HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1935-09-12, Page 4I
I V 'Jr
; Adoloh
« I. J. M r & Z
» “'
in tfehtlo rebuke.
-“No,” . was
and. T of
A Paramount Picture?
. Directed by Alexander Halt
* • » "Don’t high-hat me,
big boy. r. I *yo been thrown
/ put of the best places!
■ There are fourteen grandchildren
and one great-grandchild.
- , -----------—.—•$>
Published every Thursday morning
at Lucknow, Ontario.
Mrs. A. D. MacKenzie — Proprietor
Campbell Thompson—-Publisher
other four were teetotallers.”
V -. "■
Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Farrow
. epent ’ the' week-end with friends at
Chesley and Tara.
Mr. arid-Mrs. Wm. Eadie and fam
ily spent Sunday at Mr. Goldwin
7 Harris’ atcjClark’s.
Mrs. McDonald oA Detroit is visit-
. - ing -at Mt’ Richard .Baker’s.
Mr. an<: Mrs. Robt; MacDonald and
:BQn Jack were- recent visitors - with
. friends- at Wliit;echu{ch.
Mr. arid Mrs. Eldrid Harris and
' faipily/of-Clark’s, Spent Sunday at
Mrs.. . Rachel Culbert’s. s
/ '' Mr. Dobson,* I. P.«S., called 'at: the.
- Holyrood school ori*. Tuesday.
/; Mr. Graham “Pinkney
spent ^prsday evening at -Mr. Wm.
Eadie’s. ]" '•' '/.
Mr. ;an<l Mrs, Richard Elliott arid
. family spent Sunday .at Mr. Thos.-
Robb’s, Amberley.
Mrs. Corbett is visiting at present
with friends at Dungannon,
Mr. and ,Mrs. Wm. Jackson and
‘ family,- spent Sunday at Mr., Richard
/, Baker’s.:
Mr. and Mrs. E/A. Palmer, Lois
and Billy, of Kincardine, spent Sun-’
day at Mr.. Thos. Harris’.
Mr. and Mrs. /Cliff "Harrow and"
family spent the week-end with
friends at Tara. .
Mrs. Howard Harris returned home
Sunday, having"• spent the past few
days 'with her mother, Mrs. Jamie’son
of Paramount.
BORN—To. Mr. and Mrs. Oliver
Cudpey (nee Ellen Ketchabaw) at
Galt, a son, on. August 30th. „v
Mr. -and Mrs, Dick Richards were
recent visitors 'with Mr. and Mrs.
James Richards at Flesherton.
Congratulations are extended to
Mr. and Mrs, Arthur Thompson on
their recent marriage, \i-/
■ /Miss Mary Cook js. nursing Mr.
D.R. McIntosh at Southampton at
present, ■ '. . „ '
Miss Phyllis MacDopald,R. N., of
Woodstock, is. holidaying at her
•home her'e^.- r
‘ Word 5 was received. .here of. the
death" of Miss Margaret Murray ;ip
Lucknow, aforpfer resident of Bar
\ Mrs. Howard Harris from Holy-*
rood spent a:f,eyv days last week with
her mother, Mrs- '{John Jamieson. ,
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. MacGill were,
recent visitors with Mr. and Mrs. L.
MacKeith at Lothian/' , ’ ..
^liss Sarah MacAuley has gone to'
spend a few weeks with Mrs. Scott
.at ’ Langside.
There was a large crowd, and a
good time at the dance- jn the Par
amount hall last Friday night.,
Mr. and Mrs. Donald. MacKenzie
from Detroit, were week-end visitors
with friends here. | ■- ; .
Miss Ethel . Martin is assisting
with the judging at the School Fairs
in Bruce Coul^ty this week.
Mr; Wid. Wells of Londsboro,
spent last - week" at the home qf Mr.
R. Moffat, ’
;Miss ‘Margaret Graham returned
home after spending*, a few Weeks in
The W. M. S. of South Kinloss,
met last Wednesday...at-the—home-o.f_
Mrs, W. F. McDonald, and was well
'attended. <
Mr. arid Mrs’. R. Martin, Laurine
and Austin, took in the: C.N.E. last
Mrs. Gilbert Hamilton, whp spent
the past week in Toronto,. returned
■ "The • J'
Lucknow '‘Sentinel.
