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The Lucknow Sentinel, 1935-09-12, Page 7
, . “No thoroughly occupied man/ was ever vet miserable.’’—Landor. - ■ Boon (?) To Motorists SANDWICHES FOR -------- -ALL-OCCASIONS • , .Sandwiches are .what we -make them,. They may> be make-sfiift bites, with little to b.e said iii their favor,7 or dainty morsels- that' bring bursts o.f jj)raise to' ‘the , hostess w.henever■ they are .placed ^before guests. ■ -It is ifaf. too', easy to put a i)ieceL of ham or 'cheesy between® two slic-. -ds of bread, arid. call it ,a ' sandwich. W’e- are flike.iy to get into this food rut if we' do not watch ourselves. But the woman who prepares, her. sandwiches^ as carefully as she bakes a cake will'be repaid', amply in res-, peet and....compliments. * Sand;wi-c.hes' should be -dainty—whether for the school or factory lunch ■ box..; a pic nic; a bridge lunch or- a buffet lunch. Combination . ' sandwich -. fillings should- be' cultivated.- Instead o.f us ing plain cheese’ use a combination:- of cheese arid mustard' pickles. As • a' matter’ of fact the pickle shelf can fefwused the whole year round to build it,P attractive sandwiches for the .lunch box. When, you do -not desire to include pickles of some kind in '■the actual filling, two or three pickles wrapped in waxed pap/.' may be thrust into a. -corner of the lunch box and you ,may rest ■ assured" that they will seldom ’ if .ever' come back to you at night— or for a buffet lunch; various kinds of pickle.s m.ay be placed near the sandwich dray. Here are several recipes* showing how pickled of various kinds may be used in sandwiches.' 2 large sweet pickles (14 cup)-, ...finely', chopped' _.. ...... ’4 cup celery, finely cut .1 tablespoon "mayonnaise .1 -.2 .teaspoons- catsup. ,— !.. .. Combine chopped sweet' pickles ■ an'd celery/ Blend with remaining in gredients. Spread this filling on slices, of buttered bread. Hot Ham Sandwich ’ Have- ready hot ' buttered -toast, two slices for. ,each sandwich, and light-ly broiled sliced ham- cut very a slice of the toast.- Add. a bit' of. prepared mustard and cover .With minced sweet pickles. Put the top slice of toast in place, Serve at once. Bacon and Pickle Sandwich fi slices criply broiled ’bacon, - chopped ' 3 melium-sized dill pi’ckles, chopped ■ Pt cup mayonnaise Combine bacon, pickles, and may onnaise. Spread on buttered bread. .Makes G sandwiches 4x4 inches'.' . Savpry Al+nced--‘Ghvose- -Sapd-v&iiflR—" t Tomato Relish ,^- -lbs.) prepared, to matoes - . ’ GM>. cups (2 3-Vlbsr) sugar ’ .bottle- fruit' pectin' ■ r Tq Ipx&pare tonidtoesj ’.. scald, pee and crush-aboutu 2%. pounds ripe tbma-.tqes,., or- use cahhed- tomatoes^ Boil -4-cup’s .crushed' ‘tomatoes.- ’10. 'minutes, Uncovered,'-stirring occas ionally. Add U cup -le-mofi juice and grated rind of 1 lemon. (For use with meats, add teaspoon each ground cloves, allspice, and' cin namon, or Worcestershire sauce to taste.) Measure, sugar into ..large kettle. ’ Add. prepared tomato,' filling up last cu.p-with water if necessary. Mix. well and bri-ng to a full rolling boil over hottest fire. Stir constantly before and while boiling.. Boil hard 2 minutes. Remove kettle from fire and stir Jn bottled fruit pectin. Skim; pour quickly. Paraffin at once. Makes about 9 glasses (6 fluid ounces each,).. ■ Pepper Relish cups (14 oz.) prepared .pep pers'. ' cups (.3, lbs,), sugar cups apple vinegar' • bottle fruit pectin „ prepare peppers, cut open' ' ’ ‘ and discard seeds.. For best color, use equal amounts.