HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1935-11-28, Page 2Note .To Housewives John Buchan r: is more the en- THUNDER OVER THE BRQNX * by Arthur Kober (Muss-on’sf j To- j ronto) is a-uniqute-handbook, dealing . |--------------------------------------—— ---------- ---------- , ‘, ... IWe. Know a" laxly in Forest Hills L who has two m'aids Her* husband THE ROBERT SIMPSON Eastern Limited . “ Raw FuroMark-etlng Department TORONTO, ONT. Please mail me, without cost or‘obligation, fur shlop.i-nR tag's anil latest edition of. “1 HE; DOMINION TRAWER. Which contains complete irilorinati^n regarding your llaw ?FiJr'M'arketing:Service -Name..,...: Route. _v_ Street Address i BUSINESS IN WEST BETTER / Japan green tea al its very best rVIAIL COUPON BELOW HUNDREDS of trappers got top ot the majjket for their furs through Simpson's Raw Fur Marketing Service last season. You-can, too! FREE new "Dominion Trapper'' gives full de­ tails. Also latest, frapline. news and pictures—plus valuable pointers on trapping for. greater cash profits. No cthej^mblication like it. Mail coupon ow, '•••»' • ’ (2V>Ts service is'linii(eii Ip Ontario only) I I I I I I .1 i by . ■ - E. C. BULEY In Saskatchewan -— Cash Registers Ring Again After Six Years. I,"SALAMA» Young Men Find . Economic Barriers .... To Early'Marriage 7 ChScago—Marriage5' .is, ' increasing in the United States, but the money angle is gjsMg it a ;new trend, Dr. WJUiam F.'Ogburn, noted University ; -of. Chicago sociologist, says. ; ’“There: are more , married' .' women than married young f he said in a paper prepared for ■ scientific journal,” and ''“there ' ■ more- married older men than .ried- older women.’’ / . ■•“"■’■“The^ausw'errte the fact: “Young .men, find economic “•?barriers“to“marria'ge., which young women do. .not meet, since the mani is the breadwinner.”,. “Widowers,” he continued “pro­ bably' supply many of the older men marriage with younger women.” “That-Widowers”remarry in gTeat- ~er“numbeTS'“than“widows“is“S'h'own~ by;’"fbe fact that J the ■number, of widowers at any one time is ajmut : one-half -as. great as the number of widows, a fact that can nbt be. due to sex differences, in depth rates.” young men,” a aye mar- , Cigars for women, made from Ha­ vana Teaf—of “choicest—and—mildest variety, in several sizes and' shapes, Borne little bigger than a cigarette, have been introduced here by im­ porters.. • BATTERY OPERATED SETS -• Amazing tone. Unusual cabinet " beauty. New airplane type dials. Operate with air cell, storage or dry celL Mantel and —Console—models As low as ... . • HYDRO OPERATED.SETS Th®- only sefs ’with, the pre­ cedent-smashing CeritrOmatic" .. Unit, Controlled Selectivity and •• .Metal Tubes. Ask for demon­ operated sets from ’119 50 See your'N.E. dealer Wes^erby Australia. Start the »•»■» • »»»-<-♦ *' . • SYNOPSIS . Dap Prescott and Gordon find , gold tn -the arid bush of They stake ,their .claim arid long, journey to the coast.Westerby. has a fiancee,' Gladys Clem­ ents in England,, but when they arrive In - Sydney he marries, a pretty blonde. Gordon forwards' a photo of Dam tb? tprmer fiancee, .Gladys. “Clements, London and- when* Dan arrives she lieves he -is" Gfb.dpn. 33-ve Gilchrist, typist, obtains Work in .M-edlicott's flee, the, broker who is floating mine. ii? be- ’ a of- the “I represent Mr. Daniel .. Prescott,” "Cairns • began. ". . t “And what’s the difference between r’im and-Westerby?” snapped Mrs. Clements. “Ifl you ask me, this story is all bogey. We seed the, ph-oto .and r we seen the. .map. Swear that he add among my true?, fionsay.” “That. is'7 not ehts,” Cairns'said. “Mr. Prescott real­ ises, better than anybody,, how strange his conduct must appedr. I entirely jailed tp' understand it' until I had the pleasure of. meeting .this charm­ ing girl face to face.’?,”” - ■ This compliment, brought a hopeful smile' to the doleful face of the girl.; '“I’ve no fault to ifind .with Mr. Prescott,” Gladys said, “I’m. sure he , Tietliavjed._]ikft,.a.,_,D.eid'ect gentleman- while he was hetet No girl could -want -a^Toyelier/rihg.”