HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1935-07-11, Page 4Slip &»»M0r»niA'«lnr tv poles 4‘iiont 3 48 •J -4?- ® . auttv . ■r and ; ‘ Travel By Arrow, Coaches “For Your Convenience" '■' Arrow BUS Schedule ^Effective. May 5th., 1985" ( 'i • o o o 0 2'3' b ' 0. 1 - 2. ■ V : o •rhe contract jpD- the tOulygrt' ..on'...‘the: Consult Local Agept T. W SMITH Central Garage THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL THURSDAY, JULY 11TH, 1935 vale Celebrate July 12th AT WINGHAM The ; biggest outing ‘of this established anniversary \ held in years. _ • \ Thousands of visitors will be in Windham to see the town ( —dp* some sh opping. — meet- • • ■ “"friemls 3hd'"'go"';'hMnU"''kappiy’"''' KING’S £s Headquarters -•’"■■'■"-to""“io "shopping"'""......... Latest styles in Wotoeri’s-a. ■SUMMER DRESSES ' ’ COATS and SUITS' . - ’ -QUALITY' - -MEN^MYEAR—' *‘FashionUQra®r Suits and ■ Coats—Forsyth Shij'ts—-'. =i'_!1N«ckwear ’."’Snd ^UiiSieirv^r—r" Plenty “of Suspenders—Belta and ■ Garters.' White' ■ Shirts — Orange Ties ,. C<h>1 Underwear ■ » • • 1 Everything- for the Orangeman’s comfort In an .interesting juvenile baseball game in the local park on^ Saturday; ■afternoon, the,. Dungannon young’J ■sters edged, but a 13 to 11 victory •over the Lucknow kids, who were; .trying hard to avenge a recent de-- . feat suffered in Dungannon. - •' I ■ The line-ups were: u' j -| Lpi^ow^Don’aSd MicKenzae, ■ if.; *j ( Reed ■ McKim, 'If.; Russ. Gamiss^ 2nd;f - -Jack «MncDonaidrt^^ana".pE;~Dona3d-■ Finlayson, ss.; Bud%Grtffin, cf.; Jacki rTraplin, • c.; Bud Thompson, i Mervinh Solombn, ,p'.,3rd. .»’ ■. i Dungannon—jHairey_LCulbert,. j Irvin Eedy, ss.; Laverne Culbert, 3rdj 'Frank Eedy, e; Raymond Currie,: .ilf'..; Ross Eedy,'rf.;( Jack Brody, cfJ i Umpires—C. Finlayson and Thor­ | ' • -—r—.-----—------ 7. • ”1 KieIoss Council Minates ’’LEATES LUCKNCM Sunday, 4.15 P-M. ’ ■ < 1 ■ ■> I ■ , -' ”Standard’'Tim fc"' - fc'. ""... LEAVES LUCKNOW North. Bound S.25 P. M. Including.. Sunday Itineries -Plannee t(- Al; Point: in Canada. Unites State- • • - Mexicr, rerowewt W Our Famous $1.5? ■ PERMaN^U- V Which . has heconp hi . and favorahh krU’v-r and. other comm uni to-. Complete with sbiunpoe aiu Finger Y avt. in- —Ever' V art tTihraiuesc- I’TKlKI Council met an June 24th, as peri adjournmgntL .All.. members.,_rpresentJ The-, .minutes of the previous meet-i tng_^mre“Tead“^iid'vDntonedU!~~ Communications from Walter Lott ( tnidrtAifrtMECare^ter=W==^Ep^^ were in the. Clerk’s hands. U i i ■ • r Lisclmow am^Winsham 1 \ Battle Tep Innings j. To Scoreless Braw]; Bob Thompson ‘ Injures Foot While ■ At Bat To Start The 11th-, Inning j.- Arid Game Then Called On Act-! . count Of Darkness. GAME WAS A (THRILLER A ’ -' ' 'v - ■ - : '- \ . Showing some of the j>^PPer and fight that characterized their play! Ihst season,- the\ Gepoys' backed up (: with practacally\ errorless - ball, a: brilliant ^—hit pitching job by.