HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1935-07-11, Page 5'i
,« • . .
[)’ Mr. and' Mrs.. Finlay Shackletpi^
s. of Arthur^-arej^da^i^XW; W
^'hottie. of fl?ey Winer’s parent^, Mr..
> \
aivcvvi vv— n vm m i , vw, , 11pi,v- n . . . . • , .. . o
five course diiiner for seventy cont& /wntriage to Mt. Joseph MOlhtosh,
when a lever on the imple—
he was, using, hit . him in . the
-m&S&lUERMiMB. a. 4
Lucknow. Ontario
■'Mps; Robert Ross , of town, Wishes
to thank the.. Women’s Institute,
f rlends^andj^eighb^or^ f.ftr their kind -
hess during' her^recent . ijlness.
Mrs.1 -Fred McMullen and.,Mr. Rus-
, / 0
X. '. ■'
weel^’irr~Stratfprd7 •
■ Mrs. Irwin,
V. Emerson.
’ X. < , '-ffi
......\ ’
To your Style Appeal
For .the Women^who insist on com-"
fort las well as stylei Dr-/' Fisk’s
Health Shoes have no jequal. These\
featured shbes have Uottage Shank
Steel Arch Cdmbination last.- Uar-
. ried in stock. ',Widi(i A A to E i n
Black, Brown and .V^hite;
at $4.00
Miss Lyla" arid Messrs. Orland and'
jiNorval Richards, yisited over the holidays, at her home here.
week end .with Mr.1 and Mr., James | Mr, J. Armstrong and daughter of
Richards at ' Flesherton and with St. Catharines . are spending a. few
7 Miss Minriie Richards at Graven-'days at Jas. Hodgin’s. '
, .7 | , M,r. apd Mrs. Mac Lan^e and fam-
Thorhas Harris and Mrs. ily attended the Congram reunion
Miss Jean Lane is spending the
■ . r ■ __r
•. Mrs. .
ed with My. and Mrs. John Jamieson July 1st.
last Thursday. 7 I Mr. and Mrs. ?S. Parry and family
ed with Mr. and Mrs. John Jamieson July 1st.
last Thursday. ,/ "’ '
/ Mr. and Mrs, Wm. Spindler from
Lucknow were recerit visitors with
- ■ Mr. arid/Mrs. Wm. MacGili
;—._Mr,--John-iMar-tin -visited- onvSunday-
A. with Mr. Gordon Kidd of Southamp-
\.ton. ;
Mr. . and Mrs. Alex MacNay and
family attended the Howe re-union
at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Robert
Button on Monday.
Departing Couple Presented .. . . , .
A number of neighbors and friends Uy of the late Mrs, E. Harrison who
of-Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Jamieson ’ passed av^y\^at her home, xKinIoss;
^^^et-^t^h^ParWoWrtlall^la^^o*’-^’^^ ——- " 1
Friday evening to bid farewell to
\ - .. r
of Detroit, spent the past week ; at
Jrio. Hbd'gin’s. .
Mr. Sam Halderiby and Mrs, Jane
Sunday. \ ..
We are pleased : to ,.rpport that
Mrs. Harold Thompson who under
went an operation, recently is doing
nicely and'is able’-to return to her
home. ■
Sympathy is extended *to< the fam-
them before leaving • for their nevX
,.. . . Jheme_inALucknow.- The hall was
nicely decorated with flowers'for the
occasion. Ai?t McCartney and his
band from Lucknow furnished music
for the dance, A purse of money Was
presented rto them as a slight token
of the esteem and favor which, they
■“"‘mM77™^d'”^rs,’ cOpe]apd (nee A.nnie
Ketchabaw) oh theirmarriage which
A new- flock ^f Now House
Dresses and\ Porch Dresses. Special
at- 69c and $1.00. — THE MARKET*
Mrs. George Stockholm ok Detroit
was a Week end victor, with her
sister, Mrs. N. J. MacKenzie. <
The Misses ^argarefe and Mary
Lou Connell of Winghkm' are spend
ing their. vacatioh at the ho^ne of
D:—Johnstoii. ■ ■ ■.—v —
■ \ ■1 ■
■ .... \.' •■ " 7'
» Mrs. George Harkness spent the
week end in Toronto with Mr. and
Mrs. Bert Harkness and Mrs. Nellie ■
Marshall. A
a . ' ..'"’Vi-I ■'ft* it‘lp11 »<Stek,en®e
Wd fWS.pent Wda7 in fatch-‘
'■ ener. attending the wedding .of their
‘ eldest daughter Helen and Mr. Geo.