. • ■■ - ■ \ ■ /' /'/i////'/'
,« «- #w«e|»iBssiiabsEMSMMntoe^
' ' , ’ A ’*
N .
" To mark the 83rd birthday of Mrs.
Robert Treleaveri, one of ' Dungann
on’s. mogt highly' esteemed citizens,
a happy. family gathering was’ held
at her home in Dungannon recent
ly, when members of her family and
many ' of hen grandchildren were
present. The guests included Mr.
and Mrs. ./Bert Treleaven and family
of AshfieldMr. and Mrs. Fred Tre
leaven and family, T°rQnto, and
Mrs. FJ A. Courtice, h^er only daugh
ter of Santa Paula,. Calif., who is.
reinairiing fdr an extended visit, z-
- Mrs/(Tre]eaven, who. before, hex
marriage to Robert ..Treleaven . on
August 28,' 1876, was - Miss" Annie
West, is the last surviving member
of the West family; Her husband
passed^ away 18 years ago, .and de-,
spite her fourscore and three years
has been residing alone and doing
her own. housework.* She is active,
both mentally and physically. ."
Lyceum Theatre
" ■ . Show Starts at 8.00 P.M.
Standard ClaBB'Tickets good via GREAT LAKES route; meals and berth extra.
■" BAGGAGE Checked;, Stopovers at Port Arthur, Armstrong and west, ■• toj
Tickets, Sleeping Car reservations, and all information from any agent. ASK FOR HANDBILL
From All Stations .
in the East
GOING DAILY—SEPT. 21to 0CT. 4 inclusive
— ReturnLimit:45days
Shower Held Fot
' September oride Elect
Charmingly Arranged Shower Is
Staged In Hpitor Of M^s Hackett
i... —Holds Trousseau j Tea.
/' (Intended For ..Last Week) 7 -7.;
.. A very ple/asant A function in. the.
f orm of a shower was „ held at the
home of Mt. and Mrs. Geo. Lane on
Tuesday evening, August 27th, in
honour of thfe approaching marriage
of Miss Maizie Hackett. ,
On arriving at the gate,,. Miss
•Hackett was met’by Miss Winnie
Lane, dressed as.a groom and es
corted through an archway of. maple
boughs formed by a number qf her
girl- frierids, to-the strains of “Here
.Crimes the Bride,” played by Miks
Violet Twamley. Little Mae and
Laura Irwin acted as stanSard bear
ers at/ either side of the veranda.
The bride-to-be was led to the steps
and aa she stood, under a larg wed
ding bell. Sva-s' showered with con
fetti from the balcony. A little wagon
laden with gifts was wheeled onto
the verandah7 by Warren and Clark
Zinn After the gifts wer-e openridr^
/Miss Hackett was . presented with- a
clock, from .the* church members,,
among whom she has been a faith-
fril and active worker. The address
was read by Mrs. Albert Alton and
presentation by Mr. Elmer Alton.
Before entering the house where a
short program was enjoyed the gath-.
ering assembled on the lawn s.arig,
“For She’s a Jolly Good. Fellow.”
Lunch was served jmd the rdmain-
Mer ^of, the^eyening.. spenf^m ^singing,
and lawn games. The address read
as follows: y. ’
Dear Maizie, , ....... ->•
It is indeed with sincere sorrow
and regret that we have learned
you are about to leave us. It is be
cause of thi's feeling toward you
that we have assembled here this
eveiiiri/g to show in some small way
the esteem in which you are/held by
yoW fririridis ■ iri Hackett’s; church,
Sunday school; Y. P. S. and W. M. S.
“You have been faithful to the"duties
in connection with the various offices
of trqst and responsibility entrusted
to you. We feel that we would be
rpmiss in out' duty, if we failed to
express bur appreciation of ybur
services so faithfully rendered as
organist of the church. We hope you
will accept this token of esteem as
a slight evidence of the regard we /
have for you. We /know our less is
“his”, gain,, and our prayer is that
God’s richest blessing may always
be with you. We, your friends wish
-you every -blessing-and happiness in
vour new "home" .....~ // ' .'/L/.ZJ/
With Bing Crosby
With Pop Eye ,
Mr., and Mrs. J. C. Stothers
family ‘of London, were guests
Mr. and Mrs. H. Horton jhis week
end "///.// ../•? ..." '• \/
Mr. and--Mrs. Herman Voaden of
Toronto, who spent the week-end
with “Mrsr Vdaden’s brother, “John
Kilpatrick and , Mrs. Kilpatrick, |
Crewe, called on relatives here Sun
day; -7“*——"—----------------—
Mr. and Mrs. Norman' Treleaven,
Torontq, Mrs. R._ Treleaven and Mrs.
