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The Lucknow Sentinel, 1935-10-24, Page 4
$ i *• w l, • v. iti ■k- \ *’\"A*1‘<A 4* ■. ■ ?' ,<■ -•J. - page four : ............11.11.111 hl in l.‘“***-^*-....TTj777-7h. /Z77\" 1.7'777 4- * 'te;'iL *; ■ -'.7> L-7“1 --L ''j'L'-M- ’ teL..7ti7 '-'7.7'5-7’'77i7.;1’: iW [<7' A l x Sectional Meetins of W»M.S. Held In Ashfieid -Miins Lamont Travelling Secretary Gueat Speaker At Enthusiastic Meeting That Encouraged Renewed "fhtemt^InvThe-Work.--—-—--------- A sectional meeting of the W omen s missionary society,, presided over by. Miss Nellie Malcolm pf Kinlough, was held in Ashfield ; Church" .on October 14th. Delegates were present from Kinlough, Dungannon, Lome,, and -■- .Ripley.' ... ; Meeting . opened Ky singing Psglm selection sixty^ one. fcs. (Dr.) .Sim pson read Romans, Chapter: twelve. Rev. J. K. MacGillivary welcomed the ladies, to Ashfieid Church and led in prayer. The roll call was responded to, the delegates giving_short„ ac counts of their year’s work.. Mrs. Thompson of Kinlough read an in- . ieresting report of the summer school, ? prepared- by. Miss Aileeri -Gibson , of. / ■ Brussels, delegate from the Presby- terial. ; Miss Lamont, travelling secretary . - gave the address. Miss Lamont im- ; pressed on the meeting that it is the ‘ “’’’■'“'''"’finit'iMrest and enthusiasm, in. our every day work that brings success. If our -enthusiasm was .as intense as that. of . the politicians, what success’ we would have in pur missionary work. ■/ ft is our dqty to repair the wastage I ^7 6y setting to work and making a per- , - tonal appeal in pyayer and by working \ ' to get all our women interested and, the girls and children as welL Miss Marie Finlayson of Lome and Mrs. Robert Scott sang solos and Mrs. WmTMacDonald arid Mi^s McDonald T~~’' ’~»f ^PineTi^^^ssmgrgzd.^^^ __ ’• , Mrs. Kenneth 'MacLean, President tf the Presbyteriai brought -a helpfu-L and practical message from the Board and urged the women to be.constant fa prayer for opr missionaries arid all .. workers. • Mrs. McWhinney of Dungannon, __„._past^Pre^dent„closed. the meeting with L Jjrayer.JLunch was served anti a social ^■■•™^hour "spent:—Rev^-'Miri-^feBeniididFask^ ing- a’ blessings Rev. Kenneth M<> Lean spoke briefly^ thanking the • Ashfieid ladies for their- hospitality. 5* i c Officers Installed (Continued from Page 1)' Rebekah officers for the ensuing terni are: ' 1. P. G—Mrs. M. Sproul N. G,—Mrs. C. Steward V. G.—Mrs. M. Qrr "T-'seFy—M^K^CJpo'k"'" ~ ;■ Treas.—Mrs. H. Aitchison ' Warden—Mrs. F._ Nixpri Con.—Mrs. D. Huston Chap.—Mrs. H, Nixpn R S.N.G'.—Mrs. Jas. Smith L.S.N.G.—Mrs. W- L. McKenzie - r. s: S.—Miss Arabelle Cameron -L S; S-^Mrs. M. Horne • 1 R.S.V.G.—Miss Elva Johnston L.S.V.G.—Mrs. C. Aitchison I. G.—Mrs. Eldon Johntson O. G.-—Miss Hazel Culbert Pianist—Mrs. Viola Jewitt I.O.O.F. officers are: I. P. G.—George Kennedy N. G.—Charles Steward V. G.—Gordon Jamieson Sec’y—Kenneth Murdie . ..... . Treas.—Campbell Thompson. _ Warden—Dr. J. Little Con.—Wallace Twamley. Chap.—Will Lockhart " ■ RjSJ^.G.*r-Les. Purvis R, S. S —Reg. Lavis L. S. S.—Eddie McKenzie ■ R.S.V.G.—-Austin Solomon L.S.V.G.—Gordon Johnston . I. G.—M. C. Orr O. G.