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The Lucknow Sentinel, 1935-06-27, Page 10
North—Bounds— WEt>HL¥t*UE*Wf SERVICE AT LANES ' ZION • The members of Orange Lodge ■'will attend Divine service in a. body ------ Sunday everting, June 30th at 7.30’. et 8.15. Just compare Elue Sujfjoco’s performance tn- your car with any other gasoline at an y price , .» ' tliafu all we ask 1 Check them aU for quick starthr/g, trafhojumping acceleration, knoeklesh action aiud power* ■' plus mileage economy. You'll whi* luuk tu Hluft Huni/cv Jw utcijor mi ipw'jortH’fittf'.iil OHLY ONE QUALITY NO5CONDG,4DE c*rton^M*e p0*'e«- '} WHERE YOUR DOLLAR HAS MORE SENSE ' 4 • -A Ua 25 c, »•».30c ,:...45|C . .....25c ........25c ...,.35c .......... ... 19c ......25c .......25c .....25c ...,.42e - r7;7T742c“"^~ . - PLUM JAM, '28 OZ. .................... ■' ORANGE MARMALADE, 28 QZ. ............... ............ PURE CLOVER HONEY, 5 LBS. .................... PINT JUGS MAPLE SYRUP,’ .......•........, MAPLE BUTTER, 1« OZ. PER, TIN ".»....... >■. . LARGE BOTTLE SWEET MIKED PICKLES LARGE BOTTLE FAjiCY OLIVES i........---- - p A G Soap, 5 bars .......... —... . HARD WATER TOILET SOAP,: 6 CAKES ......... SANIFLUSH, TIN ...........'............. TOILET TISSUE, 7 ROLLS ■-*....... . ......... .. . ;■'. — : GOLD: MEDAL ..COFFE, LB. .................. . ^W^EH"FW^BtfBN’S^COFFEEr^ATEDrLBr^ A FULL LINE OF PICNIC SUPPLIES* .PLATES, CUPS, ; ; <, j '■ SERVIETTES, WAX' ROLLS ?’ ... I FRESH. FRUITS; AND VEGETABLES ALWAYS ON HAND. sVatopsis • '■ • Adam Meriston, a . farmer’s sOn, articled to a. solicitor, makes, a brave . but unsuccessful'1' attempt , to thwart three' thieves in a bag-snatching raid , bag- th©- girl who explains that It11'contains, the day's'takings of her father's shop. He attempts to crack the thieves and: reaches an old , Warehouse. Adam enters the building while the . girl watches' the door. Suddenly -he hears footsteps. The- man turns out ,L-to be Adam s. employer-r-Corville Perkin. t "~-““’S^Mr~itri*his private hours expeid- ’ ' meats with short-Wave wireless. Walking homeward,' Adam is neatly run down by a large swift car.' • He calls on Priscilla- Norval........ Her father, recounts the history., or five antiuue’chairs he possesses. \Adam is extremely puzzled over the connection- of Corville Perkin ana . Montida who wants the antique chairs. “There’S something very precipitate about you tonight, Merist'on.’/he’com plained at, last, moving back,a few . tentative paces towards the doomed , - building until he ^as-.' brought dp ^Lgainstr-AdaffiAs-eoutst-retG-hed—arjnr-4yt on you the importance of never act*’. Ing except, op ascertained facts. Now in this case the facts ;are: ’firstly, that "there are two cans of petrol in Travel By Arrow Coaches “For Your Convenience” ,rrow BUS Schedule Effective May 5th, 1935 LEAVES LUCKNOW South Bound “ Week Days—9.45 A. M. Sunday, 4.15 PAI. Standard Time . Itineries.“Planned to All Points in Canada, United States and Mexico , CbrisultLocaTA gen t T. W. SMITH Central Garage ,Phone 148 Central Ont. Bus Lines Toronto McCormick-Deerins [ Hayins Machines No. 7 Mower with enclosed gears, running in a bath of . oil is the most modern on the market. Self^Dump. Sfedl Hay Rakes, Hay Tedder’s, Cbihbined Side Delivery Rake arid Tedders are leaders ih these lines. . The McCormick-Deering Steel Hay' Loader with adjustable Carriers and equipped with roller bearings is one-of the lightest draft and most1 durable , cylinder loader^. <- FOR SALE AT— W. <5. Andrew’s THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL THURSDAY, JUNE 27th; 1935 Paramount Community Holds Annual Picnic ge.e you both blown through roef.'”