The Lucknow Sentinel, 1935-11-21, Page 1SINGLE COPIES 5 CENTS
■-O' M j.
l« ■
7 '■
■*■ .
J. M. KAINE, V,S.i. B-VSc.
■ Havelock Stw. • Lucknowv ■ ,
. ’PHONE 104-W
A——"-Graduate— of ” Ontario Veterinary
College, University of Toronto
Charges reasonable. Day or night
calls promptly attended to
Office in the residence of the late
_ Mrs. W. E. McDonald i
Dentist j
Office In The Johnston Block
■ » Telephone No. 5 -
- . rs.T.’.-iT-"-1 v 1 ■■ .......—;
Learn To Play This Winter ;
ART McCARTNEY — teacher of
Vjolin, Banjo and Guitar. Special
instruction for children and begin-
WOOD FOR SALE—Enquire of J..
W. Joynt, ’Phone 15, Lucknow.
only at the Cement Warehouse at
the C. N. R. Cooking apples $1,60
a barrelr Spies -$27 to $4r-a-:barrel.—
—.......-—. ..... ■....cJ.-W.-Jo.VnG
Get your order in at once on a
car of No. 1 pure cane sugar molas
ses direct "from the West Indies.
Guaranteed analysis.
__, John Jamieson, R. 3, Lucknow:,.
——-AUCTIONlpSALE ----""
.....,... Clearing auction—sa$e of farm,
ture at Lot 16, Con. 5, Kinloss, on
Thursday/ November 21st, at 1.30.
See bills for -list and terms. ;
James Parks, Prop.
Matt. Gaynor, Auc.
Allister Hughes, Clerk.
: ceiving sets are hereby warned that
7~7r;<jir"andr_aftar :230tfiGN.ov.0ffibeg,.’..l;9g5.F
steps to prosecute the owner oj dp-
erator thereof,.
Broadcast listeners who have hot
already procured their license for.
the current (iscal year are accord
ingly advised to obtain such license
7 . The license fee is $2.00 .per annum.
Licenses may be procured fr^fcn
Post Offices in. citiesz and larger
towns. Departmental . Radio Inspec
tors, Radio Dealers and other<auth-
. . prized to issue licences On behalf of
the Department, or from Redid
Branch, Department of Marine, Ot
tawa, Ont.
— By order ..
” ■ Deputy Minister of Marine,
Ottawa, November 1.5, 1935.
;'’.' W0. Charming Event
Many Friends Of Mr. and Mrs; Wm.
MacKenzie, Who Celebrated Silver
Wedding Anniversary, Mark The
Event By Showering Them With
Gifts And Best Wishes
dAnce of the season
Beach Pavilion, Kincardine, Wednes
day, November 27, under auspices
/"ott.Kincardine 20th Century Liberal
/• Club. Old and new dances to the
music of Ernie Brow«: and his orch
estra, 10 pieces. Novelty and balloon
dances, door prizes, fun, for all;
everybody welcome. Admission—
. , /padies 35c, gentlemen 50c, tax in
cluded. During the intermission
Cameron Geddes will sing.
The L. O. L. dance to be held in
the Orange Hap tonight (Thursday)
. has been postponed until next Thurs
day, November 28.
V?* The annual meeting pf the U. F
0. Club of North Huron will .be held
in the , Council Chamber, Wingham,
on Saturday, November 28rd at 2
o’clock. J. S. Procter, Sec’y.
Will be held in the Town Hail; Luck
now, on Friday, November 29th,
-> under auspices of the Kairshea. Club.
Lunch served^ McCartney’s orches
tra. Pipers^ Prize for best looking
couple in Grand March. Admission
25c ylus tax.
* Allr ac^cburitsowirigthe"Esta
Dr. D. Geddas mtist be i>ai<i on , dr
before January 15th,, 1936, in order
to administer the’estate.’ After that
date it will be necessary to take
\ . steps td collect all accounts then
unpaid. ' ■.
■ Mrs, J. A; Rdbertsoii,..EkecjaLrix._jBoipm^
At “Hillcrest” Lucknow, on Sat
urday, November 16, Mr. and Mrs.
