The Lucknow Sentinel, 1935-12-12, Page 3I Gain in manufacturing, contrary to a:. ■ and Horses Coming Back i .INVENiOBS1 WANTED Place Namesi:a- r-1 ./ra- i see, 7 Games in J93G. hi Berlin. I I I I «• gave the i Ill T f I I i ng fish meal with linseed oil meal ' xvihen used,to balance a home-grown' ration. It was found that equally as ; good production, ; Two important factors must considered, in-formulating suitable TO STOP ITCHING AND TO EMSSgBCLEAR UPD0B55K ■S®o^E..^viiS2a3:isrT . T- ; friend wife and letting her know, that you have’ seen what it is.' should be 'taught; tp1 rear' their child­ ren properly; bridegrooms should be One woman is reported to have recently said: “We women would- be just as well, satisfied if old Santa Claus would just take the runs out. of our stockings.” « .merits,. One supplement.' that is pro­ duced, in. Eastern Canada is fish meal Experiments have\been conducted THE DIGESTIBLE COD LIVER FOR SALE BY YOUR DRUGGiST OIL WITH THE PLUS VALUES ‘I an in- “Scout. Poverty is not the money we fail­ ed to get, but the beauty We failed, tn see. S ' ■ “When-its two-lip time under the cohtalWd sUshtly .over 19 per rent''^Hetoe, I'll be! seeing yoa.” IMPERIAL BONDS AND CURRENCIES wanted,'only of Russian. German and' Austrian Governments. Higher ' price* paid. David Davis, Qu-eeii ' and Yorai, “Tuiuatuk ~ ”7 ~ AN OFFER TO' EVERY INVENTOR .List of'wanted inventions and full information sent'.free.. The Kamsay Company, World Patent Attorneys, 273 Bank street, pitavva, Canada. vv Store, Equipments of all kinds. Im? ••• perial Storh Fixtures, , 43 Yorige .St.. Toronto. , - ' ♦ * * . Thirty-one Scouts THE UNITED FAEMEBS CO-OPDRATIVE COMPANY, LIMITED LIVE STOCK COMMISSION DEPT. JJnion SWck Yards, West Toronto ~ . • . . . . T kjt J- ' Classified Advertising (h't in Us.- Write—Wire—or Telephone iYndhnrst 1148 l'”> THE UNITED FAHMEHS DRATIVE ---------- LIVE STOCK MARKETING Shipping oh the co-operative plan ■ has beertr productive oi splendid results. Selling on the open market means real .value, ’for the Wiwn. 'P't in t<»u< h with ' ng the growth of Besides, .gbe^he country during that period. I .Despite the continued decline-, .in ’. 1 recent years, indications point, t to. Ariglican Church for a service of provinces, Turner officiated, and interesting address on Promise.” .; biles as a mode of transportation, 5, i plan so . simple she believes * i/ Lake have . as their winter quarters ' try. Textiles and some other indus- county Cour| House, placed at their, lumber, divisions released, large num- .. * 1 *■■■, m -■ x . < * value satisfaction ■Here r There Everywhere A'brother to every other Scout, without regard to race or creed Entjplpymenf ■ 'Gain R^porje^ for October The old saying “Once a Scout Al­ ways a Scout,” was again borne out when old boys, of the 45th Toronto ((Leslie Street School) Scout- Troup attended2 a meeting called for the formation4 of a Group Committee. *The history of the 45th Troop dates back to pre-war days,"and many of ; ifie foimer Scofits t)ife now occupying important- positions in the; \com-- .. munity. - ■ ’ ♦. * ♦ , Banff Scouts made a special door- L to-door canvas for used clothing and footwear for their friends the Stony Indians on the reserve at Morley Alta. ’ ^Ottawa.—An •‘employment gain in Canada ,cf 14,803 persons between Oct. 1 and Nov. 1 is .reported by the Dominion Burgau of Statistics. The Bureau says Nov. 1 payroll of 9,482 firms making returns stands at 1,- Brides and Grooms to be . Taught Duties of Matrimony.