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The Lucknow Sentinel, 1935-10-17, Page 2
> Bestin'.' ■ Far Mazi .Cunventtbii'. At ..Nuremberg' • wsw** ‘I I ' w>rern& $ww*s busfabas' ■ United tad-ice?; "Jfaaer-v# .Afa5»- iifexSSt- '$1jS1L- uer at ass’ av-a^- w'kereaa the fas-- sizae ,'v- '£ife? Efenk' .of-Mo-ve. •'Sept^d- has- Mtri-I'- a» 'ffirriilari.etdnp.arin.g ■ trerids- i» Ca-nadd'' and. "the-' States, The- IJpited. -Statse drri-./t^ctPd'*. bf-. th<' '^edtal -.- thfe' Cattadidti. indiedd4 af?e based '•upd-n"da-ta- fro'im ■ of' Starist5f?8:; ®aeh- series had herii corm^-ted'’ vdridtSbn/ ‘The- . df’-' Mb !.»’ thd* of t?ie'j>drind britween j'925-- and1 ■ ' The'i^ ■n^ri-rep\ riid-w that-conditiond; in both eopntriea; Mt- tJfdtf Canadd'-' fW’ in thd- lead tpy^ardi^- df’- h^t^dnb*- Bri- ,- tWen, 15^5- andT ' fri-'tfely of this- inddsf .^«f- . em$o$rweiK£ m ' .(feddd5 wdd7 while- hf J$hl.ted- rirdy-’ ■ - A'' -yddiri . agh1. ffer •■ ^0re«i; fpr-- Canada were1' 8^".8j arid in ■ “RerpnbHc'.. 7&R1 . J&! , erif^?oyris«*h-b- - iW '-rriariri.fer-^- ;@jres -*»- f,4 pd?nt« of bring nortriierf de based on the employnient of the- bri-.m' yfeirs-.., ' - ' ' ’ •'■' •' ' .' ® i'.hzfptftridl* przyp-Jri'icn.. in Criodda- ip .-^n-iost riprhial and" has reax*hMi ■ dompa^ed .with 38.A -in J»jiy of - a? year' ' ago. The- edited Sijate®- fi-garba- wei’d ’M'.zT in July- of this year and in - ■-.’10B4'- -^et4eh.W. -for- ear’oad:.n^» arid' 'wt -.Cenddah-r. ])nhii:iAn fares', In .. Mdy. tM'- 'j^ei'e \df.i, in.. J»4|’ ;■ gs'.ecmpssrbd-'wfth- ■drid the nnite/f"" Stated-55,5 ip.-. Jri'ly; with 'IB 4 . System In Seftiiif fe&s xoei” merit of'" teHing' aO. hogs tressed Lafafr Leader: >,W . •“-■’V-ai'ifafa'’*. ieil ’'us, fa-..- ■—,- ■ - .- -. JJAMKS; IIA-VIi. CHANGED- ■•" -The-' SK-'JdaJIrifal-'irgi?w- 'pfavf” ii«pe-"f a fadfard last .wfaf' of a. aebopi I •■■.<•- I ..... ?.j* -zvA/t T'c.laus'-zif adys arid, .g-iris/’df x8”0.- .VV-b* read'over tke' names 'and noted contrast betWeeici.,.t.hen and now. Thferi^ there w-s - a- prerfdminance of- 5fagi-i gibs, two Bellas, one .Lizrd.e; one Jane, ,l one Roth, 'ope farief; and- an A-ggfe.; The very’■dby- we'Tbad-thU' we read*. :3-¥io-thei! list pf' ■ ■p.feoaeiitrdhjy . -pamea- [ ■w:h^h; were- ''^ear/T •caflesf. out by a-i dsrrclbg-..rtstriietreas as she addressed- her pupils; herd' they a-ret Chai-rm-jan', Y'rg.inia, Ldri’dine, Juli'et,. Jennffer, Rauie, Celia; Benia anf Caroline; —AViarton C^ddltftP^elftfe z.- fa •' *■ IB a p^ryjnta^ anxl ■y.'iu’Ja. wiaa: ■ sKamjft •ji.. .Brined "^iwassi I'icome ■. MficiM. iccreta-ry bf tfeeP .dwa- ,r<;ii*k»a.n,^ '.xs«wd of- 3ri.nist < fa-iand’ repcris tihac g3o>£.' Ca- >»en .',';ta.nepf. '-ay ra-.i nogji and- mai’k'eis.ug'' • on- .vri^’hf ''rista,- The* .-rxeiriuri \'s,t ,f a aimupp^ce-.t '-aisi an, 'J <*rii!a2-y -ri'tic ng fair ta. ’’U'p • •wefiic'i feauita. guf- rzmv. r-ce th.ac the „ -maaga mia.rkc* f-'d’k/'v-* u .Bfa'disfijlirer- Adolph Hitler (.rigtit), salutes’etunmarider; Garganidh on his departure f'fain Temple- huff Aafairnrne in Berlin, Germany for JIuremberg, wherp the Nafa fangi’eas'was m mssion. — .