HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1935-07-11, Page 5'i THURSDAY, JULY 11TH, 1935 '4. •r A ,« • . . X .TT •r1" A 4 sori. MAFEKING e [)’ Mr. and' Mrs.. Finlay Shackletpi^ s. of Arthur^-arej^da^i^XW; W ^'hottie. of fl?ey Winer’s parent^, Mr.. W > \ I aivcvvi vv— n vm m i , vw, , 11pi,v- n . . . . • , .. . o five course diiiner for seventy cont& /wntriage to Mt. Joseph MOlhtosh, z when a lever on the imple— he was, using, hit . him in . the Jt to' A -m&S&lUERMiMB. a. 4 Lucknow. Ontario on—Tuesd^rTasTr—' Card—pfHThwifs----- ■'Mps; Robert Ross , of town, Wishes to thank the.. Women’s Institute, f rlends^andj^eighb^or^ f.ftr their kind - hess during' her^recent . ijlness. ..BOUNDARY WEST ■ Mrs.1 -Fred McMullen and.,Mr. Rus- , / 0 X. '. ■' clay—1 weel^’irr~Stratfprd7 • ■ Mrs. Irwin, V. Emerson. ’ X. < , '-ffi THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL PAGE FIVE ......\ ’ To your Style Appeal DR. FISK’S HEALTH SHOES For .the Women^who insist on com-" fort las well as stylei Dr-/' Fisk’s Health Shoes have no jequal. These\ featured shbes have Uottage Shank Steel Arch Cdmbination last.- Uar- . ried in stock. ',Widi(i A A to E i n Black, Brown and .V^hite; at $4.00 Paramount Miss Lyla" arid Messrs. Orland and' jiNorval Richards, yisited over the holidays, at her home here. week end .with Mr.1 and Mr., James | Mr, J. Armstrong and daughter of Richards at ' Flesherton and with St. Catharines . are spending a. few 7 Miss Minriie Richards at Graven-'days at Jas. Hodgin’s. ' , .7 | , M,r. apd Mrs. Mac Lan^e and fam- Thorhas Harris and Mrs. ily attended the Congram reunion KINLOUGH Miss Jean Lane is spending the hurst. ■ . r ■ __r •. Mrs. . ''”Hbward7Ha“iTl^'“fi*onr*Hoiyrbxrd/visft^’wffi ed with My. and Mrs. John Jamieson July 1st. last Thursday. 7 I Mr. and Mrs. ?S. Parry and family ed with Mr. and Mrs. John Jamieson July 1st. last Thursday. ,/ "’ ' / Mr. and Mrs, Wm. Spindler from Lucknow were recerit visitors with - ■ Mr. arid/Mrs. Wm. MacGili ;—._Mr,--John-iMar-tin -visited- onvSunday- A. with Mr. Gordon Kidd of Southamp- \.ton. ; Mr. . and Mrs. Alex MacNay and family attended the Howe re-union at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Button on Monday. Departing Couple Presented .. . . , . A number of neighbors and friends Uy of the late Mrs, E. Harrison who of-Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Jamieson ’ passed av^y\^at her home, xKinIoss; ^^^et-^t^h^ParWoWrtlall^la^^o*’-^’^^ ——- " 1 Friday evening to bid farewell to \ - .. r of Detroit, spent the past week ; at Jrio. Hbd'gin’s. . Mr. Sam Halderiby and Mrs, Jane -Per4y-wisiWd-^ee'swater-“ Sunday. \ .. We are pleased : to ,.rpport that Mrs. Harold Thompson who under­ went an operation, recently is doing nicely and'is able’-to return to her home. ■ Sympathy is extended *to< the fam- them before leaving • for their nevX ,.. . . Jheme_inALucknow.- The hall was nicely decorated with flowers'for the occasion. Ai?t McCartney and his band from Lucknow furnished music for the dance, A purse of money Was presented rto them as a slight token of the esteem and favor which, they _-ar^—held—fey—their~i-r^nd-s--in--this---M-r7 community, ■“"‘mM77™^d'”^rs,’ cOpe]apd (nee A.nnie Ketchabaw) oh theirmarriage which took^lacAJast^tnrdayIn"Lucknow? A new- flock ^f Now House Dresses and\ Porch Dresses. Special at- 69c and $1.00. — THE MARKET* STOR1 Mrs. George Stockholm ok Detroit was a Week end victor, with her sister, Mrs. N. J. MacKenzie. < The Misses ^argarefe and Mary Lou Connell of Winghkm' are spend­ ing their. vacatioh at the ho^ne of D:—Johnstoii. ■ ■ ■.