HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1935-08-08, Page 1; ^'cT’:'V'" /'-/J- 1 ■ J:?! ■■ > VETERINARY IS IMPROVING 12.00 PER. YEAR IN ADVANCE;’ $2.50 OTHERWISE LUCKNOW. O#T., THURSDAY, AUGUST, 8th 1935 I SPONGE JELLY ROLLS AT STRAWBERRY, ‘ RASPBERY, WALNUT TARTS; OATMEAL AND DATE SQUARES; FIG AND APPLE SQUARES AND IMA.NY OTHER, VARIETIES OF COOKIES TO CHOOSE FROM. ■ 1 '• ; • ■—r i Miraculously Escape As Car Somersaults » SINGLE COPIES . 6 CENTS J. M. KAINE, VxS., B.V.Sc. . i Havelock St„ Lucknow ’PHONE 104-W • ^Graduate of. Ontario Veterinary. College, University of Toronto. AJ1 ; f -B^ease of domestic animals, treated by the most modern’, principles/ Charges reasonable. Day or; night calls promptly attended to. v . . The office is located the first house South qf the Catholic church in the .residence of the late Mrs. W. E. Mc­ Donald. ' > . . . A SPECIALIST INI RIDQLINGS Will Be With Dr. Kaine In Lucknow ’ /■ , - This ' Friday . •-1" i . DR. J. E. LITTLE Dentist X-RAY SERVICE 0flice In TheJohnston Block Telephone No. 5 SEWING WANTED—Apply Mrs. Norman Stuart; Lucknow, «Oht. AGENT WANTED Progressive Canadian Life Insur- . ahce Company seeks reliable agent * for Lucknow district. Attractive con­ tract for right party, preferably be- ^e^~25”anH“ 4K y ea^ . Box 256, Lucknow. > GIRL WANTED—Girl to do gen- eralhousework.tQ-gol-toJorontO-at. early date. — Apply, Mrs. K. W. Jamieson, at .Mr. D. MacDonald’s residence, north...ftf._ th.eJ..C..N.R.„.sta=. tion, Lucknow. K TENDERS WANTED ~" Tenders for the shingling of the 0 schoolhouse in U.(S.(S. .No, 14, Huron, -will be received by the under­ signed until 12 o’clock noon on Aug- . ust 15th, 1935. Work to be completed —‘7--- by August 26th. Tenders v-whether7-or--ndt--price--includes“’mater-” ------U-jalr—----- -------------- ,~-- Robert Hamilton, R. 3, Lucknow. ; CLERK’S NOTICE OF FIRST POSTING OF VOTERS’ LIST Voters Lists?- -1935, Municipality of the Township of Ashfield — County'of Huron Notice is hereby given that I have . complied with section 7 of^" The Voters’ Lists Act • and that I have posted up at my office in the Town- - ship of Ashfield , on the thirty^first . .J_day of July, 1935, ,.the list ; of all Local. Young People Bbuiid For Reid’s Corners ' To Play JSffftball, Escape With Minor Injuries As AH .Five Occupants' Aire'jHurled Thru Opening, JMft.de As (Jar Roof Is Shorn Off-Tn. Somersaulting Rro- ■ cess- ■ .1 v .' .J -' /' -■' The escape, with dnly mihof injur­ ies, of a party of local young people, who^figured in a motor accident bn Friday, is considered nothing short of miraculous. All five occupants were hurled to the roadway through tfie opening resulting when the top was shorn off as the car turned over. AJqx . Smith/ driving a] Whippet Six, was bound for Reid’s Corners, where the Young People’s softball team was to play the Bethel team. With Alex, were Gordon, Dorothy and Laurine Miller and . Margaret Ritchie All, received bruises and a severe shaking up that left them stiff and sore. Gordon Miller received a cut in. the back of-.his- right hand re­ quiring three stitches and his sister DoXQthy,„.ha<l~two--stitGhos put- in a scalp . wound. Laurine ^Miller was dazed from a blow to the head and was kept under medical observation •for a few-'hoursy' as the possibility of serious head injuries existed. Peg Ritchie suffered cracked ribs. -Th^-rjafecfdeiTt"" " fiappened" shorflyT after isix o’clock , on the boundary about {five miles west,. in front of the Ketchabaw farm. A car, out of gas* was stopped on»the road: pear this point, and as Alex iSmith approached he was of the fepinion that the car was in motion, until he came nearer ~to~~it;~whbfr"he&wung"‘ Out to" pass Loose gravel-is believed to have been, -a-factfir-rin.