- ■ ' ~ ;.....7"’"’ -“There. isn’t going to be any plosion after all/’. Adam explain^ .put -fier inind_a£2reMC^ThiL,£^; sor put it out, a thing that wc never have occurred to me even had had* the courage to go d( . there.’’■ “Now don’t let u^ have al.l t over- again,” pretested the little i ini an aggrieved voice. “It was c. necessary to realize that they v not likely to be. able to produc very .thorough expio's(bn. in the minutes’ start that Mr. . Perkin' 'oPliSZ’BVen if the idea of an exploi- had entered,^my. mind/ It just de red to me that the hunchback fe. - --had--'set-th^pWce^-o^^ came creeping back from the c( stairs with smoke indisputably,.,cr ing after him. It’s fairly easy t0; a fire’ out if yoti don’t wait to R get a proper hold. [Actually it r -yeTy~easy~indeed7^By^th’e'^way7—- - :.anyone-._see..what,.h : friend Perkin-- a*nd his assoef ,' .bandits?” .[/■ ;[• •. •'.[ ; “Looks as if they’d got away in coupe, sir,’’ answered the driver. <' j Tout’s Grove At Bruce Beach Lively Spot, As Interesting Program Of Sports Is Run Of As A Feature Of The Outing. Although Saturday was not an ideal picnic Way, there was a large attendance\from the Paramount dis trict at’the* annuaL picnic at Toiit’s -Grove at Bruce Beach. A feature of this jail day outing was a splendid spprts program, which kept-the crowd both interested and entertained. The prizes were won as follows: . Races-'- . r—Girls-4 years—Winnifred Raynard, Dorothy Raynard. Boys 6 [years— Ivan Henderson/ Douglas McDiarmid. Girls, 6 yearis 7-^ Gertrude . Raynard.1 Boys 8 years—Donald Hamilton, K. MacLennam Girls 8 years-^M^K£rt7et< MacCharles.Bovf Sandy dcewart, Jamieson. Girls 12 yrs.—Jean McGillvary, Jean Ray nard. "Boy8 16 years—Allan. Mac-. Charles, Ray Richards. Girls 16 yrs. —Tilly McGillvary, Jessie McCharles Single men —Harold Greet, Bob Barkwell. Married men—Alex McNay Bob Hamilton. Single women—Rachel McDonald, J; MacCharles. Married -Women *— Mrs. Oliver; MacCharles, Mrs. Nelson Raynard. Couple' race-!- Bob Barkwell, Rachel McDonald and Alex McNay, Annie McDonald. Blind man’s race—-Allin McCharles, Lloyd Henderson. Ladies kicking slipper— Mrs. Oliver McCharles--Mrs. Grant McDiarmid! Calling chickens — Mrs. Nelson Raynard, Alex McNay. Baby show—Donald McNay, Shirley Johm- storii Throwing rolling pin—Rachel McDonald, Irene Barkwell (ties). Free-for-all race,_8(Lrbds—Bob Bark well, Harold Greer. Shoulder Stone*— Bob Reed; Lloyd. McAuley. Throwing ball^Angus-~“MacAuley;“~HT"Greerr--- "Prizes were donated by D; Mac- Charles, W. Hornell and Eldon John ston. Stump speeches were given by P. R. McNay, Alex McDiarmid, Hugh McIntosh, they being favorably men tioned by the chairman for thpir m™an^kind~actsnn_comrection“withrth'€F .Paramount community work. __'■ [ LOCAL and GENERAL; Mr. F. M. Raterson was back ' to work on Monday after a week’s ill ness with pleurisy. ■Mr. Wilfred Murdoch and Miss Orma Scythe of Toronto were guests the first of the week , with Mr. and Mrs. Cameron MacDonald. Mrs. Alex McPhedrain, who has been visiting with her niece, Miss Gretta Campbell,, has returned to her liome near Winnipeg. - - Mr; and Mrs, Kenneth' Campbell and family of Detroit, pre