-Gordy 1 Irwin and. held the - league leading; Wgngham Hurons, to .a ' no' score-' draw, in Wingha-m 'on Thursday, .'ip( - as. thrilling and' tense. a. ~ bseball\ rix— ■ tore' as is (likely to-be Segn. in '\this loop this season. jXyui antno&r late in- starting, tne' game was. oriiitid on account pl uai’K- 4i«ss py Lmpire Dieoei, .ax aooui. mgM o clpcK, alter isoo inompson- uau injured .ms. xoot. dtibo was urst Tuan' up in . we . litn inning ano on ■swinging at a loait. pamxuny aggra-.; vad>eq an m^urea instep, wathe-iirsij nurx sliding into s^conu earlier rm we game, ibop received mstX aiu-. treatment on trie grorinus . and -was taken- t© Dr. ...Connell s oiucer Mc-; ■Uarwey had to \quxt We game in tne. othH'WiW a’sprained leg muscle anu( the two • injuries ,\left\ the- fSepoys' snort hanaed. After much harang-' jhg,'Umpire Diebel called rhe game: on account' of. darkness, while some1 of the Wirigham- players ’ protested; •that the-.gan^ should go\on in .spire" of flickering' shadows on the playing; field caused -by the surrounding' maple trees an^Ya rapidly setting' sun. . ' x “Jack“Colvin, i'Wingham''S“'ace, was; ori the mound for. rhe Hurons and' ,wag opposed by the - veteran Sepoy nurjer, Gordon Irwin, who had' rhe edge, if anything, on the 'youthiui speed hah- ' flinger. Irwin had 11 strike outs, one less than Colvin and. was touched for 4 hits _to_ Colvin^ three, but the latter was ■ wild ' at times and issued .4 free passes, while Irwin’s lone walk went, to W. Tiffin, -Wii^hamV'^ead(^off^'mS/':iS“"iW:'^ rifame.' ■'■■.. . The battle has aroused baseball ( interest both among the\ players arid fans, T^rich- to date had been sadljl. lacking, and some: mightly interest­ ing tussles are likely as the. teams start the last half of the schedule, that Leads to the playoffs. ■ ; WhjKt turned out to be. the- only 1 serious-scoringthreatby^Winghani. i came in. the first inning. Tiffin walk-. ~ -ed*-and^w^ni“bw'2nd~^^ did the' umrsufel by thro-wing wide^ bag.. Somers - sacrifiiced’ him to Clinton ShiiU Cvt ■ Locals By 10-0 Score Bob Carrick Lets Weakened £epoys7 .‘..Down Withl-hriee flits And Clouts ( ' Homer Himself | Bob Carrick on -the' m-bund for' Clinton, stood his laist year teanf-; 'matesx on their\ heads here yesterdaj '( .allowing but 'three ' hits and regis- i teiing m shutout, while ' Clinton ■ ■ amassed 'a- total of., ten'-runs.' Cai-( rick .lambasted a hoiner -into the; creek ip. right field that' vwas inches :.•. from being foul. ' ' J .‘The locals were without the ,ser-'’. vicel of Bob- Thompson,; McCartney , WfthXa sprained : leg -muscle jdayed'J- in one. inning ■ and '■ Roy Finlayson- j' •should have been, ih ^ed’ ■with a bad cold- ..____':■. . .....,. . \. ■'Cuming started for" the Sepoys and ■an erypr, . hase nn balls arid. 3-^suc­ cessive'- singles ^resulted., in -4 runs. In' an effort, to- 'save Irwin '-for Mon­ day’s game, Doug v .Clarke • was sent to- the box. A run was. scored on a passed ‘hall while he: labored, and three 'successive walks say Irwin' come to the\ hilltop to .-strike; -out-" -the-. next hatter . and, then retire* the side* on a double play. " Gordy was . touched ' for . nine hits, including a home run - and a triple and four runs werejsdorrid' off him. (Gordy got one-ft ■of the '3 hits of "Carrick, Canr^heK ■and Hewai Also getting '■one each. Lucknow- ' - - ’ Campbell. 3rd'.; : tfet.,, p.; McLennan, '-son, McCartney, '?R. (Finlayson, 2nd; 1st- ( Score' By Innings— •CJjinton' .™1—.501 Lucknow ••____DOO' 000 DOO— 0- Box score_will appear next, week. 1st;Reduction Be '-1st;. A. Thompson, tL; v B. Clarke,. ss.