The Lucknow Sentinel, 1935-11-21, Page 4THE LUCKNOW, SENTINELPAGE FOUR
°ur ii.
Lucknow Branch: S. D. WHALEY, Manager
i, comers are either cash buyers or have good credit.
Most of them have chequing or sayings accounts
at the Bank and are sure of their ability to pay on
our terms before they make purchases on their
charge accounts."
-2 '■ • ••. ■
Some of the Band’s facilities’for the mercantile. .
trade: Commercial deposits; savings accounts for ’ v
customers and employees; safekeeping of securi- '
ties and documents; discounting prime commer
cial paper; loans oil notes and warehouse receipts;
letters pf credit; telegraphic transfers of funds; .
MR. RETAILER: "Ypu have consistently accom- goes all the way through the business? Our cus;
modated me on purchases; Mr; Manufacturer,
enabling me to supply my. customers; witfithe best; ,.., t
^and latest merchandise, and I have met your terms,
of payment pretty consistently, too—haven’t I?”
MR. MANUFACTURER: ”Yes. The relationship
has been clean-cut and mutually satisfactory for
many years. We appreciate your business and you
seem to like our wtay of dealing. Of course, you
. know we never, could have been as lenient on
credits if out °wn credit were not so good at. the
Bank of Montreal. The Bank permits us to. borrow
in substantial amounts during Our busy seasons. r ______ _ .r .... — . - - -=becauseAve areTh good financial shape-havban ’ financing exports and imports and domestic ship-
.-..exceilent-cash-positidn and a reputation’fot paying*” ments’ forelgn domestic credit and trade.infor-
bills and loans promptly." • ' mation; purchase and sale of exchange "futures ’;
special wire facilities reaching the important ex-
MR. RETAILER: That good credit idea is at the ; change markets, affording prompt action; nation-
very foundation of successful merchandising and wide service* through more than 500 branches.
. ■—~
W® extend congratulations to Mrs.^Chas. Durnin, Sr., is a visit-
—- Mr. -and Mrs.^-Mervin-Deeves on the’ or—\vith; her ’daughter, MrsT Deyell
•arrival of a baby boy.
Mr. and Mrs. Jack
Kinlough have moved
the winter months.
Mr. Robert McNall-
Stewart motored to
Ts seriously?
Thomson of
into town for
at Wingham.
spent a few
here as the'
9 - ’ ’ .
and Norman
Wm. Campbell, 6th con.
days visiting"’ friends
guest of Mrs. R. J.
Lucknow Sentinel
Published everyo Thursday moxhing
’ ; at Lucknow, Ontario.
Mrs. A. D. NIacKenzie — Proprietor
Campbell Thompson—Publisher
* -*■
Mosquitoes|ln November
Fulfill Prediction
Kinloss Couple Marks
Silver Anniversary
Mr. Robt Button ’held a very
successful sale of Ayrshire cattle
• last week. Mr. Button had a fine
- herd- of Ayrshires." ■ -
Miss Ellen Burns of.Ethel return
ed home last week. Ellen was order
ed home by-the doctor, with an at
tack of. appendicitis. \ '
Mr. M, Gardner whs engaged la^t
week helping Riehard Gardner with
his fall ploughing. '
Mr. Phillip-Stewart, called on the
farmers at Zion last week v^ith a
Bond salesman from Toronto selling
Bonds and. stocks.
We welcome‘Mr. and Mrs. Arm
strong Wilson to their now home on
Quality Hill. They are. residing in
, the house recently owned by Mrs.
Wm. Hunter- of Zion.
Don’t f-Orget the play “The' Old
Home Flace” on Friday evening.
Messrs. Frank and Tom Todd left
Angus cattle,
visitor with
Mf. John
WJiU Taylor i of Bly th is a
Mr. and Mrs. Chester
McGuire of Lucknow
was a visitor with Mr. T. B. Taylor.
Mrs. R. J. Woods is spending he
week at the home of her brother,
Mr. Reid, Brucefield. ’ “
Mr. and Mrs. Robinson Woods
moved To their new home in the vil-
•age recently purchased from l&r.
pain Durnin.
' Misses Beatrice, and Mildred Mc-
Quillin were guests for the week
end of Mr. and Mrs. McRoberts.' , ■
Mr. and Mrs. Gordon McPherson
were week-end visitors with Mr. and
-Mrs. Jas. McFarlane, Bluevale. On
their return they' were accompanied
oy ,Margaret and Billy who had
spent the week at Bluevaie.
