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The Lucknow Sentinel, 1935-06-27, Page 6
ft • I ' | l(» ' ,. ..v.v*- ’’ 1 K .'• * ■ ■ . 'J,T •A X jyy 1 ‘ 1 V X ti* A HANDY? ^POCKETTREAT 'S’ Royal Chapter For Organ ization Issued By Gahan At Ottawa 'k V FlNGER-PRflfflNG ~ GAINS POPULARITY \ : ; —' ■ National Bureau Plan MeeTs With Les$ Opposition ' ' ■ “ NqW ? Montreal—Antagonism raised By ' Adam iflerlstion. a farmer’s son,, articled to a solicitor, makes a brave, but unsuccessful attempt to thwart j three thieves In a bag-snatching, rald_ The bag was torn from the hands of “a .girl, ,wJML..explams that it.. .CQUtains. that day’s takings of her father’s shop.He attempts to track the thieves and reaches an old warehouse. Adam enters the building - while the girl watches the door. Suddenly* he hears footsteps. . “ . - The man- turns out to be Adam's, employer-—Cdrville Pferltin, Adam, In his private hours experi ments with short-wave wireless* ,l Walking homeward, Adam is nearly < run down by a large swift carl . He calls on. Priscilla Norval. ■ Her father recounts the history of fl.ve antiuue chairs he..-possesses.• Adam is extremely puzzled over the connection of 1 Corville -Perkin and' • Monfada' who Wants the antique chairs. Then , Priscilla is spirited away. i :- - -li 'y:;"/; •?;/■;; N;W^W,..;,TO MAKE iced tea x Infuse six helping teaspoons of Salads Black Tea in a pint of Tresk boiling water. After six minutes strain liquid into two-quart container. While, not,, add 1% cups of granulated sugar and the juice"of?2 lemons! Stir well until sugar Is „ dissolved ; fill container with cold water. Do pot allow tea to cool be fore.adding \ the cold water/ otherwise liquid,will become cloudy. Serve with chipped ice. Character! £ ? aii . Rights Geoffrey St. Clair Re^eiyed ^Graphologist' • - , * ■ . ‘**' -1'1 r Ottawa.—To assure perpetuation1., , , of the Dominion Drama Festival ^dom-lOTmg Canadum against after the .departure-of the Earl of th? «‘“W»hm6nt of a. national Unger Bessborough a Boyal charter had PC”* ta«au for geperal iddntifltalton .beeri'.issued, it has -been announced rPose.s *og slowly but by .Hot. C. H. Cahan, Secretarjl of ■?I'e‘y determined attack - State. The corporation wdl. b^nn,; ?\C°aS?' . der thb name of “the govSrnors. of Jvhe„. 7r 'not,^ distant when the DopiiniJn 'Driima Festival.” . ??* ■*$ . . ■ . . ■ years. up, wall have/his or her ,fin- n, The present Governor-General ink gerfirints- qn record at Ottawa ■ and Tiafed the festival thr.be years ^o. ifius prbvj^elin infallible method of an<j, it. has Jbhen* growing in popular-’ ideh\tificMion in cases of amnesia’, ity each yriar? His Excellency was accident,'illness or death away : from anxious* that the festival be contih-J hbme,” an. enthusiastic supporter of • 11£3ri ci.n H flvfnYi zl In,4,;»■ zl n nnizl mazi/i vtl-Lv ‘V'-Jk- vviiuyu JLH0 UVUC4X-Tture. ' I ■ \ In a statement Mr. that the charter was -being issued as a memorial to His Majesty’s silverj .-jubilee^-----£ ■ stimulation of interest, in and the1' •encouragement of' the dramatic art’ in Canada the festival had provid- -ed; — ■■-?