- green and red sweet • peppers. Put. ■ through" food chopper - twice, using finest, knffe. Drain pulp in sieve. • ■ n- . Measure sugar, -vinegar,-'and pre pared: peppers into large kettle, /.packing each ..cup: solidly-, until juice? gome’s to tqp. Mix well and bring to a' full rolling boil, over hottest' fire. - -Stirr-^Gonstantly _ihefor^-*arid .while boiling. . Boil har-c-k 2^ minutes.. Re- , move from fire and stir in: bottled fruit pectin. Then stir and skim by. turns for just 5 . minutes to-, -co-e-l slightly,’ to prevent floating/frUit. - Pour quickly. Paraffin hot re|i^li<at once.'Makes about- 1.0 glasses ■ (7> fluid ounces' each); ■ ‘J . JELLIES ' Plan your jelly, closet now? Next winter, 'when hungry palates yearn for fresh, fruit, and berry flayurs, you will be thankful many. times oyer that you stocked up 'with these jams, and jellies: ■ ... . ... ■ Red Raspberry and . Currant Jelly ,4Vs cup's- (21/; lbs.) juice- 7 cups <3 lbs.)' sugar’ ' . % bottle fruit .pectin- jJJTo-_prapare—jjh.ce^qnm(h^mEO.ug.hl,y- -.‘rbDtit l/fi -pou'nds - fully -• -ripe-~-’eia-r/-i • ' 2 \ ■ -7 IV2 ■ 1 To about 1- dozen medium, peppers o' • 08 M. -Robinson?'a Surrey England motorist, is. displaying-a gadget, which ought, to prove helpful to careful and abused motorists. It is gn exposed speedometer, fitted to the front 0/ liis car: The instrument has tli.ee faces and shows the speed of the car at all timer-. • T'" . Blackberry Jani . 4»cups (2 lbs.) prepared fruit ■ ,7 cups (3- lbs.) "sugar- - - . bottle. Trini' pectin ... To prepare Tyuit,- grind about, .-2 quarts fully ri$e .be’rries .or crush completely one layer at a tiinq-' so that each berry is reduced to a-pulp. Measure sugar, and - prepared fruit into large kettle, mix -well, apd jiU'mg to'1 a full rolling boil over hot test fi.ro: Stir constantly before and, while boiling. .Boil .hard 3 - minutes. Remove from, fife: and s.tir* in -bot tled fruit pectin. Then stir and skim by turns for just .5- minutes and cool ,'sl-ightly to 'prevent - floating fruit.' -Pour -ji'uickly. ■■ -..P-a-fa-ffin hof jam -. at once.- Makes about - 10 glasses (6 ■fluid/ounces each). " .[ HOUSEHOLD HINTS - Add Lemon Juice Before frying the fish, try adding a- fablespoonful of lemon juice to- -the egg-- in ■ which the- fish is to 'be dipped. It imparts, a delicious flavor,’ To Clean Coral Beads anb out of-a'pint of lukewarm water into which a - teaspoonful of borax has been dissolved.. . Rinse in clear vvater. ’ Sewing Sillf' W*hen. sewing silk, on-the sewing machine, pin a Turkish towel -over the-end of-..the table on. the machine and it/^yil'l. pre.veht the,’silk (material from slipping. ■ . ' 1 r Sunday School TIMOTHY; ( A CHRISTIAN WORK ER IN TRAINING). — 2 Timothy, Chapter 1. GOLDEN EXT. — Give diligence to present thyself approv ed unto God, a workman M:hat need.- eth not to be ashamed, handling aright the wood of truth. ...,2 Tim. ‘ '2'1-5. / ■ . ,THE LESSON IN ITS SETTING TIME. The second Epi,-Ale. to Timoth’y-.was the last .letter that -pau.l‘ -wrote,- -probably 66 -A.'D;— —'■ PLACE'. —r Timo'thy, at this- time, it is 'supposed,' was in. the -city' of J£.pljes.us,_C../.. ......'. 'jp.j.'J "Paul', an apostle of Christ Jester through the will of God” The second Epistle to Timothy is . the - last letter! a ;' far as' our lcnow- it is in many- ways-'- T fcaspocii mustard, sauce .. from . mustard-pickles It cun mustard chopped ■’ S:i!t ■Paprika- • / Allow cheese to place to soften. Mash -the cheese and' blen’d with butter.. Add remaining ingredients. Spread on thinly sliced whole wheat or-rye bread, buttered. • * H< * FRENCH FRIED EGG PLANT 1 Peel the eggplant and sl-dci" it as th'n as possible.. Pile the slices on a plate, put a plate oil top of the pile and a weight on top ot that-r- .Let' stan-d for an-hour, pouring off the water that, drains out. Then dip .each slice in cg(^,'roir in. cracker crumbs and fry in dqop fat. Each ■«slice should Vo-brown and crisp. . , VEGETABLE RELISHES •.Diirtos the jelly-making and servhit^’^Ufison your bottle cf pectin is used- regularly with fruits and berries. Remember that it- lends it-e'f to- use hi dcflidions -vegetable lTlishes as ’ Well.. Here are tvyo that should lip upMi the shelves of .every j'l'es-oryc c’osot. stand in a warm •pre* fruit minutes. Crush. thoroughly ■ quarts fully ripe raspberries., bine fruits.. Place -fruits in cloth or bag and squeeze out juice. Measure , sugar and juice into - large.