HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1935-09-12, Page 3EVERY DAY LIVING •( /1 ---------' ' • ? . ' a weekLy tonic by- Dr. M, M7 Lappin 1 American • ■ vihe ■ A I there- will be no need for packets . at. all. ■' ' ■ / ' ■ ". ' 'I' j ■' j, . MY NEIGHBOUR’S ROSES-. iI ■same pitch, as the middle F-Sh-arp on . I. -- - ' . ., , ' ..... 41. ..V-. ' ,1 .. I ■ PLU.G SMOKING know, from’ That others- plant s^yinach could act upon them readily., -, for. me, " • ■ -f'Soon we-*-may -read--.adveW i-Sements I. Unique Display At The C.N.E 4, Despite the threatenings .'of war, there is a. growing mind toward peace in the world today. Of' cotirse, militaristic and pacifists alike soriie-' ; times advance extravagant . argu? ments via favor pf their own. particu­ lar view. But” tlie fact is, the peace and war issue "is one of. the greatest issues in the modern world aiid^ ev- ■ erybp^y is thinking about it mope.' or • -les-l. ,.a, ' ’ '. '7' -' A correspondent' w-rote tq * me. the ~tHlfer day gsking:. '‘How.-can we pos- . sibly expect nations “to live , at peacd •with. each .other ’wheif it’g'eeihs ab.r / . soluteiy impossible for .individuals tb. £9 so? Every family’.hus it's squabble^ « '&hd .the closest of friends quarrel, - occasionally”, my friend wr.ote, and ' 'then'went on to cite instances from his own faplily. . •„ • I . • ■ ■ , z „._-_Now-,t On-the faee- oL-it, -thei-e does- seem to be the germ of a. perfectly 'reasonable argument there—an argu- ■ Ament against the possibility, of- peace which, to say .the -least, seems feas- • iplev But if my .correspondent had only taken time to think deeply..- enoup’i, . he might- have seen that it ■ is rather a foolisli argument, when - , it ,.i^/probed into'. „ - 1 ■ \ .■■;■'■• Think of 'j.t this way—ihei-e is- no reason why people ^lrouid be ex­ pected to.see. eye. to ey©- with each Other in everything' just because, fate has. decreed that they 'should ' be "born, into, the same family. .Children " of the same parents often-, indeed al­ ways, bav-o ph-yi-ical differences, and ’•- they_ are naturally^.mentaily-.i-jIffere-n-t- aiso. It is foolish to imagine that; sinip'y because-..thpy»have been born born., of the same "parents ith-ey have tilereforo been physically, -and nrent- alTy cast1 in the same' mold. Very ■ -naturally, they differ , in ‘though?-a-nd . in,-outlook even althougli tfley jmay. •_lTa]-e7‘inh-by7’things ■■iri.riomQ.iwri-.'. .-Arid- that is exactly as it-should be.,B Nor . is that any- obstacle to living harmon­ iously together. At j—it ought not to be. , " . " .After all, we must j>e willing .sure­ ly to' recognize that, .agreement does not. r.ecessarly mean seeing ey-'e to eye-,with each other in everything. „ That is a-p.ointA'hat is.,often ove-rl-ook^ ed. Agreement mearis^ rather, each -•"^aH-y^tn-the^agi-eTmTmrt^^ each other of the other parties to the .......'agfeemerit, the r-ig-ht to his own op­ inion, conviction, and point of view.' WO’-ean only be in. agreement when everybody agrees ^to - give everybody else freedom tp carry on his own af- • 'fairs in hi$' owiLway aiid as he thinks-, best. , -4' - -Remeri-ibering that, -there -is one thing-, that would help us to attain 1 to the idea) oF peace, quicker than anything else, and i.t is the all round -adoption of the spirit of tolernace and, T-^no-n^i-n-teL-f-erenee—i-n~rt-tre~"pi,i’V'a'f e afT The Men of the Trees organization has • a very interesting booth- this year at the Canadian- National. Ex­ hibition, pt the'West end of the sec- , ond floor, West annex to Coliseum, : in the- group Including 'educational 'and handicrafts' 'exhibits, which- you j are very cor;dially invited to visit. ' • * .V • • I* The booth