The Lucknow Sentinel, 1935-12-12, Page 1: * ** ■iM > r . 4 / * «• & ”v L $ .« Kt $2.00 PER YEAR IN ADVANCE; »2.60 OTHERWISE VETERINARY J. M. KAINE/ V.S., B.¥,Sc. Havelock St„ Lucknow ’PHONE 104-W Graduate of . Ontario Veterinary College, University of Toronto Charges reasonable. . Day or night calls proipptljr attended./to , ^eicome,'when he arrives, in Lqcknow Office iii the residence of the late Mrs. W. E. McDonald— 4 DENTAL X DR. J. E. LITTLE Dentist X-RAY SERVICE Office In The Johnston Block Telephone No. 5 J ■ MUSICAL INSTRUCTOR Lean! To Play This Winter ART McCARTNEY — teacher of Violin, Banjo and Guitar. Special instruction for children and begin­ ners. Commence at once, b — --------------1■ —■ ’ • . FOR SALE—Young team of good horses about 1400 each. Price reas­ onable—Wm. Fisher, R. 1, Lucknow; -CLEARING -SALE —• of Men’s, Women’s and Children’s Rubbers.— GENERAL STORE, HOLYROOD WOOD FOR SALE—hard or soft wood, any length, ejtherdelivered or at the pile. — Harvey Ackert,— 7"'_Lucknow, 29-w. .1 ... ._____________'■ •• ■ ___-x—------------------------------------ CATTLE FOR SALE—Number of cattle, ranging in ages from calves to year olds.—Harold Purves, . R. 1, Lucknow. FREE FOSTER HOME wanted for lovely baby boy 5 months old, Roman , Catholic; also boy 11 years old, nice healthy, boy.; also fair haired boy. one year and a half. Apply R. Perdue Superintendent C. A. £>., Walkerton. BUILDINGS FOR SALE, on the N. H. of the S. H. of Lot 51; Con­ cession 1, Huron Twp. 1% Storey House 18'x26' (upstairs >14 ft);; one sto.rey kitchen 14'x l8'; and one frame bam 36' x 54’, with 18 ft. post and a 30 ft. Windmill. / Apply to F. D. MacLennan, . Box 254, LucknoW'. LUCKNOW, ONT., THURSDAY, DECEMBER 12, 1955 x SINGLE COPIES 5 CENTS. Santa Arrives Saturday Instructs Local Merchants To Notify- Parents Of The Entire District To Be Sure To Bring The Kiddies In Early. This Saturday Santa Claus will Be -given a royal ... __ ____________ _ this |Sa turd ay afternoon, December 14th, for along wjth the host of children and grown-ups, two bands will greet him. The Pipe Band and the Citizens’ Band will /both be on hand for this big event, which gets, underway at 1.30 o’clock sharp. • ' In ' announcing his intentions of stopping here, Santa Claus requested that parents throughout the /entire district be notified of his visit, * and invited "to bring the children in that day. So village merchants have un­ dertaken to send a notice to every box holder of the community and in -case-^you~'Midn^“getra--biil7'''tlris““wel^ come is extended to you. Each child will get. a. bag pf can­ dies, nuts and an orange, and hun­ dreds upon hundreds of hags are being prepared so that none of toe vouhgsters will .be overlooked. AH the children are asked to meet Old-'Santa at the Town Hall, and join with the Rangers, Girl Guides, Brownies and Scouts, in the parade to the Christmas Tree. Local merchants make this visit" possible and would welcome the as- sistance of ahy individuals who care tol ^bhfribute- to this Santa Claus fund. MAY HAVE THREE BOOKS- TWO OF THEM FICTION * . \ .. •'___ , t , Patron? of . the local Library wijfl be pleased to Warn of a change that has been made1 in. the new ’ • regula-. tions, which now ’perpiits each ’ card holder io receive 3 books at ,on.fe time on ihis or her c^rd. . Of these three-books, two-may be fiction. ■: Previously it had been planned to allow only two books at a time, one to be fiction and the other non-fiction: In the latter class, the library has m,any new and interesting books, not. 'to"mention""“fheir educational value. However the popular demand among readers . is for fiction books, and after 'the first ruling had been made numerous protests were heard and th© Board had it amended, to allow readers a jnore ample supply of books of fiction. Permanent Injured Feared Orland Richards Had Eyes Badly Burned When Lime Mixture Struck -Him Tn The Face—^Permanent Eye ' Injury Feared; ' .<.■’■ Mr,.’ Drland. Richards, ’ boundary west, , was the victim of an unfortun? ate and painful accident recently, which at the time it occurred'' was briefly reported in The'- Sentinel, al­ though then,-we were not aware,of the seriousness of the mishap. ... „.;Urlahd, wns using-.a pressure/nut- fit to spray . the hem. house with a mixture of lime and salt.