The Lucknow Sentinel, 1935-12-05, Page 4PAGE FOUR
' BY
PHONE 10 /
. ; In. the Matter of- the Estate of
Wesley Henderson, ° late of the Vil •
^ge of Lucknow, in the County of
Rruce, Fatmer, deceased.
\ NOTICE is hereby given pursuant
to the Statute in that behalf that all
"-Creditor s-’ancH'otherso-havi-ng-—G-laims
•r demands against.the Estate of
the said Wesley Henderson, who died
on or about the eighteenth day of
October A.D. 1935, are required on
or before the Twenty-first day of De-
prepaid, or deliver . to Wellington.
: Henderson,. Lucknow, Ontario, or
John W. Henderson, R. R. 3, Luck
bow, Ontario, executors of the last
Will and Testament of the said de
eeased,. their names,, addresses and-
Jescripticift's,'" the. full particulars of
their claims, a statement of their ac
founts, and the nature of the secur
ities (if any) held by them duly ver
ified by affidavit. .
AND take notice that after such
feist, meftfiome^ .the 7saTd/. .cxec'i:i-
tors Will proceed to. distribute the
assets . of the said deceased among
the persons , entitled thereto., having
regard only to the clajms\ of. which
they shall then have notice, and that
the said executors will not be liable
for the said assets or any part there
of ■ to any, person or persons of.
whose claims notice shall not have
been received at the-time of such
. Dated at Lucknow, Ontario, this
25th- day of November. A.D. 1935.
Wellington Henderson, Lucknow
Ont., ■
John W. Henderson, R. R. 3,
Lucknow, Ont. Executors.
. In the Matter ox the Estate of
Susan itacnel Miller, late of the Vil
lage cT Lucknow, m the-County of
ail creditors and others having
claims or1 demands against. the Es
tate -of the said Susan Rachel Miller,
wha died on or about x the seven
teenth day of September, A.D., 1935,
are required on or before tne
I8th day of December, A. D.,' 1935,
to send by post prepaid, or deliver
to Joseph Agnew, Lucknow, Ontario,
the executor of the last Will and
Testament of the said deceased their
names, addresses and descriptions,
the full particulars of their claims,
a statement of their accounts, and
the nature of the securities (if any)*,
held by them duly verified by affida
vit. And take notice thqt after, such
last mentioned date the said execu
tor will proceed to distribute the
assets of the said deceased among
the persons entitled thereto, hayirig
legard only to the claims of Which
they shall then have notice, and that
the said executor Will nOt be liable
for the sdid assets or , any . part
thereof tb any person or persons of
whose claiftis notice shall not have
been received] by him at the time of
such distribution;
liated at Luckffpw, Ontario, this
Nineteenth day of November, A.D.
1935^ , • ..
' Joseph Agnew, Executor.
(Continued from Page ,1) _
James ChswelL Walter Treleaven
was then “Dean” 7 of the church and-
W. IL Smith, father of the present,
organist, Mrs. G. A. Newton, was
secretary and. leader of the choir of
Twenty voices. Threemembers of
this choir are residing in Lucknow
now, Miss Louise Treleaveii, Mrs.
M. A; Treleaven and Mrs. Flynn (Ida
Graham). Other members of the
choir included: organist, Mjss Ida
Rookledge; and Miss Annie L. Fish
er™ Miss^Emma^'.~Sinith7'"Miss'';Hat-'
tie Johnston, Miss Annie,
Miss Maggie Campbell, Miss Ida
Johnson. Miss Moss, Mrs. J. Bryan,
Mrs. Wm. U. Little,.Mrs, D. E. Cam
eron. Miss gophie Fisher, Mr. W. H.
Sipith, Mr. Jas. Anderson, Mr. D. E.
Cameron'. Mr. George Kerr, Mr. Thos.
Hooev, Mr. A.’ Davison. The first
church wedding was that of Miss Ida
Rookledge and the late Mr. G. Ad
SiddaH. ,
Tn Tess than three weeks after the
opening, the Board met and arrang
ed to borrow $7000. at 6%. LiWe
-Lhis-debt—for—teri—years p-but-.during,
the I next ten, the entire balance of
ibout $6000. , was raised and th*
-nortvage then burned.