Mowat. - . •
Mr. ^rol_d RitcHeXof^Lucknow is
assisting Mr. Victor Emerson for
( ^^ the summer - months. .
The Langside ' United W. M. S.,
' .. held their‘'monthly meeting on Wed-:
nesday afternoon at the > home of
' Mrs. George’ Scott.
| Miss . Pearl Hockley spent the
a weeic end with Miss (Reba Marshall.
. Miss Agnes Patterson visited last
week with, Miss Leola and Mary
. ,Wraith. -
,7- Mr. and Mrs. John Hayes, Norma,
/. Dorothy, Jack,-. Donald ‘and Marion
of- Detroit,, spent az few days last
week^gith Mr. and Mrs. Reuben
■'■^7 Tiffin,",
■Miss Grace Richardson of St.
Helens spent ’ last week end at her
home here.
. Mr. Walter Manser, who spent
. last week wit^ Mrs., A. J. Murray
and family at their summer home
• here, returned to Toronto on Satur
Mr. W. A> Taylor is, we are sorry
to report^ at present under the
.doctor’s care. We hope for, a speedy
recovery. Mr. “Ojland Pattersdn of
Lucknow is assisting with the farm
■7 .. -work. ‘ ’
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Johnson of
Lucknow, spent Sunday with Mr*
- and Mrs. Wih. Conn, .
. . / Mr* Wm. Qaslick and Mr. George
Pullybianlc of/Teeswater a^ent Mon
day with Mr. George Harkness,
Miss Reba Marshall spent Tuesday
with Mrs,
GOING VACATIONING-soon? Start out in a
new Master Chevrolet and assure the success ’
of your holiday plans iVYou travel smartly in this ;
aristocrat of low-priced cars. You travel dependahiy,
economically, care-free. And best of all, you travel
in Canada’s most modern low-priced automobile-—,
the only car in its class! with the safe new Turret Top
, bodies by Fisher . . •. with. Knee-Action front wheels v
. with Cable-Controlled Brahes. Blue Flaine
Engine and Fisher no-draft Ventilation! Your nearest
-dealer can make immediate-delivery of your; new~car ' CABLE-CONTROLLED BRAKES . . . Another exclusive
.X . call in and see him- today. At the same time, ./• Chevrolet feature—for,smooth, /equalized, podtive braking under
. look over the new Standard* Chevrolet; the lowest- all conditions. \ ; 7 - 7 .<
priced fully equipped car oh the market. Easy FISHER VENTILATION . . .the ^proved, built-in No-Draft
GMAC terms \ . . “ ' system pioneered by Chevrolet Actually cools the car interior
iviuio. \ \ in hot weather. ", \
a THE TURRET TOP . , . the newest, safest automobile body
construction known. The roof of the car is one solid,. seamleM
• sheet of steel-extending down to steel sides and a steel floor.
\ A Fisher Body advantage, .offered only on the Master Chevrolet
in its price class. . < . .
* KNEE-ACTION A . . owners and engineers both agree/you
must have Knee-Action front wheels for the ultimate in ridin j ■*
easel „G)nly the Master Chevrolet in the low-price Held gives
Knee?Action plus balanced weight, . .'X.',
BLUE-FLAME ENGINE , . . Chevrolet’s latest development
of the famous yalve-in-head six-cylinder engine. Proved economy
' and dependability—-along with power and performance!_7__'
■ 1
PRICED $ O O E (for the Master
FROM OO W 2-Pass. Coupe:.
