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The Lucknow Sentinel, 1935-11-21, Page 7
Farmers’ Market MOTORISTS ~ READ In Great Britain ? Nothing Was Effective — Until She Tried Kruschen Constipation is an evil at any time. When it follows, upon an operation, It ie a condition that simply must be remedied; This , woman tried various remedies, bpt found relief only when . she took a regular daily dose of Kruschen Salts. She tells of her experience in the following letter;— “I have used Kruschen Salts for About 10 j-ears. every morning, with out fall. I' had ah operation Id years •go (abdominal), and 4found when . getting over it that, I should have to ■ . ,tnke aperients^ afi constipation devel- ioped; .1 took , various medicines and x pills, which somehow1 did not do much • [topd, u ■ t /^Finally.. I tried Kruschen Salts, •nd found it very satisfactory, and have carried on with it ever since. My health is mueh better since II ■ started using it.”—(Mrs..) E. T. Kruschen- is the surest, safest, and , most sensible way to keep your ln«ide regular in its most important dally duty. You will find that .your system never becomes hardened, but •iwalys submits to Kruschen’s gentle •nd friendly power of persuasion. Here * There | Everywhere A brother to every other Scout, without regard to race or creed J Autumn la a season when travel Ung is keen, trees -asaum® their colorful autumn dress; eveh nature seems flirtatious, as though to make herself sadly missed during the * . Autumn, how ever, is a season which offers sev- . , ..l* era! dangers, when rains have soak vantage oL the agreements. Take the - - • -- - A beautiful silver servic® aiib- scribed to in small sums by boys was th®: unique tribute paid Col. K. S. Wigle , Scout Commissioner for Windsor, and Essex County since the organization. of Scouting', in that area> Presentation was mad® by Wal- lac® R. Campbel^ President of the BordeY Cities; Scout Association. Tho ascription* on the service reads: “To Col. Wigle, from bis Scouts, Cubs and r Rovers”!1, : ; ■ • • Boy Scouts of Edihonton, Alta., ar® acting as traffic officers in school s;ones before and after school «nd during recess.. ♦ ♦ • ' .... . _ . A weiner roast at the Orchard Inn, an interesting talk on astronomy and an opportunity to observe some -of—the^wonders—of-rt-he - heavens^thro== ugh, a powerful telescope made up an outstanding evening for the 1st Simcoe Troop. Over 400 Cubs "and Scouts" and jtheirJeaders—attended -morning— ser— Vice at St. Paul’s Anglican Church, Toronto, arid listened to a sermon, by Bishop, Renison on the Good Samari tan, the favourite Biblical example of the Scout good turn. ' "*.■•■■■» „—As,—a- -r-esult-bf-rSeout—co^operation- during Fire Prevention Week in In- gersoll, Ont., the boys have “been asked by Fire Chief Gillespie to aid the local fire department “for all time.” Chief Gillespie is preparing a series of talks and demonstrations for the Scouts,, following which priz- e.s.jJpr^ the^best essays. .on lthe sub- I jecywiU be awarded. . — A J • -t on To Lack of Milkmaids Know i BUY NO ' » till you see the NEW - Only Northern Electric Har All-TheseFeafures — See yojtr Dealer l BERIN,—Too'-many “frauliens are ^fitting behind typewriters and too few behind glistening milk palls,”__the “"{"newspaper ~Tageblatt said in a dis cussionof Germany’s butter shortage. The shortage, the article said, Is due in large extent to a .“milk-maid Shortage”. Too few persons in Ger many know how to milk cows said the writer in suggesting that .^more- city girls be sent to the country.; . Edmonton Crew are assisting Scout master Holloway- with the new • group. - . 