HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1935-10-17, Page 4PAGEfour ./■* Bernicb Durnin of Goderich, called SEyerZ W. G. NICHOLSON Defeated Reconstruction Candidate in Bruce -^iss™.Aliee^.innLelLJ^.p^ing^^ Few days with Mrs,'Harold Thompson KINLOUGH CREWE ■ .d/ , ______i - , Mr. and Mrs. Cliff Webb and Miss GEORGE, SPOTTON Candidate ■ in .iWrth' Huron W. J, HENDERSON Defeated Reconstruction Candidate in North Huron . - and near Kincardine spent Sunday at J. B. Hodgkinson’s. Mrs. T. Hockley is visiting with’ he.r sister, Mrs. Wm. Jackson. Mr. and Mrs. Jno. McFarlan spenj? ' Sunday at GoSerich. Miss A. Coilins of Kincardine vis­ ited, over the week-end with Mrs. M McLean. ' j Mrs, Jno. Becking and Mr. Hugh Becking and family spent Sunday at Wm. Haldenby’s.' Mr. J. Armstrong of’ St. Cather: .« ines is visiting witlyhis daughter, Mrs. Jas. Hodgins. The W. A. met .at the home ' of / Mrs. Jno^. Ilodgins on Thursday la?t with a good attendance. Mrs, W. Boyle returned home af­ ter spending the past nionth friends around Lucan. Mr. and 'M>rs. Earl Ilodgins Shirley and Mrs. j. Hodgins- •i with / and spent art evening last week nt Jno. .Hod­ gins. A special Missionary service will be held in the Anglican church nex.t-. Sunday at 3 p.m’. The,special speaker will be Rev. T.ucas, former Bishop of McKenzie River. On the following Sunday: October 27th, Harvest Thankscivir]g’ service? .will be held at ,11._ajn. and 7-30. PM: Rev. F/L. Lewin of •Parkhill, will bo the preacher at both services. The H. W? I. will visit the in­ mates of the House of .Refuge at Walkerton on Wednesday., Octobci 23rd. Mr. and Mrs. Goo. ■ family and Mr*. * and Mis. H spent Sunday evening at H. Guire’s, Olivet. * 'Mrs. ,L B. 'Hodgkinson has boon THE LUCKNOW i • DEACHMAN SENTINEL TOMLINSON THURSDAY, OCTOBER 17, 1935. A w ¥WIL GIDEON H. RUTTLE Defeated Conservative Candidate in Bruce. V Ji (Continued from Page 1) NORTH HURON Ashfield A Deach. 1 Dung...........-.^.55 2 Finlay’s ^-..,55 3 Zion _...............55 4 Port Albert .43 5 Kingsbridge 103 , 6‘ Farrish’s .........79 - 7 Laurier „—1Q5 I Send. ... 18 33 .42 . 13 21 19 6 I ; 152 ‘ West Wawaiiosh 1 Dung. ^.—46 12 ( ‘ ’ 21 '■ ■ 7 25 495 361 1 Dung. —-...-----46 2 Auburn ..-»,....;.;:60 ■ 3. Twp. Hall ......36 4 St. Helens ......55 5 Patron’s Hall 86 28* 6 St. Augustine a 50 6 333 Brussels ..........304 E. Wawanosh 289 Howick .....—382 Wingham ........t504 Blyth ___;-...„168 Goderich „..^..1O47 Grey —.680 Turnber-ry .^.....413 Morris ;__....’....461 Glinton .................484 .Goderich Tp. 272 ... Colborne „._w:324 Total ^„.^.„-5738 1306 Grand Total ,6566 . 1557 108 -84 60 ' 28 28 . 15 (Continued from Page 1) The Bruce vote by polling “subdiv­ isions in this locality follows: Lucknow - Nich. Ruttie Tomlin. O. liall . ^2^24 Reeds .1'4 T. Halt..-.,..;..—.13 63 61 ~ 58 117 •80 1'41’ 182 .338 Majority • for Tomlinson T56 ; Kinloss' ......11, 32 36 ....".37 29 ^34 ......24' > 66 .86 ......38 ? .46 117 ...... 5 ’ 35 ' 66 ......14 18 78 : 51 B. Horse . Kinlough . Holyrood^ 2nd“C,bh. , Langside ■ Whitechurch 323- . 270 313, 731 ,613 149. . 971 384 226129 Majority for Tomlinson 1$L 1 ■ ‘ : Huron Woodsman’s —29 Bethel ....----)......31 Purple. Grove -58 Twp. Hall 17 McGuires 30 " 165 Majoritjufor 417 . 318 5247 5931 Majority for Deachman 635 474 Ruttie 156 , Culross S.'S,. No. 1 .—11 S. S. No, 2 .......29' . S. S'. No. 4 ....... 7 Goodfellow’s .......53 Salem ..:..................