—-Dean McInnis GOSPEL MEETINGS • ■■■ : The Bible class, each Sunday af ternoon in the Orange Hall in charge •f Mr. D. G. MacKenzie, is proving a leal, blessing to all who attend Yhis is a ~wonderfulo-.oppc'rtunityrfor-- - BARNS BURN THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL Zion Friends Honor - Bride With Presentation 1 I., Disastrous barn fires occurred in West Wawanosh and Colbbrne Town- ships last week.j-’ “The::steel“ro.of^dri&J^~aSd^E6^1ffl^« est crop, ever housed in the building, was destroyed on .the the farm of George Hodges, 3rd Concession of West Wawanosh. The stock, with the exception of a few pigs and Kefiv was out-of-doors. The" barn is own ed by James Gibson. —Two barns, and their contents, be^ longing to Aaron Fisher of Colborne fell prey to fl^ Included in the loss was a 1000 bush els of grain, and a threshing machine The Fisher family awakened to find the buildings, adjoining their home ablaze. A vacant hduse on the farm was saved with damage, confined to the roof. . < • On Thursday evening in Zion "Hall a large number of friends of this community gathered to_ wish Miss .Tillie Ritchie, bride-to-be, good for- tune and to' express their regret in her leaving here. On behalf ©^ the community, Messrs. Lloyd1" Hunter and John McDonagh presented Miss Ritchie with...an Ornamental. Mantel Mirror arid a Bridge .Ldmp an<i . companying address. After the ad dress vfas? read by; Mr. Harold 'Gard ner,'Miss Bitchie thanked her friends very fittingly. The remainder of the evening was spent in dancing. The address read as follows: To Miss Tillie Ritchie, . Dear Tillie, We, your friends of Zion church and community, desire to convey to you our best wishes for. a happy arid prosperous wedded life. We feel that ••we could not let this opportunity pass-without showing our apprecia tion of your help and interest in various undertakings. of our church and social life. Since your new home will not be far. away, we shall look ” forward”with‘’pl^ ’ with; us again on many occasions. We ask you1 tp^ accept this lamp and mirror as„ a slight token, of out respect and esteem. Signed on behalf of the conimunity, John McDonagh,#Lloyd Hunter, Harold Gardner, Frank Ritchie. - A splendid program,. sponsored by the ladies of the ~W. M. S. for the purpose of raising funds, was \pre- senlted in Zion hall on Wednesday evening. Mr. Patton acted' as chair- mari; Mouth organ selection fey CKaHesr^Andeteoh^^^ Zion choir; reading by Jessie An drew; a duet by John Ritchie and Bill Hunter; recitation by Marion Gardner and Elleda Hunter; solos by Doris Reid, Esther ..and Tom Pattan and. Mrs. John Gardner; a song, by four school girils, Kathleen Gardner, J^rna-^and™^Doris7Reid“and“-*Esthec- -Pattan.--Lunch. was then, sen’eri. * I "I**) <■ ’ ~t.* * * < —7—~‘' • F - The Lucknow Sentinel. -Published, every Thursday morning : at Lucknow, Ontario. Mrs. A. D. MacKenzie — Proprietor . Campbell Thompson—Publisher ■ MWSDAX„ OCTOBER 24th, 1J35 ' ’ ■ • ’ .«» :'A'* - •'\ ' 4 % -i " Lf-B’.'c1 ...... r-fe * ft <1. \ ‘ ’ WILL DECIDE FATE » THURSDAY, OCTOBER 24th, . • If . ■ •ft ■ A Bext'Sunday, fourth chapter of " mans. Come and bring a friend. Services in the Hall -as usual Sun*, iay evening 8.15 pan., service ..Jaken by Mr. Lowey. Subject, "Lavr and Grace.” ' There will be a prayer meeting! •t Mrs. Con gram's Thursday evening t p.m., to which any who can. are tordially invited to be present, |i BOUNDARY WEST R] -Mr. „ Joseph Stothers, a former and"1 yell known citizen. : of ^Dungannon passed away at the home of his daugh ter, Mrs. Lloyd McNeil of Sarnia. A son of the late . Mr. and Mrs. William Stothers, piqneer settlers,’ the deceased. was born 74 years ago on th farm now owned by Joseph Hamilton, V. S., being one of a family of 9 all of whom’ are, deceased. They were William and Thomas Stothers, Mrs.