Delivered, fully- equipped, at factory, Oshawa', Orit.
. -. Er^i^ht and, Govsarmnenf license only ex(ra. /
Mr. - and xMrs. Wm. McLean- of
poderach visited recently ,at Mr; Roy Alton’! ‘ ' ' X ' x ,'.G .
Miss Elsie Viift, spent a few days
last week at....Exeter,b..X
; Misses Melda .and Winu.ie Lane.
day evening in a body. Their leader
Rev. A. R. Gibson of Mitchell gave
the/address whTch'was very "i rite r-
esting. '
The Presbyterian Summer school
opened- at \ Kintail on . Monday of
this'.week? . 7.. <■•
A Summer School for young child
ren, was held in the Presbyterian'
church all last week and is contin
uing this week also. z
The Blue Water Highway has . been
' treated to a coat of oil which makes
much safer motoring. Op ^^u^a^
m^r^n^^f la^v''Wk7a 'ybry bad'
^cciden^bapp'Phed. at the cprner on
the 12th concession. One car follow
ing another failed to see the corner
on account of the. dust and could not.-
make the turn. The car was wrecked
^fiss Li'la and Jfr;
-Harry Irwin spent Spnday with Mr.
and; Mrs. Glenn Campbell.
BORN—On SuMday. July 7th,• to
Mr. and Mrs. Watson Davis, a
. •
L M. McKEMZIE»!Dungaiiiioii
Miss Jean Thom, is spending the
vacation with friends at Detroit.
Mr. and ,Mrs. .^Vm/' Blue, . Helen
and Margaret of Detroit, were ’vis-,
rtors-^vTth"MTS7~-431Tre xs“-par'e'nfsj-”Mrr
-rind Mrs.. J. p, rApderSop. Mrs...Blue;
S. S. No. 7, Kinloss
June Promotion^ Examinations
Those obtaining 60 % will be pro-
mot ed to next grade.
Sr. Ill to Jr. IV—Lloyd Elliott 73
Wilfred Mintz 68; Edna Irwin 63.
Jr., Ill to Sr. Ill—Eileen Carter 78
zLioyTXrwin TJT’Clive Mintz 607 7~~
. r ISr. JI to Jr.III—Donald-MacDon-
and the 6ccupahts~a man’ and wo
man were taken to Kincardine Hos
pital in an ambulance.
The county rock crusher which has
been operating in Mr. MacLean’s pit
for more than a year has, been moved
to-4 Auburn. I '
Mr. Noble Johnston met with a
very painful accident one day last
Mr. Sam Gibson - while getting
ready to raise his barn, had the mis
fortune' to fall breaking his cheek
bone. y.
Impressive . . Anniversary ■ services
were conducted in Dungannon- PreS-^
Ib'yterian Church," Bunday,, in cele
brating .the ,50th anniversary of the.
erection of the present church build
ing. Rev. Dr. Kannawin of Toronto
Feld secretary of You rig .People’s
and Sunday School work, was, the
guest speaker mt both services, Rev.
C; H.” MacDonald, the pastor? being
present'.’ •
Guest soloists for the day were
' Misses Myra. McDonald and Mary
Douglas, Lucknow and Harvey Mc-
Ged, Aubum Douglas McDonald,
student of Knox College, also as
sisted the church chojr; MrS. F. Ross
Miss Margaret McDonald,, Lucknow
-and Mrs. Robert Phillips, Auburn,
acted as ftccOmpfinists. ‘
and Mrs. Norman Shackleton.
Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Stothers and
family of London,, are’ spending the
vacation at. Kintail Beach.
Miss.. Grace Blake who is taking"
a Summert cbuxse^aF”'Wes’tern”?Uni
versity, London, spent ithe week end
at her home here. .
-Miss Olive Anderson Was the
guest of her cousin, Miss Flora An
drew, Lucknow over the* week end. ■
Mrs. Lottie White who hafe been
the: guest of her brother, Mr. Rich
ard Johnston and Mrs. Johnston, re
turned to Stratfpyd, Monday.
