HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1935-08-08, Page 5■0
■ «■
are not Speedways!
QENSELESS SPEED which leaves terrible injuries
_ and death in its wake is hardening the hearts
of people, police and courts against all reckless
- drivers. They will be dealt with ruthlessly ... to
make Ontario’s highways safe for everyone. " '
Iri self-defence,you are wise to fight the temp
tation to speed ... especially at night. Make sure
that your " brakes, lights; an^^
; Cultivate a definite sense of respoHslbility^towards---—
pedestrians and other drivers. It is the only wise
Ontario, during 1934, there were nearly 1O,OQO auto-,
mobile accidents.
512 people were killed
8,990 people were injured
.a considerable increase over 1933. It must be evident
to all thinking people that this mtist stop.
■" Hon. T. B. McQtiesten,
O Minister of Highways.
^en flre
tory grnd’the game called off.
. !■2
the team "quite “upset” over the inci-
dentj^Bethel—were c’oncededthe vic-
Game called off
'f • *
Garton Hurls Sepoys
To Win At Goderich
Locals^ Route Tail-Enders With 13
Hits Frir 11 Runs As Garton Hurjs
Shutout Ball Till Last Frame
W^en Sailors Score Twice.
iid Mrs. Wm, Eadie
Locals At Their Worst "
At Clinton, Monday
Clinton Colts Hit Irwin Hard As Se
poys G/ive Wretched Exhibition
Of Ball That Results In 14 . to 2
easier w
Cai|s the /
Z"-1 ° a"“"O.
Summon. L . b!**ks outh9,p ^h*>‘
Before a large, holiday crowd in
Clinton, qn ^Monday, Lucknow played.
off1? a game' with the Colts that, due
to rain, had b^en '. previously post
poned, ( dur ing» the regular schedule,,
and in so doing turned in a sickon-
ing-. exhibition of baseball, that left
them "on "tfie short end of a 1.4 to 2
Score. ,• • ' •'■./ w •
- Clinton’s string of left hand bat
ters . are poison to the Luck-
nbxy pitchers and in seven innings,
on MIonday, the Colts garnered 13
lusty clouts off Irwin’s offering^' sev
eral of them extra base blows. But
some/ plenty dumb basehall didn’t
help the locals any, and ten errors
which- they committed were respon
sible for more than half of the runs
scored. As well there were, a half
dozen other plays that were poorly
handled, to the disgust of the few
faithful fans, who «regularly accom
pany, the team. . ™__• ..
jack Gartoh relieved Irwin in the
8th, and hfter starting- off by strik
ing out Carrick,, hit MacDonald with
a pitched ball, followed by an error
and, a single, which gave Clinton
their fourteenth rum ,
- Garrick4'coaSted^ai on g at ea^eT/fdr
Clinton, bearing dowp at times effec
tively,-with rn^n on bases. He <was
nicked for seven hits and .struck, out
8 men, one less f^n'Irwin;
The Sepoys didn’t like the decis-
rion~~at the plate:^ithat^^zgave^XClintdm
their 1st run in -the. 3rd. Johnston
doubled, was advanced to 3rd, and
was called safe when he came in on
Holmes fielder’s choice, with the play
being, made at. the plate. ..
. A '2-base hit, three errors and a
Single gave Clinton '3 runs' in the 4th
and they added another trio in, the
single, a walk and two errors.. _ ___-
The side was retired in' order in
the 6th, but in the 7th,^5 hits, 2
errors, a walk and a fieldler’s choice
gave the Colts’ an even half dozen
runs. Garton went in,; in the* 8th.
■The Sepoys, first managed to cross
the "rubber in the 8th, when Garton
beat out an infield bit, Was advanced
to third in an infield out and an er
ror and sedred when.Holmes dropped
Andrew’s fly to. right. > ■■
Lucknow added another in the.