contains a very valuable ■collection- of beautiful photographs of. -British, tropical, and trees, which were ifir^t shown b.y the parent.',society in London, Eng-, landr^the exhibition being opened, by i General 'Lord Allenby';' also an .. in­ teresting set" of 'photographs of' Ont- *ario trees,- which are particularly beautiful and historically in teres ting-l •There jg also attractive posters vVhieh. havej’-beeri, kindly" lent-'by -the For-: estryl P&partment of the 'Province of Ontario. ’ ' ■ . * All those who love trees, -and those , who. are interested in planting i. them for- beautifying Canada, as well o^fas -for- f-oody-f-r-uit'and nuts,-are-cordi­ ally . invited to become members • of The Men of the Trees', and to learn more -about the . organization at the booth-at the- CEthadfriP National Ex­ hibition, Where wncer$ 'pf the- or­ ganization are in attendance - and welcome you-, cordially to -the exhibit. Founded in .1922 by Richard . St.- Barbe Baker?, The Men of the- Trees is an international society-of tree .lovers- In England, the chairman -is. Colonel Sir Francis Ypunghushand,' K. C. S. I., supported by Field Marshal Viscount Allenby,"G. C. B,. the - Rt. ■..'Mon. Lord Clinton, Colonel- R.‘E. Crompton, R. E., C. B.tl Lady Georgina Mure, Sir . .John’ . Stirling Maxwell^ BtWil 1 fam, Taylor,..Esq,,. Professor R. S. Troup, F. R. S., and niany others, of -international reput­ ation; ■ The Honorary .Secretary is Mrs.. Guy Winfield, ’ .32, Warwick' Rond, London, S. W.-.5, the Honorary Treasurer, the Honorable. Mrs. Grant Duff,' 16. Mulberry -.Walk, London,. S;. TW-f'K7 "'"77trT; -i y:r7-'.', The movement hasmade . st.eady.. progress during the past eight years, witlr^-tho fesult-that the 'Men of the ’Trees have 'gathered to themselves- thinking people' throughout ' the world, wh.o reepgnize that the aft, of forestry and the creation ^of' a .uni­ versal , tree-sense is essential to the ...p r.o gr.es s\an d. welL.b.&.'hn-g-;6f ^-ma^Mrid?-- Thd Men of - the 'Trees is a volun- - Passed Over Humniihg- Steel,-! It Becomes-..More’ Di- . : . vestibie-.’ ■ . \ 1 A-few’ years ' jigo'Dr.' Leslie A. t'liiamber-s srea'd ' s ome paper's before the American Association for . the j . Adancement ,of Science am the cffe.ct' of ultra-sounds oil" milk-sounds . sf> ( A fashion note says, there is liL tie change in men’s trousers this ”f Fgll.’ So little in fact, that unless 7 “’7; ’XU -i,r . ■■■* . •’ .. »very high that no eaT .can Jipar them. !■there, is a return <jf .prosperity soon “ • , , u ■.. /■ ’ , vV , . The sounds .killed bacteria,—shookthere, will .be no p?ed f?1. pockets ,h^n:t0 -,n,UB. was, '■' . SWilised. , ,/.• . ■ •, " ,, '.I MV P'HQFQ At> last-W’eek’S imeeting o.f.the-Aina...-- MY NEIGHBOUR S ROSES- - i erican Ua.iry Associatibn.-in Minnea- ■ :Th..e..r2s^£ed^EoiL^^^ > .< vihe . ■ ■•-' XI t-r.abrdi,n.ar-y' ,i-e.scTts which'- he .-obtain-.' Are ollied by hrm,“but they .are '^Iso a^i wheQ a t^n- .^et ' of' mine. ’ ... -.'lin'ilk over ’.a- heavy .s.teel diaphrag’mf His was'the cost, and his the labor, - nia;ie to-vibrate electrically'and ’hum tOO; ■ - i I .....G'-’- -V: ./L.^4 -.Lx. e,;.-. ..... But mine as well as Tii.s the joy, their '. . loveliness to view, -I,'- „ ’ I audibly. The-lowest note- had , the | j a pi a no and the hi gh e si a pitch th r'ee ..! octaves.above. ' • . ' - ■ .. .-.-.7., They bloom for.me, and are for me wh?n milk.js SKall0„.e(1 it encoun 1 as fair w iters tiie acids of the stomach. lie-1 .suit: it curdles.. Even-a-normal, ii.eal-l z...—.j thy- sfqmacji h'ars- -some... difficulty' i’n i. in j breaking down, the-hard curds. ' Dr.'| . • j Chambers'found that milk .which had j ’ I flowed oVer his singing- -diaphragm ■ ' was more-easily digestible.