500 Border Cities Wold Cubs, p.a.ck- ,ing six . chartered street cars, journey- ed to Amherstburg for their annual autumn field day of games and com petitions^ beats’’,—and songs and stories around a big camp fire. , • * * * ' ' - ' .. The latest addition to the steadily growing Museum of the Coldwater, Ont., Scouts is the skin of a six-fooi copper head snake, shot at McRae Bay by Mr. J. R. Gill of North River. The. 3rd Toronto Group celebrated its 26th birthday in October with a ^Parents’ Night attended'by over 300 persons. Sixteen new Wold Cubs were invested and 14 admitted to the Scout ..tro.qp-.’in__ aiL. impressive .Going- _Up. ceremony. A presentation was-made to Scoutmaster Bert Ijayes, in rec ognition of his completion of 25 years with the . troop.' 4fil *' Don’t Guess But Whether the “Pain” Remedy You Us© . is SAFE? Don’t Entrust Your - _ Own or Your Family’s • Weir- Being to Unknown Preparations rPHE person to ask whether the •■•■preparation you or" your family are taking for the relief of headaches ' is SAFE to use regularly is your family doctor. Ask him particularly about "ASPIRIN.** ~~Hc’willtcll —-remedies were "advised agaihst^by ~ physicians as bad for the stomach and, often, for the heart. Which is food for thought if you seek quick, safe relief. . Scientists rate “Aspirin” among* the^fastest melhod^yei discovered lor the relief of headaches and the pains of rheumatism, neuritis and neural-, gia. And the’experience of millions of users has proved it safe for.the ■. average person to use regularly. In your own interest remember this. “Aspirin” Tablets arc made in Chnada. “Aspirin” is the registered trade-mark of the Bayer Company, Limited. Look for the name Bayer in the form of a cross on cvery.tablet. Demand and Get U BATTERY OPERATED " New standards of radio enter- taihment. Amazing brilliance of tone. Unusual cabinet beauty. New airplane type dial. Operates witn air cell, storage or dry cell. Mantel and console models. $ e o. 50 Fron^ .. t ...... Do” . ,At the first autumn meeting of the—1st Parry Sound Troop a hand- soriie new st‘and| of colours was pre-, sented by President J. M." Daly of the Canadian Legion. * ♦. ♦ •' I . A charter has been grantedthe- 1 newly organized troop at University Hospital, Edmontdri, Alta. The troop | is composed. of boys being treated for infantile paralysis,, and will be. known' as "the 30th Edmonton Troop, 'bne of the boys,. Patrol Leader Swanson, already, has achieved the distinction of winning his Second , Class badge. Rover .Scouts of the 6th END IT THIS WAY Millions have found Otne^a Oil the Quickest and surest, relief from-> deep-seated, pain. Entirely different from ordinary liniments, it jWorks down deep to break up congestion and quiet thrdbbing nerves. At all drug stores, 35c. “R-UB-TT—lN- IT WON’T, , BLISTtRe ri HYDRO. OPERATED . Thc^most revolutionary sets of" the year , , . th e only sets with the -new GentrOmatic * Unit which * banishes 104 trouble sources found in ordi- ■ - nary radio . . Controlled Selec tivity and the hew 4 r».5O Metal Tubes. From 11? •, Britain’s Oldest Woman Still ; - Enjoys Her Tea i' « iDespite the one hundred per cent.1 Increase ,ln Canada’s exports to the -inter Months. how- Dominion are not ,et taMn^H ad- U™ .o“Z vantage ot. tbn agreements. Tain, the ft(j hi h s eari lrMtB Anglo.Canadtan agreement, signed at, c0 surface, of our Ottawa .la 1932.-It gave Canad.an ag- roa(Js a coating of lc« , rlculjure and other primary protap. with tha arri j rf _a*t )t M7.. , a Jn generotW fitti to raotori3ta, attenyon u a deanttely . preterred place the-{act, that if they shouM be pro. markets _ot ‘M Wilted Kingdom ,m I- dent ,and {ul ,tyall t)mai £ compared with the e^prters of , ^Td exercise even mere Caution reign countries, Canadians are .«»«; during the. period when th. temper.- yet,, however, deriving all the'advaht. ature8^.y ge „• ^dUlonai . aouine ages, that they should from the open- * dan«er' • ’ tag made for them In the Mother T& f pajnt t6 aafety ?“netl^VT?ent^e1.0W.--wM^ r’,Tm^ae^ ^Offlce. Nitional do Tourlsmne de speech at Montreal by Dr J, H. Gris. Pra„ „ot partict,larl , t0 dale, termer y Federal Deputy Mlm j autumn activities, but aro K gen- later ot Agriculture. Just returned that, motorist, can nt tlle^ ln trom.