Wm. MacKenzie were at home to
" "Over’’§^§My*"fn^dF'brnElm" dccasloTr
of their twenty-fifth wedding anni
versary. The day- was . clear and
bright which added .pleasantness to
the delightful occasion. As only , a
few close friends knew the nature
of the event, most of the callers of
the afternoon had a very agreeable
surprise., ■
Mr ."and Mrs. MacKenzie received
at'the “stairway, the bfidelooking
very lovely in her wedding dress of.
ivory satin with train and sequin
trimming which she wore twenty-
five years ago. She wore a pearl
necklace and carried a bouquet of
roses and maiden hair fern. Miss
“Katherin^MacKerizie^sisteF of the
groom;’"wFo''“arso received, "‘"lobked
lovely in blue silk crepe with cors?
age of roses.'
Miss Jane Hornell, in a bright col
ored crepe frock, was in attendance
at the door. The drawing room was
~a~ profusion of chrysanthemums,
roses and carnations. Mi’S. W. Horn-
ell efficiently looked Afteh/the cbm^
Newton, Who played , the wedding
march, also’ entertained with musi
cal selections during, the afternoon
The tea hostesses; kept busy dur
ing the afternoon, were Mrs. (Dr.)
Elliott, Mrs. (Rev.) C. H. MacDon-
aid, Mrs. J. S. MacKenzie and Mrs.
Walter G. % MaicKenziie. Mrs. D. M.
Thompson, sister of Mr. McKenzie,
cu^t the ices. The dining table was
artistically arranged .with lace cover,
roses and candles and the wedding
: ^ake^as^sgrvedJJrQm^a-_sidb=-tablev •
: jea assistants wefe_ Miss Helen;
: i^^^^^^^^'ok-of-4Poront07“^TsrFJr ’
McCall and Miss Katherine Mac
Kenzie. G
Mdriy telegrams and messages of
felicitations were received during
the day. Mr. T, F. Patterson of Van
couver, brother of Mrs. MacKenzie,
sent in honor-^of the occasion, a poem
which was read in the afternoon by-
Mrs. A. P. Stewart. A cabinet of
silver-'was presented to Mr. and Mrs.
MacKenzie by their family while
various gifts of silver from close
friends were also received.
This charming event, so success
fully carried out, afforded their m|iny
friends, attp ^opportunity to rejoice
with Mr. and Mrs. MacKenzie on a
quarter century of happy 'married
life. They also join heartily in wish
ing for them a continuance of bless
ings arid rhany future years of wed
fled happiness.
• / ■
A meeting pf . the Booster Club
will be. held this ■ Thursday evening
8 o’clock sharp,. hr Goupbil- room,
Carnegie Hall. Important business.
All jnemljers attend -please;—-— A?
Y. .P. S. Of United Church Have
■■ Prepared Amusing "Play—Sup
ported By A 20-Voice Chorus.
“The Old Home Place’’ an. inter-
Lesting -. and'■^amgstfig' 37a'ct' comedy
drama will be presented’in the Town.
Hall to-jnorrow evening, by the Y. P.
S. of the United. Church. •
This group of players has met
with much success in a dramatic
way and tomorrow night’s perform
ance promises to be a fine entertain
ment. The cast is supported by a
20-voice chorus in costume that will
enhance, and complete the presen
tation. The admission is 25c with no
Final details are being arranged
to make the approaching Golden
Jubileci anniversary ia red letter
event in the history of the Lucknow
:Unifed^Churchr"— -7
TZKja"htting that Rey.^G._ R. Turk
who opened the church 50 years ago
should be the guest speaker. Rev”.
Turk will, also give an address at
Monday evening’s program, . which
will follow a hot goope supper held
in the school room of the church.
Sunday, December_lst, marks the
50tlT7ariniversary with the fowLliup^
Heart Attack Fatal
To Mr. James Alton
Lifelong Resident Of, Community.
Sunday—Active In Luck
now And Dungannon Agricultural
Societies—Observed 45th Wedding
Anniversary A Few Days Previous
Death came suddenly . on Sunday
N. D. MacKenzie, Lbcal ■ Grocery^
man Passed Away On Tuesday
After Critical Illness Of A Week
—Funeral Oh Friday.
