HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1935-08-01, Page 112.00 PER YE A# IN ADVANCE; $2.50 OTHERWISE LUCKNOW, ONT., THURSDAY, AUGUST, 1st 1935 J. VETERINARY J. M. KAINE, V,S.» B.V.Sc, * Havelock StM Lucknow ;. ’PHQNE 104-W * Graduate of Ontario. ' Veterinary \jC£llege, University of Toronto. All ^i'seasb of domestic TSriimals. treated by, the most.modern principles; -7-Charges teasoriaiblOMT^DaV "oFf mgKT calls1 promptly attended, to, The office is located, the first house south of the Ca,tholic cjiurck in residence of the late Mrs. W. E. Mc­ Donald. 1 . 80-Year-Old .Lady Survives Sister 60 . Days, Gets $12000 .Aged Lady Inherits Sister’s Estate By Outliving prescribed * Clause fiTWill? Which Is Of Interest’ Lb- cally. ,• 1 ■' k t.. ■ DR. J. E. LITTLE Dentist." __ ■ XhRAY service « Office In The Johnston Block Telephone No. 5 ... V—... NEW CAR POLISH which is a r wonder — also, cleans nickel and _windows. Price reasonable. Call and see. it —W. MURDIE & SON. - GIRL. WANTED—Girl to do gen- eral housework, to go to Toronto at early date. Apply, Mrs. K. W.. 7 “Jamieso^/ at-m S. MacDonald’s l’fesidence, north of, the C.N.R. sta­ tion, Lucknow.' . ; i . *. . 1 \ NOTICE TO CREDITORS All ’ persons having claims against theestateof eatherineMcKiriribiT late of the Village of Lucknow, in the County of Bryce, Widow, de­ ceased, who died on or about the fourth day of June, A.D., 1935, are notified to send to J. H. Crawford, Wingham, Ontario, on or before the third day of August, A.D., 1935, full . particulars of their claims in ,writ- - ~ing^- “Immedji'tfHly $fter the said- third day of August, 1935, the assets —of the said testatrix will be distri- "^ted7=amongg't\_fhe—parties—entitled" thereto, having regard only to ^_clgims—qf—whichtheexecutorsshall . then have notice. DATED at Wingham, this, fif­ teenth day of July, A.D. 1935. . JOSEPH MAiLLOUGH, Lucknow, ROBERT RAE,. Lucknow, •■,'• *7" .’“'Executors.' CLERK’S NOTICE OF FIRST . “ POSTING X)F VOTERS’ LIST Voters Lists, 1935, Municipality of 11 ' tfie Township of Ashfield f County of Huron complied •- rlJocar residents, and particularly the “old timers”. will 'be interested in t,he conditions of the will feft by Mrs. Matilda Evans, a sister of the late • Mrs. George Burgess of Ludk- nQw. , Mrs. Evans left $12000.00 of her $39,000 estate to her 80-year-old sister, Miss Eliza McCurdy of Lon­ don, on certain conditions. She pro Vided that the bequest “shall be con­ ditional upon my said, sister surviv­ ing1 me by a period1 of 60 days.” Mrs. Eya.ns passed away in May, and on Sunday , the sixty days had expired and MiSs McCurdy now in­ herits the $12000 prize. . Miss Mc­ Curdy is 80 years olch and resides at 176 St. George. St., London,. At pre- /sen.t-.ahe..4s~a-*pat-ien,t*4n-‘St7"ffos‘e^ Hospital, but she is in no imme­ diate danger. . Both Mrs,; Evans and Miss. Mc­ Curdy are remembered here by older residents, they having at different - 4ime s~v isi te d~her e""prior "'td~fhreirssttr of .their sister, .Mrs. BufgessT , • The remainder of the estate is divided among other, relatives -in­ cluding Mr. George Burgess and Mrs, Gillis, formerly^ Ada Burgess. Mr. Burgess Is a brother-in-law of Miss ■Mae 7 Davison, ■ where he and MireJ Burgess visited each year. _____ ■ The Evah’„sl..eMatriwilL-no'-w-be-di-v^- '■ icled' as f ollows as /set out in the will} J .