-a.trp overseas this eminent, ractfce t „ t|m • . • . agricultural authority drew attention} Motorist be carcM h„ma„ ]ives more to the destpe ot thedieople: depend, off your prudence,' Keiembeh a ,Teat.^ WS ° Y °U’' h°rse'’Ithat^he highway belong, to every- dalrj- cattle cheese bacon, hony,, bod not t „ al„ ,nd that chickens turkeys and other products. tjt ,, not „ raM.track. But, insisted the speaker, our- pro., Motorist travel <,„ietI at ni ht. d IIP. Ar a hfliTA nnt nnr th am a p Ivo a •mi.f if . • Z Ing made tbr them in the Mother speech at Montreal by Dr. J. H. Gris- I „ . , . . , HdVtt U.UWV1V Bl IllKHb.Iducera ha.ro put thMnselros out; bo not arAuse everybody tn vill.fes to please _ tho buyers Speaking at by repeated tootine 0, your horn or .length on Impressions he gathered on an muffler. The„ y wo. a Visit to Bngland on behalf of the children, aged persons, those Cheese Patrons’ Association of Ont- w(lt) afe ,fek. „hn ,„d or There’s No Tobacco like O 1 9 . ’ ■ ... ■ • • - * ’‘That’s ,w hy rolLyour'-owpers** ' everywhere .are getting back ta‘ Ogden *s Fine Cut—fhe one tgbccco • that c^ures~ciaaretter'safisfaction. And~Ogd en’s costs so little that it-doesn’t pay to deny yotffself the best tobacco.1 zou'IFrol! Ogden’s best with. ‘‘Chantecler” or Vogue’’ cigarette papprs. ........---------------------------------n 52. Poker Hands, any numbers, now ~ ■ 1 - ---------------- accepted as a complete set ' Believed.to be the oldest woman in! Britain, Mrs Caroline Merriott cele brated hey 110th birthday in Mayday Hospital, Croydon, by being hostess at a tea-party. Arraypd in her best clothes, and with a /new. white bonnet,-.she’ cut a" blrthday-cake^hat“had‘'beeirtpeclally““ made- f or-the-occastoriv-and^enTertajh^’ e'd some oT her friends In spite of her age, Mrs; Merriott is still an active woman mentally, and her voice is ' surprisingly strong. ’ -ario, Dr.,.Gr.isdale said thatlCanadlansr like sellers the world over, are too, ! prone to think only of their Own end of the business and to forget the special tastes and desires of those to whom they wish to sell. He de monstrated that, junder the British. Marketing Act, which created the milk pool, milk production has increased in Great Britain, with the result thatj home farm cheese1 is being driven product. Canadian cheese now'ranks high and he is convinced that ln‘fut ure the good cheese will be coming from Canada. At present, corisump- tlpn is: 240,000 tons a year, and Can- -ada' shlps’only" 30jS0Q.: ' ~;-r- ~~ who are sick, who need rest . and quiet. Pass through villages quietly. —Don’t7iin^in<t'fiKt~yoirvrilT"amaze your passengers or passers-by ' by sp0ed, alone. They will b® more apr preciative of your safety and pru dence. Bfeing prudent does not mean that you have to dawdle along the road. Tt iS^tife^grouping' df“a~fliousand' and one minor matters, of sureness of FINE CUT Tour Pipe Knows Ogdens Cut Plug -It f ir th e grouping' of a. thousand' and ■ • • - • ■ " ? , * ■ , t■. f . ■> i • vhg ukikixji. mauveis. ui Burcncas • uihome farin pheese is bplng .driven -d rW5trteair off ttie market by the inferior factory ; of the wW1. -of ’ . \ • 1 ■ ■■ ..... ~[ When some people say: “I’ll think about the matter,” they flatter them- ' selves. , . , • • • Look ahead, plan ahead, keep your • -headland -ypu’li be—aheadY ' ' '' C Classified Advertising" / __There- lB-not—mueh place for Can adian butter, but bacon prospects are improving. While Denmark has gpne down, Canada has gone up and, with the English bacon producers unstable, establish a good reputation.. • Honey* ! and poultry offer further opportunlt- I les^buf tbere is need for marketing | them in a sane way,. Dr. Grisdale said that he had been - ----... ------ t r;—> va-avz uwuvu.piUUUUCl<5 UHOiaUW, She eats three meals a day, and i Canada has an, .excellent, chance to bdrlnks several: pints of tea.with ‘‘ Vgreat enjoyment. ..'.When she was ,rborn she was so small that for a week after her birth they could not put any clothes bn her., She loves to recall her father’s tale x, , j, ~of how one of her. uncles het £100, Bjeatly Impressed with the opportun. that they could put her In ».quart Iw“oh Jec““y-5°r, *?