—Jth'e~ca'r Swinging dam gerously close to the left side of the road, to escape iby, inches, going over the side of an unprotected culvert, and dropping • about ten feet into a creek. . • This cement culvert is a. danger­ ous one, being level with'the roadway and lacking a railing or built,, up sides. At the east end of the culvert is a slight road washout and also a _pos.t,_ TJie_.rean^wheel --is -beUeved-^to= •have drppp'ea;“tntoIth'^'W^^^ retC3^ „„„„inspection.„.— —.....:-^—r------------r , And l her&by call upon all—voters, to «take immediate proceedings to have f any errors or omissions cor­ rected according to law, the last day for appeal being the twenty-second day of—August 1935. Dated at Ashfield, County of Huron, this 31st day of. July; A.D., 1935. j C. JE. McDONAGH, Clerk of Ashfield Township. NOTICE TO CREDITORS In thfe Matter of the Estate of Robeyf John Henry, late of the Township of West Wawanosh in the County . of Huron, Farmer, deceased; J Notice is /herebK_given that all v creditors and others having claims or, demands against-the Estate Qf ..... the Robert John Henry, who died on - or about the Seventeenth day of June A.D. 1935, are required on or before the Twentieth day of August A.D. 1935, to send, by post prepaid, or to deliver, to the under- , signed, the executor of-the last Will ' and Testament of the said deceased, their names, addresses and descrip­ tions, the full particulars of their claims, a > statement of their ac­ counts, and the nature of the secur­ ities, (if any) held by them duly verified ;by affidavit. And take notifte that after suclf last^meritioned date the said, execu­ tor. w?ll . ._ proceed . to distribute the, " assets of the said deceased amotig the parties entitled thereto, haying regard dnly to. the claims of which he shall then have notice, and that the said executor will not be liable for the said . assets or any part thereof to any person or persons of whose- claims notice shall, hot have - been received by him at the time of . Such distribution. ' , This notice is. given,, pursuant to the statute in that bfehalf. Dated at Luckftow, Ontario, this twenty-fifth day of July| A;D.» 1935; Samuel' Altop, R. R. 2, K Lucknow, a Offt„ Executor. . . ' , -vvhioh—rippedHoose thh hUmper? ~ ■ ~~~ ” Following this impact, eye witnes- ses “claim The ear Somersaulted and then turned over on its side facing the direction it had come. The entire top was shorn off clean­ ly and the five passengers . hurled through this opening to land on the right hand side of the gravel road­ way. The car was badly damaged. Be­ sides the top being- taken- off the right re^r jwheel was broken and the front right fender crumpled. All the glass on the left hand side was shat­ tered and a few projecting points of glass were all that remaind of the windshield. In the impact, the steel spokes, holding the steering... wheel were snapped off, and the condition of the car generally; 'caused those who viewed it, to marvel that the^ occupants escaped as they did. ,-r—------:--------------ui INMEMORIAM . | McQUILLIN—In, loving memory of Elizabeth Habick, wife of John McQuillin, who passed away, August 12th, 1934. ' ' Silent her voice and vacant her chair Sweet are the memories that linger there. We miss her and mourn her in sil- ■ ence unseen, And. live in the memory of -joys that have been, —Sadly missed by Husband and Family. STREET DANCES / On the “Town Bridge” in Luckriow on Friday, August 9th and on Tues- day, August ISth, under Fife Co. auspices. Arthur’s -Radio Orchestra. 