- saucepan; mix. Bring to a. boil .over hottest fire and at -once add bottled fruit pectin, stirfing constantly. The bring to a full rolling boil, and boil hard ’/a.'minute. Remove from lire, skim, pour quickly. Paraflin at once. Makes about 11 glasses fin id ounces each). ’ ■ . ■ • ^Spiced Blueberry Jani ■ 4la cups ,(2’i lbs.) prepared ’- 7 -cups (3 lbs.) sugar 1, bottle fruit’.pectin.~" • To prepare* fruit, crush or grind about 2 pounds fully - ripe blueber ries.. Add 1 teaspoon each cinnamon, cloves, -and all-spice combination' of spices. Measure sugar an'd prepared fruit into large kettle, mix well, and'bring t-> a full rolling boil over, hottest fire. Stir constantly before and while boiling.. .Boil'hard 1 minute. Remove I'ro-m fire and stjv in bottled fruit pectin.-. Sk-iin; pour quickly. Paraffin hot jam at once.' Makes about 12 gla.-ses (fl, fluid’ ounces each), t ■ .1% Com- jelly (6 fruit ^/'Rcinoving Mattress Stains ZZL 4 of ‘Tii-w-y starclT wafer: paste has dried thoroi it off with a stiff brush ’;hiy, brush, I '• r-vI^Med. I'lggs The daria./i'ng often seen around the yolk of tu hard -boiled egg can be prevented L thd' egg is ''boiled- no longer than fifteen minutes and then' ■ placed in cold water; . • __1 . -3 To from .... _ _ . . , . knife ,and, commencing at the stem end, peel round and' round-until the stone comes away, leaving the olive a rounded -stfip that can easily be fitted .together. De-Stoning an Olive “turn” of remove the ’ stone an olive use a small, sharp “T have never met a successful man who isn't wrapped up in his work simpfy for the sake ■ of the work, simply because, he loves it.”— Rudy Vallee, » “Waf may be hell, but its after math Is one- long and 'glorious Old Boys’ Dinnei A. Milne. that Paul wrote, , . dge goes, and th» tenderost. el a I ,liis Epistles. . s. “To Timothy,. father ' and Christ our Lord.”' - The first monition of Timothy, the .friend for whom St. Paul’s personal prefer- •ence was the greatest (J. S> How- son), was ’ near the beginning of. Paul’s second missionary journey, about AID. 51, when Paul was travel ling through Asia Minor. “1 thank God.-whom 1 -serve from my forefathers-in a pure" conscience, ho\y unceasing- is mv remembrance of thee in my supplications; night and day. 4. Longing-to sefi-thee, re. .mejnbei-ing.Phy. tears,.. -.tliaf. JL -may .be.: my;..-beloved child: 4UUiec.,-™.Xro.m.£Lo.cL—tire- ■open upon him; -as he lies waking, in the night; as he sits thinking, alone; or with Luke,- when the pale light shines again; lie ’is continually tell ing the Lord about -Timothy, and asking for mercy and ch.eer and the drying of.a tear, that Paul may see -him once again to the perfect joy of his aging andvearning heart. With that, instinef^ofkretrospeet’ vVhich is frequently so strong in dying men. be reaches back to his- _‘fath.ersl..„.and. feel-s their spiritual oneness-.' with himself before tlic-ir God. Thus, thinking of his ‘fathers.’ he,expresses now a yet t^nfferer affection towards “his ‘dear child,’ , , "Having been reminded of the- un feigned faith that is in ‘thee; which dwelt first in thy grandmother Lois, and lliy mother Eunice;' and.. / am persuaded, in t’liee. also.” Timothy, like the writer, has a family religion behind him. This, dof’s not necessar ily imply that Lois and Eunice Had become Christians, though it is prob able. The language might have been used by 'St. Paul .of -religious Jejv- esseS. Avho had trained, the young Timothy' in, thp Jewish, expectation* of a Messiah (cf. 3 : 15).' “For which I put dfiee in rcmemb- finance. ’ The older man felt liimsell a protector; Hie', younger clung to his suport. ..Paul i-g'aiized that.