With Jack Garton pitching four-
hit ball, Lugkno.w woyud-' up their
' regular scheduled game.s on Thurs
day in Goderich, when they-, trounced
" the’(Sailors11 to 2’ " . .' , ~
..The Sepoys record is 7 -wins and
'five loses, with;tw.o postponed games;
yet to be .played with1 Clinton,. (One
- -qf7-whichr was~played^vif "Mo ndayj~aw(
well as two lie ■ games; one with1
Wihgham and: One witK; Kiticardifie-
which will have to be played if the#
affect the standing, and it appears
likely that they- will. 1.
The Sepoys on Thursday, took ad
vantage o.f ■the Sailors-pitching to
fatten their batting averages^ by
cracking out 13 hits for eleven runs,
ih 7 innings, at which time the game,
wag called on account of darkness.
Jack’Garton, . the locals promising
port-^ider, had the Sailors complet
ely baffled for six innirfgs, when he
allowed only one bingle. Goderich
got to his offerings'in the;7th for a
trio of singles, when they-, scored
their *2 runs.' Jack,, had 10 strikeouts.
He walked 2' men and hit two, and
when ' ■ he combined half of ' this
streak of''Wildness iff tjie third inning
got ito. his only difficult spot in" the.
game except the 7th; With, the bases
loaded in the 3rd, Garton struck out,
Hurney to 'retire the side. "
Lucknow tallied in the 1st. inning
on-Trwin’s- doiible; ’whicir’was Gord’s
1st of ;3 hits in’4 timPs up. :
■ The,, .Sepoys added; four' more in
the 2nd, on. a walk, an error, a
dou/bler hy Garton and singles. by
Cunfing' and McLennan, ^nd then
ease^up urftil the. 6th, when 11 men
-faced -Ormyod~"for1 five"~Tuns.C Jha.t„
JefFthe sacks loaded whenTthe side
was retired. Lucknow added run-
number 11 in the 7th. ' ,
Art, Andrew was back in left field,
for . the, first tiime since' undergoing
an* operation some time’ ago ,and .with
Garton back on the.roster, the team
is at full strength for the- 1st tiime.
this year. Hugh Cuming, who per
forms.^ any . point on--the diamond,
Thursday and did a good job" of it.
Lucknow ab r h’po a e
B. Campbell, df.........4. 0 2 0 -0 0
K, McLennan, rf. ,„4 ‘ 0- 1 0 0 0
R. Thompson, 3rd ..3 1 11 2 0
. G, Irwin,, 1st . .........4 1 3 5. 0 0
D. Ciairke,.. ss. .......4 1 10 1 0
A. Andrew, If: ....„..2 .31102
R< Finlayson, 2nd .-3 1 0 2 1 0
J, Garton, jj. .......?,4 2 2 0 1 0
H. Cuming, c. ............4 2 2 12 2 0
32 11 13 21 7 2.
Goderich ab r h po a e
~Duquetter--3rd“^.77;;7.-3 ---0 -0-0 0—
K*®«PS v,
WHEN accident. or illness
strikes, it is then you realize
the full value of your' tele
phone. It puts you in instant *
touch with the doctor. While
you wait for him, you call the
drug store for first aid' sup
plies. Your telephone" stands'
guard; day and night, for
just such emergencies. Between
. times it smoothes your path in
a thousand ways and inakes life
h a ni . Se•
br^k doZryict>S
Not ofteh do motor accidents in-
- ter f ere^ith-ba 1 Fgam e s~Bu
the case on Friday evening when a
Lucknow softball team was to play,
with Bethel. Enroute to the ball field
at Rerd’s Corners, a load'of the play
ers met with an accident'/. Gordon, and
Dorothy Miljer had to return to re
ceive niedical repairs. Alex Smith
remained with the damaged charioL
while the other two occupants “Peg”
Ritchie and Laurine Miller, went on
to the game, the latter being unable
to play when they arrived. Wit^i a
makeshift lineup, Lucknow attempted
A. recent item in the Sentinel
about, an old. coin owned by Mr. Thos. /
Henr-y^led Ghari^WQuiiliiroFWi^^^
Wawanosh to scrutinize the date on
an old coin he carries about as a pac
ket piece. His coin, is a Bank of Up- '
•per Canada one penny, similar to
Mr. Henry’s, but bears .the date 1850
which is twp years older than the
Henry coin.