,S; F. Treleaveri of Dungannon . and
Mrs. Frances Courtice of Santa
Paula, Cal., spent Tuesday at the
home, of Mr. and Mrs. S, J. Kilpat
rick/ ■ ■ - .' ■*■
Blake congregation "was well repY
resented at the anniversary services
at Crewe Sunday afternoon and ev
ening. /"■' '' ' / ..T--- ---
/ .Mrs. Ellen Ritchie' and Mrs. Will
Ritchie; of. Zion and Mrs.. D. K. Al
ton of Lanes, were visitors at the
home of Mr and Mrs. Thos. Blake’s,
during the week. a
Misses Edith and Elizabeth Hor
ton -of Leeburn, "*rire7 guests^^Mf/
and Mrs. Henry Horton this week;
" The W/ M. S. anniversary services
for the Ashfield circuit, yvill be held
ine the Zion Church, Sunday, Sept.
22nd at 2.30 and 7.30 o’clock.. Miss
Caroline Wellwood of' West China.
_____■....nN.! '
'A sharp Reduction in the price of
first quality house paint - to ' $3.7.5
I ufacturers of some of Canada’s besF
’ known brarids of paint,, the reduc
tion to take effect immediately.
In making, the announcement, the.
companies concerned state that, the
. reduction is not justified, by any
change in market conditions or mafl-
• ufacturing costs. , . They point out,
however^ that during the Past few
■years many householders have been■ milled by. “bargain” prices into us
ing, inferior paint with results that
reacted unfavorably on the whole
industry. Drastic action was felt to
be necessary to check ‘ a situation
that seriously threatened proper^
values all over thexcountry. '
/ The nevv low price is designed to
, to use fiErst-quality paint only.
The companies announcing the re
duction .^re . Canada Paint, Interna-, v..c*c ux
tionaL Varnish, Martin-Senour, and us1- to one bottle of whiskey, and the.-.
Sherwin-Williams. ■ . <■ other four were teetotallers.” is 4he guest speakpr.
Mrs. Knight of Detroit is visiting
this week with Mrs. J, Irwin. , „
Mr. Russel] Middleton. is in St.
Joseph’s Hospital, London, for the
removal of his tonsils. ./
The community extends their sym
pathy to Mrs. Dan MacKinnon in the
loss ofu,her mother.
. Bad Company
WifeT^How did you get. into this
state?” . J.
Wife: “What; do you mean by bad
company?” ~ . ... -
Hubby: “Well, there was five of
v—- f - , . . 1
Canadian Nationalrailways.
- • ,-__yM__/..—/ . . .—;------■ . - ■
The C. N. R. is one of the world’s greatest transportation systems. Its length of
track alone entitles it to that distinction, but its chief claim rests upon the
nature and extent of the services it renders. While entering practically
evejry important centre in Canada it also serve* widely diversified and
distant arcas^ and in very many instances is the sole agency providing
railway facilities.
The C. N. R. is a large direct employer of labour, and indirectly, by virtue of the
nature of its freight and other services, also enters importantly and indis
pensably into the commercial and industrial activities of the Dominion • / «
creating new wealth . , . distributing raw and manufactured goods * « •
enabling more employm^nt and wages to be provided.
Notwithstanding the sparsely populated condition of much of the territory from
which the C. N. R. obtains its freights of grains, minerals, forest products*
’ etc., its charges ,fpr haulage are very low • , , Canadian railway freight!
i"" rates are probably the lowest in the world. On an average the C, N. Ra
receives less than one cent for hauling a ton of freight one mile; '
Of every dollar of revenue received the.C. N. R. pays more than .one half to its
employees as wages, and it purchases every year many millions of dollars
worth of Canadian made or produced materials. The C. N. R, also pays
in the course of a year over six million dollars in various taxes.