—v — ■ \ ■1 ■ LANGSIDE ■ .... \.' •■ " 7' » Mrs. George Harkness spent the week end in Toronto with Mr. and Mrs. Bert Harkness and Mrs. Nellie ■ Marshall. A a . ' ..'"’Vi-I ■'ft* it‘lp11 »<Stek,en®e Wd fWS.pent Wda7 in fatch-‘ '■ ener. attending the wedding .of their ‘ eldest daughter Helen and Mr. Geo. Mowat. - . • Mr. ^rol_d RitcHeXof^Lucknow is assisting Mr. Victor Emerson for ( ^^ the summer - months. . The Langside ' United W. M. S., ' .. held their‘'monthly meeting on Wed-: nesday afternoon at the > home of ' Mrs. George’ Scott. | Miss . Pearl Hockley spent the a weeic end with Miss (Reba Marshall. . Miss Agnes Patterson visited last week with, Miss Leola and Mary . ,Wraith. - ,7- Mr. and Mrs. John Hayes, Norma, /. Dorothy, Jack,-. Donald ‘and Marion of- Detroit,, spent az few days last week^gith Mr. and Mrs. Reuben ■'■^7 Tiffin,", ■Miss Grace Richardson of St. Helens spent ’ last week end at her home here. . Mr. Walter Manser, who spent . last week wit^ Mrs., A. J. Murray and family at their summer home • here, returned to Toronto on Satur­ day. Mr. W. A> Taylor is, we are sorry to report^ at present under the .doctor’s care. We hope for, a speedy recovery. Mr. “Ojland Pattersdn of Lucknow is assisting with the farm ■7 .. -work. ‘ ’ Mr. and Mrs. Harold Johnson of Lucknow, spent Sunday with Mr* - and Mrs. Wih. Conn, . . . / Mr* Wm. Qaslick and Mr. George Pullybianlc of/Teeswater a^ent Mon­ day with Mr. George Harkness, Miss Reba Marshall spent Tuesday with Mrs, GOING VACATIONING-soon? Start out in a new Master Chevrolet and assure the success ’ of your holiday plans iVYou travel smartly in this ; aristocrat of low-priced cars. You travel dependahiy, economically, care-free. And best of all, you travel in Canada’s most modern low-priced automobile-—, the only car in its class! with the safe new Turret Top , bodies by Fisher . . •. with. Knee-Action front wheels v . with Cable-Controlled Brahes. Blue Flaine Engine and Fisher no-draft Ventilation! Your nearest -dealer can make immediate-delivery of your; new~car ' CABLE-CONTROLLED BRAKES . . . Another exclusive .X . call in and see him- today. At the same time, ./• Chevrolet feature—for,smooth, /equalized, podtive braking under . look over the new Standard* Chevrolet; the lowest- all conditions. \ ; 7 - 7 .< priced fully equipped car oh the market. Easy FISHER VENTILATION . . .the ^proved, built-in No-Draft GMAC terms \ . . “ ' system pioneered by Chevrolet Actually cools the car interior iviuio. \ \ in hot weather. ", \ C495C a THE TURRET TOP . , . the newest, safest automobile body construction known. The roof of the car is one solid,. seamleM • sheet of steel-extending down to steel sides and a steel floor. \ A Fisher Body advantage, .offered only on the Master Chevrolet in its price class. . < . . * KNEE-ACTION A . . owners and engineers both agree/you must have Knee-Action front wheels for the ultimate in ridin j ■* easel „G)nly the Master Chevrolet in the low-price Held gives Knee?Action plus balanced weight, . .'X.', BLUE-FLAME ENGINE , . . Chevrolet’s latest development of the famous yalve-in-head six-cylinder engine. Proved economy ' and dependability—-along with power and performance!