- William Crawfprd, Mrs. (t>r.) McKay,- Mrs. James Johnston and Mrs, John Epplett. For,some years leavirig Dungannon,. Mr. • Mrs. Harvey Abkert and .son Clar-- ence of Lucknow and Miss Jean Em- after leaving Dungannon, .. Mr. therson of Kincardine, spent Sunday stothers was a successful business with Mr. and Mrs. - Dan Nicholson. We extend our sincere sympathy to Mrs.' Wesley Henderson and fam- man . in Blyth, where his wife, for merly Miss Martha Mallough, daughter of the late Mr. arid Mrs. fly in their recent bereavement William Mallough,. pioneer rest - ~—rr j xt.. rOf ,bu^band of {Dungannon, passed away and fathers. Mr. Wesley HendeFop. ;in Surviving are four daughters whose funeral took place on Sunday ;Mrg_ L]ovd McNeil, Sarnia. Mrs, J. afternoon from his late residence in *E. Eing the Misses Alberta and Lucknow. Many old ■ friends UncL Iona, sfethers, of Denver, Colorado, . neighbors, .from s distance attended. ; sl] of were ^th Mr. Henderson .was wef ’ * having spent all, of his community. Mr. and Mrs. John .Dashwood and Mr. 2nd Elliott of Creditor . , S., McNain of Amb'eriey visitors’ on Sunday' at have Suffered in the loss, 1 know?, here ^Hng his- last fllness. ILc m «lu« funeral was held at 1 p-m. on. Tuesday, the service, being in Blyth €. .Reid ^of United Church, of whom the deceased AiT’^ ' CrATT* ~’T ' - ' n * "w :" tras a member. Interment was. jn Mr. and.1V .?. p^tigarindn Cemetery? the service at- h. ” . were t^e gTa^eS5(je being, under the direc- Wr mtt’ Oi tier of the Masonic Order. Mr..-and Mrs. Jas. T. Webster.. - ' *, t , w nMr. and Mrs. J. R. MacNab. ,Mr. Ben McClure and Mrs. Andrew •Stewart.sttobded-"thB;---setvite;------------- th: The" October meeting c-f *he Para-, pognt ■ U. F. W. O.'. wa? . heljLjte „... the.. home of Mrs. RobT.' Harr.ih'r. 'on Wednesday. Oct lOtfi. The meeting was opened by all singing the Maple Leaf 'Forever, , followed 'by riepestir.g the I^jyd’s prayer in prison. The min utes of the September meetir-g were then read and adopted. ’ The rc-Z cah was' well answered by remedy for the blues.: The November meetins’ is 'to be held at the home Mrs. M:- Gill. The pro,gram consisted: c-f st-'.er* did papers by Mrs- Oliver Mc'Cb^rles. ■ Mta. Herb HnSigti, And Mr?. Sam , Reid'," Community . singing- tramp the boys are march tation by' Arie Dahmer: c tinging 'iTentirg oft. the ground";. -paper by M'iss E tin; solo by.Mise Arie Dahmer.’Frr- gram clbsfed by a. car eer-te-t rre- y^ared by ,M-rs4 ..Wtil ..Kempt-tn ano a. hearty vote of thanks -was give- t.r tlie ■- hosieass ■ Ai-j- ■' <0^.^ *'■ .............. .----------------------—.r— PARAMOUNT v‘ 1 rsrn :rsr: rec Id r-a-rr Lyceum Theatre WINGHAM - Show Starts at 8.00 P.M. The fate of David Meisner, s now serving 15 years in connection with the Labatt' kidnapping-, will probably be decided as the trial of John Basil Bannon, now is progress, comes to an. end. Bannon is alleged to have had part in tlie kidnapping. »Michael Mc- Cardle, confessed kidnapper, is wait ing- sentence but clfiims Meisner had nothing to .do with the. "‘‘snatch The crown has bgen somewhat dubious in accepting McCardle’s story lest it be a scheme to frcer-Meisner. Labatt himself now admits he may have been wrong . in . his previous positive identification " lof Meisner;- , - h- ’T.) V : ?.