Mr. and MrS- D. Horton of Toronto ■
motored up to spend the week end
with Mrs. R. Drennan.. .
Dr. a*nd~ Mrs. R. White and child-: __
,r^n,,oX. .Chicago
purple; grove
r .The Ladies’ Aid was largely at,,
, tended at the home of Miss Myrtle
- Thompson last week;
Mr, Robert Hunter of Toronto vis
ited with "his sister, Mrs. Sam Em
erson Monday.
Miss Teeth Walsh is spending a
• '‘few 'weeks witji Mfrs. Cecil Robb.
Mrs? Will Stanley and children of
Lucknow spent last week at her
’ father’s, Mr. George Thompson.
, Mrs. William Bridge and family of
Kincardine visited at Mr. Donald
'•* McFarlan’s on Sunday.
Mr. Ralph Nixon returned home
with Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Nixon .on
Sunday, having had a visit with, his
L_rdaughter, Mfrs. Jack Emerson.
I Mr. and Mrs. Milton Walsh and
family attended the Walsh picnic on
.Monday. . ’
/ Miss Sadie Pollock who has been
in Ripley, returned home this week.
Mrs. Lyons and daughter of Tot-.
Mr. 4nd Mrs. George Ernewein, of
near Walkerton visited on Sunday
with Mrs. Henry Patterson. ' r
Mr. Thos. Henderson attended the
funeral' of hid cousinj Miss Margaret
Henderson of near Teeswater’ last
Miss Catherine Patterson, student
nurse of Stratford hospital is. spend
ing .her holidays. 'with her mother,
Mrs. Henry Patterson.
Mr. Mo'o'dy of New . Westminister
B. C. is visit!,ng Iris son-in-law, Mr.
•Angus McKay.
Messrs. Duncan Kennedy and Mac
Inglis started out last week with
their threshing machines. .
.Mr. and. Mrs. Thos. Inglis attend
ed the funeral of the latter’s cousin,
Mr. .John Georg?’ Mackenzie '■ of
Teeswater, who was badly hurt while
working in. his barn last Thursday'
and died Friday morning. The furi-
crail was held on Sunday;
Rev. Mr. MvLt'an of ■ Wingham
preached iff the Presbyterian church
last 'Sunday morning. Roy. Mr. Bpr-
next' Sunday..
on Garton’s roller.
■ ' ' ■■' • \ ..
Lucknow ■ab r h PO a C‘
Garton, rf., p, ........5 1 2 0 1 1
C. Finlayson, c. ......5 b 0 10 ;i 1
R. Finlayson, 2nd ./5 0 1 2 4 6
G.,Irwin, p., 1st .....3 o 1 4 0 2
A. Andrew, cf. ......4 0 1 4 1 1
K. McLennari, If....2 ,0 O'0 0 o
D. Clarke, ss; ......4 0 o 1 1
McCartney, 1st, If -2.1 1.3 2 i'
H. Cuming, grtf ........4 . b i 0 0 ,i
B. Hewat, If., rf....2 0 0 0 io'0
36 2 7 24 10 io
Clinton ’ab r h ,po a e
Pickett, r 1st ____.-..5 1 2 14 0.1
Holmes/ rf. .........-.6 2 1 0 o 1
Hovoy772nfl ......0 0 2 5 T
Wagg; jf................1...5':2;3 0 ‘o o
McEwan, c.......:...s ...;.5 3 2 8 0 o
Carrick, p..............3 1 1 o 4 i
McDonald, 3rd ......4 2 0 1 1 0
Glew, cf................-.5 2 3 2 0 o
Johnston; ss...........5 1 2 0 3 0
43 14 14 13 13 4
Score By Innings-r-’
. .Lucknow ........000 000 on-- 2
Clinton .........001 330 ,61x--14
B. Worthy,-. 2nd. ...._3 1 1 1 .0 .0
G. Worthy,,, p., ss. 3 0 0 1. 2
Craigr -rf. 0 U^0- 0
Barlow, 1st ....2
Murdoch, ,'rf 4!......,.,,.1
Score. By Innings-
Luck now ,
■Goderich .