6 tickets for- 25c. In Case of rain either night, dance will be in the Town Hall. . ' . ‘ BORN •, CRUMP—- In Goderich Hospital, bn Friday, August 2nd, tb Mr. and Mrs, /Fred Crump, of Paramount, a sbn, *1 ■ 4 INMEMORIAM HODGINS—In, eVer loving. mem­ ory. of Joseph Hodginsj .dearly be­ loved husbarid of Lpuisa Hodgins, Who passed away, one yfeaf' ago, Aug.' 9th, 1934. ' . We db not forget) him, Wo love him too dearly, - ' For his memory to fade, From our livbs, like a dream. . Our lips need not speak, » When .our hearts mourn sincerely, For grief Often dwells”! * Where it seldom is seen. Sadly missed by wife and family. Mr’., John Joynt- was taken ser­ iously ill on u Friday at noon, ait one of-his Wawanosh farms, where he ‘was • supervising harvesting -> bpera- tions;/JHe was brought to his home here, wherp -his condition, a's. „a. re­ sult of a recurrence .of his former: icritical illness, was regarded^as quite- ,serious. J His many friepd^ were pleased to learn that he was much improved, again, by the early part of this week and .expects to be about again' in a. few days. . HAVE. YOU ONE? . ' ■ ■'■'- The Sentinel has been, requested to enquire of: its readers, in . an effprt to learn if' anyone has, ambngo their relics, one of the iffonster display .posters, published at the time of the re-union here in 1910. The Sentinel would be pleased to learn of anyone possessing one of these bills.! Village Tax Rate Lowered One Mill Council Strikes. J^ate Of 12 Mills—: \ School- Rate Down—Decision Not - Yet Mafie Regarding ■ Street Wid­ ening-. ' ■' ■ ' - The village- council, ..on Tuesday night, ‘sat till after midnig'ht', before adjourning a meeting that -was ' fea­ tured by lengthy-discussions of sev­ eral .matters and the striking, of the, village tax rate for 1935. The rate . this ye^r. is 42. mills,- one mill lower than last year’s j-ate. The school, rate is ' down 1.6 millsj while Che village rate i„s up half a mill and the County rate, due to a lower assessment, up l-10th of a mill. ' . The increase of half a mill 'in. the- village rate is due to an increas'e' in relief expenditures .during the past "winter and also because- arrears, of > taxes, have required' more frequent -Bank loans, with increased interest charges, the result. '/ . •: " A rate1 of 41.5 was discussed', but Council agreed that-the extra half mill was .advisable to provide> for possible unseen expenditures, not Jn-_. eluded in- the. festjinates-, ■^ The 1935 rate as . compared . with riYcsf1 . -wrA t-n ’ ’ic o'c..Txl;l,n nrn «.........— ■ The Bread g j — % j i The Bread of Health MoV lO of Health QUALITY AND SERVICE OUR MOTTO SPECIALS for the WEEK-END LAYER CAKES WITH RASPBERRY CENTRES at SPONGE-CREAM CAKES with* PINEAPPLE OR STRAW- BERRY FLAVOUR at 20c 1AN EXTRA VALUE--- -v.- ? . . . .L .. .. .15c PINEAPPLE AND MAPLE HOLLYMAN’S QUALITY BAKERY Phone 36 > ' ■ Lucknow ASSISTANCE ASKED IN COMPILING SCHOOL HISTORY Anyone who possesses any material that would assist in the preparation of a history of the Lucknow Public School, kindly- send same to tlie un­ dersigned-. This information—isj—re-r quired for the School Log of the New Public School Register. JKate—MaeDenaldy—Box-3427 Lucknowr FORMER LUCKNOWITE DIES IN SAN DIEGO Wm. MacDonald, Son Of Former Lucknow Sawmill Operator Died Suddenly. *••:■'■■ Two Former Pastors Heard Here Sund Rev. D. T. L. McKerroU Spoke At Morning Service In Presbyterian Church — Rev, J. S. Duncan Preached In The Evening /. Son Of Lucknow Couple Has Ear Off In Crash - ............,' -' T1W . - './’1935 ' Schoo] i;___...17.6 16 Village ...............;.,..12.2 ' 12.7 - County . ....: 6.4-- '■ .6.5-^ Debentures ........ 3;1 "3.1 St. Lighting ......... 3.7 ’3.7 ■ ■ 43. • "Pavement Widening Discussed A. petition largely signed- by. vil­ lage ratepayers was presented to 'the Councif asking that the main streets pavement from W.. G. An­ drew’s to the United- Church corner be widened. 