai.of 1*ordye’e *u men ^cxiuoi un 1 uesuay the • x i ui, ana Su Aeien s ’ op Friday’ uw iwtu, »u . uw community tian. •AU.A. mvo.. xxyue mi cuuei-viood is a * Isa tui' v»/Ui ms' uiuMiex, ous. uii.u, ->xis. iiyue. — -- At, um niurning service m trie oea L/iiurcu, -ue*; ixecoeii lexcy ux' xtXMgara jjaixs,. treiigmeu, .pis neuxors’ rt-iux ms recitations oi. seveiai vers oi tue Om les eminent, toiicoxa ‘•rig ..j^ja^„xUs..j^U'Au.ceur.S'. story-uuu.. axs uxamauc renae-nng oi wnat: ue. -texmea ”a nuiogy on Fatpei^. oas-. ca on the ' story Ox vpe rromgui bdri, was’ wexi v/o’rtn hearing./ . xne x>eei -King meeting wiupe hem .fcOiixgnt <1 ntirsuayj in tne vomiiiuri- .ty xialli At tue meeting of the Y. P’. U. .u trie evening, icev. Percy was Heart; m a Bible recital oi tne odox oi xsscer and” in a'„,,delignL£ui Uhristnius' _ ..stoiy-.au uut >~Gia-~Ma-H-iiir—t-ne--b noe— mane. Un0 Monday evening,. Rev. Percy again presented a-very tine program; ills splendid ' recital of the story oi Jean Vai Jean from victor Hugo s "Les '• Miserabids'”- was interspersed, witn humorous numbers. Mrs. j., W. Joynt of Lucknow, accompanied by Mrs. Newton, contributed three plea sing solos,’ Which ■ added much to the splendid evening’s .entertainment: Mr. John Darnin ’ of •.■Morriston, is visiting his ■ mother, Kirs. Tbasfliur- pin. Sr. • ’■ V ? ■ ' "■ ■ ■ 4th CON.; KINLOSS Mr. Dick Carter spent the week end at Mr. E. Hodgkinson’s. •Mr." Win. Wells of Londsboro vis ited recently W’ith Mr. and /Mrs. Moffat. . Miss Elizabeth Robinson returned- home after visiting with friends in Woodstock. -i. The U. F; W., O. will‘meet at the home of Mrs. Chesnut the 3rd Thurs day in December. > ;. Miss. .Rose Caskinette spent Sun-: day at fier home. . Mr. and Mrs. Rogers of Sask., .are spending the wifiter with Mrs. D. McLeod. -i' Messrs. Wm. MacDonald and L/ ■ McIver attended .the funeral, on Mon- ’ day of the late Hon. James Mal colm. Mr. ' Dan MacKenzie who is con fined ‘to the' house withr a" broken leg, is iihproving. Published every Thursday morning at Lucknow, Ontario. Mrs. A. D. MacKenzie — Proprietor Campbell. Thompson-^-Publisher THURSDAY, DECEMBER 12, 1935 Huron Council Declines Grant To Local Library Endorses Resolution That, Province Take Over Road East Of Amberley I •j Lyceum Theatre! WINGHAM I Show -Starts at 8.00 PJ-M-. i. > MAITLAND PRESBYTERY jSE£EjCTS??T93fE^MQDERATOK '“ Huron- County Council, in session in Godptich last week, turned a deaf ear to the communication from the. Lucknow Library Board, asking for a grant. The. Board pointed out that a new indexing system had been in stalled and many old books cleared. out, and that most of the readers were > residents of- Huron—Coun ty- . Council also declined to ’ make a. grant of $100. to the West Huron Women’s Institute. . The County of Bruce requested the support of Huron Council in ask-, irig that the Bruce and Huron boun dary be made a Provincial highway. Huron Council endorsed the petition and recommended that the Minister -'>f-Hig-h-w-a-ys—be—adv-ised-accord-ingly’-;:-- , Reports Of County Officers , Gaoler J. B. Reynolds’ report was read- by Clerk Roberts-. There were fifty-nine commitments during the rear, as follows: L.C.A., 26;. theft. 19; H.T.A.’, 5; fraud, 3; contenipt of /'ourt 2, and• one each for breaking and entering, assault;. deserting1-! chil dren and receiving1 stolen goods. . There are at present Seven in • mates, in the gaol. The cost of daily rations per. man is ;10Uc.- ...’• The County: Clerk, ■ Mr.