-Its curds-.. l •! were soft, and-so the pepsin of the; ' stomach could act upon them readily., -. .- ■ -I "Soon we -read—.ad-ver-t-iAenierit? i. • And what they own my joy hiay al- , proclaiming'., the'..virtues . of F-S-harp • ’ I ' so *D(?’ -7 • ’I mflk for'-babie; and -.adult's with weak i -'’ So«.why be selfish, ■ when .so-much'-^omacBg. .- . t . that’s __fine.., ' . ■''.'.>' “ j." ■;■*'. ' ■■’••'..' | Is grown for you^ upon your heigh-'1 bor’s vine?, , ■ i -—A bi-ah am. Lincoln Gruber.. ,'|a* As-for the- man who gave them all . his care. Thus I am rich,- because" a-good man ’ grew ■ ... - '•j \ ’ rose-clad vine fOr._all-his neigh-J bo-rs’ view. • ,-' The esteemed gentleman who sug-! gested a- mejthod -of trisecting an angle has- been hopped on heavily by' dozens of mathematicians ready to disprove his theory-all to, which goes , to show this perplexing geo-; metric problem deserve to rank .next fn-’- -widely known one of making- both endiy1 -. Ilbw true' is it that a mighty intel-, mefetv ----------------------------- ?_jJcetlis Jodgedlbeluml a high forehead? It’s bigger! It’s richer! It lasts longer,,too. This slow-burning Dixie .Saves money for'you LARGE PLUG Heig'ht. Is. Declared No Indies . tioil Of A. Person’s', .:. .Mentality . j ', ' ’— pLCLis Jodgtidlbelund' a high forehead? I Dr. Ales ■ Hrdlicka of the National j •’ Dictionaries define “research.” .as a ■critical1 • examination‘ in. search, of facts. ’ or ’ principles’.’ Fact-finding re- TsearcKLisvva--- s die if Iff rc s tud'y To R ’7-th-S ’ discovery Of facts; and fundamental ...research, is’ a scientific enquiry into' •rel’a tl onsh'ipsT'’ prtmripl es- and- causes/ Man—Perkins seems to be a-self-! Museum who has been measuring Un niany complex agricultural prob- " heads for thirty - years lridians,!’ems the two types o-f research Egyptians, /►rerican and European! L--; - , whites, Negroes li-nd Eskimds—is able ■' *on- ijl^-many cases.“cannot-easily .to answer. Among his'whites we-re-j drawn. The .tcrmi members- of 'the Nati.onal Academy of ^SFmrice^^^mumstioriafflynjfaLh wark- p'lan't >an'd" pro­ tect trees; to'encourage Arbor. Days and ceremonial tree planting as liv­ ing memorials; to ' support legislat­ ion to develop'-forests and parks and tree- protection,;.'’ to--advocate living Christmas trees rather than ruthless slaughter of our -forests; ,to >■ visit, famous trees, -forests and gardens; to hold meetings and ' exhibits ■ of tree paintings,' photographs with com­ petitions, lectures and broadcasts. p Mr. Fred’E, Robson, 906 Yonge St., ■is President of the’Ontario Branch. . made’man. . a ... . j . Friend—.Well, if you would see him when his wife’s around ypu would think he.Was made'.t° order. "Aft 'i'fts'ii f'drice agefft’Yrie-riT^'Four's"i has this fine motto on his desk: “Al-■ ways be in on the way Insurance Agent - a -prospect’s office, or there.” Insurance Agent — Pardon , .me, ‘Madam, but what is your age? seen “ and let.Live’’, even if it' is' a bit trite and time worn, is a . good one. It .is one that we need to practice in- • n. family; social, rci^ous,. commercial, political and' international life. It is 'just wonderful’ljow far the practical application of it. would take us.: At all event's, the world would -bp a. much better place to live in if only we wou^i all learn to obey that New . Testament injunction which bids us “Study to be- quiet, and mind your own business*'. . . ■ > .. • * Idi-t Maurois. „ - - I ■ '' ! NOTE: The writer of this' column is a trained psychologist and an au­ thor of several works. He is willing to deal with your problems and give , you'’the benefit of his wide experi­ ence. Questions