HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1935-07-18, Page 1T OUR WHITE and WHOLE MEAL"BREADS* Cannot be beaten for Quality and Nourishment T-lie Brestd ■ ■or Health * Mo VlO QUALITY AND SERVICJE OUR MOTTO SPECIALS for the WEEK END 7 SHORTCAKE-FOR STRAWBERRIES LA YER CAKES WITH RASPBERRY CENTRES CREAM PINEAPPLE SPONGES '. x 'OATMEAL DATE .SQUARES/ OATMEAL & DATE COOKIES A _____•___-2__ - \ r. McQuillin .of ' \ , \ Few men were. more widely knowti 7 p.mj—Confirmation Service. PRHACHER—The Bishop. CAMERON GEDDES—Soloist at both services!. WEDDING BELLS McIntosh—todd vision is im- y ST. PETER’S CHURCH, LUCKNOW "Ernie . Pullen Succumbs In Kincar- —dine "Hospital' Receiving Chest Injuries In Ray­ ing Accident. VETERINARY SURGEON ^W. J. KELLEHER, B.V:Sc. 'Phone 29, Ripley, Ont. jADR. J. E. LITTLE ■j~" Dentist XhRAY SERVICE , Office In The Johnston Block Telephone No.5 Mr. William McQuillin, Lifelong Res- -• ‘ident Of Wesfl Wawanosh Ahdx Prbmient In Public Life, Expires Suddenly From Ten - Year - Old Heart Ailment? '. \ ■ Graduate of -~^--r--^-\7-^<Colleg.e, University ^ * / . / dis/ase| of domestic $2.00 PER YEAR IN ADVANCE; $2.50 OTHERWISE Prominent Wawanosh / Farmer Dies Suddenly Injuries Received In .1 v ''i TT ' 'jact for those whose LUCKNOW, ONT., THURSDAY; JULY 18thf 1935 a 1 r^A VETERINARY j. M. KAJNE. XS., B.V.Sc. Havelock . St*. Lucknow < ’PHONE 104-W t Graduate of Ontario -Veterinary •of Toronto. All , .... . domestic animals treated "by Rie most modern, principles. Charges reasonable. ‘ Day or night calls promptly attended to. The office is^ located the first house south of the Catholic church in the residence of the late Mrs. W. E. Mc­ Donald. . ' COTTAGE TO RENT—at Kintail Beach for July, ,.and<first-..haif.—jif. August.—Apply to Georgie McDonald: RipW, R.’R. 1. .---------:------ ---- -----------—- ------------— FOR SALE— McCormick Binder in good repair. Also double and single-^furrow riding plows. Apply 11 ■ ___ .,_AtSentineLOffice.—L...... ... --—.— FOR SALE—12 acres of standing hay* in the village of Lucknow, mixed Alfalfa andTimbthy. Barn to store it in if desired. Apply Jas. T. Lyons., BINDER twine for sale ParamQiint Club will sell twine to ■ anyoner fof cash at Jack Macintosh’s on the ' evenings of July_24-and-?25,. at ^lowestrv-prices.—LPhfie—62-llr or 68-5, Dungahnon. . I! AUCTION SALE An Auction sale of Household effects, etc., __ .... farm of the late Mrs. John. Sherriff, ——Lot-18r^€onrT47™West—Wawairosh/ - orji Friday, July 2f " effects, etc., will _ be held' at the —Lot-18r^onrT47™West—Wawairosh; 26 th,. at. \qne\\o^l^^ Qff^red- bid. See bills.— Matt. Gaynor, Auc. A serious heart condition with which he has been afflicted for the past ‘"ten years, and of which few except his immediate family were aware, ended as it was expected it would at some time, in the sudden death of Mr. Wm. West Wawanosh. “ /" Mr. McQuillin expired suddenly .oh Monday evening about seven o’clock, his death coming as a distinct shock to this community in which he has been a lifelong, esteemed" and public spirited resident. Mr. McQuillin had gone to ’ the barn with his son Chariest, who was about to remove a young colt which had died that afternoon, In~bending over to attach the tug to the whif- . fletree,^-Mr7"-MeQuininr collapsed. Medical assistance / was immediately summoned but to ho avail as it was determined that death* had occurred almost jjnstantly. Few men were more widely knowfl throughout” the district than was Mr/M'CQuillih“He'7waF"a son bf the" late Edward " McQuillin and Eliza­ beth Andrew,, and was born on the homestead now owned by his brother Jphn, Upon growing to manhood, Mr. McQuillin took up his o'wnxfarm about a mile distant and where he has continuously resided ever since. ■Mr.