'The Council received the petition favorably, although they. di,d not go ±o^any_d.fecision-as-‘to--what- ext-ent-the- wid4ning process will be carried out. —-The—m-a-tte-r—was^lcftr--m'-^a;beya'hT-'e7 pending a visit the Reeve and Coun­ cil —plan to make , -to-view Exeter1 main street ..this, Friday." Councillor Bpshell highly commended the work done pn the Exeter 'main thorough­ fare and made an offer to take the: members of the Board there, which was accepted.. . • " 'Councillor BtfsheH, .. recommends strongly .that an effort be made to r,. j have the. Bell Telephone and Hydro ’ ‘ , run . their wires on Campbel] street, Bert Geddes, Son Qf Mr. and Mrs. James Geddes, In Distressing Motor Accident Near Galt Monday Night -Ripley Girl Also Dadly- Hurt —Bert-"Geddes7vsdn'^f^K^aiKl- ’Mrs; James"7Gedd“es;' proprietors of Lbck- npiw.’s Variety Store, is in the_jGalt Hospital, following a Monday night car - accident in which he jiad^n., ear cut off and suffered possibly a slight skull fracture. •. k '■ ~ With Bert, was -Miss' Emma Rob­ ertson of- Ripley," who has a frac­ tured- jaw, eae> finger on her left hand severed and skull injuries.' . Bert and Mis§ Robertson, accom­ panied by Thos. Newberry and Miss Hazel Taggart, ail of Toronto, 1 ” . motored over to Galt on Civic Holi- Electric System, day, <where they spent the-day with underground c..’ Bei t s pnients, whe had—■mP.toi:g.dL| ’ E^'i^®rWedr’'('by fieaTThp-f e~lrpmt Lucknow. ... t The "Toronto party had:, left, rfq? ■ "street—ffiF ■in Exeter ■ and Fo . get facts* and v __—Th-is—was—pn-rt-of—themrrle^rTYhen^the- accident occurred, pfovement program ^enjrtudricji^ dfecided^TC.. sideswiped, with both .vehicles turn- fig.ures frOni this municipality before ing over .on the highway. The pas-1--——— sengers of the Kitchener car Were uninjured. Miss Taggart was the only -one' df the1 Geddes car to escape .injuries. Newberry, who was riding with her in the rumble seat suffered, cuts, bruises and head injuries and was taken to. Galt Hospital; along with Mr. Geddes and 'Miss Robertson. Bert’s mother remained in Galt, upon learning the shocking and dis­ tressing' news, and on Wednesday, Mr. Geddes, his daughter Miss Hazel of Kincardine and Mrs. Robertson motored to Galt. . Bert never lived in Lucknow, hav­ ing remained in Kincardine when his parents moved here a few years^ ago to take up busihess. For s6me time past he has been. employed iff Toronto. ' commencing the street widening here. As a result of a grass fire in the village, recently, the Board was re­ quested to ask village' residents to burn' papers' on th’eir own property and • in mental containor.<" ~~"J The application made by Mr. \y. G. Armstrong for town water, wa's laid .over. ■, ' —1—— — - Much time- was spent by the Board in checking and . Scrutinizing ac­ counts to date,-in regards t® the er­ ection of the new bridge and the now. (Continued on Page 44F" William E. Ma)cDongld, aged. 41^ died suddenly in-j-San -Diego from heart disease. His death came as a surprise to many friends, who con- sidered ,him^jL.t.o^.b.Ajin.~good--^ "ancFlie’ Eimself"!dfd not suspect that he had a heart ailment; The father of the deceased, also ■Wm. MacDonald, was a former saw- m'il] operator in Lucknow. His moth­ er,, who still survives, was formerly rGhristianax (Tena)-^lark7^and^ sister of the. late Mrs. Samuel Rob­ ertson of Lucknow. As well as the aged mother, one- sister, Mirs. Wil­ liam H. Evans, also survives. Both reside in San Diego; • Mr,- MacDonald was considered one of the1 ablest real estate" operators in-t-hat^city.-kH’e^'owned l~sVy~m^l~Mbwn- Town hotfels and. was financially in- ..ter.es.ted_in—other.—Besides—these-in­ terests, he held, a great deal, of pro­ perty in San Diego; which "included valuable apartment buildings.. Golden n'c-'ding and Mrs. W. A. Johnston, Es- Are Mr. teemed . Ashfield Rfesidents Honored On Memorable Occassion. ZlKiZlMJSLM"-A._J-Q.hnsto.n--GeIebr-ated- their'- golden wedding. . Mrs, John A unique occurrence “took place on Sunday, when the Pressbyterian ..»__ Church pulpit- Was occupied in the " morning by Rev. Dr. D. T.^L. Mc- Kerroll, and in the evening by Rey. -Jy-S~Duncan—These clergymen suc^----------• ceeded each other as pastors of the Lucknow congregation 25 years ago. ...Rev.