--i; \. -j.'* •*. 1 ,*** • '' ' 3, £ Thursday, Friday, Saturday. October 24-25-26 : Make Presentation (Continued From Page 1) ’ Wedding Resolutions T Whereas * John ^Crawford McNab thifiks R. C. Me. is the call signal of at-Radio Station;., that h scaddy is a golf Hub; that a .gin ricky is a Jap anese’taxi-cab ;f that a caboose is a; Indian „baby; that a hangover is. a Jewish holiday J that a bicuspid is a double spitoon. . . . And whereas this shows h°w dumb he-really is; * ; And whereas he must have married a dumb girl, because no either girl with any sense would Have 'had "Kim; An<l whereas he doesn’t know that it is love that, makes the world go• round—vrith a troubled expression; And whereas he doesn’t know that the wrecks on the matrimonial sea are because of the. “tied”; . AndFrhereas he .doesn’t know that marriage is an institution—that m£{r" riage is love—that lave is blind, and therefore, marriage is an institution for the blind. - - ' ’ “ And whereas he didn’t realize that when cupid hits the mark he usually ,‘Mrs.” it; ' ' . ' - “ . And whereas he didn’t realize that the two stones most commonly asr sociated with marriage are the diam ond and the grindstone; Aiid whereas he doesn’t' appreciate that he had better do his ebbing now tor the billing will follow; And whereas he will learn that man is only dirt and that a woman will settle him; < And’ whereas he will learn that a jyord. to the wife ’ is never sufficient; £AndLai^eE«^-he^iIl^bbn-be-rjan^ uing things in his own home — the xjacuum cleaner, the ’washing machine tire? lawn niower and the -errands ; And whereas he will"-find out that" ttfhen a girl arrives at matrimony she finds' an easy mark: And whereas" he is now offering “For Sale”, one ^address book, vi-ith’ Somes good telephon e numbers; “For- Exchange” one pair of , tame diceA :t'^“'’^tK^(yFtri'Ck''’’,-'cards’:'r''a-nd’“othei'-- incidentals, in exchange for a smoking jacket, slippers^aSd^a pipeF^"™" ~ Arid whereas he would like., to get a list, of excuses and good alibi' from a long married and experienced hua- >andr / ■ . ^Aid whereas he would like to get a'geiible hat that can be worn with or without bumps; And whereas he is now’as helpless as an efficiency expert looking for* a job; . . , And whereas he knows that mar riage is a serious word, but doesn’t -k-n&w-that—it-ismore—than-a—word,-it. is a sentence. ... ? SPENCER TRACY - CONSTANCE CUMMINGS JAfCK OAKIE TIIE 1936 FORD V-8 . Ford V-8 cars for 1936, of which details have just been announced by the Ford Motor. Company of Canada Limited, reveal no radical changes in design but include a nuinber of meChr anical refinements and attractive new front-end appearance-. Body lines which strike a new note in conservative streamlining, a .new treatment of the interiors and three important refinements in chassis en gineering suminarize 'the principal; “il^irbvementK^^ V-8 engine, of which inore than 2,000,000' are now in operation, is- unaltered. . CHAMPIQNSHIP CONTESTS The Eighth annual Public Speak ing Contest arid the Fifth , annual', Spelling Match will be conducted in the auditorium of the Clinton Colleg iate institute, on November 2nd at 2.00 P-M. A Championship Recita- TiOffite^iitest.,.for PUpHs-in 2nd—class- r and under is al^ofeeing. held7 The first prize winners in the Public Speaking-and recitation—contestilSKEL. ducted at teach of our seven Huron County. School Fairs this fall are .eligible to complete, and the contest- • ants in the Championship Spelling, . Match will be those pupils-who won ’ "first’^rifi'.’