-, he . had jU-depted this youth,, become sponsor -for him in the eyes of heayen.' ‘-‘That thou stir up the gift of God, whwich js- in thee through the laymg; on.of my hands.” The late ,PrdKAr- t-hur S.. Way translates this phrase,' “and for this reason I do pow rfiimind, you 'to kin'dle into a brighter flame the gracioui gift of G.od.’ “For God gave us .'not a spirit, of fearfulness-;, but of-'-.po^er and love, and.' discipline.” The noun Here trans-, Ja-t.ed ..“fearful'neas.’:’ is- used -.only h-.g-r-e? - the verb in John 1-4 ': 27;-the/adjec tive .in Matt. 8. :, 26-; Mark- 4 : 4.0-; Roy, 21:. -8, It means the drawing- ■buck' from something' to vyitich' God has. truly .called 'us; .the .refusal/ it, mpy be. under .t-lfe-pretext .of humility,- to .uhiler.lake'a,' task/-pt‘ re-pons-ibiiity wlii.ch/is Plea'iTy our duty /.tq. under. fake.-. ® ’ . .-‘‘Be not .ashamed therefore of -tlie- testimony.'of. our Lord,” For,, in -b.e^' half of-, t,'ie-,-Cross, the Cross of Christ- recalling the very words of .Chwist, when he • first declared’ ‘the Cross,’ .‘whospe.yei-‘ shall' be -ashamed of me.” “Nor of me his'pri1 joner-.” He is al -prisoner; is also/in Christ’ Epif. 4 lj. ■'Thet. e'xf^ession .also suggests the ’thought that his earthly impris onment is ordered by the. Lord, not by mam “But.stiffer hardship with the gos pel' according to the.'-power of Gild;*’’ That is true na-t in any'natural.forti tude, blit': draw’on that divine strength which has -been given you. .. “Who saved us, and called us with a l,ioly calling.” That is,' he,called us ■ to holiness. ’ ", -. “ ‘ 7 "^“■Not^acco'rding . Jo''our- works, but -. according t p -h i s - o-w n p u rpo s e and ‘ grace.” He places beneath • Timothy . th© eternal, arms of God Almighty. “Which was .given us" /in - Christ . Jesu-s -before, fimes eternal.’” Literally, before thp ages, of- time-,,( as- in Titus I ': 2;.- Roam,J6 : .,25. ■ ! . -. . “But hath- now' been manifesteej.” The word.-- here’ translated- nianit’esL . ed meahs to make visible, to make known;“thus of Christ coming out of- Galilee (John 7 ; .4), of'Christ ma.nl- "festing himself after , liis resurrection' .(■John, '21 : yl-)1,- of C’hrmt ..mglhifesting. hini’self at his first: Advent1 (l-Tipi. 3 : JL6; Heb. 9 : ,26; 1. John 3 : -2). ' '‘(By the .appearing- of- bur Saviour ■ -Jesus, Christ.This is ; a- slightly, dit- '^fer'6nt word from the preceding .and from it- comes our word' ■ epiphany. I The original means primarily-, ‘‘to ■bring light?,’- , ; ' .- “Who abolished death.” The word here translated abolished means “to Tender idle", inactive, inoperative, to . deprive of sti'ength,” and is- used in Outknits 100 Women: .Boston:—Skill he learned*' at; his. mother’s knee in Nova Scotia 47.', years ago,.w.o.h thfi knittjing title fo.r(' John F. Qapn.' ’ - . John putknitted 10 perspiring worl /nfifn at the knitting and spinnings ► contest here last week. He. arrived late—-as a mattef of fact the contest was half finished.—?' zbut his dexterity with", the -long . ■white »ncedl-es won him a.prjze of a dozen skeins'' of yarn, at .the end of Ahe -^ace. • • - ............. -John paused long1 enough..during his operations' on .a' re^ stripe of the] -United States flag to. explain • that- -h.e was taugW to knit in -Yarmouth,’ N.S., vyhen^fie. was' a -lad of three., '. “Someone., had . - to- help mother o.ut,” ' he - explained, “because I' haU'-- five . other brothers who 'wer'fe very^' hard on/their knitted stocking^.. - -••"/“I’ve knitted ever’ sineie,'/and'! -I ■ find..'it' helpful in. xsu-pporitirig. /nay invalid' wife in Neiy Ha'mpsjtime^ . ......',,.7-7^-. a-. Strong,, pure and happy thoughts ■build up the body in vigor and grace.. However ’ -deceitful -diop-e may be^ yet she carries uS on pleasantly/ to-', the end of-life.