> Shanghai^—With the introduction i'JZv g returns stanas; ai s,-masg .mari^ges int0 China, the 'S?'lt)3'j"s.on3 “"W”4 w>* 9'97’ X-hiM® .Womens “ ! sp'ci-atiop has sugg< , bridegrooms participating .should re- „ _____- .......... Uec. a» 'duties'of married life before goipg logging, j jn order to improve Chined fam­ ing conT conditions the association believes brides should he. trained i'ri.such ffiat- l ■ . • r,nn Temperance As-appreciated feature? “ of / the 3 0-on Oct. J. , Isociatiop has • suggested brides and I The. bureau reports . the employ-: , bridegrooms participating .should re- I inent level at Nov. 1 is higher than. c(;jve eotnse of instruction in the - that of any month since Dec. X» ‘duties’"^; '..................... glasses- for "children of .parents, pot 1930. It Says... particularly iifiportapt';^ lh^'^al7 ill .a JPJCUUUU VVk «» — ----- ------------- . --------- - --------- -5- new form, of good, turn discovered while' highway and building ---- the i.c cabin ,is a large fireplace. ! ♦ . * The, supplying of needed eye-<, m'a position -to purchase them is a improvements . occurred in ■ ‘ new form, of good, turn discovered while ’ highway and ---- "by the Boy Scouts -of. Orillia,Ont. struction, mining, .retail • trade and Funds raised by them in their recent manufacturing- i also contributed ters as ho^ekeeping arid-cooking and.' Scout Apple Day will go for this pur-; gains* sJ10Uia' be -taught to'rear their child- ' pose. s ■- ..J For Remembrance Day Sunday at Mount Dennis, Out, Girl Guides and Brownies land,. Cubs, Scouts and Rovers , of the 29th. Toronto - (Mount Dennis) Group, paraded to the Church of the Good Shepherd for a service presided over by the rector, Rev. R. P. Walker. Members of the Group Committee also were present. Following ' the service the various units formed up in square for, an .address and the presentation of a warrant by Major D’ T. McMali- ns, District Commissioner, "to ScouL mastqr' Drarie. 1 . ■■■ * * * ’ A baby bear has been acquired..by the Scouts of Wynyard, Sask,, as a troop mascot. ' ' * * *. The , Log Cabin at ! the Tourist Camp at: Lansdowne Park, Ottawa, hashgain been placed at the disppsal of several Scout Troops as a winter meeting place by the Capital’s Tour- 1st arid Publicity Commission. One of * ■ . u __ I seasonal, .trend, ik especially - pro- j |iiyen lessons ori- how to be good S$a/ Sccputs '-of Niagara-on-tlie-, nounced in the iron and. steel Indus-; husbands and fathers " < Lake have . as their winter quarters ' try. Textiles and some other indus- The fourth ma^s marriage was a room on. the third floor ‘ of the tries are more-active, butTood and | rerforhled here in October, the f’nni't T4miea nlfW'tvl <a4* Tiniilf >4 « iaw o . nnloaczi?l JovcF-Zk riiiTW— - ' _ . _____ disposal by the “Town Council. Under District-Scoutmaster 'H. W.' tion, . , - " jlargest ever .conducted in China, ip?- , ’ . ■ - ■' •! volvlng 146 couples. The mass mar-[.Transportation, railway construe- j f! £tartc.( U c..... , . ca,1?’.nu;‘.lcalwn!i . :P,d.. KV,''''1VC’' «.> NarUiinir. Ilankow, Peipintr Taylor, 109 Parry Sound . Scouts show contrachons. man? o.f CMna’s larKer cities, and Cubs, headed by the ^Parry The burea^ The plan was devised to combat Sound Band, paraded to Tnmty In Ontario, Quebec and .the P™ne lhc waste{ul c h f Anglican Church for a service of , provmces. . .. . > 1 int; enormous-aims on weddinks. For dedication or new c.olQrs..„_.R.e-v...,...Sr-.__ ________•— .......'• i t. ' .l-wrY , ccntunes the custom has been to go deeply into debt'to st-'gg sumptuous ’.,'edding celebrations. The' mass, mar­ riage plan place “ a-frugal limit upon . tl e cost of. wedding' ceiehraticns.thre?’ Scputer? of the 26th Toronto “Troop two-day_ visit' oyer Remembrance Dhy tO’the, lOtti Border Cities Troop. They . 'joined . the . Border Cities Scouts for. the services at the Cenotaph. ‘ i' size Canals Cost Set ' .. At $988,794,100 OTTAWA — Canada has spent $988,794,100 on the ..construction and maintenance of, Canadian canals- since Confederation, I,h report on the water­ ways of the Dominion dssued by the Bureau of Statistics discloses. This total was distributed in round figur­ es as follows: Investments, $67rp,231,- 000; maintenance, operation-,and sub? Bidies, $236,389,200;. dredging, $82,- I 173.800.' ... The total investment of tlie coun­ try iri harbors and riverst exclusive > ot dredging, represented $6 per cap­ ita. • ■ The greater part of the shipping engaged in the Canadian trade is of the steam or motor type .vessel* with a small. percentage of- sailing vessels . in the fishing industry off the Atlan­ tic and Pacific coasts. No authentic "■ 'lwrae"'.freTgTOo’nn^e’Tri'"'"anT"ouF''o“f" all' Cari’afiiaif ports “has ever “been" ——-•eompii^T^h^'wever;"!'^ • by the Bureau that the water(-borne commerce in and out of Canadian porfFs was between 35,000 and 40,- 000,000 tons for 1933', made up as follows: Sea going, 17.3fi0.000 tons; Great Lakes, 15,000,000; . Pacific coastal trade (Canada only), $2,500,- ' 000; loiVer St. Lawrence and Atlan­ tic coastal (Canada only), 1,000.000. .'One just can't, pick lip’a newspaper , without learning something. Here is ; a‘storjr about 'a hog-calling contest sponsored by the University of Cali­ fornia at. Berkeley.-T.t was. won by a ■ senior from Indiana, whose de­ clamation of “Who-e-e-e pig, pig, pig.” won high praise from the pro­ fessional judge. Other contestants, it ' -Ta. was rePorted» had good range, ade- * LquJl'tc volume, fine tonal qualities, but -. / .L, they made--the -grave-eifrot of, call-. . ing ‘Soo-e-e-e, pig, pig, pig,” which {means “scram” to a pig, it was ex- • -plained carefully, and so presumably '•disqualified those who .said- “Soo-e-e- •e” because after all it was a calling _________contest?—' SAFES Protect your Cash and BdoVs from Fire and Thieves, New and Used Safes, Certified Cabinets, and Caeli Chestii, of all sizes. Moperate prices and favorablo terms. For Particulars Write D6pt. A' J&-J.TAYLOR limited TORONTO SAFE WOftKS . 145 ‘ Front' St. Esj Toronto Established lSi»r» ; Those Leisure Hotifs- VVhy Not Employ Thtni .Pro*- fltably? Specialised, training leads to Increased Efficiency. .. Increased Efficiency riieans Increased Earning Capacity. OVerconie' Inferiority Complex, develop mental power, and '' equip ydurself for better things. Study-leisurely lii’tho quiet of’your OWn home.-Write ’ for partieylars of fascinating cortespb^lence Courses r* The Institute of Practical and Applied Psychology 910 Confederatibn Building • MONTMEAD. QUEBEC 1 Canada’s horse population has de- |. ! cliried greatly during the pa^t fifteen • »■ ♦ . . ( years,'due jirincipally, to the invasion Two discarded cabooses given. Prescription For a Win,tex- Evening the motor vehicle into the field, of them by the C.N.R.. are being turned In winter, I like to scoot down in bed, endeavour so long ruled by the into a ; novel headquarters by the Pulfall the covers over my head; equines. Unable to compete, with1, the Scouts of, Watrous, Sask. The cars Make a long funnel down to my .nose,. '.sP^e.d and. convenience of aut'omo-' .were moved to a vacant, lot donated Burrow a pocket for my toes, 1 . -----rJC-.