- Irwin. If.; C... Finlay- cf.; Hewat. cf.; Cuming, p.. • ss.; DUNGANNON ■’WINS ' AGAIN L- ‘‘■C-rt-f ' * a ■£*'-■ H. < K. SYSTEM 'REDUCES ——"TELEPHHONEURATE'S'''''$L'<Wf , \ ___________ Motion By Commissioner J W.- CoL yeli, That A $2.00 'J^ad'e, -|s Lost. motion--of-Melnto^- and^Ctafe-4 ube^gr-i'Gar-lson— | ham, Councillor Boss was appbinted **” n”+'' *“ '“'''4'~1" rn,-ni- *■ ^- ■• - ■ ' ■ -” , ( Commissioner to„ have .catch basin, 1I-constructed, and inspect' open portion ‘and report. .■'.■'; The Insurance an the township ((Roads was" renewed for 12 months i i with Mr. John. Pace of Paisley at a I (.Premium ...of $110.00. (. s (“""“Mry^NeiF^McGriiluin was1 ;a^s±oe&~ The Commissioners met ^iu- .'the : ~S.eeretar-yls^-U>f&Ge--'on •rthei‘*abEwe--dssie ai 8. p.m. with Neil .McKay, 'prfesi- , dent, in the .chair. Members present—John W.. Cd- ■ well and Dan D. .MacDonald': Moved by. John W. Colwell, .sec­ onded by Pan D. MacDonald tliat ' the minutes, of the alast meeting be adopted as - read. -Carried, x-. Moved by Johp. W. Colwell?' sec­ onded by Dan- D. MacDonald tfra.^ we - tfoilowing- accounts Gemmell, work on lines $27.00 and ■$271UD;- use ""of ""ear $15.00 -and $15-00;. Harold Eimmerton, work on lines,,' :$27700 and .:S25.93; ' W/U. Lane;“sd ary $135.00; Stationery ,20c;\Strom- threw to the plate to catch Tiffin for; a Kmart play that .got. rheSepqys off' to a battling start. For the. entire 1ft innings their was- pever . more than 4 and chiefly. three men faced Irwin each inning as wjfch monot- enebus; regularity (to the ' Wingham fans.) , Gerri and his- battling .mates -riiiwefi-the^Hurnirs"'"ri'ovmr~ ;■ But all' the time .'■Colvin.. andK his... of Ripley, refund rentals ■'•$35.‘00-.; Bil^ ■ McLean, trucking $7.50; WprkrbenV '■ .Compensation • $26.28; S. M., CdlwelJ poles $38.50; John Robb, ,$226.50; Ripley Hydro $6.57; H. H. ■ Mitchell, .freight etc., $5.0©;. Mrs. ' J. . K, Martyn, rent to June 30th $18.06;.. Neil MacKay,-(-trip -to. Glamis, $2,00;' ■ "MWage at oc, $270'0(; Matr'1 Gemmell . salaty . $101-25.;^ ^Ch^bratixmL$4 ,.1935. . ' ;; Communication irom (Women’s In- -istitute^-of. Whixechureh waB laid over 'for further information. - The Coulter - Grain Drainage (By- Law was finally passed. Orders were issued in payment of . ■ all. ".bills and accounts passed at the meeting. . ' ,, 1 Council then. adjourned to 'meet /.again on Monday, the 29th day ' of July 1935, at the usual time and nlaee. , .. t ( , Cheques issued—LI Stirling, sheep killed .by dogs $10.00; D. McDonald, insp. Stirling’s sineep $1.15; iA. .E-. Tiiompson. caretaking to date $2.00; .ioni, A Pace, Road Ins. Premium .1 ()*.(!(!;■ Bert E.'^McLean, relief sup- les- $8.38. . ' Htgiiwaj- cheques—D. - Hallanan, i-v.list 32 $300.; hS: 35, $48.90;. j. F. Dawion, i;s; 36. $95.15; Moore, pay : 3C $16.38; H. Lovatt, pay list $32.52; Pedlar People, pay list , $96.06; W-m. McKenzie, pay list 4L .■ j$82tljL.. ..4-1-.-Sv Craig,, pay. jistLdj/ $80.97; C.'.’Tiffin, pay "list 42, $24.95; ■Jat Burns, pay list 43, $39.2o; Alex MacLeod, pay list 44, $38.85; Miss Purvis pay list 4fi', $3.00, . * v .