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The Lucknow Sentinel, 1935-07-04, Page 6
[. -r. .Golts’© ..V . ..v. information it could ■•5, fHhtavrrr ■.«?.* —bringyhfnFTe'st -Ex. Dangerous Practice ‘or light I \ be some time belt wli'at If fi ■ \ ;> of con- liic.e and (I'CSr ' ir,g. Parents^ who.. punish i what seem to'be unnaturally rebellions or wan- hand.” " derWhich. .horn e.wqrk.,Js...at.tempt edurke- welunigh impostaitye-—^London Daily Herald. v ; ' /■'. Joeing (as a naugh.ty: atty 'denied by the or\Med'ical Psychor - "yer province.” n\w Statesman and Nation-(London) 'C-heeYing, ' singing. \ shouting, ahd cry tag. y ' And theh tile King! \ ■ ' Jieal pockets of the blouse are i- ins.i'de. ■» " QU E E R W O RL D,______ ___ ' _ ■ J Remember how pleased we used to be. '.year ', aft.er. year as —the •r ctyd feet: shotild never drink'coffee. Ready. Soon fl ut evidence is the- educational John^W. Harrington in New York. . - .Relatively .few New Yorkers have ever 'se’em ty city; poIi least\to recc | this member ava one ncxo a new fid, this Summer she will r ' n 4* ta r> ■* n’ — J AI reat crowds gather. r ui ui.it? jabt wain iV we could watch the new-born stars at twilight,/ \ (Sharing tai's - nights gone by.)— ****'*’•, CANADA THE" EMPIRE THE WORLbv ‘•Bye-Bye” On A Bicycle Built For Three .Canadian Travellers Prove Baths On Trains Are Superfluous \ CANADA 1 " - ’ ' / --------i—' ■ FARM LABOR Some-idea;,of the effect"of machtata e.ty -upon’ agrictatui’al. employment 'ta Canada may be glimpsed' from thX; last fom). Dominion censuses. . Ip, 1901' ■ WerS'umlier~of' workeib on~ Canadian ■ farms .w'as 45 .per . cent.-of all those. , gainfully .employed im the whole Do- mlpiofi.' IK .1911'the percentage drpp- ' i>ed. to 3.8z . In 1931, according to the census it was^ found that agriculture was employing only ^28 per cent, of) all those gainfully employed.—Winni peg Tribune. ( . s I ■■ » . . ..'"'/;_/ ta ’ An American—ph-ysieian who makes- a special study of human gland's an nounces that if people'are .cleyer it Is’ bbcatise ’of /tEb’ikmbrbrglands they have; if they are “numb,’’ it is owing to theifi glands-. In short, he says that . whatever we are, whether we are ..good, bad or indifferent, is. decided foi;1 us by our glands—St. Thanas Times-Journal; ’ . .. .' Aged 88, John Thoms, a successful .contractor, Jtias just returned to. Syd ney—by the ^rst:trip of a new plane service.It took him just two hours. .^erg,;Tin bjiefT w;6rdsp(ahd^“tiie' experience of one man, is the whole .history of imodern progress. In traps- ;poktati9n.-7^Halifaxv7HeTald.. ™ — KNOW -THEIR BANANAS. London, of course^ has an enorm ous appetite.,/.- It swallows. food q£ all sorte fron&all parts of the" world in shipload lota. \ Last month, -tty-----„—tycks records-shW ,ty>w it took Into its maw more , than 50)000 bunches of ana's, one b!g\ ship’s cargo': 1^00,0^1-3^ The Jamaica-^' boat, arrived -at the West India dock wi|h 51,954 bunches of Bananas, and the ship broke bulk at '8 am., the whole. c.^r.go being discharged by 8.40 p.in. the) same' day. \ During the time shown 23)610 bun ches wtye weighed and dispatched in. J41 railway, wagons to various parts of the country, and 28,344 pun- MA’ARM TEACHERS and. FISHING .Teachers/ especially' ma-arm teach- ' ers. have a horror of fishing. They-be- •4ieverperha-ps"Tig’hlyr^^ , hookey are ‘closely, allied. They have - kno wn'haunts in search of absentees' and when this fails they demand sat isfaction next day. , Some ardent fisherboys havA tried to mollify, teachers by surreptitious-- ;'ly Reaving on her '•desk a very dead ' flatfish or a one-legged crab, after tihe ' manner of ’ Teacher’s pet bringing flowers or an appiev The bribe, how- ever, , has never worked, except in reverse. ■ There is as yet fio known method - . of convincing teacher tha? fishing is more important than geography, and there is here a great opportunity for - - ;■ . thorough., investigation for thein ulti mate benefit.