HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1935-09-12, Page 1■L VETERINARY I Recoyerins Fromlllness ■z “~ntr- C. ^,oa.pER YEAR IN advance; $2.50 otherwise LUCKNOW, ONT., THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER, 12th 1935 largely attended/ resulted in outlin- when Andrew McLennan •*»K Vliv Lmnpai^ll, auu 111 111UV1CDL- I - . - . .ing discussions, among the speakers wa® progressing nicely at the home J. M. MAINE, V,S,, B.V.Sc. ■ Havelock St* Lucknow . . i’PHONE 104-W Graduate of Ontario Veterinary College, University of ‘ Toronto Charges reasonable. Day or night . .calls premptly attended to Office in ithe residence? , ef the late — Mrs. W. E. McDonald DENTAL DR. J. E. LITTLE , Dentist .r:;! 7 Office In The Johnston Block Telephone No. 5 ■ R’. SINGLE COPIES 6 CENTS —--jjr-,-- iirmnmiiipnff m; 1111111 1 niiiiiinitibj 111 The Bread The Bread Of Health MoVliS of Health QUALITY A^D SERVICE OUR MOTTO SPECIALS for the WEEK-END LAYER CAKES WITH RASPBERRY CENTRES at SPONGE CREAM CAKES with PINEAPPLE OR STRAW­ BERRY FLAVOUR at 20c, AN EXTRA VALUE SPONGE JELLY ROLLS AT . . . . ....................................15e STRAWBERRY, RASPBERY, PINEAPPLE AND MAPLE WALNUT TARTS; OATMEAL AND DATE SQUARES; FIG AND APPLE SQUARES AND - IMAN Y OTHER VARIETIES OF COOKIES TO CHOOSE FROM. HOLLYmAN S QUALITY BAKERY Phone 36 Lucknow i Painful Illness Born . With Amazing Fortitude Mrs. Catherine MacDonald Recover- - big ‘Wont feecciit Injuries Received ’ In Car Accident Expired Suddenly - At The Home Of Her >isterr Mrs. Duncan /McLennan. ■ i I * •> .’ ' •’ • ‘ ’ .Death, came -with shocking sudden­ ness, on .Saturday -evening,! to. Mrs.- Catharine MacDonald, a. few mQm-_ ents after she had suffered a severe heart attack.. . . ' . Mrs. MacDonald, had just ‘ two weeks previously been discharged from- Walkerton Hospital, where she w.as reeeiYing treatment .for-AnjurdeS’ ofBe ^m^tinX'wlfich'Though' ^no^ in ,a motOr accident: hear largely aiueiiueu, resuibeu in uurViin-| ,—’>"• ----,ing the campaign, and in interest- was fatally injured. Mrs. McDonald ing discussions, among the speakers wa® progressing mcely at the home being, Mr. Ruttie, jMrt. M. MitchelL of ^er slsteL Mrs. McLennan, the Col. Hugh Clark, Mr. t). C. Taylo<1"oth1er of ,tje unfortunate dad, when Mr. Moore of Whitechurch and stl^ken twi.th tlLe fatal seizure. . .... others -1 rhus twice ..in quick succession, >' sudden sorrow, has visited this home' and relatives, and on Tuesday, a MRS. “CLARKE INSTALLED I sympathizing community attended in . AS DISTRICT DEPUTY [ar.^ numbers the funeral service / ' ' •__ , held at the McLennan, home. Inter­ im r. • . « . i ._____________v . ment •-was--in--- koehadsh’-cemetery.District Rebekahs Gathered In Luck- Mrs MacDona-ld>s ,fiusban(1 p'ede- now On Tuesday- ceased her several years ago. She -- ----- _ is survived by “two daughters, Mrs. Temple Clarke, Rebekah Dis- Louise and- Florence of Toronto and wv.Uk... n i j | trict Deputy president of Kincardine °ne son, John of Buffalo, also ,byI district, was installed into, .office, On ] four sisters, .Mrs. McLennan, Mrs. 3“ Past Grand representatives from ( trict, and Miss B. Ross and Mrs.. ' Ashfield News BORN—^Toj Mr. and Mrs. Frank i- ................. CONSERVATIVES OPEN Death Was Sudden] • MMIT EE RO S H ^E Held Organization Meeting In Town Hfill La^t Week ; . ' Tlje local, conservative organization [ -is opening-a committe room in the” Reid Block, adjoining G. H; Smith’s office, which will- be used as head­ quarters. during, the next month of the political campaign, J . The- first local