-,.....;———-----L -----—— Ami Lead 1- 11 ■; ;... . '•/.' Depre^ion-Proof that ■rh.e- ' road, safety . •campaign.-. has" I'-woai ai verj? real initial- .success.. In ! .tSiir !ust'25^-wieeks.- the number* of in- l juries- and tieaths ' resfiectivel.y were > ’ ' Wtfced States (So^riim'ent 'wJJf- take" •iSX,-Y7'<iainJ. 2.885. fin the same; P«> WWW°. dr„ <W. «s«w’ i«tf Pf&gfe ..'tajuries 'td»a<Ie.4-.1214)^ d^afhuS 8^7^ _ The staadSy rigR m^,'"ejirv'e of road' arident® baa- mer-ely1 "bdeih' been pressed down, despite big creases, in the- hdrnher' of vehicles.’ The j-ort and the Jwfl-y 'The. fi’s1 ftriOfit to made ,n mA.rke“ri.g was a wis^. -ine. and the f-vSz/'v-'ip experieatiasl zhae- z/uyh'ly' confirmed eariier .oanrie^uns. fz/r.ng a’ jtyp.eai weak of rihe >sr- pe-rim'Ay,^ -w.te z,yer..23ll> the <!r<-7,.V'd .pr.ze.* was. ' cwt.. »nzh -w'zfkerF cesit, age live ■ p'rire.^f nf^trp-K f/rif'S a:?ve for v/ftzi-ic was only ^45© p®r.e®t_ of’ th^TTato''' Oimisr ’£. ■ .• /Jhaf. a .miHwnajr^'' :jg- ' Hof alwdy«'i pJesised^ tW'■ Sebf^tarjf dif7 the"' 'Treasury -askH about his-heul^i, mmUtef. may .nave an ’ilterior rn'otlye;;’ and- be ‘making! estlm'atfesi '-■ .■"•') i ‘ ■ ■ --Niagara- FaMg. ■ WORK AT'.HOME- Regotutflon -was' church dieetlhig' Wbodstock mfesionariesi' shorild he ■■ sent tn- ffcu-s^f sia\ -We read ^ke, other' day- whr-e- a iftan Soofc off., his cd-at-' t»-^save a',' dro.wwtag'-person-arid his m'ori’ey w^s-i ■j-taken---sWM- '* ‘ presented at .a: that bob has" :n- iceasdd Minister, of Trans- Ministry officjald' 'are en-ritled tn congrar.xlaitSon. - - ', • £>on-dcfl' .Daily Herald.' They/Have.. Built.’ U p a SMtrSuffident Home lnJ.ijstryu on .'■ ’ '. '-.-.■ /TTieir Nova. Scotia' .Farm."' ■: : ■ \ ■ ■ - ' ‘ ROMANCE • . , - LeeiW'd Lyrists tells the 3tery- fa ' -^fe'- York Pcstc . ; . D?a-n-k Ch'wrdhlO,- - Winsiyfa' Ch’idph-, , 31’#- e’4e«»;. riayj^iter, has - just ; an- • ■ ricrinbbd-- .-her -e^a^priterit—to.--£fa-ricah ■^dridys! Brit-- therms niere to, it ■than ■ '■’ that' .K'dIJywbdii ’<b,ou?d'’.go' for'. , for. office,.n. the.bast 1 etb^dn*-" f^tnrchifP.T family opposed- hip 'rformriation1, "iburfag the 'ca-mpefigd; hdr farither, described: him ae d! ' ddriti'pcde with a. foot on every - Arid- so theyCl hd; married" .-•. Romance- is net dead> despite what, The Brataham ---------- ■■ . ' Calcutta ; _'.Etatcrarnan;r *^ '" few-" years ago dancing vza.% we ^eSsve, . j gWerally ’-thought of ®£a.' *^-esa- ■' ■ i eccentricity Of . EuropeabA, , ;*-.v^j25 ! arid elderly, .slim arid rotund., or.S Ebt '■ ^entirely reputable item in. the dele-. a.Erfi ■ Now .all is cEassged . varla- fame xJa- In dyes. uneiripTdyifang'is', doffe'-in farts, faafac and'; <• n i?r/ t h a GTHKfU-1 '•farngfa vea, bifaksmlfh, •izj‘f-3 them " added , Depr«3KSfcn«,'' ■ '.fajIlifasF, ■ment, h igU prlcris-—th one mean. . nqth- .ng 'at ail uo o1d—A.lec MacLeod anrt hiH ebterly sister. Katty, gay-a-a-»stbry from-: Baddeck, Nfovaz Scotia. The. .venerable weaver hb usekeeper-busi n ess manage: hnilt. up'a- .gelf^ufacfftrit ‘ y ; - n a .anm-ie by' ’he side of »he Cfajflf Trail. On Cape Brerari 'aacfajvafa.h. _dbe ay. '“The Ifard'sheen goer est- ■ a nd . r o •r : vtai pay i’. ■ FQk >;. for -if grey “\..w- city, folk;’ “il''tl!