The Lucknow Sentinel, 1935-06-27, Page 8"v WWWWH «■ L A' d.ex. ■ Young Master Dead to X itt that’s too much.” - V «*k*' 9 , Ottawa.—To assure perpetuation of the . Dominion Drama Festival GOVERNMENT ANNUITIES ARRANGEMENTS TO’ STAND * » * » > • a > »"» ■ rt, /■' ... (Editor’s Note; Have Y-O.U written in to obtain a handwriting analysis? Many of our readers have done so and have been both surprised and . pleased; A characterdelirieafi'ori may be the means of reorienfing your whole, future. See the announcement following this week's article.) Professor Starling,' “blit. I must-real-.;, lIie-.-wayback,.driver..2 really like? .Dr it may be that you merely desire to find but what ypdr| own handwriting reveals of your real self. Your" writing tells the truth about you, aS you are, not as you/ would like to be, or what you think you are. Send specimens of th'e writ- _ -Have you any proble„ms .that.. Mr. St. Clair/can advise, you upon? He, will be frank, unbiased, sympathetic CURIOUS WORLD j ishcd; W-hoii tVateiiojo Bridge 'being btiilt, eighty An asq.fi 4 froi ~g—- like to. know what/your friends are * to: Geoffrey-St. Clair, Room 421/ 73 •* Adelaide. Street West, Toronto, Ont- All letters win be treated bonfiden- J^HjC-^LreRLies.mailed aS quickly ___ as possible. ’ .■ . HOW TO MA KE ICED TE A "Infuse six heaping teaspoons of Salada Black Tea in a pint bojling water. After six minutes Strain liquid into two-quart container. While not, add T% cups of granulated sugar and the juice of‘2 lemons. Stir well until sugar » dissolved / fin container with cold wafer. Do not allow tea to cool before adding 1 the cold water/ otherwise liquid will become cloudy. Serve with chipped ice. . l.q All. Users-Of” ’' YEAST . ■ i. ' 1 ?Vn deriving inore benefit from Phillips- Pure GIVE >easj than a-ny of the other ma4ies I have tried, so I Iiavo - drruled to give if thorough • —' ii i.ii .mt] complete my rec.overv - cr^,;h^'veiung(oi;, h' r y|ttK< A h fTOWr inI$,7J-”;Vpnn ri',b-■ r’ r 1 !,JI BesFi supplier .oaclf day iVPn"'' iud-’l'dlips Pure LIVE ‘ ju.pl win, p |S oxireiiwqv rj(.K jn. Hw> goof|f! e,Qrnc,ll!i do’you so much 'hen‘,T;’rnMi Kvn di'Vnrf ^dvnnlages nei(. J. n, Ihe eonveiiicnec of .Phillinv. inid seeond. Ihe eeonmny of it. It dSs -ronl.v ahum' a (I iy, • Ph-n- b> "divei elm' in ruts, I lidltps^’tire ypi1't s-arSK":';”] 1,1 <\n.n.adn the exedlent •> 'iistilts it, dins nehinvcd'in Erndmid' in enn’eeting' digestion, insuring the 'goodness'of' f'/ i'1 ’W'budding foi’d'ip •°tn- nf Ideating t;'sto) > ' dru-gist’s,sul’l>lyi $1.00 at your • /’ ■ ' ■* '•'■I 1 V f l ‘ ’■ . ' - •• 1 - h . ..■’’‘A •V |i '! • ’*. 51 f ......;. — •- ‘l ’ * ■ ■ • . • ■ '•* • 1 ' IF *' . ' "i ..............■■■"■’■J ...................... . .. ■ x ■ ■ .1 •*‘ 1 • DRAMA FESTIVAL WILL BE KEPT UP Royal Charter For Organ­ ization. Issued By Cahan . -. - At Ottawa FINGER-PRINTING GAINS POPULARITY National Bureau Plan MeeTs With Less Opposition Now Montreal—Antagonism " raised by vx vuc JL/V41UU1U41 rvBwvai ^reedojn-loving Canadian against afterthe departure o/tte Earl of ‘h? ^Mishment of a national finger Bessborough. a Ro'yal charter had P"nt bure?,‘ for 8“eral ‘dehtificatio/r been issued,'it has. been announced lpurp10ses slowly blit by. Hon. C. H. Cahan, Secretary ot;S?re’y determined attack, ■state. 'The corporation will be un,i ofp“ce ir°™ to eoast., der the name of "the governors, of ayj’S n°, far ^lstant wbea tbe Dominion Drama Festival.’