-.45 Formosa ------...19 Westford .....„..;.~.25 53 52 104 ■■h.. .57 94 9.6 35 -Mrr~He]muth—Schlenker of- Bridge­ port and Misslrrne Woods of Wat erloo, . were week-end guests of Mr. find Mrs. Robinson Woods; . Rev. Chas, and Mrs. Cumming and Miss Margaret of Walton renewed old acquaintances here on Sunday. Mrs. R. J. Woods, Mrs. D. Todd, Mrs. Ted Rice; Mrs W\ A. MilJWT Mrs^Jas.„Gaunt-were.among_those. who attended the Women’s Institute Convention in jfjoderich this week. , Miss Annie Martin of Toronto and friends from ’Shakespeare, were itors for the week-end with Mr. Mrs. A. Martin, Successful Anniversary Services .. very successful anniversary Vices were conducted in the United ■ ChurchonSunday,when Rev.Chas; vis- and ser- 491 Majority for Tomlinson 302 .1 Ripley .—,^..2“^“ 99 -- 47 27iRi.pie^^”“77_9:™r^.j:65z7i:,:'?.7Z7:48- 189 117 LI — 164— 95 Majority for Ruttie 69 Approximate total votes by munici­ palities in the 140 mile long riding follow , and give Tomlinson a grand total , of about 6600 votes; Ruttie. about 5000 and. Nicholson close to 3000 votes. . ■ ... . _ r^icli7~Ruttle--T<>mlr 121 179 359 318 1.74 454 163 153 216 453 85 71 6 28 10 ' 31’ Albemarle —— 82 Arran ____ .229 Bruce "__;.------ 285 Eastnor -----—...159 Greenock -------........113 Hepworth 23 Cape Croker —— 9, Saugeen Reserve ... T. Kincardine Tp, ......237 Kincardine Town 32(2 Lindsay— .....74— 7gn:-Jriends7;here:--on-Saturday.--- guests of Mri & Mrs. Hugh Stewart^ An Sunday" ■ ■ - ■ ,jMr. and Mrs. Wilfred Plunkett , and sons df Ajuburn, visited the lady’s brother Wilfred and Mrs. Drennan on Sunday. - Miss Anna Mae Treleaven. was home from Lucknow-7 for the week­ end. ' . Mrs. Wm. Crozier who has been a patient in St. Joseph’s Hospital, London, has so much improved as to be able to return to her home here. Her many friends are glad to see her home again? . • The Y. P. S. was held;on Friday evening, with Clifford Crozier in charge, Beatrice . Treleaven read1^ the Scripture lesson and Fred Wain­ wight sang a solo “In the Garden’’. Then Alani Durnin gave the topic. H-ymn 202 was sung and the ’meeting closed with fhe Mizpah benediction. 27 CLERGYMEN HAVE GONE FORTH FROM BERVIE DISTRICT . ITaldenhy and Bell. Mc- confined to her ronpi for .the past few- days. ■ • ■<l Mayor and Wife Ofl" List jFrom various parts nf iO'ntari’0 have come . re'ports of prominent people who have had' their '‘names left off the voters’ list for the elec­ tion which was held on Monday. , . Wingham also has a. case- of this kind as Mayor J. \y. Hanna and Mr$. Hanna are both left off t-l and .will not ho able . to ballot;—Advance Times. their What he- now believes to be, a ,'oynplete list of 27 clergymen, who have gone forth from within an,'8- niile radius’ round about Bervie, has been’ compiled by Frank Colwell. By denominations .there ate 12 who were originally Methodist ministers, 6 Presbyterian,. 8 Anglican and one Roman Catholic. • They are: Anglican, Right Rev. Isaac Ot Stringer, Metropolitan of the Archdiocese of Rupert’s Land; Rev., Harry Hall, Rev. Benson Cox, Rev. . Cannon ‘ W. .D. Collins, JRev. Leslie Armitage, Rev. Lot gwallwell, Rev.. James 'Ferrier, Rev. Thomas Whalen. Presbyterian, Rev. John Millar^ • Bev. FerguSon Millar, Rev. Hugh Lane, Rev. Find­ lay Matheson, Rev, Hugh Mathesioii, Rev. John Stewart. Roman Catholic, Rev. Father .Frank Kehoe. Methodist Rjev. IiwVin Glass,.Rev. Samuel;, Sel- lbry, R:ev. Alfred Bowers, Rev, Robt. Hildred,, Rev. James Anderson, Rev. Duncan truest, Rev.' Thomas Colwell, Rev, Benjamin Cuyler, . Rev. F. Clark .Logan, Rev. Edgar RoulSton Kev; James Lager, Rev. Allafl F^rel!'