‘‘' Init. then, i hey j g ■<> rJ.Ath'ins; lLsh.erma.ii and ' . m l 'l •ri A' •'t'fon < ■fan c.y color- MAKE CLOTHlNC The hnakiii for 'he and ■ Coe-, a 'grocer .'tour, /'A'eonroe k fCitty, paiislrtg an •in - a -mea'ding-fil '■ a man dime . fta.d>‘ paused, - .then- .con r, “iri .ma.fcA.'sweAte±373;rjd; at dreii.” E-iel iBu tier those.' d.uat.ria(- town of Sydney come up oc- .easibnaLly and th e tori, /her attending ' wedd ingaI bratiori-g ( evening parties .owing to the recent discoveries and Leri th ufaas in's alfatit th.em. Old dances'- (Hindu,,- Moslem., • aboriginal, have been found persisting in remote vil-_ lages; they have been studied with care and, cleared of damaging ac-n j cretions; a,nd. now they arc in great ■jAfa.-ve-HT~--a-fr"a"-!-~fo-iuri..faf_~-exercisfa jan<L- - y- v ( part of a1 training of the whole man for the service of the country. '■' ■ In, Bengal this development fs more pronounced than anywhere else, owing to the- enthusiasm of an - Indian Civilan who has made the *study. of these things much., more than a hobby> has shown how they can be used to enrich the life of the -people; and -Has- 'in-feezed--•■'^vith-":-hi3: *... enthusiasm all kinds of people, from right-Eeartecl schoolbbys and vifiage-" urchins to anxious-browed collectors, ?. . and even commissioners! All over Bengal this new interest has. spread- The Bratachari movement, as it is [called, is a, force to be taken' into [ account in any survey of the condi- [ tion and activities' of the people of the province I i ■ i t I I I and. his j haV'e! home tn'diiKt- ; hat’s dftpre'.sion-prnnr, 'They i live I historic Island roubles of-' the' world to IIS','*' ..kmod- FKRM-AN^NT' EMPIRE , Regarded came riirou-erh riie magnifizjenriy. we. riirough 3." 3s- a jnit, strain As at .he strata. .hri^3farltfem-"'rhfa' re^'faT;,?^-'--. wPridi.-'Ts haft; heart -a’ real Leagne of Nations,; ej;t. “.I would: na/radri pns-fteridr>s between whom the’jwssihiHty of"" war j any mon. '. ■ , wa» Tgaaptaely’'-^riedh. ■'ju^._ariri...aib_n£j_fahri-vlng.. along whom accorded general- one comnWft, and nighty eign policy. ?Bnt. even .p ley;' large changes .fath., ■irig1 •pcssfatl tries tjia-ve Canada has Its own rip-inmarie^repre- ,sepiaifae2riiL..'Wash;uLgjan.+ Ireland. -,n iriri.*'*'?7""' .......................——> --.•■™-r., several efam’tries, India- has her Own , p^T^Iva--nfaages,- lead —- - ---- - - ....... the ■ Bmpire I of War '. ini-t- it has.; of the peace <. >■■?: :C.k- accused- df fraud-again sb-fae- relief'■ depm-'t-ment,- stad sd- cm. • ^Yherer-’arA a,' -whldh- need-'fa- beii atierided' >> at h4dme before ,'w taekl Buesi a,’-—•Bfaatfcrd. Beacp»i- Eferald. i.e .MW TY?>E^\OF ' PAVBMmr -■ ip , • •;p'' Leftd-s- .Co-unt;y i» at-.'beSbrri5ent tim'A wlt!i<j38lng’ th# introduction of ® new Ebype 'of - .'