HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1935-10-24, Page 5, 1 <i x I / -■ " *• •..... I cIT PAGES FITS ‘THE LUCKNOW SENTINELTHURSDAY, OCTOBER 24th, 1935 $ • 0 ■ Why do we say The New Ford V-8 is no question about the increased driver's touch like a well-trained horse, lor 1936? * beauty of the Ford V- 8 for 1936. You don't have to ”i?ush" or “fight" the ■■ ---- ________ ■___s— ,u_ “ 7impro®«ments- fca®e freeM -made-—on terins of .good understanding with — Of course, the newest engine in the -— ----- -——r—-------r——-------—:low-price car field iTSm the V-8 engine. Steenngrs made easier by a new steer- each oW. . Since Ford made it available to all car gear ratio. The coolrng systbm ar- An engine hasmuch to do with the users (keeping it as economical as cars' culcrte,s w“‘er UiTobgh a with fewer cylinders) the Ford V-8 has new. larger radiator. Natural thermo- been the newest engine on the market. sYPhon acH°“ * assisted by two cen- and remains the newest for 1936. triiuga1 water pumps. New style hood You may buy a car on minor “talking points"—some specially advertised fea- ——^ture ‘‘with the car ihrpwn-in"—buL after— ------^llrdMs^the^ngine-Tyou-Jaw/whenyou _ ZIbjay u cur, lleikte 7*^ put ' Other new- points about the, ' ^ar makb a long list. Its lines are much more beautiful. The hood'll longer and sweeps forward over the distinctive new radiator grille, giving' the edir a length and grace that are instantly impressive. The fenders are .larger, with a, wide flare. Homs are con­ cealed behind circular grilles beneath the headlamps. New steel* wheels. Ford upholstery — always of sterling > quality and excellent taste—is rich rind \ A car you can drive without strain enduring. The appointments of the car all day, if you like, in city or country, have a new touch of refinement There Steady, holds the road, responds to the What is netv aboutit,?> • . —~^iyniiiiin i ii.wyiw ■ mi. • . .i *■...... ‘.nr , roominess of a car. Very-much indeed. A long engine uses up car space. The compact V-8 engine pennits much of the ordinary engine space to be used by passengers., It really is a great car in every .way. louvres permit a rapid air-flow around the* engine. Easier^gui-^ter^shiftingjpL EdrdLgears,, this 1936 Ford V-8—the finest, safest, 4=The,_gearlshift lever howL-lravels^-car ever built. -----r.................r. .............. Ford-dealer. ~~~~The two qualities you want ip brafees—Brakes that stop the car with fijiT ■nnTlTl TT rt TlTlTHTin ease' and certainty. Ford Super-Safety £||J^ FORD V *8 PRICES Brakes'of the long-tested, fool-proof, mechanical design. . , , TEN BODY TYPES—Coupe (5 windows), $665. Safety -as always -in the electri- Tudor Sedan. »67S. Fordor Sedan, $785. crffywSded genuine steelbody. Safety ' . „ ——-—-— ’ . .“75—Coupe.(3 windows), $725. Coupe (5 windows),Glass all around at no extra cost.. Hun- $n0 Phaoton> $735. (wilh rumbl6 dreds have written grateful letters be- Tudor Touring Sedan (with bnUt. cause this glass has protected the safety tin trunk), $750. Fordor Touring Sedan (with of their families. -----L./ '' •____built-in trunk), $830. ? F. O. B. Windsor, Ontario. Bumporg. spare tire and t taxes extra. All Ford V-8 body types have Safety Glass throughout at ho additional cost. Convenient, ? economical terms; III I Mil I'l 11IIIW!