—McQuillin was".just one, month from observing his 73rd birthday. -•-Mr—McQuillinhas’been—a'"prom- inent figure in public life., having served his township in the capacity of both councillor and reevyy V^\O^> more-than-twenty--ye^ fl/jh^bwV' of^tng 'St. ■ Helens,' School Eoqrd and for many years sec'rfetary- < (Continued on Page 4) —------- --------— STAGING CLEARING SALE ( ■ ' ’ ’ • ,,A ""I- 11 11 1 A Thispast /week; renovation work has been going on in that part qf the Allin Block on the nor^h side of the, “Town bridge”, which was formerly occupied by Mr. Temple. Clarke.. Into this stand Mr. A. E. Buswell plans the lafbter part of the .month; to rflove his’ stogk of Men’s; arid Boys’ “Wearables. / Since opening lip this men’s and boys’ wear "store, Mr. Buswell has been Situated in tfie Johnston Block. Commencing to-morrow and end­ ing on July 3‘ist, for eleven days, Mr. Bus well is conducting a “ July Clear­ ing Sale,” when his entire stock of new and .high grade merchandise will be offered at clearing prices, that the proprietor expects will' greatly rqdu.ee hl's stock and facilitate the moving operations to his new quar­ ters. •' • . j- ", You will do weir to peruse Mr. Buswell’s ad, elsewhere in this is­ sue and plan to be an early shopper to secure . the best selection from his popular lines* of merchandise. .>•' SINGLE COPIJSS 6 CENTS ■ „ • i. —y NOTICE TO CREDITORS ... I-n the Matter of_the-- Estate- of George Graham. Moffat, late of the, - --. Townshin-of 7 Kinlpaazjin^the^Counte —~—“^ra^heyeby/given: thatall persons hav- ing any, claims or demands against —,j. the late George Grahanr Moffat who died on or about1 the Fourth_Ldav_of. April A.Jff. 1935 at the Township of- Kinloss in the County of Bruce, are required to send by post prepaid or to deliver to the undersigned, exe­ cutors under the Will of the' said George Graham .Moffat, their names’ and addresses and full particulars in writing of their claims and state­ ments • of their accounts ahd the -77—. nature df Jhe securities, if any, held by them, duly verified by affidavit. And take notice that after the. First day of August A.D. 1935 the said executors will proceed to dis­tribute the assets of the said de­ ceased among the persons entitled I thereto, having regard only to the S’ 'ms of which they shall then e had notice, and that the said cutors will nPt be liable for,..’the said , assets of any part thereof to person of whose claim- /they shall not then have received notice. . This notice- is given pursuant, to the Statute in that .behalf. . ' ; • Dated iyt'Lucknow, Ontario, this eighth day df July, A.D. 1935. ' F., G. Moffat, R. R.3, Teeswater. < W. J. Mdffat, 170 Deleware Aye., Hamilton, Ont. Executors. ■Chgst contpsions, resulting when a firWcn wnTfffetree . struek ’ him a terriffic blow, caused th^j death of Mr. Ernie Pullen, which, death oc­ curred- in -Kincardine -Hospital a few­ hours after receiving the injuries in a hay /harvestingaccidehFjn Kinloss Township on Tuesday afternoons ' Mr’^ 1V ''facing' bff^fhe bay .erdp at the farm of Mr. .Tom Hodgins, con. 12, kinloss. Urf- loading I was in progress at' the time; with Mr. Pullen driving the team bn" the hay fork, and while transferring a heavy lift to the mow, the whiffle^ tree broke, hurtling .back with ter­ riffic force and striking Mr. Pullen ^fuTl- in the chesf. — _2MedjcaLassist^go....