? ’ *veW Canad“”?. from. .the a8a ^.7, ' . ypars up, will have1 his or her fihr( A- 't'j? ■• ■ -^r~ By FAREMAN WELLS | 111 " ■ • • . <, W ❖❖❖'J'❖❖❖ ”1' v */ *- ' see you both blown through the ____________________________ • ’• SYNOPSIS —-Adam—-AleristGiir-^-a—^thr-mer-s-—son^ articled to a solicitor, - makes a brave but unsuccessful attempt /to. thwart three thieves-in 'flr bag-snatching paid.,, The bag was torn from .the hands of a' girl who explains 'that- it_c on tains the. day’s takings of her father's shop, He attempts to track, the thieves and,, reaches an old warehouse. Adafn enters the building while M:he girl' watches the door. Suddenly he hears footsteps.The man turns out to be' Adam s, employer—Corville Perkin. ’ y . . ,- ' Adam, In nis private hours. experi­ ments 'with shont-wave wireless. Walking homeward, Adam is» nearly rim down \by a large swift car.- " He: calls ori Priscilla. Norval. He? father .recounts the. history of , ' five antiliue c'hajrs he possesses.- Adam is extrfemely puzzled over the connection , of Corville Perkin and ' Moqtada who wants the antique chairs. Then ■ Priscilla is spirited away. r“” ^“There^somethingW^ery precipitate, about you tonight; Meriston/,’.he com­ plained at last, moving back a few . tentative paces towards the doomed building lint il -he \ was broiight up T—against—A-dd'm-s--out-st-ret-ehed—a-r-mT—ftI- think I have always ' tri.eA to impress on you 'th&^im^Qrtance of never? act­ ing except on ascertained facts. Now in this case the-facts are: firstly, that there are Xwo cans of petrol in the cellar ; secondly,, that there was, until I extinguished it, a heap of blaz­ ing straw.. It still manages to Smoke, rather ■ violently; but' that if one' of the characteristics of burning sraw, you know. The petrol would have been about a...quarter of/ an hour. EMore^tL exploded, that is if I had not removed —the-cans-to-a-posit-ion-of-safetyHButr “realiyrwhmr'ypurl^^ ^xpIosives-as^mueh-as^TT^ve-you-wvifr not worry much about the effects of four gallons of unvaporized "petrol.” “What a fool I am,’’ said Adam sin- " cerely. ’ “Lack'of observation before abtion, that’s all. Lots of people behave like that, and are publicly congratulated for it. I assure/you. You see, not be- — tifiably--aiTowieft^OursAlDto^ “There isn’t going to be any ex­ plosion1 after all,” Adam explained to put. her mind at rest. “The; Profes-, would never have occurred,to me“even. if I ■■had had- the. courage to go., down there.----- ,.. \ i “Now • dpn’t let us have al! that oyer again/’ protested 'the little man in an aggrieved voice. “It was only •necessary to” realize that, they w-ere not likely- ,to be able to produce a very thorough explosion in the few minutes’ start that^ Mr. Perkin had of us, even if the idea of an explosion had entered my mind, ft just oedur- »red to me that the hunchback fellow . d£-ad-.s-:Se'tr-dhe^^pl e n™ he». cariae cfeepi^g' h'ack Jfi’dm the’ cellari', stairs with smoke indisputably creep­ ing after him. It’s fairly easy to' put a .fire out if- you don't wait'to let ”it get a proper hold. Actually it • was ■ ^^ery—eas-y^-indoedT-Hy—t>h.o—yv'-a-y—did- anyohe see-whaL.happened to • our friend Perkin / .and ”' his- associated bandits?” ' ' “Looks as if they’d got away in the coupe, sir,” answered the driver..' . “In that case I don’t think it’s any good our. trying^.to-cfl.teh them. They -musL-haVe realized by now that- they; have failed in whatever it is they are attempting, and doubtless’ they are more concerned with avoiding the ^onsequermes”oGI®eiF”failure at~“ the moment. Yog may, take ydur time on steps/, attd to deal with them effect ■ 4 Lively.