HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1935-08-08, Page 8THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL
quality linen finish, round
35 c, 38c# 39 c.
* r
eton & Co.
The MacDonald Reunion
• o J
Visitors the latter part
week with Mr. and Mrs.
' TlfiflC
will address a
The following jstudents of Luck-
High School have obtained the sta.n-;.
ding, indicated below,
1—75% to 100,
III—60 to 65
........ ’’ .......) ~~~
Port Huron - $2.55 Windsor
Flint - - - - $3.50 and' .
Durand - - - $4.25 Detroit --"’S-7® '
I Equally low ffareu from all adjacent C.N«R. Stationu J _
--------TicketsrTraiiiln^omatimrRe^ lLimits~from-Ageni8"ASK~FOR HXNiyfifT.Tl
William -
Horne, Audrey—Phys. II.
r • — - ■ -
■ ..
KELVIN a tor quality
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Here’s the most talked about value in electric refrigeration
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and many Of the famous-.Kely-inatonfeatures ofderignrlt’s a ““
great bargain and we will gladly show you.
its many features. .See it before you buy.
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“For Your Convenience”
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Elective May 5th; 193& j
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Week Daiys—9.45 A. M.
' Sunday, 4.15 JPJWAj J
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Mexico 1
Consult Local Agent
Centra] Garage. . ,Phone 148 .
Central Ont. Bus Lines Toronto
Lucknow High School
Middle School Results Now Is The Time
' Miss Mae McMahon- of Toronto is
spending the week at her home here.
Mrs.. A. D. MacKenzie pnd Miss
Lees spent the week-end in Detroit. |
’ J. D; MacKendrick of Windsor is
spending a couple of weeks at his
home herev , • |
Mrs. 8 Arthur. MacDonald of Oril
lia is a guest of the Misses Sue and .
Lou Treleaven. .
Mrs, Roy McQuiliin and children,
^r.em<'Torohto'marp visiting with Mr.
and MfsT Herb McQuillin. '/’> - ’
’■M'is^.s Ada apd/Hazel. Webster,
spent Sunday in Goderich with their
uncle, Mr, A. R. Anderson.
Mr': and Mi’S, Claytus Fleishchauer
of^-Waterloo^visited at_the7h.dme of
Mr. and .Mrs. R. J. Cameron.
. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Jnhnston and
daughter of Elmira, were week-end
visitors with the. former’s parents.
Bargains in Men’s an.d Hoys’ sum?
mer Work Shirts, . Overalls, Fants,
Mfr. and Mrs: Harold Watson and
Evelyn Joyce of Harrow, visited With
the former’s sister, Miss Mary Wat
son. , /
, The Lillico family, who have been
visiting with Mrs. Lillico’s parents,
Mr, and Mrs: John Joynt, returned
.to Minneapolis the first of the week.
Mr. and Mrs. Orm Moffat and
daughter* are - visitipg with Mrs.
Moffat’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. S. C.
Rathwell. r . .
Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Thompson and
family and Mrs.„L.. C.-Thompson-ands -
babe ate spending two weeks at3
Point Clark in the Reid cottage.
Mr. and Mrs. W. j! .Davison, and
Miss Mae DavisiJn attended the Dav
ison reunion at Port Huron on Satn
urday and visited with friends in
Fairgrove over Sundav and -Monday..
Mass Holmes and Mr. Charles
Webster of Toronto, were guests the
first of the week, of the latter’s
parents, Mr. land Mrs. Richard Web
Mr. and| Mrs. George McRoberts
and Mr. and Mts. Wellington Nixon
and Mrs. James Snowden, motored
day with Mr. Nixon’s mother, . Mrs.
-Spa-kman7-^~~fr-^~7— •• •' ’’
Mrs. Harrigan 01 Heeplar, Mrj.
and Mts. Clifton of London and Mr.:
and Mrs. Crosby of DunnviMe were
week-end guests of Mr. abd,/ Mrs.
Wm. Robb. .. ?' .
Miss Jessie‘McMorran/of Chicago,
Mrs. Wm. Berkley, California, Mr&.
R. P. Bell and daughter Mary of
SeafOrtli, wefe r^cenf visitors with
the former’s cousin, Mr. D. C. Mp-
Morran and Mrs. McMorran.
