The Lucknow Sentinel, 1935-11-07, Page 5I.
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George Alton, John Patterson and
Raymond Richards Take First Place
Respectively In The Above Com
s A
«■ ST. HELENS Kinloss Council Minutes
How does your ‘ subscription to
Ithe Sentinel stand? Funds are need
ed to keep the Sentinel operating
Winners in the Calf, Colt and r.anti we would again .ask our readers
Grain Club competitions, conducted at the label- and-ifgdt—is; dat-
I# .: 1
Winners in the Calf,
at the Lucknow Fall Fair in con-
'7 junction with the Department of
\ Agriculture, have recently been an
nounced .as . follows:
John Patterson ___ ______L^355
Calvin Irwin _37K
Frank McQuillan _ ____.„.......34O
Bruce MacMillan_________368
Alex Farrish ___ 360
Gordon Anderson ............ 350
ed prior to Oct. 1935, tlien you^ar*
in arrears. Yoyr attention ‘ in th*
matter will be appreciated. Thank
? -?•. 0------—
Award on Comp| & (Show- Total <
” " Questions manship • -?
■518 '
* Money
Rev. R. W. and Mrs. Craw and
little granddaughter, Mary Evelyn
Mitchell pf, Dorchester, were - re
cent guests of Mrs. J. B. Rutherford
Mr, J, W. Salkeld, Mrs, J. T. Sal’-
keld and Misses Mary and Elizabeth1
Salkeld"" of Goderich, were visitors
with. Mrs. R. K. . Miller and Mrs,
Next Sunday when thbir-js an ex
change of ministers in Hufp.n Pres
bytery mu the interests "of Mission^,
Rev. Hr C.' JV’iJson ' of Aubprn will
.occupy the pulpit here; .
Messrs. W; J. and' Con Foran at
tended the funeral of Miss Hogan in
Ashfield on Tuesday?
Mr. Lowe, Mr. Heibein and /.Mr.
Kreps all Of ElQra were recent visi
tors with Mr. and Mrs. F. G. Todd.
' Mr. and Mrs. Gordon McPherson,
Margaret and Billy an^ Mr. Ross
McPherson* were at Blu'evale recent
ly attending a shower in honor of
Mrs. McPherson’s brother, Mr. X^al:
ter McFarlene and his bride.
Mr. George Durnin -of Fleming,
Man., has been a guest Of his bro
ther, Mr. Sam and Mrs; Durnin and
of friends in Ashfield. ' / "
Mr. John Webster^ who has been
Kinloss township ^council met in
the township hall on October 28th,
1935; All members present,
'The minutes of the last regular
meeting being read; were approved
and signed-by the Reeve.
Sheep claims by Latehford Thac
ker and Levi Boyle were presented
j$d o.rdeya in pajnnent. o
The'Engineer’s report bn the Mc-
Kay-McQuillin Drain in East Wa
wanosh, and. Kinloss tbwnshjpS was
filed, and the. peportrwill be read M.
the "towpship hall at the n'ext re
gular' meeting on November 25th . at’
2: o’clock, p.m. All, parties interested
in Kinloss to- be- notified by the
Clerk. 1 - /■ * .
Alex McLeod was instructed ■ to
have the bpen portion of the Me-.
Leod Municipal Drain cleaned out,
and ^put in proper shape.
The Road Supt. was instructed to
•have a ditch dug on the 30th Side
road '.for . a distance of about 53 rods
and the clay from the upper end, to-
be used , in covering the- tile; exposed
in. the McMillan Municipal Drain.
Application was made- with Mi*.
Toseph Agnew for a ISeCurity Bond
for the Collector in . the sum of
' Orders were issued in payment of
all bills and accounts passed /at this
meeting. ’ , ‘
, Council then adjourned to meet
again on ^Monday the '125th, ' day of
November, 1935 at the’ uu.aL time and
place.- \ / 1 “
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• tn ,
■ \ 8
P<. .
■ ■' tn
■' <v
' ■',___.8 'O '
' *S 3 S'?"■ £
.0)0 tn .a
-M O ■
. -H ■ ■:
120 125 J 50
1120 125 /50
120 122 , 50
420 125 50
120 120 50
120 ,,115e 501
120’ r 124 . 50
^122 50
120 50
115 50 874
125 50 873
87 115 110 <501 862
31.! 83 120 120 25 841
79 115 125 25 717
81 115 . 50 .675
‘ ' •'•.■■*> pie]d ■
1 ■ '• , Scoria*
Raymond Richards .....279,
Robert Campbell, —-...........282 *
/Goldie Martin _____~~276
Joliri Patterson__7__,„„„„285
IrWiri Carruthers ^„._™._.....285
Allan Miller —___—_^x273
Austiii Martin_________270
George Alton _ _____„„...267
Gordon McGuire______.....267
Frank McQuillin ■__7___255
George Webster .264
83 85
84 ’ 83"
88 92
74 80
73 65
78 v 82
,.377 85 60
-370 67 72
„381 86 62
-392 72 55
90 50
B5 / 45
Jack Inglis ___3$2 83 55
Clayton Alton _„^™387 75
Dick Weatherhead ^.SJS...