-The appar­ atus became plugged, and Orland- re­ moved the nozzle ’ to inspect the trouble.’ Without warning the mix- The Bread , M 8 -—%/.• o lie Bte^d ( of Health / 11O V ls3 of Health QUALITY AND SERVICE OUR MOTTO OUR OWN MAKE '' ' '/’j:.' Pudding Mincemeat and Fruit Cakes - ■ ; BEAUTIFVLLY DECORATED ? ; ■’ All made from the VERY BEST ingredients. We already have a heavy list of repeat orders. THESE MAKE DELIGHTFUL GIFTS, PACKED READY TO MAIL 1 • Come and See Quality and Price ...- -...— - A ^Full^tockngf^allTChristmas""Godds~~ I H 0 L LYMAN ‘S QUALIT Y BAKERY Phone 36 Lucknow MAILING LIST CORRECTED NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE ESTATE OF ELIZABETH WEBSTER. ", . the Estates1 :of:„Elizabeth _-Webster^. ---date of -the Village jotL~Lucknow, :. in The Sentinel mailing list was cor­ rected up to Saturday, December 7th. Subscribers are requested to note the date on their address label to see if proper credit has been given As renewal time again draws near there are those who have nbt paid- for the current year and-others, sti.1l farther in arrears. If unable to pay in full the amount owing, let us have part payment and prevent the ac­ count 'from becoming . any larger. May we hear . from you please. To prompt pay-in-advance sub­ scribers a rebate of 50c will be given making -Canadian subscriptions $1.50 and American subscriptions $2.00. This applies only whep payment is made a full , year in advance- Other=_ W^he'Te^iil^^^e^OOo'' and ~ ^g^^respectively^preVails.j ~ died on or about the . 25th day of June, 1934, are hereby , notified to send in to the undersigned Executors on or before the 31st day of Decem­ ber, 1935, full particulars of their claims. Immediately after the last ’ mentioned date the assets of the said Estate ‘will be distributed amongst the persons entitled thereto, having regard only to the claims of which the Executors shall then have notice. : DATED at Lucknow this 3rd day of December, 1935. Frederick Anderson, W. G. Andrew, Executors. NOTICE 10 CREDITORS In the Matter of the Estate of Lesley Henderson, late of the Vil­ lage of Lucknow in. the County of Bruce, Farmer, deceased. NOTICE is hereby given pursuant -j^ rlo the Statute in that-behalf ^that-all- Creditors and others having clatfns >r demands against the Estate oT the said Wesley Henderson, who died on or about the eighteenth day of October A.D. 1935, are required on er before the Twenty-first day of De­ cember A.D. 1935, to send by post prepaid, or deliver to Wellington Henderson, Lucknow, Ontario, or John YV. Henderson, R. R. 3, Luck­ now, Ontario, executors of the last W,ill and Testament of -the said de­ ceased, their names, addresses and descriptions, the full pArticulars-oL their claims, a statement of their ac ­ counts, and the nature of the secur­ ities (if any) held by themiduly ver- f ified by., affidavit. ; AND take notice that after such last mentioned date the said execu­ tors Will proceed to’ distribute the assets of the said deceased among the persons entitled thereto, having regard only to the claims of which they shall then have notice, and that the said executors„ will not be iiable for the said assets or any part there­ of to any person or3* persons'-; of whose claims notice shall not have been received at the time of such distribution; .: Dated at Lufeknqw, Ontario, this 25th dayC.of November, ^..D. 19’35. ’ Wellington Henderson, Lucknow, Oht., John W» Henderson, R. R. 3, Lucknow, Ont. Executors* j’ ‘ CONCERT ~ ATj .ZION' ; An .interesting program by Public School and Sunday School pupils, will be presented in Zion Hq.ll,. next Thursday evening, December 19th. Admission,, adults 25c. Public .school children free. CHRISTMAS LITERARY The Christinas meeting of the Lit­ erary Society of the Lucknow High School will be held-in the Town Hall Friday, December 20th at 8.15 o’clock Program includes a. short play, gymnastics, choruses, etc. Admission 25c and 15e, including tax. Local Vocal Student Has Part In Recital Miss Mary Douglas One Of A Quar- „._.tette -r-To —Gi ve--Fine—Recital In Kitchener. . Mr. Joseph Blow 6f the Kitchener Conservatory of Music faculty was the. host’ at an event of social* and artistic interest at the Kitchener Band Hall -recently, when he presen­ ted in: recital there four of his more advanced pupils the Misses Pauline Hyirimen, Myra Hymmeny Mary Douglas and Katie Wiens. MissJDdu- glas, is a daughter of Mr. George H. Douglas of Lucknow, and is teach­ ing school in Kitchener. This quartet of talen-ted youpg Kitchener vocalists, each of whom has-won a niche for herSelf in the local realm • of music, again distin­ guished 1 themselves by singing a carefully selected program in effec­ tive fashion.