■. ' ............................ ’ . ✓ . . . . • ■ ’ .t5b “I beg your pardon,, sir,” said Adam, by now thoroughly abashed. “jYou’re a far braver man than I. I’d never -have had . the pluck to venture into that cellar.-’’ ,• , . “And yet you ventured to the top ■ pf the stairs in order to .pull me out! I daresay you expected to hear, a Yoar 7 of exploding gases at ai^y inoment, / Twhile I neYer expected anything of the' kind, had no imagination to de-' ter,me from.Vfihding put what it was that was smoking. Different men are - brave, if you call, it that, \in different ways. It takes the Meriston Rays’, apparently, to’ prove, hll men cow- . ards,” answered Professor Starling v neatly, ’ " •'>. “I suppose it .was the hunchback that lit the fire,” suggested A'dam, in., order to change the subject. || “Apparently so. I presume they had npt had time- to make a proper scheme, had to do the first thing they . ‘could thjink of',, and that wag to .burn the place dowh with as many\as pos­ sible of the witne'ssgs in it. Cluri/sy, but it might liave proved effective if ' it hadn’t 'been we had the . Meriston valve.complete with a-^hundredwelght ' of batteties with us. But,what h'gve you dorie with the young, woman and our driver, We shall need him, I .expert./* . ' , | “Thby’re' round in frorit; under the trbes,’.’ Adam®informed him. .Together they, mg.de' their/way to •the ifr'ont of the buHding'where Scylla stood, bewildered and excited,- with? vth-e-driv-er,'--lj oih’/ -watch i ng—anxious- ly for their arrival- W"so ’glacnybu’Ve’‘conre;’’'- s-frg- \cried, -“It’s been terrible just wait­ ing Irene expebfitig every minute tp . ■ When you fe^Hike- a.logjtftf your muscles tire easily, it’s more than lively thqt wastes that shouldn’t be , ift your body hre sending out poisons . into your blood; A't times like these, t. - take. h bubbling, bracing glass' Of ' I-jY9r ea'ch <lay th.6 '^^^ld; cleaFs "up.. Then take art occasional glass—orice-or twice-each week—and .you’ll' stay perfectly fit. , . Get Andrews now.' .Sm^ll tiff,- Extra large bottle, Scott &■ Turner,. (Irfiws U ver Salt each clay till the jibl£"clears 'up.. Then take art _________..._r,._ _ _ ' "l week—-and .you’ll' stay perfectly fit. ' Get Andrews now.' jSinall tiff,- 3&£$ll Extra large bottle, /Z^'^i’^&prjetor^, Scott & Turner,. mech jLOjsucu, ii •uceu aiiuumitcu j •. T , • . ,by. Hon, C. H. Cahan, Secretary bf;s“re'y Un£e''J^ determined attack ■State. 'The corporation will be un,! of .P“ce eoast to coast., ijie Dominion Drama Festival/} The present Governor-General ini-*j gerprints on record at Ottawa and ITated the festiyaL three" years ago' thus provide an infallible pieth'od. of and it has .been growing in popular-’ identification in, cases of amnesia, ity each year. His Excellency w,as-accident, -illness or death away froiri anxiotjs that the festival, be contin-( home,-V- an .enthusiastic supporter of ;ued and extended after ' his depar- the . proposed , bureau said recently. ,ture. -i ' r Great strides have been made- in In a statement Mr. Cahan said' *’lger that the, charter was being issued-as Harasc.’,el- flra a memorial to His Majesty’s silye/VTolsI"dia jubilee. A The, charter re'clted!'the lata “ the »» «ntury. Unfortun- stimulation of interest in and the1 a«yrb™ever, ^finger. prmtrng . was- ■ ___.. a .u j x- _lI for- years, used only as. a means ofencouragement of the dramatic art Tkn. H m 'Canada the festival had provid­ ed. The charter gave the new body, with.horror its use'for any purpose1, owner to hold real and personal es- k««ra,r«w r<av.azi;r>ne. I for-, years, used only as. a means- of identifying criminals. Thus it became asspeiated in the mind of the average citizen with~crime/and ^He 7regarde?r ' - - ' - f ______ ___ _____ __ .Gradually, however, Canadians are tate and to receive grants. • It can-[ becoming accustomed to the idea of not hold. more. than...