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The Lucknow Sentinel, 1935-08-08, Page 4
h —NEXT WEEK— Ashfield Council July 2nd, 1935. Ci I You Get ' #■ ■ i? / i HIGHWAY LAWSNEW F s' * g tt*e s. In ieaole Magistrate C. W. for a hearing in* “nTSTgtg- Goderich today. * C. Dalton Sherwood, gravelling, Webster, grave iling, J. Drennan., gravelling, ling $144160;' Elwood Drer.r You Get TVBBET-TOP ■ BO and N gravelling $214.80; $246.90; $141.10; and Jan,, FORMER GODERICH OFFICIAL FACES CONVERSION CHARGE FA€E FOUR THE LrCXXOW .'SENTINEL DHJKHDAY, ALGLSI 8TH,. m§ <XE»£*S :e of first i ' POSTING OF VOTERr?' LISI ■ " .---I ‘ „, ♦„ - } «e hi Khafabb,, C <oust j , - <4 ■'Brsice ; Nsdaee- fa.- hereby .gn.et tnat 1 aa^c . complied wttk! secuoi. : ? of 7 ne Vo?tfer^’ Lists, Act anc that: j nave posted up at“"my-si.ofiice' u. -M 'Kihlost- or. ihe A='> ' Ar^susi, 193a, toe ust al. p-;.’> .'uu tl*e ' jd-.yU. *>.--.. eiet'tiy'.» ani ' f. .■:. 4ut.-pert- ’’ -■ '<■*... - .herebycal • a- ioier's ' pl oye-eG-nge t'- ; - or . oifUaiyvpt- ‘ cc-j- w tae* ttay • ..'.• fr-:.■•■■<:■■ . : -■-y- '-'-'a ’■ County iay( /f , A «kuit. ■.■ f . •• V'“ '' " • J. R. LANR. 0 ■ ; . Clerk -of Kiaiobt J vm iibiup VILLAGE TAX RATE LOWERED 'ONE MILL \ THE TST . r iitst '«*hjatfed • -to’ me -m .gaWy at mumeupsto such Met re-pxaiiui '■ »mh£ . . ' And I "to take haw any ^errurt . retted ac&tedisrg to ;a appeal- being- vi.-. Augusi. ly&r.. • Datod';' at • E,’. 2;, H t $f 'Bruee4' this . 6ti.;" 'c A.D., . 193L ■ . . NOTICETO CREDITORS ■ '. , In the ’Matter of .tat TLit'a>_ *..f -. tefiDpifaki ■ fate.--of ’ Vtp-age - ■ r** LoskhW' 'in. the ■ .Cvuhty ■ ■ R* “Widow, deceased.. ’ '.' Notice -is. ' heresy, g.-•ei -met&ors * and ‘Ajtiierh nprl ■ ■ -im.d . demands' agafasj ■" tpe 4- the -Baid. Xtfa-'McDonald whe t hr ■ about - the ’ Second <tfay ■ df AJD, 1R35 - j:re required on er ' hhe iswenty-seni’enti: [th her daughter, Mrs. Andrew' ‘ (Contfaiied, From .Page I> ■ ' ..... runt, West- Wanwmvsh. - . '■ ■ ! well. Puimspec. every TYmrsuay; rnmmmg ... . . .- . . . Conned decider it- piaet 2 street . §x Lucknow.- Qntyin .Miss Wmme Lane fa viETttng m 11^ ox Qydfr St., at she “i*end’‘ uu '* _ ^fhe south of Mrs. tfav~ • Mrs. A p. MaeKentie — Proprietor Mr-, .and ■ Mrs. ■, Ewart McPherson Temdfaifie. -, O-TT-pbeffi ■ Thumnstm—PublishEr xd' family spent Sunday with Mr J, Constable M^re is be,rug mstru^ ■ '................................................ ,ri / '■- ted to keep we. ^N-c. Parktt^’.- spaces THURSDAY.. AUGUST "STH, 1935xd Mrs-. ; ..(to frtmi u^,.' ■ Dr, and Mra Wm, Hackett ©I De-:cars—Motorists 'have becemi t^lass Hackett’s. , ■ „ ■ » Many frofa 'here' spent■' CSvie' hoii- day..- it- ■ GksieriiJh, "« . ;• .‘ ■ ' daut-s'- 'c MAS Lena Hackett is camping:’ at’that- i Kint-ardlhe Beach tips’-week.’ ' '. .'"s^r~7? ■ h.r:..lBARAMOUNft; ■•’ / .:. ■ ' / ——— ■ ' ■.. , ' at .the'* time'the street BORN—To Mr. ■ 'and •' Mrs. tFhed I jeet' is 'fater. dfasjisss^.; "Crump in .the -Groiterieh Hospital on : ; ! ' Friday, ‘August.'2nd, a'son. Congrat-| ■ OLD ( • luxations. ' ■ •■■'■■. - .:■ ■ | _.' ' ■ '~~ ”■' Mist Lyfa'-'-Ri^iards- from' Toronto I _ . ao^ed^ aib ■ . -. . .. ', ■ ... .