The Citizenship Com.,"with Wal
lace^ Miller convener, had charge of
the Teeting of the Y. P. A. on Sun
day evening. Cuyler Ramagje read
the Scripture jessOfi and Ted Rice
read an article on the “History, of
the Bible. Mrs. Ted 'Rico favored
with a solo. Miss Helen Miller had
the topic' “A Backward Glance— '
Home Missions.”
. Members of the' Women’s. Ifisti-
tutee .wilt be At Home to their hus
bands and families in the Uommun
. - \jty Hall on Friday evening next.
Miss Alice Finnell is spemlilng a \ .BORN—In the Private Pavilion
few days with MrS, Harold. Thomp-' Toronto 'General Hospital on Men- -
- j'fM Nov.* 18, to Mh and Mrs. Al^x
Mr* and ' Mrs. J. B. Simpson of Muiklie . (formerly Miss ^Mabel
Henskll spent a few days last week • £t. Helens) a sonKeith
_xi ~ > [Sutherland.
f J Mr. and Mrs., ,0’Callaghagi of.
Somibra are spending < their honey-
' di
.................. , . /
Mrs. A. Stringer pf ^Kincardine',
spent a few days With her sister,
Mrs. Kaake, Sr.
' Mr; and Mrs. Geo. Percy and babe
visited friends here . on Sunday.
. Mr. and Mrs. Thps. Malcolm and
Margaret attended the funeral of
the late Rev.AMatheson of Morrison.
Mr. Matheson Was a former pastor
of the Fresbyterian Church here.'
Misses Margaret and Catherine
Campbell; Miss Hilda and Mr. ;M.
Reid and Mr. pen Ruttie were.guests
of Miss Mary Cok on Sunday.
___Ered—(IfCyclone^) - Taylor, Listow-
el’s contribution to the professional
hockey world, visited his home town
recently. Taylor who olives tn Van
couver’ fiew to Toronto and return
ed by air also, but found, time in,
between to make »a hurried motor
■ trip-to-Listo wel.~----------------—:----
TredTTa^of Is still regarded ^as j
dJie—fac’Pst Jtaler hockey ever had.
In his amateur days he played with
Listowel on Lucknow ice and is well
remembered here by the old - time
hockey players and faps. His ability
in “reverse” was almost on a par
with his speed and sticks handling
while going forward.• -es
and Mrs. Allan Alton andMr. and Mrs. Allan Alton and
daughter ^Marion spent the- week
end with friends in. this vicinity.
Messrs. Robt. and Arnold Vint of
Wingham spent Sunday with the
former’s brother, Mr. G. Vint. .
Mr. and Mrs. Will McLean •: of
Goderich were Sunday visitors with
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Alton..
Mr; Jack' Irwin of -Sudbury is
spending a few days at nis home,
here. , .
Mr. and Mrs.; Pharis Mathers call
ed at the litter’s home on "Sunday.
Miss B. Reid of Lucknow is as-’
■sisting at Mr. Hiarry Hackett’s for
a few weeks.
We welcome Mr. and Mrs. Jack
iVlcDonagh to our community.
Mr. and Mrs. D. H. ATfr>n spent
an evening recently with“Mt, and
Mrs. Will Alton.
■ ■ ■ 1 t
■ ■ I
Mr. and Mrs. Jno. Taylor is visit
ing Mrs. .Walter Hodgins for a few
days. * .
Mr«, and- Mrs. Robt. Scott enter
tained a few of their friends and
Mr. Arnold Scbtt spent Sunday
iie.ikfibors last week.
Mr-, and Mrs. Earle Hodgins Spent
with Mr. -Jack Schumaker.
couple of days at thd motor show
in Toronto last week.
M-fs. Jas. Edgar and Harold spent
day at Mr. and Mrs. Purvis’s fast'
week. • ......'
i<MrX,Pcrt ThompsOn and Mr. and
Alton spent the week-end
With Mr. and Mrs. Fred Thompson
recently. - •
Doh’fc f6yset the Winter Fair in
loronto this, week and next week. .
- . .........- —~ur- ,>er grandparents, Mr. find Mrs. Jnoi\n. The, bride, Miss 'Evelyn Bowles W?P‘
.......................... io a nite, of an< Mrs' Eart«
I s. lJurnim i as Wraith.
At W/ Boyles’.
Mrs 11. A. Graham visited last1
week with her son Jack a,nd tyUs.