—Mc-Kerroll,-1--addressed—the-;;- —— morning congregation* in his official capacity as Moderator of the Pres- A byterian Church in Canada. Rev. ° McKerroU spoke at Dungannon in the afternoon • and in the Ashfield Presbyterian Church in the evening. Rev. McKerroU >was pastor at r Lucknow from- 1J)O4~ tariff '___ were some of the happiest years of Jhi^lifep-he-said—in—his-^>peningr^~ J marks on Sunday. He was conducted to the pulpit’ by Mr. James Picker­ ing, as the audience stood. Reviewing the recent session of the General Assembly, Rev. McKer- roll emphasized the harmony that existed while this gathering dealt with and finally sojvied, -StevtetaT . troublesome questions. There was no need of Presbyter- 2nd Boundary Accident Painful Injuries Received When Car Strikes Loose Gravel And Noses Into Deep Ditch Painful injuries, though not Ser­ ious were suffered by Mr. and Mrs. George Shirley and ybung daughter df Toronto/ when the Oldsmobile sedan, driven by Mr; Shirley, took to the deep ditch, iff front of the farm of Robert Hamilton, on the boundary west of the village and just a short distance from the scene of Alex Smith's' motor accident, the previous Friday. Loose gravel was Claimed to be a contributing factor in causing both, accidents.. Mr. and Mrs. Shirley are the par-, ents of Mrs. Harvey Webster of' ■ Lucknow and have been‘camping at- the lake' at the foot of the Boundary They were bound for the lake Mon­ day evening, when the mishap oc­ curred, after the car struck a- pile of loose gravel that a road grader had piled up in the centre of. the road. Mr. Shirley states that he was. travelling only about. 25 miles an hour at the time of the rfesujts would have boon more serious. ° . He was cut. about the chest ' and hand when thrown agaiiTsf the steer­ ing whfeel. which was broken. Mfs. Shirley suffered broken ribs, and their daughter received, "painful in­ juries tp her teeth and month. Rtui- ses and severe shaking >pp° were also Suffered. The frame of the car wa’s very badly tiWisted and the motor driven back. The car was taken to London the middle pf thp week for repairs. DAUGHTER OF PIONEER FAMILY. PASSES LAWAY ■ " . ' <5, _____ Miss Margaret MacRae, V\hd lifts Made Her Home With Mr^. A. R. Finlayson; For 15 Years, ii Passed Away Thursday service of Miss Mar- occurred last T'hurs-. was h^nd-.' from the home of Mbs. A. R. Finlayson, on Saturday, Aug. 3rd at 2.30 PiM. The house was filled with uelativejs and friends, Showing the ‘affectionate ^re-r gard. in which the departed w.as held. Miss MacRae was in her 76th year and was born in Ashfield', the daugh­ ter of „ the late Duncan MacRae and Christena Cameron, pioneer LOchalsh settlers. For the past fifteen years she had made her home with Mrs. Finlayson1 and the. late A.. R. Fin­ layson. She was of 'a- quiet dispos­ ition, esteemed and loved by all who knew her. She was a. faithful mem­ ber of the Free Presbyterian Church- .Lochajsh. . ■ • ■ The funeral service was conducted by Re\). Win. Matheson of Chesley,, and interment being in Lochkjsh cemetery'., .The pallbearers were Dan MacDonald,. < Alex Campbell, ’ Alex MacLennfih, ponald Finlayson,; Wm, .Johnston arid Duncaft Cameron.. Miss MacRae is'survived by two sisters, Mrs. Hannah Beaton‘arid Miss Maty MacRae of Detroit, Mich. Both were here for the funeral. . . • , RESTING TIRED EYES / Strained eyes get only tem­ porary relief from resting them. They, need more :than rest; They need the ,permanment -help of “ corrective lenses. And THEY can be obtained in, but one way— •by. submitting., to ' a . thorough..... , .examination Of the eyes. Do not unnecessarily defer this Service. ARMSTRONG'S Eyesight Service The funeral ,---- — garet MacRae whose- death (follow ing a stroke) day ■ morning, ston, before hermarriage-wasWarg- aret Johnston, daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Noble Johnston. She was born at Dorchester and came' with her parents to Ashfield. Mr. Johnston was born in Ashfield. They wer,p married .at the home of the bride’s parents; by Rev. Mr/ MacFarlane, of Pine River. Miss Hannah MacRae, now