--------- by the Town Council. The Council W.iggle a little for. bomfort’s sake----the horse-naturally suffered prestige, also supplied workmen to. assist in Arid sleep, and sleep, and sleep. - (and with the, adoption of power fixing, them up for the boys.. ? ' " ■ j machinery on farms his sphere of ■ .- . ..'• ,l .'. I Fearful Father—My boy/ the next fisefulnesa became even more limited What . fascinates us in the story j new maid, I’d suggest that you 'usfe'! ^orsps in Canada declined' from !a more secluded spot. . jj .3,610,494 in 192i to .2,933',492 in j Freshman Fred-r-’-Oh, the. hall was1 1034, notwithstanding the ^rpwth of | dark enough, Dad. . I thought it was you. What . fascinates us - in the story new maid, I’d suggest that you use , is the degree of. culture possessed by ! Californian pigs that it reveals. We I hpve” serious doubts that Carleton county pigs know “Who-e-e-e means ; come to dinner and “Soo-e-e-e” means’ scram. To tell the truth it is a long time since we called pigs, but- we do not recall that they showed remark­ able intelligence or were conspicuous Lor their regard to . the niceties of! tone and .pronouriciation; Volume, however,'was imperative, and if .the call were loud enough it seems to, us the pigs didn’t care much whether! one said “WliQce-e-c” or “Soo-e-e-e,”! ■ Some of us save our money in better days ahead for “Old Dobbin,” small matters so. we can throw it?'vh-h both horse population—and de- away.in, big. bunches. ■ . ■ mand on the increase. An estimate of —----- ‘ r^^ri.umber of horses in. Manitoba as John—What happened to Fi-ankr— avJune, 1935, places the liorse pop- i - ... ulation at 297,000, an increase of John—What happen he’s all. buriged up-4-. .................. Friend-AT.ried to climb the ladder 1,000 o^er. the -preceding year.,. An- of fortune and there were a couple^ onther- favorably indication is the dis- of broken rungs lie didn’t see. , tinct .increase in horse-breeding-act- ^sang about tho Th„ —t't all w?rfe(, T ' ... : • v............. ! up over an -error is after, nothing can 11)34,. an increase of more 'than 30In Cahfornu, though rts dfiler-, be ^one about it. '. per cent over the number fn operat- /lgS ------- . ■ 'iOn 5n j933’ Of. disf, 0 stinguish between the f Doctor ■ (to Aberdeenia.n,. whom riots reported inability to secure inman o come and the order to , be ba(j. been called urgently to see) , satisfactory ' stallions. Imports of an exS SenccV 'L’ffiust^be ^the! “WJ}3/ °?n haVe ^°U do/Pur^ed stallions Wul mares of the tongue 15 ab/ ^stir ^nvJ^mcU^-Wawri Tournal ' ..................'----- ' 1 Some wag once said of mamage—! Height of Cruelty—Discovering a __ The more billings the less cooing. - J Christmas present \ purchased by •* [■ , Friend—I say, Joe, ypur girl look-' 17 j ed .quite tempting in ’that Biblical i J I gown ' she was .wearing last -night. j Young Man—What do mean: ; ‘Biblical gown?’ . ‘ Friend—Oh, you know. Sort pf be Lo and Behold, ’i tlo’ns for, dairy cows: The supply of . Yes, .Virginia, there are two Santa feed on hand, or available at a cost ip . Clauses. ■ . , keeping with. Ihe.value bf lh^ product I ' y Ma„ (to ,girf ha(1 to.be produced, and toe. selection of • at a .dance)— M;Uy T call, arid feeds that wilt supply tho necessary i,you? ' ' , food nutriments in a palatable form,. The Girl (snapping)--Certainly plus sufficient variety and bulk. .not! I wouldn’t think of it! ; Bata secured at the Dominion Bi ' . *^ua' t0 ?he. “ccas; ' perimcnlal Farm, Nappan, Nova Seo- ''°n . mean .tonight. I tla, show that the cheapest supply ot /w™ w«.and' miserable mKht teed is secured from our own farms.': w,’.en 1 1""'e noth,nff bcttcr t0 In other words, liome-gi.