-'..^ , ■ settJmi conceraxng .was a week eno visitor wits ■ her;-■ ' ■-iir- :by Mr. ' HeUrv.•paiertt. Mr: anc .Mrs.-R. Richarut.__ _ '. ■ Mrs. Arthur Cook visited freirik.m Ripley reeexrtiy-.'■ Mr G.' R. .Patterson,■ Agr. .WafkertonyJ Boys’ -Grain And Ca3f ;dtfii wits .g EsLa-.e of Cib-d -or. Junk i»efore ■A ugust yrepauc; unaec'S'-gnec:.^..—exs. .sseutbrETundesr. th.e7 las; w:’ -^nc 'ikvl.< amaiii.. ■.pf.„'the....aa-id. xaames, addresses-r-^d daseriptiuns. ■the' fiifl ■■particulars Of. them ckumr' a statement. ' their ■’aeco'UuzE, .end the nature ®f the A&eurities ♦ :f arr c held, by- theba dW-'VenfieS •'■iy ,a&- .■»>.•.•.•■..... ' "after" ’ sti'i'- fast, mantioned. date.the said' kxecu- tork .'proceed.'tv qistripuik the assets;'©f th said" dfeqeasec. .among .cue persons ■.eptitfed thereto..''havisg. re-: Mr. and Mrs. Fred ■'Buckingham ,gard. oj^y.tq -the 'claims of' which-• from- .Stratford were week-and .visit- Ws/MaeAufay-..... h executors.' win 'not .be 1 , -■ - _____ r, Have you., heard.' about the '-Flower r.1; contest for the ■ J hint iheeitihg on ; . A ugust-, 2&th(, If not/ .enquire from ;the odSeers of the -Club,or those who ( attended the last, meeting. E ' While m Calgary they w-itnessed' / ;the:"stampede parade,""and""s^S_~?'an' rafr^ruoun and 'evemng at' the stam- ipede performances. ‘They , cpmpleted-. ttTUI® FROM ■ WESTERN ,j'Rocky Mountain Pass, as.far. as’Van- ■( .eouveg, B. -C.,. where' a ’ week.. was j Spent at the home of- Mr. and Mrs. ur J. Pollock, the former' being ah In- | specto.r , of . Public Sehopls • in Van- t cou ver city. - . •• ■ The return trip was made by way of the northern States route^ visit ing at intermediate points, Seattle.. Spokane,' Fargo, Twin Cities; Chi- and ■ Detroit.—Teeswater News. ■ . . . - . - ' bf ‘ AJj. *1935 "to send . -w bos:x.-- . to,®r -&hhveh, ■ ■ .to' the Ydu Get QUALITY the!' Medr e L and om& WIN3HAM Show Starts at 8.00 “P.M. Reps, was .around inspecting en- 1B a ’ and MAIL COL* ■■ The to. he 'hot* properly PempenEated In r&- vising contracts ‘.bn ube -basis i stipulation' should be mac learE bd' “used^y’ courier |-spring, summer-and fall i this modern age . when : ears can be (the couriers should ret ■ the slew-going hors ing the season whe: I—Ex.' obtained . a 'to YO7 berrm the eztia value in the Master moment you look at the car. You notice r.cr.t evrey teat Chevrolet’s smart Fisher Bodiet fe-x'x.'e me safe' new TURRET TOP solid ^eel rzx?f —something'.you rarCt get on ' otrar oar ur..e-ss you pay many}dollars more than Che'rroJAt’.s' low, pricer- -.■ Steh inside the car and drive——and immediately ■you’ll notice another'-'' big...difference that’s aT]' in favor'of Chevrolet It’s the famous KNEE-ACTION cnoating ride’’.! You. float over bumps,,ruts and • • . ■ . ■ /</ t. M. MacKENZIE--DUNGANNON i Nothing in Hogven or Hell Con Stop These Men ! ¥ The Bengal loncer*.. 