- ?'• '■ • , The' evening’s1 repertoire included solo, duet and quartet numbers and to each offering the youthful vocal­ ists brought their gifts , of prettily placed .voices, engaging > charm of manner and the finish which is the result of careful training followed sincerely. The qUartbt selections wer;e par­ ticularly pleasing showing the ease of the performers ’ the difficult art of part singing. In this group, which whs especially popular with the audience, Wefre Reichardt’s “In the time of roses’jScbumman’s , Jtj’olJc Song.” and as a delightful finale to a delightful entertainment the love­ ly Strauss composition “Greeting to spring.” 4 ’ Miss Pauline Hvmmeri launched the nrdgram ausniciouslv with “Sil «nt Noon” <Williams\ and “Slumber Door Maid” (WandeTI. <\ • ' Mifts Marv: Douglas • th* other contralto of the . quartet in a > (Continued on Page g> M * Pulled f By Plucky Pals Young Jack Henderson Got Cold Dip Lust Thursday When He Broke Through Thin Ice On Pond - Near zero weather last week, threw a thin coating. of ice over local ponds and the more daring had their first skate of the season on Wednesday and Thursday. Without skates on, young Jack Henderson' ventured out on the ice "onrthe^jniir3»pnd_lSsfZThuruda^if noon, and when' some distance from shore broke through the thin coating Floundering around more or less helpless in water to his chin, Jack’s efforts to escape from his precarious position were to no avail. Young Allen Treleaven, son of Mr.. and Mrs. Harvey Treleaven, who was on­ shore, struck out to help him. Ori nearing the hole the lad stretched out ori his stomach and was giving Jack valuable assistance, in keeping him up, although the ice kept break ing .away as Jack tried to squirm out „ Before the heroic rescue was com­ plete, Jim ’Webster, cariie along and by making use of a handy plank, soon had Jack on high and “dry” land and the dripping youth wefil scurrying home for a. change of clothing and although none the. worse nossibly a little wiser, from the in­ cident that fortunately ended as jit -St. TJeleiPs .School Concert will.be held in the Community Hall, on Friday, evening, . December 20th; at S_oMook. when an interesting pro­ gram will be giVen. Admission 15e and ,5c;. WEDDINGBELLS TODD—MILLER The home of Mr! and) Mrs. W. I. Miller at St. Helen’s, t will. be the scene of a quiet wedding at 12.30 o’clock, today, Thursday, December 12th, when their eldest daughter, Helen Elizabeth, will become the bride of Mr. Thomas James Todd, only son of Mr. arid Mrs. Frank Todd of St. Helen’s. The young couple will be unattended,,’and Rev. H. M. Wright'will officiate. Aftei’ a wedd­ ing trip,, Mr. and Mrs. Todd will re­ side 4 on the grooiri’s farm at St. GREEN HO W—HACKETT— At-a simple ceremoriy in the home of? her parents? Miss Esther Eliza­ beth Hackett, spoke her nuptial' vows to Ralph Sykes Greenhow, on Wednesday afternoon last,, at 4 o’clock. The bride is a daughter of Dr. and Mrs. Walter L. Hackett, of Virginia Park, Detroit, groom is the sori1 of Arthur Greenhow?, Ont, The marriage rites were read by- the Rev. B* W. Pullinger, the bridal couple taking their places before the fireplace where the mantel was dec­ orated with a mass of bronze bebe mums and Peruvian' lilies 'with .yel­ low mums at each end. Loftg strands of-ivy hurig from the mantel and .at the base of the firqplafee huckle­ berry greens and Boston ferns were used. Bebe and large chrysanthe­ mums “in fall colors were u^eg throughout the living room. The bride,''. w,ho Was unattended., wag married in a travelling suit of beige” wool with, beaver, toll ar, a brown haf’and brown accessories-..' Mr. -^ajid Mrs, Greenhow left by iriotor for a two weeks’ weddingitrfp in Florida. They have net definitely decided yet where they' will .make their hoinc? but it will be either :in Walkerville or Windsor. / < ' The father of the bride, D,r; Wal­ ter Hackett, is a native of Ashfleld. being a Sori of the late James Hack?