gathering of party adherents, took .the form of. aft’ or-, ganjzation meeting, held in / the Council Chamber last Wednesday evening,’ ip the interests of their candidate, Gideon H. Ruttie. Mr. J. A. Mallough . was., chairman, . FOUND—A sum of money; Apply at Bank of Montreal, Lucknow. BABY FOR ADOPTION—BeautL fuA baby boy for adoption, 3 months old. Apply Sec. Children’s Aid Soc- , iety, Walkerton. FOR SALE OR RENT — Village property- on—fitauffer street. Frame house in | good repair, ^4 acre of ground. Apply to John Mullin, R. 7, Lucknow., ------- :—- — ------------—1 ”■ FOR SALE—House and lot, foiffi- L ; erly. owned- by Miss Burgess^— L Apply to C. B. Allin. AUCTION SALE—Of hotel furni­ ture, etc., at the Sepoy Hotel", Luck­ now, this Saturday, September 14th, commencing at 1,30 o’clock. Terms— Cashj See bills for Jist. Mrs. C. Lee, —prOp;— w~ell;-"HendCTSdn7"Auc.~~ /' HELP WANTED—On farm at, once» married couple, without. child- ren or single man. Experience nec­ essary. Steady work. Apply at Sen- ) tihel Office. . . FARM FOR SALE —100 acres, Lot 19, Coni 4, Huron Twp. Will be x . .sold-on easy terms or will* exchange fOr smaller_ property. Immediate .pos- —"sessidnT“'”6fi^acfes/~se^e3rclown 'to ' , " Hugh ' McIntosh, Lucknow. clover and fertilized?’this spring,— * TT ' 12 X T«»4- > T 1 r»w FOR SALE—-A fine dark red Shorthorn bull, bred by Jos. Douglas of Caledonia^ i 6-years-old and has proven to be good stock getter. Also sbime little pigs for sale.—Jas. Forester, R. 1, Lucknow.- I.O.O.R ELECTION OF] OFFICERS Members of Lucknow Lodge No. 112, I.0.O,F.j are notified that elec- - -11 "tion of. officers for the ensuing wear —— will- take place at 'thecreguiav meet- ember 17th. A large attendance is requested. , SCHOOL FAIR DANCE Will be held in Holyrood Hall on Friday evening, September 13th. Good (Orchestra. Everybody Welcome Admission — Gents, 18c plus tax-; Ladies, 9c phis tax. , - SPECIAL DANCE —On Monday, September 16th, in the Arena at Ripley. Music furnished by the Royal Night Owls Orchestra of Mildmay.. Don't miss it. DOG WAS KILLED Mrs. Alexander Stuart, In Her 82nd Year, Passed Away On /Friday Evening—Had Braved A "Long ill­ ness Since, Suffering A Fractured •- Hip The' Middle .Of-April. r ■© 1 ■ *< ’ * - • - ' .* Bearing, in a manner, almbat un­ believable, the pain and adversity of a long * illnea’s with complications,, that fallowed'; a fracture of the , hip which she suffered the middle of April, death brought relief to Mrs. Alexander .Stuart, who passed away early Friday evening at the home of her- son, Mr. George Stuart^ Con- twenty weeks, Mrs, Stuart’s recov- Tessibn 9, West Wawanosh. > Frequently during her illness* of ery | was despaired of, but as fre­ quently., an,.indomitable, courage and a steadfast hope of recovery enab­ led her to rally to the amazement Of her attendants. Mrs. Stuart made a . remarkable recovery from the fracture, but not long after the cast :was removed, with expectations bright .that She would soon be able to move about again, complications developed that finally claimed the life of this 82ny.ear=old,—beloved-A-and -esteemed ^ resident of her community. Mrs. Stuartf- formerly Elizabeth Radcliffe, a daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Radcliffe, was bpm i ...............' ’ I+ka hk* ^a*e,^s to St. Helens, I Tuesday afternoon, at a meeting of I'MacLaughlin of the Peace River Dis W „settled‘ , Past Grand representatives from trict, and MissB. Ross u..J ' Mri JiearSf marned district lodges of Kincardine, Ripley, Campbell of Chatham.A““ii““ «theKreA Southampton, Walkerton and Pais’ Ashfield News ' , £ R her marr ed li e, resided hey4 ]\frs. Elwells. of Paisley, Past . BORN—To- Mr. and Mrs. ------ - Mr slL conducted the- in-1 Hamilton, oh September 2nd, a dau- -~.jyErs.