- ( - ------ . The charter gave the new body'with hqr'ro.r-iV use for any--purpose, owner to held i’eal and personal es- p-rorinniivr nin^inne' tate and to receive' grants. It can-! J___ hot hold more than: $25,000 in real finger printing for* identification estate^ Provision was made, the’mH™™ nf fho ■ statement explained, for appoint ment -of general and; district officer^ granting prizes arid awards on such conditions as might Be prscribed- The first governors, would be nom-! inated. by the Governor-General and “the annual meeting would be - -held eaek Tyea-r-ht-the-time-ahd-place. of the annual festival.. At the .'fjr^t general* epurt the governors would be divided by lot for one\, year,. two. . years and three years. '_____ Provision , has begnVmade ’that a copy of every by-law or regulation ^ma.d e~-by--the--gov-eimdrs-^-foF-th e- -go v- , -ernment of the festivat and the man? agement or its affairs be \deposited with the Secretary of State, .who' hag power of disallowance. > Moire Women Should . Be Architects Women’s. lives are hiuch more ''^o^yr^Bbuna™ufr™wnr“Hbus^r'”fIi^ years up, will have/ his or her , fin- ’TfB”ed"tli^fbsHvrir^threr”^eaH~i^rffiS’^pr^ an& it-has Jbben-growing in popular-’ iden\tification in cases of amnesia’, ity each ydar? His Excellency was accident, 'illness or death away : from anxious* that the festival be contih-J hbme,” an. enthusiastic supporter1 of j ued a-nd extended after his depar-? thex proposed bureau-said recently, ture. ’ -r Gre^t strides have been made: in - Caban said' u/o ;TsTJh^h“!On “ India -The—ehart-ern—reci-t-ed—the-—- ------- - ately, however, .finger printing was j for ye'ars used only as,-a. means of identifying criminals. Thus, it became associated in the, mind of the .average citizen with crime rind' he regarded Gradually, however, Canadians' are becoming accustomed to the idea pf printing for * identification purposes. /Prominent citizens of '.the Dominion have already used-the sys tem, and \th'e records are , filed ■.either at Ottawa* or in the .police identifi cation bureaus of their home citigs. The United States1 is far, ahead of. I Canada in this respect for thousands of “identification” prints are on re cord at Washington in a special sec- ■"‘tibn^ese^yedYaT^tfe^BW t-ification headquarters' in that city. Impetus was given, recently‘to this practice in the United Stages when -Ar-iieeen-t—kidna-ppj-ngYcase^w-as-^sO'lv-ed-- and the perpetrators jailed largely /through the discoyery of/the finger -pri-nts-'-tin.-r^ - vic=. tim was first* removed to after ^ Kis disappearance? ‘ Victims’ of accidents, amridsia or 'dearth h&veV also been 'quickly identified a n d relatives promptly notified when prints were pn- fiie., . . .....; ... ..J.__.....^.. ?The uses of finger prints for iden tification purposes are practically unlimited. For instance, claimants tively and thds. do awaj^. with the -possibility—of--a- cl ever„,™usu.rpei-—d.Qx, j2fraud-ing—the—heir-s—of—i-thbir—jjistl could also_be.made compulsory by .insurance companies and other" fin? afifijial concerns which hand out thousands ofdollars under the pre sent system u&on production of docu ments that .can be forged or stolen.- SIMPLE MOVE I Advocates of a national finger ~l1haE3he?’?^aW IRS ?:?| AN WfiLLS J see you bdth blown through the -roof?’-— ------- -—pf-—«— ; “There isn’t going to be any ex plosion after all,” Adam explained to ?put fief mind at rest. “The Profes- * sor “put it out, a thing/that would never have occurred to me even if I had h£d- the couragq to gg down there?’ . “Now don’t -let us have all • that over again,” protested the‘little man in gfi aggrieved voice., “It was only necessary to realize, that they were pot likely -to be, able to produce a -very : thorough explosion in the fpw minutes’ start that' Mr. Perkin had of us, even, if th,e idea of an. explosion had-entered my mind,,It just-oecur- red to. me that the hunchback fellow h ad-~set “the piace—on-' fire,-vwhen--he- came creeping back’from the-'cellar stairs with smoke indisputably creep-, ing after him. It’s fairly easy to put a fir© oiit if you don’t wajt to let jt Unfortun-d ito ri!s--hlote;_Ha.ve_YQ,U.