HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1935-06-27, Page 4p p p pp- PARAMOUNT FPF PP.F P P PPP FPv T ...p pp p success. Many shanks to all the kind ■ \ •I; P P *r Pa P P P P F F P F P P P P P P F P P P P P P p 6. P P P F “ F F Fs P P -r F F 11 11 11 -p “P™ F F P p 'p ■ _ F F Friday evening at Blake’s merchandise at • King’s for | ■ your choosing • All ready for the Holiday bo ? 0 F. p p p p p. . :.E. F P : ©• pat tfl p MAFEKING A., W. HAMILTON, Depot Agent, ’Phone 2, Lucknow. ? P \ P P F F . ------------ ... . TTT. You’ll, want Smart Clothes for going away dr to receive guests Departihental Examinations. '-ci. ' • ' E ■ ,ti’ -g- ' 3 ' > w w Armstrong, Frances .. Campbell, Iria . ...„:........... Gulbert/ Jean _ _ Farrish,, Margaret ... Farrish, Muriel ___ Finlaysofi, Cariieron FletchOr, Jack ...;...... Graham, Jean .... Graham-, Myrtle ......... Hamilton, Isohel* ,4,..;,. Hewat, William Home,1 Audrey • Hunter, Elleda ..... —Jb w-i-ttyr Gliar lie Johnston,' Maribn Jphnstone, Eileen .... Johnstone,. Winnifred Lai^e, Hilda .......... PAGE FOUR ,'.IL .... THE. LUgKNlpW-.. SENTINEL THURSDAY, JUNE 27th, 1Q35 CENT A MILE BARGAIN EXCURSION Mlninjum Fares: A<jull75c.; Child 40c« ™>" LUCKNOW and all adjacent CiN.R. Stations g»|«| j||| y C -Hl OSHAWA, Port Hope, Coboiirg, Belleville, F lwlw " Kingston, Gananoque, Brockville, Prescott, Morrisburg; Cornwall, Uxbridge,. Lindsay, Peterboro, Campbellford, Aurora; Newmarket, Allandale, Penetang, Collingwood, Meaford,^arrie, • Orillia, Midland, Gravenhurst, Bracebridge, Huntsville, North Bay, Parry Sounds Sudbury. Ail towns iir New Ontario on line pf Temiskaming & . Northern Ontario Rly.; Nipissing Central Rly.; hEapuskasing. tLonglac . . .fHardrock f.Geraldton fJellicoe. (^Sturgeon River Gold Field.) , Sat JULY 6 io TORONTO Woodstock, Paris, Brantford, Hamilton, St. Catharines, Niagara .Falls. ' For Fares;Return Limits, Train Information, Tickets, consult nearest Agent. See Handbilb. tmsc CANADIAN NATIONAL KING’S have just" the - stylish things7you’ll like1 to wear— .; ■ NEW ■ SHEER . DRESSES ' SILK' SUITS. SMART SUMMER HATS an<J AVON KNITTED "SUITS.'- SHEER STOCKINGS SUMMER FOUNDATIONS Very Pretty Kayser GLOVES -Always^a -big- stock-of-; quality- KING BROS. WINGHAM ■ A W&RD TO TB^E PARENTS .YftOOD -—r.........r"\- BOUNDARY WEST Miss Anne Colwell spent the week end with Miss Gladys Mills, Clark’s. Mr. and Mrs. John Barr and-familv were recent visitors at Mr... Wm Percy’s. Miss Evelyn Cathers of Wroxpter is visitirig at ner uncle’s, Mr. Wm- Eadie. Mr. and. Mrs. Bert McLelland of Bervie, were the guests at Mr. Geo. Colwell’s on Sunday,. Mrs. E. A. Mitchell and grand­ daughter,-Miss Audrey Wilhs of Vancouver, are visitiilg with the for­ mer’s sister, Mrs. Wm. Cox, con. 10. • We wish to extend our' cbngratuT-. lations to Orville Elliott'.and Howard Legge on passing their Entrance exams on their year’s , standing. Also, to " theiri t>achef,« "Miss ‘ Katherine Robertsori of Ripley. ,. .. Mr. -arid-Mrs. xCjias-.-. Gongram and- family spent Sunday at Mr. A. Cul- bert’s, Dungannon,. '1 Mr. and Mrs. William Stanley and family and Mrs. Alvin Irwin, atten­ ded the Scott picnic at Kinlough. ‘ Miss. Jessie McDonald, teacher of Zurich, spent the week end with, her sister, Mrs. Eldon Henderson. A number , from this community attended * the U. F. O. Club picnic at Tout’s Grove on Saturday, June 22nd arid , report a good time. - - Mrs. St? Clair Irwin spent a few days jin London last week, . Miss Myrtle Webster of Welles-' ley, spent the week end at her home on the boundary. Miss Eileen Valad . of Holyrood, visited over the- week end with Miss Grace Webster. /. • . "’Mr. and "'“Mrs.' Dori"" Cardiss" 'and' Lprne, Mrs. C. MacDonald’ and Mr. .and Mrs. Murdoch McDonald and babe, were Sunday visitors with, Mr< and Mrs. Eldon Henderson. Lucknow Continuation School Results 0 ....