Graham of Ann. ArboL.ALikb~.-n----
.'••Mrs* Rudy Sieloff and’ son Elroy. , r . . ____ _
kite spending a .Qouplp of weeks with. fnWH<v’ 0/ Lucknow, is a niece of Ge6, Bel1 and Mrs. E-k
Mrs. A. Hodgins, Con. 10. ; Mrs. Ddrnim 11"°^"“ “^noo„ _ witl.
(Zion News) ,
Mr. and ,Mrs. Richard Gardner
visited on Sunday with Mr, and Mrs,
Robt. Hamilton, Wingham,
Mrs. Alex. Hedlpy of Hamilton is
spending a few days With her. rieice
Mrs. Henry Gardner.
Mrs. Sam Reid was .a visitor
Goderich friends recently^ : '
Mr/, and Mrs. Ralph Nixon;
and Mrs. Wesley Ritchie and
Allan visited w(th Mr. -and Mrs.
McKay, Tiverton on Sunday.
iuls._pames uooke is ims week in
lvipiuo visiting her sister, Mrs.,
vrea ropp” wiiu <1nas' ueexi a patient
•hi Aorumo General Hospital tor tne
past; lour weens . xoiio w ing. a major
apeiuciun. . liie many Ziion mends
ui mis. ropp win oe glad to learn
luac' sue is progressing ..ravjorabiy.
Mrs. Root. Andrew visited over
uie . ween-end -w-itn -ner-Oidtner, Dr.
•.McKinnon .ox, Detroit. '
please take note. The services at
zjiuii are cnaiiged xroni ll- a.m. to
xv du a.m. on Sunday mvrmiigs. lui.
tne winter, montns, oegnuiiiig Bun
day, inov. 2<itn.‘Sunday Bcouul . will
xuiidw tne mqxnnrg services.
Mr. j. E. Cooke of Toronto called
oil his mother, Mrs. J. Cooke on
rnursday evening last.
Mr. Harold Gardner and Miss
Beryl (uardner spent Sunday with
.uieir_ .sister, Mrs. ,Joe FTeeman, .Lee-
uurn._ They were accoinpanied ..there,
niy- -tittle ~ Lois1 .Freeman had'
spent a week with her grandparents
Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Gardner.
JVIany of us ,were somewhat scep
tical when it was predicted early in
the_ Eall, by those who claimed to be-
weather-wise,“that, black flies and
ing the month of NQveniber, ' but
their predictions; have been verified
as numbers of mosquitoes were to be
seen this last week add even as
lately as Nov. 18th, which possibly
establishes a record for this section
of the Province^ ..
Zion Y. P. S< held ‘-their annual
election of officers on Monday even
ing, when the fpllp.wihg were elected:
President, Miss Myrtle Ritchie; 1st
vicP ’pres’.',’ Eroyd ’H^ "2nd vice,
Charlie Anderson; 3rd _ vice, Irimf.
Hackett; 4th vice, Will Hunter; Sec.-
Treas., Harold Gard|ne4; organist,
Jessie Andrew. ’
. —__—■(,. '
Family Of Mr. and Mrs. Charles
Burt Show Affection By Present
ing Parents With Beautiful Gifts.
The 25 th ‘ anniyefshfy' of the mar
riage' of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Burt
was celebrated at their home; in
Kinloss Township, nine miles from
Lucknowi on Friday, November 15.
, The members of the family., had
ia happy re-union and enjoyel a hot
•fowl supper, after which the child
ren presented their, parents with a
magnificent chair and table accom
panied by the following’ address
which was prepared by the oldest
daughter/Helen and read by the:
youngest child Norma, who is teri
years old. ’ .
To Our Parents. (
Dear Father and Mother,
We, yotir . children, have gathered
here this evening to extend to you
our very best vifishes and most hear
ty. congratulations and to rejoice
with you on this the 25th • anniver
sary of your wedding day.
. ‘We are not unmindful-of the fact
that you have worked hard ijr our
behalf, and . have passed through
idany trials and much hardships for
our sake. Kindly permit us*to say
“thank you’Z .and to assure you there
are 8 of us to help ease your burd
ens and- brighten- -the remainder of.
your lives. •
We are glad you taught us the
right and did your part. to keep us
from doing the wrong. As. children
we sometimes thought this was rath
er a hard world, but as we. grow ol
der we are glad you taught us to
■obey , our parents. *,
You have sacrificed for our sake.
You hqye ministeted to us in health
and in sickness. "You have'loved us
tenderly. We appreciate-all you have
gone,Tor us. Vve all •agj.'ge,. we
■‘uHe'7veAy’~besi~pareiics lii.-. tiie worm.