• We extent^ congratulations and
best wishes tp .the bride'* and groom,
Mr. and Mrs. Will Andrew. * ,
Richhrd Kilphtrick, who is taking-
a summer, course at the O. A. C.,
Guelph, spent the week end .nt his
home here. , * ’ A
W.e extend congratulations to^Mrss
Olive Andehson and Miss *Grdce
Blake, who successfully passed their
examinations in music.
, Miss .Ecrnice, Blake is to> be con
gratulated on having-passed suc
cessfully the first .year examinations
at Western University, taking honors
on all bpt one subject. - ■
Misses Olive Anderson, Olivo Kil
patrick and Olive Blake accompanied
Mts. (Rev.) W. Patton ^and Esther
to> thei'r summer x cottage at Saublo
Bench, Tuesday, where jthey will
sp&nd a few weeks.. . .
Mi*, and Mrs. Jlerb Curran ‘' ahd
family and Mrs. Sara Saunders .vis-*
ited. with. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Curran
Crow! it Sunday. ’ ,
Tom Patton is .spending July at
the hojnp of Mu S. J.. Kilpatfick.
Nicholson and family. '. ( .
■ M-rSv--J-aTO^sJ’-W'^bste)«----We-l-l-i-ng-ton-
and Miss Myrtle Webster, alsQ Mis<
Hazel Webster and Mrs. Jim Durn
in of St. Helens, motored-to ,Clinton"
Sunday' . evening, a friend,. Miss
Linda Cantion having passed away
Sunday afternoob. ’ ;
Mrs. Kempton' of Ripley and little
Miss Marionil B.ogie of Auburn ' are
visitors with Mr. &ndv Mrsv\\\Wni..b Kpm.^ N >
\ Visitors .oVer' the week'end at Mr.
and Mrs; Jas.. T. GW'e.bster’s were,
Mr. Cecil: Webster and Mrs. A. Mc
Naughton of London; ", Miss. . Lizzie
Reid of Toronto, who wilkxemain for'
the week; Mr. and Mrs., J. S. Mc-
Nain and Murray , and Mrs, Ralph
* ■■ .
Master Donald Ferguson of Lon
don-visited last Week, with his aunt
Mrs. Archie Clow,. . .
. Mr.' and • ,Mrs- Will- Simpson of
Detroit spent tlU’week end-’ with'-.the
latter’s, parents, Mr. arid Mrs; Geo.
Mrs. Alex Reid is visiting her
daughter ..Mrs'. '(Dr.) B.aifour of
Lucknow. _ •
Mr. Albert McQi,oni <d Ashfield
spent a few days' last week’ with
Mr. George ahd Miss Ida ‘ Mc'QuOld.
Saturday evening, Wingham hall
team was • playing -a ’friendly, gaw
with Whitechurch team ' at White
church, 'and Mr. "John Gartibi was
sliding to a base when someh'Qw he
cut his . knee. He was •triken'’ to the?
doctor and had three stitches’ put
in. We hope it .will’ soon b<‘ all right
again. » ,. ’
Mr. ■Peter’' Kennedy, visited ., on
Sunday with his sister,. Mrs. Lome.
Durnih). ■ ■ ■ .7
Mrs. BuschlOn and children' and
Miss Fanny Patersdp' of Toronto ahd.
Miss Lilian Paterson of Brusiels,
visited recently witl] '(heir brother,
Mr. keh. Paterson. I . '
Motor Tourist (with an .* eye
mountain scenery)JIade . you
gorge? ■ ,. \ '
Native—-Well, sir, wo, .supply
'two wee'ks’“visit. i . '
The meeting of. the Y. P. S. was
'heldTcri'Sunday~ evening with ""tiler
missionary Committee in -charge.