$'25,,000 in reaH finger printing for identification estate. Provision was/ made, .the1 purposes? Prominent citizens of the Statement explained, for' appoint}- ment of general and*district officers; granting prizes and awards on such conditions as might be prscribed. , The. first governors would be nom­ inated . by~~"■the, Governor-General and the annual meeting would be -.}i(ild...each-year..v-at^he-time--arid*--place of the/annuar fesfiyal." /At’the “"first' general court the governors would be divided by lot fqr . one year, |wo years and .three years. Provision haj3 been made that a copy of every .by-law or' i/egulatiorT made' by the g’dvernors for the gov­ ernment of the festival and. the man­ agement of its affairs be deposited With the Secretary of .State, who has power of disallowance. More Women Should - Be Architects at’ least,, the two who occupied the> fraeirwat' and ysat; : with^reir arnts" about^each other,^whispering, ihe could not- have taken -too long. What they found, to say to one another pnly those who, have been in similar cir­ cumstances can imagine, and for others a report in detail would sound quite unbelievably absurd’, so imbd- ■l-oyprs be.. *■■.,. ; ; Professor Starling was invited to enter the house in Cavendish Street b efore which, the .hired car ^pulled up/ "?Thank"you“I—wdli,^bt“Come"-in”just-“ yet,” he answered tactfully.. Then he handed something to the driver. “1 think you earned it after all,” he re-’ marked benevolently ‘'Please drive me to the/nearest public house.” The car pulled, smoothly away as' Adatm knocked at the side door: The.’ weary . sounding feet of Mr, . Norval werec heard dragging along the passage within. There was a fum­ bling at the latch, and the door swung open. The man’s .grey face lighted with an. intense lig^it... He leaped against the" wall and'collapsed, gradually to the'floor. Adam raised him and bore him, into the sittirig- rooiri, where the two .applied them­ selves to revive \him. Very soon he was able1 tb sit up and listen to their story, his arm clasping his daughter to him in very much the Same fervid manner as had Adam’s own arm ay few minutes earlier 1A the rear seat of a hired car, “I too have soihething to tell .you, but my news will ke’ep uritil ’ tomor­ row,” said Norval, when fie bad hriard their story, “f expect you young' people , could do with, some supper..” The three Of them joined - in .the preparation of that impromptu meal, the men silent from, the very-fullness, of their hearts. Scylla., though no. les& fulifhearted, was by no means to be. denied- her horrified measure of complaint at. the slate of their do­ mestic a?railgements,. ' “You are Women's lives are. much more mex^s. Why, then, do so few women gQ-j^rTbF'the profession of~architect ? This question is asked by the London \Ney/s-Chronicle. Only,. 13 are women out of 102 ex­ hibitors, at the show of photographs ,and models of work executed during the past three, years by young arcHi- > iects trained by the. Architectural ASsociat’cn.. . s ’~tK:e~phyKicaT'"s£amina to ^ay^the^J ~gra^ub^~eaph--vt^r?