A few residents viewed a very
brilliant meteorJhpre-Iast-Wednesdav-
afterwards. ” / • _
Mr, and Mrs. (^rdon Webster and ^e^’e”d quests- of Mri and Mrs.
family of Port Credit, were week- ’ McKenzie- Twenty-five years ago
end-visitors with Miss Hazel And ^ev) , ^uc'
Miss Ada Webster, with Mrs.- Web
ster and children remaining for the
II—66 to 74
C—50 to *59,
Below 50 indicates failure in that
N.R. (no report) indicates that in
that subject the teacher did not'give
tuition. Certificates, are being mailed
at once to each student.
Ackert, Raynard—Eng. Comp. ^4
Eng. Lit. 31>N. R;; Gan. 'Hist, 30"N. "
R.; Anc. Hist 22;.; Geom. ’30;. Phys.
C# N.R.,; Chem. C; Fr. Au. 18; Fr.
Comp.’19 <
Anderson, Gordon—Phys, 27. ,
Armstrong,;. Frances Alg. II;,
Phys. II. ■ -. - -7Berry, Dorothy—Eng. Lit. 36; Can.
Jlist. 32;\ Anc. Hist. 42; . GeQm. 7;
Phys. 18; . ...
Campbell, Ina — Eng. Comp. II;
Eng; Lit. C; Anc. Hist. C; Phys. 30;
Lat. Au. Ill; Lat* Comp. 11; .Fr;
Au. C; Fr. Comp; C.
. Cook, Edna-=Can. Hist. 32; Phys;
21 ' ' ? ... ■
Culbert, Jean — Eng. Comp. II;-
Eng. Lit. C; App. Hist. C; Geom,
C; Phys. C; Fr; Au. C; Fr. Comp. 34
Dofiglas, Isabel—Geom. 42; Phys.
C; Chem. II.
Farrish, Margaret—Alg. Geom.
43; Phys. II; Fr; Au. C. f .7
Farrish, Muriel—Eng. Comp. C;
Eng. Lit. C; Anc. Hist’II; Alg. Ill;
Lat. Au. Ill; Lat. Comp- Il-
Finlayson, Cameron—Anc. jHist. II
Finlayson, Chi/Lstine — Alg. -Ill;
Geom., 28; Phys. 37.
Fletcher,/John.— Eng. . Comp- 31;
Eng, Lit. 41;. Can, Hist. 39 ;’ Alg. C;
Phys. 42; Lat. Ah. Ill; Fr. Au. II;
Fr. Conip. II. ' \ ’
Graham, Jean,— Eng. Comp. 34
■Eng7jLitr"37T‘'“Can. Hist,-TI;s -Anc,'
Hist. 38; Phys. 18; Chem. 44
Graham, Myrtle—Alg. I;. Geom. II
Hamilton, Isohel — Eng. Lit./ C;
Anc. Hist. Lat.
Comp. C; Fr. Au, II; Fr. Comp. II.
Henderson, Jessie—Eng. Qomp. 42;.
Anc.JHist.-26; Lat. Gompr'-C;—'Frrj
Au. 29; Fr. Comp. 42
Hewat, William — Anc. Hist. 37
Alg. C; Geom. C; Phys. IL
Horne, Audrey—Phys. II..
Hunter, Elleda—Geom. II; Phys,
ii. ' ■ ■
Hunter, Catherine—Eng. Comp. C;
Eng. Lit; 31; Can. Hist. 29, N.R ;
Phys. II;
Jewitt, Charles — Eng. Comp; 39j^
-Eng—LitrAlX5Anic~Hjsf^^ A^lg. II;
Geom. C; Lat. Comp. 38;.Fr, Au.__29,
-Frr—CompT 46: —*7
Johnston, Marion—Geom. II; Phys.
Johnstone, Eileen — Eng. Lit. II;
Can, Hist. C; Anc. Hist, C; Alg. II;
Lat. Comp, 48; Fr. Au. C;, Fr. Comp,
c...........•' . •..........J. . . .
Johnstone, Winnifred Alg, C;
Geom. II; Chem. C.
Joynt, George—Eng. Lit. 37; Anc.
Hist,-24; Alg. 93^—J?hys.J729r— Lat.
Comp. 48; Fr. Ah, 41; ^r.. Comp. 40
Lane* Hilda—Eng. Comp. II; Eng.
Lit. 31; Anc. Hist. C; / Alg. 35;
Geom. 16; Phys. C. '
MaciConnelV Mary—Eng, LiL__C.:-
AL twenty-five year old Sentinel
was discovered the fitst of the week
by Miss Christy Graham, which coil-,
tains articles in Connection!'with the'
re-union of 1910, that had then re
cently Concluded.