--Lu-ci er,—niec e,~ L os~Angeles' $2,000 legacy and $350 ring; Jean McLaughlin, niece, Beverley Hills, Calif., $1,000 and $40 ring;. Charlotte Baker, niece; Los Angeles, $1,000 and J>5(Lrihgi;- Adja Gillis, Lynn—Creek, B.C., $1,000 and $16.50 in jewelry; Susan. Evans, sister-in-law, $4,000}. Frances, Edwards, sister-in-law, $4,000; Thomas Alway Hall Home/ Salvation . Arriiy and London Health Association, $333 each; William Ken- mephew^BeHinghanTr^^Apfe/ M —■■■—— PROCLAMATION I hereby proclaim.' Monday, Aug­ ust the 5th, 1935', a 'Civic Holiday < for the Village of Lucknow. All cit­ izens are hereby notified to govern themselves accordingly. ' ■>. 7 . • i. A. • W. HAMILTON, Reev^’ FORMBH RESIDENT^pAsSED; " AW$’Y; A-T . FETROLIA,1 .TUESDAY Death OfJymea-2 Harr oJccurred Early Tuesday Morning -r- Has Suffered From The Effects Of A Paralytic Stroke For More Than Three Years. . ■•....*■ 'I;; ■ The death of Mr, James Barr, aged 51’,'. occurred early Tuesday ■morning ' in Petrolia Hospital/ fol­ lowing. a second paralytic seizure, Mr. Barr had been partially disabled since suffering a stroke more than three years ago, while then a resi­ dent of Colfax, Sask. . ' The B^rr home, was just north of the second concession on the Gravel Road, where Mr. Barr grew to man­ hood. While a resident of* the, com­ munity he was employed on the C, N.R. section and in -Mitchell’s Mill. iSome.*-.yeare^a^pi-‘-Vfr^'Bar^n®®l^ up a hometsead near Colfax, where he farmed "until stricken. with para­ lysis three years ago last February. Upon braking a partial recovery, Mr. Barr came p^st about 2 years ago, ,and^-esided‘--for--a"time-^uth“hfs~bror“ th er; Mr;” Job nBarrafHb 1 yrobd anT with his sister Mrs. Jack Purvis of Langs,ide. Of late he has been mak­ ing his home with Mrs. Wm. Walker, at Petrolia, where he suffered the second and fatal seizure. —The -^funeral"service; urider 17070.F. auspices, was held in Petrolia on Wednesday. 7 ’. ~------ -----------------------------------------.----------- ----- ■ - ---------------------------------------r Will Petition Village Council To Widen I’ ** . The Main Street ' -Lucknow Boosters. Back Movement , Ih Petitioning'^YilUge^rCcsfineiL^Q-' 'Proceed, To, Have’ Campbell Street . 7 Widened ■' " A move is o.n foot to petition the village council’ to have the main street pavement widened from Ro'sS* to Havelock, St.-The Lucknow Boos­ ters are behind , this “movement hav­ ing endorsed, the proposal at a meet­ ing last'week; A petition is being circulated among , the ratepayers, of the village and ■ so far has received a large number ' of signatures. The petition reads as follow^: “We the under­ signed ratepayers' of .the Village1 of. Lucknbw, humbly .petition the Mun­ icipal Council ■'■’to extend the' pave­ ment, from Ross to . Havelock Streets to the sidewalks. “We ’ deem it a necessary under­ taking, and the time is opportune, ■ow-ingAto'’"mnn'e'y'''be’irig'7bb't7iinable. at present, at as low .rates, as-may be had and’we recommend that the cost be included in the bridge debenture to be* floated shortly, Council to use the material and manner of. con- -stru cti oh—th ey—dee nr-bestf **.' ' ~~i “"Such actibri *has been frequently recommended with a view to relief traffic congestion -on-a- -busy night. At present, with angle parking on* botSi 'sides of. the street, the traffic lane* is so narroW that two cars have little' room to p&sKTn. ' . Gravel boulevards^; 7 feet deep. MrJ~Barr was riot married and is ^rirviv-ed—by-~tbree"sisters;"MTtriVm7 Walker, Petrolia; Mrs. Jack Button, Wiggins, SasXj" “Mirs? Jack. Purvis, Kinloss and two brothers, Jack of Holyrood and ,Vernie of Torpnto.. Another sister,’ Mrs. James Jewitt, (Kate) died in Lucknow A number,, of years ago and a brother William died in the West several years ago. ,ower School Results ___—At-Ludknow-C^ntre SINGLE COPIES 5 CENTS -----------------■ - -wrl;l*— V 15c The Bread j The Bread of Health Hq V 1O of Health QUALITY AND SERVICE OUR MOTTO SPECIAL for the WEEK END LAYER CAICES WITH ^ASFBERRX CENTRES at ^ SPONGE QREAM CAKES with PINEAPPLE OR STRAW- . BERRY FLAVOUR at 29c AN EXTRA VALDE \ ' SPONGE JELLY ROLLS AT ...........................15c STRAWBERRY, RASPBERY, . PINEAPPLE v AND MAPLE - WALNUT TARTS; * OATMEAL AND DATE SQUARES; FIG AND APPLE SQUARES AND IMANY OTHER VARIETIES ’ ' OF COOKIES TO CHOOSE FR0>M. ' ■■ . .