-?-P. ty? Luce, Vancou- in. J.41 railway, wagons toJ • , " -__' _ ch-es distributed by ftyd vehiclesXto. the London (markets. This was ' a record- performance A’cojppared with the., handling tyf any previous .ship ment \of bananas.—Brandon’ Sun, Aj year or so -ago the News-Chron- icle entered .into/a^digg-ussion' of the comparative sizes of Lake Superior and Lake Victoria, Nyanza in Africa, Someone, including' tsome school tea chers, advising their pupils, had de clared tihe African lake to be the larger. - Using* all tty information it could obtain from atlases and encvcloped- ia, ttys paper Waved, to. its own satisfaction at least, -that .(Superior' was the larger and thus the largest lake in the world. This was’definite if depth were considered, for It.’ape pears that large .portions of Victoria Nyanza’s Surface is only-a foot oj so, ed with - reeds Wd. grasses. . • ' We now find the following’ paragr Tapfi/ambng those issued by a science service for use in newspapers.—as_ something “Interesting\to Know-” ■' ■ “It is estimated that lLake' Super-^ /western crop grew.ever greater; now the” possibility and the j likelihood of a bumper' crop is being viewed with alarm and apprehension. . ‘Isn’t it a queer world ?..Many-,..of. us remember the scientists telling us that, about now, the earth would not be able to provide food for her teeni' ■"rfbe'-taTotalfles'toilayJ"Ts’. „.'R' tafttat'?.- too much food ■ is/be-^ ■ “It is est^tytyt tha? Lakty\Superta Tor exceeds/*^ size, its nearest' fresh -water~rival, ^fritaa’s Lake Vfcforia" .Nyanza, by a thousand square , miles)” —Port Arthur News-Chronicle.; I- THE EMPIRE MADE JT' BY ACCIDENT. ' \ : Charles Frederic, ,Crossg^(^ta->^ BL. ; r- IR.L A.:/ ■' Montreal, — ..-Canadians may be clean people, but they won’t take* .baths oh trains. To find this out has jeost the two Railways tens of. thous- .of dollars. *... a ,'“Why don’t they have' baths on these trains?” ,grouchec( an -Ameri can one time,, after four sticky -days .on .the train, • . ', 4*How can they expect a man/to keep clean on these dusty prairies?” an Englishman asked indignantly-,., as he explained he ' was going to Aus tralia via Canada, and- he would not, do it again. •• .J ta rU* - bhn have my- jbath "on tire; At- . Iantic, and1, nty bath, Qfl - the .Pacific, but. for.* ■fp.uT*fuity.day^=I 'haye to gd. . without' it. on ; the•train,'” / Ke ' wail ed. : ■, ■■■ . : J • . “ Railway’* officials'got /'.their heads together, and ■■ m 1’929, .‘the’ -Canadian Pacific put out their “River” ser ies of solarium cars., \ The glass ended River Rouge, River'Moira, and other “Rivers” soon we$e familiar- sights at the end of th'e Trans-Can- ' ada Limiteds. The most important thing, the most-advertised item about ■them? was their baths, tub and-them,-' was their baths, tub and shower. . ' The Canadian National then in-, troduced their bath tub cars, and they too ran from coast to coast, There was ohly one troubles No body ever, bathed ,ih t.he.m! ' After .costly experiments, the .rail- j ways' pulled their bath cars <rff the road. They have been , idle in the » shops’ for abou-t -threA y-ears no.W-.