6i*oy» o«»< .numbered. ne»»» outfought I Spirited -gdventurel Breath-taking spectacle! A Pa ron ova t jicture with GARY COOPER FRANCHOT.TONE RICHARD CROMWELL SIR GUY STANDING iKATHLEEN BURKE A-REAE-lSTre-PieTURE OF MOTHER IN DI A »• '- . aIs° ■ Underneath The Broadway Moon ■ ’ with : .L^arTONEsuc^^^ THE EATON BOYS and. VERA VAN Admission 35c and 20c a few weeks-. -. there. ; '• .a____ j &’"Mu-5 Beryl Gardner spent a' few [ ('-days last week 'with Mrs., • RobL ! j Hamilton •.. of Wingham- i I Mr. and. Mrs. George Hunter had S ; Mist Elleda,. visited on ■ Sunday .at *' !'.he . ho^pe. ,of Mr. -and -Mrs. • Herb r ■ Swtneri of Dungannon. “.. !■ ., •» »»» > ' ! M’ a?C^C" Kinloss Council Minutesi-Oic anq Pmllip of Port' Hope-are. 1 • _here"_orjth '.-the ’- fatter^- “ ’ ’ ■■~ 7^ i--------r~ThfKahioks CounciTBoanTmef■ on’.!■ Mr. J'-.(hr, Gardner' of - Winnipeg is ( Monday. '-July 2i/th,-19357 All , mem- Imitation Of Life Tuers -present. j - On motion of McKenzie and Gra ham the~; inmates , of ' last Tegular < 4" 1 g^g.- ."T'-S’S.-td,’ confirmed* • i , Ros.s-M-cKenzie—that we construct a-cem-ont walk -across the ...street-in ‘ Whiteehurch, • connecting with' the I W. L HalVthey to "continue the work ( on their own property. ’ . 4' The., treasurer submitted his half I yearly' statement1 of Receipts and Ex- I.penditures which on motion of Ross ■ and' McIntosh -was ordered filed. (■ McIntosh-Graham—that the’ Road 4~Sj^Tto^ve-ra-^aitoh-*-ef^tttrcted“tooir — • . A7: - •- ' r- • ■^&ro'nrfl:met on above date;' mm- utes ,of former meeting read .and-ap- . / proved on motion of. Sherwood -and ■ McDonald.' ” „ . . “Weedv Inspector- waited pn- council ' * ' re purchase of treatment to -kill* weeds. Moved by SherwOod and Mc-« ■ Donald and carried that , council get - one hundred weight as a test order. . .. The following bills and accounts -> were ordered paid’ on motion of_ , to Frayne and McDonald.............. - ■ - W;—pus Lage and "excise. - ,. ...•.. . JSALOiL;,$,olin—r—E o-stei'y^—g-i-avriitug; . issued .in payment of all bills and at- "counts paSEed ar'this meeting; .._B.Q^s-TMcKenrie=rr.thato_we- do- mow- adjourn to meet a>gain on Monday, the 26th day of August at the usud! time "and place. Cheques issued—West Wawanosh Ins. Co.., Ins. on hall' $7-.5D; B. E. McLean, relief supplies' $7.08; J. R.. Lane, postage and telephone $3.00; A E; Thompson, (weed insp. $7.25, caretaking ?1.25) $8.50. jj, ~Hallafian • July 8) P.L, 46. $200.00; D. Hallfi- har. (July 19J P.L.'47, $150.00; “D Hallahan.. P.L. 48 $545170; J. F. Daw- I son, P. L.. 49, $25.51; Wesley Guest I (P.L. 50,. $45.35; Melvin Irwin, P.L, I Sly $108.03. .Russell Gaunt, P.L. 52, ($7.07; Oriille Tiffin, P.L. 53, $10.10; | (George Lockhart. P.L. 54, $9.6.0/'DamI [McKinnon,.,R.L... 5.5, $55.50;. Wesley ‘IThompson. P.L.’,56. ’$14.40; V. A ; Mowbray P.L. 57, $7.75; Alex Mac- |Leod^P:L|. -58. $49.80; Miss S.. Purvis ' $’4 00°" ^anie? Burns, P.L. 60 J.