™-D^-Av^ __ VV.. A.X—.. • .. - spe.nt_.the—week-end at Bruce Beach, In the evening, Jewel Rebekah the guests Of Mrs. R. Martin jjf Rip- I Lodge held their regular meeting, ley. '"T-‘ I '-x «« . * •• • . •• " • I—— T3 Wu-aA • "•J-.SC « J J* Xi- I, [schools in this -district last week. A delicious supper was served in The Kintail Branch of the Wo- _ ____:i m. /_ T»_ I tnen’c Tnstifntn mot at tbo JiOmP of bekahs, to thevisitors "and also the I Mrs. Wm. Johnston on Wednesday members of the local lodge.- I, evening of last week. .___________| Dies Suddenly tember 2nd, to Mr.’ Rol^xtj^lkfir.m InjUFCU | MF’^Walkjer yzas helping with the < f | harvest -&hen stricken with a heart attack. The funeral 'was held on Dick Carter Suffers Fractured, ArmlThursday. Mr. Gbthrie .of Guelph . 'And Possible Skull Fracture, When officiated at; the service at .the home ^Thrown From Wagonload Of Chop —Found Unconscious On Road < ' Found unconscious, late Tuesday afternoon on the roadway, where he had been thrown .from a | wagon loaded with chop, Dick Carter was rushed to the Wingham Hospital, seriously injured. His condition on ] .Wednesday was reported as favor-1 able, after spending .a .fairly__.go.Qd_L on tPh rtfn°Lh- rhmarr^ ley? sLlls PaiS%yt on the farm where sh-e.. passed, away, i . - _ - Mr.' Stuarf predeceased his wife, hay-' ^Tlat'ionLthat ’ brings" CTnsidehable I iWer.' mg died suddenly abont 2a ^arJ^^o:^^_^ |Xh-todee,-mJ a;gor-Ind:ustryF-the- love of "her"fa’mrlyT ,, . o „ J w us • -the. (enjbyment of good books-and the * '-■■■•--r?. -■ company of friends,, marked the life of this mother Whose:....Passingfe I by* a* social gath-1....Mr. Beacom inspected some of the^ieh. eJeh^ Ls 1^,^ s“ yearT andThp^e^ce her Tome I?1* by 100™^" | ™»’a ^Institute met at the home, of on Monday was conducted by Rev..^ Mr. Wright, with interment in Dun-i gannon cemetery. Two sons, Joe and Charles and. four neighbors, George McRoberts, Charles „„'D.urn.in,_—Ross,. Murray and John Cameron, acted as pallbearers. t. ■ Four sons, Gregor „ of Chicago; Charles ^of Moosdmin,. Saskatchewan, George and Joe at home and one daughter, Mjss Anna of Toronto sur- vive. All were home during the ill-: ness and" at the funeraj of their mother. . . ’ , J O’ne 'sister, Mrs, Wm. Cameron of Mitchell and two brothers Topi and Dan of Dakota, also survive; ABILITY TO SEE COMFORTABLY The object of a modern eye service is to.. enable patients to ' see comfortably. That ” means seeing withput. strain, on the eyes. And also the avoidance of “ the many bodily results of eye strain.; That thought deservp.q. the consideration of all who are not -certain of the condition of their eyes. ARMSTRONG’S Eyesight Service Colorful Floral Display At Horticultural Show ':<w - ------ - , Profusion Of Cut Flowers And P.lantsLOa. Display On __Saturday Night Is “Viewed” By" Small Crowd 150 bouquets of cut fioflwerfi, not including a number of potted plants, made a brijliant floral display, at the Lucknow Horticultural Society’s 1 annual flower show held on Saturday^ There were entries in all but two of the 50 classes. _^The sho.wLwas—held—in--the-vacant- building adjoining- Fisher’s Barber _ She p,-which’ywas^at^actiyely^airapea^ ~ with flags. Special interest, by an attendance that was disappointingly small, was centred around the dis­ play of roses, dahlias ^nd glads, many of which were of Toronto Ex­ hibition calibre. - First and second prizes respec­ tively were awarded. as fallows by ? Judge J. M. Graham of Wingham: Sweet* Peas—A. Hamilton, Mrs. Solomofi; Asters, red—A. Hamilton,P Mrs. Huston; Asters, pink—A. Ham­ ilton, Mrs. Huston; Asters,, white— Mrs. Huston, Mrs. Solomon; Asters, purple—R.I Fisher, ■'"Mrs. Solomon; Asters, collection—Mrs. .Solom.Qnt.._J.