HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1935-09-05, Page 1$2.00 PER YEAR IN ADVANCE; .$2.50 OTHERWISE LUCKNOW, ONT., •7------------------•— Hundreds Crowd Rink For Scottish Concert Program Of High Order Pleases and \ Thrills Monster, Crowd On Friday .w; Night. ■' ■■.' .',.*i .. .■» Eight hundred enthusiastic people .it. is estimated, crowded into < the local skating rink last Friday even ■ ing, and went hoiiie well satisfied after hearing and seeing an inter­ esting and highly "entertaining pro­ gram that hadn’t a drill hioment during the hour and three quarters that it lasted. And had it been a pleasant summer, evening, the rink - -would -not- have—held “them, Nis the general., opinion. Memories of the old Caledonian gamps; were recalled by the old timers/ as this traditionally {■Scot­ tish stronghold, "once more 'was swelled by a throng’that thrilled to a program in J which the skirl o’ the pipes and Scotch dancing, predoim inateri. ■ . . “Biit‘ the “Scotch numbers did not .altogether—steal— the -show. There were other, numbers equally, inter­ esting that rounded ojft a well—ba!-: anced program^ including selections by . the combined IWlingham (and Lucknow brass bands, tap dancing’ by Kenrieth. Crawford -of Wingham and even a bit of Old Erin got work­ ed into, the night’s performance, with the-Jrish^Jig——--- Cameron Geddes announced the numbers permitting no dragginess, and keeping the performarice pepped up "' throughout, with seyeral Scotch jokes. The program got off to a good istart with a couple of lively mafch- ^Jby^lip_conibined^ucknaw~^and- Wingbam bands. The chairman, called on “His Worship, The/Mayor,” (A; W. Hamilton) who made a few timely remarks. ' ------ Lorne McDonald played the bag­ pipe accompaniment for .the local! dancers; who were well trained by Mrs. Culiis. The dances included the Highland fling by a\ group of five, Mary McKim, Jean Culbert, Reed McKim; Dorothy Wpbb- andL/Murie^ Paterson; The Sailor’s Hornpipe, by Etta Belle MacDonald,x Margaret X^®TL3of^Wingham^^fidr^Bessie- Stewafti a Scotch ./daggriJ^ziAiiaLWn. Wyck of Hish Jig by Etta Belle . MacDonald; the Highland fling- by Mary McKim; the . Sailors Hornpipe by Ann Van Wyck; the Sword Dance by Jean Culbert and Etta Belle McDonald; and several well' stepped trip dances by Kenneth Crawford of Wingham. f- One of the features of the program was an amusing Scotch reading by Mrs. Van Wyck. Cameron Geddes contributed a number .of solos, Ex­ celling himself , in rendering “Annie Laurie,” Mrs. Newton acted as ac- cotnpanistA The "local Pipe Band, 10 strong took the stand to contribute a couple of selections arid George Mann, a former President of Luck- -now^—gave a bagpipe selection. . Expressions of appreciation by Mr. Geddes and two selections by the combined bands, with Bandmasters Heyworth and .gchatte each con­ ducting a number) brought a de­ lightful program to a fitting close as the audience ’rose to sing “Auld Lang Syne” and “The Kirig”. Throughout the program the art­ ists were given a big hand as an­ nounced and were roundly encored by an appreeiatice audience as they concluded their efforts: . a Prior to the concert the inain street was lined with-cars and spec­ tators; to witness the parade of the bands and the perforrners. Due to the coolness of the evening a dance in the Hall, took the place of the advertised street dance, and the crowd ,more than taxed the floor spate, for the dances, to musics by Art McCartney’s rind Roy McKen­ zie’s orchestras. 1 NOTES ON THE 1 BIG NIGHT le iransforriiation the rink took °n f°r ^e “Gala Scottish Night” was due a good deal to the untiring efforts of dMr. G/ H., Smith, stated Camerdn .Geddes, in publicly thank-/ ing Mr. Smith, at the conclusion of Friday night’s qoncetti A spacious platform was attractively surrounded with flags and a monster “Hello Sandy0, sign was strung across the back. Comfortable seating was made (Continued An Page. 4) T VETERINARY J. M. KAINB.