Harold Woods _____356 73
George Alton —Ji—397
Goldie "Martin -=—390
. Clifford Blake__;_374
Austin Martin __...„384
' Elliott Ciirruthers ~384
Irwin Carruthers _365
jjg 'Alton .
Frank McQuillan
Allan Miller — -
Wm. Humphrey
Russell Phillips ;__372
93 120
73 120
75 115
71 115
Field Exhi- Judg.Attn Total Prize
Notes bit Comp.MtgS.Points Money
,190 182 91 100/“*842 $7.00
190 l oo --833 »$6.00 —
188 172 88 100 .830 $5.00 %
190 168 93’100 .827 $4.00
188 162 88 100 823 •$3,00
175 /*169 84 100 '813 $2.00
186 158 90 ioo 807 $1.50.
185 -150 94 100 799 $1.50
186-145 .89 106 787 $1.50
160 146 96 100 769 ’ $1.50
160 137 90 100 . 742 $1.50
160 130 81 106 735 $1.50 -
Mr. and Mrs/ Chas. ‘ Boulding of
Regina are visiting at Mr. Ernest
Ackert’s at present. . ,
Mr. and Mrs. George Dicks and
family, who has been employed at
Mr. Ernest Ackert’s "Tor the past
* summer, returned to Tar^this week.
Dr. Johnston made his last visit
to the school on Tuesday. for- the in
oculation for diphtheria. ;
Mr, and Mrs. Wm, Eadie and
,family and ; Mr. Graham Pinkney,
spent Sunday at Mi's. Rachel Cup
\ ■■/ bert’s. '
\ Mrs. Jas. Colwell from the West
/ Kas been visiting at Mr. John . Col-
7 WelPs recently. 7/ ” “/
Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Ackert and
.. family, Mr. .and Mrs. Chas. Bohld-
■, and Mrs- Aimer Ackert and
Jack spent Sunday at Mr. Chas. Con
(Miss Winnifred Acketft, Mrs.
Chas. Boulding and Mrs. Ernest
Ackert were the guests of Mrs. New-
• ton of Lucknow on Monday evening.
/ Mr, .and Mrs. Joe Scarrow of Tara
were. week-end guests at Mr. and
a patient in the Wingham Hospital
for the .past ’week, underwent a
minor operation on Saturday.
Colorful decorations in . keeping
with the occasion added a festive air
to the Hallowe’en social held under
the auspices of the Young People’s.
caused much merriment. Prizes in
the different classes were awarded,
to Mrs. Wrightj impersonating a;
ghost, May McDonald and. Mrs. Jan-
Miller dressed as a young "lady. An
interesting program of grimes and
contests was carried* out under- the
direction of Ruth Ramage.
. With the Christian Fellowship
committee' in charge, the meeting
of the Y. P. U. wg!s held on Sunday
evening. Mr. Ted Rice read. the.
Scripture and Iona Swan. . the~BiblF
character; The topic **Is Christian-
Tty /dhrisMan”’,^w^s^takS’ .b^T7Ifr?
Stanley Todd. The report of the
nominating committee, composed of,
’Rev. H. M. Wright, Mesdames W I.
Miller and Frank Todd, Messrs,.:
Stanley Todd and W. A. Miller was
presented by the foriher and accept
ed by the class./ The following are
the officers for the new ye/ir. Pres.—•
Stahley . Todd; Vice-pres.—Wallace.
Miller; Secretary—^Dorothy Mjiller; •
/Earl jp ur-n in; ~TA^-t?r~ITfeasuyer-r-/
. b , ■■ 2 ' ■"
. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs.
William Stanley on the arrival of a
riice baby girl .on Sunday, . Oct. 27.
Mrs. Wm. Stanley and daughter,
Miss'Ada Stanley, R.N. of Kincar-,
dine . are visitors with Mr. Alex
Mrs. McConnell* of near Kincardine
is- at present nutsing Mrs, .Will;
Stanley./ v
George and Rae Stanley are visit
ing with their grandfather, Mr.
Geo. Thompson of Kinlough.