-■ J. R. LANE; Clerk. Tin engagement is' announced of Eiizabett Gilchrist, daughter of ■ Mrs C. ■ Gilchrist-and the late .....Oliver.. Giiciirist of Wingham, .to the Rev. ■ lom Pollock' o^f Whitechurch, file marriage to take place about the middle of July. . ■ ■ • ■ CENT A M>LE RouihI Ti . £Mnumun..T'-art|K Aaulte 7&:; XJhiixiren 40c.> ' ■SAT., ,Wy 2© from LUCKNOW . TnTDRONTG.. Stratfbrt. KitpJtjepm Guelph, Chatham, Sarnia, Ixmdim* Ingersoll. WnnUstnck 7,ii“m . tiranttrfrcln Hamilton, St. Catharines, Niagara Falls, ant al. lmerrnp.'duit..e Points, between Stations named. • ' ALSe'-'dliTtelbiW, JULY £S -• . ?T<> OohnwH Port Aopr. AinlhnuTi. d »-njtz>T, Hehfivilit/EinRBtda. Gsnanotpie.Brncfrvilie, PrtMiWTiti,, MdfrtAhutp .,’:<rn'Wal. h?:hntjgt 'Lindeay. Peteririoro, Oornnb^llfOni, AUpirry JMAwmHrkP.t ehnnrj.n- .'<,jiinr''s'nciG Meaford. Perietdhji’, Bioizxfe, Orittia» Mi/lhind. Grnvonhurs; f lunt.-rti-Ih, NciTtt. JtayandollintaTmedinUipaintti. nXSbT©.-Al;ninWr>flh-'N>-,v '.'iniJiTu-ni. itneH'ort‘dmiakinnirig&jN'6r£hainn>ttnia»idlli3l>.. 'NipimdQg Cfttttrn, IU\ nri< 01 t- N Rjvb u Kapualcaaing, Hjedrat, and IxMaiUu: IMininp Fields. . ' ii ......... ■ .........' ■ ’ i . ■ -I"'lLTTlfeii:fftT8f^!y ~ LrirtHnr 4;ur* Clute rtrat Suiittmar W»wBt, 'OtHM»ri',c Wark, J M,t M/e'^torr ^nr Grountl^ k-nMDDK, SATUWPfiVy JUILY 3» | -A. W. IlA.Mll TDN . frienot Agent .^!l!honp 2. Lucknow CANADIAN NATIONAL until the 8th, when I'it looked as^ if their ace hurler. wap about to blo.v> but a -doub(k! kinih.g-;pulied him " out," of a bad spot. Colvin had -, trouble • •_ locating, the plate in the 8th arid Cuming, first man rip, worked him for' a walk. Hewat singled and with none away and the. head of the order up, it looked bright for the Sepoys. Kenhy McLennan laced a .-drive to short that seemed earmarked fior a 'hit,. ' but MeDor speared it and doubled Quming ■ off 2nd- Colvhf threw Thompsori 4 high ones arid Clarke grounded to short retiring the side. In the 9th Lucknow made, another scoring- threat, Gordy-Irwin groun­ ded out arid Clarke Finlayson' was safe on Ledict’s error, the oAy fumble the Hurons made during, the game- C^a^^^stcil^ second and^|^\ to^tlm^- ^inghaX’j/ot' a. break ’ at” -this--point-when™Hart’y,--Thohri)S0-ny base umpire, called Thompson out at first. Harry, who generally does ■ri good job on the ‘ bases, surely slipped up plenty on this one, which was announced over the air as a. hit" as. well as recorded as one .by the local scorer. The runner appeared to be so decidedly safe that nt> at­ tention at the moment was paid' to the uirip. decision. ' The only extra base blow of the game went to -Joe Tiffin who hoisted, one to! left - "field rih the 10th inning, which couldn’t be,’seen■ unxil it gol’i above th® shadows cast ..bx the trees. Joe tried tip make 3rd. but. was tag- I ged by -Bob Thompson "(on a relayed throw from..Andy Thompson to."Roy. Finlcyson. Lucknow jab , McLennan, rf. ”4 Thompson, 3rd 3 \Clarfce, ss. —__.4 Irwm, p.„ ___—.4 Finlayson, c. ^3 McCartney, lft^2 K„ R. D. G. C. a. ______ _.. - . - R. Finlayson, 2nd 4.0 t Cuming, 1st —,3 Heiwat, cf. ..■."■■■■■...4 *A. pChompson, If. 2 , 'S3 *■ “■ - - - -- Wingham ah W.