- ett. He is a brother of Mr?* Janies R. Hackett of Lucknow. \ bit, and 'the. Mr. and Mrs, of Walkerville, .’/1 Y ture blew full into his eyes with much force. : Unable to see to motor, medical aid was summoned and it was neces- town to remove the substance which had Oven been forced under the eye­ lids. " • ' . The eyes received a terrible burn­ ing" and■"it is believed"'that"" had it been a full strength lime solution, the injuries might have resulted in tothj . blindness. ' . A London eye specialist later at­ tended. Mr. Richards, when it was feared that the sight.- of one eye might b.e'. permanetly injured. Orland is now -able to distinguish ljjght with, this eye and: hopes. ': are—enter-; -tained—foi~-a—gradual-—improvenrehtr The sight of. the" other eye;" although' somewhat impaired, now permits 'Or- larijd to drive his car into town for treatment. > DIED IN VANCOUVER , Mr. and Mrs.. W. J—Little received the sad word of the death of a very intimate friend, L Mrs. John Elliot, which occurred in Vancouver on Monday,. December 9th.. Mr. Ellipt will’be Well remembered by many conducted a -grocery business,lu. ■__ older friends in Lucknow, where soffie years ago, he conducted a gro­ cery business. Word of her death was sent, here by her son, Dr. Graham Elliot. POSTAL RATES -------------•------*. •’ L> . ’ _ Postal -authorities- are called upon to answer hundreds of queries con­ cerning postal rates. Christmas cards not sealed, require a one -cent stamp. This entitles the sender to 5 written words? Tor .example, “WishinWJv.ou—a_ and i iasddaaessx.^Ebaree^ ■^Ms.xn-iwbet : everything" not over an. ounce, whe­ ther sealed or not. In case of postage shortage. the receiver is required to pay 4c.\.The only case in which the ‘2 cent rate applies is in the. case of drop letters which are distributed, from the office ;where they are mailed DIED IN VANCOUVER ~Word has ' been received of the death of Hamash Mac'Crimmon-, a son of the late Dr. MacCrimmpn -formerly of Lucknow. Mi.\ .Ma^Crim- mon, who is well remembered by (fid- er. residents, die.d suddenly.1 in Chi­ cago. when stricken with a heart, attack. ? ; . ‘________;___ . ' ' Municipal Board Approves Of Debenture Issue Sum Of $4000 To Be Raised By Is­ suing C ebentures, To Cover Cost — Of Eocal lm provement - ~Undertak­ ings. At the conclusion, of a brief hear­ ing on Wednesday afternoon, Mr. Goldie, a representative of the ■'On­ tario Municipal and Railway Board, approved of the .Village' of. Lucknow issuing debentures in the sum of $4000... to pay for local improvement undertakings,' carried out by the Village Council during the year. , „ At the outset, Mr. Goldie question­ ed the z meeting to find if anyone present was opposed, to the matter, and failing to receive any • protest, proceeded to ask a. few ■ questions, before-approving of the expenditure. Reeve Hamilton explained the pur­ chase of the bridge to replace the unsafe wooden structure at the “Car­ ding Mill” and how unfdrseen diffi­ culties that Required the rise 50f piling to erect the bridge, there­ by ' increasing . the cost some ,$500. The bridge roughly- cost *$2000; the widening of the r.street' ’$'£5'00,1 and the-concrete payement on '“Q|uaI-‘ ity Hili',”' some $225. . This other wdrk was undertaken upon the Council being, petitioned to do sb, and'as, debentures had to be issued to pay for the bridge, the Reeve explained that the Cdpncrl . deemed it wise to proceed with -these necegsaty works, and include them in the bridge debenture, When money could be. secbred at a Tow. interest­ rate. In, reply to Mr« Goldie’s ques­ tion, Mr. Hamilton ., stated he was led to believe .that, the debentures would be oversubscribed within the village. ' , . * . Before the meeting concluded, Mr. G. H.. Smith’ added ktrehgth < to the Cbuncil^- action, by explaining that the . Booster Club 'had been strongly behind the street widening project.. ('• A Jewellers*------.......- - TREASURES Are Constant PLEASURES OUR STORE HAS A SOL­ UTION TO EVERY GIFT PROBLEM “GIVE GIFTS ?^^HAT-dSNDU-RE?’