^T^m--vVeR:ra.A=::who- does succeed executes work indistin­ guishable from a man’s. , ' Miss Elizabeth Scott,’who, in cbm’- -p et-it-ion-^with—-m en r^securecU-the. signing, of the .Shakespeare Memorial Theatre at Sti’atford-bn-Avdn, shows, designs for h conference . Eall, the Ma“rie .Curie Hospital; 'and two coun­ try houses; Remarkable success in the field of speculative building has been achiev­ ed by Miss ' i’raficeS- Barker, a - girl architect, who, graduated’ from the school only three years ago. Miss Barkdr recently won. a com­ petition for the design of a’ small villa on the Sdhhyfields Estate, Mill Hill, the first competition of the kind t'o be won by a yeoman. Character! Dominion have already used the sys­ tem, arid the records are filed either at Ottawa or in the police identifi­ cation bureaus of' their home cities. The United States is far ahead of | Canada in this respect fox.' thou sands of “identification” prints are on re- .cord at Washington in a special sec- “tionl^seix^3tTfh^.Bur tification. headquarters in that city. Impetus was given recently to this practice in the United States when a recent kidnapping Case'was solved ; and the’"perpetrators, jailed largely through tKe"’discovery b^tlre^-ftn^r prints in the lonely house the vic- tim was first removed to after ' his disappearance: Victims . of accidents, amnesia or. death1 have also been quickly identified and., - relatives promptly notified when prints were on file.. ' The uses of “finger prints-for iden- ■tificatipn purposes ' are practically unlimited. For instance, claimants for estates could be identified posi­ tively and thus do away .with tlw -possibility^of^a_..cley,er„-.usur^ raud ing-the—heirs - of—their—just- ■ ■could also be made' compulsory by Ihsmraiice-comp^fe ’^"^ ancial concerns which hand ’’out -thousands of dollars under the pre­ sent system upon production of docu­ ments that can be forged or stolen. SIMPLE MOVE ' Advocates - of a - national finger .bureau for- Canada, point out "that—-the—esteablishm'ent^"Of-=^such—^a, separate from that of the policc!”and" would'function, only in non-criminak cases. - . ' ■ This week I/'am «devoting my ar­ ticle- to dealing with several' letters^ and>the problems 'that they raise, be-, cause I feel that many of miy readers may .have' siriiilar ■ problems to cope with and- .the. .adVice rendered to ■■these correspondents may be helpful to a wider circle. • thing.^wrong w'itjf ■ me, or; is .it. my- relatives that- are-.to'-blame?' Several 'boy friends during the last year or two have become, ‘has-beens’ -because of interference from my sisters. Now -4--^ave—i'ea-1-l-y—f-a-l-len—i-n—4owe-wvalh_a_. very ‘ nice 'boy, and my sisters tell, m^“tliing's ahbut/'lTim ' that' 'm'a'ke"'itnr ‘ wonder •iC'-he is as' pice as lie seems". I’m, sending.speciiriens of each of our'l writings, and await your advi.ee/’ There is nothing intrinsically wrong with your boy friends Miss-J.” T. He -s eem-S“ -to-: -b e- a- stra-ightfor-w-ar-d, 1-i key­ able yofing man. You yourself, are somewhat .higiliiy-’stTung/ and easily fall in love—and sometimes, just as easily' out ag-airi.. However, the. hand- ’ writings of your, sisters ,show a cer- : -lain amount—of—deceR^-and—a—r-a-t-li^r-;- 5r-ow-m-inded—outlook^It J*s—m-y—-be— = Jjef that they are mischievous’ and -i-ntoRrant;—^F-&llew-jfoUi‘-^whJiea-i1tTi-- take no notice of relatives, or’others, who interfere wilfully merely to spoil your happiness. ,.It is surprising that there are people like this, but the only thing to do is'.ignore them. /'". Mi’s. H,, whose identity muSt’obvT‘- ously rpmpin secret, tell me tliaf she. . /has*'recegtly~'J3^bixre~jt‘aTher enamtn-gifl;; aii Rights Geoffrey St. Clair . , Reserved Graphologist . , t . .