■ I—■ >■ ——iw—w Mr. & Mrs. Ted Rice Presented by Y. P. A. Temperance Speaker On Sunday Morning—Miss Douglas Spoke At Evening Service^ (St. Helens New's) Visitors, from Whitechu|ch, Auburn,, and Lucknow addAq to the success o.f thg Y? R. S, Social evening in the United-' Church op /Friday, iWhite­ church Society if ad .charge of the devotional’ period i^ith*1- Miss Muriel Watt presiding; * Mrs. Chas. Gillespie led in prayer an^d Miss Lettie^ F.oxj read the Scripture lesson. TRe? wor­ ship talk was; given by Miss May Wightman, and Mr. Clarence McCle- neghap dealt • will/ the topic “The Bible and , Missions.” Miss Muriel Watt favoured with a humorous read­ ing and Misses Anna May Carrick and Agnes Gillespie contributed a" vocal duet. At this point the* newly­ weds, Mr. and Mrs. Ted Rice were called, to the front and the following address was read .by /Mr." Stahley Todd and the presentation of an oc­ casional chair made by Harry SWan. Dear Greta and,Ted: .Since you top ^-have succumbed to” the prevailing matrimonial epide­ mic that has swept our .^ommunity of late, it does seem,-altogether fitting that we,7 yojur friends of. church and community, should make some suit­ able expression of our congratulations and good wishes. For 'sPme, time we diave observed-^the** usuaF-symptoni^o^^ this malady, but, while we ofeared the worst ultimately, we were not altog­ ether prepared'for such an unheralded consummation. * , —Mawev^;/!^ ^honorable-€«tote^we;cannQkjdA-QtllSt- wise than' to rejoice with you, es- -peciany =as you--are; still torbelohg> : to^ us as well as to each Other.. • Ever since coming to opr* communi­ ty you have identified yoiir^elves with our church, (Sunday School and- Young Peoples “Uni.on, arid that, has b^eh^A'fiheTHiing^or -yourselyes^^— / Therefore because of our' apprecia­ tion of youir activities in^ our Y* P. U- and in our choir as Weil as of your own friendship and kindliness we ask you to apqept this chair, as but a token of the large irieasure of es­ teem in which we hold you, and of our sincerest wishes and prayers for a long and happy married ljife. . ^Signed on behaljf of the Y. P. U. ‘ ■ .’£~T.. . Stanley A Todd, 'Presr jan Mr. Ed. MacRoberts of Wingham called on friends here on Saturday. Mrs. E. J. Thom and Kathleen were, recent visitors with Mr. and <Mra. Qilchrist at Paisley. Mr. and Mrs. John Webster, Missea Dorine and Jean Webster motored Hillsbur# recently to be the guests, of - the fQrmeris brother-in-law, M^r* Eph* ; rfam Barbour. » % Mr. and Mrs. Jas., McIntosh of ® Vineland were week-end* guests of Mr*, and Mrs. D. Todd. Mrs. Todd * returned with them for a week’s visit Miss Florence McQuillin ‘ of "• the Stratford - General Hospital training 'Class spent the week-end at her home here.’ " ’£ /•■ - .. . ,Mr. Neely'Todd was home from. London for the ■ week-end. * ■ ■: A Masquerade^ Social, under the auspices of the Y. P. S. will be held next Thursday, Qgtqber 31st.. Every­ one tp .be in costume . or suffer the ‘’penalty”. ■•"■-, ASHFIELD —Mr.andMrs.,IanMcLeod-Georgo_.... and Carole Evans of* Clintbn were . Sunday visitors at Wm. Helm’s. / •Miss Vera Robb . spent Saturday evening and Miss Emily Brown of Hemloek City spent Sunday: afternoon with their aunt Mrs. Gordon-Ritchie, Miss. Marie Long of Detroit is holi- . daying at her home. / Mrs. ■ Wm. Hunter Sr. spent the week-end wjith Lucknow friends. Mr. and Mrs. -Andy Gaunt and babe spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Less Ritchie-r^-/^--^-^ . ■■.