^ ...immed,-. Open Air Conventicle Closes Summer School Large Gathering Assembles, For Tmp^esdive And Time ' Honored Service Conducted By The Sj^Od ...Moderatdr/ -- ; ■ ' ■ "; ■ / \. An .attendance of about seventy, a "Week of delightful ^camping weather and ■ able leaders and instructors, all had their part in making the 6th annual ®ummer. SchooJ .at Camp Kin­ tail, a. marked' success. Impressive and ' largely attended was the concluding . service on Sun­ day evening, that took the form of that time honored service, known as the Covenanters^ Conventicle. Such they became " known as during that period, following 1637 in ScQtland- as the Covenanters in their struggle; for religious liberty gathered on\ the hillsides or other lonely”1 spots to attend their ministrations. - And sb, on Sunday evening, on the hilltop at Kintail, overlooking Lake Huron’s water and under a summer rev" lived. Rev.' Austin L. Budge, Moder­ ator of the Syn-od of Hamilton and London”, under which the school op­ erates, conducted the ' service that "Was/impressive i» its. simplicity, and without -musical accompaiiiinent the biTltop: rang "with- the psalm singing of the audience. . I A commlunioh service followed,, when students of the school stood to partake of this- solemn rite. Bea- . con , fires, broke out before the ser­ vice ended and added historic signi- sig.nificance to the occasion.. ' The Bread of Health \ '■ /I ■\ RASPBERRY, PINEAPPLE and' MAPLE WALNUT TARTS, AND A LARGE VARIETY OF COOKIES HOLLYMAN’S QUALITY BAKERY Phone 36 Lucknow Consecration and Confirmation Services Sunday, July 21st, 1935 — — -------------- -------------------------------------- -----------------—; - --7— ; ■■ ll.a.m.—Consecration of Church by the Rt. Rev. C..A. Seager, Ritchie, Rev. J.. D. Gilmour and the Rector. PREACHER— The Bishop •'■■■/ NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the 'matter Of- the Estate of Rose Mary Sherriff, late of the Township of West Wawanosh in the County of Huron, WiJow, deceased. ^Notice is hereby given that, all perjsoqs having any claims dr de- • mands against the late Rose Mary Sherriff, who died on or about the fifteenth day of April, AjXj 1935, at the Township of West Wawanosh in the /County of Huron, are re- " quired to’iiend by pdst prepaid or to deliver to the undersigned, Admin­ istrator of the estate of the said - ' Rbs£ Mdry Sherriff; their names and addresses and full particulars .in writing of their claims and state­ ments ,of their account^ and the nature of the securities (if any) held by 'ihem duly verified by affidavit. ’And take hotice that after the. Twenty-seventh day. of July A.D. 1935 the said Administrator will proceed to distribute the assets of the sa’iii deceased among the peu- , sons entitled thereto, having regard '■ oftlyt to the claims of which he shall then have had notice and that the said Administrator will not, be liable for’ the-said assetsi fir /any ' part ' ’ thereof to hny person of v lose .claim he shall , not then hav received T" . notice, ( ■ j Thjs notice is given . ursuant to the statute ifl that behalf. Dated ,at Lucknow/l Ontario,, this 2nd-day of July, A.D... 11935. « 1 Joseph D. Anderson, R. R. 1, Lucknow, ■ Ont. Administrator « V. Extensive Damage Done To F. D. - MacLennan’s and - J. S. xMacKenr zie's Cars-T-Iniuries While- PainfuT Are Not Serious The first major motor mishap of the season, in this immediate vicin­ ity, occurred about 10.30 o’clock on Sunday evening, on the boundary, about two miles west of the village at Jas. Tj’. Webster’s. Mr. Ed. McKenzie, accompanied by his^cousin Miss- Betty McKenzie, and Dick Carter and Donald Hen­ derson, were returning from the special evening service at Kintail Camp. Running out of gas at the point where the mishap occdrred, Ed attempted, to signal an approaching car, driven, by Mr. F. _D... McLennan^, who, was accompanied by his sister, Mrs. Murray and his two grand­ children from Toronto.' . ‘ ; Mr.