^_— .Eickering^^Ehloxr-an nual—-R.Thomp------ ;rs«n7i-rMr7^Rathw^H-;~"PhT6jxr^rCT 31acKenzier---Mrs“Solomo^"'” ■^aLplgTosrs—G.. Smith', Mr. Rathwell; Verbenias,—Mr. Rathwell, Mrs. Solo­ mon; Dahlias, decorative; 3 bloom— / R. ' Fisher^ 7 Mr. Rathwellf Dahlia Show!—Mfs. Huston; Dahlia, collec­ tion—R. Fisher; Gladiolus, 3 bloom— S. Rathwell, A. Hamilton; Gladiolus, 6 . blooms—R. Fisher, A. Hamilton; Gladiolhs, single spike—A.. Hamilton, G. Smith; Gladiolus, collection—R. Fisher, A .Hamilton; Zinnias,. 10 blooms—iS/ Rathjw/ell, J. ’ Pickering; Stock, collection’ — Mrs. Solomon, Mrs. W. P. Reid; Snapdragon, dark— S,. Rathwell,, Mrs. Solomon; Snap­ dragon, light—rS. Rathwell, Mrs. Sol­ onion ; ’• Scabiofi a—hS . Rathwell, Mrs. Solomon; Pansies — Mrs. . Solomon.. Mr. Rathwell; Nasturtiums — R. Thompson, S. Rathwell; Marigolds, french—Mrs. Solomon; Calendulas— S. Rathwell; Mrs; Solomon; Cosmos— ■SFT^WeIL~TMrs^ HiFsFon; “P^unias, double—James Pickering, G. TJmith; •Petunias, singl^e—-Mrs. Solomon, S. Rathwell; Collection, .annuals -r- G. Srnith. S. Rathwell; Collection^ per- enials—G. Smith, S. Rathwell;'Roses, red—'G. Smith;, Roses, pink—Mrs. Huston, A. Hamilton; Roses,1 white— S? Rathwell, G. Sinith; Roses, collec- tion—Mrs. Solomon, Dr. Johfiston; Carnations — R, Thompson; Table bouquet-r-Mrs. MacKenzie, Mrs. Sol­ omon; Bouquet, afiy other flower not mentioned—R. Fisher, Mrs. Sol­ omon; Larkspur, ! perennials '—Mrs. Salomon, G. Smith; Larkspur, an­ nual—Mr, Rathwell, ~R. Thompson; Begonia, rex—Mrs. Cameron; Be­ gonia, tuberous, double—Mrs. Huston, Mrs. Solomon; Beg'onia, tuberoils, single—Mrs. Solomon, -Mrs. Huston; Collection Coleus—Mrs. Huston; Gio- xiniaT-Mrs. Solomon; Geranium, dou­ ble—Mrs, Huston ; Geranium; - single ’—Mrs. Huston;' Any other potted , , plant in, .bloom—Mrs. Huston, Mrs. Solomon. I and, graveside. Interment was made in Kincardine cemetery? He.is sur­ vived by three sons, who reside in Vancouver and one sister, Miss Betsy who .made her hoipe iVith him. .. ng,u< WIN KINCARDINE DOUBLES ' Wellington McCoy; who hds been getting into themo_ney__xmite—£r-o quentlyin bowling events this " siea~ son,'team.ed^un.with:.! in the trophy event, at the Scotch doubles tournament in Kincardine. Nineteen rinks competed. As well as worthwhile prizes, the local pair brought ■ home the Lopdon . Free Press trophy. " .. Card Of Thanks The family of the late Mrs. Alex­ ander Stuart, wish to acknowledge with sincere gratitude the numerous, acts of kindness and expressions of sympathy of friends and neighbors during the- long illness, and at the time of the death of their, mother. I Chose Steven^ Candidate AGED WINGHAM COUPLE KILLED IN MOTOR . ACCIDENT I , Mrs. J. A. Mills of Wingh&m, was | killed• in a motor .accident near Bel- ngytlTe7~the end of the wjeekLarS-!Mj^- - -amt' "~fsgd: pmjuf-edF-that-—heHs“^trtlTe7^0spita] and his condition considered serious. Two other pas.sengeys in the car es­ caped serious injuries. The accident occurred; we under­ stand, when a driver cut in on Mr. Mills, an elderly'gentleman. In doing Iso, the cut-in driyer “swiped, the ing it towards the ditch. In a fran- swung it too far the other way and '-in front of an W. G. NICHOLSON Ste-venis—Candidate Tn Bruce~Riding," Denies Any Split In _the Farmer- "habur^PaTty1nh”’BrH’c©/ “ and’"Asserts He Has the Support of Arthur Bur­ gess, Who Was Reported As a Pro-. bable 4th Candiate in the Constitu­ ency! Aged Kinloss Lady Dies Mrs. Donald MacDonald, Longtime . Resident Of Kinloss, Passed Away On Sunday—Is Survived .By Iler Husband And Family Of Eight'. ’"I “Spot” < th& little black and white pup belonging to young Joe Agnew, ....