regarding problems of EVERYDAY LIVING’ should be addressed to: Dri/M. M; Lap,pin,- Room „421, 73 Adelaide Street West, Toron­ to, Ontario, Enc!lose'''a (3c) stamped,, addressed envelope for reply. ,s ' ' ' . ■ BVB ■> ■> far -r' Why not ship yOur live stock Co-operatively, and have each owner’s stock, sold for the highest price available on the” Open' Market and Weighed over Public Market Scales, which are inspected regularly by Govei’nment Inspectors. ' .No shipment too large and none too small, they- will..all have personal attention, placed /in -comfortable quarters, watered'before selling. . We have a .sta'ff of. Experienced Salesmen lor very class pf ■stock you have*to offer. .. ■ • ■ Settlements " s ■ ' \ E-aclrownei’ can receive a cheque and a statement for the net amount of his-stpek’arid oujr cheijues are- payable at, par. at any branch of The Iriiperial Bank, The Bank of Toronto, The Dominion Bank and the" IJankiof Nova Scotia. A1J settlements■ audited by Chartered Ac- ■ t .jfrfaants. •>' Stockers and Feeders ' If interested in stoeker or-feeder cattle .get in touch with us and wc will do- our best to geb ybu cattle of desirable Quality and-weigjit^ to . 'suit your requirement#. Plpase” enclose bank refereitee with ^our n/d.er. ’ .■ ■' > x/We-solicit your patronage and in return assure you of our very •-■service. ‘ We will be pleaded to have you call on us while in the visiting the Canadian National Ejhibiiion. • • ' ’ . Wri-te, wire or t'elbjjhone—LYndhurst 1^43-1144. our carefully fed and live "r. best -. city I The United Farmers Co-operative Co; v i-- ' Limited’... \ Live Stock Commission Department UNION STOCK YARDS WEST TORONTO _a^sxiiKtha.Uis^ffeficiekt Jiulime. ojetha-t^— upon which cannot, be grown’ any other crop or. Wthe-re there is .in’suf- .fic-iemt fertility. The' -r.oOts.,'ot',.alfal­ fa, arid clover -fill the soil with organ­ ic inat-t-er,.' imp-roving, the- condition of thei so.il and" sub-soil. Their foots- of- -• ten’priiMU’ate -d'-owri to the distance / of e'igfitTieel in tli-eir search" foiMopd-F^ Clovers, alfalfa and- all leguminous ' ■plants'are soil,improvers; the- more , Thby/are'-grbTvn ’.the -better-the land „ -will be where they are grown thus - contributing to the building, u-p of- the .rest- of, the farm. They are dual pur-- pose plants,. they feed - the ' soil and ‘the.cow in the barn, at the same .time. - ' The Winter killing of clover is- la'r- ? fects-can-be ..overcome by,, urider-drajii- ’ ing and liming, and -getting land in fertile shape, to resist the climatic condition. -Winter, killing of clover . does not however;effect-its utility -as a soil improver when plowed under. , , 1 .' are ’( closely associated,, and the di’s-tinct- r be >7 drawn. The .term 1 “agricultural, rd- ! search,” as commonly employed tn --Ga-n-ad;a7—dnvbvase e s^ttr©"; wi de-.-fi-eld—oL scientific investigation «from fact- Tiri'dihg ''expeflmerits on- to fundamental research'on .the other “The easy things in agricultural re- i search have largely been done,” Dr. I Dominion Department of Agrjcultiire, on 'i'ii an q.TIf the height of -vhe i'ordhea’d is j riiiy index of brain activity andrrgrade, j some material-difference should cer--| tain'.y appear in the dimensions bei __— , , .. .. .7 J, M. Swaine, Director of Research, told tlie 15th convention of the Can- I aefran Society of ■ Technical- Agricul- I turists at Edmonton, .Alberta. They ! wer.e now faced, he said, with a grea- | ter percentage -of the more complex ■ and more difficult- ' problems, -which one ' -possible -conclusion, I taci-nnding T™-uh failed, and ■ s - e ■■ I forriver, fait to solve. There were l^-Lne-w—pmbJ.ems=?=] some material-difference should cer | tween .