Allan Wilier read the scripture les
son. Dorothy Mijler gave the Bible
character * and Laurine Miller gave
the topic from the study book “East
meets west in Trinidad”. 1 Misses
Goderich next week. ■ ,. \
Mr.’ Gregor Stuart of Chicago,
spent a few days , with his mother
here. .
Commlunjty Honor . .
Bride Elect
IJpon her arrival on an errand at,
the_^ate-of-the home^of-MrXand-Mrsr-
Robinson Woods on Friday after
noon,. Miss Vera Todd was met by
Miss Irene, Woods; attired as a
bridegroom. To the strains of the
wedding march played by Miss Dor
othy McQuillin and proceeded . by
little Misses Caroline and Mary
Humphrey, -who . daintily dressed in
pink and white crepe paper, strewed^
rose petals-on the path, the bride-
to-be was led to the lawn down an
aisle, formed by the guests number
ing ab„out fifty. When she was Seated
under a bridal arch of evergreens,
prettily decorated with ferns, white
wedding bells and.Kpink streamers*,
a Tittle rhyme vra’s read by Mm
Wallhce Miller anc! Miss M. C.
Rutherford -and Mrs.' M’J. L Miller -
made the presentation of a forty
eight piece set of dishes; Miss1 Todd
who. was . completely taken by1, sur
prise made a fitting reply. The mak
ing of a scrap book of original poe
try -about the bridal- couple’s past
and . future with illustrations . cut
from magazines, caused much mer
riment. Upon its completion the book
was' presented to- Miss Todd, who
read it aloud. A delicious lunch was
served.’ ’7' •
t An invitation by Miss Todd*to pro
ceed to her home was accepted by
nrfamy . of the guests. Here she. dis-
pi ayd■ part"of her trouSseau ari'd the
many lovely gifts she had received
■from her friends at,^Bloomingdale,
where she has been a popular tea
cher for five years.. Miss Todd’a
I to Jr; II—Ruby Irwin 90; Joy
Carter 88; Noreen Thomson . 88;:
Margaret" TMclNalF 85 ; Gordon Me- .7
Quillin 80; Margaret McConnell 70;
Frank McConnell 68.
Primer to- I Class—Excellent—
Marion Graham, Bertha Stimsdn.
Good — Harvey McQuillin. Fair
Grant Irwin, Harvey Irwin.
d^Vinelandj will be an interesting
event of Saturday^ July 13th.
New Pastor Inducted •
. On- Thursday® evening ;th^ .Rev. ;
H. M. /Wright, formerly of Sombra
was inducted into the charge of St.
Helens and ' Whitechurch. Itev. W.
_P^_U^e_Jb!ad_charge-^f7J;Ee- service---- -—
and.also gave the address to the
congregation^ Rev. Mr. Pomeroy of
Nile addressed the newly-inducted
•pastor. At the conclusion Rev. ahd
Mrs. Wright rtere. introduced by
Mr.. Robinson Woods of St. Helens
and Mr. Henry of Whitechurch and
a pleasant Social hour was enjoyed.
.Mrs. John Webster is spending a
holiday with friends at Guelph. '
. Qwing ’th the serious condition of
her mother, Miss Anna Stuart who
came from Toronto for the ' week-'
end is remaining. ' -
‘?t McDonald and Durnin have pur-
>s& ^chased ,a hew1 threshing machine,
which was delivered on Monday byst
truck from Waterloo. *
Mr. Neely T.odd underwent a suc
cessful operation for appendicitis
in the Wingham Hospital oh Monday
•evening. ’
Y. P. S. Make Presentation . ,
To Miss Vera Todd
When she responded to the call
from Rev. Mr. Wright to conie to the
manse' on Tuesday evening, Miss
Vera Todd found herself the ^centre*
of a' group of. young people gathered
on the lawn. Ona behalf of the Y. P.
■S. Miss Greta Webb read an .address
and, Miss IsoHoel Millet presented
the bride-to-be with a silver Cream
hhd sugar and tray and a salted hut
tray. Miss Todd fepliedj expressing,
her tRanks, after which games were
played, followed by lunch being