______________ i i. HOLLYMAN’S QUALITY BAKERY Phone 36 . Lucknow MIXED TWltlGHT Eighteen rinks, from Hanover, Wingham, Teeswater and . Lucknow, took Tpart in a mix'ed twilight tourn­ ament at the green here on Friday night. Wingham rinks carried off three of, the. four prizes as follows: 1st, George William’s rink; "iWing- ham; ' 2nd, N. HiScox rink, Teeswater 3rd,_..J^.Mas0n’s-rink5^Wmgham^ 4th, D. Rae’s ririk^Wlngham. Family Gathering Is Held At Whitechurch HAVE YOUR EYES RE-CHECKED REGULARLY Your ^-year-old reading glasses are not now suitable. They don't - help enough. Your eyes are not i now in the condition they were two years ago. If you recognise that fact you will have a. re­ examination and' secure the help which their PRESENT ..condition - “““demands. Neglect of this matter is very unwise. ARMSTRONG’S Eyesight Service 1 •* ' ?* posted up at my office in the Town­ ship of Ashfield on the thirty-fi^st dayofJulyri935, the listofali* ^jpatsons-entitled--to-vote“in'the"“satd' Municipality at municipal elections and that such “ list remains there for inspection. And I hereby call upon all voters to .take immediate proceedings to have any errors or omissions fcor- rected according to law, the last day for appeal being the twenty-second day of August 1935. . Dated. at Ashfield, County of Huron, this 31st day of July, A.D.; 1935. . Hjeorg?r~^urgess, • nephew^ Toronto, $1,000j .Wiltfani'- .dibbins, nephew, .Winnipeg, _$l,00b;—JIug-h-^McCurd-yy nephew, Ghicago $l,000j .Ed.n.a son, niece, Toronto $1,000. ExamimF tions at Lucknow and.’ the^ subjects in which they were.* successful are LUCKNOW TRIO WIN The Lucknow rink of Wellington McCoy, Robert Rae and G; H. Smith carried off first, prize in the Trebles Twilight Tournament in.. Wingham on Monday night. Thirty-two rinks were entered in this evenj, with The local -rink winning; electric lamps as their prizes. ’*'“/• * ■ ' pu&lisKed“‘here<witIiH ” —A-ltonp Berrra’d^Yi^BE^TIist.“'B6^ Andrew, Ellen—Botany. Brown, Ardyss—Eng.' Gram., Zool., Arith. . ' * Burns, James—Art. . : Campbell, ’ Eijleen—Bot.. Carter, John—Br. Hist. C6ok„ Rhoda—Geog., Botany. . Corrigan, Annie .Marie — Eng. Gram., Arith., Zool. ». Finlayson, Kenneth — Geog., Br. the sidewalks jon both sides. - The - -propo-saIMs~to"k'TWk out. these curbs and to., extend the street.. back' . to walks, allowing., a' proper, incline for drainage purposes. Members of. the Booster’s Club. .considered a tarvia , substance would be theproper " ma­ terial to use fo'r widening, so’ that watermains could ■*. be reached, if necessary with a minimum of diffi­ culty,. „. . . The completion pf this work, would add. some fifteen fecit to the safety and ease in motoring thwu -the streets on Busy" nights. ■ The matterf.„..howe-v.&r-r—will—rest- with ■ the ■ CQun.eiJ_wAen..th6v^-de-al-wifeh" the matter; when’* the petition' is presented in due time. The Council will float a bridge debenture ■ in the near future to cover the’ cost of the newly erected “Card-, ing Mill’ bridge and the majority of Booster members. present af the meeting were of the opinion that the cost of the work on the street could be included in this debenture thus payment would be spread ar period Qf years. .