‘ McLennan evidently failed to see the parked car and crashed head on into the right rear portion of the standing vehicle. . In the impact; jyir, McLennan suf­ fered a sprained as well as a bro­ ken wrist and broken rijis, whiler-hrs passengers escaped with .a shaking UP‘ ' / . /' In the McKenzie car, Dick Carter and. .Donald Henderson, who were in the rear seat, suffered two fractured ribs and a scalp wound, behind the ear*, respectively? Donald’s injury .required a' couple ofstitches. Miss Betty . MacKenzie. in the front 1 seat received an injured shoulder. * Beth • cars were badly damaged in the crash, winch left them both crosswise on the foadway. The left front portion Of Mr* McLennan’s flew Ford V-8 was b'adly1 damaged, including fender, radiator and hood. Tlib right rear part of the kfldy of the McKenzie Chev, was crushed in and tbit fr^nle sprung. The centte- door post on the right Side of the car was splintered and spruflg back several iflchqs from its original pos­ ition. ^Damage to 'the Mckettzie car is 'such as "to make it almost im­ practical to repair * it, is the opinion of some. Constable Mofire being absent frfim town, the mishap w-as reported to the police—> at Walkerton, , who ordefed !the damaged Vehicles fe-’ moved t’o toxyfi. ' ' to remove the then unconscious man to-_ Kincardine- Hospital by ambu- lanc.c._Mr.-Pullenregained"conscious-r nesg, during the evening, but so ser­ ious were his internal injuries that his death occurred at an early hour Wednesday morning. Mrl/Pullen, a native, of the old country has lived in this , district practically all his> Jife -since coming to Canada when 13 - years of age. The greater part of. the time he ms lived in' the Ripley vicinity. Fc^s lie past three years he has been eipplpyed by Mr. John Hodgins of Kinloss qnd previous, to. th is-had been in the employ^ of Mrs. Alf. Hodgins. Mrs. Pullen was assisting at a neigh­ bors when he was fatally injured. The funer,al service i will be.l.held ip Ripley Anglican- Church on Fri­ day at 2.30 o’clock, with' interment in Ripley Cembtcryj ' . New Wash Dress Materials, Pique Voile, Plain Voiles, etc.— THE MARKET STORE. HAS BEEN APPOINTED PUBLIC SCHOOL PRINCIPAL en- Miss. Kate MacDonald, {fourth room teacher on the local school staff, was recently appointed by the School Board, as- principal( of the public- school, ah appointment which Miss' MacDonald ■ has accepted. Miss MacDonald’s duties in this regard include organization and cler­ ical work in the lower rooms* while under "Miss McLean’s direction,j re­ mains the responsibility of, discipline and the general welfare of tho tire school. . • Wo have been informed - by the Board that we were in error in case in recently reporting „ reduc­ tions made in teachers’ salaries. Public school salaries were lowered by a total of $830., as a result of reductions in the salaries of thO teachers of the 4th, 3rd, 2bd and 1st rooihs of $100f* $210.’