„.wjr.itten, j. in to obtain a handwriting analysis? Many of our readers have done so and have been both Surprised' and pleased. A character delineation may be the means of reorienting, your whole future. See the announcement following this week’s article.) ? he'remarked whimsical-' notirtqed. be Continued.) - -..'ch-il-d-r-eiy-a-nd-j-iSri-oste-nsibly—at—lea-sti- happ& with her husband, but this, at,. Public Government valued at lot of Worry, as she says she is?a'p-' parently falling in love with the young' man. She'-asks my advice. // y ’ ,.\ accident, uXa-i' chose*to-join ....n in death rather t'ha-n live with- ' outjiim. Napoleon starved’ hims’.elf to?. ’ s young •master- fail'-ci unlimited. For instance, claimants somewhat; higilily-strung, and <easil; ' for estates? could be .identified? pos,i- JialL?in .love—and, sometimes, just ,4as easily out again. However, the- hand- .w4itings.„oL..yoliiL s.isLexs sho w a-jC£rr. separate from tlfat-of~the pdlice”and" would function only in non-crimihal "rases?” was the hunchback ;7' .p pluck to venture inIto ---------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------^_...-------------- really like? Or>it may 'be tKat you. “There’s something very precipitate about you tonight,. Meriston,”;he com plained at last, moving back a -few . tentative paces towards the. doomed ----buiWng—u-nt-HH-he^as^-broug^ht—~up4- against Adam’s outstretched arm. “I think I have always tried, to impress ing except oh ascertained facts. Now • . in this case the facts are: firstly; that there are two cans of petrol in^ the cellar; secondly, that there was, -until I extinguished, it,.,a heap of blaz ing straw. It stiR, manages to , smoke, ......^-rather -violently, -but that -if-one- of the characteristics of burning sraw, you know. The petrol would haye been " aboutr a "quarter ‘oD ari- hour before it exploded, that is if I had. not removed y^^the’'’cans"to~'a"-positioh™of"-safety:™But- TrealIy,"wheTi.you'have"'worked‘:on Wgh" explosives as much as Fhave^yoii?will- not worry much about the, effects of four gallons of unvajporized petrol-’? ? “What a fool I am,” said Adam sin- '■ cerely. ■ ; PLack of observation before action, that’s all. Lots oL people behave like that and are publicly congratulated for it. I assure you. You see, not be- —ing-4n-sueh-a-.^^^ ■ niffa-biy.'“ri1tow efl-'y<rarg«lfrisH^^ sE —step5r~aud~ to—deal—with-them-effect tively.” ™-„-^^_„^4!JUbreg^rw/.p.aT:d.Qfi,^c,2_said™Ada,mr. aaaaEa eenflHgssaEE "get a proper hoid. Actually it was very easy, indeed? By the, way,~&id anyone see what 'happened to our -friend-Perkin—-and—.-his-* associated- bandits?”' ' “Looks as if they’d got away in. the coupe, sir,” answered the driver. vTn that case I' don’t think it’s any good our. trying to catch them. They jmust hay,f>. realize^, by jid_w_..that. they, have failed?' in whatever it is they are attempting, and .doubtless they are more., concerned with Avoiding the consequences of their failure at the moment. You may- take your time on 4*Yr43 xirnir 'Kanlr driverthe way back, driver?______________ —-dHe-took-h-is--l'imern«^L£dr-two=peaple- at; least, the two who occupied the ’hackTseaT “ and“’“saF“‘wTthnthel rrar in s abo.ut^each other, whispering, he could not have5* .taken tod long. What they found to say to one another only those who’ have been in similar cir^ cumstances can imagine, and for others a report in detail Would sound quit© unbelievably ’absurd,, so Ambe- ..gfi^^Ah!eir..happiness .can.,remgitB2 mep’sZ Why, then, do so-few women* go in for the profession of architlct"?