The Lucknow Sentinel, 1935-10-31, Page 5THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL HYAL lOHMNV TOHlf, „ Home Remedies “X for 1” Toiletries V 15c • • fZSc-bex- - 9 45c I • s is N.B.Q. TABLETS ■•25c Absorbent Cotton ........ 15c Gauze Bandage. 2 in. x !0 yds.. . 10c Gauze'Bandage, 1 in. x 10 yds.. 20c Absorbent Gauze; I yd. ....... 15c Adhesive, I in«x I yd............... 20c Adhesive */s in. x 2>/_, yds........ “S>r<TXf^r’Bat'h"'CTy ■50c Bcaujy Balm. iti.. c tor am; ;,5J).c.Uiu;uiLlx%J5al-m^i3»-^Lj^4^>,0c— 50c Beauty Balm, Br,..2 far'50c BABY SPECIALS l?;i.l»y Cough Syrup • ......... *2J«,r Unity Laxative ........ 2Wr 25<-.'T<.'ct-hing Lotion ..........i. 2pl'i»r 2?»<*’Nva,l Baby Fonder .. .,........ 2 lor lilt* Black hand Nipples .....;.......2 l.oV life NitfsttH: Bottle . .................. . 2 lor Tonic Rich ip j Vitamins ' .. No Oily 1 \ Taste $1 bottle Nyal Quality Drug store PYLORA Tooth Powder An Antiseptic .Cleansing Ttfoth Powder . 50c Nysis Tar Shompoo ..............2 for 5f)c 50c Brillian.t Lilac. Hair.Oil ....2 for. 50c 50c Milk of .Magnesia Tooth Paste,2 for'SOc • 25c .Milk of Magnesia Tooth P«p>te 2 for'25c 25c Nyseptol. Tooth I’asl.e.......... ...?2 fdr .25c —50c—BrilHant'i iie^^Solkh-;m<l"LfqtThl7?2~for“5Qc ' 50c t-'oeoanut (lil Sh:imp6o _____~;2 feir 50c ! <IU !’hS:VrlJa! 5.W, L'i-eani...e^r^ferJJLlH 25c l ootli Taste, W intergreen.......:1 .for 25c V-8 Shaving Cream . A Brushless- Cream of Exceptional --------Merit------ You Will Like II / '35c lube 2'"’ 35c NYAL CORN REMQVER ' Krnioves . — Corns-nr— I '.illinises Stop* Pain •it tlnee < 2 >c Iwllle • A fol’ (>0c Hirsiitone ..... 1.00 Hirsutone .... 25c Face Powder, 2 shades.................. . ,50c (Juiifine.and- Sage' "• /..,__'lionieg.'/„, Thirty-Five Shaving Specials- Shaxing t ream 2 for 3.1c .Shaving laitiim '. 35c . 2 for 35c Tnlrum .Ppwtlvr 33*. '• X fhr .i»e -9 Medicine Cabinet Specials 20c.Aiomatir Spirits of Ammonia 25c Castor,Oil, Tustglcs-s ........................... 25c .('ompound Licorice Powder 25c Aromatic Cascara. 2'/j pz, ...........-.. , 20c Boric Acid (Sifter Tip) ...... 2~>c Ca m phorated (>iI, 2 oz. .......... —-rinCjisbm Salts, I'C oz. ................................ 25c Flaxseetl. tVliple ...................... - - ■1 ■1 •' '.vtin';i.'ur<•/ 50c Ail Pur. Cream..... 2 for 50c 25c Tooth Paste, Mint 2’for 25c 50c Njsis Wave .'jet..'.'?• for 50c 50c Witch Hazel. Cr. 2: for .’>()<■ .■* 50c -N'vsis Bath Crvs.,.2 for 50c ^s<r<rN'yR'i'rB^^ 50c Bca_u(y Balm. I fl. .2 for 50<; STATIONERY at‘2 for 1’ Dtiub.ir Flat Pujicr J for <>>c, Dtinliur Envelopes ............ .....>.............. .2 for 30c Siiinlcluire Pajjetrieti. Linen and Kid.Finish 2 for 50c 1 jl<4£ame.sa^J2axe-tries^Liiieiiuin<UKjd. —— Finish ..... ;...................... ;....:2 fol- 75c ■■ WamcUflc-ttapotidesi-tdM!' 'nwiHWd’iTwisir^-Jor'lSi.O ' .............. ' ...................... ’PHONE - - LUCKNOW CENTRAL ..2 for 20c . ..2 for 25c >5>-~f(>r 25c ’ .,2 for 25c ..2 for. 20c,,. JJ.JL<i[L24eJ- ,.2. for 25c -2 for 25c ./S./tw 25c V ,.2. for '25c . 