. -Gummmg-*Kave;7What--he-termed1r--an informal talk from the text, ‘‘ For their sakes I. sanctify myself.” Spe­ cial music consisting, of a duet by Mrs. Harold, Treleaven and Miss Mildred Treleaven; a solo by the lat­ ter and a trio by. Mrs. and Miss Tre­ leaven . and Miss ‘Eunice Newton, All of Lucknow, added greatly to ithe success, of the service. Chobsing as his subject in the evening “A Good Appetite,” Rev. Cumming spoke from the text “Blessed are they that hunger and thirst after righteous­ ness, for they .shall be filled.” Splen­ did music , consisting of two anthems and a sojpyby Mr. Bert Cullimoro. was provided choir. Wbitechurch guests of the day evening next, when the meeting will be in charge of'the visitors. Mr. Harry Sturdy of Auburn,) who is Recreational' convener of Huron Pres- bytejry, will *have charge of the re-, .creation period. Miss Dorothy Do.uglas, who leaves next week to resume her duties as principal of the Girls’ Training School at Tamsui, Formosa, will b„e the speaker at the meeting of the Y. P. S. next Sunday evening at 7.3d. Mrs. H. Rutherford, who has been rt visitor with ■ her daughter, -M-rs; .Oliver Anderson, BelgraVe. for some- months has returned home. Mr. Wilson Woods of the O. A. C. Guelph was home for the week-end. Mr. Norman Hamilton oft Galt will speak on Temperance in; the United Church next Bunday, morning. by the Whitechurch Y. P. S. will be local society on Fri- & PARAMOUNT Mr, Bob Elliott.and daughter Cath­ erine from Blyth, visited on Monday at Mr. W’ R^ Marfin’s. Mr. and Mrs^ Isaac Ensign spent the week-end with friends in Kincar­ dine, ' . . Mrs. Arthur "Cook spent the. week end with Mr. and Mrs. Archie Cam- eron near Ripley; ' There was a big crowd at the dance in the Paramount Hall last Friday night. , Miss.Mary Cook,‘R.N., is nursing "in Wingham- this week; Majority for -Tomlinson 1596 St. -Edmunds------45 ..85- Saugeen Tp, —....183 137 269 Southampton __7,6 209 399 Tiverton ~. ....,™. 23 30 90 Tara J.. 41 152 111 Wiarton ........-----™..243 369 443 Teeswater --------^_74 99 .'249 ■/-——— Total _________..2335 3751 4851 _ ■.---- - ;------- Grand Total ----..2880,4914 6510 ASHFIELD NOTES Mrs. Les. McKeith spent Sunday with her sister, Mrs. J^arnell of Ripley. Mr. and Mrs. John McDonald, v.isit- ed with Mrs. A. McDonald of Am­ berley. J Mr. and Mrs. Jake Hunter and family motored to Teeswater .Sun­ day, to spend the day with friends. .Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Helm and family ,of London, visited his par­ ents over thg week-end. Mrs. Floyd Catnpbell returned with them , where she will remain for a few days. WHITECHURCH Mr. and Mrs. A. Dowd of Brant­ ford spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs, Craig and other relatives.' ,' . Mr. and Mrs. Mapletaft and daw ghter Reta and Miss McLaughlin,- spent Sunday with Mr. apd Mrs. Kennedy. - ' Mrs. Annetta Knight of Linwood,, spent the week-end- with Her father, Mr. Wm. Fisher; _ _ . . Miss Leverne of Toronto is visit­ ing with1 Miss Merle Wilson^ Miss Baird of Wingham is nursing Mrs. Hutchison, Sr. We hope to hear of an improvement.,- Mrs. Caution is | Spending a few days in TeesWater^ • A, good number from here attended the anniversary services at St. Hel­ en’s, Sunday. Mrs. A. McQuillin received word of the death of an old -//friend and neighbor, Mr. Alex McIntosh of Brussels, who passed, away very sud­ denly while sitting at the table last Tuesday morning. His wife, frtrmcrjy Miss Smith of Morris township, is left to mnurp. his Joss; LOCAL STUDENTS RETAIN INTER SCHOOL TROPHY . . t ■ • ® (Continued from Plage 1) tween the girls’ and boys’ teams from the three schools had to be called off. Two ' contestants from each school are allowed in each event,, with five winners being declared on a point, bases of 5, 4,. 