* .-x. ■ -..J. •/. Mr. arid Mrs. TOni Helm Of London visited his parents here. Mrs. Floyd Campbell who has been their guest for the past . week, returned to her Romp with ' ■ r ,—Mr..and^Mrs.j.GeOrgeTopp,^ McIntyre and0Miss Emma McDonagh, of London visited at McDonagh’g over , the week-erid. J 1 Mr. John Hogan arid Margaret and Mrs. Gaynor were called to Toronto Monday owing to the critical illness , of their-sister Mary, who underwent ■^'^eripus 'operation aHdnt~four weeks ago,-—------ ..................................................... MAFEKING Mr. arid Mrs. Jim Misner and Mola )f Stratford, visited at. the home of. Mr. and Mrs. Herb Curran, Sunday. Mrs. Barbara Sproat, Mrs. Jennie Dale and Mrs. Andy Crozier of Sea- , forth, were recent guests of Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Anderson. ___'_J__ Mr. Ceci} Johnston spent Sunday ^anted~4&e-^ rMoffa^Ju^driS/ * I T A HXRE AND THERE We wish to express o’u^ sympathy to Mrs. t Wesley Henderson and' fam­ ily in their recent bereavement.. n Mr; Roden Ritchie of Windsor call­ ed 'on friends here last Sunday. W. G. Reed & Jack Champion have finished the seasons threshing, having had charge of the Belfast Syndicate thresher. Mr. Sills of Buffalo visited friends here last week-end. -: Mr. arid Mrs. V* S, Diirnin returned’ from a motor trip to Toronto and London recently. Mr. Durnin is eng­ aged as foreman for the Goldie ‘Con­ struction Co. of Toronto. / ' Mr?. A. Havens, Mrs, M* ChafrifioftT M^jj ^ark Gardner .and Yvonne visit* ed last Sunday at Fordyce. ■ We, are glad to Hee Mr. Richard -Carter able to be aroupd again his serious injury in the run away of Mr. McKenzie’s team. ,1 KINCARDINE GAS RATE DROPS / STILL ABOVE LUCKNOW Last we<|k a drop of tw6< cents a gallofi in the price of/gasolihe went into effect in Kincardine with All oil companies participating. At that the Kincardine rate is still a cent a gallon above the prevailing local rate Since the 2-CArit drop, gas in Kin­ cardine is now 26 cents- a gallon, while all summer long motorists buying’, their gasolirie in Lucknow have been HOLYROOD . Mr. and Mrs. Thos. White, Mr. and Mrs. George White were recent visitors at Mr. Ambrose Gamble’s. Clinton. . Mrs. ' Clarence Farrow returned home after spending the past two weeks with friend^ at' Ghesley and Tara. • ■ ■ ■ Mrs. ■ Wm. "Elliott of "Huron spoilt the past weelc with her ♦ daughter, Mrs. Aimer Ackert. Mrs. George Dicks spent a couple of weeks with her mother at Tara. . Miss Jean" Johnston is assfstinglit Mr. Alex Patterson’s of Ripley. Mrs; Legge, Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Strong and Glenna Qf ^Arkwright, rM^“H^iidAy^f“GrossfieldJsy-Alberta-- arid Mr. and Mrs.. Coffee of Tara were recent'visitors at Mr. arid Mrs. .Otto Legge’s. "■•'•■ Mrs. Aimer Ackert arid Mrs* ard. HAftis, attended the W-. I vention vat Gode-rieh, last wee'k. Mr. Eldon Eckenswiller-arid Gordon" Godkin-, threshers, completed* ■ threshing on this line'this week. Mr. and Mrs. E.