These facts, although thus briefly stated, are of tremendous importance to Canada
and Canadian^. They are here presented in the hope .that greater patronage
will follow a wider appreciation of the part this great, railway System is
performing in the commerce and development of the Dominion ... and
of its vast potentialities for future service. Standing as we are. at the begin
ning of an upward swing In. business generally, renewed and enlarged
opportunities to use transportation facilities present themselves;' The
C. N. R. is. ready and anxious to serve. *, efficiently and economically^ Its;
departments embrace passenger and freight^transportation, expressi, ,
: telegraphs, steamships arid hotels. t
During the present season the C "N. pro*....
vising special fares and excursionibetweenPoints
throughout Canada. These are exceptional travel *'
bargains. The nearest C. N. Agent will be
gladto give fullparticulars.
^1- -nfi-HaoketBs^Churchy————
' * Elmer Alton, E. G. Zinn.
Trousseau Tea
On Friday, evening, August 30th,
about 75 friends attended a trous
seau tea at the home of t Mr. and
1 Mrs. Alex Hackett,- parents of Miss
Hackett. Guests were .received at
the dodr by Miss A. Treleaven and
in the parlour by Mrs.. Hackett and
her daughter: Misses Melda Lane and
Myrtle Johnstone exhibited the trou-
ssieati, after which refreshments
were served. Tea was poured from
< sjlver tea pots by .Mrs. Joseph Hac
kett and Mrs. jWm. Hunter, grand
mothers of the bride-to-be. Misses
Elsie Vint and Winnie Lane served
.^ie guests. . 1 •/ . ■ .
The U. F. W. O. Club of Para
mount will hold their September
meeting at the hornri of Mrs. Fred
; Anderson, on Tuesday afternoon at
2.30, September 17th. The roll call
is to be- answered “By something
new and something old.”. Program
com., Ruby Reid and Mrs. G. Mc-
Diarmid.' Papers by Mrs. Jack Mac
intosh and Mrs. Herb /Ensign.
Mr. and Mrs. Eldon Peterman of
Wingham visited recently at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Jhs.„T. Web
Mrs. A.' Miller and graridaughters
Isabel, and Marion Nicholson, Spent
part of the ’week with Mr. and Mrs.
AJf. Shelton hear Kincardine.
: -M
Mrs. Jack Proudfoot of Louisianna
and Mrs. S. 0. Robinson of Detroit,
were week-end visitors with Mr.', and
Mrs-; Garner Stanley. -----■'/- - ------
SLEEPING car accommodation
Wh«rt sleeping car tpaca li r«qulrod th* followlng sllghtly higher far«i apply:
(h) Tourist Sleeping Gars al approximately 1 Xc per mlle/plus regular berthirate.
(b) Standard Sleeping and Parlor Can at approximately 1 J^c per mile, plus regular berth or dtalr rate
Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Hackett of
Belfast, spent Sunday at the latter’s
home here, t .
Miss Edith Johnston spent .last
week/with Miss. Margaret Robertson.
Mrl^Ben, 'Stanley of Lucknow,
Spent IrTew days at Mr. Jack Colliris’
Mr. Dpve Johnston is working
with Mr. Gerirge Emerson.
Mr. and Mrs; Isaac Nixon, Mi’.'
Earl Pldwmari, Misses Harriet and
/Ella/“Whitley/ visited” at Mr. Jack
-Emerson’s'recently. '
Mr. and^Mrs. Donald McFarlane'
visited‘last Sunday .at Bluevale. Miss
Tones . returned with them “ for a
.visit. ' •' ..
Mr. W• II. 'Scott and daughter
Marville, attended' the Toronto • exhi
bition; „
Miss Beth- Walsh returned home
having spent sorrie time at Mn Cecil
Robb’s,— ... •
According' to the Dominion' An-’
im’al Husbandman . there is at pre
sent a definite ‘ scarcity of good,
fresh,, young horses for farm and
city work and an increasing demand
for them at fairly remunerative and
generally increasing/ prices. ' Since
it takes four or,five years to breed,
raise and develop a horse' to mai-ket?
able, age, it will be Some time be
fore-the demand can be satisfied,
therefore present..prices may be- ex
pected to" hold or ev^n .'improve for
a number of years. It would seem,
therefore,'that it would be a profit,
able - venture Tof ”ahy” Turner wl^’
has a reasonably good draft' brood
mare that he can spare from heavy
work, to breed ’her and raise ’a foal.