______ _______________ , ” was run over Tby- a car on Monday | W. J. Henderson Gets -Nomination— and died shortly after. Joe was quite] E. G. Zinn Of Ashficld Stood— attached to his playful pet and feels John Jamieson Withdrew. pretty1 blue over losing him. The dog _____ was playing near the Town Hall and |< ^Sixty-three voting5 delegates rep- scampered^ out in front of a car^ resenting all parts of North Huron giving the motorist no chance to riding, chose W. J. Henderson, of ffiiss him; Spot was not instantly Wingham junction*, to represent the killed, and as Joe grabbed him up, Stevens Reconstruction party in the dog bit him two or three times, [North Huron at a convention in with the result that Joe was taken Wingham on Friday. Mr. Henderson to the doctor, as a precaution again-1 received the nomination oh the sec-| , st anything serious developing ■ the bites.: . / . GOSPEL MEETINGS frdtn ond ballot< ‘ \ _ ■ Mr. Henderson, ex-reeve of Morris Township; enters the., field slightly more than a month before the elec- tors go to the polls, and before ex­ tensive campaigning has really got-' ten underway by his .opponents, R. J. Deachman, Liberal and .George | Spotton^ Conservative. Four others allowed . their names to go before the convention,.' Mayor! ..The' Ycmng People of Wingham and Lucknow will have charge of the . usual musical program .in the Or- - anee Hhll, this Friday evening. , stepvices in the Orange. Hall 'at, . i.v. •bow4_- Ln,,,, a 1 W go Deiore me convention,. iVLavor rwmu in Hanna, of wingham; Missfrom Detroit, in charge of Lester K G Saunders,, of Goderich; W. Jackway, a man loved and respected M wniic jin the business circles of Detroit J S’ will bring The message in the even- ing 4,1 the usnai houft . .{Belgrave and JpKn Jamison of Ash- •'on* the firsj;, Miss Saunders, / . in the business circles of Detroit, ing at the usual hour. * DIED IN THE WEST E. G. Zifin, of Ashfield. Other nomL inees1 who withdrew were R. J. Scott | field. Two ballots were taken, and . . 7 “ ' Mr. Willis and E. G. Zinn were elimina- Following a brief Ullness, Mrs. ted, leaving the field to Mr. Hanna Wffi* Endicfitt, died-early in August; land Mr. Henderson, Mr; Hcfiderson in* Chilliwack Hospital in British Col- winning out.' umbia. Mrs, Endicott was born in - 1 Mr. J. G. Merrison of Sarnia, Re-- Lucknow, and was a daughter of the construction ’ party/ organizer, was late Mr. and Mrs. John Hedley, one | present and priori to the election °f of the provinces piofteer families^, a yandidate, it' ’ . Mrs. Charles A. Berber of Chun- formed for the riding. The officers wack is a daughter. Mr. Barberi| elected wer^: worked at dfie tiffie in the Spntinel H. H. Stevens; ed here this summer, prior 16 . Mr. |,Miss Jose G. S MV. J, G.Merrison of Sarnia, ,Re-‘ 1/ organizer, was I a Stevens Club .was] Hon.. president, Hon. ___ . __ _ president, W. H. Office and lie and Mrs. Barber visit- Willis, Wingham: first vice president] L- th1- ti MJ. J—t C. funder's, Goderich; . , Barber attending the .Canadian Wee- second VTce-president; E. G. Zinn,1 kly Newspapermen’s (^gfvdntion in | Ashfield'; secretary, Mrs. 0. G. An- Toronto, at which he Was elected derspn, East Wawanosh; treasurer, | president; . . Leslie Kilborn, Blyth. kly Newspapermen’s ■TurvMw, at ' president . after spending .a fah:ly__jrnjad_ Jl]^bi.