—p---: ■Jus't,..ther Other -day. .tty jg^nadian National to.o.k "the baths' Putty th exp, converted TKe- sppee • into a lo'unge,' .and sent them (tyck. .out, in _ serv'icef / -The Canadian Pacific are said ;;tp. be/..- / thinking' of doing ' tty ■ same thing, find converting the forgotten bath rooms into' Useful space. .- r . Mother, dad and. the baljy' take the highroad’ for an outing in the. English countryside on ingenious carrya'II. This was one of the. ■ many family groups taking pai*t in 'recent outing of bicyclists' at Y Cobham, England, recently. - , X A ' \ \________’*• - ; \ ' ■ ’ \ ' \ : . ■ \ ■ ~ : , ' ■ ; ■ ~~ X THE CINEMA VAN. X There are those who readtyn trains, there are thoseXtyho eat in trains, there, are those who slety iff trains, ana doubless there a-re thoseXwhose attitude \resembles\that mf the Old Countryman^ who, when asked how' --fh-e-sp.pnt--h is^imn^dw'“thAtJity^wfiSs"'' .jgepsioried off, made answer.;* “Well, Miss, .sometimes I sits and.thinks., and sometimes I just sits.” ' x •For those w»ho “just sit’/ (and who also appen to have a shilling to spare) the;,'Northeastern /Railway . Company ■has-now-provided'/ata 'iadItI!5ASl“relSx-' - atoh-in-the -shape -ptya” “cinema vaii,’J“ which made its first journey from . J^ondon-T;o-H=,eeds--“-hh-i-s—week;—with}-ar2 preliminary blessing at King\’g Cross) - -Station—from'^MT—jT^HC'' Thomas. The - -vair-h-as-fi-sl^^oping-flooi7it?mannatypimr , jnoda-t-e—taji—a-udience -ol' -f-l' and thc i_Cha£g.e_is—al_ sMllin.g__f.or---a^—prpg-Fa-m- that takes/an hour. . , . \ . -.-.One can \ therefore be whirled through .the English countryside yhile immersed ■ ty the . studio settings; Hollywood, pi/ ride to York surrojin/ ded 4 by the scenery of “Rome press.”—Manchester .Guardian”, ^U-tythe-r---du-t-i-esy- -mtye rorff dess^mder covtar. Both classes, will be seen in within the ci’ty limits, .'-V.Ther.e.They -will keep-order, see thattyathing -at? tity ik reasonably decorous ' and watch otat specially for lost children. Most of the” women police officers are. parried a/id some .have Children. Where a policewoman is ’assigned to a station, house, the Regulations- re- ' quire her to. tyay:e*^av.ailab.le..ia;..st.er.ita . ized nursing-bottle and :J<now where she ca-nXget milk.and suitably‘.modi fy'it' forXthe comfort'of infants as tray. She\iso has a first-aid. kit. I Contrasted with this, she has ty .32 calibre, six-shot revolver and shexre- ...p.orts.T.eg.ular.ly.for..targ.et....practice....... tyLAll..membets of. this, branch- o£. the; Mrce have entered it through the Civil Service. .xThey wtar.e..admitted-, as physically perfect, or-tas nearly / And ^so-as—buman—beings—e-'a-n—b&----Their—i'TTgst ‘ The bus conductor had had a haras sing, day. First of all, it was -raining. Troublesome old ladies, irritating old men, and other bus pests had all com bined to doAheir worst'."It was get ting late ty the afternoon when, ah American tourist boarded the) bus. “Say, conductor,” he exclaimed, “I want; your Saint Paul’s Cathedral.” “Oh, all fii^ht,” replied the con ductor, somewhat shortly. “I say,” repeated \the American in a louder tone. “I want your Saint Paul’s Ca thedral. — and I want it quick.”, . _ “JLon/t jwoiry, j._guv7-.n.or,”_“- retyrtM 7th’1e‘'“’nb"W‘'!“t.horouginy'~''Yea .tor;’ “I’m gettin’ it. wrapped up /for „yo.u.” ;• -------——#— ■ ■ • '; / -V " . •Down River , , F. L. Montgomery »in .the New.. . York Times Jt was' at evening: From, the river's - ---biieas f--.—— ■•■ /’A seagull rose on wings of pearl \ white, . -■ '(Flashed . upward 'through the ' ? gathering shade's of night And circling once, twice, thrice, as .if in .ques,t -Of -poi-nts- - dir ec t i ona-1; - -or -thus- ‘might' ;■ testV‘-" His strength, swung swiftly sea- ——ward on hisr flight . .'