__L a. ”■■•.,■ : ' She displayed Mr. Cairns. “If he’s suited where does this Mrs. Clements ■ asked shrewdly, ^e chose to- stay -in—Australia, Wa : ^S-HOOksO U tr’2----------------------------------- ' “Let me-explain,’’- Cairns said, “Mr, Prescott, Visited Hillingdon... for no other purpose than to explain to M*s Clements/The,.business which had de­ tained her bethrotlhed in Australia. ■* By a stupid-mistake-made by Wester­ by with the'photographs, Miss Cle­ ments indentified Mr. Prescott as the man she was to marry.” “So ^e says,’’ ;’intrepolated Mrhi ■ -Clements. ' . / “There- was his own picture con­ fronting him,” Cairns . said, ..pointing to Dan’s picture which still, adorned the mantel. “And the young lady, I gather, had bestowed an affectionate greeting before he had time to dis- 1 claim the honour done him..” . “IVhat ’arm was there in that?” de­ manded the mother. ' . . “Npne at all; but you’ll admit that the temptation to supplant his part­ ner was a very, strong., one. Against r-t&e- dictates xff -his conscience, Mr.- Witnesses Will passed" in this town, girl’s friends, -as her disputed, Mrs. Clem- it for the benefit of and. my girl’s' suited, Westerby come, in," "If •*< ■ Swift Current. ~ The depression doesn’t'live here any more.. This hub of a letter from Mr. -Westerby, the southwest portion of Saskat-,er’ . . Which will explain all.”,, ' ( ; “Hur!” sniffed the elder lady. “You don’t . say who you are, I no.tice;; or j where -we can' find' either you1 or this ! man Prescott.” . " “There' is my card,” Qairns said. /UAnd’ as. J' act™fpr-Mt-, Prescott; any communication for him can bp sent-to my- address.” • “Fd likd to see him,” chewan has been oiled with confi­ dence and the wheel of better bnsL •ness is slowly starting io turn again. Cash-registers are ringipg and people, are asking the price of farms. ' ' .After six years of watching grass­ hoppers eat what drought failed to , dry up or dust storms blow* awpy; the I district had a crop this fall. It was Gladys-said i not a large crop but it has brought tearfully. “ThisJs a.11 a mistake. I’m I back confidence, business men-assert, sure it could be put right If I could' djhly see him for a few minutes.” - „ “I’m afraid >' that’s not possible,” Cairns repliecl.• “In , .the circum­ stances . . V” . - He gpt no further, for Gladys dis­ solved into copious weeping../ With a handkerchief to. hei’ face she stumr bled out of the room. “I call this fisliy,” her mother de­ clared. “I go' straight to a lawyer, understand?’ „......./ ..., ' . “That is just what I should -advise,’’ Mr.. Cairns agreed. “You may give him my - durance that, pay client is- not Mi.* Westerby; and that Mr. Westerby will. explain , liis position without Any loss of time?/ .He drew ,.a; long breath, of relief as he escaped from the- house. “The end of this,” he, murmured, ■mopping his brow, “will be a settle- ^^^ofW?rTOXOTPil”Mve;;tb takb a blank cheque in my pocket to effect it. My only- doubtHsr^who must sign the cheque?” ... / * * >s Clad in loose-fiahnels,. with a tw.Oed cap on . his head and big. knapsack slung- dyer his back, Dan -Prescott waited om VTctbiia Station.,..Ha,was -as—ful-l—ha-lf-Tiodn^^ his eagerness to start on the promis­ ed .ramble. On his face there was such a Idok of bo’yish anticipation that womten turned to takd another look at the bronzed man, who looked like a schoqlboy on‘ the first day of j Eis holidays.. .' / ■ I He cast rriany-an impatient glance -at—the-cleek-before the hands pointed ;to the sdt time. And .here, was Ev;e, advancing to greet him, with an air that was ndtaceably constrained. TO BE CONTINUED . " <JAPAMT£A> Ths Book Farmers have a little mopey after yeg.rs of self-denial and they are com- j ing to town. In rattling old family chariots long'' distances to purchase neocs^iti:esr-'and supplies/for The. .long winter months. . . And because their rural cousins ,lire spending money, city folk are back at work. One department’ store head declared. his- company is-, doing . the. best business in seven years and engaged 15 extra .clerks. ' W. W. Smith, member of t katchewan Legislature,: has numerous inquiries about far !in the