^. Tiffin, 2nd -^J.,3 Gomers; cf. -^..4 Gray, if’. ’ Groves c. ~ Ledietv 3rd J. Tiffin. If. J Mellor, ss. I Giirririy, 1st - I Colvin, ti. _ | *Oarmichae: • _ replaced . (J f) (i (i 4 0 11 -2 i o-o 0 7 2 ■ 3 Ci'll (i 3(i replaced McCartney it nth., t h po 0 15 it ..1 Grove? in .23 ded'by Dan D. McDonald that reiiew Huron. ■ and Erie Debenijare-. ■ Toj'—$200(1;00 for^five~years'".TK”4 per. annum; subject, to the same. oW- diii.ons- .of withdrawal as : before. Carried'. Moved by Dan .D. McDonald, sec­ onded : by Neil .' MacKay that phone' rates this year ibe reduced $l.-.()0 .per: phone. Carried. ■ . ' ,. Moved ' by .John ■ W. Colwell. ' i ‘qnde.d 'by---------that the ph.one rates." this-year be' reduced by $2.(K>' , j»e? phone. Lost,. ' ' , ■ Meeting then adjourned to meet\ again August 9th. at 8.00 , pirn. . ROSS H.. MARTYN. Semr-aiy . ;'. PURPLE' GRO VEI' ■; On Wednesday aftes’nPonx the W« ,r__’’^y^Miss^^rj^^icii^y • of ,'Ki^-- Jcugh jQihe^.yith the Ladies' Aih at spent a very pleasant aftern.bnl tr»- gether. The'.meeting opened v/ith. «bf ■ president,. Mrs. George ■ Emetsor. presiding • and Miss- Margaret Nal- ■ t* dm at the--piano. After‘Arigi ng anc . prayer the hbsiness ’ perm'd of the ' W. M..S. was conducted by the (Em- lough president. Mrs. ■ WeslXy' Thompson and was' followed- by tb< schedule of the Ladies' Am. Th.f period being, brief the meriting*cp>b- , ec with prayer by Mrs. Hodgktnsm, • r^evihu-s’ tn lunch ■ a lengthy juw*-”' ■ gram was ■ 'carried, out. Included n I the Mum hers was a, a,ok .by Miss M (Malcolm.; " reading ' ihv Mrs , .1 H .Collins; a mikhivnary -talk by Mrs , Milton Wajah. ,MrS.( Walsh hac' hefn it attendance at. a ear Cry meethir it London and* parti a very intm- '' " ehti’Hg' refinrt' arid '■acJvififtS '"611'7 v-Ti'f'"’ -. ; had a chance to attend arty ■■?.nrjc~e- .Lgatiorial -session thMtJtiwimicjjff tip#__ ;wel] spent - After a vote' i?f thunr' ito the hostess and -the ^isitJip- mu- (i-ety and those whr Kelpeti n w ■ !way to make ,thf meeting a fitittfmssy jthe tneeti'ng' Was hr ought tv t. .'in iia, (1,with the nrospart. nf 'mlwtrnp ur?'r ; ait worm fitt.tme-date The nrrt -mnv,'..'. _l (inc of thr .Ladies’ Aid wil -, h< hfi/- r'-atthf homt of (Mw (Myrtjf. ThoiT-.n.-'. son,.', ' t-' ,' ' ; ' . (i ’ Score By Jnnirigs— (i.‘ "Ludimnw \—not' ; iiriiio ■ ( ( Wingham I . Seminary—Tw< base bii — Tifl'n. j Sacrifice hitij-r-Somerf, 2; L T'i ('■son. Struck out by TWrir T'I ( *' ' "' ' ( ( ....... ‘f . terbi. Paseed halt—KbTves basrt — l4mknnV , 6 ,' Wjnplnrt / M T"mnirw—nBil. Diehy rint ' Ha-’-v 1' Thompson, .,Kincutdme. ii lay. . by , vlr; .12.' RaRi- or off, CrJvit. 4i Stoler hu'se-U. son Double plgl’—MePo' ’ ' timtsHn COSTLY! aMwlAj-ivst Ofle-forni of Haste' . . .(that crav;-.i£ to drive too fast . . . which is altogether too. ' preva,jd-n: n Ontario. . " - .Tbe io-pkhac number of motoraccidents in this province »£2-f a vrasne check-up on reckless, drivers.. Public . ^saa8>ent.-sptUing. through the courts, will be increas-’’ ■ tng.r severe t<™ ards unreasonable, thoughtless motorists. ^Yoc-knov’whst sou should do. Hon- yku should drive: " oo..tot voUf ^-n M:fen anj th■ t of others> ’ ft IS BETTER TO BE SAFE ; . .THAN SOfWY ■ . .MOTOR VEHICLES BRANCA ' "CN; AR-,-0 DEPARTMENT Of HIGHWAYS MUST STOP! - ■ ? A. there «-Cr< noarh 10,000 512 people were killed 8.990 people were injured f. ft. .McQ/mtAeB, ■MWntfir b/Hiphi»^Vil