•I ■ ■ • “Happy Everit As Mr. and Mrs. Hec­ tor MacKay,, Are Surrounded- By Their Family of Eleven Children For The First Time In 28 Years.. Friday_,.afterpooira memorable reunion was held at the home of My. -and ’ Mrsr Hector MacKay, near :Wmtechiirclf, '”":^e^ .. eleven children met^.under-—thp---f-a-mily—tree for the first -time in twenty-eight years^ —Of- these eleven u children’; Chri-stena ’ .(Mi’s. A. Purdonjr and Annetta (Mrs>... R. Mowbray), reside in Whitechurch; Sarah (Mrs. . J. Markle) and Catherine (Mrs. G. Markle)- atdKennedy," Sask.; John at Wawota, Sask,;. Bertha at Stratford, Charles at Djunriville; Donald, at Guelph; Gordon at Wingham; Angus, a missionary at, present on furlough from „ Jharisi-^ Jndia^^^^^hile^AgneS" YOUNG LAD OPERATED ON ' John._Scott,12-year-old -son" of " Mr. and Mrs. John Scott, boundary east, underwent, a critical Operation for mastoid about twelve days ago, but was pronounced out of danger the end of the week, although -devel­ opments are ~ such as to cause his 1 _ parents some worry. and which may -require the performance of- another ■ =minor70peration“to'“rectify the trouble” The young„lad-was,-rushed- to -Lon-~----- cion during the night, where his case somewhat—puzzled" •>'iducW<^rlF'’"7fKi» time, ami where he was kept: under observation for about four days be­ fore undergoing ari. operation in Vic- < rtbrja Hospital. To perform the sur-* gery.it.was necessary that an incis­ ion be, made alboye and to the« front of the ear, as well as the customary " one to the rear of the troublesome member. The chaps condition per- mitted his mother returning^ home on- - - BatHrdayy“*but*-jon'"Tuesdayi^^L^^s_^MM > 1■ '< ■ ”1 •' 3 .< £ q ' C. E. McDONAGH, Clerk of Ashfield Township. NOTICE TO CREDITORS In *the Matter of the Estate of RobenT. John Henry, late of . the Township of West Wawanosh in the County of Huron, Farmer, deceased” Notice is hereby given that all creditors and others having claims or demands against the Estate of the said Robert John Henry, who died on. or about the Seventeenth day of June A.D. 1935, are required on or before the Twentieth day of August A.D. 1935, to send by post prepaid; or to deliver, to the under­ signed, the execiitor of the last Will and; Testament of the said deceased, their names, addresses and descrip-. ti<'PiS^ the full particulars of their claim^l, a statement of their ac­ counts, and tke nature of the secur­ ities, 4 (if any) held by them duly verified by affidavit.. And take’ notice that after suclf last mentioned date the said execu­ tor will proceed to distribute the assets of the said deceased among the parties. entitled thereto, having regard only to the claims of which he shal 1. then have notice, and that the said executor will, not be liable for the said assets or any part thereof to any person or. persons of /whose claims notice shall .not/diave been received by hini at the time, of such distribution. , # This riotice ■ is given, pursuant* to the statute in that behalf. Dated at Luckfiow, Ontario, this twenty-fifth day of. July; A.D.; 1935. Samuel Alton, R. It. .2, Lucknow, *• OriL, ExeCiitbr1. , ANNUAL PICNIC The 3rd annual picnic of Bruce Presbytery Young People will be held at Mirimachi Bay, north of Port Elgin, on Civic Holiday, August MKrSbTtJbafl playoffs, games, swim­ ming, supper and social hour, sing song and a 'vesper .service are some of the highlights of .this delightful outing. » LYCEUM THEATRE SPECIAL , This week-end at the Lyceum, Theatre, Wingham, there is a special picture,’at regular prices, .that is certain’ to be popular with theatre goers. The picture is none' other than* “The Little Colonel’' featuring Shir­ ley Temple and Lionel Barrymore, and one that comes highly acclaimed This outstanding film is followed up next week by a thrilling and popu­ lar picture “Lives Of k Bengal Lan­ cer.