-»r t t ft i? t t » .i.< t rY t t t i Speaking entirely from my' judge- -... ‘riieiil. -of The shvSM^arifi'wFffing/lp'O-'’'*' cimens you have serit' me, Mrsi.H., 1 adv'i,se you to- have noth,/ng. to ;do with . •• this young man. H.is. writing is not • ._ convincing .rtnd, a*though there is -very little of ft, there is enough fit),' > K .how ,nie that he is- ’'something, of a . philanderer. You" have, wi-good hus­ band; and his writing shws me that & he is- a plean-living, honest type of man. Why jeopardize your happiness for, a will-o’ the wisp? - Emily, a rion-de-plnine . covering ’ a young .Toronto- girl, writes' to ask-, why■ shir-doesn’t make friends. Her. handwriting ttills me that she is 'ro.-/ served,' somewhat, al.oof;- and . rather' ■ ba-hful- ~ - , .................' ■__ '..'My advice tq you-, Eini-iy, is to cul-j” ■ tivate more outside interests.. Take ■ ■ a de'epei- interest in the things going • ori around you, and tlie people you; * meet. Show your interest in-them, and - -you—will-fiW-it-hatH^o-u^^ lose your -seris'e of habitual, .reserve.1 Most people-are just the same as ■' .you are, neither better nor worse, and I nt is.only in your own.mind, thgt they] . ’ appear superior to, you'.' Be natural,.' but .don’t bb afraid. ' .'Don’t take sp mi^ch notice of any’ “’kid’ding” that -■you”get;--beca'use we-'all"'have: to- -give and take. Ottawa—The Government. has no immediate, plans for' “amending its Annuities branch, Minister- of Labor W. A;,Gordon announced recently in. ..the House of Commons.' The present'- maximum is ,$1,200 and the interest rate, per cent. - A ...... .liari-d" S0-1 as to display its tinfoil lin­ ing.. ; ■ “But please take off your ■ coat Cas­ well,” invited Scylla.'. “Wp were just about to have sortie ■ supper. It- is a,- p'oisonous meal, I am afraid,’but that’s, neither tvithoutf-?01 JOT/“k . too much. — ■ slvan-’ i m i nd- at- al l,”—..dle/claxejjL. Pr-otessor Starling,'“bljt f must-real-/ ly take’"it u-po'n. myself to' disprove the implied criticism oi masculine- housokoppirig/TThjfe1T''a.m"’very foncl-; of hoqsbkeepihg if I am every allow-1 ed to indulge in it, which is ^iot often.1 'H.owaver, tonight I have taken: a^lit-"1’ tie liberty in .that- direction” .With, a flourish like t-lfaf of a'con­ jurer lib produced'from one of the pockets .of his coat a-, neatly wrapped roast chicken,- a\ bag of- green, stuff, arid a few -bottles, some of which? wd'e . condiments. He laid them oh'the tabic ' and proceeded to produce from- the Other pbeket a^iarcel <5^ ’qris’p rolK t “Fm afraidTl.’ve, taken, the liberty of a woipan- t-o look after you,” was Her verdict.~ “ u'"" Just- as. they were.sitting ,d°wn ..to supper there c.a.me a knock at the door, AVlUm wpnt to apen it. - On the paveriiebt stood Professor Starling; hist heat overcoat -Jiul-ging like that'' of a boaciher.. “P wonder if I might accept that-invitation now, and come in for,.a tew mirnites,” he?a-sked apol-,' .Ogeticafiy. “Only a few minutes;” "Come, in,'sir,” cried Adam,staking upon himself„th® position of,'master ■iherl And- as- the scientific expert squeezed past him in the passagri, he called out,to thise within: “Professor ' Stabling—Mr. 'Nprv^l!