_7__' CABLE-CONTROLLED BRAKES ~., ■ 1 PRICED $ O O E (for the Master FROM OO W 2-Pass. Coupe:. Delivered, fully- equipped, at factory, Oshawa', Orit. . -. Er^i^ht and, Govsarmnenf license only ex(ra. / STANDARD SERIES MODELS AS LOW AS $712 Mr. - and xMrs. Wm. McLean- of poderach visited recently ,at Mr; Roy Alton’! ‘ ' ' X ' x ,'.G . Miss Elsie Viift, spent a few days last week at....Exeter,b..X ; Misses Melda .and Winu.ie Lane. day evening in a body. Their leader Rev. A. R. Gibson of Mitchell gave the/address whTch'was very "i rite r- esting. ' The Presbyterian Summer school opened- at \ Kintail on . Monday of this'.week? . 7.. <■• A Summer School for young child­ ren, was held in the Presbyterian' church all last week and is contin­ uing this week also. z The Blue Water Highway has . been ' treated to a coat of oil which makes much safer motoring. Op ^^u^a^ m^r^n^^f la^v''Wk7a 'ybry bad' ^cciden^bapp'Phed. at the cprner on the 12th concession. One car follow­ ing another failed to see the corner on account of the. dust and could not.- make the turn. The car was wrecked ^fiss Li'la and Jfr; -Harry Irwin spent Spnday with Mr. and; Mrs. Glenn Campbell. BORN—On SuMday. July 7th,• to Mr. and Mrs. Watson Davis, a Congratulations. <-S:SSf READY FOR IMMEDIATE DELIVERY . • V L M. McKEMZIE»!Dungaiiiioii Miss Jean Thom, is spending the vacation with friends at Detroit. Mr. and ,Mrs. .^Vm/' Blue, . Helen and Margaret of Detroit, were ’vis-, rtors-^vTth"MTS7~-431Tre xs“-par'e'nfsj-”Mrr -rind Mrs.. J. p, rApderSop. Mrs...Blue; S. S. No. 7, Kinloss June Promotion^ Examinations Those obtaining 60 % will be pro- mot ed to next grade. Sr. Ill to Jr. IV—Lloyd Elliott 73 Wilfred Mintz 68; Edna Irwin 63. Jr., Ill to Sr. Ill—Eileen Carter 78 zLioyTXrwin TJT’Clive Mintz 607 7~~ . r ISr. JI to Jr.III—Donald-MacDon- and the 6ccupahts~a man’ and wo­ man were taken to Kincardine Hos­ pital in an ambulance. The county rock crusher which has been operating in Mr. MacLean’s pit for more than a year has, been moved to-4 Auburn. I ' Mr. Noble Johnston met with a very painful accident one day last week, merit face. Mr. Sam Gibson - while getting ready to raise his barn, had the mis­ fortune' to fall breaking his cheek bone. y. CHURCH ANNIVERSARY Impressive . . Anniversary ■ services were conducted in Dungannon- PreS-^ Ib'yterian Church," Bunday,, in cele­ brating .the ,50th anniversary of the. erection of the present church build­ ing. Rev. Dr. Kannawin of Toronto Feld secretary of You rig .People’s and Sunday School work, was, the guest speaker mt both services, Rev. C; H.” MacDonald, the pastor? being present'.’ • Guest soloists for the day were ' Misses Myra. McDonald and Mary Douglas, Lucknow and Harvey Mc- Ged, Aubum Douglas McDonald, student of Knox College, also as­ sisted the church chojr; MrS. F. Ross Miss Margaret McDonald,, Lucknow -and Mrs. Robert Phillips, Auburn, acted as ftccOmpfinists. ‘ and Mrs. Norman Shackleton. Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Stothers and family of London,, are’ spending the vacation at. Kintail Beach. Miss.. Grace Blake who is taking" a Summert cbuxse^aF”'Wes’tern”?Uni­ versity, London, spent ithe week end at her home here. . -Miss Olive Anderson Was the guest of her cousin, Miss Flora An­ drew, Lucknow over the* week end. ■ Mrs. Lottie White who hafe been the: guest of her brother, Mr. Rich­ ard Johnston and Mrs. Johnston, re­ turned to Stratfpyd, Monday. • We extent^ congratulations and best wishes tp .the bride'* and groom, Mr. and Mrs. Will Andrew. * , Richhrd Kilphtrick, who is taking- a summer, course at the O. A. C., Guelph, spent the week end .nt his home here. , * ’ A W.e extend congratulations to^Mrss Olive Andehson and Miss *Grdce Blake, who successfully passed their examinations in music. , Miss .Ecrnice, Blake is to> be con­ gratulated on having-passed suc­ cessfully the first .year examinations at Western University, taking honors on all bpt one subject. - ■ Misses Olive Anderson, Olivo Kil­ patrick and Olive Blake accompanied Mts. (Rev.) W. Patton ^and Esther to> thei'r summer x cottage at Saublo Bench, Tuesday, where jthey will sp&nd a few weeks.. . . Mi*, and Mrs. Jlerb Curran ‘' ahd family and Mrs. Sara Saunders .vis-* ited. with. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Curran Crow! it Sunday. ’ , Tom Patton is .spending July at the hojnp of Mu S. J.. Kilpatfick. Nicholson and family. '. ( . ■ M-rSv--J-aTO^sJ’-W'^bste)«----We-l-l-i-ng-ton- and Miss Myrtle Webster, alsQ Mis< Hazel Webster and Mrs. Jim Durn­ in of St. Helens, motored-to ,Clinton" Sunday' . evening, a friend,. Miss Linda Cantion having passed away Sunday afternoob. ’ ; Mrs. Kempton' of Ripley and little Miss Marionil B.ogie of Auburn ' are visitors with Mr. &ndv Mrsv\\\Wni..b Kpm.^ N > \ Visitors .oVer' the week'end at Mr. and Mrs; Jas.. T. GW'e.bster’s were, Mr. Cecil: Webster and Mrs. A. Mc­ Naughton of London; ", Miss. . Lizzie Reid of Toronto, who wilkxemain for' the week; Mr. and Mrs., J. S. Mc- Nain and Murray , and Mrs, Ralph •■Humphrey'^of-~Am‘bcTteyr''™^"'"'^™~“ WHITECHURCH * ■■ . Master Donald Ferguson of Lon­ don-visited last Week, with his aunt Mrs. Archie Clow,. . . . Mr.' and • ,Mrs- Will- Simpson of Detroit spent tlU’week end-’ with'-.the latter’s, parents, Mr. arid Mrs; Geo. Garton. Mrs. Alex Reid is visiting her daughter ..Mrs'. '(Dr.) B.aifour of Lucknow. _ • Mr. Albert McQi,oni <d Ashfield spent a few days' last week’ with Mr. George ahd Miss Ida ‘ Mc'QuOld. Saturday evening, Wingham hall team was • playing -a ’friendly, gaw with Whitechurch team ' at White­ church, 'and Mr. "John Gartibi was sliding to a base when someh'Qw he cut his . knee. He was •triken'’ to the? doctor and had three stitches’ put in. We hope it .will’ soon b<‘ all right again. » ,. ’ Mr. ■Peter’' Kennedy, visited ., on Sunday with his sister,. Mrs. Lome. Durnih). ■ ■ ■ .7 Mrs. BuschlOn and children' and Miss Fanny Patersdp' of Toronto ahd. Miss Lilian Paterson of Brusiels, visited recently witl] '(heir brother, Mr. keh. Paterson. I . ' \. Motor Tourist (with an .* eye mountain scenery)JIade . you gorge? ■ ,. \ ' Native—-Well, sir, wo, .supply 'two wee'ks’“visit. i . ' The meeting of. the Y. P. S. was 'heldTcri'Sunday~ evening with ""tiler missionary Committee in -charge. Allan Wilier read the scripture les­ son. Dorothy Mijler gave the Bible character * and Laurine Miller gave the topic from the study book “East meets west in Trinidad”. 1 Misses Goderich next week. ■ ,. \ Mr.’ Gregor Stuart of Chicago, spent a few days , with his mother here. . Commlunjty Honor . . Bride Elect IJpon her arrival on an errand at, the_^ate-of-the home^of-MrXand-Mrsr- Robinson Woods on Friday after­ noon,. Miss Vera Todd was met by Miss Irene, Woods; attired as a bridegroom. To the strains of the wedding march played by Miss Dor­ othy McQuillin and proceeded . by little Misses Caroline and Mary Humphrey, -who . daintily dressed in pink and white crepe paper, strewed^ rose petals-on the path, the bride- to-be was led to the lawn down an aisle, formed by the guests number­ ing ab„out fifty. When she was Seated under a bridal arch of evergreens, prettily decorated with ferns, white wedding bells and.Kpink streamers*, a Tittle rhyme vra’s read by Mm Wallhce Miller anc! Miss M. C. Rutherford -and Mrs.' M’J. L Miller - made the presentation of a forty­ eight piece set of dishes; Miss1 Todd who. was . completely taken by1, sur­ prise made a fitting reply. The mak­ ing of a scrap book of original poe­ try -about the bridal- couple’s past and . future with illustrations . cut from magazines, caused much mer­ riment. Upon its completion the book was' presented to- Miss Todd, who read it aloud. A delicious lunch was served.’ ’7' • t An invitation by Miss Todd*to pro­ ceed to her home was accepted by nrfamy . of the guests. Here she. dis- pi ayd■ part"of her trouSseau ari'd the many lovely gifts she had received ■from her friends at,^Bloomingdale, where she has been a popular tea­ cher for five years.. Miss Todd’a I to Jr; II—Ruby Irwin 90; Joy Carter 88; Noreen Thomson . 88;: Margaret" TMclNalF 85 ; Gordon Me- .7 Quillin 80; Margaret McConnell 70; Frank McConnell 68. Primer to- I Class—Excellent— Marion Graham, Bertha Stimsdn. Good — Harvey McQuillin. Fair Grant Irwin, Harvey Irwin. d^Vinelandj will be an interesting event of Saturday^ July 13th. New Pastor Inducted • . On- Thursday® evening ;th^ .Rev. ; H. M. /Wright, formerly of Sombra was inducted into the charge of St. Helens and ' Whitechurch. Itev. W. _P^_U^e_Jb!ad_charge-^f7J;Ee- service---- -— and.also gave the address to the congregation^ Rev. Mr. Pomeroy of Nile addressed the newly-inducted •pastor. At the conclusion Rev. ahd Mrs. Wright rtere. introduced by Mr.. Robinson Woods of St. Helens and Mr. Henry of Whitechurch and a pleasant Social hour was enjoyed. .Mrs. John Webster is spending a holiday with friends at Guelph. ' . Qwing ’th the serious condition of her mother, Miss Anna Stuart who came from Toronto for the ' week-' end is remaining. ' - ‘?t McDonald and Durnin have pur- >s& ^chased ,a hew1 threshing machine, which was delivered on Monday byst truck from Waterloo. * Mr. Neely T.odd underwent a suc­ cessful operation for appendicitis in the Wingham Hospital oh Monday •evening. ’ Y. P. S. Make Presentation . , To Miss Vera Todd When she responded to the call from Rev. Mr. Wright to conie to the manse' on Tuesday evening, Miss Vera Todd found herself the ^centre* of a' group of. young people gathered on the lawn. Ona behalf of the Y. P. ■S. Miss Greta Webb read an .address and, Miss IsoHoel Millet presented the bride-to-be with a silver Cream hhd sugar and tray and a salted hut tray. Miss Todd fepliedj expressing, her tRanks, after which games were played, followed by lunch being served.