-' This-queshi'Qn-is-a&k-hd-by--the London - News-Chronicle'. Only 13 are. women out of 102 ex_- hjbitors'' at the' show- olHphotographs and models of work jexecuted during the past three years by young archi-, Vets trained by the Architectural Asscciat’oH: •. M "These in . authority .say women lack'; by now thoroughly abashed. “You’re a far braver man than I. I’d .never . have had the pluck to venture inIto that cellar.’’ I ' ‘‘And yet you ventured to ,the top of the stairs in order to pull me out! I daresay you expected to hear a roar ■ - of exploding gases at any moment, . while I never' expected anything of the, kind, had no- imagination to de- ’ ter me from 'finding out what it* was that was smoking. Different men are \ brave,- if you call it that, in different * ‘ ways. It "takes tile Meriston Rays,' apparently, io. prove all men cow- Professor Starlingards?’ answered neatly. “I suppose it ...r ... _ that lit the fire,” suggested Adam,' in order to change the subject. “Apparently so. I presume they had not had time to make a proper scheme, had to do the first thing they , could think of, and that' was to burn the place down with as* many as pos- sible of- the witnesses in it. Clumsy, . but it-might have proved effective if' it hadn't been we had the-Mpristoh vallve complete with a hundredweight , ‘ of batteries with us. EJut ,what have , • you done With the young woman and \ our driver, We shall need him, I L'exiigct.” ... • “They’re’ round in iront, under the, trees,” Adami®informed him. Together they made their -way to • the front of the .building where Scylla, stood, bewildered- and pkCited, with the driver, both watching anxiously for- the,ir arrival. , ' ‘ “I a<rh so glad, you’ve come,’’ she. cried.' “It's been terrible just. >wait- expectlng every minute to VALDAMONTEAPPEARS Professor- Starling was invited to enter the. house in Cavendish Street before which '"'th e^h"ired Tear pul 1 ed up.; “Thank ypu. I will no^ come in. just yet,” he answered tactfully. Then he handed something to the driver. “1 think you earned it after, all,” he re marked .benevolently, ‘‘Please drive' me to the.nearest, public house?’ The car pulled smoothly away as Adam knocked at the. side door. .- The weary* sounding feet of^ Mr.- . Norval were. heard dragging along the passage within. There..was a fum bling at the latch, . and the doo^ ..swung, open. The man’s., grey fake” lighted with an intense light. He leaded against the. wall and collapsed gradually to the floor. Adam raised him. rind bore hint into the. sitting- room, where the two applied thfem- selves to revive him. ^Very soon he was able to sit up and listen to their story, his arm clasping his. daughter to him in;very much-.the same fervid* mahner as had Adam’s' own arm a few minutes earlier in the rear seat of a hired car. - . “I. tori have something to tell you, but my news will keep until1 tomor row?’ ^aid Norval, when he had heard their story. “I expect . you young people could do with some supper.” The. three of- them joined in , the preparation .of that impromptu meal, the men'silent from the very fullness of their hearts. Scylla? thlough no less full-hearted, was by no means to be ^denied her horrified measure .of complaint at the state of their do mestic asrangements. .graduate each' year. The" woman wfrg does succeed executes work indistin guishable from a nian’s. ’ ’ ’..Miss'inizaB'^^ petition with men, secured fhe. de signing of the Shakespeare Meniorial Theatre at Stratford-oh-Avon. shows designs for a, conference hall, the Marie Curie Hospital, and two coun try houses. • Remarkable success in the field of speculative .building has been achiev ed by Miss Frances. Barker, a -girl architect, who graduated from the school only three years ago? ' \ Miss' Barker recently won a com? petition - for ,the design of a small villa on1 the Suriny^elds Estate, Mill Hill, the first competition of the kind tb be won by a woman. GOVERNMENT ‘ANNUITIESGOVERNMENT‘ANNUITIES V • - “ARRANGEMENTS TO STAND Ottawa—The Government has- no immediate plans for amending its .annuities branch, Minister ’ of ’ Labor W. *A. Gordon- announced'recently in the House, of -Commons. The present maximum is- $1,200' and the interest . rate, 4% -per cent.’ \ ’ V — • ■ Walkerville Clinic When you . muscles tire easily, its more than V.likely that /Wastes that shouldn’t, be , ■ in your body a're'Sftndifc bub poisons into your bloorh. At limos like these, t|ke a' bubbling bracing' glass,of ■Anfirews I<iyor Salt each day till the ■^^^16”'clears''Up'. ■ Thon’ take air occasional.'glass—-onch' or twice each week-g-and you'll stay perfectly fit.- G^t Andrews now. Sjng|l th)., ;,Y'®aTig«etini'96bc; 'Extra Urge'.bottle, Scott' ^ Turner;. ^^^y^^^gtle^u.pon-Tyne,' Engi « This week I am devoting my ar ticle, to dealing -witfi several . letters, . and the problems that they raise, -be cause--1 .feel’ that'many- of -my read’ers. may have similar' problems, to cope- WitK, and' the- advice rendered to; these correspondents may be helpful' to a wider circle.. . , thing wrpng with pie, or is it, my ■relatives that are to blame? Several- boy Mends during the last year or -tw-o-JrivA-beGonie—hastbee-nsL-be.cause.- of interference from my;, sisters. Now I -have ^really fallen ,in love with a very nice boy,;.and; my ^sisters tell ■ Tne~"things about' him ‘tha^make“rne7 winder if he is as nice as he seems; rm sending, specimens of each o^ our writings, and aWait your advi’ce.” , . There is nothing intrinsically wrong' .'with your boy friend, ,Miss-J-.-Tt~ He- seems to be a straightforward,. like-. abl^ young. man. . You yourself, are somewhat higilily-strung, and ^easily Speaking entirely from my judge ’m\ent of the' several Handwriting spe-'.. cimens, you have sent me^, Mrs. H„ I ; '■ -advise-you..to have nothing, to. clo with ' -this. y.oung_mMt. His* writing is! .not ■ -___ convincing -and, a'though • 4th'ere -is very ,little of it, there is enough |o .show me that he ik sometiiin-g of a , philanderer.. You ..Rave /C^good hus band, and. his writing ShW’s me that lie is a clean-living, honest type of; - man. Why jeopardize your ha.-ppiriess. for' a will-o'’‘the wisp? .. Emily,, a nonrde-plume covering"'a.- ■ young'• Toronto girl, writes to ask'X . : why sho doesn’t make fj’icndS,' Her handwriting tells me that" she is re-' served,;; somewhat ‘aloof, arid rather? - My-advice, to You, Emily,, is to cul-|' tiVate more /outsid-e interests,. Take ■ „ . a deeper interest in the things going*; ? -•'e-n-^r-ou-nri-—yeu-p-arifi^tii-e^peeYple-YouT?