> * ■ \ Tfie Professor tui’nfed smilingly to Adarii,. “The first tfme this evening my hat, orf”’ he remarked whimsical- nounc^. that live readly f-Alt. it safe (0 take; inviting myself to\su.pber,” he my hat, o#”’ h\. -------- 1$ ^pufi^hing the hat yith his Walkerville Clinic To Fight Cancer . Toronto — Establishment 'of a cancer clinic in the -Windsor area was announced- .recently -by -Hon. David Croll, Ontario - Minister . of Public Welfare. The. Ontario Government will. supply” the radium, ^valued at abput .$15,000, and the cancer . com­ mittee which has ,. been functioning foy the last 18 months in the Border Cities will' arrange for the puchase of equipment and the appointment of a radiologist. ' '• ' The clinic will be located in Metro-, politan- General Hospital at Walker­ ville, which already possesses some equipment; Decision to establish the clinic' followed a survey of conditions at the border by Department of .Health officials. . “ -ehildferi^andi—is^-ostensibly— happy with her' husband, but this af­ fair has recently caused her quite .a lot of worry, as she says-she is ap- ^aj^nBy_£el.lli.hgJn JLQ.V-e^dth_..the.. y ou n a.. .man. She aisks, ray advice, / ' ■■ Dog Starves Self ?!! ° ; fi I Ind it in with j, VLondon, Ont.—When John . P-arr, 14, was-killed ’ in an ■ accident, ’ .Na-J „ .-poleori, his collie dog, chose to join! him in death rather than live with-1’-' out. him. Nappleon (Starved -himself to death when his young master failed -t^'-come home . An Alb.erta’ farmer has decided tb frame a cheque he- received in . .payment for a cow sold at tlie .Cal­ gary market. The cheque is for 19 cents. ' ' ' f ' ■' 1 Mr. Braihan Houston, acting as counsel fqr his 'wife, ..is asking, the court at Memphis, Tennessee, for ^divorce against himself. Mr. Hous­ ton accuses Mr/ Houston, of deser­ tion., ' 'Eighty tankards' arc believed to lie buried under oiie'of the 'aj’clies of Waterloo Bridge-, now being demol- 4.• 1. ,1.. t'X xx - n i «i..<., T",..; ,1 —_ ... . . w . ....anqfi'i from Ab­ erdeen were engaged on the granite work .of the. balustrade. Beer for the workmen was provided from - a Thames-side itfn, but it was not popu­ lar with tljie Aberdonians, who flung ’? into a crevice and , filled it in with mortar. ’ ' ” i_ _______/■ . . . . HEALTH MEANS CHARM AND HAPPINESS Sparkling eyes ana smiling lips . speak of health and vitality^Clcar skin attracts. The healthyactivegirl'. is both happy and popular. Perhaps you are not really ill y,et wh.en the day s work is done you are too tired to enter .into the good times that other women enjoy. For extra energy, try, Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound. It tones up you^ general charm G,V£S you moEMFp—' Remember that $>8 out of 100 women report benefit. Let it heln you too.* -' r < 1 ... - . , 5 Enjoyed by five genera­ tions of Canadians. \ -I Strolling filpiig Woolli Briacli;' Xctv b?s, a man picked r.p a- per- | fijme -bottle.' Drawing the cork lie ox- I traded a riote which read: ‘iGred- ings (<roin Ben T. Smith; P.O.' Box 16, 1930.’’- The bottle had apparently -t-t'-awel l-ef 1- S-, WO - -m-i leq • i'r ebi -t 1 i e si Hi r c s • of California ./o’ Woolli Beach, taking over live years' to complete thb -voy-' ag®’ ■ •. I ' . . . . . To‘brighten village .eribket' the Rev. K. C. HoHVoods rector of Rush­ ton, Kettering,"has promised vjllage batsmen 10s. for every fifty run-, scored within forty-fiVe rnihutds and £1 for every century scored within ninety''|iliniites. ■ ■ Stainless stool of a 'now type, to overcome tlie-effjecis of rapid wear in the , cylinders Of- mqtorlcar enginoa, is the objective of Sheffield's resoaeh- worker.;. If sue cess Id!, the' city’s out­ put of stainless' steel Will' probably be doubled. ■