- Mr. and Mrs. Eddie Johnston and
Shirley spent the week end in Kin
cardine. . • .
Miss Elleda Irwin.>of Toronto spent
the holiday , with her mother, Mrs.
Thos. Irwin; “ ‘ ‘ *
Mr. Cecil Webster of London spfjnl
the ‘week end at the home of his par
ent's, Mr. and Mrs^ Jas. T. Webster..
Miss Lyla Richards spent the holi
day with her parents, Mr. and.Mrs.
Rw Richards; . >
Miss Grdce Webster Wa& a visitor
over the' week end with Miss Eileen
Valad of Holyrood. ■ t «
ii., Ji'rs. W. Stanley and children re
turned homeK oh Sunday after spend
ing a’ w£ek at the homa of her further
Mr. GeO. Thompson, ’ Kinlough.
.Mr. Daye Sturgeon and daughter
" ” Rota, Mr. and Mrs., Elmer Norman
and . daughter Elaine . of Bervie,
spent Sunday with Mr? and Mrs. Jas.
Webster, Ashfield. .
Miss Myrtle Webster is Spending
a ‘week with friends iii Bervie,
'I-'. . . ■ , .
Mrs. Hamilton of Toronto is spend
ing this week at the home of her son
Mr. Gilbert Hamilton. , ■ ’
Miss Myrtle Netterfield of Toron-
• to spent the week-end with her uncle
Mr. John McDonald. She was accom
panied hack by Mrs.' F. Weis who
spent a ‘few Weeks heifr:
.Mrs. Eileen .Ensign, who has been
spending her’ holidays with hbf4 aunt
’Mrs. Howard Robinson, returned to
her home in Goderich.
Mr. L. McTvop and-Piirnh .are visit-
.,ing friends in Michigan/.
Mr. ■ M. .Inglis threshed a few fine,
■ fields, of wheat on the fourth recently
Mrs. P, Robertson, Lucy and Dor
othy of Ripley, spent .Monday with
Mrs, IL Middleton..
We are glad to .report, that Rose
Marie Robb, who has been very ill,
is much improved. i
. I . i
Summary—3-base hit—Holmes. 2-
base hits, R. Finlayson, McCartney,-
Johnston, Wagg 2, Carrick, Glew.
Struck out ■ by Irwin 9; by Carrick
8; by Garton 1. Base on balls—off
Irwin 2; off Carrick 3. Passed ’ ball—-
G. Finlayson, McEwen. Sacrifice hit’
"-Piiqkett. Stolen . (bases •— Pickett,
TR7~FmIayson, Andrew. Double plays
—Andrew to Clarke to McCartney.
Hit' by pitched ball—.McDonald by
Gdrton, Left on bases—-Lucknow 10
Clinton 9. Earned runs-—Clinton 6
Liyck n ow. 0. U mpirea—Forbes
Lockfile, Wihgham’.
■ J;
\ s Id .