.Mg&waW ...wrfacE,, -, rorm*yj. of' | ai 'i^xture of ealrium riilorido; which,; ■• support. t» 'pacific, ~«iTr foreign pfa- ,■ iisintegrat^ leen'' made. ‘i I bi ay 3am- spun' is'no problem,' a'nd . .cheese. ’-- Workman from plfatiy of wood. - Katty makes rhe nearby In P'-Z'-s - f z^’-a f zzz . z r. i f4 f ft TftW '. r-'/s ft, f ft -ftf tf > . iead to a marked cur- . tailment bf maintenanoe: ecst», a edn- '•• ■ rfderMlon not to be- ignored ' dvrirtg: ; this period of neeea^ty for thj? dieo df the utmoet economy in ' expenditures. of’ have' m sncceeful use ,;-years in. I^ew York . state- i practseafejiity" ’ in. Ontario .e^u-ally well demonstrated. > ,fn Lambton and . Simcoe ep»intles _• bf., „ ,yat. .another: ''.dom.pogi--. • tm,n are also • bring' wilt- year, rii’fa: .far. arid- may exer- pufa type 3ome their oe wjthfa the Empire-her own ^political 'yepresentatiye ■ in SoutJi' Africa, ■ But above ait tbere, has ,oean no eomYncn. eednomie poHey. fittawa represents the first’ fferious. attempt- to. derive Mte, artdi in the attempt has exposed the aericne weakneases of rJie' whole ;itnst?on and the*urgent need for per manent machinery for, Bmpire tjdn- swltatibn,,, the adjustment of. differ ences, and the purs»oit of comir.cn lO1351i&.-=--^-...,■■■..•.; •»'..wi;—; - „ .■- '. •UaJeutta Statesman. Ihe.. nigpwi see a- sign fa i gafstpost; “B arid 3'omespun for. Sale Her pica of- ‘rinjfc*'’ faga and-..'.home •lul'rs, and •'able covers are draped •z>v»r' the .radiings1 of '.he porch. This,' rays JC^try proudly,1 Is a ' ‘sort0 of a'-" verris-ing tfte?-- ,b^re_.<i;iine• • ln_._ the_ rig stores-.. ta?. Sydney'.'* . ■' j mere than: a‘ factory l' mlc . entity, '. vegetables- - puts' .up for ■ have- their’ milk; their own. chickens and .ptga. F^tierman Ijavld MacLeod:, a neigh- her, trades part, of ais. .caroti. to them 1 for homespun clothing. I' The fArm has a dock of aheap, of, course; to provide the wool that Kat- - tv makes- into y.arn on. an, old spfa-- f ni'ng wheel- faherlted- from, her m^th- ' t I ■They grow and fruit.#, fae- winter own cattie ,^-aomestead-,.—JsU .t is an econo-' alii .rhelr own which Ratty' months. They for beef,. and to .buy the cheap, 'sturdy beautiful mater.'ais produced by MacEeodg- and other. Cape Bre- weaverg^Bu.rir.eg?, la best in .sum- m naturally,, wpen the' fburl As are [ here. .■Winters Alec .occpibs' himself I .n^kfag^fand... >!el.l.i.nz..bar£elsL.±Q,.,.^.PPip [ 'growers. na>|fj tn saplings- make a So you can. glee that Alec and Kat- . ty do handle .gome cap b. It’s used" to pay* "rates,” or taxes., PROOF. OF PROSPERITY Alep has heard'“a good slug" about, the depression, bu.. doesn't believe It I possible .that times, really could_,be' very bad.'wWliy, there was' an artist' mon come last ySF^nfl’p’K'fd’riSlSlc^ ^N'o, he doesn't even buy fasten the, hoops; uses green amd notches' them, and they tighter job. ‘ *• i f'rr v+t iz »;» . tablA t'rf. •■/faff J/rf the V. ^f,f t,f «zytz/z,( #{Z<S iZf i'zz.n ft}th the / »» i* .-s, Zi^at^ '-j i ’ //*" f 'tif , • ' ' ■ Ipiii ,a 4 t/ff , fliz.