Mr, Neil D. MacKenzie, promin-
ent iri the business life of the vil
lage for many years, passed away
in a. London Clinic late Tuesday
‘afternoon,' after a critical illness of
a week, during which time little
hope was entertained for fiis re
“ For" a period of several years and
especially in the winter- ■ months,
Mr. MacKenzie had Aiot enjoyed
good health; climaxing in a sudden
serious illness on Reihembrance
Day. Neil had attended the service
in the Hal! that morning and later,
at the home, of Mrs. McCharles was
about to turn onthe radio, wheiWhe-
seizurd: rendered his hand powerless.
The latter part of the week he was
removed to London and on Tuesday,
when , visited by Mrs. MacKenzie-and
other relatives, was. resting com
fortable and. had , quite an interest-
Fing-^onvefsatiun "^ith’~_fiis visitors.
JTis death - occurred suddenly later -
in the afternoon' just a few minutes
after they had started their return
trip to the village..
Born at Paramount, fifty-seven
years ago, Nei) was the , son of
John McKenzie arid Ann MacDonald.
His father was one of the first to
lake' up land~atF Paramounti^in 1854?
ment. .The McKenzie frame home
built later, was the first of its kind
between Lucknow and the lake?
•’■ At an early age, L Mr. McKenzie
left home and learned the tailoring
in Chicago,; later conducting a tailor
Bread ■- y ./Yrg* " ' The Bread
.’. of Health .. TloV !^ of Health
OATMEAL COOKIES, Oval shape, ait 15c per tfoz. "
' 20c Per Doz. ' •-*. ■
; Have you tried, our New METROPOLITANS and' LEMON
MARGUERITES at 4 for 10c? They .are delicious. We will
also have; pur Usual large assbrtn^ent of Cakes, Jelly Rolls,
Tarts, etc., Freshly Madfe. ' • n / : I'
Our Homemade Mincemeat Now Ready, 2 lbs 25c
. -■ Guaranteed to please.
Phone 36 ’.t Lucknow
< •
Monday, December 2nd
ADMISSiON 40c and 25c, ~ 1
Dr. MacLean, Ashfield
Native, Dies in Chicago*
Death Follows Brief Illness—Burial
Here On Monday—Graduated Tn
Both Medicine And - Osteopat
Suitable eyewear 1
You will occasionally hear
person complain that she objects J
“toJ wearing a correction of her
—errors of vision because of the “
gument no longer applies. The
modern eye service considers
appearance, which can now by
' correctlylcKosen eyewear be gen
erally improved.
ARMSTRONG’S Eyesight Service
, Dr. John MacLean, a son of the
late’.Mr., and Mrs. Alex MacLean,
piorieer residents of Concession 12,
Ashfield, .passed away in Evanston
in Chicago; l^ter conduetiftff a .tailor L jg.O0pH-a| in suburban Chicago on
shop, here, fromxwhere h?-went West Thursday. last> after a brjef nlness
h»d been-
health since suffering an attack ,of
Bronchial pneumonia last ^spring,
and ' when stricken recently . with an
ailment that .-rather puzzled^ ^physie-
in Neville, Sask., and Souris, Mari.
But the lure of the town he loved
brought .Neil back to Lucknow, and
to-morrow, the day he is laid to
MU RD IE — In Toronto General
Hospital, on Monday- November 18, . s
to Mr. and Mrs. Alex Murdie (nee
Mabel Woods) a son. ' ,
morning to a well-kno.wn. ,and_-high=_ j^sjL^woiildL. hava-marked-^his—ig-tfe
Jy e&teemed resident of Lucknow in
pas^d^^^ray-a-t—his -home in his
seventy-fourth year. For some: time
Mr. Alton /has suffered from an
acute'heart condition.
A lifelong resident of this district
he was born on the homestead ’four
miles south of Lucknow. This crown
land, as 'well-as several surrounding
farms, was taken up by his widow
ed ■ grandmother and her sons when
they came from Ireland? ’* He was
one of a family of eight, four sons
and four daughters, of the late Mr.
arid Mrs. Samuel Alton.