district, from points in Alberta and Manitoba, Small houses in the city are -at'.'a premium, he ^id, and apartment blocks filled. . “You hear business is picking Mr. Smith queried in response question. “Say? have j-ou ever here on a. Saturday night? You to elbow your, way into the stores.” Many farmers, who.Jeft'tjie, district in swirling, dust storms a few-years ago are starting to return. A caval­ cade of confidence has brought about the. boom. Buying power has.thrown the; period;/.of■ leConomic distress fort'S' Toss—--------4-—-------- -Sas- eived lands UP?” to a been have r Movie Marvels ; r (Kamloops Sentinel) At the Fall convention of the Society of Motion Picture Engineers held at Washington the other day ■’there was less, talk of television and more, of what might be expected -in the next, few years to improve the talkies themselves. Two or- thr.ee yedrs ago they. were telling us-that each would, have a small television ' set in his. home, but the - highlight of this recent meeting: is the an- ■nouncement^fhat by 1940 third-dim­ ension 'films will be a fact. Characters and ’backgrounds will stand out in I bold relief/just as they used to do , (minub the- thrill) when wetlobked at the photographs through the old- __ ___ _ ___ _____ . time stereoscope." that’, laid/upoh the' > r. - a s s i s t-an t ■ v'omenls-T parior -table. -. .-.---- Measure Your Hip For Average Weight — .If'/Vcti're worried^ about, your1 weight, as compared with; the average | for your .height, forget it — consider I -your width. . _ ■ ____-I / That’s■ •the advice -of ?Dr- Tle4en4 -v-ho-j-rs-fronr ''."‘.'A "L ' 7~ ..-r.-................ ... . .. • ... ...... Have you made out" your' list of Christmas presents yet? Undoubtedly marked, against this name and that is —a book. The following offer a nice variety and. make gifts' that your, friends will remember Tong after the. season of giving is over. 1 ; <•. With the’ Gross family,- inhabitants” of that section, of New York life known as the Bronx. The book, is brilliantly illustrated by that well- known artist, Mr. Hoff. SALAMfNA . by Rockwell Kent (Geo; J. McLeod Ltd., Toronto) is a book to treasure. The illustrations by the author,- of which there' are' oyer eighty, .are alone sufficient .to- recom­ mend this book.'"It is an Adventurous autobiography, ta .true chronicle of many curious and romantic happen­ ings in Greenland life, the. land which, has so captivated this ' author. Halifax Youngster Saved Her Pennies For War Veterans MAN. THE'UNKNOWN, by Alexis Carrel (Musson’s, Toronto) is an ideal book, as a gift to the. more: thought­ ful of your f-rinds and relatives. 'What, is man?.'What- is • his ■ future? ' Al exis I, -S urge on. ,-s c i-e’ntis t,Ah- ^w^-r-s-^hAseJmp(u:ta.n.U_q.ueMions_Jta_ straight-forward, . simple . language, easy to grasp and pleasant to read.? Halifax.—The discovery that- in­ valid veterans in Camp Hill Hospital here “never got out to play”, turn­ ed : eiglit-year-old. Patricia Godfrey from dolls to social work., / Aided by' her sevew-year-old sis­ ter,.‘Joan, Patricia distributed cigar­ ettes and candy' to the bed-ridden World War veterans on Remem­ brance Day. Ever since she visited the'hospital some time ago^ Patricia had saved her pennies for-the occasioni and at the same, time made her sister do likewise MARY- -QUEEN • OF SCOTLAND And The Isles by Stefan-Zweig (Mac­ millans.,. Toronto), goffers, this author always, intrigued, biographers and i.n ,at -his best.' The subject-of Mary has j always intrigued, biographers and i.n j the past1 thhave been prone to be overcome ’oy -her fascinating qualities. Stefan Zwfeig has weighed all the evi^ deuce/and at the end-of the book, we have an exceptionally clear ■ pic­ ture, of tihisj, tragic queen. .Queen Eliz- . abeth,; Darnley,1 Bothwell all come forth as living’ breathing characters. The scene of the execution of Mary is al­ most gruesomely too real. A book to read dnd remember. . ■ . THE" SECRET OF-KEEPING FIT by Artie/ McGovern, (Musson’s, Toi ronto) is a book many people will ap- ’ rpreciate., Do -you :wanfr,to reduce? Do. ..