The present debt of-the church is
n result of renovation bf the hujdd-
ing. va.nd an amount of $3000assum
ed by the church at-the ,time of the
erection-of—the-$5000 steel shed. ,This
will be throttled soon said the Doc
Mr. D. C. Taylor has been a mem
ber of the Official Board for 46 years'
Rev. Turk’s pastorate here lasted
only a little more than two years,
but "what he accomplished in that
time is amazing. Eighteen clergy
men have ministered here as. follows:
Reverends G. R. Turk, .Frank New
gent, John Gteen, John Colling, John
Mills, I. B, Wallwyn. John Learoyd.
A.. Q. Harris, Retjben Millyard, E. J.
^ords. -ToTifx. George McKinlev, „E.
T. Garbutt. R. Fulton Irwin, ..Oster-
bm^f.. T. Wesley Cosens, R. W. Craw
is still living iris Winnipeg.
• J.2— k
HQLYROodri ■.
The Community Club was; organ
ized on Monday evening. Officers for
the . coming year are*: president, Mr."
Mphonso fMiut-rays ' 1st 5 vW^Rres,,-
Mt- Wesley Thompson; 2nd\Vice, Mr/
Donald MacPherson; \Sec’yJTreas..
Mr. Elliott Johnston; Assistant, 'Mr.
Richard Baker; pianist, Elliott
Tohnston; Assistant, Mrs. 7 Aimer.
Ackert; Flqor /managers, Mr. Lome
_ pr. John Smith; Pro-
tHe next* three weeks
A 7Assistant,
AH persons -having claims against
the; Estate oi Enzaoevh Weoster,
late ox the Village of Lucknaw, in
tpe County of Bruce, Spin.stei, who
died on or about the Lejih- ua.y 61
June, 1934, are hereby .notiiieu to
send in to the undersigned -Executoi s
on or before the 31st day of Decem
ber, 1935, full particulars of theii
.claims,..'. Immediately after the last
mentioned daU the assets of the saio
Estate 'will 5b distributed amongst
the persdris entitled thereto, having
regard only td the claims of/which
the Executors Shall .then have notice.
DATED at Lucknow 'this* 3rd 'day
of. Decejnber, 1935. \ ’ <
Frederick Anderson,
W. G. Andrew.
, .■ Executor's,
4ram __ _ ________
Miss^nene Valad. ( Mi
Ackert and -Mr.-.RhbtJMacDonald."
First meeting Will bte in i tke form of
a dance on this Friday
5th. " ?
We wish to extend’ oUr -sympathy
to Mrs. Dan »McLeod,/ owing to the
death of both her mother and ‘ hus
band in the past week/]
• Mr. and Mrs. Wrii. R?umph of De
troit, Mr. and Mrs. George* Rogers,
Sask., Mr, and. JVJrs. Chas. Cathers.
Mr. arid Mrs. Dave Eadie arid Mr. and
Mrs... Eldon Renwicks werje recent
visitors at Mr. Wm. Eadie’s.
Mrs. Chas. Shiells and daughter
Doris of Wingham, are visiting with
the former’s parents, Mr. and
Chas. Congram. .
Mr. rruJ Mrs< Harvev Ackert
, 1'Tr. hnd rs.
I -t-'nqfe. f
, V
I Mr*'
| .1- v
frs. Aimer
(Continued'from Page T)
subsequent delliyerance unharihed.
“Ljook at it as you will,” • said the
speaker, to him it was a Divine
intervention. '
“You have stood true in this village
or you would not enjby the religious
advantages that you ;do,” he contin
ued. He admonished the young people
“who are dear to him” that the way
into everlasting life was by faith,
true and righteousness. Volumes
have been written about the social “rocks” of' today, but if you
Jcnow. the channel, when Jesus is the
pilot, one need not bother about* th«^
rocks; he said in ;conclus|on.
Special Music
At both services the choir rendered
special music. In the morning an
them, Mrs. Joyftt and Miss •W-inifreu
Armstrong took solo parts. The
guest soloist was Miss Helen Lane.
A.T.C.M. of; Goderich, who sang in
sweet voice at both services. “In the*
evening the .mixed quartette of Mrs.
Toynt, Miss Robertson, Harold Alliu
and Eldon Henderson was heard. By
special request Rev. Turk also sang
at both services delighting the con
Fowl Supper and Concert
Well laid plans by the Women’s
Association resulted in Monday
night’s fowl' supper “ihaking a big
hit.” For upwards to threS hours the
banquet hpll was continuously filled
with some six Hundred person, who
partook of the supper, and in the
process consumed about 60 geese
and a number of chickens, not to
mention all the rother accompanying
At nine o’clock a splendid 2^ hour,
concert got underway, after Rev.