-old -intellectually backward, 23 ; American, highlanders of Northeast-. Miss Antique —I have_ ___________ sunjmefe. v,- " '‘ « f ei-n . Tenessee and tlib 'Academicians.' Insurance■ Agent—Yes, of course/Dr. Hrdlicka coiild detect none; This! but how many times have you seen I was also, true of old A'mericans at. them? I large, old American members of the; -—;----- - j Academy arid members of the Acad-•] Now comes a story of a doctor -. emy-regardles ; of 'nationality. There- ..............................................................,1 who told a patient.to be . cheerful,!’ is. ..only one ' -'possible .‘-conclusion, I £a^’^nc ,’n1’^‘?L^UCh ,-has‘-tai ec' an -and. sing at his work... “How -cah I?’’/^>hicli’is tlurit. the;lowness of •height *111 forever.’ £ri^.;.^r ■/•ufi” ’di' 1 " Tfetnan^ledrthe~^ft^eTit7^n^ ——" • L -. LT forehead ,a mark !are urgently requited The great ben-' Hrdl-idka's .old. e£it$ ^iat have .^suited from lunda- w’hite Americans at large -- a line 1 me^al. ^search, in the field and In sifeck-stan-d-'at the foot of' the four j'tlle laboratory, -and the e.vident need ■Uncle and-niece stood watching-'1' groups that .h(? studied. Indians., Ne-! £<)r more in-yestigation of this djpe the young :people at a public dance, i gros and ESk-imoij all surpass them.] in ec 10n y'1 m '■ y “I "bet yop 'never saw any dancing If there is any . truth in'" the" belief Pro?leias today were ample justitl- ._ k£ ,,-eiJrthat’ a high forehead indicates great{ cat’on -for Placin£ ^eclal. e^pliasis raid-' op tai power the Eskimos ought to; j he. Einsteins. r‘" ,. . ‘ " -*■- | whites, Indi I -Cook—Why, you’re th_b same man Hrdlicka measured. . , I gave a piece, of pie to yesterday. | To add’’to the discomfort of those Tramp--Y'e5. but ,£ hardly expect j <:tni m nhrenriionv. Dr. ed to find the same clock here to- iUUilOlVl-------JLZV ,yvu ( fop better or for worse? . / | Benedict—l-’rri hoping only for( of. racial superiority.' the best., 4< like this in the nineties, eh uncle?’ ' “Once—but. the place was i eL” ’ ' I that'a high forehead indicates great' , They surpass all the whites, Indians and Negros that Dr.’ Hrdlicka measured. ■ ' j upon it. The problems with Canada, was faced, would require its resources for agricultural search. - ' ■ which all re- ■ “I have .nothing’ to fear from any­ one.”—Benito Mussolini. : Classified Advertising TIKES AND BICYCLE BAK GAINS 'jTu~~up; JtleEente JJ&jrgt.-.-MS;- baaMW'eAt,..' ~T-‘ tramsiiort'a-tihiT t'lixid. Free-, catalogue.' j\xX OFFER, TO EV'Elii' UNVEN’Toli.. List- of wanted inventions ' and full information sent free. The Ba-nisay Company, World Patent, Attorneys, 273 ■ Bank street, Ottawa, Canada. .)r ■ -. ‘ bbecki.es FRECKLES vanish ALMOST in- * .stantly. Write' today for particulars of ’this neW secret. M. Lees-cm, Dundas, Ont. , ‘ ' QUILT REMNANTS ' who still believe in phrenology, Dr J [ Hrdlicka found that, the-low^st brows [ I of all were those - oLa:_gi’<mp_xiL..-A-r-' ______ ■ menians, among, the -shrewdest going’, to-' be a terrible 'tradesmen 'in the world. a 'lot of1 young -people! : - run out of thrills. - | .... , , , -7 - . • . '. ‘ ' j Man s natural ina-tinct is never,. I. Mother—Take that dress o« right I l,‘"vaM, wKat is.soun^ and true; jt i?J I •____________________toward what is specious and falsa/ '.Daughter—Why?'- .'“ '' j 7'H- L- Mencken.