-you want to gain weight? , Do/you best ever since, to rectify /his , error of conduct.” / “I don’t see what all. the fuss is about,” Mrs. Clements-said. “You" can see for yourself that the girl Is satis­ fied with what she’s got;; Westerby ■'can go and ’ang'’imself.” “There are other considerations, dear lady, besides those; of personal inclination,” Cairn said sfiavely. “Mr. . Westerby and Mr. Prescott have mu­ tual business ties, which are very im­ portant, Mr. Presfaott is very clear about his duty in the jfiatter, which is to. withdraw.’’ “Then who atm, 1 supposed .to be engaged to?’’ Gladys asked, a little tartly. “I’ve worn Mr. Prescott’s ring, and introduced h"im to my friends.” ‘ “I understand that you have, let­ ters which contain a promise of mar­ riage:,” Cairns replied. “Obviously the "writer of those letters has first claim upon you.” , 3 ^An’dUfi^s~lKTAc^^ MrST Clements scornfully, “I say that bird in ’and is worth two in the bush —-especially the Australian busr. And if. you ask me, I’d say that Mr. Gor­ don Westerby and Mr. Prescott were such close partners that nobody knows the difference between them,’’ “Belidve me, you are in error,” Cairns assured' her. ‘‘The cable you received from Australia tells. T gath- CHAPPEDlSKIN? NO! HINDS’ RELIEVES HANDS AND KNEES CHAPPED BY SNOW AND WIND IM now the -pictures wjll ■ ■■■ -be -colored i in­ tabulation of some 10,000 children and ■ conspicuous” and at the same time college students; • < S0Upd apparatus will be so per- Instead of one “normal”, weight as' fected.I itha-t noises will seem to be .given on height tabieSj,_her scales^ cpming from the appropriate loca- give seven “averages” 'based on! tion on the/screen.4 . width as well as height': ’ ‘ Research, scientific data and the Width—technically, the bi-iliac di- laboratory are all contributing to ameter —is the measurement at the fu£ure of. tbe industry, and. a- <*'»•/>« F P • 4-V» ztl Ti I <r» lxA-n An 4- Vw fil 4 rf fv-i _ «.. * | sound Will bd~ reproduced I tables based on Jive jeaf s” study and ■■ so "natiTrafiy ^7^0/ be “almost in­ college students; crest of the hip bones with sliding calipers, on the same principle as measuring a marble with a monkey­ wrench. Thus, for instance, a girl of 18 who is 5 feet, 4 inched tail, might; nor­ mally weigh as little as 107 pounds, If hgr- bi-iliac diameter is 9.6 Inches, or as much as 133 pounds if sbe measures as much-^as 12.2 inches, “Tests that ha(ye been made so far indicate injustice has been. done. to. about 30 per* cent, of those measured and; labeled too thin or too fat under •the old one-dimension- “table;,’’"*Dr." Prypr said.. - The-stocky girl who pines To be wil­ lowy, therefore, " should ' not starve herself into nervous irritability but strive to keep to .her ‘‘.width-weight.’’ On the other hand, Dr. Pryor said some Stanford girls who had been told they Were “underweight”, prom­ ptly shed ideas they were “delicate" when they learned they were normaal weight on' her charts. further, forecast of 1940 . is that sound Will bCr reproduced over a frequency range, of from 30 to .10,- 000 cycles with smoothness r and reality, and that these disquieting and disillusioning background noises will be suppressed to the/ point . where volume range of expres­ sion will be comparable to the or­ iginal- sound sources. , ■ >« "Color,” said the president, ‘‘will have achieved its majority and will clothe Ehe jpicture in the raiment of ..a,_g.entleman,.„.neifhex_shahbj]ym._nb.r.. blatantly but in such excellent taste and perfection of detail as to be al-’ most entirely inconspicuous.” Thus a science that everybody interested in progresses arid afad more weaves itself into lives of a public that must be tertamed. these questions, then by all -’ means read this guide to better living, bas­ ed on common sense. ’ . youth ' Uncharted by stephen Lawford . (Macmillan’s, Toronto) . to begin with is Well-written in a charming style1." Stephen Dawford ■ whites to his young son, Ivan, of his many adventures. With the author we go to India in the British Army, then . to South' Russia where many fantastic adventures occur. Here .the author