-'V,S,'-B<y,Sc. ;- Havelock St„ Lucknow „ ’PHONE 104-W * Graduate (“of Ontario Veterinary College, University of Toronto ^Charges reasonable.. Day :or night calls ; promptly. attended ^to Office -iri the residence" of the late" . Mrs. W. E. MtDoriaJd t —r- & THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER, 5th 1955 :------ -------- •---------[______—_________i__:--------;-------i----------------[____I SINGLE COPIES 5 CENTS „ DR. J. E. LITTLE ■ " ’ Dentist X-RAY SERVICE Office In The Johnston Block Telephone No. .... ‘ ■ ... . :1-L. FOUND—A sum of money. Apply at | Bink of Montreal, Lucknow;. . ANO FOR SALE—Real good -2nd hand piano, very reasonable in price.—R. J. Moore, Lucknow. FOR SALE—House and lot, form­ erly owned by Miss Burgess,■— Apply to C. B. Allin. once, married couple, without child­ ren or single man. Experience nee* essary.Steady work.. Apply at Sen­ tinel Office. FARM FOR SALE —100 acres, Lot 19, Con,,Ar.^Huron^Jrwp. Will-bo- sold on easy terms, or will exchange for smaller property. Immediate pos­ session. 65 acres seeded down to clovef and "fertilized^this spring.— Hugh McIntosh, Lucknow. QIRL WANTED tor general housework in London. Duties to -commence September 15th. Perman­ ent employment for satisfactory; party. •— Apply to K. R. Hillier, ... .„rr™^7 Huron st;, London. FOR SALE —A fine dark red . Shorthorn bull, bred by Jos. Douglas of Caledonia. 6-years-old and' has - ■. proven to be a good stock getter; Also some little pigs for sale.—Jas. Forester, R. 1, Lucknow. -.4* NOTICE Voters* Lists, 1935, Municipality ojf the Village of Lucknow, County of Bruce : Notice/is hereby giveh that I have ^-— complied with section 7 of the; Vot- “Wsi.-List. Act and that I .have posted up at my office in the village of Lucknow, on the 26th day of August A.P., 1935, the list of all persons entitled to vote in the said Munici­ pality at -Municipal : elections arid that such list remains there for. in­ spection. And I hereby call upon all voters to take immediate proceedings to have any errors or omissions cor­ rected according to law, the last day of appeal being the 16th day of Sep- I tember, A.D., 1935. 'I Dated at Luckppw, Ontario, this 26th day of August, A.D;, 1935. Joseph Agnew, /. Clerk of the Village of Lucknow. ' J ■ ...■ .................: .... ... '■ —— DANCE ,. The first dance for the Tall season , 4 ^will"isF"h*eld in the^ParairiouriC’ Half tomorrow night, September 6th. Goo^^music by Art ^McCartney and his Bahd. New admission prices;— , Gentlemen 18c (plus tax); Ladies 15c (including tax). Everybody wel­ come. , 1 I.O.O.F. ELECTION OF OFFICERS Members of Lucknow Lodge No. 112, I.OiO.F., are notified that elec­ tion of- officers for the ensuing year • will take plade at the regular meet­ ing at 8 o’clock on Tuesday, Sept­ ember 17th. j A large attendance is requested. SPOTTON RALLY I'SWight “(Thursday Sept. 5th) ... iSpotton^—RallyK Pavijiion Goderich. Excellent program, 2 orchestras,’ • professional callers-off. Exhibition in square dancing, by Ex. winners. George Spotton gives an account of- ■his stewardship. * , ’ . MASSEY SCHOLARSHIP. ■. A Scholarship of $100,00 is avail- one young* man from Bruce Coun- Th» to one youtig man froth Bruce C— ty who entersfate first year of the , regular Courses ,6/the Ontario Ag- ‘ rieultural College; this. fail. Applica­ tion should be made to the Depart­ ment of Agriculture, “Walkerton, riot later than. Sept. 10th. Applicants must have attended a Short Course’ under the Department of AgricUL ’• ture, or have taken Agriculture in a High School^ £ committee will Select the Scholarship winner. BASEBALL TO-M.ORROW ■■".: ' .In Lucknoiw..tomQWP.w afternoon (Friday) t at - 3 o’clook, JPalriierstofi find the .Sepoys, will clash in the first of a' best ^-ont-of-3' game Series. Lucknow won -the Bruce, League. “C” championship by defeating Hanover on Monday, anti now go, into; the first found of thq pjaydowns that lead to. the Provincial championship for.