..nA aivyuys uuliiHlue XO do so.
we/uesire now»Lo give you a token
Ji our appreciation or your loving
-axe and iieipxuineSs, finu we tuei'v-
<oie asg you to accept .tins vecasivn-
ui cnair ’ arm ^ate-ieg taoie as a
-Luue, May you enjoy many iiivxe
happy years togptner. / •
‘W e sincerely nope that’ as Father
and motner, jauns aild Daughters, We
mail ai’i be spared to rejoice togeth
er at your Golden Wedding anmver-,
Mr.BURiN—un iNovenioer 18th to
uiiu ms. Bert Reid, a* son.
inis. * a'. iKinmersOn is ’ spending
uwo weetes with Detroit friends.
iut. and mis. s as. Mclinies and
daughters uaye ana Aline, and #Mrs.
k.auiauu - visiteu last .xhuisuay with
uie xurrner s sister, _Mrs. Gordon
uainiesvn ot LtUCknow.^ ; 5....:
Your lovingly,.
Mary xieien Bure.
iLiditn merle burt. . -
Annie Daura jourt. ?
Vviuiam Andrew isuit,
Robert Howe/Burt.
Norma fsoibel; Burt, .
Although taken by surprise, Mr.
Buri, on behalf of mmsOli and nis
»deai wife made ■ a suitable reply
uhanking the family, for their lovely
and valuable present and apprecia
tive address,
At eight . o’clock, additional ’ rela
tives and close friends arrived in
creasing the number to over 50. The
additional presents were beautiiui
and suitable.
A very enjoyable social evening
was spent, after which a .lunch and
’Wading "cake-were served. The pro
ceedings were brought. to a close
Good Fellows", and the National 1 ■
auisibuig anu ivir. ana Airs.
Windsor dl ueiroiL spent, tne
ena With their xatner, Air.
c/urricK who is seriously ill.Air. George Kennedy ' and
.David Kennedy visited one day last
0eex witn Air. ana Airs. win. liend-
eisoii ox Wingiiam.
lvm and Airs. J. A. Reichard and
piaster r*ari ltelcnard of Cqine anil
mr. and Airs. Alain arid son and dau-
gmer ^ox Ritcneiier, visited recently
with the former's daughter, Airs.
Stanley Colclough. -
The AHssion Dand of the Presby
terian enuren held -their thankofter-
mg meeting in the Jiasement of the
churen lhst Wednesday' 'evening,
lhe program was given py the mem-
uers oi the' mission band, on China,
and wore costumes like they‘ do in
^nma. Lunch was served at the
close. . _
Mrs. Lome Durnin and little son
of Et. Helens visited oh Tuesday
with her .parents, Mr. and Mrs. Dav-
4th CON.,
The November meeting -pf the U.
F. w. u. was nelci oq^Thursday, -lit
the home of Mrs. D. McKinnon, 4th
con., with a large attendance' Mrs.
Middleton presided and the meet
ing opened with singing the “Open
ing Ode'',,, followed by repeating the
juprd’s. Prayer and the Creed in uni
son. Mrs. Wm. McDonald read the
minutes of last meeting, also some
letters from Madtfuartero/ Mrs. D.
MacIntyre gave the treasurer’s re
port. After community -singing the
roir call was answered , by “Gauges
of War.” After the general routine
of business was finished, a program,
followed which consisted of a solo
by Mrs. A. Little, accompanied by
Miss Blanche McDougal; reading by
Miss G'fetta Campbell; an instrumen
tal’ by Miss Bessie Carnochan; ”l -a
debate “Resolved that the married
woman is of more consequence than
the single woman,” . caused much
amusement. The affirmative, was
taken by Mrs. Howard Harris and
Mrs. A. Ackert, .while Miss Mary
McLeod- and- Miss Gretta. Campbell
upheld the negative. The judges,
Miss. Mary Belle McLeod, Mr. Biit-
ur of the affirmative. At the close of
the meeting refreshments (were -
served, and/a pleasa’nt hour spent..
The December meeting is to be held
al the'home,of Mrs! Chesnut, Luck*
Lyceum Theatre
Show Starts at 8.00 P.M.
Thursday, Friday, Saturday.
November 21-22-23
“She Gets Her Man”
• also ’
Two Reel Mentone Musical—
‘rrELEmoNE blues” f
Ostwald Cartoon-—Pictorial
Thursday to Saturday.
It’s time to buy them for a
' long-season’swear
Come and look them over. We
know you’ll like to choose
from our big stock—New
Styles and Materials,
. Finest Tailoring- -—
Two Specials — $18.50—$24.00
$15.00 — $17.95 — $21.00
It’s Christinas Shopping Time'
KING’S is all, ready to help
you with Useful gifts for
—"personal”" and“ home ” use.