__A^rQken-^^ht--^r-my-^nd72aT| ■^©jriCT^whoTis"" eheioyed on~?Mr^ J. | S. McKenzie’s fa^m on. the 4th.of Kinloss, is a brother of Henry and Peter Carter., Dick left Lucknow | with his. load about four o’clock on I Tuesday afternoon, and Was found ahout six o’clock, after Wm. Mein- tyre had seen, the. team pass with- front whoe|. of-tlle. jsiills./tar, swerv- °UTxrn j 1. PUS it towards the ditch, in a fran-When Dick was Tound, he was yn- fic effort to right the -car, Mr. Mills' c ci us, and bleeding from ..the swung it too far the other way and t°Se farS- UnablG t0 r?uSe |lhW’ into the traffic lane in front of an Mr. McIntyre ran. t° a phone to approaching- car, which crashed into summon aid and in the meantime, • Dick -revived, find <fesp^ ^ills, on ; Tuesday, . passed’ juries, got to his feet and had walk- away jn Belleville0 Hospital, as a ed a quarter of a mile by the .time result of his injuries. help arrived, When he was,rushed to . _______. • the hospital.. Details of how the mishap oc­ curred are scarcely known. Dick had just . turned onto the 4th eftnekssipn ______ ______ . ... aFWm. McKenzie’s corner, when he Had * Been Ill For About A Year— was jolted ■ from the wagon at the Was A Daughter Of Pioneer Huron feet of the horses, which ran; on. Family And Resident Of Lucknow down the road. It i^ believed that 35 Years the wagon wheels passed over the L _____ fractur? the TV J III for about a yoar,. death earns M>rforhme seems, to dog Dick w MiSs Mal.garet j. Murray, in the this summer, for it is only a couple h rg £ Monda morni’ng. The Of. months ago that he received frac- £ulieral service was held Wednesday tared ribs in a ear accident, west of hcr homo pn' Rose st/ | the^ village. | conducted fiy_ her pastor, Rev. C. H. „ "j----------- ^XrihMacDonald, Interment was in Kin-. IS YOUR LABEL CORRECT? Hoss cemetery. ,,' ._ ... I Miss Murray -was a daughter'' .of’ ™ c .... ... the late Peter Murray and MargaretThe Sentinel mailing, list has been j, Henderson, pioneer residents of [corrected up.until Mon,day of. this the Paramount pommupity in Huron j week, arid subscribers who have re- Township; Mrs. . Murray dietjf in the14 newbd, or made a payment on ar-. ?£a?r yearg later, , Miss Murray and her father retiredrears, dunfig the/past several weeks, |to Lucknow, where for the past 35. should take special note of the date on their, label to. bee. if. correct- cre­ dit lias beOrr-sgivep. In case of an error, please nbfify this, office at once. Subscribers who are in arrears, are requested , to attend «to this mat­ ter at an early date, or to arrange regular payments, that will soon wipe out the debt. It' was recently found 'necessary to placje a number of long past due ac­ counts in other hands. for collection; and upless a response' is heard from other delinquent subscribers, we will bo obliged’ to petsuo thi£ course "in regards ’ accounts of lesser amounts, but which Collectively re­ present several hundred ^dollars, Which is; urgently .needed to assist in carrying' on this business. . May we hear from you, please. array Dies I Miss Murray and her father retired . . ; 2 ... - .. _ I yearS, she has. been a continuous and jjreSpected citizen, - having -formed a wide circle of friends, who mourn her passing.'Miss-Murray’s/only bro­ ther, 6.Johfi, died in 1911, in British. Columbia, where he was a timber inspector.. A year later,' Mr. .Murray died, leaving “Maggie”, as she was familiarly known, the lone survivor. 