-own feeds are T . the most economical. - - ■. is-the greatest force known, . ,, Mn the- world. Nothing, else can re-•H is gencral y recpgmtol (.bat on COMj]e a j, an(| wnter the majority of. farms sufficient .pro-,j _____________T tein eannot.be produced to haven’t the eoui<age to7 dairy cows ^hj^juMwwtfFre- tpl) vour fath„ „f 5' . •<. qinrejnentST-'.'W producing clover or, alfalfa hay, however, along with roots or ensilage and.- the common cereal / crops, it, lias been doinonstrated here ! during toe past three years that the ; only , fee.d purchases necessary are Canadian Representative Woman Submits Plan That . Sounds Simple. New York.—Bearing a world peace ' * “every­ body will be for it and no one against it,” Mrs. Gna ce . .OAW.alt.J-.-ia-.in. -New. - York from West LaFayette, Ind. A plump, grandmotoerly . person, who manages a woanan’s dormitory ,at -Purdue University, Mrs. Oswalt gave newspapermen a preliminary' insight into her plan. She proposes ..to, allow other na­ tions to pay into ' the international bank at Basle the war • debts owed ; the United States. This sum would be the nucleus? for -"toe democratic support of the. League of,'Nations, the World Court, the international Red Cross and all other peace agencies. now in existence, working as part of the machinery of a united Btates of, the world, guaranteeing , economic security to all the nations, thereby .eliminatipg ihe need of armaments.' The .president of the united, states of the world would be elected, by popu­ lar vote of all peoples on the earth. Mrs. Oswalt’s idea, first efime to New York in a letter to, the League of Political' education at,Town Hall after, a broadcast in which citizens about possible „ ways uf effecting' ■ woiddryea-qg.' ■ Hei^l-etter; -selected-- from; 3,09(1 respdrises,,'" was”' ■■■conslfi'erea™’!^ toe league to contain . ari idea' that would bri the simplest of attainment. . *,»• ■If any person looks at an official map, he- will find a-well known com­ munity in Wolford township designa­ ted.'‘‘Easton” observes the. Brockvil'.e Reporder. But if -a "letter be address- ■' ed to such a destination,'it will prob­ ably reach the Dead Letter Office, or | else be . delivered to a place of - th.e. anmn X’nvi fe/vitia Qi’milnulv* tell your ^ather of nly debts-. ■ . tjve the German State Railways, Fiancee—What cowards you meh Who has recently opened, an Informa* , are! Fatliei hasnt the courage to Bureau foh the German State' j tell you of his. i Railways in Canada .at,/Toronto. Mr. i i -----. . -. ' Haag- comes .to Canada . after many | The renalty A careful-driver api- years’ association with the German small amounts.of high protein 4upple-1 f r^Toa(1: 1ie ! Sta/te Railways Offices in Berlin, A..--j looked and listened. -All liehoaid; London and Paris and he is also the. i was the car behind him crashing* in-' official representative" of toe organ, i to his gas-tank.. Niagara Fafis^ Re- ising'commitfee for the Xlth Olympic during the last three wintei-s compar-1' eW'( • / ? n «• ■ F4 r>l» n»nnl z*»it ! • s’* J ....................Stenographer—>‘Mr. P------------. what is; I a metaphor-? i . . . it as "low "i. M'- P—-----A,pla« to keep ebws- could be expected, from a- grain rat- | ' ' I I I I r ion made up ,of .300 pounds of ground oats and barley, or oats, wheat and barley, plus 50 pounds high grade ■fish tiieaf as when 125 pounds of-lin­ seed oil