visiting, with the- former’s rsistei?, Miss Gretta .Campben.L.aiidfriendsiii_the...CQni “ munity. • ,The Misses Hartley of Woodstock and the; Potter Bros; of Buford; spent’’ the week end.’ with „ Mr! arid ’with friends in Kincardine. Graduates of Stratford Normal School are holding their picnic at Harbor . Park, Goderich, this Satur day. All graduates arp invited and "are’^requested-itb” brings —" Jitney Wiimers Prize winners at the Lady Bowlers’ weekly jitney on Monday afternoon were Mrs. Charles Steward, Mrs. Porteous, Mrs. Rae and Mrs. J. W. Joynt. . • Mr. John MacKinnon who has been here for a few weeks due to the ill ness and subsequent death of his mother, ' Mrs. Angus MacKinnon, commenced his return trip to'Calgary on Saturday. > ? Mrs. Wes. Moore and two sons', Charles and Bruce of Palmerston, visjted on^Tuesday,. wjth. the.jform- er> mother, Mrs. George Gillies, wflo is slowly improving, from her : TecentrillneSsr* Mrs., Bowen of London is a visitor at the home- of her son, s Dr. R. J. Bowen and Mrs. Bowen. Other recent visitors at the Bowen home included Dr. and Mrs. Alex Ross and' Mr. and „ Mr. Frank Hickey of Chatham, is Men’s and Boys’ . Work Clothing, Socks, Underwear, /etc. New Lo,w Prices.—THE MARKET STORE. SPECIALS for the HOLIDAY LADIES’ and MISSES’ VOILE DRESSES. Smart styles, lovely patterns. Sizes 14-20; 36-44, from ..................$1-25 up WHITE ’FLANNEL SKIRTS, fashionable front pleats . centre back pleats. The better quality flannel ......... .$2.75 WHITE PIQUE SKIRTS, neatly tailored, button trimming $1.95 MINES’ BLOUSE, fancy checks. Styles something diff- * erent. At ....... $1.95 BATHING SUITS FOR TJIE FAMILY —ALL PURE WOOL LADIES,'low back, with straps MEN’S & YOUTHS’ the Speedwell, Black,. Orange and Green. L^MENi-^YQUOTSLSLEEXELESS-^^ATjy^ Blue* Green . and -Marorin. Pure Wort! .-.-i;.... •• • .$1.25 - See1 tli KNEE HIGH HO£E for Ladies . 49c up/ ‘ The SHORT SOCK for Meh, witK Lastex Top. Afl the. sage in the larger centres. - but will- resume- his duties on-Mon^—of—ladies attended,^—which included— day.* , • Friday is the last day of school for this term. The majority*of Con-, tinuation School, students' are already enjoying holidays as well. as public school pupils, who were promoted on their year’s work. Entrance class and other, public s.chdol students,, finish writing tomorrow. ; Suffered Attack of Appendicitis Early last week Mr. Dave Alton "stiffefeii" an ? atta'elr'of" appen'dicitis,- from ivhich he was considerably/im-t proved the latter part of the week, "but---Was-7still" confined -to-bed; An -op- oration was not considered impera tive, 'and . Mr. Alton’s friends are hopeful that a recurrence of the. trouble may be avoided. ■ Hold Euchre and Bridge Party A Very > pleabant-’---afte'rn'oon- was-: the new member of the local Bank of Montreal Staff, succeeding Mr. Ken. Hall. Mr. joe ; Bartlett also of spent on Friday at the home of Mrs, J. W. Joynt, where the spacious" verandah was the sdene of a bridge and euchre, held, under the auspices I visitors from God-’rich, Wingham and I’ Tees water. Mrs. Jessie Maclnnes won the prize for bridge opd Mrs. M. Horne the euchre priaj|F: Hold Family Gathering , Mr. Thomas Aitchison observed, his 69tfi birthday on Sunday which, was marked, by the family gathering for dipner at, the home of h> soni Mr. Horace Aitchison,' which came as a surprise to Mr. Aitchison. The -family -spent—a’ pleasant