• •---- .. in. the deepening?, dusk was ribit^tsTt^iftr’^'"7 r“"'...j...... ■In Seeking a larger inland market; ■ for 'sea-l’ood from the Maritimes the particular value 06 this food in pre-, venting the disease called'goitre may ' well, be stressed- in advertising. Gbi- , tre is a teiin used to indicate various diseases of the thyroM^iand, and we , are told iodine is an. .essential to thy-. roid activity..Land plants and anim als- contain relatively little iodine, while sea-food has a high content, and therefore is dt; special value. i . We know that goitre is much more prevalent rin the inland country, and “therefore -a,. nartjicfilar-health—reason for*getting’. food that stimulates thy- roid activity. That is sea-food. .Aside so palatable,- it i& a healthy diet most "> ne'cesiary in p.arts of the country re mote from the sea; If is also to be noted that fislV ?are •rich in--vitainines. When, therefore, it . /is . urged th.at more fish, should be consumed-it is"not only .in the inter-. tarsW’tat~ ffeli'Fnn’an;”tabr/of '"/tlTe' gefier'-"‘^”~l al. public. ,- - ; -Crrifi/U TOYtahe de-mand"’ig’'equal/ . t0 the supply, but that many are un able to purchase because of lack of work and money and have-tu be edn-.i tent- with less than the essentials of’ ' IT’S A COMPLIMENT. We can forgive the' Stratford Bea con-Herald almost anything, except, however,, when it quotes the Standard- as the St. ,-Catharine's.'Journal. — St. Catharines Standard. ' /.. . , HINT F6R BALD HEADS. A „ stenograph er fdr the League of Nations at Geneva, has been givpn $1,650 compensation • because ■ of the claim that smoke, coming from a chimney into tile ■ room where, she worked, caused her to become bald. .If a- number of men in‘Brantford and elsewhere could cash in on this basis there would be a severe, strain on the tmonefafy system,—-Brantford Expos itor.., ’. . < • ' WHAT THIS COUNTRY NEEDS. Anyone who travels' across Canada liiust realise that one thing'this coun try needs is a g6od coat of paint. ■The state of buildings pretty well across the Dominion suggests that a - million pounds of paint Could be used in Canada w-ith go’od effect within the next year or so. Perhaps it’should ,v • be a half million pounds, perhaps two milliont, At any- rate, the country •could make use of a tremendous’am ount pf paint."—Regina Leader-Post. the man- whp gave ‘wcurren arti- ■ jsilk >sto.^aKagjbgs=di^-at=au^: _—The—late—-Lord—■Melehet-t--once—~de~ clared: “If it had not been for two English chemists," young' yromen' would mot have had the wonderful .Stackings—they—weartRTdfiy?’ “T~~' One of the two-)chemists wa?\Mr.; Cross; the other, E- Bevan, died in 1922. “ . Mr. Cross had no idea of the boon to be conferred. on women when n*e and his colleague invented the* cellu-. lose process for spinning artificial silk' oyer 40 years ago. The discovery was made, while the two men were experimenting , with, bits of wood* A solution was found, which was poured into a container with a hole in the b.ottpm, and a cycle purhp was‘1 used t0 pull it out. through the hole like a thread of cotton. ' 1 * A company was formed to develop the spinning of artificial silk. In 1916 Mr. Cross was awarded the medal of the Society of Chemical Industry for ^‘conspiciOus. services, to chemical industry,”—London. Daily Sketch. . , i ■ --- n t THE RURAL SCHOOL ■TiJiK- does not permit the”, rural school Facher to give much atten tion to the so-called* friHs_o£_0.d-uua- lion, ■ but when it comes to the- fun- dam.'ntals'of learning .such as read ing. aLihmotic,’• spelling, grammar. ■ ctr.. ihh rural ptipTTs of . Wateltyo' (Yunty are up-to.the Standard and -can'- a-ivn a -good, ‘account of thtenr-- \'^4'THFINDERta.. ' ' ' story .that comes 1'rom Antipodes. ... I'* 19. agofl two ybars,, .John c-t out with his piom-oring >■ 1,-rom the ToWns.liip of Syd-? ui. iral.ia, info the'vast unknown pla-?