meajl, was. used to- replace thb fish meal. Iri either case the ratlbn protein. Good .quality hay arid swefiris 1 were fed. as sources of roughage. With , any ration made up of feeds grown in Eastern Canada, a mineral ' supplement such asygroufid limestone { find bone chat Is necessary. When th^' flsti meal is fed, this Is not BO arfsetu1 tlal, but It is excellent, insurance any case, J FARMS FOR SALE in Ontario Some good properties at fair prices’, part cash and extended Terms on the balance at. 4% interest. / SfaO your requirements and write f.Cr details to: commissioned, of AGBAOUETURAL DOANS Fa>rUainout Bldgs. - * Toronto Tobacco known, as' “Row’s Corners, ly’s,”.. “Macintosh '.Mills,.” “Lake Eloida” and ‘’Sweeps Corners.”, It. all started some years Iago when ■ some btisybody attached to the Geo­ graphic Board of Canada set out to rename' copmunities in the counties of Leeds and Grenville, regardless .of the wishes or the customs of the in- ■ < f-iabitants. ThereBis no evidence that' -he-pr^tts^anaoifiai^^dnsuLt^ "any-_. body in making these, and other de- cisioris. They, simply made' therm and expected people to follow suit. We humbly submit that before of­ ficialdom tries to shift - familiar , old-place-names, it' should find out wthat the residents of the communi­ ties concerned think about it and • ’certainly, the spectacle of a village possessing one official name on-the ■ map and. another official naihe in the post office directory is ridiculous in the extreriie. . ' -i SHOOT YOUR HORSES A sur-shot Rot and. .worm ’ Remover.Expbls all Internal Far- •asites. Saves' feed, costs a trifle. A«k your dealer or write Fairview Chem-ical Co.. 49 Abell St,, Toronto. ' AND SKIN RASHES-USE Dt1. D.-D. Dennis’ Liquid Prescrip­ tion, made and guaranteed by tho makers of Campana^Italian Balm. Trial bottle 35c at yopr druggist. y Issue No. 49 — ’33 same nameTri Nova .Scotia, Similarly, a village.in reair of LeOds and Lans­ downe officially designated by the lriap-makers as- “Seeley- Bay.”' But 'th 6r p ost-o ffi ce—i n.—theAv-i llage- -is—of-. fioially ktyled“Seeley’s Bay”.,- by the. Post Office Department. ' .The raap-ffiakfers are also respon- ’ sible for such versions as “Row j Corners,” “Seeley,” ■ ‘‘Macintosh.”” I "Lake Loyada* and- Sweet' Corners,” i whereas these '-places have 1 been ; known for generations and .are still "... ,? 4 to 5 TIMES ; " More .Quickly /Digested than •Cod Liver Oil TirecT jaded appetites heed the stimulation of Cod Liver Oil. Scott’s Emulsion helps give you a healthy, normal appetite PLUS added diges- — ---tibility--ahd“-vifali ty -because— it is an emulsified Cod Liver Oil in a solution of bonC- . building Hypophosphites of Lime and Soda. PLUS VALUES you get only in Scott’s. Emulsion. Amateur Short^Story Contest This 2nd contest closes ort Dec. 14, 1935. The Entry Fee is Twenty- Five Cents, no postage stamps. The first prize will be 25 percent. Of ■ the entire contest . receipts, second prize 15 percent, third prize 10 percent,, A constructive criticism on each story submitted is givbn, a suggested market for vehy practical story offered. Each entrant must send in a signed statement that their story is either original fiction or a true life story, your name and address, \and number of. words ini .the story not over ’1,000 words, enclose return postage. Typewrite if possible 6r even legible handwriting accepted. Tho ('winners of the Tirol Story,Contest were M; Fassmore of Elora, ’Oat; Miss A. J. Chrfi of Elora, and hli8a e. M. Schultz of MlUvertoq, Ont. I GIFF BAKER. 39 LEE AVE.. TORONTO