Rather of a coincidence is the fact
that-this'"issue, of August T8,’ 1910,.
contains hn account of the induction
of Rev. J, S. Duncan, V/ho -only last'
Sunday, preached in Presbyter
ian Church here, whild a visitor in
the village.
The article .reads as follows^, .
“Lucknow “Presbyterian Cnurch
once more has a regular pastor?
Rev.' J. IS. Duncan, M.A., who was
called by the congregation early in
June, was ■'ordained and inducted to
his" charge here on Friday J August
1 “At this solemn service. Rev. W,.
A. Bremnpr of Ripley presided.- Rev.
D. Perrie preached an excellent
duction sermon, after which the Mod
erator, Mr. -Bremner. . put the' usual
questions .and ordained Mr. Duncan
to the,office of Ministry ahd induct
ed him to the pastoral charge of the
; tongregation. Rev? F. A.? McLennah'
addressed. the_.. min.is,ter_-and . -F^
/McLean, the congregation, very ac-
ceptable; after which Rev.. D. T. L.
McKerroll, who was present, made a
few congratulatory remarks#
“Mta~DW^an’Begin's his wbrk un-
f)idisr. .most favorable circumstances.
His abilities and his college; record
are such as jo establish, him high in
the estimation of his. people as a
/ preacher; and His pastoral ’’ qualifi-.
cationf are 'unquestionably Such as
.^jrejrpyanticipated when he received
an unanimous call from the people
td whom he now ihinsitdrs.”
“DANCE ih the Paramount Hall on
,, Friday, August’ 9th. Music, by a
Bhappy 7-piece orchestra. Admission?
Gentlemen "35c; ^Ladies 5c, including
tax. ' .
- ScotchMusicAndDaifciifg^Features
The Sixth Annual Gathering In
MacDonald Clan
Members of the MacDonald clan
gathered’ from far-and wide to at
tend. their sixth annual reunion; on
Aug. 3rd, held at the home of the
late Donald S. MacDonald, on the
..uth. concession. of Ashfield. ....
The historic Scottish flag brought
from Scotland years ago, and the Un-
ionn Jack floated from a flagpole
which marked the site of the first
MacDonald home in the new kand,.
I present "from UetroiLc.Windsor. Uam-
Sask., as well as from the surround-
ing districts.— ; ■—-----------
Riper. Lome MacDonald, Lucknow,
lent a truly Highland atmosphere to
the gathering witli his lively bagpipe
selections. He provided the music
for the Scotch dancers; Misses Horn
ell and MacDonald, also of Lucknow,
during the afternoon.
A program of sports arranged by
Kenneth Matheson, Detroit, created
a great deal of excitement and plea
sure for everyone.
■ 5>o?cloek the crowdwas'seated
on the lawn. After Rev. Robt. Mc
Connell led. in prayer, supper was
served. Following supper, Bain Stew
art took charge of the business meet
ing. The officers elected for the fol
lowing year were: Mr. Kenneth Mac
Donald, Preston, President; Mr. D.
A.. MacDonald,^LbcharsE, Vice-Pres.;’
Harry MacDonald, Kintail, Sec
retary. After-the business meeting
a minute’s 1 silence Was observed in
memory of Mrs. JOhn Matheson,’De
troit; Mrs. F. Di MacLennari, Luck- *
now and Dan Rose, Ashfield, who
have passed away since the last re- *
union, New members were officially 1
welcomed to the clan. Reeve Duncan
Munn, Ripley And Rev. Robt. McCon- 1
nell gave short addresses. Alex Mac
Donald was presented with a silver "i
cup as a trophy of fais success as ,a J
violinist at the Musical Festical held
in Ripley this spring. ■
Other presentations Were made to 1
Mrs. Flora Ross, Kintail, who hdd the
honour of being the oldest lady pre- 1
sent; to Baby Danny Stewart Rose
as the youngest member present; to I
Ella MacNapght <who was present for *
the’first’ time; and -to Mrs. Pottier
Hamilton- as' the most popular lady. *
Following the program, Alex Mc
Donald D. A. MacLennan and LOrne
MacDonald provided music for the :
Scotch, reels and the- old time dances. <
. The singing of Auld* Lang Syne
followed by God ‘Save the King,
brought a /cry happy reunion to a
close. 1 . • 1
LINEN TEA TO^ELLjING, Per Yard ..?.........; .17c, 25c, 35c
LINEN TERriY TOWELLING, once used then always, Yd, 29c
. PILLOW COTTON—a beautiful quality linen finish, round J
thread, Wabasso make' excellent for wearing. ' Extra Valuer..