2 for 25<- 2 for ?0c . 2 for 25c ' 2 for 25c fol 25c for .25c fol 25c for 25c Finish ..............'..................... for 15c Glenalda Pad, Linen and Kid Finish, - ■r Lillies'Leiter Size.................. :..„?' for 25c G.lenaIda Pad. Linen.and Kid Finish, Leiter Size ..................... l..>....i.,.2 for 30c Clen-alda Portfolios, Linen And Kid Finish....2 for ,,....-.2 fur 60c ...,>..2 for 1.00 ......2 for 25c ...............................TmT2--f or—5 0c«=- 7,5c Quinine •Hiiij Tonic .'.........'........,2 fo.r 75c ■-50c-Face~erea*m’^^.'7jr2^o"f’50c*"' 2' for 25c ... 2 for. 25c ...2 for 25c ■ 2 for 40c ■ „..2Xor 1.00 ,.*..2, for 25c ' „i'.2'for 50c ...2 for 50c ..2 Sic ..,2 for .5.0c iZ.fur 25c... ...;2 for 50c ... 2 for l.00 .. .2 for 60c ...\2 for .1.00 ...2 for 2ac,' .-------------------------2 for 40c 75c Nycctal-Tabs. -for 75c . ,AOc. ^ectofie„„..,„.„..,2 for 50c; .. 5.0c- Sor-bo Linimentv;r-2—for.: SOf-Vr L:..;...r.7t7s:Tfor 1:00 85c Mineral Oil, 1'6 oZ. 2 for 85c 1.30 Mineral Oil, 32 oz. 2 for 1.50 5.0c H & H Cough Syr. 2 for 50c. ’’“25c H & H Cough Syr. 2 for 25c. FIRST AID SUPPLIES 7,m* Hospital Cotton' ............." .2for7.r><* ...2 for 25t* ....2 for l.rM* ... 2 for’I Or .2 for 20c ...2 for 15c ...2 fof 20c 25c Boric Acid Oint. .Tubes THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 31 & • I A, « ‘ PAGE Fltl r 4 LANGSIDE .. The Ny at Company and hundreds of Nyal Drug Stores co-operate with us „ to give you .Nyal Home. * Remedies,'Toiletries arid; Drug Necessities at half the regular price^pUrely an advertising sa!e---YoU buy one. item on; the* sale> ''we' give you another pF the sAme kind'or the* same price . f _, " ' ** -' " ■ . ' Absolutely Free ______ CF-i outline jLk \rmkmw DALON AT “2 FOR 75e NOURISHING CREAM. Firms and Strengthens Facial Muscles 2 for 75c 75e FOUNDATION CREAM. A perfect base for fcwder............ .....2 for 75c 75e FACE POWDER. Fine, but veryJ adherent .................. ;.2 for 75c 75c FACIAL FRESHENER, Facial . tonic and astringent lotion*............2 for 75c 75c CLEANSING CREAM. A deep pore ................. 2~f or '75F~ .2 for 35c35c TALCUM POWDER ........... . .1.00 DUSTING POWDER. With a large Powder Puff ....................................'...2 for 1.00 nyal" Cod . Liver Oil • (Mint Flavored) . ■ A Food. Nyal Milk of Magnesia ' (Mint. Flavored) ' ..Very. ' Pleasant to take Children Like It 50c bottle g for, . 50 c I ! 1I1M11V 50c tin NYAL Antacid £ |anw ... Powder Relieves . ' Acid Stomach Jndigestiop .' Dyspepsia 50c box M2 "50c II' .. J HICK. OF FUCiNCSIA ■ SUNDRIES AT a2 FOR 1” 1.75 Nimrod. Hot Water Bottles,....“..2 for 1.75 1.25'Nycest Hot Wat0r Bottles.........2 for 1.25 2.00 Windsor Douche Syringe /..^Jor 2.00 2.00 Fountain Syringe for 2.00 45c Nynaps Sanitary Pads ....... ...2 for 45c =ra2we-*ltoyraFWindsor’:T0ot'h"’1Br0Sh*, - 25c DeLuft? Tftftth Brush Holder both for 25c ’"AYagh’t'lot hs(CeirophWedT 2 in package NYAD Health Soap BROMIDE QUININE TABLETS ■ S'Vi’Si..wa COLOT. HCAOACHC, camt • •*4 NUJUALGIA A Laxative cold TABU! CULROSS CORNERS and Mrs. Jno. Tsaylor visited Mrs.’ W. Hodgins on Tuesday. ' Mr* and Mrs. Joe Hannah returned home from a few days visit at Tor­ onto. Mr? Earle Hodgins and Mrs. Joe Hodgins Visited Mrs. Thos,.' Emery last wriek. Mrs^ Hodgins is spending the winter.there with her daughter. Mr. Norman Ross was rushed to Wingham hospital early Friday morning and underwent, an opera- . tion for appendicitis* We are glad to say he is doing nicely; / and Mrs. Jas. Wraith anti Ger­ tie spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. jGrbrdon Stobo. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Edgar and Harry ■ Je’witt visited at Stratford recently. Miss Alice Wall spent a few days with Mrs* Howard Haldenby. Mrs. Dan MacKerizie visited her — ..sisterrMrs.EarleHodginslastweek1 - Miss Verna Wall spent Thanksgiv­ ing under the parental roof. Miss Mabel. Ross spent Sunday at the hottie of heir parents^^Mr» ■ Mrs. Jno. Ross.■ ff and What—-Joist One Case? Newspaper headline reads; ‘Clean Up Labatt Case.” Any* tiitte CrOWh Attorney Norman Newton wants a case Of LfibaWs "cdfeanod “To HOLDTITE Dental Plate Powder Holds /Dental Platefl Firmly in the Mouth 50c'tin 2'50c "Sotomf PBMtAi 1*. NYSIS Almond and Cucumber Cream Keeps Face . and Hands Smooth and Soft , 50c'hottie ‘ . 2 50c X 'I firsts i y •m •y«r jj DALQN Dusting Powder Contains Also a Largo. Powder Puff ‘ $1.00 box - 2 $1 PAR Shaving Specials . '50c Shaving Cream 2 for 50c. 50c Shaving Lotion 2.for 50c : 25c'5 Styptic Pencil 2 for 25c . NYAL .Kleer-A-H®d . f • . ’ Head Colds' 'and Nasal ‘Catarrh 50c bottle ifj'for — — M MUAIANJ | NYSIS Lotion JR Soothing 2 50c Soothing ' Healing 25c bottle 2 fw 25c | 7 50c bottle * 1 ' 2 for 50c NYSIS ■y?f MURIEL ASTOR 35c Analgesic' Balm... 25c A B S & C Tabs. 25c Arom, Caacara ... 50c Arom.',.Cascara...... .. ( '25c~B!auds CoimpTPiiis’Tfor 25c”’ 1.00 Beef, iron & Wine 2 for ,1.00 —2r>c Carbolic Salve;... “ * ’ — '50c Cold'Capsules .... 25c Group. .Syrup ...; 50c Dyspepsia Tabs. . 50c Eczema- Lotion-.. 50c Eczema -Oint........ . 25c Figsen ...... 50c Fig Syrup .......... 50c Foot Balm .......... 25c Huskeys ............. 25c Klenem ............... 35c Menthol Balm .... - '35c' Nasal Drops ..... 25c Nyalpids ............ 50c. Nyseptol, 8 pz...... 1.00 Nyseptol, 16 oz, 25c Pinol Cough Syr. 50c Pino)' Cough Syr.. l.OO Nykaline, ,20 pz. 50c l^ykaiine, 8 oz..... 50c IVorm Powders... ;.-2-fdr-25c... ..2 for 50c ..2 for 25c ..2 for 50c ..2 for 50c ..2 for 50c .2 for 25c ..2 for 50c .,2 for 50c ,.?.• for 25c i2 for 25c ,.2 for;, 35c .2- for_-35c ’' .2 for 25c .2 for 50c . 2 for 1.00 .2 for 25c .2 for 50c. . 2 for 1.00 ... ..........2 for 50c 50c ‘White Liniment......2 for 50c 50c WormPtfwders77572for750c ■ ‘ aO'c Worm Syrup ........2' for; 50c LOO Cod Liver Oil Stand..'.........................,..2 for 1.00 . 15c Soda Mint Tablet?-? for 15c , - . -- --------- -.—. -— ---.*, ..50c-,Gascara-Sagrad:a»*Tabs^5“gr.K'2-for’50c"~ 15c Chlofate of Potash Tabfl- .. ” -4.00 God4Jver~Oil~T-ajilet8V;;“.-~. 50c Emulsion Cod Liver, Oil.......... l'.OO Emulsion Cod Liver Oil......;.... 