afternoon — together and enjoyed a motor trip to the lake. ; T^rize’7Winner-“---;-:-----r;--;--^ Bill McKepzie Jr., of Kinloss was the prize winner in McKenzie’s Garage draw that won for him 4 gallons of gasoline. Inaugurated-last week, and continuing during the suni- gas on Saturday evening, entitles the ■. . purchaser to enter his or her name-. A draw is maile'. the first of each—. week with the lucky party winning won the prize for bridge gjjid Mrs, the staff is at present on’holidays’of the Lady Bowlers. Fourteen tables free an additional- 4 gallons of gas; W HITE CHURCH WORKMEN1 ESCAPES SERIOUS INJURY When He Drops 22 Feet To Cement FloorOfBridgelnPaisley—Second irkman^Escapes- Ab. Coultus, one of the White-: church men engaged with Contractor Mowbray on the new bridge job , in Paisley, had a narrow escape <rom serious injury about ten days. ago. Mr. Coultus and Ken. Weaver were standing' on a scaffolding erected on top of an'old steel‘bridge which -i s- ’ ................ “ were--occupied~witK suddenly,_and^_.,precipitated__CoultuB. to the concrete floor, 22 feet- below; The unfortunate workman landed partially on ibis feet, but. toppled backward heavily.; A medical exam- inatioh^eveaie7d~tKatMr.Cdultus'Kad ecaped any really serious injuries in his quick drop to _ the bridge floor. After a few days’ rest, outside of a soreness' in his shoulders and legs, Coultus is quite* recovered. Weaver, the other man on the scaf fold, saved himself from alike fall only by the fact that he had his arm around the steel girder on which they were, working. HOLD RETREAT AT KINTAIL The annual retreat of Maitland presbytery clergy and laity of the Presbyterian Church Was held at Kintail camp Tuesday afternoon last apd was largely attended. Of deep spiritual significance was the gath ering. Rev. John Pjollock of White-' church discussed with the meeting the significance of the Christian church, while Rev. J. R. Greig of Bluevale spoke on - the significance of the sacrament. ThiB was later observed by those present. , Right Rev. Dr. D.'TuL. McKer- rpll of Toronto* moderator of the General Assembly was in attendance and addressed the meeting. BRIDE ELECT IS — 7HUNURED AT SHOWER A miscellaneous shower was held on Friday afternoon, at the home of Mr. ’.and Mrs. Donald McDonald, Rip ley, in hpnor of their daughter, Miss Virginia McDonald, whose wedding’ took place Wednesday id Mr. Wilfred Hackett;* A number of ladip's were present and good wishes were ex tended with the Jagide-toJbe, Miss McDonald, receiving, many useful arid lovely gifts. An enjoyable afternoon was spent by all present. A dainty lunch was - served, by several .girl friends. 3 A Tip finite tn^. L. “ ©IL Ji1 Working Ort Road r Work of widening and resurfacing the road north of Dungannon; coin- . menced Last week with about twenty men employed. When work on this ’■ stretch to iGlenn’s Hill-is finished' it- Will complete ..improvements on the ’Luckriow- to Dungannon road; ■ 7 : Fsalni. 122 i - “I Was glad when they said unto' riiet, let us .go into ’the house .of the Lord.” . If the pleasures of the World leave you poor and. unhappy, Jesus Christ sjwL: Matt; Hs28 “Come unto Me ajj ye that labour arid are heaVy laden and 1 will give you rest.? The topic for Sunday night is, “The Water that Satisfies/* . The message Will be delivered by Mr. George Lowey. Sopg and service starts .at 7.30 and preaching service . . . NO THIRD GRADE I_•