—Roberts,- gave the following data rej old-age tensions: Applications forwarded arid recorded, 109,; pensions granted. hicluding° applications previously for- varded but not dealt with, 128; ap plications refused. 17; - increases -n-anted; 49; cancellations, 2; < reported, 66; applications; at present forwarded but-not dealt., w’ith, 9; "einstatements; 1. /<As closely as we can estimate.” said the clerk, “pensions paid will amount to*11 about $15,500 by the close of the-present year. This does not include the amount to be paid municipal. clerks/’ EARLY SHOPPING TAYS Christmas' is less -than two weeks away. Merchants and post office offi cials are making their , annual appeal to shoppers todo. soipe of their buying mow instead , of leaving every deaths,^ 4 $ ■ TfX ■ BANOV^R -C^ERK4;.FORMERLY . | ■ OF KIN LOSS, SU FFERS STR OK E --------------------, Last week the Hanover Post “A legion of friends learned much regret late last Thursday after noon that Mr. John Taylor, veteran town clerk, had*1 suffered a s’lght’ Stroke of -paralysis, and hr.d been remdyed to the.-kVl hospital, who .-a, it was said yesterday he is recover- sets you humming with two sunny songs! SAc sets your feet tapping with . . three hpppy dances I captures you completely as ii she introduces her jeducatod \ pony and trained duck ^in 1 the most deiightful picturej . that ever won your heart !- ...'/ /____ • ft ' «h SHIRLEY Mil ___, Si PICTURE J O H N ''B-^WEROCHELLE R|H|1 ____ JANE D A-M with. IN ■ ‘ ‘ v ‘ , 1 . . I DELIGHTFUL SHIRLEY TEMPLE LN HER BEST PICTURE - ' also ' ■ . / “SPRINGTIME IN HOLLAND ’ . — In Technicolor f AND FOX NEWS ’■ .A0>US.SION^AduLts_„25c,-_plus 2^.Ltax—27cjl.._^..C . - A- SPECIAL PICTURE AT REGULAR PRICES. —NEXT WEEK— ... ' . ...... "ROCKY MOUNTAIN MYSTERY” BY ZANE GREY 'J HERE AND THERE . ' . L ‘ • Mrs., Wm. Armstrong is at. present seriously ill in Wingham General Hospital. Her many friends wish for” her speedy recovery. Mrs. Harry Champion returned to her home last Thursday frorii Wing ham Dospital, where she'underwent an operation' for appendicitis, and is slowly recovering her strength again Mr. John Miller. . Deputy County |Master of West Bruce County.L./). iCounty.tJ.L,O,'L^. held_-in.-ilie-~t©-wm— -WL . mgh ani last_Twesd:aM.-JH.is^:4odbeJL. Tho’s. Miller, • was, elected County Master of N'orth H,urop for the en suing year. North Huron /County Lodge .endorsed and recommended the town of L’stowel fo.r the 1936 12th of July celebration.- '' Mr. J? Miller visited on Tuesday with Mr. McQuillin at St. Helen’s. CREWE The W. M. S. met at the home of Airs? Matthew Shackleton ,on Thurs- lay- afternoon. There was a good.at tendance. The election ’of officers . as’ held. The ^officers for the. past ’ year were re-elected ■ for the coining -.'ear. Mr.- and Mrs. James Drennan of vlntail spent Sunday with their son ’ ■ 1’iii'icd and Mrs. Drennan. , Me. and Mrs. Wilfred .Drennan__ _ —aiui—3Li:s., Gocrg-e-- -Hunter oi • Zidh. .'-../a ./..rushing -the- -stores for- qtwo -or ■ thpee would it. be to the ■ shopper’s own beriefit,...of course, but it would be a .vonderful help to the clerks, store- -nanaerers and mailman >to Lave Chri- -tmas Presents bought earlv,. mailed early to distant places so that .they would be sure to reach there; This idqa of piling two weeks’ work cm the mailmen and store' clerks in a ■'Oriple of. days is not a sensible, one. Shoppers} can never get just what they want at the last minute. Stores run short-of- popular articles and cannot stock their shelves again in time.. The better gifts and bigger bargains are pitk.ed over "bv the ’army ghoppeL -The heavy Christmas