_ ■ -.of New South Wales, < 1’ :- ok thorn- six wo*-k'< in a cov- ■ er'-d bupo'ck wagon, ty negoiato tire ' pa of Ih't!' .barri'i-r mrruiifaiiis and >■ w.'K-ro Xari'i.m no, slmd.! fAdav. .REQUEST OF DICKENS. A sight-seeing visitor asked me yesterday why London has no full- sized statue of Charles Dickens. The answer is |to be found in this quota tion from; the great novelist’s will: “I conjure my friends,on no act- count to make, me the-subject of any monument, memorial or testimonial whatever. I rest- my claim's, to the remembrance of .my country upon my published ■ works.? - I happen to know, however, that some American admirers, in tfheir. zeal, have overridden’ this stipulation? In the public . gardens fit Philadel phia there is a full-length sculptured memorial rep relenting. Dickons seat-.* cd in an armchair?. At the' base of 'the pedestal Little Nfell gazes affc^e- -tionately- unr-at"her rnrrn tar.--London' Dtyly^tobV. v 1 ” \5.’ \ Uudty. ty., M; ' HOMEWORK. A big change in school life may be brought about by the.examination now being conducted into the .effects of homework. It will ’ fore the survey is complete and the verdict be issued, accumulating that value of homework. is dilbious, to put it mildly. . Children can be overwork ed as Avon gs uta def worked. And in tty- average simple .home,' .'with its ’tart age -of irooms, tlu,conditions uil- Official Estimates Given Of Fail WhW Rye, Hay and —_ Gio ver—Meado ws •—■ ;...t -----:-- ---------rty— —T-ti-e-T-9'3-4—v...... ........o ... -wheat,-—fall—iye,-—and—of—hay-- and-1----- clover-meadows is officially estimat ed as follows: ... ' '■ ’;■ *' __n: -' ty ■ Fall .Wheat—J3f the 663,000 acres seeded to fall wheat in Ontario in the autumn, of 1934, 12ty000 square’ . acre's, or 19 per cent, are estimated 5as winteLkilledj • leaving au area of IDSoy 'as com.pafe'dtywith a harvested / 631,0.00 acres were seeded'to fhll rye)' ty?| last autumn,. 27,000 acres', or'4 pej ceutv^are .'estimated', ata winter-kiil- “e'dtyl'eaViiuW'afi'TiF^'“b’f”,60T"0^ Ti to ty. harvested .in 1935, as compar- • ed .vXith 587,100 atyes harvested in 1934. In Ontario 70,000 acres were ,tywnt; 6,000 acres, or 9 per'cent., estimated as winter-killed and 64,- 000 acres left for the 1935 harvest. < in Manitoba .77,000 acres are esti mated . tyty harvest >out of 79,000) acres sdtyn, with 2,000 acres, or 3 - per cent., winter-killed; : In- Sas katchewan, 311,000 acres were sown, 12,000 tyres or 4 per cent, estimat ed as winter-killed, and 299,000 acres remain to be harvested. In Altyrta 171,000 acres were sown to fall rye; V,000 acres, or 4 pei; .cent, winter-killed, and 164)000 acres 10ft tyr harvest-. f . . . Etay and*Ciover—During the win ter of 1934-35, the following per centages of hay, and. closer are es timated to hav.e beeiL^tttyter-killed, tyith the corresponding figures for ' the previous year (1933-34)' within ; ■ brackets:t t’or all Canada 8 tyr cent, (-12); tyrfnce Edward Island '3 (4)) j Nova Scotia 5.(4); New Brunswick 3 (1); Quebec 2 (5)..; Saskatchewan 3 (10); Alberta ’ 2 (3) ; \ British Columbia ,3(1). ? ' U COLD FEET . -...: t . -\ tai'. Sti-1 ta'i etas I Coffers. Makes'. -----'fliein Colder ' A V V-2- / , Atlantic City) N.J.