*’z ELEfeTED PRESIDENT 'Mr. (Charles Barber of British Columbia, editor and publisher of the''Chilliwack 4progres,s, was appoin­ ted president of the Canadian Week­ ly Newspaper’s Association at the annual convention last week in Tor­ onto, In our last week’s issue we re­ ferred to Mr. Barber’s visit in Luck­ now, pririf to attending the Conven­ tion. Mr. Barber Served three year’s on the.. Sentinel staff, under -the late Mr* Bryan. Hist, Art, Bot. : , . ' . Garniss, Marguerite—Br. Hist. ’Gillespie A'gnes—Zooh, Agj^c. 1, Gilmour, Helen—Eng.-.Gram. ““ , Hackett, Irlma—Eng. Gram., Zool. Hamilton, Laura—Bot., Zool. Havens, Christina—Zool. . Ingles, Jack—Zool. _________- "’’Johnstone, Howard—Bot. ' MacDonald, Marion — Br.. Hist., Arith.,, G.cog., Art, Botany.. MacFarlane, Muriel—Eng. Gram., Arith., Art, Geog. MacKendrick, Kathleen—Br. Hist., Geog., Art. , ... Mackenzie, Donald—Geog., Eng. Grammar, ,Br. Hist., Art, Agric. 1. MacKenzie, Fl('»rence—Geog., Art Bot. _ . . ' . r Mackenzie,1 Marion — Br.:' Hist., Geog., Art, Bot. . Mopre, Charles—Geog,, Br. Hist., Zdoj., Agric. i, v . Mowbray. MacKenzie—^Eng.- Gram. G^og., Agric. 1. \ . Morrison, .ISne^-Physiog. Orr, Dollena—Eng. Grant, Arith Zool. . . Ostfander, Rexford—Arith. Reynolds, Grace—Br. Bot. . Reid, ■ Jernes—Art. Ross, Irene—Br. Hist., Bot. ■7’ / J Ste. Marie, Cecilia—Eng. Gram., Br. Hist., Physi.og., Agric. IL -Ste. Marie, Raymond—Eng. Gram, Physlog., Arith., Agric. II. Twamley; Chester—Br; Hist. ;Wall, Qordon Howard—Eng. Gram. Arith* "" , . Webster, George —Eng: Physiog.,’ Arith., Agric. It. Wraith, ' Gebrgd' *—i* Erig. Arith Hist., and over MID-SUMMER >0 CLEARANCE SALE Summer Dressesi, Suits andAH Millinery Greatly Reduced, Thursday, Friday and Saturday. THE RUSH MILLINERY ■ .• * •■ ■ . and '.. READY-TO-WEAR Wingham ' imany=ef-= ters-in-law were present, as well as many of the grandchildren, of -whom—th^re^’are^THirty.-eight and -fehTee^“of""itheir* seven ’“great grand­ children. . Hector MacKay was born in( In­ verness, Scotland, on July 29,. 1,846, and celebrated his 8.9th birthday on Miond^y. lie came to Catoada when six years of age. After residing a short while in Nova Scotia, his fam- fly settled in Zorra Township, Ox­ ford County, and later moved to Culross Township, Bruce County. It was here he met his life ( partrier, Catherine MacDonald, whom he mar­ ried fifty-eight years ago. . As yet this worthy couple enjoy excellent health and joined in the festivities of the reunion with as much zest’, as the younger element, . In the afternoon the yhung folks played bail; while the others were wentMx»"tO^ity. ■ . •. • ’ GOSPEL SERVICES AT LANES Starting Sunday, . August 4th,. service, at the Lanes Memorial Ghurch, will be held each Sunday at 2.30 p.m. and continue at that hour* throughout the month of August. * MODERATOR TO PREACH The congregation of the Lucknow Presbyterian Church . will have the privilege of hearing the Moderator, Rev. D, T. L. McKertoli, who will conduct the service this. Sunday morning, August 4th.' Rev. McKor- roll will speak in the Ashfield Pres­ byterian church at the evening ser­ vice.' .... . , . Targe congregations are expected to be present lat these services, hot only because ‘of the privilege of hearing stich a distihguishcd.