Mrs, Beaton of Detroit, cousin of the groom, was bridesmaid and the late Thomas Johnston, cousin of the bride was: best man, " They have a family of six children Annie (Mrs.'David Farrish of Sea7 mans, Sask.); Jean (Mrs. E. Mac- Keith of Vancouver, B.C.); (Mrs. Jessie (Mrs. R. Bissett pf Ashfield) N^ble and Wm. also of Ashfield. Another son- Alex difed some years ago. AU the family were home ; for the occasion except Mrs. David Far-, rish. There are ' twenty-four grand-7 children. / ' . A family gathering was held in the afternoon. In the"evening a re­ ception was held when about, two hundred of -their friends gathhered to celebrate with them. The bride and groom .of fifty years ago opened 'the evening program by dancing the first dance. During the evening, Mr. Chas., Stewart' in a few well chosen words extended to the bride and groom the best wishes .of all present and presented them with a Well filled stocking leg. Mr. Johnston replied, thanking one and. a|l for their kind­ ness and in the reply hfe made, Said that the bridesmaid was the only one now living, who was at the marriage fifty years ago. < f We all extend congratulations and many happy returns of the day. - ' _____________________■- ‘ ■- •CONSIDERABLY IMPROVED Grace, Wilfred Parrish, Ashfield) The many friends of Mrs. An­ drew'"Gaunt will be pleased to learn that this week finds a considerable improvement in her . condition, after, months of suffering, during which her condition Was regarded as criti­ cal many times. Phlebitis, has been the most recent complication of her long' illness, but now it is believed^ that the danger point is past. For the past - week Mrs. Gaunt has’.suffer- ed much discomfort from the effects of a serum used to Counteract the phlebitis, but this wefek considerable improvement is noted* and barring .fuither developments, Mf(«. Gaunt. js„ jbfeJ.Ley.cM Lto. be. .xin—th rhad to re - covcry, although it wiU'/be< many , months before she is fully restored to health. -P> ' " ■ . --protest-a-nt-denomBmtTO-nri-n^the-worid f with a, total of •forty million church ; members. " - y -"' ■ He described the preparation of boxes, which the Church purposes, placing in each home. One cent a day froth each member, until {he end of the year, placed in these boxes, will overcome a small deficit, which now exists, the speaker explained. Full of enthusiasm and with' a heart bubbling over with-joptimism, was Mr. MPcKerroll’s manner of ,, coming to the congregation, he said. There are many reasons to be thank­ ful in this year w^hich marks the1^’■ Diamond Jubilee of the union of all the Presbyterian Churches. Mirs; Philip Steward, rendered a . solo at the morning service, with Miss Mary Douglas presiding at the organ. > Rey. Duncan Preaches kev. J. S. Duncan who conducted the evening service, delivered an impressive sermon to a laTge congre­ gation who greeted this former pasv tor, who was4 inducted into the Church exactly twenty-five years ago this month. It «was not<untii Rev. Duncan accepted, a call to Steelfon six years, la ter, that the people of his congregation realized the strong . . place he heldj.in-their 'affidetidn' esteem. -i-// '/ Jr' '' Cameron Geddes was soloist at the qvening service. ■ T < ■ .... : ; CONDUCTING SERVICES Rev. W. B. Tucker of Toronto, brother of Key. S. T. Tucker of the ' United Church conducted the Sunday service in the Unitfed Qhurch (and will have chargfe df the service next Sunday also. • Mr. Tucker who. , underwent a ton­ sil operation recently, is expected to - be able to resume his duties the fol- \ lowing Sunday. At the morning service last Suhda^ Miss Ma¥,y Lillico rendered'a pleas­ ing solp.j ' - ■ ‘ENGAGEMENT ANNOUNC^I) ’ ; ■ Mrs. John "Helm affnounces the eff*’v gagemeht' of her daughter, Ada. jacte , son-.He|mr to. Mr Lorrie ivigoo" Woods, the marriage to take place the lattey part of' August. , h. ‘ /6 ' . ' JU ! ,■ #* .0. . ) ‘ If 6 T f ■j • 21