meets, falls in loye. with and marries . a Russian girl. From there he goes to Geneva in. connection with the League of Nations. Next we travel to Bolivia, South America,1 to investigate a group of refugees from the continent. The author is now connected permanently with * the League’ of Nations at Geneva. ", y™ — Y.pM. by, ’ William" Seabrobk, offers the reader a detailed, record of the bewildering life in an- asylum. Here we meet the patients., doctors, nurses and visitors, all vividly .and minutely described. )■ FIRST, MOTHER before You Give' ■Your Child __ “Every ™ claynntKinkmgiy“ mbtlier” take the advice of unqualified persons ’ •— instead of their' doctors’ — on remedies for their children. If they knew, what the ’scientists ■know, they would never take this chance. ■ - T Doctors Say PHILLIPS’ For Your Child When it comes to th(? frequently-used ■' ‘milk of magnbsia,’' doctors, for dver x 50 years, nave ^said “PHILLIPS’ Milk of Magnesia — the safe remedy for your chfld?’!. Remember this — And A iivaus Say . “Phillips? ”, When You Buy. Your child deserves it; for your own-pcaco of mind, see that you get it— G uine Phillips* Milk of Magnesia Also in Tablet Form: Phillips' Milk of Magnbsia Tab- ■ lets are noy on sale at al! drug stores everywhere. Each tipy tab­ let is the equivalent of . ' . a teaspoonfui of Gen- I ' uirre Phillips’ Milfc of I-—,-Magnesia,—.L Phillips’ _ A/ilfe. c^/Haaneiut^ i Mq.de tn Canada ■ ’ ........... . .......-- chance. Her* husband made her get them, . for he wailts things shipshape wji.cn guests come in.’Silt .the maids, rather high-toned,; won’t .do the laundry. So the'lady of’ are happy events’for.those who are j the house handles the washing down The elevation to the peerage of. John Buchan and his ^appointment to I the Governor Generalship of Canada ! are happy events for . those who are j , - . sometimes depressed by the rapid P’ece linen .and hangs arrival of.notoriety and.high-place ofjJt out Brooklyn those ; who seem f'o have’got (here ,[ Bagle. ...... by-forced marches so exhausting tltafe'’, they carieot consolidate the position '. —persona:!ites wh0 are all skirmish line, so to speak.. ■ In the case of » John Buchan, a distinguished per­ sonality politician, business man, man of letters —- in the fullness,of time has become a distinguished personage,, and our times and politics -'r-m a little loss crazy and arriviste. N”w. York. Herald-Tribune '. ... ■■ I _______/- i s.-s wearing than frown-.;. Tng it liik(-.-“JIfty muscles to make a’ fitpwn, while a smile calls upon only thirteen “Canada Sings”. Biggest iittle folio in (loi music . trade, contains words and music fdr ■'•1SS songs including' all your old lavoiitcs and many' others never 1 to appear Jri book form before, includ­ ing Marching Along Together, Air - Choris' Aweigh, Hingin' -in (.he Rain; When the Moon C’omcs Over« th'- Mountain, Fagan I^ov-e Hiring. Edited byJH^go Frey The best of air\folloB and sotig hooks, only 35c! “Dominion music' supply Hetmaht Building, Toronto A YEAST THAT COSTS YOU LESS Have you heard about this new English yeast which' people who have sallow,. pimply, muddy complexions t^re advised to take?- ' It is a Live yeast.,-,an English, discovery-.; It is different to the ordinary yeasts for more th,an ohc reason, It ia pleasant In flaVb'rn-, Everybody can take this yeast, and .'onjdy it. It kehps indefinitely without-spoiling. You can buy it in quantities at a time and save mopey. ' , . This Live yeast is particularly rich in vitamins Bl and B2 which have to do ' -Witiirai. process j by whicli digested food'is changed into living tissue, it quickens digestion and makes the whole intestinal system ■ active. I And finally it cn<s less than other yeasts. Twenty-five ria vs’ troatTnentB two, tablets lieforn narlJum^BS Ask your druggist for PliilllpsLivSYfasf ' Two sizes $1.00 (150 tablets) or 50 ' Tor 50 cents.- . Ifryou want to feel WONDERFULLY BETTER ■E ■' ^REAT TONIC; iSbotHES1 NERVES' rpl; 7? ENRICHES BLOOD / BUlLbS NEW VIGOUR ' 5--/ • . • • . T‘.' ■ ■ • •■?<A't alLijood Plug & Dept Stores .,\{Sftlies,Agents: Harold F Ritchi Ltd., Toronto