Mr. Robert Reid *is building an
addition to his barn.
Mr. and Mrs. Albert Cook and
Viola— sp^n||—thq -week-end -~with
friends in' Collingwood. ’
Fellowship cbm.—Ruth’ Ramage;’ As
sistant— Isobel? Miller; Con. Chris
tian Citizenship Com.—Cuyler Ram-?
age; Assistant,- Murray Taylor; Con
vener Missionary Com.—Mrs. Gor
don; Assistant, Mary Irw’in;. Con.
Christian Culture Com.—Mrs. Lome-
Woods; , Assistant —Dome Woods;
Con/ Recreational Com.—Ted Rice;
Assistant—Dick Weatherhead; F;an-
ist—Mrs. Ted Rice; Assistant—Lila
DANCE ip> Paramount, on ’Friday,
Nov. ,8th. Music by Hogan’s Orches
tra. Admission, Ladies 9c plus tax;
Gents 25c plus tax. Booth. Every
body welcome*?
•Childreri’sAvarm fleecy; Undergar
ment^ in separate or-Combination,—
. Cheques issued—L. Thacker, sheep
claim $8.00; D. McDonald,, inspection
$1.20; Levi Boyle, sheep claim $7.00;*
Mark Johnston, inspection $1.10;
Richard /[Elliott^.. seleetipg jurors,
$4,667 “Dan Cassidy/ Selecting jurofs
$4.00; J/R-. Lane, selecting jurors,
$4.00; John Thompson,, work on B.“
C. Ext. $3.50; Fred work
<>n B. C'. Ext. and 2 posts $1.75; H.
A. Graham, tVork on B, G Ext. and
4 plank $2.00; Bert/McLean, relief-
supplies $8.18; J. E. Agnew, • pre
mium on ’Collector’s Bond $14.00; A.
E. Thompson, caretaking $3.00.
Pay list 92 $14.32; Wm- McKenzie,
P.L. 93, $8.50; J. F. Dawson, P.L.
94 $15.05; E. Ackert, P.L. 95, $50,754
Sam Nesbitt, P.L. 96, $23.65; W. J.
McNall, P.L.^ 97 $39.02; ■ Kenneth’
Gpllan, P.L. 98, $11.90; Ed. James,
P.L. 99, $20.00; Alex MacLeod, P.L.
100; $23.80; * Whit. Scott,, P.L. 101,
$0.00; Miss; S. Pur.vis, P.L. 102, $3.00
. , ’ "J. R. LANE, Clerk
' 9
Friday, Nov■ ’15 to CHICAGO $8°°
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■ Port Huron , $2.55 Windsor t ?
■ Flint ■/ '■ ■ $3.90 ...and.
Durand . . $4.25 Detroit - -3"7U
Equally low fares from all adjacent C.N.R. Stations
• ■„
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ALWAYS USE CANADIAN NATIONAL TELEGRAPHS rmc--------------------■■■■■■■ ----------—-------------------------(----------e
■/-,.... ■■
The Dunnyille Chronicle .. in the
following -article ably deals with
“free publicity” a problem faced by
every. Weekly newspaper.
‘[•There are a few people in every...
community who have the wrong
slant on the mission of a newspaper
They do uot realize that it is a bus
iness proposition, just the same as
-a-iiy; -(Yttier industry lir a -community.,,.
.even..enough its -stock in- trade -is
Hur^on County championship com
petitions in public .speaking, reciting
and spelling were held in Clinton on ,.«r ’ . ■ - ‘Saturday. . In the public speaking,
2nd place went. to, Anetta Stewart,/
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wm.
Stewart, Dungannon. Anetta was
champion at St,. Helens’ fair. Homer
Dornin, winner at Ashfield fair, was
also a contestant.
new supply *of underwear at PEARL
MAN’S. They are made by leading
makers, some , of ■ which are Sthn-
field’s,. Penman’s and Lenards. 1
' (' November 2, 1935.
The Commissioners met in »the
Secretary’s Office Qn the-above men-
tioned date, at 2.30 p.m .-.with Neil
MacKay, president in the. chair.
Members, present were John. W.
champion “and a pupil of Miss Olive
Farrier at DuPgannon school, , had
little difficulty in winning the reci
tation. competition. Evelyn Little of
Ashfield took part in the competition
■ ’ also,.strings io our ;pt>w, and no one <>i‘ . . . .
■ Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Gillespie and
family moved last week to Dungan
non. ’
■ •> _ ■ , ' 1 . .
Mfi. Eddie Moore has rented Mr.
Joe - Holme’s farm and will move
there in the spring.
|Migs Myrtle Beecroft underwent
a serious . operation in Toronto last
Wednesday. We hope she will soon
be well again.