^econd^prize ;at eachfechool- _ JEair..„.Th.e.....competitors in the three . ' In "Looking for Trouble” WHEN PEOPLE ” LOOK FOR TRbUBLE, THEY PROVIDE COMEDY FOR OTHERS there is also MICKEY MOUSE CARTOON / ' PICTORIAL REEL . 'AND FOX. NEWS —NEXT WEEK— •‘Ten hollar Raise” Always a good .place to shop Shower Bride-Elect * • A very pleasant’ time was enjoyed on Tuesday evening at the honie of- Mr. and Mrs; Robt. Ritchie, where a number of girl friends gathered to shower Miss Tillie * Ritchie, bride- elect, with many useful presents. The gifts had been hidden around the living-room, when Tillie was ■ asked to search Tor them. Qontests were participated m, alter w'ffich""a dainty ... Miss Emma McDonagh of. London, visiteff at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Chas. McDonagh last week-end. Miss Daisy Ritchie of Lucknow, spent Tuesday at her home here. Mr. and . Mrs. Robt. Webster of Clinton, visited with Mr. and Mrs.' Will Gardner Sunday afternoon. . ' The Y. P. S. will entertain the members of Hackett’s Y. P. S. at a Hallowe’en social .in Zion Hal] on Monday evening, Oct. , 2$thi-- - Every one is requested to come in costume or pay ,;a forfeit. fe ' Blake’s anniversary services will be held on Sunday, October 27th at 2.30 and 7.30 p.m. Mrs. Wil] Gardner visited with h^r daughter, . Mrs. Joe Freeman of Leeburn on Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Ritchie of Wajkerville, Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Timmins of Detroit, who attended the' fuheral of the late Mr. Wesley Henderson of Lucknow on Sunday, visited with Zion friends over ‘the week-end. M r hostess • at an aluminum dinner demonstra te rr. last Wednesday evening, Mr. .P-rc-ob was- the director in charge Of Monday evening, .Mr- dark' was m charge of a demonstration at the Mr. and . Mrs... Wm. Martin., Mrs. Stanley’ and Mias Ada Start- tey^rcm Kincardine-are visiting with Mr. Alex Stanley. , Mr. and' Mrs. Wm. McGW ' rwent» visitors with Mr. and Bete Dahmer at-MWartda. Mr. and Mrs. Grant McDiarmid/and Dr-ugias visited, with Mr., and Mrs. Geddes -at Reid’s Corners, re- /'•ertiy. ‘ „ \ Miss Ethel Martin was-'a recent ■ -Ffttr with $fe. Mfri’ W#, .,.,’jOrn.e,at'C18ririR..____.i............................. I ■ -7 ' •' " ■ ' were Mrs.' 4 KINLOUGH .contests provide a wy' interesting'■ afternoon’s program. Cash prizes totalling approximately $40- arc being awarded,- and' a silver collection will be taken to assist in meeting these prizes., All parties' who are interest ed in these contests are extended a cordial invitation. RIPLEY FOLKS PRESENT “ DEPARTrN-G-eHOI^-LEjtDERr s Wingham Showing— NEW DRESS GOODS Lovely Tartans — Celophane Cloths—Wool Crepes—Tweeds TKe^Ziu^F^o new, good and easy to make with thej aid ,pf liazzButterick — Patterp, J; yuU/fe surely want to. buy 3 ' them. . . Nothing smarter for. right away wearing—wide widths. ■ $1.45 —^$1,65^— $2.50 Coats — Dresses — Millinery AvoiFKniF^*Suil§”": # —Ai'emfouT^featuretiliries™wi-t-h-tis—- . and right now we have a very large choice.. ■ $1.00 Kayser Silk Stockings The best Dollar Value'in'Town ’-F.AVe invite' you to see our big stock of quality merchandise ■ and shop with us. it ... r * j Thuir-|i pra^tise;:::r:Tlfc=^Sti—^Awdi’e-w^ Church choir held a social evening- at the hotrie'of Mrs. Robert Munn for thp purpose of saying farewell to their organist and choir leader, Mrs. M. Hi Dierlam who is leaving, the community. Personal regrets wore expressed by many of those present that .it was pecessary for -such able and efficient choir leader am organist to leave: Following the address the presentation' of. a wrist watch was made too Mrs. ‘ Dierlarri who with personal feelings of regret responded with heartfelt gratitude and appreciation. The remainder of the evening was spent, with games and songs.—Ripley - Express. Mrs. (Dr.) R. A. Mc-C^sli, has been appointed organist and choir leader of. Ripley United' Church in succession to Mrs. Dierlam. And whereas the worm will turn-- his pay envelope over every week; And whereas the bride decided to take him for better or worse, know ing he won’t get any better and cet- talnly can’t get any worse; And whereas his bride has shown that she can take a joke when she married him; ' . . /• And whereas he was determined to go ahead and spoil ,a nice girl’s life. And whereas we can’t do anything nbout it. . ' . BE IT RESOLVED that since de spite all the foregoing they . have broken up a very lovely friendship by getting married to each other, and that since we like so well the Party of the First Part and the Party of the Second Part, and that since we have such a high regard and warm affection for them both, that we extend to John Crawford McNab our Manager, and’’|to his wife, who was Rena Catherine McDonald, our fellow employee, our heartiest con- crratulations and wish for them the best of everything, with God’s bless-, ing arid happiness always? Signed , Sealed and '.Delivered this Twenty-second day of October, 1935. J. R- McNab, John Bell. C. Stew ard, Well.. Henderson, Wm. Lloyd, H. M.sMacLennan, W. G. Webster, E. A.’ Taylor, Geo. Hassall, Rodvers .Tohnstop, Harvey Trrieaven, Watt.. Hamilton^ tM.'.Lee, I. V. ">Kerry, Gladys MacDonald. T. H. Anderson, B._ Roach. ; ' ' t "■ f'bunty of Bruce, Province of .Ontario. To . Wit, Personally appeared before • m6 at 7__ ' , Ontario,' . '1935, Herbert Maxwell MacLennan ■». Mbs, J. Eckenswiller- is spending fetv days with friends at Clifford. The W. M. S. Thankoffering meet ing was held at the home, of Mrs. ■Thus. (Malcolm, on /Tuesday after- T -■ . . •' i Lucknow, Ontario, October 22nd, • '1935, Herbert Maxwell MacLennaii, Mrs. J»o. Cox and Miss "Mary Cox " wfio" states. f.he2/at^ 'KaTe’iietura&3'"’fr6m“New^oriF wT/eTF^ir^^^flT'Hird^ they spent the past two moinths. | ' Mr. .andMrs. Stenicker of Strut-' ford are eyisiting this friends here.oag^a^^anatt^^ ..n ........ u We extend sympathy to t._z._... ily of the' late Mrs. Jas. Vercy. ‘A number from here attended the funeral which was ‘held on Sunday. Mrs. Jno. Co'lweli spent last Thursday in London,' ' ■ • ,4 !; Miss Winnie Percy. R.N.. has re* turned to Kincardine . Hospital for a i ■' few days. ■ | 'Harvest Thanksgiving services win be held in tibe Anglican Churcb 'ft ext ' Sunday at 11 a.m. and 7.30 p.m. ■ Rer. F. L. Lewin of Park|h^( will be'' the special speaker a botl^services.. Oh Tuesday ev'ening, Octi '2bth; the ' annual Hot FowJ’.