“- .1 adian horses. 'The horse market Is she gleefully said, If• blt’ “j* e”d 18 «* e In „ . -J yet.” In Glasgow, 60 Canadian work ing horses sold at an average of-?265 I apiece in August.. The opportunities, I are especially good. in.Scotland, wihere,. the farmers have been going in too’ much for quality and not enough for substance. Shire horses and Perch- erons are becoming more popular. While the . dairy cattie -market-is- -op ening .up, he warned his hearers that sonie-Canadlan^hiimYeiitahave-nof-; "been qidto_:up.-.to—stand-aHlrrral.t-hougb-: iTEey^n^^o^lmprovtngp and ■ i>oint- : ed out that British requirements are ■slightly different from Canadian. 'Heavier flesh characterizes the av- Reports received from various ag- erage herd In Great Britain and most ents of the Canadian .National Rail- of the animals look fit for the block, ways, at widely different sections Canadian farmers will be well advis- .of.. Northern Ontario and Quebec in- ed> to- see that cattle they ship are a dicate that- the Indians were right little fatter than tfiey have perihaps when they declared that big game thought they need be. and game birds j were unusually- plentiful this season. Throughout the North Country both moose and deer have been seen, in abundance and in some sections, where the an tlered king of the woods had been scarce for years, he appears to have returned to his old haunts. Deer is also stated to be seen in gratify ing numbers on forest lands which previously had been burned over. jug. “They tried," “and. they got me in,' Born at Tooting Corner, ten- yeafs after Waterloo!, Mrs. Merriott remem-! be.rs the Crimean War, the Com Law | riots, and the Coronation of Queen I Victoria. She has been married twice, and her second husband died In 1906. She worked" Jn a laundry until Bhe was”"85. ------; - -v------- I Best Known In Years All of which .should be taken to heart by serious-minded . Canadian farmers all over tdie country. The Bri tish market offers them under unique preferred conditions an opening for which the farmers of all the rest of the world dally hanker. It Is up to our people to take fuller advantage of it. —^-Toronto Mail and Empire They aFe .fepdihfiLJLipon™the..gTass6s4^-™^^“-®- ------—••• ’ Cannot Buy Sometimes when you feel resentful because you cannot -have certain things you especially want, it will pay you to make a list of the bless ings that money cannot buy. Your wealthy acquaintance may have a h<^ise you envy, but his millions cannot buy him , ,a conscience- at peace. He may have several models of expensive cars in his garage, but his wealth does not assure him th® respect.of his neighbours; Make out your list and think' it over. You will realize that life’s precious belong ing are not to be bought with money. and second growth '•.•Inch jvo now growing in profusion. In the Maritimes game is also- re ported plentiful, with a large num ber of moose available. It Is Inter esting to note, that the first deer to fall- tp the hunter’s ‘rifle In 'Resti- gouche County, New Brunswick, 'was one of the white species which are very rare in those parts, Known as Albino deer, very few have ever been taken in New Brunswick. The hunter 'who shot the white deer is going to have the head mounted. Some men are born great, while others roll up their trousers and wade right into the middle'of it. * *" *. & The follow.ng .is reprinted in this column by request: The ladder of. life is «full of splinter's, l>ut they al ways hurt the worst when we slicing down. CHEST COLDS Housewife—Just look, at that milkf it’s disgraceful Milkman—■-What’s the matter with it? It looks as-right as rain to me. ing of the wheel, of anticipating what others} may do that may be the cause of your having an accident. It" is in knowing when -t<y slow down, and of sounding a warning be- -foteTTyou- redch-a' crossing; notat' -crossings--themselve37'It"“isrLBtopping- at