-l k {',rzA-^-' 4- /ftzdr. z,f, k’l hfif'h n j %, /oz*n of kt Cri// T(z PA'7'f'rM.Vfk- I , f, if fitff/tt, ttffA flzl/|z<f><r<i| pl*> - ' j rr.ofZ/ fr'irtih/'f fyi't'l Of p-.')' / ft fftrftifi/^ ■ | fiA .ffi trttz.pjs 'if ■'/,rtf ■('■'irtf ■ fid ft 0p-.lt zo/efollyj 'ftbd fi'1 S h riayt •1 - - -^nsckyiUe Recorder' LZXm BEFORE YOU BKCOT It ?ho»y?d be ths aim of_every man ho pubs a tagger' » ^ke.due 'care;. ~.fj> see that sS 1-srr zA he z, odneem- i M. the huptSng seahpn of 1925.will he; mrrtarred' by ’m^imings and kiTlingx. ' ! Thie rcgijjjfrir no eirErazjrd-taerir pre-, «-au<rin, and driMsc t-hid Id taken, ,life. \s fhr nohndy ,n the wnodrt and to -hid end o^ the - Chrorsicle. I any hunter meyfind himself fadfang’ on the w/ortj?' rifie . ffaHfafa MM. P'R/rZEM JI?? Pronin# fisk in a film of boric ariid ; solritlon lb- pr<rrin<? a ■ boom- to Cana1- ■ dian shipper# of frnny fnodstoff#, i' When fMufew fish arb shipped ta an onprbMz^ed state,, they Jose moistnra rapidly and the flavor of- the fish is’!' impaired For #omig time ha# been , She practice to steal' the fish op i.n a filni of iee' in order to .keep the nao , *rra’ mowLira in the flesh Thi# layers <zf f<g1aiier ,.i< easily ling, «z, rrtjg' methzid t<r<f •/ ^ati-sfactory •. >f'w eherniats st OF TW-Fz FRE.8Z ff <4hbrles Z-zpArimentei Prin<*n Rripartz B.C haf a- Ong'rt ' " •yer «-he L#h f ar-4 ■’•ri x-e <k>ris Kip- ma-/ he- *>t irijo/ing the ^orroirriiog v>rfa/-/* 'Zery . ,’AtIe_of .ihOr-sbJd the. f;i-h. The ar-jd a, kr<* p zJ/p/ZO ■ tM ba z tzsy rMz|Ar,;rtg 'zf the fisb- pzvz ing f ns/»ctz/r / The Pas N/zrthK/p ,U#ii. C-RA^y ZTOVFzspPFP*.^ 'ensfe'f t/f a.xta than it tt-ted ta M, the/ Asets fArtf 4hV;r'4« which takz* th* tazp out fiM le-nee fin <riga, the rat z-an xttak her t -ffi o/ byziken h«# not n hand. M4W <H1- the fianadfan SSfarion , at Mve discovered f'$»r/,e'n i'»r> he farmed far fr^vinsf s sfauttan on them. This herid hot Maz-k easdy ®rtd a tafa/er, of it ■ wlth- «/> aerfa# .t/» a, wh ><■ h cen so JTh» ZA^thZzf is jigged -nZ z» fii/f M# i > 'fa/p c p '/z* )/» ■e <-) a /id' ■»«lte rt the r-fafa 7>z 7V-t Fk A 4>ry»k/cp’ i 7 H f\nsw- ft*-re .'■_,. IfOAtl fiAPf^'tV Am.Rh e //Mmz-iii r.^vrf/, f I, 7 •a* z// n, r>' -f wfa, a DiSPOHER” The wrimia a«d ' neacapafoie fact rernbans that ths weather, which d»n- rtot be controlled, is & mam factor in regulating output. Although- M»n irt pridri at his seemingly grdtring.' control over the forces of Mature, has' forgotten the old saytago it is =ritill. true that *rman proposes but Go4 disposes." ft i« 3 humbling thought' for the sciemtblc planners that they cannot yet reckon vrithopt Providence. The Minister of Agyi- ■enltnre in the C. S>. overlooked .that factor when Uxing hie acreage# for wheat, maize and cotton. Srought supervened and created shortages. ta last lyeari# harvmta. Only' the sw- pluacsi from, the bounty of Rrnvidenca in previous seasone saved thd Hhitrif States ■froro the necessity of heavy imports. ISven so, she ie having to boy butter from abroad. Similarly She vaunted Eive-year Plan dfdt not rizempt .''millions of Russians from famine* At the present moment the weather |« imposing ' an involuntary zpiota-on,dairy prodiuction Id several