The largest picrite of the season
and one of the' .biggest in Several
jgears was held at Kincardine beach,
with more than 300 in attendance
from the parishes of Borvie,' Kingarf
and Kinlough. Arriving in the morn
ing 4 the parishioners had 'dinner,
spent the afternoon' in sports and
recreation and enjoyed supper be
fore ‘returning home. A- program of.
races and contests wore directed by
* Rev/ F.d McRitchie. •
o i io o-
0 ■ 0 0 0
4 21 9 6
' 5' 1 11
k005.1—i.i ,
0002— 2
Summary—2-bas‘e' hit—Irwin and
Garton? Sacrifice hit-—■&... Fiiilaysom
Struck" out— by Ghrton 10; by Orm-
rbd 4. -Base on ball’s — Garton 2;
Worthy'1; Ormrod .1. Stolen bases—
Campbell • Cuming and Johnston.'
Balk-1—Ormrods Left’on bases^Luck-
no'w 4; Goderich 3. Time of game
* r
Thursday' afternoon, Mrs.' Jas.On Thursday’ afternoon, Mrs,'. Jas.
Lyons opened her home for an inter
esting and largely attended meeting
of the Women’s Institute. Mrs.. John
Miller presided and everyone re
sponded to the roll call on ‘‘My Fav
orite Flower.” .Mrs. McKenzie Webb
gave a' splendid paper on. “Making a
Perennial Border.” Mrs. Harvey
Wehb /assisted by taurine ’ Miller,'
added much to the meeting with her
demonstration on “Flower ArrangO-
‘inpnt,”. . •. \• •• • '
Mr.' and Mrs. 'Pickwood-, Ja.net and
Edwin of New York and Miss Wan
da Douglas of Mitchell^ were guests
erf Mrs, Pickwood’s- brother, Mr.
John- and Mrs. £ameron, ■
Misb M'ary Rutherford was a week
end guestnof. Miss Robertson, Luck-
,now., ■ ’• ' \....
Rev. and Mrs. Wright and Children
.leave this week oh a month’s vaca<-
tion... Next* Sunday, Mr. jAngus Me-j
Ray of Whitochurch', who is a mis
sionary on furlough from Jhansi,
■India, will conduct the morning ser
vice. . ',
Mr. George Clark of Hamilton and-
Mr. Donald 'Clark of Ottawa, called
on friends here; recently.
There was a 'good attendance, at
the Y; P, S. ■meeting on ..Sunday ev
ening. The Bible, character was taken
by Miss' Greta Webb and the topic,
prepared hy McKinley Ramage, was
regd by Stanley Todd.
Mrs.. Gillies .and two children and
'.Miss Bessie'Murray of Buffalo,'Were,
visitors With Mr. D. B/ Mtirfay.
Mis$ Lulu Weatherhoad left, on
Batitifdffy for. a visit, with Mr. and;
Mrs.p Malcolm Woathcfhcady Porf
Hope, Mich. • '
Mr. and Mrs. Shcrriff of • Seaforth
were recent ghosts of Rev. and Mrs.
Weight.. •' • <
■ a, Mr.
Lome spent Sunday with friends at
Glenannan. They' were accompanied
home by Miss Doris Eadie who has
been holidaying there; ■
Mr, and Mrs.. Richard Elliott and
family spent Sunday at Mr.. Lloyd
Robb’s, Currie’s Corners. ,
, Mrs./Q; Hembling and . daughters,
Margare and Doris of Vernon, B.C.
arrived at the home of Mr. R. Cor
rigan early. Thursday—evening, re-
maining.until Friday afternoon. Mrs.
Hembling left the 8th concession
east of Holyrood, 43 years ago and
had motored back to. renew old ac-'
. Mr., and Mrs. Howard Harris were*/
recent-visitors at-- Mr. Clarence^ Far
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Harris and
family of Toronto and Mrs. J: Har
ris, of Kincardine wgre the guests of
Mrs., Rachel Culbert on. Sunday, . .
Mr.' and Mrs. Herb Wade of
Strathroy, Misses Mae Ridgers . and.
Isabel Grierson;, Messrs. Harry and
Lorne Wade of Chatham’, spent Sun-^
^lay at Mr. Thos. Harris’.
Mr. Henry Caesar and his mother
of Langside, spent Sunday at the
home of Mr, R, Corrigan', Holyrood.