—I^ggTis with ctyd feet; shotild never drink'coffee. . That aclyice, Used last wi-nt,en.'vpin || Yb'ity 'd'eatyrta Y/Vid /dug Mtyhattan out .of its bl'ikzhrds, was N'-xtontyd recently by -Dr. William' Bierman of New York in exhibi'ing* to the .American' and ' Canadian Me'dical Associations results of hit • research on skin temper'atures. On the other hand he" found that » wine and ■ whiskj' are excellentjnedb . fines in treating' some diseases of .the blond, vessels by« causing thetif to’expand' and thus aid circulation of 'blood. intelligence quota' is exceptionally high. Many of. them were school teachers, registered nurses, secre taries, social workers, and the like before, they-- entered thejr prjeSent '“calling. A few are college- tyadu- .ates. As , far. as.. salary is concerned, pa- trolwomen' ..and....' polioewomtan are. •on.—fee taame --feaS4&“ unhese salaries arevat present subject loathe customary d^pffessipn. cuts., DojSt~pi2^Them Tfiut such a childtyxists Js flat! London Institute of\Medical Psycho- .-'gy, hich is now recognized as ‘an approved/clinic by the University of London. From the knowledge gained in training neurotic victims. . of the war, for whity.purpose it was orig inally established in 1.920, if has i-n the last few wears banished the de mons er.slavi thousands^ of child ren.' Last .yetar its e^xperfs treated, 26.4 unhappy children, afflicted with various depressions and mental ill nesses, in each chsd securing a happy result, restoring to the child its lost 'health aS well as typpiness® \ \ Sympathetic. understanding is t^re basis ty'-every cure. The psychiatrist has first fo Win the child’s.-confidence) dften accomplished by~a“-jtynt-*attempt’ to. solve a jig-saw puzz'le» before he can ditfgnose the cause otyits suffer ing. Parents'' who.. punish ! what to' be unnaturally rebellion; ton children, are guilty of\a cardinal sin; they, should consult' £ clinic'. LOVE^ WALKS THE DREAM TRAIL I would such wings were mine (that I might rise' - „ L__A..... Up from the ■ earth and,, flying follow him Out wherve the. s-un sets . and’.the day-? light dies, . . Until, the surges’ solemn requiem" -W-a-s- -hu-shed- ■ a\ofig - -.-■ -------;■----- 1 ever seen\ a\ city- policewoman — at least-.to recoghize? one ’ — but'now | this member taf the force can readily be distinguished; for she has a new uniform, and this Summer she wifi be on/ duty^ at the beacjj.es and other resorts where Areat crowds gather. A few days, ago Yhe policewomen and batrolwomeri held -ta dress parade in 'their new tun.es, which were evolved after considerable thought on the part of the, Pol.i’e Department com mittee on uniforms. , The -uniform consists essentially of a blue serge skirt and a biouser or namented with gilt butons, bearing the department insigna. The blouse •is double-breasted and has a belty which is sewed down at the back to prevent anyone’s grasping it'in a personal encounter. What appear to be putside -pockets with flaps are merely external -orname|nts. . on -tl re ate today' 1'40 policewomen and' patrol women on “the force.” One hundred are in the Bpreau of Police women, of which .Mrs. Mary A. BuL liva^ is- the director, and forty are in the Crime Prevention Bureau,' of which Inspector bostuma has charge. The function of these two classes arc so intermingled that it is hard> to dif ferentiate them. Their rating is the same. ■ ' The rank of t patrolwopien;] whs originated "in New York city-during, the World War, when it was thought necessary to have a feminine force to- • pblice ' parks . and other-'-public places #whcre large numbers of sol- ..