------— meet, siiow your interest in' them, and you will find that y^u will gradually: lose your sense of • habitua^^ reserve.1 Most people are just tile same as you aTe, neither better hor Worse, and it is only in your owni mind that they afipeaj superiqr to you. Be natural, but don’t be afraid. Don’t, take so- much “notice of any-'“kidcl'ing” that you. get, because we all have to give; arid take. . \ • Have^you any -problem^ that^Mr. St. Clair can advise you upon? Pe.. "1 ‘ will be'frank? unbiased,\sympathetic- and friendly. Perhaps_,you wmilri like?to know what; your friends are' merely desire ^o find out what yourj . ? own handwriting reveals of your real' self. Your writing tells the truth- about you, as you J^re, not as you would like to be, or what you think > •? you are. Send specimens of-the-writ- \ • e-c-ent 1 y-1)ecom^-rathei’-'enamoi!ed ■ • ^ngs - y.ou wish, to -be—analyzed ■tain...amount ..of deceit,,.and a 'rather jfarrO-W-hnuidcd outlook It is mv he- ( lief that thej^ are mischievous arid "iritoleraiit. Follow your own -heart'; take no notice of relatives, or others,' -wh§ interfere wilfully merely to spoil your happiness. It -is surprising' that there- ate people like this, but 'the only thing\to do is ignore them? Mrs. H„ whose identity must obvi- •tes " - - - i . . with 3c-stampedr addressed envelope,—~ to: Geoffrey St. Clair, Roojn 421, 73 ' Ad.eJ,aide.™.Street.mW.est,...Toronto,,—Ont.™_m„ • All letters will be \treated confiden tially and; replies mailed as quickly* as -possible. A . , ■ ; ■ , ■ - ■ i Toronto?— Establishment, of. a cancer clinic in the Windsor .area was announced recently by Hon. 'yDaYjd Crdll, 'Ontario Minister- of, Public Welfare. The Ontario- will supply the radium, about $15,000) and-, the cahcer com mittee, which has .been, functioning for. the last. 18^months in -th^ “Border CitiCiS^ will arrange , for the puchase of equipmeht and the appointment of a radiologist. ., ■ ' • The'clinic will, be located in politan .General Hospital, at Walker ville, which; already possesses some equipmeht; Decision to establish at the border by , Department of Health officials. / t ■'- • v • . ftliand so as to display its tinfoil lin ing.. “But please take off your coat ?asi well,’’ i about to have' some supper,, It is a “You ' are’ neither of you-fit “to .be l^ft without a. woman to look aftef you,”' . w^s. her verdict. ,z . Just as they were' sitting down to1 .-upper there came’a knock "at ' the -dopB---Ad^m*--wenL-to- operi?it.Y.’ O.n. the. pavement, stodd Professor -Starling; his,neat ove'rcoai bulging like that of■ a'poacher. “,I wonder if I might, accept that invitafi'qn now, and come ’n ^21 a .(ew ^<e afj^?d 'ap'ol- 'dgSticaTlyl' “-Onl^ a^ few minutes.” ^’Corne in, sir,”’cried Adam, taking "upon himsfilf the po's/tion of masterj • theFe.. And as the scientific expert squeezed past him in the passage, Ke called out to thjse within: ‘^Professor. Starling—Mr. Nor.val!” ’ ' ? • The. Professor turned sntilingly. to Adam. ■ “The first time this, evening that live really felt it i safe; to take-'Inviting myself; w. supper,’ my /haf, h^> 'i,ern'nr'^rfi'n whirroaiAni.. '' trottnr-nrl. ■ • ' s .1$ ^'puTfi^iring the hat with his free CURIOUS WORLD . \ .„__ _ , \ An Alberta farmer has decided, to frame a cheque' h'p received in.- payment for a coW sold at the Cal gary. market. The cheque is 'for Iff cent^ ' ■ • . Air. Brahan Houston,' acting , as counsel* for his wife, isj asking the court at Memphis, Tennessee, for a divorce agkinst himself. ■ Mr. Hous ton, accuser tion. HEALTH MEAKS CHARM A|4D HAPPINESS Sparkling eyes, ana smiling lips speak of health -1 and vitality. Clear skin attracts. The healthy active girl is both happy and >. popular. Perhaps you are not really ill- yet when: the da/s vrork is done , to, enter into the lIlJUCS luai other women enjoy. For extra energy, try Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Compqugd. It tones up your, general health.s Gives you