Mrs. Ernest Ackert and Winnifred
. _areLJh.ftlidaying-at--their— cottage— at~
present. '
Mjr. and Mrs. Archie Graham and
Kathleen spent Sunday with'Mr. arid
Mrs, Wm. HawkshaW.
The last meeting of ^ie H. W. I.
was h61d at the home of Mrs. E. J.
Haldcnby. The meeting was in honor
of the. grandmothers' Mrs. Jas. Hod
gins took the chair .for the meeting.
Papers were given oh When Grand
pa Was Married,” 'by Mrs. MacL^ah;
“l<he Coming Housekeepel',” by Mrs.
JaS"..- .Hodgins and “Grandmothers”,
by Mrs. Almet Ackert. Bold by MrS.;,
J.. Ecken£(wiilei‘ and current events
by MiSSt Anne Colwell. The Grand-,
mothers told- stories i of olden days
and sarig a hynm together. Ice cream
was Served as a tfreat instead Of the
usual prizes. Lu&cH was served by
the. hostess rind' committee' in charge.
’ Mr. and „ Mrs, Jerome Cassidy
and family of Cargill .spent Monday
rit the home
Holy rood.
'land visiting relatives: \ ~
\ Miss, Isabel MacLean is spending———
-a~-few“days Irrtipley. ‘ ; ■ ' / '
Mr. and Mrs. Frederick, Mrs. R™1 J.
MacMath and her daughter Bessie
of Detroit, were , the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Mackenzie for a
few days last week,
Mrs.; Dora Lumbers of Toronto
spent the week end among friends
here. ' „ j . ’
The, Kintail branch of the Wo
men’s Institute met at the home of
Mrs. D. MacDonald on Thursday last
The new president, Mrs. Neil J; Mc
Kenzie took charge of the meeting ,
and a very profitable afternoon whs
spent, • ; ■
Mr. .Douglas MacDonald , took
charge of the morning service in the
Presbyterian Church, jn the evening -
Dr; D. T. L. .MacKerrpli/. moderator
of the General Assembly of. the Pres
byterian Church in" Canada was in •
Charge of the service and gave a re
port of the meeting of the General
Assmbly held 4his year.
. It was <with regret that the people
of this community' learned of tha,
death of Mr. Eb. Armstrong. Mr..,
Arhistrong at one. .time made his
home in Ashfield and often returned
to pay a visit to his old friends here
The threshing season has opened
Mr. John Bradley threshed four -
hundred and' forty-five. bushels of
wheat off teff acres of land..
Mrs. M. Hogan is at present visit
ing friends in Strathroy.
Mr.and Mrs. Chas. O’Hara and
son D’Arcy visited Mr. and Mrs. R.
E. Gilmore over the weel^j; end,
Mr. Eric Gardner of Kitchener
spent the week-end at Long’s^-
Dr. and MrS7 Eyans of Clinton,
risited withftheir daughter Mrs. Will
Miss Emma MacDonagh o"f London
and Mi's: Fred Topp- of Toronto are
at, present visiting C. E. McDonagh^
of Mr. James Valad,
Mr. Jack Ackert is visiting friends
in Huron .at present. ,
‘Miss Grace .Webster of Lucknow
spent the week-end with M<iss Ilena
Valad. 4
Mr. and Mfrs. Chas. Graham of
Durham spent Tuesday at Mr. Otto
Mr. *Alf. Fry and sons Hafrry aiid
Teddy , of Toronto, spent the week? ‘
end with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Hawk-
shaw. ■
We are sorry to-report the death
of Mr. John MacDonald, Kansas City.
Mrs: Aimer Ackert and GWtidolyh
spent Sunday at, MfrS. Wm. Elliptt’s,
Hfiron;. , . . ' ■
, Mr. • and Mfrs. R, Corrigan and
Miss Atinie Marie, spent .Saturday
everting ih Teeswater. .
■ V