^53ta ?-ndT con^egatyd,. .. Tty-sty .official^ 'tyi'^pel’ons^w-ere iiot tin uni- itarm|v\but vca’rritd . badges. ' tan'- their bags. Patrolwomen do a good- deal of detective work in plain clothes. They fire'sent to get evidence against ■illegal .practitioners of medicine or, th discover social irregularities at danee halls-or theatres. . ’ . ■ Police women, who are likely to . appear most in uniform,’ taay be •e'cen. in police stations and pfisomt where they look, after women de- fedauts and "care for ch'ihlreni How- ' ever, they are likely to be- assigned • Seaforth Expositor: P^rsoiis walk ing Vh the highways at night never seemtato know .or care, for that mat ter, that when they 'are between the lighfs of two. approaching, cars bhey are practically invisible until the ctars\ fire actually upon them.? Highway fatalitjes^have become altogether too common, but the blame does not al ways lie with' the . motorists- Of- course, the pedestrian has rights .on the highwaw tAe same as, lhe, motor ist, but asserting those lights in the face of a ’ fast moving car at night ’ usually meets with the same fate thaV-befalte the\car driver tyat at tempts to beat an .taxpress train over a level crossing- If one rfiust walk on the highways at night, ,wvould it not be wis^r-tand safer to-staj\ on the. right-side *of the road, and do “make doubly siire;\ vyould it jnot b$ wise/ i too, to .carr sorqe kind as. w.ell^ , \ “This England” \“'If w\e frould turn back Time tonighfy i- And tlieh the Ki-n^j - ' My. Dear..- "1 A pale radiapep, a slendcr-wh'ited For one last walk together, you and 1, /Shadow)—• the Queen behind h'it.ni. . -x .... \ .... (q-be Queen-.then/lid a ,stvangeHan .unusual thing- \ ^he outstretched lief arms, so that all -might nefe^'that slte\ was real ’and human.—foailyn Express^ ; 11 We' see that between these years-, i decreased by- ip'the^ tq^y-^s^ihui- o. ,/\Ot '‘pwifiW,' v ’ ""/lA ..njt'ci'mi.seu Dy-^opie. 800,qnp. Titas ncar- Moa'n, nibre tlian “Just, another Fail’Wtay a rifilliorV fcplnsto.r.s w^cre artifl- '' ” ’ 1 cially? created’ during tlie.se, seven years . . . , Of course it' wtwld be Haunfed by the ghosta of JoyOus, wrong to imagine that this is caused far-off. la lighter, ■Would memory ‘‘break” you make you understand? would not mailer much . . followed h-fto-r .... you amQl wore -walking hand in F.iancis Smith,'- Toronto, v. ». I . . . • ' I (Sharing Ini's secret thrill, as In the nights -gone- by,)-—-I- - , I wonder, would sight of red leaves hung' on twistedkb'ranctys, I Or shadows merging Vust beyond the j ....■ b’ue; ‘ ......... ; sdtabi IgVtyv -------------, .............. ,, ; the male population Or lonely AntHrnnlll wirids that 'ffiofirn whiles '‘pantity,''' ’ ■ tyH ' ’’ tJt'Ci'tyseff 'my'^tyie. 800,ty Mean, nibre tl/an “Just, anofhtar Fail’Wtay a nmll-ioir tyinsto.r.s to you?- ' ' . I dally- created’ during i.no.se< seven I'years . OE course it' w'twl-d be . ’ ‘ ' ’ ............................"4 I entirety by blm war/ ’. — The /Army,'Navy, and) Air Force' Gazette, p " >i< * ♦ ! Testator gayo the -use of a house | in Arbour Si.root., Southport; to’diis .brdlbor Thoma< 'and his wife,', to- | g c I l*i e r* w i t h L 116 a y e ar. “On ditibn he.,pr s»he shall use long I curtains iiF-tbe front, windows, ] they use curtains of any-other eription the annuity is to be iv-lucm to £312,” — .Daily TOlegraph. ■ ■ “S.iir"-- < nol.'consi t, in never ■■ blfimlorp,. but in. hover 'mak- ' one the Second time.’* H. W. Shaw.