3, 2, 1,' except in the relay races .when the three, teams are' awarded points of 5,t 3, 1 according to their .placing. . . . The^list ;of winners which follows has either the letter L, R or T ’aftei each; name to designate whether, the pupil, hdiongs.. to ■ Lucknow, Ripley or. Teeswater school; * . , .' Thie summary of. points put Luck- now well at the head with 183, Rip­ ley second with 135 and Teeswater. 3rd, with. 98. Of. these totals, Lpck- now • girls scored 73 points, • Ripley . girls 90 points and Teeswater girls 22 points. “ ' > •'. /■ SENIOR GIRLS 100 Yd. Dash—Helen Collins, R: Marie Pollock, R; Jessie Thacker, T; M. O’Mara, T. 220 Yd. Dash—D. Graham, L; H. Collins, R; H- Lane, L Running High Jump-r-EL Collins. R; Marion McNay, R; Hilda Lane, L; >. Collyer, L; J. MacGregor, T. Stan$ihgx Broad Jump— II. --Cdllips. R.; D. Graham, L; M. McKim, L; N. Ferris, R; I. Keith, 2T. Running Broad—M. Smith, R; D. Graham, L; M. McKim, L; "M, MacKay, R; I< Keith, T. Standing Hop, Step and Jump—H. Collins' ft; M. McKim, L; M. Mackay, R; H. Lane, L; V. Thacker, T. Throwing Basket Ball— N. Ferris, R; H. Collins, R; H; Lane L; D. Graham, L; A. Ballah, T. Re­ lay Race— Lucknow,, A; Finlayson, D. Graham. H. Lane, ’ E-. -Andrew. lTeeswaA^r"rRipleyj^:~..™ JUNIOR GIRL^ _. too Yd, Dash—J- J^arrel^JR; J. Stewart, R; E. Andrew, L; J.’ Lowey“ L;_ A. Jeffrey, T. Running High .jump—H. McDonald^ L; M- Salkeld, L; J. Stewart, R; E. M. McLeod; E. McInnis. Standing Broad Jump—J. J^arrell, R; J. Lowey, L; M.« Salkeld, L; J. Stewart,- rR; D. Bell, T. Run- mih^Broad—^T^Stewarty^R-;^K-r-^Ken^ nedy; M. Mair; H. McDonald, L;- E. Andrew; L. Standing Hop, Step and Jump—J. Farrell, R; D. Bell, T; J. Stewart, R; M. 'Salkeld, L; J. Lowey, L. » BOYS’ EVENTS Standing (Broad Jump —Sr.—-E.. Buswell, L; Hyslop, T;\ W. Hew- at; L.-,. Moeller, T; MacAuley, R. Jr.—J. Leith, L; J. Carter, L; B. -Renwick; T^-dbiddle-,—R-;-—-Collins, -R^- —220-Yd.-D.ash^Si\ —. Hahkirk, JTl -McCormick,-R.—Jack-JiJ9weis,Rr T. Garter, L; J. Leith, L; R.'Liddle. R.; Elliotit, T. ' v _ , Pole (Vault.— Sr. Habkirk, t; Herd, T; C. Jewitt, L; R, MacKenZie L; K. MacConnel, R. - ■ Baseball ’Throw—R. McKenzie, L; G. Miller, L; Herd', T; Brown, T; McCormick, R. ’ Relay--F. McKenzie, C; Jewitt, W. Hewat, H. Thompson, L.; Habkirk, Thompson, Moran, BorrhQ, T.; Lind­ say, Robertson., Steele, MacLeod, R. % mile race—-Colin * Crozier, L; Hyslop, T; Habkirk, T; II.’Johnston. L. Running High Jum^—Sr.—?C. Jew­ itt, L; T. Mo’ratfi, T; B. Steele, R; N. Lowey, ,L; J. Cronin,! T. J?.—J. Leith, L; M. Elliott, T; O. Paterson, L.; W. J. Bell, R; R. Liddle, R. Running Hop, Step, Jump-Sr.— C. Jewitt, L;. Hyslop, T; 'Moran, T; H. Thompson, L;y S. Robertson, RJ Jr—Harris, R;. Collins, R; Leith, ,L.; ROnwick, T; Paterson, L., 100 Yd. ’Dash—Sr.—Habkirk, T; H. Thompson, L; F. MacKenzie, L; Hyslop, T; JJAcAuley, R. Jr.-r-Bow- ers, R; J. Carter,. L; J. Leife, L; Liddle, R; E. Ross, T. • Standing Hop, Step, Jump—Sr.