trade certainly is welcomed by- mer- •bants, but everyone would be better Sff if the public shopped sanclv and did its buying over a-period of two or three weeks, instead of in tbe'dayc ; nt mediately preceding Christmas. ■ At- . its.. Maitland Presbytery yf- the 'Presby terian church > chose 1 Rev. William Moore, Of that place, moderator for 1936, with Rev. John Pollock of Whitechurch, clerk, and ’Rev, Ken neth McLean of Wingham, treasurer. Rev. Mpore succeeds Rev. J. L. Bur gess of South Kinloss, moderator during 1935. The presbytery made - no recon>; mendation of a successor to the late Dr. A. S. Grant-a’s secretary of missions for the church at large: Various’ committees were appoint ed on which representative elders serve in addition, to the following ministers: Young Peoples work. Rey. John Greig. 'Bluevale. and minister of Knox-. -Church,'.Kincardine, when one is chosen; budget, Rev. J. L. Burgess, South Kinloss, and Rev. W. : missions/' Rev. C. H. Mac- _ -------- ... — ... . K. 'Me- Lean; colleges? Rev. W. A. ’William': Cranbook, and Rev. J. K. McGilb- vray. *Ashfield; church work. Rev. J. Pollock and Rev. K. McLear;- pen sions, Rev. F. B. Allan. Tepswater and Rev. W. A. Rev. Rev. J, L. Mr.- and ' Mrs. pent Thursday Kirents: Mr. and ■It of Lucknow. , Bert with’ 1 ?irs'. ,1 ATTENTION! LUCKNOW SCOUTS Scout meeting Friday night as usual und we want every member present Trig the use of his fingers! and arm. ™ order to receive, special instruc tions from "the Scoutmaster regard ing the parade ori Saturday to the town Christmas tree, December 14th, at 1 o'clock ’ sharp. The trapeze is now up, 'so come and step the Wonderful acrobat, Cliff ord McNall. perform. More fiyi and' enjoyment, as well as scouting infor mation every night. Bnng a. new. memfer if you ean. Moore.; 1U1^,UI,5. t ...- want every ambrtiour Uetaow, and Rev. elsethough his left side and leg are affected. v “Mr. Taylor seemed to he’ in bis usual good health last Tb; vsdar. rn« was - busily engaged in el tendon nre- parations. having filled <•>-.-* ‘be eV-- tion form, prepared the® ballet boxes and had thorn delivc-rey! t the various- officers. “Leaving the towr; L-.tc :r the. afternoon, he - wort, ' mt. c-^t out a sffi^ip ladder and '■'/r'bpd hr on to it to saw . seme Ihrl? off an apple tree which had beer wmte-'- killed. Later he' was d<-i-e otv. er chores about the re: vxrr be. noticed , that his fin re1‘,; "p- 1 v« in ’■ their, powerp and - he ' f-'-’.’anse.j He was taken to the h:-?: :t:.’ ■" p-;day where he.is resting rem’ly “ -Mr! iTaylor is a set <f ': r 'r‘e M* <rid Mrs. George- Tr.yy-- ‘ ref- residents of the Largs''f '"mu*- •rty in Kinloss. v'hete . anti] _ early in thf .-ert -v mother 'passed away m ■ VT-^gbam early in ' October. fhe- wfic . -- her P3td year. His father d»e/. .w. ■?;'•?$ * * I J because we 1 young Lucknowite -to join. A special short -talk by Dr ..Bowen, will be a feature of Friday night’s meeting. Members, as scop as possible, should bring registration fees for 19o6. Scout Editor. OBITUARY - ’4 A number from here aitei.-ded t ie Pungr.p-v.n Library (ouee.-t last Fi.-i- I: v evening. Little Miss Edna Riveit re’-.irried ’i me from the ’ (i'ldoric’i .hospital after spending' the past 3' weeks S. S. Sfo. 4. Wpsrf Wayannsh '' .' (Seni-.r y,-. w . A verage \Test M n r i; <r « Sr. Vi-Ftta SwarjS?: A ,;.r ?< i9*; Ronald Crans/’r* Jr. W— Grace V < - Muriel Pardon *■?*. phrey; 5ft; Perry D Sb. TV—-Johr." Dr ■ Artchison 61:’ Busse Jr, TT^MaWiirr Angus MacDonald Donald 42*. No. "on roll 13 Those marked * exams. FLOWERS IN MEMORY At the /morning service held in Presbyterian Churdh last-Sun- r1- y. ilpr.