50c Ephedrine Cough Syruh........... 1.00 Tasty Ex'L Cod -Liver ............... 25c Headache.& Neuralgia Tabs. 25c Milk of Magnesia .Tabs. ...... I'.'OO Nutritive Hypophosphites .... . 50c Neuro-Tonic Tablets ................ 75c Nyalyptu’s Cough Syrup...... 35c Nyalyplus Cough Syrup • '’25c"Nycetsrt" •Compound -Tabs...'........ ... ___ 1.00'Rheiftnatic Reipedy, Largo»....2 forv1.00 30c Saccharin Tabs., '/j' gr...:......-...2 32; 40c Saccharin, Tabs., 1 gr.../. “ * 25c Stomach and Livgr 'Pills.. L00 Strengthening Tonic,..'......' 1.00 Stone Root Compound'..;.,............. ........ 25c Vegetable, Laxative Tablets....2-for' 25c1 . 25c Syrup. White “Pine. fi ^Tar. ~>0c ~Sy rti p White TSnei .AlTar- 50c Milk of Magnesia,|16 oz.;...,______ “~75?“5TiIle;dr~Magnesia,”3? oz..........2 for 75c 1.00 Halibut Liver Oil..Capsules., .2 forl.00 1.00 Halibut Liver Oil Caps, Fort. 2 .for 1.00 Cocoa nut & Almond Soap........4 for ^lc 25c Boric Acid Oint. .Tubes ......2 for 25c • 50c Blauds Laxative Iron -Tabn.,...2for 50c ~ ■- —• - * - . 15c Chfor'ate of Potash Tabs'. ....2 for 15c .. ___ _______zg2-for“l“00;'f l.OOComp. Syrup Hypophosphites 2 for 1.00 . '■*••• .... . 2 for 50c ...2 for 1.00 ...2 for 50c ..,.? for 1.00 .* 2 for 25c ...2 for 25c ;.2 for 1.00 ..■.2 for 50c ...2 for 75c !„2 for 35c ~2T^25^“ * ■ ) ...2 for 30c ...2 for'40c i..2 for 25c ...2 for 1.00 • <■■2 for.'l.OO' ut„12.'fpr _25.c. ......2..for 50c :... ......2 _tort_ 5.0 c™. 25c Cascara Laxatives 2 fur 25c ,25c Castor Oil, Tasty..?, for 25c -™54>c"-€atarrhirl"Bal'ffi^;;2~fB^50c’" 1.00 Celery Nervine,,......2 for..kb0— -■':25c7;iEirerry_Cough''Syr^2Tf6r725c^ 25c Char. Lozenges... 25c Chocolax .......... ,25c Cold Sore-Lot ion. , • 40c Creside ...... 1.00 Digestive Tonic 25c Earache'Drops . ,. ’50c Ephedrine Jelly..'. 50c Eye. Drops ....... ............... 50c Furniture -Polish..,.2 for 50c 50c- Handy Oint.'..... , 25c Healipg .Salve,.;,; 5'0c kidnev Pills ?............ ....___ . 25c Little Liver. Pills....2 for 25c 1.00 Nyagar.....| «4>0C Fizj Salts ....... 'f.00 Fizz Salts ........ 25c .Nycetal Tabs. ■ 40c Nycetal Tabs. . . 50c Jlectone __1 J)0-So r-bo—Li nri mefft" 50c BRILLIANTINE ..............'.....'.....L ‘ 50c CAMPHOR ICE SKIN CREAM 2 for 50c 50c CLEANSING CREAM " ' 50c COCOA BUTTER NIGHT CREAM ....... 50c- COLD CREAM ............s. 50c DEEP PORE CLEANSER ... 50c FACE POWDER, ^shades ... —.50c. -R0UG.E/r4-shadfcs-^~^-T:ariz: 35c LIPSTICK. 3 shades ^... ...... _5OC \’ANLSHING-CREAM 50c WAVE SET-i................... . 25c TALCUM POWDER .............. 1.00 DUSTING POWDER ............. CLEANSING CREAM Whit< Bronchitis '? Mixture CCTp--;— ___ .. II; ../•Iv.rAZ.-,. [’'WHITE BfiONCHITI5 • i MIXTURE .2 for 50c .....2 for 50c .....2 for 5.6c for 50c .....2 for 50c ......2 for 50c VT? for'SOc ,?^-for45c .....2 for 50c 2 for 50c ....2 for 25c ....2 for 1.00 Iodized Throat Gargle For Tonsillitis and Simple Sore Throal ’I' r . 1- Preterits ‘tofrcildh....... 25c bottle. 2 25c “■ For the, Relief ofi -, Coughs Due to Colds . 