Mrs. D. Patterson of Lucknow is
visiting Misses Annie and-Ida Me:
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Newman and
family of Hamilton ate moving this,
week to? Mt. Ben' Naylor’s and' will
assist him on the farffi. We welcome
them back to our community;
Mr. and M/&. 'Wm. Dow of Bruce-
fleld tailed on relatives one day last,
week. Mr. John- .Clubb returned home
from St. Marys with them. ' ■ |i
The Langside W.M.S. thankoffet-
ihg was held last Thursday at - the
home of^Mrs. John Richardson’s and
a number from here ^attended.
The Nile young people «put on
their play in the >srInstitute hal,l last
Home Place.” -It caused niffch laugh?
ter and was efijbyed by all.
A number from here- attended the
ghters at JSt Catherines And Tor- enbhag/ tournament iff Wingham
West Wawanosh Council
Mrs. Clarence Farrow’s.
_•■ Miss Vera Rivett i8 visiting with
her aunt, Mrs. John Rivett. We are
sorry to say little Edna, 10 months
old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John
Rivett has been ill with bronchial
We hope .she will bepneumonia,
better soon.
Mr. and Mrs.* Matt. Shackleton
spqpt last week with . friends at
foodstock. | /
Mr. and Mrs. John Kilpatrick and
children Visited, the lady’s sister,
Mrs. Cecil Wheeler at Belgrave on
-Tuesday. / ■ n
, > Messrs. -Harold and Cecil Blake
, spent tlm? we^^^
Tofon^o. They wdre accompanied
home By their mother, who , had
spent the pastmpnth witluhel da.U“
The Wlast Wawanosh township
council held the regular meeting
on October 15th, with all the memr
bers present. The minutes of last
meeting wei/e read and accepted . on
motion of Councillors McQuillin and
Smyth. The Contractor’s time for
the ’ completion of the work on the
Girvin Drain was extended to Nov.
1st.- The by-law fixing the date for
the Nomination on “November 22nd,
and the date , for the election J on
December 2nd, was passed on mo
tion of Councillors Gammie and Ait-
chison. The different rates on .the
-dollar for 1935. are as follows:—
County rate, .0038, Township rate,
.0025, Highway rate, .0028, General
school rate .0032' Dungannon Hydro
.0022, Police Village .01v» Accounts
passed for payment are as follows:
XL Thomson, sheep.inspection $7.50-
Thos. Webster,- sheep claim $61.00;
Judge Costbllo, Court of .Revision,
$$*80; J- W. Joyn't, sheep claim,
$22.00; Signal Printing Co., $35.00;
Thos. Dickson, Girvin Drain $185.00;
W."H. Jansbn, J. B. Young Drain,
$444.95; Goderich Star $3.00; Mun
icipal World, supplies $1.64; (|
The council adjourhqd to 'meet
November 12th at 1.30 p.m. /
\..... DURNIN PHILLIPS, Clerk,
Colwell and Dan D. McDonald.
' Moved by John W. Colwell/ sec
onded by Neil MacKay that-the min
utes of last meeting be ^adopted a3
read. (carried) .^ ___
Moved by Dan D. McDonald, sec
onded by John W. Colwell- that, the
following accounts, be paid: Francis
Gemmell, work on lines $28.10,
$27.00; Use of car $15.60,..$15.00;
Harold Emmerton, work on “lines.
$27,0Q', $27.00; Do.ndld Matheson,
work on lines $22.00,* $16.00 f Gordon
Gemmell,, work on lines $19.00, $16.;
Joe Morgan, work on* line’s, $7.0.0;,.
Duncan . D. McLeod, work On lines,
$7.00; D; M. Matheson, , work ~on lines
$5.00; ’ Kenneth McKay, work bn
lines $7.; Stromberg Carlson, Mdse.,
$17532; Ripley Hydro System $5.87
Northern' Electric Co., Ltd,, Mdse;,
'elephones and$15.25; Canadian T<
Supplies, Mds., $16.00;?. Bell Tele
phone Co/ tolls $73.30; H.-H. ’Mit
chell, freight & cartage, $7.,85, $3.92;.
Archie McFarlane’, poles $207.30'; S.
^[. Colwell, poles $41.50; . Controller
of ’ National ? Revenue, /ax: $22.01; R.
j. Lovell &, Company Limited, Led
ger, etc. ffor Central $15.94; Bill
McLean, trucking polos $24.50;. Matt.
Gemtnell, salary $101.25; Operation
$40.00;* W. J. Lane, salary, etc.