611 Miss Murray was a staunch Pres- ■byterian, holding a life rhembership in the W. M. S. Apart from hping active in W. M. S. work, she'Was aT faithful teacher in fehe Sabbath school for many years. . One niece, Miss. Dorothy Murray of the Vancouver teaching staff!sur­ vives. The '’pallbearers • were Messrs. »R. V^McKenzie, Donald Ferguson, W. W. Hill, ,S.. E. “Robertson,' Wm. Mt'ir- doch and James Pickering. An illness of three months’ dura-: the--death-of-Mrsr~Donrrrd~MacDPn^dZ she has lived out her 76 summers, on > Concession 6, in the immediate vicinitjy of Lang side 'Presbyterian Church. ■ Mrs.. MacDonald, formerly Jane Fraser, was a daughter of Wm. and Jean Fraser^ who upon coming from /Inverness, Scotland, first settled near Zotra, before treking to Kinloss to a wilderness of bush at that time when Mrs. MacDonald was-a youn^ lady. * '< ‘ About fifty-fives years ago, Miss Fraser became the bride, of Donald MacDonald of the 4th copftcession, and the young couple took up .farming near Miss Fraser’s : parental home. Throughout the years they have en­ deared themselves to the. community round about, where her passing ■ is mourned, as well as by ner family •ofeight *vchtldren7'*’^who*§c~ welfare while they were young, was t the chief interest of this kindly mother. Death’s separation of Mr. and ■Mrs. MacDonald is particularly sad in that her aged husbahd, who- sur­ vives, is,almost helpless with rheuin- atism.' . Mrs. MacDonald was a lifelong member of Langside Presbyterian Church, and the funeral service; at her late residence on Tuesday after­ noon, was conducted by her pastor, Rev. John Pollock. Interment was in Langside cemetery. The . pallbearers were Angus MCDiarmid, Wm. Fal­ coner, Foster ’ Moffat^ ' John Mplnhe's, Jas. Morrison and Roderick Ro'ss. Resides the bereaved husband, four sons and four daughters sur­ vive, Mrs. Petht Moffat. (Catherine) Con. 8, Kinloss; Mrs. Dan McKinnon (Bell), Con. 4; Kinloss; Mrs. Alex -Collins ---(Phemia) ’ Ypsilanti; Mich.;' * Mrs, Walter Smith (E^tta> Azalia, Mich.; John, Grand Prairie; Rus’Sell Bly th; Wm. of Kinloss and Neil at home, * Two brothers and a sister, | Mrs. Richard Mallough,- predeceased Mrs. MacDonald a number of years ago. filial—Mr, Rathwell, ~R. Thompson; Begonia, rex—Mrs. Cameron^ Be­ gonia, single—Mrs. S ■< ? BORN ’ • « BOWEN -““"in Goderich Hospital, on Wednesday, September 11th, . to Dr. & Mrs. Rr J.f Bowen, a daughter. RECEIVES NOMINATION Dr. Minerva E. Reed/of Toronto, an aunt of Mrs. A, E. McKjm, ’“and Who was a recent visitor at the- Mc- Kim hoifie, was nominated on Mon­ day evening as - Reconstruction! .can­ didate for High Park riding. Dr. Reed is serving her 4th ' year as a member of . the Toronto Board of Education. She is a sister-in-law of Mrs. Mao, Reid who was ^fatally in­ jured in an auto accident near Shel­ burne this summer, when Mrs. Me*, Kim received severe dnjjiries frbni which she ha^’’ not yet fatally, re­ covered. x MAE WES5T AT LYCEUM Mae West in “Goin* to. Town*’ is the feature attraction at the Lyceum Theatre this week, that is certain to attract large numbers of theatre goers to see this popular picture starring the much * publicized Mae. Interesting short subjects support the feature, offering an attractive bill as advertised elsewhere. BAND CONCERTS OVER $The weekly Saturday night con-' cqfits by the Lucknow Pipe BaAd, Which have proved stich #n attraction are over for the season. The. Band was. out at’ full strength last Satur­ day evening, for the final appfiar- fince of the summer in 'this respect.