50c bottle. ‘ !• 2” 50C r SUNDRIES AT u2 FOR 1” ’ ■■ v ,50c Nyseptol Tooth-Brush ... 75t Nylo Playing Cards 5e Nv.cest J-cad .Pencils”....’. 35c Dressing Combs ...z.v. -25-c’lt>roiT^-'Cm)Ti>s'-77r^ '2’()c Pocket Combs ....;........ 15c Bobbie Combs ............. NYAL ’ LAXACOLD TABLETS NYAL Vaporizing SALVE NYAL EAS’EM Kvlhn v*» ■ Timl/ Biirnliv I BOUNDARY WEST Messrs. Wellington Web«ter and Eddie Johnston have completed a successful threshing season on Sat­ urday last. Miss Myrlte Webster of. Wellesley .spent Thanksgiving and the week-end at the home of her patents, Mr. and. Mrs. Jas. Webster, AShficld. Mrs. Russel McMullen' and, Mrs., Fred McMullen and Miss Bertha Mc­ Mullen of Toronto, spent the holiday and week-end with Mr. and Mrs, Dan Nicholson. Mr, Cecil Webster and Miss, Verna Quinney of London spent Thrinksgiv< ing at the home of the former’s par- entf, M1*- aftd Mrs. Jas. T. Webster. ^MiSS' Ruby Reid is at present as­ sisting' Mrs. Eddie Johnston. Mr., and Mrs. Ed*. Merner^ Mt., R. G. Reid and Misse's Maggie and Luc­ inda Reid of Bayfield, spent Sunday With Mr. and Mrs.- Jas. T. Webster ajjd family. Miss Lucinda -Reid re­ mained to spend the wdek with her sister. PURPLE GROVE ■ Mr. and Mrs. James,Pollock visited at Mr. Clarence Campbell's on * Sat­ urday. Mrs. Frank Johnston visited' at Mr. Albert Scott’s recently. . Mr. and Mrs. George Colw.ell and- babe spent Sunday at Mr. Charlesbabe spent Sunday at Mr. Collin's. A large number attended eral of Mr., Sant Hildred on Miss* Lcnore McDonald home from Mr. James Nesbit’s7.. ° Mr., and Mrs. Milton Walsh and family attended a fowl dinner at Mr. Clayton’s, of Glarnis recently. . Mr. Ralph. Nixon ’is visiting with his daughter, Mrk. Jack Emerson. Congratulations to Mr. arid Mrs. Charles Shier, who were- ’united in marriage, last Saturday; MC and Mrs. Sam Emerson and children and Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Emerson spent last Sunday at Mr. Angus .Graham’s,, at Lucknow;^' the fun, Sunday, returned HON. JAMES MALCOLM ---------MA Y-Gf>~T0 AVA^HINGT-OK Chain > letters are flying ar.ound. Who has got one ?' ’• ' wants a case oi junoaivs cieaneu Mi*, and'MftS» Albert Cook< ^0^a. I 7 Trade1 aiid ( ’•Up” Wil find plenty of people Wil- aftd Viola spent Saturday/Tn Klncar-1 candidate i« th lifig to”'help.'^UhOsiey HfiWfprise. dine. IJon. James Malcolpi of Kincardine may bq offered the post* of Canadian ^Minister to Washington,v according .to William MarchiiT^ton, Ottawa- cor­ respondent for .the Toronto Grlobe/, Should he accept the post, he'would* succeed W. D. ji-ljefridge, hfother-in- llaw.O’f former Rrime Minister’ R. B7 :’f?enfteit, who resigned shortly after 'the Bennett Government went down. Ito defeat ori October 14. . ,. ./ f Mr.'MnlCOlnL'ii former Minister of'Trade* and Commerce; was .not .