His wife who survives him,
formerly Miss Amelia Reed, a /dau
ghter of Mrs. W. H. Reed and the
late Mr. Reed. Surviving are three
sons, Charles of Dungannon, Sam
on his father’s homestead in Ash-
iield, William ofToronto and Olive
of Bronte. Four grandchildren also
survive. The surviving brothers and
sisters are, Herbert and Albert Alton
of West Wawanosh^ Daniel Alton of'
Ashfield, Mrs. McQuiilin of Lucknow
and Mrs. Stevenson of Varna. .
The • funeral was field from his
late residence on Tuesday »after-
rioon at two o’clock, with interment
in Greenhill cemetery. The funeral
service was conducted by his pastor
Rev. Tuckpr,- who was assisted by
Rev. Patton of the Ashfield circuit.
Many; were the floral tributes that
attested to the esteem . in 3 which Mr.
Alton "was held in the district wh^re
he wias widely known. . . *
From early childhood he . was a
member of the Hackett’s Methodist
Church, where ihe was one of the
Stewards (for j .about twenty-five
years. .Later he was a member of
thie Lucknow United Church' where
he also served on the Official.Board.
The deceased was one Of'the old
est. directors' of both the Lucknow
and Dungannon A|gi{ieultural Soc
ieties in which he was ah active
worker for many yea“rs.. He was a
years,ago when he retired to Luck
now to cease the active duties of
his chosen occupation.' ,
. Mr.- and Mrs. Alton had the plea
sure only' last Tuesday, November
in ' the 12th, of observing their 45th wed-
----- f ding anniversary? ; •
1,. was
anniversary, in the .grocery fohsfri.ess::
honorable !in hlis~ dealings? and " a
very faithful member of the United
Church, being a. member of the
Managing Board.
Mr. McKenzie was a Mason* and
a lifelong Liberal. A lover of sport,
he was an ardent follower and
supporter of baseball in particular.
He , was also an exponent of juvenile
ball and the youngsters knew they
could always count on Neil to “pile”,
the whole team into , his car to bf
taken, to neighboring towns to' com
pete on the diamond. He is a past
president of various baseball and
hockey (organizations.
Twenty1 years ago this . January,
he married Margaret MacCharles,
who survives with, one son Donald,
age! 137 Another son Lloyd,: died 7
years ago. at the age of 11. During,
the recent years of-Mr. McKenzie’s
health, Mrs; McKenzie has
him able , assistance in the
and a host of friends sympa-.
with her in her sad bereave-
i««s, .Mt‘•sttength /was not sufficient DEEVES—In Lucknow on Thurs- .'■'
Miss Christens Carrick Leaves This
Week To Make Her Home In The
-.States, 4<™
Miss Christena Carrick was th§
guest of honor at a surprise, gath
ering hrild at the home of Mrs. Wm.
Fisher, on Monday night, that was
featured by a /presentation made
Miss Carrick, Who leaves on Thurs
day for | Virginia, Minnesota, .'where
she will, make her home. „ '
There were about twenty-five
friends present to spend a pleasant
social evening during which con
tests were engaged in, but underly-
irig the apparent gaiety rihere was.
doubtless a touch of sadness, for.
Miss Carrick has many friends' who
regret that Lucknow is no longer
to be her permanent abode.
After a dainty lunch had been
'Served(Rev.) C. H. MacDoh/ succe^ ffriHr^Bouf'~“teiri
aid read~ah appropriate address and
Mrs. Fisher presented a silver,
cheese arid cracker dish to) Miss
Carrick, wh^> ably thanked the ladies
and expressed sorrow in severing
many intimate friendships i
Sixty-three .years, ago,. Mr. Mac-
Lean was born on the homestead in
Ashfield.- After receiving his high
school education in Goderich, he
took a Model School. coufse a arid
taught fob three years at the, 2nd
Concession school ,in Kinloss and
then for two years, at his home
school at . Lothian. ■
A clever student and ambitious,
Mr. McLean entered Toronto Uni
versity and graduated with his fi.A.
degree im? 1962, and ■, for a time
faugh school in Illinois.
Mr. MacLean then performed the
unusual feat of attending at the
same time, thd Chicago Medical
College and the College of Osteopa
thy, graduating , after strenuous
years of • study, with his degree in
both professions. For upward^ to
afWerjty-five years he has practised
in Chicago, with his home in Evan
ston, a suburb of the city.