“C” class teams. Palmerston is rated as really of “B” class calibre, so Friday’s game should be a pip and the Sepoys will haverto be on their toes-to win it; Be sure and see the Horticultural ..Society’s Flower Show, one door east of Fisher’s Barber Shop, on Saturday.; evening,' September 7th. Admission 10c. ' MARRIED ON TUESDAY ; V '■ : • ■ ■ ■ > ' (Thomson -.NicholMn A quiet marriage was solemnized at the South Kinloss. Manse on Tues­ day afternoon at-3 o’clock, with Rev. J. L. Burgess officiating, when Mary Isabel, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Angus Nicholson of Belfast, becamie the bride of William Arthur Thom­ son, som of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Thomson of Kinhiss., HOME ROBBED Cash Box Containing fl/Iore Than $75.00 "Is Stolen From Home Of Mrs. A. R. Finlayson Tuesday Ev­ ening; —••_ A black cash box - containing* be- Lween=; $75. and $100., chiefly in. bills­ and • checks, was 'stolen from the home of Mrs. A. R, Finlayson, on Tuesday nighjt,, ; • The money, which was carried' home in the cash box from the store that evening, had |een left on the kitchen table to which access could be gained through an open window,- or by an unlocked cellar way. The theft is believed to have oc­ curred possibly before ten o’clock, although not discovered ' until, the morning, when police were notified* and commenced an investigation, j - SUUGESSFU-L II and • checks, was 'stolen from the "A" Quality Water . From Secondary Well Hydro Rates; Remain. Unchanged- Telegraph Co. Asks perpetual At­ tachment' Privileges ■ » » ’ * ■~lfl '■ l; r , ? , 1 The-yillage Council at’ their Sept­ ember meeting on1 Tuesday night, received a report listing the water from v the secondary well a as class “A”. The [bacteriological test made by the Ontario Department of Health, places it' in this first class upon, the examination .failing to. show the presence of colon bacilli -in all portions tested. The pump house has recently ^bjeon. completed over this secondary well, sunk by the Surety Co., to make good ' the deficiency. in the flow of the original well. The secondary well is an 8-inch well,. 150 feet'deep, the casing driven into the rock 67 feet. The .flow without pumping is 30 im-' per.ial gallons per,minute, A communication. lErpm the H. E. B. C, recommended that a complete check up be made of the installations of ail commercial consumers, and advised a re-check every six. months; Hydro rates will remain unchang­ ed, the local Commission was. advised although1 the cost of hydro per JI. P. is reduced $2. to $60 per H» P. Ask PoleJ Privileges’ , " "A’communication from the Cana­ dian National. Telegraph asked for free perpetual- attachment, privileges - of carrying their, .wires on hydro poles. Council feared , that ’ continued .trimming of the hearts of the trees on Havelock street to cleaj».. these telegraph wires would,. sPo.fi kill" the .trees on Xhis^street■ and—will^ask—the: C. -N. T. Co,, if it is not possible to "carry on tHKiFbusiness at the home of their agent or at the C. N. pot, and thus dispense with their down town lines. The matter,, of removing hydro and telephone poles from the main street was again discussed. With* A hydro surplus of upwards to $8000. Councillor Busliell strongly favored this, work being undertaken. Reeve Hamilton felt that5..the surplus was not sufficient,to expend any large, amount. Counillor Murdi'e was also ^-intervtewyUhe-EuAiuessfflefi-^^he- —t ... ... Lucknow Lady Bowlers staged a successful mixed doubles, tournament here last Thursday evening, with 22 rinks .entered. , First prize went to Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Harriston of Wihgham, with 3. wins and ,a plus of 21; second, Dr. W. V* Johnston and Miss Kate Mac­ Donald of town, with 3 wins and. a plus of 14. Another local pair, Frank MacKenzie and • Miss Wiiena Ches­ nut won third prize, with 3\wiris and a .plus of 10. Fourth prize went to Mr. and Mrs. Art W’lson of Wing­ ham, with 2 wins and a phis of 16. an undertaking. r CONDITION; STILL CRITICAL We understand that the condition of Mr. D. R. McIntosh of Southamp­ ton, remains quite critical. He vfas Overcome by a stroke while dress­ ing, about ten days ago, and was found when he' failed to appear for seiz- held( breakfast. So serious was the ure that little hope was then his recovery. ______________■ _C ■• for o GOSPEL SERVICES . The Gospel Radio Artists of Wing­ ham assisted by some of our local young people, will bring the mes­ sage in. music and song at the. Or­ ange Hall this Friday evening. Mr. Falconer .of Wingham will also give a short message. We extend a -hear­ ty invitation to all who can (both old and young) to Jbe present to spend a pleasant and profitable even­ ing. The usual Sunday evening service^ will he held fit the same hQur, in charge of Mr. Geo. Lowey. Subject rfrom 1st Kings 25-33 “Easy Relig­ ion.” ' ' ' . , * > < Services at Lanes closed for the season with last Sunday’s services. . . .ENGAGEMENT 'ANNOUNCED. 