‘a . ....... .... ..vis efectibfi on, account - ’ .of the condition''’of-his health, ’ % ASHFIELD NOTES r ' ■ • Mr. and Mt's. Jos., Tiffin of Lang* sidn -visited with Mr, and Mrs. Jake Hunter on Sunday. PARAMOUNT Mr. and Mrs. Alex Purdon, Athole and JWiss Agn.es McKay of White- Church, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. George Tiffin*. Mrs. R. Stuart; yelma, Eileen arifc Donald spent Sunday at the home of Miss Ten a Laidlaw. , . . —- Mr.' and Mrs. George Harkness and 11. . - . Reeba spent Sunday with Mi> and Mrs'. R. Tiffin, . Mrs.. Don Cameron, formerly Misa , » Eva. Morrison, of New Ybrk, spent • last week With her parents,^Mr and * • j^frs; J. B. Morrison. < ■/ Mr; George Wraith of Wingharii, visited with Mr. and Mrs. Walter? . Scott recently? ' . Mr. Graharn Pinkney, teacher S. S ■ ■’ Ijf ■ , •No. 8, spent Thanksgiving at his home near Walkerton. Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Morrison and Mrs, Don. Cameron spent Sundayin Mildmay at the home of Mr, and Mrs. Lenahan. Mr, and Mrs. Joe Tiffin spent Sun- day at the home of .Mr. and Mrs.-Ek mer Alton of Ashfield. The dance Which was to have been held last Friday night in the Insti­ tute Hall was postponed an account ef-thp'"illness“of''the7 late“Mf r"Ge3^ge~^ ™-—~ McQuoid..: However the play- put on by Dungannon young folk will be given this Friday nightf Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Taylor spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Archie Patterson, . Mrs. Albert .Taylor, and daughter Eleanor of Whitechurch spent last - week with the former’s parents, |Mr and Mrs. J. B. Morrison. WHITECHURCH Miss Kate Ross went to Londo* last week to have -an- X-ray taken oj her injured knee. We hope for goo<j news. j Mr. John Clubb went to St. Marys to spend a, few months with hii daughterfMrsr'Fred Harris. „QnHe a numher,_froni. here attend-* ?■ - ed' the opening of the new bridge at ;Parste-yJ''-^^r'”Xf.^'j^^rt^’®ay~^ and his gang of men did the work through the. summer. Messrs. Mac rind John Inglis, Mrs ‘ Thos. Inglis and Miss Pauline Inglis spfent Sunday at Paisley. ' Mr. Joe McCloskey and Miss Mar­ garet McCloskey and Mr. and Mrs. • Frank McCloskey of Guelph visitedf on Sunday with the latter’s brother Mr. David Kennedy and other rela tives. of Detroit, visited last week with tha latter’s sister, Mrs. David Gillies, who accompanied them back, and is spending a few weeks there. . ' Mr. Jas. Melnnes ;has Rented Mr. \ John ; Mobray’s~“fann—arid‘ ,"is~_doing fall plowing the^re. This coiftinunity was saddened on Saturday, when Mr. George McQuoid, our postmaster^ passed away, after ' 7 being seriously ill for the past two months. He leaves to mourn his loss Miss Annie McQtioid of Calgary arid Miss Ida McQuoid at home. The .fun­ eral was held on Tuesday afternoon from the Presbyterian church. ‘ In­ terment in Dungannon cemetery? The community extends the sympa­ thy to the bereaved relatives^ Miss Mrtle,Beecroft, R.N. of Conn, visiting her mother, Mrs. Beecroft .’ •v „,K MF *> Mr. Dobson, I. P. S. from Kincar- dine, visited the school last week• p Mrs. Wifi. Martin arid Goldie spent the week-end with friends at Kin­ cardine and . Pine , River. ' ■ mafeking Mr. and Mrs. Jno. McDonagh and babe. spent 'Sunday with friends at C'rcditon. • Mr.