Tucker made brief, but fitting re-
marks. The opening number was a.
Lucknow Sentinel
"Published every Thursday morning
at Lucknow, Ontario.
Mrs. A. D, MacKenzie — Proprietor
Campbell Thompson—Publisher
Kinloss Council Minutes
chorus by. the cho;leddes
The death occurred . in, Wallace
township .on Saturday, November 16,.
1935, of Mrs. Christine Youn, in he?
seventy-seventh year, following a
.lingering illness.;'u *> « ■ ,
Mrs. Youn, who was a daughter
of the late George and Elizabeth
Holtzman, was- born November 28th,
185&, at Philipsburg.'She was married
January 19th, 1881> to Mr.- Youn,
who predeceased her August £nd,
1908. Mrs. Youn resided at Gowans^
town until twenty-fouf ’years ago,
..when./she .mowed 7 to .Listowel, where,
she resided . for nine years. Mrs;
Youn lived with her son, Henry, for
fourteen' years,* and the last seven
teen months redded with her daugh
ter, Mrs, Reuben Nickel of A^allace,
where her death took place.
Three sons and four daughters sur
vive, Henry Youn, Lisitowel: George
Youn, Waterloo. William Youn of
concession, Wallace; Mrs. J. H. Wil
son,-Este van, Sask.: Mrs. Alex Nickel
Fort Qu-Apelle. Sask.: Mrs. Floyd
children are
Edward. One
Brantford;. Deceased
Lawrence, Emma and
brother and five sisters
a dance on this Friday Overling', Dec..
■ •
and ivnvp
■.Clarence Bamw
nt the ho'»rt of Mr. end
or Tuosdav
rhr’deq B^nldm** l/»ft on
visit with relatives at Cale
gave able assistance , and "rendered
several numbers that' were well,
chosen. His concluding, two. numbers
“Going Home” and “The Voice in the
Old Village Choir,” were touching’
numbers. . /
Dr. Newton gave a brief historical
sketch of the church, whichr is dealt
with more fully elsewhere in this
issue. Dr. Little gave some fine vio-^
Tin selection and the imixed qfiartette
a pleasing number. Mrs, Fisher, a
new resident in town, sang two num
bers that proved her to be an acqui
sition in musical circles here.
. Rev. Turk’s' Address
One of the highlights of the .pro
gram was Rev. Turk’s address “Some
Leaders Who Have Led Me”. In ah
interesting address, well balanced
with humor, the speaker spoke • of
.factors and personages that had
molded his life, starting at?the home.::
under whose tutorship, he received
inspiration , in his. college days.
In conclusion he said, “I shake
hands with you all in my heart,”
and in taking his seat, a note by
the organist, Mrs. G. A. Newton
reminded him of. something.
Edith, I was going to sing,”
amid loud applause returned to the
nulpit and gave another fine
nulpit and gave another fine sold.
The choir, struck’ al touching cord
when they took up the retrain “Will
ye no come back again.”
■' Mr. A.'W. Hamilton,, chairman of
the finance, committee, and Messrs.
Wm. Murdie and A* Ei Buswell. who
canvassed the congregation, spoke
briefly in turn. Mr. Murdie had the
gopd news to iimpqrt that the con
tributions would be at least $2000.,
apart from the proceeds of the sup
per. Both- canvassers spoke of the
splendid reception receivedin the
various homes without a word of
Mr. J. G. Anderson .extended
thanks to ajl individuals and' organ
izations who had assisted in- the.
anniversary, making particular men
tion of the fine work of the Women’s
Association and paying highest trib
ute to “our dear old friend,”’ Rev.
Turk. .
The doxology, the National An/
them and then prayer by ReV. Turk
was the final gesture as Lucknow
United GMirch rang down the cur
tain on its Golden Jubilee anniver
sary, memories of which will longr
,’inger’in the minds of those in at/
'f ■
Lyceum Theatre
Show Starts at 8.00 P.M.