---:--"“'^-' A REAL PERSONAL GIFT FOR HER WOULD BE AN Enamelled Toilet Set of Comb, Brush & Mirror Beautifully Boxed at----- $7.50 OTHER SETS at higher prices including sterling silver. / Excellent Value at---- $25.00 Bracelets are also a very popular gift and there are many attractive new $2x00 40 $10.00 Wrist Watches “No Present Like The Time” at 00 ALSO COMPACTS flN MANY NEW STYLES Silver Ware or Cut Glass Or a less personal gift, but one much appreciated would be a Silver Plated Flower Basket or Cake Plate. Then in Cut Glass, there are Goblets, Sherbert Glasses and Cocktail Glasses in the popular Corn Flower desigb. . • 1 _____• ______:. THE STORE FOR IDEAL CHRISTMAS GIFTS. 1® | S3 I •• KJ SHIRLEY TEMPLE AT LYCEUM “Delightful Shirley Temple in Curly Top”, her best picture,” is' playing'. this week at the Lyceum Theatre, Wingham, and better still, this special feature is running at regular prices. For full details of this picture, which promises, to be one of the Lyceum’s best entertain­ ments of the year; see advertise­ ment,’ elsewhere, in this' issue. WAS BLUE MONDAY FOR . ?THE—CHRIST-MAS-JTREE The big eVergreen tree at the inx tersection at T. W. Smith’s garage, had a bad time of it the first of the week, when it was laid low., twice in twenty-four hours by motor cars. The first upset occurred about 3 a.m. oh ‘Monday morning, when a trio of Kinloss young men drove their car into it. The impact snapped a guide wire and threw the tree, to the pavement. The tree," which jwas first set up last Thursday, was again put in place Monday morning, but that ev­ ening- looked quite forlorn, without its ' twinkling' colored lights, which Md mostly been broken in the early morning crash, and which were* temporarily replaced by a warning red’ lantern, until a new' supply ■ of bulbs could, be secured. About midnight on Monday; the tree Came to grief a second time, when Tfarold Button drove his light delivery truck into it and once more the evergreen was/ laid low. .Both mishaps), were reported to Constable Moore.' Damage of a min­ or- nature, including a broken wind- shild was done to the Button Car. The impact in- both cases would be rather severe however, as the stout evergreen had its base set between two heavy blocks of cement,, while four wires secured the tree hearer the top. * , ' 1 j<.A? KJ JIMMIE IjORR GOES TO AILSA CRAIG Mr. James Orr, brother of M..C. , and Andy Orr ox town, is opening a : butcher business in Ailsa Craig. Jim­ mie and Alex Lockhart have been in the butcher business in Appin for . some time past. Prior to leaving . A^fpin;-a. pleasant social evening was held in the town hall, during whicn- Mr. Orr was presented with a' hand­ some ring. BERT WARD ELECTED AS L. O. L. WORSHIPFUL MASTER .. , —■ ■■■■ ■ ' . " With a large attendance of mem­ bers, Lucknow L.O.L. held its annua? -meeting -on—Tuesday -night thatwas featured by the election and instal­ lation of officers «as; follows: Past ‘ Master, Dick Carter; Wor. Master, Bert Ward; Dep. Master, Jack Car­ ter;. Chap., Sam Morrison; Rec.- Secretary., Cecil Mullin: Financial- Sec’y., Jack’Miller; Treas., Dick Carter; 1st Leet.; Jas. Irwin; 2nd r Leet.. John McQuillin; Marshall, T. Robinson; Com., Herb' McQuillin, Eldon Irwin, John Wilifield, Angus Graham. D. C. Taylor. Encouraging reports were given ' by the officers,' and Mr.. Cecil Mullin gave an interesting paper “Land­ marks of Orangeism?’ '' FlkGER^nNJURED""'“ ■ ■ Bill Webster sufijerred a painful hand injury late Tuesday morhing while at work in the local furniture factory)) Bill was starting to do. .some work^on the power sander and in some manner his hand came in ; contact with the machine which in a moment had gouged off to the bone the ends of two fingers. He received as the same- time, a couple of lesser injuries, one of which -was on the opposite. hand, and altogether Bill .jVill be off work for awhile till the injured' digits heal. ■ ................... ............. .... ................... I f . ■ ............... . .. • irllbl1“-' ’ . " ft GIVE UEN, A; Tip HER;a Watch f his V xylll iSLlXftcii bered th , Beautiful latest stj < at reason at > AGNEW 8. Lt wrll be remc roughout the yea new Watches, in des, frilly guarantc able prices* See th ’S WATCH STOR Lucknow m- rs. the *e3 eni E. '