- anti Mrs. Will Helm and babe spent Thanksgiving ’.Day in Clinton. Miss Jean” Long and Miss Adri Webster were among the. many, who journey to Ottawa fo ■ attend the Teachers’ Convention last week-end. Mr. J.’J. Gilmore and1 Frances of London spent Sunday at the latter’s home. • Mrs. Iledley of Hamilton is at pre­ sent visiting with her sister, Mrs. R. Hunter. ’ • f • a ‘ ' Mr. Alex Fraser, of London visited at Less. McKeith’s a few days.-last week." • ’j ML ’ GbrdW Ri^hfc''a'rifl'“a“^oinngr -resident~-of-.7Mlo-ver- ^l-ley* •family spent .Sunday at J. Robb’s, ,wfts renewing old acquaintances here TToljZrftOd. , . recently. ' . Mr. and Mrs. Ad. MacDonald, and family frOjyh Pine- River were recent visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Cook7. The •season mount largest and' best^crowd of the was fit the dance in the Para-' hall las£ Fridy night. ML . and Mrs. Pete MacDonald from Pine River were Sunday' visi­ tors with Mr. and Mrs. Jack McIn­ tosh? ‘Mr. Lloyd MacAuley strived hottie from Auburn pn Friday night Where he has. been employed for several months. , • . , .Mr. John MacLean ,from Wihghairii Rev. Jno. Hogan pf London ’ is, ' ~ visiting »his ^brothers' at ftteS^nt. | . MACPHAIL’S MAJORITY 1486 •Sunday visitors’at Less Ritchie’s, the figures of the' Returning Of- "^re Messrs., Lattner, Willits ■ and ’ reveal that in the riding of Briber of Kitchener’ and H.ester £ ^tes Swanson of..,,Sei,nansv. Sask... ■ ••• jSeyohty-two ballots were rejected Mr. and Mrs. Jas, J.ohttann/UTleen I 1$*°44>allots vjerri - +' , ■ • > ■ w divided, as follows: ■ . Miss Macnfiftilalld'.. C1^re of. R^Gnt Sunday ,7215. Dr. Hall 5729, ■ Dr: C&tnffil- at Will Hunter^. „ ’ . • 5100., , " ■at Will Hunter^. , . r Miss .Grace Blakje of Arkona spent the week-end at her home here. / Rlake community was well repre- sented^at, Crewe Friday evening, when the play “Closed Lips’’ was ably presented by a group of ybuftg folk • . from Holmesville. ‘ ’ Miss Jean Anderson, who is atten* ding Stratford Normal, was home a ■ few days last week, the .normal stu dents having been given Friday as well as. Thanksgiving, day aS holidays----- Miss Pearl Thompson returned • last week from ’ an extended visit with relatives at Sarnia, Richatd Kilpatrick and Misses Olive Anderson and Olive Kilpatrick attended the Huron’ County., Teachers’ convention at Ottawa last Tyriek. The Excursion left . Goderich Thursday morning returning Monday evefting. Successful anniversary services were held in Biake Church Sunday, with Rev. G.. W. ToWnerid of Bel- x grave‘^pi^Miig^egfnest; YfibughTful ~ 7 sermohs. Delightful music was fum ished in the afternoon by Misses Clhire Pentland and Margaret Ryan and Mrs? Cecil .Treleaven of Dun"« ,g,annon and Mrs. Harold Treleaven, Miss Mildred Treleaven and Miss . Eunice .Newton of Lucknow and Mr. Duhcan McKay of Kiritail in the evening. 1 • . ’, Mr.' and Nerb McQnillin gntf two sobs of Lucljnow/ were Quests’ 'of Mr. arid Mr^s. Hugh Menary, Sun* ♦ <•', ........ ..................... : ..'■>---------- "■ ’ ' ~ I’ ■ 1 J