districts of Mew Zealand, S^b It must ever be ,n the ezpatlon of prodne- tinn. The weather remains the un known factor-- dro'ight or flood, ?.e«it or cold, rain, fnoat; haij, fire and wind, which '■'Moweth where It Hat-' The greatest of “ modern faL- i-s to. tom . fri.m the h-omJ of- r*fo<d.rig Mature’s .abundance/' that way w^l market prohleros The riddle tr> M answered' e-rizm, hut distribution. ' Anrlriand .Mews.., wind, eth ” Jshrie# pl-*fat7, Ntat m soHM. not prizf he U. St Wheat Crop fo/fkaM/J p the Lta >** p> :m4 igtsMs orifa'i s-. W n j * ba.o fl . // > '«*z,zj prz,zjr><’f'.ri of .i.l 'i'lTn.'/ fit i'lf, Wt.hh1) b>,eh/-ls. 'f « pr/(b>z*''/n of 'l 1^77,000 hu. In tir>h fhc fi-7/' year fiv^r •'} bn hila. ftz'porl*t Job whoa M wl lo^zoriz. t/,»i rhe q>0Hfty <,f the gprlnr vhfoif z zz,p -z/Hj hr, pz,o.r, V/lf,h ' fr»«f r/<4gb S • (c r b'l'-diZ'i far below T(i por-. t/iKhol /nnolri’^ far bAh>^ and of settle the pioneer; Highland bn- Cape- Breton Is- :hink -iiey'd hare Myou’d for the wopL Not Alec. Efts father, .3cn" s tzj land.- Maybe buy dyes- Pock. kt, divided between white aheap an/f black sboep, «o mpst of his weav_ ' ’ ■ .=. Pithy Anecdotes Of The Famous ' An invitation .to Inricfi with Janies Riis soil f/iweilf whom he had known .whfen-Exiwell wae American minister fn London) came to Ernest Rhys, the editor of "Everyman’s Library,” dur ing hfe first sdstt to Boston. ' v "What delighted me more, than any. Vs tag,” he remin isces' rin "Everyman Ram embers”') “was'Jthat, sitting by an open fire Russell Lowell drew out and. Jit a short clay pipe, the‘only time I had seen that implement used In American .good' society.” about T'. W-. book ‘"The caused ken EDWARDS my :-ric-^pai-nt-&ri-7-ar^W>r--e—-—• . Ka*ty.an<i Alec dbnTt even-corisfdT- er that their work -is hard- or long.! "Not ajl^year, onnyway; Canna do much' in' the weentertime. Ah weel, we are "getting a bld auld, a Rd never believed- In a person working ro death.” ' A curio-tfs yarn Cresland, < whose spz^kAble - - Scot,” whe-n, published years ago) la told by Beymour Hicks,. newly Irnfgihted B^r-veen Ourselves.) Ctos- -• o^y flow through hla ; water, was observed by - . - -.'ay "making, a tri- g-.**-. *. round .Leicester1’ by a a doz- H. Un. a fur'o're actor in land.-Wh ngers like fftir Seymo-,, urtlphal pr; ■P-frjare Oxmdzm), surrounded chr-;erlng''rri/>.b and followed by en empty hansom cab-^*- ~ T .gafEmred/’ "gaya Hickg;"that Crosland, who h&d been dining suffic ient/ well to become slightly cantan- hethnvt had insisted on- being driven" In a cab .with a whfte horse. There was such a cab^but It. was at the. very e-nd of the, rank. It cb.u:d not bd riirezl until the others In- front of It tihad fz,’jr,rl farea. t tlna?|z>n . ’ .k: ,' fe ez| So Crr,?’.and hired a wholf! rank and. drove to hh (les.- In his white-horsed- cab at of the procession.” - z ' t’ayn, wa’g hot bnly a delight- bht a brilliant humorist, I JanrCH I ;,, novriK , bilt a brilliant hu-morist, s-iy« Hirry f-’nrnlss, noted artist (In ,'!.