Something good for every
member of the family. - -We '
invite- you to see” our new
Christmas goods.
Church Shed Fund Gets
MTrUharlie ^Tiffin spent the week
end with Mr. and Mrs. John Hayes
of Detroit.
Mr. and Mrs. Victor,^ Emerson
spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs.
ucorge Harkness. ..
Mr. and Mis. Wesley Tiffin, Mr.
and. Mrs. Wm. Dawson spent Sunday
with Mr. and Mrs. James Purdon of
W Wawanosh.
Mr. and Mrs. Russel Gaunt spent
Monday I evening with Mr. and Mrs.
V. Emerson.
The ladies pf the 2nd and, 4th W.
M. S. of the United Church held
their Missionary tea at the home of
Mrs. J. B* Morrison on Thursday
This Friday evening the White
church Women’s Institute are hav
ing a .debate in the hall “Resolved
that, the youth of the country should
receive their Secondary or High
school education at the rural school”
This is to be given by Milan Mobrel
James Wilson, Jack Pollock and B€iw\
Cuilimore. Thq losing side in the '
contest is putting on a short pro
gram along with the debate to form
an evening’s entertainment. '
Those in this’ vicinity who helped
free gratis to furnish provisions to
serve meals 'at the plowing mhtch
held at '••Langstde” to raise funds for
the Church shed debt will be inter
ested in the following: ■
Dinners, suppers & lunches $ 43 00
Lunch sold at night /_________5 00
Miscellaneous ____ 2 25
Total reqeipts _ ___________50 25
Expenses beef, pork,, etri 15 58
Leaving balance of -34 6^’
Foresters doiiatidri 5 33
Total paid on shed __,^$ 40 00
We wish to thank all those who
helped to contribute to this donation
ip any way.
Mrs,. Russel Ritchie of St. Helens
......—* <* ov.. vX ww ivxr. SP^t a few days this week with her
and Mrs. Alexander MacLean. Alt rather, Mrs. R. Tiffin, who has been
though fie had resided^ .in ^Chicago ol’«ared by the doctor tb rest on ac-
... count of heart trouble. '
'Stuart held a wood bee on
Monday afternoon,
rrJ!le xdaTnce held in the Forester’s
Hall at Langside last Friday even
ing provided entertainment fbr all.
1 . '
Mrs. Henry Reid of Goderich is a
guest at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
l'hos. Anderson. «• .
Mr, and Mrs. Jim Misner -of Strat
ford visited Sunday at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. H. Curran.
Mi\ and Mrs. Wm. Andrew enter
tained a number of the young peo
ple of this community last Thursday
evening. '
The Blake S. S. concert Is to be
he.ld Dec. 23. A committee has been
appointed to make the necessary
Miss 'Margaret Mallpugh of
Lucknow is1 visiting with her
Mrs. ‘ Richard Johnston.,,7
• Mr. and. Mrs. James England with
their family^have. moved to what is
known as the MacDonald house - on
the 12th con.
Thfe Presbyterian W.,M.(S. met
at the home of Mrs. Neil J. McKen
zie on Wednesday, November 13th.
Mrs. J; MacRae acted as president.
After* the business part of the- meet
ing a very interesting program was
carried out. Mrs. H\ MacLean read
“In Elander’s Fields”; Mrs. Simp
son read a short sketch of the life of
the author of this, poem, John Mac
Rae, formerly of Guelph; Miss Mary
Kenzie- sang a sold. Each one pre-'
sent repeated a Verse of scriptute
in answer to the roll call. Mrs. Mac-
Gillivary took the chapter in the
sLudy book., There were thirty-five
in attendarice.
It was with sincere regret . the
people of this community learned of
the death of Dr. John MacLean Of
Chicago. Dr. MacLean wq.s one of a
pioneer family, a son of (the late Mr.
and Mrs. Alexander MacLean. .
r ”
for so: many years he was well
known here as he with fiis wife and
family always spent the. summer va
cation at the old-, home. Upon the ar
rival Of the afternoon train on Mon
day, Nov. 18tfi, a Short service'was
he,d in South KinlosS Church.
"Which interment was made in South
Kinloss cemetery.
.^Messrs. Harry and Harold Hibben
spent last week at Greenback and
on their return were accompanied
by their sister, Mrs. F. Williams-and
her little daughter Betty. j
It costs the Di’onne quintuplets
nearly $1000 a month to live, but
the famous five earn considerably
more than* that sum.