< A. Pnlmer; Lois Ann and Billie, sp^nt Sunday at . Mr. Thp.s. Harris’. .Mr. Richard Baker,-. Mr. and Mrs.4 Mark Jolinsfon and family, were te- ASHFIELD NOTES wedding; bells How con- Mr. Dr. Simpson, our Health f Officer, is quite busy visiting each school, vac­ cinating the pupils. rf**' ,. K, Mr. .Malcolm MacLennan of Barrie, and Miss Florence' MacDonald of Toronto, were week-end .visitors with Mrs. D.. MacLennan. Miss Jessie MacRae, who- is at­ tending Business College in Toronto, was at her home here over the' week end. ' : " A sectional meeting of the - Mait­ land Presbyteriaf was held ' in the Presbyterian, Church here On Oct. 15 th. lough Five scripture Jessop. Rev,. J. K. vray gave the address of welcome, and lead in . prayer. • Miss Lament, field secretary, gave the 'address of the afternoon arid Mrs. Rev.* K. Mac- p ■■ 1 **Lean of Wingham, gave the closing words, gram Wm. sister; on; a . Lorjie, .and a solo by Mr?.' Robert’ Scott. Mrs. D. A;. MacLean presided at thfe organ. Mrs. R. McWhirifiey closed the meeting with prAyer. After the meeting a social hour Was . spoilt; Miss Nellie Malcolm took charge of #the auxiliaries answered’ of Kin­ meeting. to the read the MacGilli- their gasoline in liUCKnuw nave uttn j; '•*„ >eM-wHow Mr.. Fred, Johnstotvs,,receiv-irig'-'it'"-fb-ri-25'^-tgMIbtiy arid.. . ; ; , • - ...- — - —■■——-------Listow-eU—------- -------------------- -----jstill Are. 1-Listowel The musical/part of the pro­ consisted of a duet by Mrs. MacDonald/’[iKintail, and- her Miss JOan McDonald of Hur- solo ,by iJSjiSS, M; Finlayson of & J ■) A RE YLE—STEWART A 'quiet wedding was ■ solemnized •ht the United Church parsonage at Bervie on. October 11, when Mary Edith second daughter of Mr. and Mrs. D. H. Stewart Was ^united in marriage with Samuel Gharles Areyle of Rouyn Quebec only son., of' Mr. and Mrs. . E. Areyle of Westcliffe-on- Sea, England* . * . MOSS—JOHNSTON At the home of Mr. and Mrs. M. Ohler, Goderich, on Monday after- noon, October 14th, at 1 o’clock, their daughter, Alice Ena Johnston;. was united in marriage' to Mr-- John Fred­ erick M. Moss,> of Paris, son of Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Moss, of St Aug­ ustine. Rev. F. W. Craik, of Victoria street. United Church, 'officiafed. The wddding march was played by Nor­ man Allin, brother-in-law of the bride. * The,couple’ were attended by Miss Mabel Johnston, sister, of the bride,4, and Mr. Harry Moss, brother' of the groom. . „ • ' . Joyce Johnston; niece of the bride, was a charming little, flower gitj. Following a wedding,dinney served to forty guests* the yottng eouple left On a wedding trip, the bride’s travelling costume being browp ‘triplesheer. crepe dress/with whit*e»laco trimming; . brown coat" and jhat£.hirig -hat Arid accessories. Mr., Arid’ Mrs,, Moss will. ■ ' .IiVe';af; tlie grooin’a feofirg at F^bi^ apd good •■ wishes. A ■ very interest­ ing program of games, stunts And con­ tests was carried out under, the leader­ ship of Mr. .Harry Sturdy of Auburn,’ who' is Recreational Convener for Huron Presbytery. He was assisted by Mr., Jack Bennett, also of Auburn. Lunch followed by a stunt from each group and by the singing of the Na­ tional Anthem brought the" very en­ joyable evening to a close. The Sacrament of the ’Lord’s Sup­ per will be observed in the United Church next Sunday morning with Preparatory - services on Thursday evening. /. Spoke On Temperance Taking as a starting point, the story of Daniel's’ abstinence and the Scripture. passage “For He shall be great in*the sight of the Lord and shall drink neither wine-nor strong drink, Mr. Norinan Hamilton of Galt a representative of the Ontario Tem­ perance Federation, gave a stirring an<j thought provoking address in the cause gf Temperance in the United Church on Sunday morning. .... I.Miss D^gflas Speaks ; Miss Dorothy Douglas of Luckndw anil a former principal of the school here, and who leaves this week to- resume her duties as principal of the Girls’ . Training School at Tarnsui, -Formosa7T-was- the -g-uest-speaker at the, meeting of the Y.P^S.^ on Sunday evening. Miss Douglas • delighted the large gAthering with'her story of . the missionary ^Jyork in/^Formosa. The Scripture lesson wa^s read by Dick Weatherhead. Lauripe Miller . read a Story of Grenfell of Labrador and Gordon Miller favored with A solo; M<any friends were pleased to greet Mrs, Andrew,, Gaunt and little son. Murray at the Uriit'ed Church', on Bun­ day., Owing to. illriesS Mrs. Gaunt • .has been abserit for’ over,;a year, i' , - \Mr* fand Mrs". Torrance Anderson and little ' daughter pf , week-end visitors with .J. D. Andebson. . ... • Mr< Lowe And Mr. • Flora were recent gu&ts of Mr* And .Mrs; F. G. Todd., IJ' .- . , Mr.-Arid Mrs. Jos. McIntosh, of chiidren'of Mitchell were visitors with ■ Wv -Ari’d 'MW: John 'CAtaeToW," ’ ■ ■ ■ ■ Toronto. were Mr; and’ Mrs* k <I t. ; Anniversary services wilfdbe held in Blake Church, Sunday; Oct 27th, at 2.30 and 7.30 p. m. Rev. Ji- B. Townend of Belgrave, Will preach at both services. Special music. Mrs. John Helm returned home Friday, having spent a few weeks with Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Anderson and Mr. and Mrs. S. J. Kilpatrick. - Mr. and Mrs; Herman Phillips vis­ ited friends at Brussels, Sunday. Miss Pearl Thompson is making ah extended, visit with relatives ' at Sarnia. Mrs. Nellie Alton of Lucknow ’ is Maitland . of 3 2 .ii 0 visiting her sister, Mrs. Wm. Blake ■' and Other relatives this week. As a result of being knocked ' down arid trampled Upon by a cow, during milking operations, Mrs, George Saunders Sustained a num­ ber of broken ribs. Miss Mary Alton arid Miss Vera Little, of Lanes; visited Mr. and Mrs Wili Irvin* Friday? Mrs. Thomas Webster, Mr; Mrs. Willis’ Neal and Clifford, and Mrs. Will Thacker, Earl and Bernice of Kingarf, were guests Mr. and M£s. Elmer Phillips, Sun* day‘ . • Mrs.' Raul Reed. ^received Word Monday, of the death Of her nephew, OAcar Sproat, formerly of Seaforth, which occurred in Detroit; Sunday. Mr. Sproat has been a resident of Detroit for twerity shears. . " \ . (Intended for last week) Mr. and Mrs; Ernest Halt and fam­ ily’ of Brantford, were Week-end guests of Mr. and Mrs. Godfrey Haji. Miss Jean Ahderson of Stratford spent the week*end at the home of her parents, Mri apd Mrs. Thomas Ander^orf/ / ' . Mr. arid Mrs’., J. C. Stothers and family of - London, were guests of . Mr. arid Mrs.. Henry Horton, Sunday. Mr, andLMrs. Will Cook- and- fam­ ily, Mr?%hd .Mrs. Samuel Cook and, Mr. Will'’Cook/ Visited At the' home of Mri and Mrs. Yuel, Wroxe- ter; iSuriday* , and Mr. of Rastus was bemoaning to his friend about his. wife’s laziness. “She’s so lazy”, he said, ,“dat wo- mafi pjats popcorn Jn de pancakos so tteyW"'.ffxs^ themselves/*'/ . - :.... ;■ I,....... ■;..... ' , " „ £ J *U J i. & <& (r