(Too Late for Last Week)
Mr. and Mrs; Jno. Purvis visited
with Mr. and Mrs.' Jas. Edgar, Sun
day. ■ (
Mr? Norman Ross is spending a .
Week in-" Toronto; •
n Hanna Ross has gone to.
foronto where she .has taken a posi
tion. ■ ■■ •"
Mr. and Mrs. McGill visited 'M'rA
a^d Mrs. Geo., Bell recently.
are ®Orry that Mrs. Geo. Be)1,
has been on the ;sick list again.
.Mr. and . Mrs. . .Fred Thompson
went to Toronto, Monday and. took
in: the exhibition.
Mr, and Mrg. Wim Alton and .
Douglas have returned to Toronto
after spending their ■ holidays- around
here.- \ '
Misses Marion and Florence'tlod-
£]us has returned’hack to/work af
ter spending their holidays under the
parental roof. / ” .. '
Mr. and Mrs. A. G. Smith, Alvin
and Edith, were guests of Mr. and
Mrs. C. E. MacDonagh over Sunday.
Mn and Mrs. Will Hunter and
MrS.-Hunter Sr., took' in the Mathers
-Hackett wedding, at Hackett’s, - on
Saturday. ■ , ' '< |
Mr., and Mrs. Chester Ritchie of
Detroit „yisited their brother 'here
Sunday aftei'nodh. ,
Mr. Patton and Mr. Albert Helm,
attended the Presbytery at Auburn
one day last week.. .
Mr. arid Mrs./Jake Hunter were
guests of Mr. Campbell, at Belfast
on Sunday. .
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. McGill spent
Sunday with H. L. McKeith’g.
Mr. and- Mrs. Less. Ritchie and
Alvin were gupstg of] Mr-fy and Mr.
J. Sherwood at Crcwrion Sunday. .
Sauce For Th€^GooSe
Wife was ntciing a railway carhage, and he
neglected to assist her. . ,
.“You are so gallant, John, as
when..1, wasj; gal,” she' exclaimed,
his ready response,
you aie pot . so buoyant as
I was a boy.” *
■. 0.
. Discipline - „
He was talking vigorously against
corporal punishment for boys, which1'
he declared never did any good.
lake my own case,” J he said “I
bl,fe '6^c my ‘life-
^We?H;WaJ f0’’ Rpcak’hg the truth.?
- camc a vhice from* the
rear., >t certainly cured you.”
/Mrs., Annie Treleaven of Dufigan-
npn„ahd daughter Frances. Courtite
or oanta Paula, were guests on Sun
day with . Bert and Mrs. Treleaveri. \
. M1's. Raymond Finnigan ,
and children visited Goderich ffiends
during -the week/ -
fieat*fce- Treleaven is spend-
fast3 feW dayS With fiends at Bel-
and Mrs. Ed- Palmer of Wrox-
and ’ ivn?entthe wfieh-end with M^r.
and Mfs. Matt, Shackleton; -
__/MlY_and .Mrs. >:. Wilfred - DrennOn: /
and Mr; and Mrs. Bert -Treleaveri,
attended the Mathdris-Hackett - wed
ding on Saturday.. ' A
Mrs. John Meriary is visiting her
daughter in Detroit. .. . -
Mrs, Earl. Blake and children of
BertmiMer spent last week with her
patents, Mr. and MrS, Dave McWhin-
*iey--'fr :
Mrs. Stanley" Fines of Toronto ‘is
visiting her ‘mother,: Mrs;. Blake. ’ .
Mr. and Mrs. Herman • Vodeti. of
I?r°nto spent the week-end with her
Susie0' JOhn’ Mr9‘ KiIpatrick and-
■ / "ft®#"* '' a- ■ .. '' ' • • •Jtw.-y/.’tfr'-f
n Mabel Reed called o'ri' Mi^s
Ida -McQuaid of Whitechurch, on ■■
batprday. We are sorry to learn
George' McQuoid is. not as. well as
nis many friends would like, - / .
• Xr‘ ?.°naidi Tteleav'en of Toronto
is -spopping this week with his cous
ins here;
/ Mif^a Ella. Wliitley i<3 visiting her
aunt, Mrs. Isaac Nixon.- - ’