‘ $210. and" $310. respectively.. The , salaries to be paid were rejuirted correctly how­ ever. ' ' • This plus a reduction of $250. on the combined salaries of Scheel - teachers,. effects a duction of $108,0. , * one the High tdtaj - >» re- ‘W Mj Wil! Preach Here . .pastqr o.n the Ash;- field circuit'and the son of Mrs. W. P, -Reed of town, will - [conduct the -mornjng-service;-in““the'”United“ch'urch’ Lucknow^ this Sunday, when it is expected that a Targe congregation of. friends- and members' of his for­ mer congregations will be present to greet this youthful preacher who is advancing rapidly in , the ministry, JRK WITH . ‘ Improved . vision Here is a 'fact for those whose daily work requires close use of —theeyes^-They'-'willtireearlier7 in the day if their vision is im- * perfect. Anothef ,fact is that their work. will \ be less of a burden and will be better done ■ if they see without undue strain on their eyes/. Eye comfort re­ sults from a nibderrfi examina- . : ■ ■ " ■ ■ • X' ■ , Give Fine Demonstration Knbwtege Acquired By Students’ During Ten-Day Course Was A Revelation dance To Those In Atten- In* a brief and refreshing hour’s demonstration on Saturday even- ing, sixty' students of jtfie Bible Schools, many jundei’ teen age,, re­ vealed • to an attentive and surprised audience what they had accomplished7 during the past ten days of study.' The . demonstration was... given in the local skating rink, with an aud­ ience of possibly 150 persons in at­ tendance. The pupils performed their parts oh a raised.,.,platform erected at* the north - end "of-™the /building," with an. attractive background ^nd wings of cedar and flags. . ^The performance was a insult of the joint efforts of .the pupils who have, attended the trio of Summer Bible Schools being carried on con; currently at Lucknow’, ‘Dungannon and Ashfield during the past ten days, undqr the supervision of Miss Pearl Henderson of Detroit./\ Mrs. Turner was in charge of the Luck­ now school, Mr.-' Lowey. at Dungan­ non and Miss Jean Ernest of Detroit at Ashfield. At each school a staff of .teachers assisted in carrying on the wbrk. . Miss Ernest was on the platform with the student, group on Saturday evening, while Miss Weber; also of Detroit, presided at- .the • piano. The entire program, which consis­ ted of chorus work,' replying to Bib-- lical questions & repeating Scripture passages/ was a revelation' .to the audience, and • it was only those in attendance, who can grasp, the ac­ complishment of these young child- . reh in a brief ten days. of Bible study. Other features of the program were a‘. duet' by the McKendrick sisters-, daughters of Mr. and Mrs. James -McKendrick of Lochalsh and a solo by Doris Reid’ '.daughter of Mr..and ^frS. Sam 'Reid of Ashfield. The Bible questions were -a-sjeed^the children by several of the teachefs of thb varfbus staffs which were comprised aS follows: at Lucknow— Mi’S. Turner, Tri charge; Dorothy Graham, Mrs. T. Watson', (Continued on Page 4) ? ■ *’■ Ruth ARMSTROJ^G^ *E!y^sight. Service1 At an informal gathering,_in-2Zion. Hall on Monday evening, .the pre­ sentation of a Parchment Certificate of the Royal Canadian Humane As­ sociation was made to Mr. Donald McLean of- ■ Ashfield in recognition of his bravery and timely assistance in aiding to prevent, further loss of ljfb on July 1st last year, when Miss Ruth MIcQuiHin; lost her life . by drowning in Lake Huron. Among> those present were the members of Ashfield Council and Mr. George Spotton, M.P., who made the .presentation. Rev. W, J. Patfon Reeve IMfatheson also spoke. A similar certificate has been also received for Sidney Smith, at pre­ sent sailing on the Gxeat Lakes and who previously owas presented with a silver medal jn this connection by the Township of A-shfield. ‘ ■'----------------—. '. LAWN SOCIAL . A Lawn Social will be held on the lawn at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. MacKenzie, Friday afternoon. Tea served from 3 to 6. A good program