level crossings—even if they are protected—before erdssing over them. It is never failing to be master of your vehicle at all times, and of turning "only, when you are sure of being able to do this in perfect “safety for all concerned. - Finally, it m eans- observance of all’ precaution in turning, , at the crests of hills, and when the road is slippery. Being prudent means that you will prolong the life of your car, your own and those of others. ' While travelling, never be a slave-, to a time-table. Tell yourself you are touring, not indulging in > a rao.e against- Time. Look at the country- sid-g^^0-11^ which you travel, and. admire. Nature’s handiwork;, stretch ed before your eyes, Retain in your mind memories of the picturesque sites which most impressed, you. Forget - about your business once in a while, play truant’; you may dis-. t______—-r-^—- cove^sOS^&fca^ToacU^vhidii' .marvels. , " INVENTORS ! an offer to every inventqr . Liat of wanted'1 Inventions and full - information sent .free. The Bain»*r—~— Company, World Patent Attorneys, 178 BankStreet,_.Q.tla.wa,--Cana,da.—----------; UVE STOCK MARKETINGi uvt stock marketing Shipping on the co-operativ® plan haa of BPIend’d results. Beuinr on the open market means r«al value for. the owners. Get in touch wirn us. Write—Wire—or Telephone LYndhuret 1143 the united fabmeeb 0<J'££?RATIyE COMPANY, LIMITED . LIVE STOCK COM MISSION' DEPT, union Stock Yarde, West Toronto The Health Restoring Value of COD LIVER OIL PLUS Easy Digestibility Invalids struggling back to ' health need strength and vitality • •' giving foods; SCOTTS EMUlr ’ ~SION is an emulsionr of .purn—'—----- [STOPS ITCHING | In One Minute_______| For-quick rel iqf from the itchingof pimp les, blotches, eczema, rashes and other skin eruptions, apply Dr. Dennis’ pure, cooling,' liquid, antiseptic D. D. D. Prescription. Thirty years’ world-wide success. Its gentle oils soothe the irritated and inflamed skin, thus aiding nature itself to heal the disor der. No fuss—no muss. Clear, greaseless . and stainless—dries up almost immediate ly. Stops the most intense itching instantly. Try D. D. D. now, A 35c-trial bottle, at drug stores, will prove it—or money back. D. D. D. Prescription is made by the own-v ers of Italian Balm. phites of Lime and Soda. It is •' four to five times more easily digested than the highest grade Cod Liver Oil. These are PLUS VALUES you get" only in • SCOTTS EMULSION. SCOTT’S EMULSION THE DIGESTIBLE COD L1VER OIL WITH THE PLUS VALUES FOR SALE BY YOUR bRUGGlST■ ** 7 . sass J ’v .19 THE FAMOUS RUBBING LINIMENT Rub on —pain gona. Get the newlargeecon- omysize—Also avail-* able in smaller, regular Relieve* Congestion ___ ■*~Pbe» Not .Blister.... At first sign of a cold on the chest apply a Mecca l’oulfice with the addition of mustard; The warmth ih combination with marvellous healing properties of Mecca Ointment will give quick relief I'iill dir.'clinns irt each package. ', 38 I'nnrn'i; ; .. i.ir. I >1111111 miii.Lim .mm n > blue coal’ dealer! ••sswMia " STOP WASTING FUEL? This Automatic Heat Regulator , assures greater comfort— greater con venience and eliminates waste heat, ’ It’S' the lowest priced Regulator in Canada. " , ”-1’ „ -' .«-.•••«•<:.”-4' S H O R T - S TO RY ' W R I T I N CONTEST " —------------.................................... ............................... • .is------;........ ■■■■-■---- -——,-----——--------------------------- THERE is at least one good stoty in everyone9 s life\ For the best 3 Stories received on or oefore No-verrioer A GASH PRIZE, and Two Other Valuable Prizes, will ba v—. giyehb for Original, oy True Life 'Stories of 1,000 words or -Z “under. Send in with yOur story a signed""sTalement that it js either original, or a.lrfla life story, .your name And. ------- -. addressj and numbe^of wd’rdi^in’the the stoty, enclose return" postage for its return. Entry Fee Twenty*FiVe Cents. Typewrite if possible or Oven legible handwriting accepted. GIFF BAKER, 39 LEE AVE., TORONTO