— L Hyslop, T; R.* MacKenzie, L; T. Moran, T; C. Jewitt, L; C. Mac­ Auley., R. Jr.—J. Carter,. Lp J. Leith L; J. Bowers, R; R. Renwick, T; B. -Collins, R. : David CAR BADLY DAMAGED H i ■■ 1 ■ ! Lyceum Theatre WINGHAM Show Starts at 8.00 P.M. J. , Thursday, Friday, ■ Saturday. October 17-18-19 ’•WAGON WHEELS” A WESTERN PICTURE BY ' ZANE GREY \ . . ./ ' , also Two Reel Comedy with Le<»n Errol "SERVICE WITH A SMILE” Two Robl Musical —’ "CURE IT WITH MUSIC” AND NEWS REEL s - —NEXT WEEK— '■ ’’Looking tor Trouble" Big Selling of— Fall Ready-To-Wear SMART COATS PRETTY DRESSES AVON KNITTED SUITS ■NEW MILLINERY The Smartest of Fall Styles 7 and altogether Outstanding y ; ...-— NEW OVERCOATS NEW .SUITS . . GOOD UNDERWEAR SWEATERS and SOCKS ‘PRINCE’ BOYS SUITS^$9.85 Th.e sorFof' clothes, everyH5dy -.-4ik;es-to~wear-~an(I-.,-that'__e.veny_„. mother knows._ a big~ value. All have extra' Pants. You’ll find it pays to shop at . KING’S KING BROS. WINGHAM A 1933 Pontiac sed&n owned by Mr. Trimble Baillie, garagepinn of Cargill, and driven by his mechanic Mr. Howard Clark, skidded on the gravel north of Singh ampton on Sunday last; and after jumping the ditch and tuning over several times, crashed through a fenhe and'landed in a Hump of hushes a considerable distance from. the. road. The car'was almost a complete. Wreck, being dam­ aged, it is estimated, to the extent of about ■$£ Times. ■Walkerton Herald- -r t? ‘■0RBB rodfincB NOW H estimates FRre. 'SUbL I TwoRreatvaluenin| -Metal Roofing. Ex­ clusive .patented features guarantee woather-tightneBB and etfsy'applica­ tion. For newroofia or re-roofing. Send | , ridge and rafter lengths for free estimate. We use. "Council Stan­ dard” for great­ est durability. Eastern Steel Products limited PRESTON ONT ww/rs Ar.w Montreal ctoronto . ’ ' f'/' . ■ ......-—r MADE THE GRADE Smashed Hydro Pole, Eleven Heavy Fence Posts; And Landed Heads- Up On Own Power. ■ t____ , • * • Monday morning, Mr. Frank Beck- ier of Blackhorse,’ who was driving a high-powered Cadillac Automobile and carrying four passengers, crash­ ed into a hydro ' pole, throwing it Several feet, tore away heavy wire ■fencing, and eleven'fence posts, and landed heads-up, alter makings a twenty-five foot drop‘ just at the loc­ al fire power-house, and came up smiling on the 6th concession lead­ ing into the village at the limekiln. Flijere were four passengers in the car besides the driver. None wer^ injured, and did not even seem to have any ill effects from the sudikM plunge from the street to the if the ravine. ' Thai Occident happened about. 3 a.m. It took the hydro employees several hours to clean up the mess and - get the juice - in motion—-The automobile received only slight scratches and lost its rear bumper* and also a front headlight. The own- ■*r of the Cadillac will be out sever^ dollars for ' new fencing and a new ‘|ydrb&pole.—Teeswatei* News, Pays ^Daritages, ’Is Acqutitcd As a result, . Frank Baeehler Charged with failing, to report this accident that Occurred at Teeswdter on September '27th .'when he ran over an embankment and broke seme ’POs^s in a fence. As it’ couldn’t be established ithM the amount of dam* ... .$.50 of' oyer.; , he vVaS acquitted' on, agroding to play all damagqcj und constable^ costs in 'the action, ' Wi was notice Special Notice in a restaurant runs• A like thtfTf “The..WW fe ffie estab­ lishment'Must not be"* treated ljke medicine and taken after meafe#. ,,