Kinloss Council met on Monday,
Nov. 25th, 1935. All members pre
sent.. The minutes of the last regular
meeting were read and approved;
The account of Johnston Bios, for
$5 0.00.funeral-expenses of'Baby Mc
Connell, “lndigents dependent", was
in the' Clerk’s hands, and the Statu- •
tory allowance oi $30.00 was given. ‘
The Engineer’s report , on the Mcr
Kay-McQuillin Municipal Drain was
read -and provisionally adopted, the
clerk to prepare By-Law, arid have
Copy served to each party -on the
Drain in Kinloss and Court of Re
vision on By-Law to be* held on. Mon
day, January 13th, 193.6; at 2 o’clock. ,
“P.M...... / ■. ■ ■
A By-Law ^as prepared and- pass- ,
fed makirig appointments .;of Deputy -
Returning Officers and vPoIl Clerks'
for each Polling Division, should a
Municipal election be required.
Orders to be issued in payment of
all bills and accounts passed at this
Council then adjourned to meet
again on Monday, December 16th,.
19.35', at the time and place. >
cheques- issued: li. K. T. C. Hydro
di nun «>o.44; a. C. Monteith, survey
at Whitecnurch and at EU. Little s,; KoUert Mcceany-sheep- -elaim—'
.p2<5.uu; Wm. Bercy, sheep claim $8.00.'
Dan McDonald, xii^p. above claims,
4>2.40; John Turves, work on Gaunt
drain $3.50; Alex McLeod, work on , Jaunt drain $2.50; John, Kennedy, j
work oh McMillan drain $1.50; Thom- , ‘
$1.00; B. E. McLean, relief supplies I
$8.03; Harry Bell-, work on B. G. I
Ext. $3.00; Win. Jackson, material I
and work on extension $4.50; John
McFarlan, bridge1 allowance ZB. . C.
Ext. $20.00; Allan Nelson, gravel at
Hall $16.59; Miss S. Purvis, stamps
$3.00; Johnstone Bros.,' burial for
Baby McConnell / ‘‘I,
Thompson, caretaking to" date . $1.75.
Highway cheques.—Wesley Thom
pson, pay. list. 103, $7.20; John Bush-
?U, pay list 104, $17.70; Road Nq..?,
pay list 105, -$23.15; Cement for
bridge 30th S. R., pay list 106, $13'4.r.
-35^-W-m—Mc-Kenzier J-pa-y- list Jl-07,-
415.80^^rSam^Nest>itt; .nay list. 108T
$14.10,; F^dnk Johnston, pay list .109
$5.70; Alex Percy, pay list, 110, $5.10;
H. Lovat’t, pay list 111 $6.30; J. H.
Ross, pay list 112, $40.80; 0. Tiffin,
nav list. 113,. $13.80:' Henderson &
Fisher, pay list 114 $52.26'; Alex Mc-
Leo'4, pay'list 115. $14.40; Road>'No.
2, nav# list 116 $2.00: George Lock
hart, pay list 117 $10.60.- /
. ’ J. R. LANE, Clerk.
Thursday, Friday, Saturday.
December 5-6-7
A Little Bit Qf Everything
Mentone Musical—'
Colored Classic—
• • ■ ' . AND FOX NEWS ■ • •
, SHIRLEY temple
,, .. . In
LU&., Ul
$30.00,; A.. E.
' Presbyterian Guild
After the opening exercises, Mar
ion MacDonald read the Scripture,
followed .by the Lord’s prayer. The
following program was then carried
out: The topic .. taken by Wilena.
i Chesnut; a reading ] by Katherine
MiaciDougali; a solo by Roszella .
Mullin; a reading by Leonard Mac
Donald. and a- piano: duet' by . Peggy ”
MacDonald and' Madeline McMorran.
The Bible study for jnext week. - is^-i
Tal^n~Trom"fhe Book of Genesis. ~It
was decided to invite Goderich Y. P.
to he the guests .'of...'-the Guild, a
week from Ktonday. Hymn >665 Was
"su^g after which Rev. ■ MacDonald
closed in prayer. ' ■
Mrs.. Robinson Woods is spending
onto.; ; . * .
The teachers and pupils are busily
preparing for their Christmas - con
cert. That of Fordyce will be held in
their school on Tuesday evening, Dec.
17th and that of St. Helens -'in :the
Community Hall on iFridky evening,
Dec. 20.
Miss Irene, Woods of Waterloo and
Mr. Helmuth Schlehker of Bridgeport
were. week-end visitors at the form
er’s home here.
Mr? J. H. Wallace returned to Mr.