$135.30. (Carried.). „ ■/
Mtfved by John W* Colwell, sec
onded by Dari J)., McDonald that tfie
secretary render, account for one
half coslt of hlqviug lines for County
Highways amounting in All to $233.;
County’s ^hare $116.50? (Carried.)
•Meeting then, adjourned to meet
again, 'December ,7tk, 1935, at the.
usual hour* and-placet »
. Se;cr„eiary.,t ..s.g11?L;
fnas'fiuu^eii ‘ upuer its '“wot ra plant
uiut cosl approximately $2U,uuu, and
me, stan that operate it are paid
wages that will compare favorably
witii Loose of any other manuiac- uurmg ■ puAistry. i’here are three
- MA. ■ ,4 ry'—■ •’ J- —■— --- -- - . «»
two of them wduid. be adequate to] Kenneth Gauley of. Dungannon
Keep the business a going concern - - • - - -
—it takes the combined earnings 01
aid bvauicnes^—subscriptions,
advertising and job. printing. The
most expensive end 01 ‘ the . business
*s that which is operated to produce
me newspaper—or, in other words,
to produce publicity. No other 'busi
ness givessomuch grhtis to its
community as the press.' it; supports
the Town Council (m making effec
tive by-laws that are passed to. ’re
gulate civic life—it promotes every
effort to make a /town attractive to
live i-n and to makh the citizens
comi’or/tablei arid happy—it. lpyally
stippbfth all “ “philanthropies'; ~ thdser-
who are doing • something for the
underprivileged in life, such as 0 the
Lions Cluhi,, Women’s institute,
Daughters of the Empire, Hospital
and its Auxiliary, the Churches,
Legion arid its Auxiliary, the various
lodge fraterhar Societies, the Public
Library* the. Horticultural. Society,
"the Retail Merchants’.-Association,
our industries, in .fact every.organ-
izatipn whose mission is to keep Our
town progressive and up-to date.
Not only does. the paper give gen
erously'! of its" space free of charge
in a general way, but the staff lend,
financial support also. . Yet there are-
some who apparently think the col
umns of the paper should be of|en
to free space in boosting specific
events' or attractions. The' hard and
fast rule of all newspapers is that
publicity for" attractions out . of
which money is to be made, direct
ly or indirectly, by, an Admission
charge or collection, . must be paid
for. Committees mfght just as well
walk into a factory, a- grocery store
or a gents’ furnishing store,, and
ask for two dr three dollars’ worth
of goods off* the shelves—as ask the
newspaper for free publicity that
costs several hundred dollars each
week to produce. 'We would remind
the 4 public that besides ■ the wage
bill, there enters into the cost . of
production of even a huihble weekly
newspaper, the • cost of the plant,
light, heat, power, telephone, tele
graph, governmental and civM taxes,
repajrs. maintenance, Officd' expense*
and a hundred others. Perhaps this
angle .hasn’t been considered^ by
.astonished when the editor, who with
his staff pay their .obligations the
same as other citizens, asks pay
ment for ’kvhat; he has invested ^0
much, money to be in a position to ^aken
was fourth,in a, class of 14 in the
spelling match, in which' Bertram
CuFraJn and Howard Martin of Ash
field and - Wawanosh, also competed
A pretty wedding was solemnized
on Saturday afternoon’, November
2nd, at the residence of Rev. C. C.
Kaine, Goderich (Street, Seaforth,
when—r Margaret;-—Maria- Durnim
daughter of Mr.. John Durnin and
the late Mrs. Durnin of Dungannon,
was united in marriage to Joseph
McNevin of Goderich. Rev. G. ’ C.
Kaine performed the ceremonyin
the parlor beneath a white cilia lily ‘
bellj suspended tfrom fl beautifully
decorated arch. The bride wore a
handsome navy beaded gown with
hat and coat to malch. Following!
the ceremony Mr. and Mrs. McNevin
inotored to London and other cities.
Th£y will reside in Goderich.
A jury verdict of guilty of crim
inal negligence Resulted in Melville
iSmith. of Owen Sound being senten
ced last week in Walkerton by Jus
tice. Kelly to one year in the Ontario
The-charge followed the death, of
Miss Arinie Sparks who was struck
down by a car -arid almost'instantly
killed on May 7th near Port Elgin.
A broken headlight found at the
scene of the accident 'was the dun
leading' to Smith’s arrest in Owen .
Sound two days iftter. The victim
of the accident-. Was a cousin of
Mrs. Clarence Murdie.. ’ ■ .<-
• Smpth had several prominent
pwen Sound residents give charac
ter evidence dn his behalf and when
tefttence was passed he' was, visibly