nf^CG^fep’^-’niore charm. . i . Remember that 98 obit of 100 women report. benefit. Let it helo *• you too; , ■ v - ■ 0 i times that Mr. Houston o.f- deser- , ... *~--------------; Eighty tankards aj^ believed to lie* buried under one. of the arches of , , Waterloo- Bridge,- now being demol* .. _. .the t jshfd. When \v'aterlbd* Bridge was clinic -followed a survey-of cations Voinjf dghty ma,;(jn A.b. <14* Thra kftwlnv hv Dona aF 1 erdeon were engaged on the granite Iwqrk'of the balustrade. Beef for the workmen was provided from a j.Ttiarne.s-siric inn, but'it was not popu lar with, the Aberdonians,- who flung s and Young Master Dead ......... Dog Starves Self »!! '.“"knr? Inl° a crei,|“ . , . - filled it pH wit/h .mortar, • ■ Londpn, Oht.—When John Parr, . f '' " ". 14, Was kille'd’ in an , x p'oleb'n, his c.bllie dog, invited -Scylla. , “We were just - - - .....- , J,~1, out him. Napoie poisonous meal, I a^n afraTd, but thats deatb wben h- ..... .....' ‘*—t' f — -...««•«■ ^ind ■ ‘ .j to come home. ■not ray,'fault. I hope, you won't mind' too. much.” [. “I shan’t mind at'all,” declared Professor Starling, “but. I must real- ’ ITBV’C* ly take it upon myseijG to disprove , H p the implied criticism- of n?asculirie housekeeping. I myself am very Toll'd of housekeeping if I am every allow ed t;O indulge in it,' which-is not often. However, tonight 1have taken a lit tle liberty in that direction:" . With ;a flotiri-sh Hke that of a con- .jurer. he produced' from one of. the jpock-ets of bis Coat' a neatly wrapped roast chicken, 'a bag of green stuff; and a few bottles, some -of which were condiments. He laid them ori the table and proceeded to produce fyorii the other pocket a parcel of crisp rolls. “I’m afraid, I’ve taken the' liberty of Enjoyed by- flic genera tions of Canadians: Issue No. 25 Si roll.ng -a.ly-ng. Woolli Beach, N<-w South Wales, a man picked up a per-- -; fu'me botib:. Drawing ‘the cork ho ex tracted a note which .road; -“Greet-, I ings from Ben ’t. Smfih, P.O. Box' i 207,.',P:i>-<-d-'>na, California, February .’1 <5; The bottle had apparently : travelled s.iifip miles from the shores jot California to W'^<^Hr--^Ih^uR•lIt7^adHng'• l our, five-jours to coih-plei-e the voy- L.ag%!.—1... —, ... ( ./...y,,,. , „ hi.j vu vt. u new (.ypu, to ' ov'-i'btfmj:) tlm effects of rapid'wear iii iIp- <yiir)<lers of mofor-Car engines, I/. .Hie objective of' Sliefli'cld’^resoach work')' . If successf n 1, the' cify’s , oiit- t of stainless steyi will' probably doubled, !i • • “T find I am deriving more benefit from Phillips Pure LIVE Yeast; 'thqn. any of the other makes I have tried, so I have’ derided to' give it a thorough trial and Complete my recovery from eczema?’—WeHirigton, E|ridand*—Extract. . . Now you can get rich, active yeast: . lll-.it. Corin. tfiat..axta.u^iU?-hp. both'er-of- - — • getting fresh supplies' each day? • Th is pew j-cinst -is Phillips Pure LIVE Yeast which- is extremely rich 'in the -• active, elements thlu d.o you so much' ■good. v ' J/hdrc ate two distinct advantages iwre. hirst the convenience of Phillips, ■ and second, the economy of it. It costs only about'.ac a (lay. Bccaimo it. is so rich in active elg- . meats; Phillips Pure LIVE Yeast is duplicating in Chntida the excellent ■ ' -results it has achieved in England in correcting digestion, -insuring the .Assimilation of all the body•*building g<;odimss of foods,, and purhyirfg' arid enriching the blood. - b - 4 f0und.,veas( good fo'r you,■ v'1 'ps ’’im' veyW. j£dW ^'bply.(in gFanulcs of pleasing trfste) days w $i,0°at Ill ■ ( X