Wallace Miller’s on Sunday from- the
Wingham Hospital, where he has'
/•pent! the paist ninO Weeks recovering
from a fractured limb.
Rev. Herbert Percy of .Niagara
Falls will be the special speaker at
the United Church next Sunday
morning, and on Monday evening he
will give a concert.. Rev. Percy, who
^.e.^ts~^a^r<>g-ga'm which wHl be -jiiglr
highly recominended. Musical num
bers will be provided by Mrs. J. W.
The Mock Parliament which was
the special feature of the Y. P. U..
meeting' on Friday evening, proved
highly amusing as well as educative
along/the line of parliamentary pro
cedure. Rev. II. M. Wright was the
speaker of the House and Premier
Stanley Todd and his cabinet, Misses
Isohel . and Dorothy Miller, iRu^h
Ramagie, Iona Swan, Messrs. Chas
McDonald, Cuyler. Ramage, Gordon
Miller arid Harry Swan introduced a-
bill f6r the appropriation of ,$100,009
^or the building of a highway from
Belfast to “ Fordyce with a $150. el
ectric stop sign at St. Helens. The
opposition, Messrs. Durnin Phillip?.
Tohrr Catneron, " Dick Weatherhpad.
with their leader Mr.. Wallace Miller
so streriuously opposed this bill.- that
when the vote Was taken it was de
feated^’After community singing, a,
violin selection by Gordon McPher
son and several, contests, a bountiful
1un<?h was served by the men.
A number of former /neighbors:
attended the funeral at Wingham on
Saturday of Allan Smith, the 15 year
old son of Mr. and Mrs., Robert
Simith, former residents of this com
. The meeting of the Y. P. U. was
held, on Sunday evening, with the
Missionary committee in charge.
TonajSwan read the Scripture lesson
’nd Stanley. Todd read a letter from
Dr. Wilford of China. The topic “The
Business of Mission^” Was taken by
Miss Mary Irwin.
BORN—In Lucknow on Sunday,
Dec*. 1st to .Mr. and Mrs. E'don Mil-
'er of West Wawanosh, a daughter.
All members 'pre urgently request
ed. to attend the annual meeting of
the Reef Ring .to—he’ri'^iimhe
Community- HaH on Thursday everi-
injf,^December r12th;
Messrs. T.« J. Salkeld, W. I. Miller
^i.d Will arid Hugh Rutherford, at
tended the Guelph' Stock' show on
Rev/ -H. M. Wright attended the
■meeting of the Ministerial Associa
tion in Wingham dn’Monday and the
theeting. of Rresbytery of Htiron at
Winthrop oft Tuesday,
Heading guuiy to three charges
oeiore Magistrate £: W. Walker in
/once Court hi Kincardine on Wed-,
.le&uuy last, William Collinson Avas
oeiiienceu to two: terms oi two
aluiitns to run concurrently and $5.00
.osts or ten days. ‘
t rank Cassidy was., assessed $5.00
and costs on a drunk and disorderly
marge and clarence Cassidy was
^iven suspended sentenced : - ■
The charges arose out of a Sunday
aigat mix-up. in Kincardine which
^hief-o^Roiice--JL-C---MacKe.nzie anu.
7s;OTT^^lB“Rt)dng^ley^Wem-pted tir
Cuyler was knocked down . and. tern1’
porarily knocked out.
Clarence Cassidy was, however,
jonvicted of common assault on Ed
ward Freiburger, the 20-year-old son
of Mr. Andrew Freiburger of River
sdale, at Kincardine on Oct. 28tn,
and was mulcted $17.50 for the off
ense, which he has arranged to- pay
■ Willis Moore of Bervie, who was,
charged with stealing two pies, al
hami and a rodst’ of beef from the
New York cafe at Kincardine, in
'•ou.rt on”'Wednesday claimed he wac
.too drunk to know what he was do
ing at the time. He h;ad since setUed
with the Chinaman for»what, he h?H
‘■aken and was accp/itted on the thp^
■-’barge. He was.' However, forthwith''
-’barged with boino* intoxicat'd
^leadin'* guilty, was,'assessed $10
and o^o+s. o* ai total levy of $21.05"
•’ hich he paid. . ..'•••
Presbyterian Y. W. A.
Ak gpod attendance marked the
Bresby^iian Y. W. A. held at the
home of Mrs. Jewitt. on Thursday
-'vening. Meeting opened with hymn “
374, followed , by Scripture reading
pftd .prayer by Miss McGill. Mrs.