—La Rochefoucauld. _ I “That good thing which -was com-., milted unto thee guard.” The thought of his-own deposit -with God suggestsl that deposit which Christ has .left -« with him, "a .far more, precious “and. . ; ideal '.thing. . -.jS© . ./ “Through .the HoT^Spiri-t which, ; divelleth in u-s.” 'God' must cooperate with man if man’s efforts are to ibe successful. ' ‘ Daughter * ‘Suited” For School / . reference to death also-in 1 Cor; 15 : 26; “Christ abolished death by in troducing us to spiritual life, so that physical death is no longer a penalty, but is henceforth ‘but the gate of life • immortal* (John. 11 r .26)-. “And brought life and immortality to light through the ^gospel,” The ■gospel first gave to a future world, clearness and distinctness, shape and' outline; the gospel first macle it a positive district and region on'which the spirit really reposes, and’ which —h^tctres—rralrnmnTh-e^otlT^-Btder^Th'e- gray.fi with.~Thn^^ ^t£.iiSi.Qnrw4.Un--nmi.ch.:th^;prgse/nt.„Av0r.kl;. ;‘-does—<-m--t-h-is—s+d-e—of-ri-t:—;—f-—— A ' ' ■• “WIiereunto I was appointed -■ a ” preacher, and-an apostle, and a teach er.” Ct. 1 Tim, 2:7; Gal. 2 : 9. • '“For which cau§e I- suffer also the e things; yet l am not! aslmmed.” Cf. v.' 8 and Rom. 1 ': 16...The suf fering which, he was enduring, was, of -course, liis i-mpris rnment at Rome witJb'the near -prospect of death. “For I' kno.w him whom.. I have b<?-‘ lieved, and -1 am persuaded that lie is able...to. guard that -which' I have committed unto him against- that day.”sThe word here translated “com- mi-tted always implies tho situation “of one who has to-take if;long journfc ey and who deposit-; his money and other, valuables with, a friend, trust-' iiig -him to restore it- on his return. The committing is always' that of the depositor; the duly of the' friend is to guard-. “Hold the -pattern of sound words.” The word translated “pattern” here means “-outline.’' • “Which thou has heard from m'e. 1 in faith -and love which .in Christ'' Jo- us.” rI)dgma, ns suclt,. ofjeu crc,- ates, prejudice; but the remedy is not ‘to do away with dogma, but to hold ■it in faith, i.e., personal surrender and Christian love. ' ' A other valuables with, a fji JDa*ug liter is"never too young to be sihart, just so. long as she • is -. also suitably clad; . • . . ' • - . Here's a darling little .Girevs ot wooly -cotton weave, that just “pretends’’ a blouse and. skirt. it - has. a cute “boy” collar. And the . wee jacket doesn't liidfe it either, .. for it’s collarle'ss: on purpose; The wooly , novelty crepes in plaids or checks, so smart, are' -also charining for it. Style No*. 2973. is ‘de igned for sizes s; 10, 12 and 14 years.-, Size U^ujuiros fll/S yards 'of 3‘Linch > material with 11 8 yards of 35- * * . ’inch contrasting and % yard or l-inclL for neck bow. ’ -. HOW TO ORDER PATTERNS • .’ • fiWrite your name and address plainly, ■ giving number and size of pattern wanted. .'Enclose 15c in stamps or coin (corn prefer red; wrap jt carefully), and ad dress your order to Wilson Pat tern Service, 7:3 JVest Adelaide' Street, Toronto. /. By Sax Rohmer 7 i THE SEVERED F INGE R‘Too Late? - casebook, with its damning evidence, was »f " already in Fu Manchus hands? “Do'you think Fu Manchu is going >0 leave' dynamite like that lying around?” Smith had argued. “It's a thousand to .he has the bool already, butdhere is just a bare chafic "3 ;ii IMhrAvf *nn FU MANCHU ’ Inspector Weymouth handed- Nayland Smith Cadby’s keys and a card with the defective s address, after telling us where to find Cadby’s casebook. * "We haven't a second '0 vs,. , F. trie." Ginith said. "Fu Manchu wants 11.;, se .records', tob-1