1 Mr. and Mrs. , Elliott TaylOr of .West Waw.anQsh, announce the en­ gagement' of their 'elder -daughter, Etta Mavis, to Mr. Elmer E. Mor­ gan, son of, Mr., and Mrs. Henry Morgan of Ripley, the marriage take place- on ^September 11th. her. ’ t ' " ’"• > "k '' -iiiiiiiiiin ir u—, | ■ ......- ■ The Bread Lj-i /IO The Bread of Health HQ V 1O of Health QUALITY AND SERVICE OUR MOTTO . SPECIALS for the WEEK END -■ LAYER CAKES WITH RASPBERRY CENTRES at .... .15c SPONGE CREAM -CAKES with PINEAPPLE OR STRAW-1 BERRY FLAVOUR rit 26c AN EKTRA VALDE SPONGE JELLY ROLLS AT . .15c STRAWBERRY, RASP^ERY, PINEAPPLE , AND MAPLE WALNUT TARTS; OATMEAL AND DATE SQUARES; FIG AND APPLE SQUARES AND IMANY OTHER VARIETIES OF COOKIES TO CHOOSE FROM, HOLLYMAN’S QUALITY BAKERY Phone 36 Lucknow NEWLYWEDS ARE HONORED BY BENMILLER FOLK Mrs. Palmer Kilpatrick Is Fittingly Presented By United Church Or­ ganization Upwards of forty-five men and women, young and old, assembled at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. Long, Benmillor, “to honor* their daughter/ Eunice, now Mrs. Palmer Kilpatrick, whose marriage took place recently. The company represented the con­ gregation, Sunday school and Young, Jleppl^g./Society Jaf... the_ Benmiller^ United church. A social Evening was spent in the spacious parlors of this lovely home and at an appointed hour the newly- fe, Mr. arid Mrs. Kilpatrick, \^6re asked to. take the ; seats of honor.; then Mrs. Arthur Straughan repd the address, which was accom­ panied* by "three lovely gifts, a waj- nut;-coffiee -tabler an electric -iron-and a beautiful jardiniere. [' l'' The bride, betraying much feeling, thanked the company for their kind gifts and expressions in the address. Mr. Kilpatrick also made an appre­ ciative speech. The Rev. A. W. Brown, an old friend of the couple, made a complimentary address. Lunch was served by the ladies of the church. PRESENT NEWLYWEDS PREVENTION OF EYE STRAIN Your eyes Were, intended by - nature to render a lifetime ser­ vice, But no provision' was made for unnatural strain on the eyes. ‘ Vision’ conservation requires that eye strain " 'be PREVENTED. And no substitute has ever been . found for accurate lenses as a . means of-; supplying needed as-", sistance. ARMSTRONG’S Eyesight Service Former Ashfield Couple : Celebrate Golden Wedding Hundreds Of Friends And Relative* , Extend Greetings To Mr. and Mrs. Michael O’Reilly. .. Nearly 600 relatives and friends from Ontario and U. ?S. points, were received at Hotel Sunset, Goderich, by-Mr-andMrs.Michael"O ’Reilly, When they celebrated the golden jubilee of their wedding on Sunday, jSixty-five persona sat down to darner in the spacious dining hall of the hotel‘at 2 p.m. At the head tables . which was Centred by a beautiful golden cake, and decorated with bowls of pretty .flowers, sat the. cou- . pie,-their children, Chester of De­ troit;. Mrs. Ethel Ganter of Detroit; Melvip of Windsor; Stanley of Tor­ onto; Olive of Chicago; Isabel of De- troit and Myron of Toronto; also._ The Bell Telephone has.not been asked if they, would remove theiir lines if requested. The H. E. P. C., when approached upon the subject,, advised that', they would send up an engineer to make a complete’ layout if required. , The matter of pole removals had previously been turned down by Council and street widening has com­ menced. Reeve Hamilton, said how­ ever’ he would willingly bring the matter before the. Board again, if-it. was k apparent-th at- such an improve­ ment was desired generally arid if it appeared tha,t .Council ; by a maj­ ority, vote, would favor undertaking the work. . STEVENS CANDIDATE ' APPEARS LIKELY IN HURON Stevens supporters plan to meet in. gingham to-morrow, to form., a Stevens Club in that town; and when it is. expected, a candidate Will be selected to contest the riding of North Huron. At a recent meeting, in Wingham a committee was appointed to make arrangements regarding to morrow’s meeting and the selection of a' can-' didate. The committee is comprised of. W. H. Wilfis, Wingham, chairman ;• T. H.” Gaunt, Lucknow; Mrs. O. G. Anderson,- East’ Wawanosh; E. G. Zinn,, Ashfield; Mr. J. Jamieson, Ash­ field; W. J. Henderson/ Morris; R. J. Scott," East Whviranosh; Wilbert Lobb, Cplborne; Miss J. Saunders,, secretary, Goderich, gathered at their home for the even­ ing. , - ’ - A very pleasant time was spent with readings and sing-song, after .which Mr. and Mrs. Alton were pre­ sented with a table mirror and sil­ ver flower holder. Mr. Alton thanked -them for their: kindness and good wishes. After Iunclji was served and singing “The more we get together, the happier we’ll be,”-the neighbors left the happy couple and'went to their’homes. - BACK TO SCHOOL Tuesday#..saw- teachers rind pupiis treking back to sahhol after a holi­ day .season that has sped by[ The attendance at. the local school is^on a par with other years, and - cool weather: has at least favored teach­ ers and pupils as they again take up their tasks and studies. - There'is only one change* in the persdnnel of the local teaching staff, which is as follows: Miss McLean.’ principal; Miss Ydurex, Mr. Calvert, Mr. Mclptyre$^iss MacDonald, pub­ lic school principal; Miss McCallum, Mrs, Sherriff and Miss Murdie. Mr. Whitby, caretakeTj had the school arid surroundings neat ' and cle^o, to offer an “inviting” appear­ ance Monday morping. Tj IbfrXiSgsbMdge.- -Qne-son;, 4£ussedi',- ?of Spokane, Wash.,} was not present. Nine of ten grandchildren were pre­ sent, also nine brothers arid sisters of the couple. . " After dinner speakers were Father , Nagle, .Melvin ,O’Reilly, chairman, Morgan Dalton of Ashfield, <boyhood chum of Mr. O’Reilly; Mr. Badoure, of Stratford and Fathers Quigley arid Falldp. Mr. O’Reilly spokd briefly and fittingly fn answer -to the- kind thoughts expressed by the speakers. Place cards, printed in gold, gave the' date of the vredding 50 years ago, in^1$85, when-Mary O’Loughlin wag united in marriage to Michael O’Reilly. The ceremony wps per- forjped at - Kingsbridge by Rev. AFather Boubet. The couple farmed in Ashfield until 1927, at which time they moved to Goderich. From four to eight o’clock, Mr. and Mrs.. O’Reilly received hundreds of friends and acquaintances lounge of the "hotel. - in the 175 .......................... . -r ■-11 ,”'11 CHICKENS STOLEN FROM POULTRY FARM DIED WALKER—In, .the township of. Ashfield, on Monday, September 2fid, •Robert S,- Walker,' aged 72. year’s^ The ^-funeral will be sheld from "his late 'residence, Lot 42, Lake Range, on Thursday to Kincardine cpmetery ENGAGEMENT . ANNOUNCED. ■ Mr; arid Mrs. Norman McIntyre, of St,, Marys, wish th announce the engagement of their daughter, Ruby, to Mr. George U. Topp, gofi of Mr. and Mrs. F. G Tbpp of Toronto. The, rparriago will take place in Septem- i are carrying on investigatioh work ' w. to track down the thieves. ? SORRY BUD! V- We’publishers will make mistakes and. after last week’s issue''was out we were amused at -the way we were informed of an errors in names. “Hey! jqst a mifiute/’was the way we tVere "saluted on Thursday evening, upon meeting young Hud' Griffin. .“You have iny name , wrong in the paper,” hg. said. “Eugene is my brother, my name’s Bud.” It happened this way, Bud, who spends his . summer 1 holidays with. Mr. and* Mrs. J. L. McMillan, acted as gropm at a shower at Wm. Mac- Kenzie’s lasjt4 week, arid* in writing; it lip, we got the names of he and his brothe> mixed; Sorry Bud, but we promise to label you right next time. 7 A . Mr. Elmer J. Farrish, son ofr Mr. and* Mrs. Jack Farrish of Ashfield and*^ who is conducting a ’PojiJ&y F^rm in IIanoverv suffered a heavy •ecently when between 150 and 175zchickefis were stolen from tbb premises. Despite the/presence df a watch-dog/ and Othej* precautions, the thilcves iwerp apparently familiar; .witlj, the place and<® made a . clean get-away with a substantial' number of fowl from among the thousands being reaped vthere. ■ The matter has J’dKOnjo, where Mr. MacDonald~pj been reported to the police find they^uerdd Sunday services ihGhalime [■OS!the Misses ' Peggy,-Marion and Helen MacDonald • returned on Monday from a week's visit' with' friends in Paris arid Toronto. Rev. arid Mrs. MacDonald spent Jhe week^ehd\n ' 7. ■ • j6”M hie ted Sunday services in Chalmer's Church ifi •with Rev* an exchange of pulpits Mr '^Mwart.