TTenry Mullin gave a helpful mes- <
-age to al] from 1st chap, of St. John?
A solo by Mrs. Phillip Stewart,.was
appreciated. The topic “Messages
from/Three Missionaries,” was given
by Miss Peggy MacDonald arid a
”n«»dmg.| “A Missionary _ Woman’s
*7 "mmandment ” by Mrs. Mel. Qrr,
'fter singing hymn 452, Mrs. Cliff.
A Gift Problem
Easily Solved " -
Alt least one of your Christmas
gift, problems can be readily solved
bvT giving a year’-s subscription to
The Sentinel, to softie relative or
friend, not now a regular subscriber.
To an absent member of the family
’t is a very welcome “letter from
home each week1.” Attractive gift
°ards accompany each gift subscrip-1
tion. , ■ . .
Sticking firmly to its prime pur
pose to provide' a new deal for the
11iderprivileged small town, village
and rural- clubs, the W. O. H. A. un-
.iiiimdusly parsed a major aftiend-
ment providing that no player who
participates in 0. IL A. hockey will
be perniitted to. play with W.O.H.A/
earns.. The executive ‘was instructed
to see that this rule: i§. rigidily en
forced. Junior players will be per
mitted to play any number of games
'n both' W.O.HiA. series—intermed-
:ate and junior—provided that' they
flay for just one town. ' '
■ The last, date .for- receiving en-
1 r-ies was set for December £4th, and
msitively'jno. entrv. will, be accepted
.-’•fter that date. No players’ 'certifi
cate will be accepted after Feb; 1st.
Vnnua] entrance fee is $2. and ^hr
annual subscrintimi fee
ghefi team ^r ' ’
•vera made 1 .......
meeting in Palmerstoti. .
-------- .. ? is
entered. • -Theses decisions'\
last week at the annual
A small bov had taken his moth-
powder miff and was in the Act
doving his
mm 11 sister; aged
ernm him. '
“Yon mustn’t do ......., „..v ,...
"laimed. “Onlv ladies use. powder^
gentlemen wash themselves.”
face when his
five, snatched it'
that,’’ she ex-
was purchased by the T. Eaton Company. The
F. G. Todd & Son of St. Helens. The vj|eight
One of the best Government posi-
u.oui., in tne 'Court Rou^e Square,
uiai of Registrar f of Leeus ior‘tue
. vuniy ot brute, is changing nanus, .ill , ' «...
v» • ii- Mor lu'iune, wno uus‘fte.u
mncj "wince iyj.2, wih%-.on oatur-
icrftiinate- iiis duties, a inch
by taken over the following
Dec. 2nd, by Mr. Mnton
«\i'.lander, for the past twenty-five
ycarft treasurer of Kincardine Town-
«,1M „ul.u-1,.>ii, >«i •biiji, ««nd one of the best known arid
Goderich and forriTerly. - of . Lucknow, •.most." popular, men of his district,
fractured,her left cpllar bone in Nov-"' I’he position of Registrar of Deeds
ember of last year. Last; week she *°r Bruce, is jmhanced "With a yearly
fractured her'left arm when she fell remuneration of over >#3000./-
headlong while climbing a» "* Walker^ohjHerald-Tiiftes.
History repeats itself and' appar
ently SO do fractures*. Pauline John-X
ston, tWelve-year-old daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Johnston, of
she for Bruce, is .enhanced "With a yearly
........'........... ' ?30Q0.i- 4
The 150 foot chimney at the Goder
ich Salt Company's plant has been
completed and on Wednesday after
noon, an official ceremOny. took place
when Mrs. G. N. Dowker, wife of tl e
assistant to the president, went’ to.
"the! top of the chimney on, a plat
form and placed a flag: there. Mrs.
Dowker was given a rousing . cheer
by the employees when she returned
to the ground, and she exclaimed,-
that the. view from the top Of the
chimney was Tsim$ly; beautiful.”—
Goderich Star.
The Grand Champion steer O'f the Royal Winter .fcaif.
shown above, i ' ’ . . >
exhibitors " were F. G. Todd & Son Of St. Helens. The fright
,ef the steer /was 905 pounds, alive, and it sold for seventy-
live cents per pound. The same'steer was also champion in '
the Aberdeen Angus breed, ■ ' « "*