- R. LANE, Clerk. .'I to A warrant for the arrest of JIovi;- y&rd J.. Robertson, former -assessor •and tax collector of Goderich, was j Figned last week, by Councillor J., E. jHuckins. who has charged Robertson ivith fraudulently converting to his ;. otrn use -$7,582.;. the, property of the ^tqwn of Goderich, and not accounting ,10-t the .same. • ' * ! .The- accused was allowecl bail for i'Sia.OQOjJri sureties. Robertson..will:. “7appe,ar "'’'Tefctre Hawkshaw ■ trate court r w u4 ck,z ■ -** hjt ■> huti^rsl • I Traffic 1 Officer’s have, been notified (thht bicycles and also tricycles must, carrj- horns. gohgs Or bells,' xvhich ■ ■must;be kept in (good working order. 1 No new car£ wiM- be permitted to „ 1^be sold in Ontario •after- Jul.v^isf, ... 19->6. .-unless they are; equipped with < shatterproof-glass, ■ Persons^ convicted' for ,the thirl .. Gme. nf -reckless driving after the -. - \ amendment? to the' Highway Traffic . J Act .become operative are liable to . -hav.e their cars seized and iffipouhd- ■’ed for a period of three months ’ ■ " 5O4 Tohn Bonnett, gravelling ^2.47.70; Albert—McGee, gravelling, $237.20; Charles Cpngram^ gravelling. $373.50 John Jas. Jas, Gep.iditich: __ _ __ gravelling, $276.60;' John Little, gra velling, $108.00;. John B. Ritchie, ' gravelling and ditching $20^.20;■ T- A Cameron,, gravelling. /.^ROLLOh; "fhas; Anderson, gravelling, and grad- ' nig $128,60; Adam Johnston, grav elling, $205.15; Alex McNay, grayel- 1 ling. $228.00; • Jacob Hunter, gravel-, (ling and ditching $300?00-; Wm. Clare * gravelling $27.00; Herb.' Pentland, gravelling and ditching $286.10; . ] Daniel Long, gravelling and grading ($93.00; Frank Hamilton, gravelling and* repairs $387,107 John S?’’Dalton ' gravelling-^$341.00; Milton Kilpatrick- gravelling and ditching $282.00; Reg? Meyers, gravelling and Scraping;, pCorRP Elliott, gravelling . ->61-00;( -Thos. Ferguson, gravelling >8 Jo. JO; Carman iTayden, graved $12;20; Dan McKenzie, gravel $26 70 Ait Stewart, gravel ?i.8O; Jak Mac- ^Iiilan, gravel $23.20; \V. A. Culbert, griivel $53.20; Wilber Brown, gravel $12.t>()-; John KJ/lpa-trick, gravel $29.- '' op; Gordon W. Reid, gravel $13.80; -J'ln1’.?-3" Sbockleton, gravel A posts . $,10.Jo; Jas., Webster, gravel $6.20; Isaac Andrew, gravel $37.50; Gordon $4'^: ^as. Fowler, Vn‘40‘ J los- B«egfasr gravel $25.70; Albert Towle, gravel $65.10; peter ” Glazier, .gravel $132.25-; Wm. Ifwin gravel $10.80; . Wm. Cook, gravel,’ Ale05 nWi1K Jwnm>ey, gravel $23.76^-^ )lHX‘n’nnkC t( ghu’cl $?’5°U EIiza* bc h Walker, gravel $2.50; William <Jp ■■ n^nDfI?vel -C.harfas-JWilay----- Trrrn^TTrrr—Knijle G. McLennan, -?Sift3?0’r’!'byc! -MeDonard. gra- IsF-m1 rn:? °hn» P' Hogan’ ^ravel Rei<E timber $1.00; 1? r?. cLcnnnn- plow points $1.20; l- G.. Zinn, grease, 60c; Ndil Mc- whon'nd’'fVVI,rc (’^:T-R«e ^ .'Porteouk ■«i P and damps, $4.S5. John J. Rvah ( 0rt nlnnrPni^ $L5’°; ^^'ille Cul- m’ m? Q(^ ;V1(1 nsvi1s BurL , hett A . «( n” s(cel S113.07; Her-Th « n-ran^ A'Otk of mon' $7.60; s"o I f k V nv Rro'Vn. plank ‘ Hubert purraq. snlarjv$90M -•« A-. ... t loved ■ by Sherwood , and Fra-vne to elM °’h d' <bat ;C0UWil fa^ X* 'Xoet in Pv?S‘°n °f ’ as fat S n ’W '011, now ’n u^c ' as Hur^ni street.*'- 6rr«'«'* ’I,''" ’'WOTIWd • Att motion < ■ "r McOonnl,! mid (-„|bc,.t t0 , Ausmt tlw sixth „t night Cj) E. MRDonagh, Clerk.