- 1st. the Choir dedicated its mt hem in loving memory o? Charles RicharJsdh. The anthem riHe's Gone” t y P. P. Bliss, was rendered Very beautifully, some of the' older mem- o<rs being present for the odeagiori The fiowets on the Communion Ta:>-‘ were placed 'there .by Mrs. R.-r.ardson in memory of* her hus- .>ahd.-‘-‘-Tee.'rwater News. /:■■ -..y.-t.- J /............... .............. .............................. ir W ;:.ap M; ■ h ,aa att i'. ,r' s^ed -itv *i-;" Sadie- McCharic: zr-r-— 7 • ■ / LADIES. THE’ ANSWER / M HAT WOULD <fie nicer than a beautiful Watch for Him. Tt“-Will be a remembrance every day for years to come. See the nice new styles for . men at • Agnews" watch store Lucknow . Williams; remits A. Le^gefrt, Molekworth. and W. A. Williams; auditor. .Rev Burgess? \ . , GETTING EXASPERATED ’ - Those on relief^ancb those charged with the administering of relief will do well to take notice of a growing feeling of exasperation Oh the pari of the people who are providing, the funds. The taxpayer's are beginning to believe, and- not without justifi cation. .that there are hosts qf tbqse now receiving relief who are quite, contented with'their lot.; and will resist any attempt- to get them back to work. The day is rapidly roffiinc I when the impatient taxpayer wif [demand of those administering fund" j that work be found for. -every mar i and woman Ito dp it and 'even at low relief rolls not -allowed naVebc h^ve paid opf for relief and they are getting up. vdth nien -who ooTOniain- that - Cannot get work and then v-slk rigb past Work which' is -offered te them. i who is all that wages, without on algain. Canada's fax £hno'ofro.nno they physically abb refuse to, whrk. he --dropped. ’ m ceremony and . MRS. ROBERT SNELL The death, Occurred on Thursday 1ast at her home in East Wawaimsh. , •if Jane Bradford," Widew of Rober* >nell, Mrs. Snell was '.in -her T7tV •year, dpd'has been ill for five Weeks. „Jane Bradford was the daughten' of Robert and. Mary Afin Amvtr-- na Bradford ard was born- on Jvrfy 26, n?59, at Ashfield, . where she lived- for some, years. Previous-,'to her mar riage, she’ lived at Belfast. On Nov ember-1.- 1882; she .was married t* George Snell. After their ’hiatria re. they, lived* at Lucknow and Lane« ■ Tn ,1885. they moved to‘ Lnndcs-bot? and from there -irr 1908 to- their farm in Ea&t Wawanosh.- Mr. Shell passed -away in June. 1930. tA family of seven survive: Mrs. John McDovc'I. Mrs. Elwin Tayfog and Robert $-. 8nell. of .East] Wfiwannsb; John A,, of Windsor; Minnie,. George anr' Tames at home; a sister. Mrs. Moses 1 Fhoffips'ori, Holyrood, and two broth-- - »rs. G-eotge ’Bradford bf Goderich- ^bd Henry Bradford '.of .Pleasant Dale. Sa.sk, Thebe are 14 grand- . -hildren.' < )'■ ' •The funeral was held from ’ f^-c resident -on Saturday at ? r'-h'-i tr. Dalle Ometehy,, Rev Hugh C. Wilsrm. of Westfield United Chur-k , where deceased Attended, officiated^ there. ft & ^CHEN it’s been storffiy for days on end, or you haven’t been feeling quite 'up to your . • usual round of visits . . . how pleasant it is to- chat with .friends by telephone;. \ou ate ’ never alone' With your tele- pbonfe. It banishes isolation: .keeps you in touch W'ith vour own immediate dtcle -and with the tkorid at large. And it’s a!- ways on glar'd fp emergenc)’. o' 5ehs the Doetar • "lnets ^ablot v . . I br^ki°QiUf^'p fir, on. f0 tf6V tomey fo^d 6«enS°f;oZnWhen *ferv,cet b d»Wn, , « 4 ■1 I, ' OF YOUR TELEPHONE IS JUST WHAT YOU MAKE IT” "is*