^'clergy- mah, jbut also because of the fact that Rev.McKpri’oll was a beloved pastor here more than years ago', which makes this return to the Luc’k- ■now .pulpit a happy .occasion. w BAPTISM AL HER VICE Rev. C. H. MacDonald had a very’ pleasant ceremony to perform at the Sunday morning Service -in the Pres­ byterian Church,’ when he baptized four little tots, the’ children of Mr. and , Mbs. Wesley Huston, ’ Mr.' and Mrs. Albert Gammie, Mr. -ribd MH* Will Rdth'erfm'd and Mr. and Mrs. Wm. McCroStii. That afternoon at the home of ■ the grandparents. Rev. Gram., MacDonald baptised, Robert Thomas, lives'* miry be a lingering ~ and a infant son of Mr. arid- M^S. Will Reid one. / Bruce Farmer-Labor Party Enters Candidate o .......’ ■’ ' ; New Party First In Bruce To P^L. Candidate In Field—W. G. Niclu olson Is The Choice . • ‘ ?• ■■■ T—:-' ' ' ’■ ' William G. Nicholson, BrilOeTowh- * ship farmer, was chosen Farmer- Labor candidate ■ in- the new riding of Bruce in the Federal election, at a convention in Port Elgin Saturday — ____ ____ The> convention endorsed the plat- contennt to talk “old times”. ’ jform -pf the Reconstruction Party. In the'evening a great many of thei Nelson Ribey, Bruce Township, Fret­ former school friends and pupils and | sidont of the Farmer-Labor Associa- neighbors of the family were present i tiop of Bruce; presided. A platform to share with them this unusual event. ■. ' ; ( John) MacKay, an accomplished en--i The platform asks immediate ad- tertainer, was in charge of the pro- [ justment of debts, raising of pfico gram put on by the family to re- j levels of principal commodities, re- nlihd them of old times when they | financing of farrii arid home mort- practiced their parts at . home, and (gages, equitable distribution of. tax- kept the gathering in .laughter- with atidn* according to abi’lity to pay, a . his old-time pieces and character, program of useful public works, pub- • readings. Mrs. A*. E. Purdo^ was (He control of' currency arid credit called on to tell a story in gaelic to through a Government central bank, the circled members of the family, public control .of insurance, public as she used to do when the .parents co-operative control’ of monopoliesi, wbre away and much nietrfment was' the bight of .labor to organize, a the result as she proceeded. Mrs. j national labor code ^hich would se- Robert Mowbray entertained With a Scpttish redding on “Tam’s . Hall-, urinations With His Horse.” Hector Mackay sang^ several old-time songs Which easily showed his wonderful memory and . versatility and was given hearty encpreS, to which he responded. Little Donald M-ackay of ^Durinville played several numbers on the cornet arid Miser Bertha Mac­ kay, on request, sang “Mary of Afgyle,” w-hicki Was followed by other nufnbets of local talent. it . is, the ' widh of >theif ‘ many friends that they may long continue to be blessed with health and pifipss, and that the sunset of drafted in November was approved^ Adjustment of Debts levels of principal commodities, re- ■ i hap- their rosy Pure adequate incomes for. the work- - ' - er, and iusurarice covering accident, old ag'e unemployment. . ■ The following officers Were elected President, Nelson ’ Ribey, Bruce Township; First Vice-pre's., Mrs. M. . Beany, Southampton; Second ..Vice-. Bres., G. White; Allenford; .Third Vice-Pres.2 Daniel MacDonald,. Rip- fey ley; fourth Vice-Pres., Mrs, C. McLean, Bruce Township;' Fifth Vice-Pres., XV. N. Burgess, ArraiV Township; Sixth -Vice-PreS., A. J.. . P^tet'sbn, Kincardine; Secretary- ' TreasurerMoffat Jamieson, South­ ampton. . Miss Agnes Mat^phaiil, M.P. for SbuthriSst Grey/v^as the chief sperik-. . . / er of the aftornooii. Or