^npp^r will be field, " Mrs. Frank Johnston, lfith 'eonr. “ visited this week with her aunt, Mrs, F’riA. Biadkweli;''' a jtfiat.no coercion, force, threats, etc. I are needed to th.us express the good will of the fellow* eniploybos of J. (’. week with , McNab and Rena C MacDonald.. Thos. H. Anderson.; T“TTFteZ'"'^MTWrifm-rsritw^e' m‘ ’ Notary Public. : As evidence of the good will ex pressed above, we xvould like yOu<l accept this little desk as a token Our good wishes for the whole Cour married life. GOLDING S M AJOR1Y. 3.20 Official election count for Huron. Beith riding gives 'the, following, vote: W; H-. Golding, 6.256; Frank Donnelly, 3.001; R. J, McMillaffi 1.530; rejected ballots. 6ffi This was n total* of 10.847 ballots cast in the riding where there are 1-1,639 nifmo'i on the xoterjs’ list, Golding’s majority 'over all. 1.725, and plutalhy ovet Donnelly, ' ' ...■'" "7* / ’, ft an .-! e . o of of WHITECHURCH Mr. arid M&. Wm. St. Helens visited »n the latter’s parents, •John Kennedy. Mr. Beier McDonald, Mrs.- Duncan McDonald and Mrs. Donald McDon ald of St. Helens, and Mr. Jack Gil lies rind Mrs. David Gillies of this community, wont to Balmerslon on Sunday io Spo their aunt?-Mrs. Geo, ..Gillios,..fornlcrly of Luck-how, 7 of Fordwicb, are.- working for' Mr. Win, J, Fisher. • • . 7, Mr and Mr.< George McKngub of Teoswater, spent Sunday with her- Mrs. Hrrigh of Sea forth is visiting' her daughter,*Mrs. Robert, J. Ross. the W. M. S. Th,'inkoffering mcet- Uig .of the Bi’eshyterinn church was held la^'t Thursday nf'lehipO'n. ' buiies of I-nnguido.. Cn|v|n and Iho United church- wore mv.ilpd nnd a gnOd. nHendnnre wrri presen'f MIrc, Dorothy DonglnR. returned mission' V.w homo on-f-iirlniifrh, fnwFom’wmiv .•VMro^d (|u> meeting o„ |K,,. wor)< .'hero, , which u'n,. ^Very . rh(er<<sfing' ’hirffi were- given |,v Misses Velnm ■ ' ''If ami, Jnjjel ■ ntu| Mrs. ) I'olhv l,-' an,I Mrs. Jas. Laid 1 "”‘.h W.M Served at llm'r|o<m »n'l a snei-ff hour ivxm Rimiff h.y ffB -p-rrereffp. ’ * ’ Crapston . of Sunday with Mr. hnd Mrs.- Quite a liumber from this l.nunity attended the sectional nfieet-^ ing at Langside last Wednesday. SHARP PRACTISES BY SCHOOL BOARDS ALLEGED .. By Principal J. A. Lftckhart Form ly of This Community. Sharp practices by smaller , school boards in ..Halfen"’ CountyYwas charg- ed by jlrinripal- JT''X Lockharti of _ V I Burlington, a sori of Mr. E. LOckhart bf Lucknow.. . ’ . ’ At the Halton (,:^^i,eachers’ rfejtf* , vonlion, Mr. Loekhhrt explained that . .stated .salary df $F>0-0 required him to sign a duef.at, tIje . end of ;the making charged ported Ivnchcr (hr t he advice bf ItTspoctOr Denyek ■ the school boards trill be reported to the' provincial ’department . <■ The convention held in Bronte heard the rceommondatidn for the,.brgan- ismlinn of . teachers thruout Ontario’ Hffil,. eventnaily throughout ’ Canada .with a raising of professional slhnd* • ards and establishment of a. miiii- ‘’jil'M'-y- bf ever, in >'’ tilfal schools _____........_____ _ a year, but note for -$75 school year. $,4SW., \He 1 boafrd re- higher salary for it* 'than .'was aotririlly' paid. his-’ net salary another school a