Nineteen years ago he married
Willena Grant of Detreit, who with,
a family of six. children, mourns
the early passing of a loving hus-
bf Hilliers Crossing, Vancouver Is/hand and father.-
Dr. MacLean was |evotqd to his
profession for the good he could do,
and could claim that. he never re
fused to administer to the needs of
any patient although many cases
Jhd knew full well were charity
cases. HiS friends pay.tribute to his
sterling character^and the upright-,
ness of one who was an exemplary
.citizen. " ,
This fact is evident in the eulogy
■paid- the departed by Rev. gilsley
at the funeral service held in Evan
ston Second Presbyterian Church,
of which Dri McLean was for 15
years an elder,.
The remains were brought to
Lucknow on Monday, with a service
being ^eld in Kinloss Presbyterian
Church, upon arrival of the train.
the services. Interment wks' in
South liihioss cenietery. <
Besides the' bereaved widow, a
family of „six children survive,
Grant A.4 John Fraser, Mary Cath-
Four brothers., W. L. and D. G.
of town, Alex of Chicago and Peter
<*“ i .
~ ~ _ rii^’
survive. T^vo sisters, Sarah and
Mrs. Jack Watson and 'a brother
John, predeceased him. '
A Masonic funeral will be held in
the United. Church, to-morrow, Frh
day afternoon at two o’clock.' ■ ■ ’
- "Lucknaw’s only • h^tdi, formerly
operated by Mr. and Mrs. Chester
in readiness for re
opening. Mr. and Mrs. Q. F. Fisher
the hew proprietors, made a busi
ness trip" to Toronto the first of the
week and plan to have the new hos
telry open today.
The interior ; of. the,.building is
iBeirig renovated, a new heating sys-
stem" installed, and. extensive plumb-
ig~-work—has-been-^onor-h-lll-with. b
view toward giyin^ comfortable ac-
C0modatioh: to 'th^ travelling public
and hotel patrons in genetai.’ I
. Tl4e<' Tosher household infcludes
Mr. and Mrs. Fisher, her mother,
Mrs. * Creen and their 12-year-old . erine, ,vWwiu vcviuv,,, o
■ heicef'-Lueila..Green:—r-‘Hehc^sour*’
Lee, is now
.--------------------’ ~ ’ A
____--_______ J
Bruce County Council
Held Final 1935 Session
----------------T ■ .
Many Important Matters Came Be- -
fore 62nd Parliament of Bpice At
Its Concluding Session In Walker
ton Last Week. Holyrood To Ripley
Road Cost $10,700.
’ » " ' ' t ■
„ The 62nd Parliament of Bruce,
which has been under rthe able guid
ance of Warden Duncan Munn of
Ripley, came'to. a close at Walkerton
on Friday morning last, with the
third , and final gathering of the year11
partaking of the nature of an event
ful, bang-up session, in which many
interesting, recommendations were
made, some important legislation
put through and many thousands of
dollars of accounts passed.
Indigent Patients
The njimber of indigent patients
from Bruce receiving free treatment
at. various Hospitals outside the
County seems, to be on the increase,
the list at this session including 56
patients as edmpared with 44 at the
November, session, 1934. About hall
the number’ comprise tuberaulat
cases receiving treatment at the ’
Sanitariums at Muskoka, Hamilton,
and London. The total bills passed'
by. the Finance Committee for the'
five' months period since the June ; *
Session amounted to $5762.14, so
that the annual cost for indigent
patients .is about $14,000.00. this
does not take into account the pat
ients who receive free treatment at .
the Walkerton, Kjirtoardine and
Lion’s Hpad Hospitals which this
(Continued on Page 5)
’ V
I X.
.»■ '• y.i.7-............
L 7/‘
brothers and two §isters, Alex,„ Don
aid and Mary on Uhe homestead,
•Sarah of Evanston, pave bf . Chicago
'ahanDu'ncaiTor' Los" F Angelesr’Ano-4
ther brother Charles '
Ldthian, Ilk, in Igjjk
The pallbearers vlrtre:
Diarmid, James Barrijy, J. W\ Hen-
. Donald Gordon, Sarah Jane, derspn, D. A. MacDohald. Wm. Hehr
____ Also fotir derson anc
died in Mid ,
‘‘ ’ \
Alex Me-