40", 42”, 44" wide, per Yard
-riSHEJETlNQS''—ready-made, sheets in plain and’ hfeihstitched
sheeting^,, blpached and u 8I4-5 and 9|4. Excellent ^ jl
values? / ■ t. ; ' ;■ ; '
Ft®TTE BLANKETS=^P1 ain whiter .stripe/ Borders and plaids,
ali; large sizes selling at less thancatalogues- prices. ■.
■■ ’"Hl. ' ' ■ 4 " ■' "■■.'. ■ "■ ■ ■■■■'■
. —HF---------
Friday, Aug. 16 » CHICAGO *8 00/
' ’ - -----js—----:—:-------r*--------—
Mr. Hurston Armstrong, garage-
WatTDaf“‘A^niierrITTormer Lucknow,
banker, called on friends in town on
Monday while en route home from
driving his wife and two daughters
to the Sauhle; where they will camp,
for a few weeks.—Walkerton Herald:
Pass Music Examinations ’
JdBt3he--Feeent~-Torontp ConservaJ
Taylor passed tn introductory piano
with -honors, "“while Clark’ Colling
passed his Junior Piano with hon
or's., ..Both are-pupils of -Mrs. G. A.
Miss Mina Graham of Chillicothe,
Ohio, is spending the y/eek with Mr.
Dan and Miss Christy Graham and
other reUtives. Mrs. .Habkirk and
sons,' Billy and' tlohald of Teeswater
spent the week-end at the Graham
home and on their returned were ac
companied by* Miss Qrahjam, who
spent _a^.aw---days—thfryn—
. J.QyintJFrophy.4^ ""
■;ty town, -where it has been since, the
Lucknow rinks tournament last year.
The local rink, skipped by ! Welling
ton McCoy included Robert Rae*
libbert Fisher and G. H. Smith,
Bruce Riding^ Liberals are rallying .
“didate for the coming Federal elec-/ . •/-.
.riaA-^The—prihcipal—speaker"of“the • r_
convention is W. H. Moore, author
and ..economist and late chairman of ‘
the Tariff Board ip the King Gov
ernment? Hon. James Malcolm, re
tiring member, and others will, also . '/
speak.-- ' ...
Supporters of the new Reconstruc
tion Party policy in North Huron are
thinking of nominating a candidate.
Mr- ExyHL-G^-Zi-un—^f-Lane^rf^E
..... ....
Ill; Eng. Lit. Ill; Alg. C; Phys. C;
MacDonald, Jack—Eng. Comp: C;
Eng. Lit, 40; . .Geom. 28; Phys. II;
Lat. Comp, C; Fr. Au. 38; Fr. Comp.
MacDonald; Marion !— Eng. - Comp.
II; Eng. Lit. TI;' Alg: I; Geom. II;
Chemi. I; Lat. Au. II; Lat. Comp.
II; Fr. Au. I; Fr. Comp. IL
Macintosh, Alexander—Eng. Comp.
Ill; ..Eng, Lit. 24; Can. Hist. 40;
Geom. C; Phys, 38. 4 '
MaacKeuzie, Betty—-Eng. Comp. C
N.R.; Anc. Hist, 23N.R.; Chem. 27;
Lat. Comp. C; Fr. Au. 30; Fr. Comp.
41 ' '
MaeKenzie, Frank — Geom. II;
Phys. IL J / . ■
MacKenzie, Robert — Eng, Comp.
Ill; Eng. Lit, .41;. Anc,.-Hist: C;
Geom. 2d; Phys. 31. ' J ,
MacKenzie, William -7. Can. Hist.
tllN.'K.; Geom. C? Phys. C.
MacKinnon, Beth—Eng. Lit. II;
Anc. Hist. C; Geom. C; Phys. II;
Chem. C. . , • ’
MacLeod, Leonard — Eng, Comp.
C; Eng. Lit, 38; Anc. Hist. C; Phys.
30. ’J-
MacMillan, Jean—Geom. 45; Phys.
C; Chem. II. ,
McKim, Mary —Eng. Comp. II;
Eng. Lit. C; Anc. Hist. II; Geom’. I;
Phys. I; Lata Au .H; Lat. Comp, II;.