> Mf-rnoirs). fie wag a splendid <6rnpanion and a great favorite am- o'n.;< llicrary rncn at the Reform (Hub. vM-rc bl t^rribljf hearty langht wag ‘ '■>,■ frequently hoard.- Apropos of this,- ^orriqono-made the r.em'ark: • . "That nian laughs like a. oannHiah*’ "Yew, that fiiay‘"vbe;”' Ejaculated d *■ '* , ' |l— 7 Payn, “but sir I have never been able ' t0 gw al! ’i i ’ ■ An amusing-gtory about Wilf Rog ers is told 'bY^fcddje Cantor (in. his reminiscences, “My Life Is In Your Han da”) It -seems that during Will’s .third "Seadoni .with the Ziegfeld- F&1-- lies-—he was then earning $350 per week—he went to Ziegfeld saying: ' "When I let. Oklahoma-I promised my wife and children'that Some day I would make $400 a week, and if ever I could make ‘that, the dream of life would be fulfilled.” Ziegfeld promptly fulfilled dream,. Next-year, Rogers asked for. . hundred. " ' “Whats the Idea!.”'said Ziegfeld. thought your wife and children were perfectly gatigfied with fo’ur hundred a week?” . “They alre,” -replied Will. “But GENERAL — WAY__ OCT. 3rd since then I’ve got en another child HOT SHOTS and he‘’g kicking." ; ' Years ago Eddie Cantor and Will Rogers were members of a troupe of performing young stars. Will being several years cider than the othe'rs sort of fathered them. -For Instance w*h'en; making railroad Jumps, he took charge of the tickets.- For th** propose of-Jravel, be It stated, the boys all •put op short pants. On one pecadon Will -Rgutjs, after giving , the" conductor h'aJf-f:ire presently appro.irhed by that jifflcfal, fuming’*and angry. ’ • •'• “Whats the id"a," gnfahd the eon- duct,or. “Those follows half ’fare’?” “WhaJ’.q thh mafior, <*>mlm’tot ’’ said0Will. . ■ z , -. “Why,” ho f'-m<|, "tlfa'rn fn the smoking rar w‘*"h bi- hfa-k .■'•■r* in .....* 'their faces and by tho kinan’.en they. pi|':> are. using, tshoy -are all old> r than I ‘fan!’’-’' "Roys wil'l tri b6y Rogers with a smile. S-COQ1HO IH lO *11 2 *» "HOT SHOT” JACKSON Maybe it‘j kind pi early to --be tak ing hockey, nevertheless it -seems-to lip.in t(?.e wir.-V. ■. Here is Harr?; of-the L.'i;i.j1svfa?.e- an 1. most tlikU chib for years • Rusher” v. '23 y t. „n o* • £ k was ide lies tali a my: < fa num greatest left day. 11 arwy1. n' bit'"a al. nx ‘ Ci’.."a-,,K C >na wi*|f T ! ■ ?.*•. son I-’d t"'..-' l-’.'-h’i ' N'-;-. Ma.vf.ri ;. , to a i< s'm-? s; rn’i’miirml be y ■; vxo'kl'l i .i: Ja w bora ;n Toron t ' fxve feeK 3 Its 1$5 'pot! n& liters is owe c in. the g-. <1 eW>- v'Toronto- PEi-n.ie.iu 1-23..' <.* .»* i.. i am. gr.ifa Jack. y -1 for fa h Jc-e- t .in' fa3 i 1^29 Iti 19.3 iy. e'in scoring with 58 • • cu lLns. would I'.ke t .questi-ous, or may. ke me to'cbrtou.u your uitta, sora'e .1 "It is untrue t.lia all a lO'y Icirns in a, modern Co l< g>- Is to <m>ikp, and flrink, to s-\vf,/ir ami ganrido. , Uej Icnrhs ail tho-.-o things |n pn-p school Ring, Larifner Jr. ' ' , .j„ Sfa"t.:dn t;i might even, have $■.'i.ia'- -Jti.ms or commsent j abour ‘ufa'Cvf pflt ri’".O S.” '■ if :.\0be very pleas.- 1 ■'%ho.fa f ..... v 4-y S"N. fatisl'l "juri.a/t-' off) L.IU u.Es.s,..ta!.._ listen.. .Ed sv, [■■ •■ fa A lelaide St ret' fV. - ■ V -',