__■ I Mother—When you- stand in the ______• J sun I.can see your whole body. 1 ' ■* . Daughter—Well, it doesn’t look as- A Guide To The ' il'l it v/ere'going to be cloudy today, 1 day; This is world ler when they 0 ■ THAT ARE 7 nrin cotton qvilt'bemNants, 1 ,.VyU $1.25," postpaid-, 125; -oc. Textiles-, Box 123, Station .A, Montreal. (Newspaper Press Wanted 6 Column' size. Must be in good shapes.' FRANK j. POND. ' 73 Adelaide Street W. Toronto ■ ‘ > ! Enrichin,q; The Farm'Without i . " R'dfbTn^ The Soil - '- Faj im-rt who -do not’‘have , a regu­ lar .crop rotation and do' not iirclude ' the legti-ininous crops -(clovers . and. alfalfa) are not going to gticc^ed. The adverse influences upon clover are' lack1 of drainage,, lack of lime .and I-soil -acidity. ,. Much waste goes on' . . . where high priced clover seed is’ put Therein .no Tellable, guide , to age' into lan°d so's-orir that clover bacteria 'in cattle,. as aliboiigh the teeth are | cannot' thrive. Farms In this cond'i- generaliy regaiifcd as, .indicators,! tion rapidly decline as they are de- tlieir condition is To affected by the • niedhlie medium that wduld enrich-| eiiaractcr of the grazing. Or feed that tl-idm-and thpif owners. .- I i.f is impossible to pitied fait if in ’, 'Alfaifa^has somewhat-a similar Ifi's- them. " ' . ’ ’ ’ T.lofy: the only dil’fererice-' betwe ■ A calf has eigli ' j-'v at birth. When 15 or' IS’, months ' .short,'rations,ajjd alfalfa fits jn.w»h-ere central" ini'isorSj longer rotations .arc necessary. ' But At 21-4 to. like clover. aifaJJ'a .will.not grow on ■ o wet soggy soil or on a soil that has a hard 'pan -under.- the' 'surface for '3 Or 4. feet, with Underwater undrained away. Alfalfa , cannot be grcw.r., upon i . \ ' I Age Of CattleI»does it? | * Few t people., realize - that their]” neighbors could be a good deal] worSe. • ’ > - • . ' ' 1 'Child—What .is alimony, mother jar (T ' ' * ' ■ ' * ' j Mothet—It is a^-nan’s' cash stir- " •* 1 - - * " •A wise man once said: “RichO'. are' gotten with pain, kept with care (n;rke and lo'st with grief.” . fo I ■ ’ • •- ", < , ■ - '. rflmy ■ up. The third pair will be -re- at .about three years, and at i' years the cow has if-' month full the teeth' loose, and j dear ; render value, daughter. i 3 MAGNEtOS .All Mak6s Sold and Repaired w- . - Generator Exchange Service . aut6 STARTER LIMITED 18 Breadalhaiie St., Toronto 19 V. .. FULL INFORMATION which puts our sub's-trioers com­ pletely in possession <sf practical working knovVledgo how to become a money earner, A year's subscription-for $2.00, or we wilj send you interesting notes foy a 3c stamped addressed envelope. ' ■ GIFF BAKER, 39- LEE’AVENUE, TORONTO, ONT. X ■ • en' 'it small teeth in the' them is that clovers are suitable for jaw old the' two,, large appearance. A. _ _ . ... years the next permanent teeth-'. placed at .ajiout three , years, and at j Jour " - - •< ... 4.,, of. permanent incisors, . j. With .advancing ' age, Wear . down, and beebine ispaces show between tjieni. This .makes, it more.-difficult each year for the a'nimhl to marfitain condition? even on good grazing, .and• necdssi/ ' tatqs more hand feeding. The teeth -may wear right- down to the guilds without falling out. 'But shbUk] they loosen, they are best- drawn,-and the cow hand-fed until the gurris harden.1 A rough and ready method oCconi-1 sometimes adopted.puti-ng age j —The rings -on the- horn of the cow Issue No. 36 -— ’35 a»re counted, and It- is estimated that ’ — -------4-----—*-»-------;------e— ------the nn'irim'i "has Jiad a many calves as there are rings. ■ '. ’ , s'. I THE FAMOUS RUBBING liniment Rub on — pain . gone. Get th^newJargc econ­ omy sizer—Also avail-; ' able in-sniallcr. regular size.- .' THE ART OF EARNING ■- --T— MONCT A i AN inspirational working tPeatis.c is offered in a well- written article, jpjre'senting AUTHORITATIVE COUN­ SEL on winning prize contests for Artists and Authors, and a Monthly Service! MMA m»'m* MB* •*» <teD weii>w« « we* wi «UutaR-n'H«aoaLm* ft subscribers