Fr. Au. II; ’Fr. Comp. IL
Miller, Gordon—Eng. ■ Comp. C;
Eng; Lit...II; Can. liist. I; Geom. 47
Phy'S. 44 ; Lat, Au. (II; Lat. Comp.
II; Ff. Au. C; Fr. Comp. C.
Miller, LaUrine—Eng. Comp.. Ill;
Eng. Lit. C; Anc..Hist; 8; Alg. C;
Geom. 32; Phys. 31
Newton, Eunice—Geom. C; Phys.
Nixon, Dorothy—Alg. C.
Ostrander, Rexford—JEng. Comp.
36; Eng. Lit. 42; Phys. C; Lat..
Comp; 45.'
Parker, Ruth—Geom. II; Phys. II,
Pattersdn, Agtres—JEfig': Comp. 44/
Eng. Lit. 36; Can. Hist. 39; Phys.
23; Fr. Au: 34; Fr.> Cofnp. 34.
Reed, Evelyn —-Can. Hist. 20;
Geom. C; Phys. 48;' Fr. Comp, C. .
' Rfitc.hie, Harold'—Ehg. Comp. C
Eng,"Lit. 28; Phys. 31; Chem. 29.
. Ritchie# Violet—Eng. Lit. C; Can
Hist, II; Anc. Hist, C; Geom. II
Phys. II; Chem. I. •
Shefiriff1, Grahame-Eng. Comp, Ci;
.Eng. Lit. 4Q; Alg. 17N.R.; Phys, fl;
ChOm. 34 ' ,,
Thom, jean—Eng, Comp. 28; Eng.
Lit# 29; Anc. .Hist. 24; Geom. 43;
Phys, 33.
Thompson, Harold—Eng. Coihp. C:
Eng. Lit. C; Anc. Hist. 31; Alg, I;
of the
Joy nt, were ML .and Mrsi Frank
Fireman and daughter Carol of
Detroit and -Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Free
man of Seaforth,
Mrs. J. V. Graham, Marquette,
Mich, spent a few days with Mr. and
Mrs. R. j. Cameron. ’ Mrs, Graham
wars accdmpafiied Ky her two sisters.
Mrs. Huntdr of Duluth .
ted as pastor of the Lucknow Pres
byterian Church, .remaining here for
six years. ,
Visitors at the home of the McKay
Bros, during the past week, were
;from„. ^indsoi'T” ’ Embrcr/ Stfatfdfd"
Kinloss and Kincardine, and from the
United States from Florida, Kenosha,
Oak Park and Chicago. The friends
from U. S’, were full of admiration
for the scenery and wonderful fol
iage of old Ontario,
Richardson,Marquette 1 and I,^Pcal b.^l6r3 t(l
'Goderich, Friday ni£ht and were
successful rihging home the
A twelve hour rain in 'this cbm- ■
munity on Tuesday, 'broke a pro
longed . dry spell,, which, while some.
things . were suffering from lack of -
moisture, was permitting harvesting .
operations to proceed without delay.
Only. slightly more than 'an.
inch of rain, fell during July—.57 of
.an inch. ( to1 be.,, exact. Although"’a-Jj^
dwycVtrp has’ - not .been . made, it “is -
believed that this July „will.set a re
cord for dryness, during the years
when official records have been kept
in, this vicinity.
July of last'year, was regarded as
ery dry,'but there was almost two
nches1 or close to 4. times as much
-moisture a? in"’Julyr'bf this -year. •?
On 'the other hand in June .of this ,
vear, four inches of rain ' fell, in
comparison with a little more Win
an inch of ra|n in June* 1934.
Capture Joynt Trophy
;-----—i■■, -............J
Phys. 42; Chem. II, ' ’ • '
Treleavon, Anna—Eng. Comp.. C;
ICng. Lit. II; Anc. Hist. 29; Geom.
C; Phys# 41; Lat; Au. C; Fr. Au.
fl; Fr. Comp. 33
Twamley, Hilda—Eng. Comp. 11;
Eng.. Lit. C; Abe. Hist. C; Geom.
C; Phys. .37; Lat. Au. Ill; Lat. Com.
Cf Fr. Au. II; Ff’.’.Comp.-42,
Weatherhead, Norma—Eng. .Comp.
10; Eng. Lit?42; Anc. Hist. 26; Geom.
12; Lat. Au. C; Lat. COfhp., C.
F, E. McLEAN, (Prine.)