is beihg prepared. Proceeds for the Star Fresh Air Fund. All are invited. ’.Silver collection. Men,, are especially invited to attend and sup­ port this worthwhile cause. and MUSIC RESULTS . AT very pretty summer weddiflg was solemnized at tfie I home of Mr. and Mrs. David Todd, St. Helens, when their only daughter, Vera Elizabeth', was united in marriage to Donald Joseph McIntosh of Vine- land, Ont., at two o’clock on Satur­ day afternoon, July 13th, Rev. W. _ -Wright—of—Str™Helens officiating. ------- To the strains of the Lohengrin -““byb ™ 5*77^ of Vineland, the bride, on. the arm of her father, took her place on the — veran(Lah'-beneathanarch“"of~ever^" “ greens, ferns^and roses. The bride looked charming in hgr wedding , dress of white satin and lace with lohg, flowing veil caugfit up by a Marina tiera. She carried a bouquet * of Johannah Hill roses. The brides­ maid, Miss Ethel Blackmore of Hamilton, was very charming in a gown of yellow and brown chiffon, and carried a bouquet pf Talisman roses. The charming flower girh little Miss Charlotte Burns of Buff­ alo, N.Y., was very sweet iti a prin­ cess style dress of pink taffeta and . - carrying a colonial bouquet of summer flowers.. The groom was supported * by his j only brother, Mr. I Douglas McIntosh of Vineland. Dur­ ing the sighing of the register. Miss Dorothy McIntosh of Buffalo, N. Y., sang “I love you truly” very sweetly In the. rpoms, tastefuny^deedrated....—- in pink and white with bouquets "of white lilies, roses and larkspur, a weddmg luncheon was served to. about seventy guests,, after which . the bridal party left* :fln a motor' trip, the bride travelling in a green crepp suit with white accessories. *' After their return they will take up ; residence in Vineland. Guests were present from Pigeon Saguenay, port Huron, Niagara Falla Buffalo, Vineland; Hamilton, Toron-/ to,/ Elmira, Kitchener, Wingham and LueknOw. « . , SPECIAL SERVICES SUNDAY AT ST. PETER’S CHURCH * . -Mi .— V Bt. Rev. C. A. Seagar, Bishop of ( Huron, assisted by Rev. E. C. Itfc- Ritchte, Rev. J» D. Gilmour 'and the rector, Rev. J. H. * Geoghegan, will . * conduct special .services of Conse­ cration and Confirmation at the Sun­ day services in St? Peter's Church this Sunday, July 21^t, Mr, Cameron Geddes will be guest soloist at both services. 1 .; ■ .1^____ : . V?*1 i i Music students ' of Mrs.. G. H. Smith were 0,ne hundred per cent, successful in the Toronto Conserv­ atory of Music examinations with the following results. - ■ Associate Piano—-A. T. C. M. General Musicianship and Technic Honors—Pedagogical Routine and Practical Teaching —Blanche Mc­ Dougall. , . Intermediate Piano— Frafik McKenzie, .Rachel McDonald "Junior Piano-— Helen McDonald, Graham ,Sherriff Elementary piano-— Honors-ypotis Wilkinson.and Jack Ackert; Jane Hornell, Gladys Pen­ rose; Introductory Piano— 1st Class Honors—Flora Whaley. Grade III Harmony— Honors —Peggy MacDonald and Rexford Ostrander; Edith Smith. Grade III History— ’ .1st Gloss Honors—Peggy Mac­ Donald; Edith Smith. Grade II Theory­ lot Class Honors—Olive Anderson, Marion MacDonald and Annetta Knight; Graham Sherriff. ’ G. H, HEAR THEM WEEKLY Thd Lupkaow Pipe Band is becoming tnbre and .more popular as they make their weekly Saturday flight ap-; pearitnee Under the leadership of | Roy McKenzie, featuring Earl “Joe” McCoy, one of Canada’s premier overhead drummers. Each Saturday . night-, if you come” to Lucknow, ydu are assured §f the pleasure of seeing and hearing^ this Band in their street parade and . concert that .fol- . lows.' ■ ■ ’ • . 14 ' . t ' V’ .* ■ J Jv 0» ■