— 1 w - . ■ , . . ■ ■ _ • ” LUCKNOW LOWER SCHbOL RESULTS Subject to the approval of the Department of Education the following . students have obtained the. standing indicated in various subjects, P—indicates credit iw that subject. F indicates failure. No honors are granted in tower School Departmental. Subjects. o . f' ■ 1'3 .. M , N' A successful garden party was heldi Friday evening at Blake’s church, under the auspi’ces of .the Ashfield Circuit Ladies’ Aid. ;The- lplayx “A Woman’s Honor” presented by the Auburn Dramatic Club, was ‘full of humorous situations, and was thoroughly enjoyed by. the. large aud- ienee. Tom Twamley, Alex Hackett, Charlie Anderson and Harvey Kil­ patrick furnished music between act§ Mrs. G. Twamley/ Mrs. jS. Sher-. wood and George Twamley, visited relatives .at Gorrie and Fordwich . re­ cently. Master .Keith Cranston, who was threatened with bronchial pneuirionia last' week, -is recovering. Mr. and Mrs. Will Henry and Ev­ erett Henry of Flesherton, attended the funeral of the former’s brother, the late Robert Henry, Wednesday. r-peaysonr;Mt^"^^^ and Miss Kathleen Bremner of Ethel visited with friends here this week, end. • . '' jjMrj. and Mrs.. Hiram Moffat and Keith of Sarnia were week end guest8 of Mr. and- Mrs. Richard Johnston. • • ■- 4—' • ' 'Y'j In these days of; atheistic, teaching ---'•-■ 'fo many of our Colleges and thes wide-hpread/ of Communistic litera- ture throughout our land in an at- tempt to' destroy the Christian faith ^ofjr,our"’young^people^-itisi""vitally . important that the boys and girls . \ are given every opportunity to; hide” God’s Word away in their heart b_e=_ . fore leaving home. Will the parents ^please co-operate in every way, pos­ sible to give yOur boy or girl this ^opportunity^ for systematic Bible study as taught in the Summer. Bible Schools for ten mornings. ““PURPEE GROVET Miss Noreen 'Scott . visited at Mr. Milton Walsh’s for a .few^days. Mrs.' Goldwin Huston spent a d^y with her father. ; ■. ?’A . large , number attended the shower. :.fori Mid's. Virginia .McDonald' 'last Friday. ■ >. •; _ The IScott re-union was\ h^ld on Satm,dpy“'afterw5n7i4r"uhe 22ndF Nearly, twp hundred Scott relatives assembled aFttKe^home~"of William Wedding bells are* ringing . ‘ Master Kenneth MacLennan from Detroit^ is . spending -his holi days -with* his grandparents,. Mr. and Mrs. Jas.' MadDonald; ■ Mr; and .Mrs.. Arthur Cook and Cameron—visited--with Miss Mary. Cook who is nursing in Southampton Mr. and Mrs. Grant McDiarmid and Douglas Were recent, visitors with . friends at Amberley.' Paramount Pupils Held Starling Contest For the past nine, days the Para­ mount pupils have fifeen climbing trees, posts, buildings and searching haunts for blackbirds, starling^, sparrows* and crows. ' Their contest has created a keen 'interest in the community — the downloads—;four boys, who in vain contested: agairist the ,u broads—four littlq girls 1 and;1 4wb boysv ^he strange result1: is^that^ the latter Won by a majority of three hundred and forty points. .Sure our girla can climb. In all were collected 843 heads: arid. 216 eggs. Tjie losing side, smiling in anxiety, brought a profusion of big, red strawberries, .and...alL.-relis!hed-.the---trei‘tr--heaped--on- top-of—a-gallon ”of"icevcreain"sUpplied“ by the teacher. Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Sandy and Mr, Will Robertson^' Signal editor of Goderich, visited Sunday at the home of Jas. MacDonald. H. Scott on the 12th con, of Kiriloss, “for a reunion party. -There were sports of all kinds during the after­ noon. Awtug-of-^wSr "inwhich " air north of Kincardine and , Huron boundary were against those of the ''South, was particularly enjoyed5, and resulted in a tie when] the two-min­ ute perjod was up, The ladies served a picnic" supper on the lawn, and all enjoyed a sociable. time together. l.-_GANNING_-,.DEMONBTJRATION .... • ■-Mr-— A demonstration on canning and “the^ use ofi1 ^vegetables' in the~~home will be held in1 the Library baspmenf Seaforth, on Friday, J_:Une^28ih._2rhe2 morning ■ session from 10.00 tot 12.00 WHITECHURCH • - g, ■ . — . , Miss Olive Kennedy is spending a few days with her cousin, Mrs. John -Reid- of -Aubpru; t ■- 7 Mr. Bert Cullimore assisted with the singing at the Brick church an­ niversary on Sunday. \ Mr." and' Mfs. Underhill qf Barrie spent a few days with Mr. and Mrs. Harry McGee. Mr. Geo;. Garton Sr,, who is un^er the doctor’s care, has returned home after spending a few weeks with his daughter ' at Kitchener. -• Miss. Annie ' Kennedy is staying with Mrsr’Geo. Gillies who is improv­ ing.' .■ _ : t ■ Whitechurch ball team played at. Auburn Monday. The score was in favor of Whitechurch, '14-8. They go to C biborne, Thursday evening of;Jbhi;s, week., ■ ' .. ‘......' ■ t-M-rs—HoRand and family of ' Kit­ chener are visiting-in °the village at the home of , her parents, Mr. and Mis. Garton. ’ The garden party which was held' last Tuesday in the basembnt of the Presbyterian Church was a decided success. Many shanks to all the kind "friends, wfio lielpefi with the program Miss “Jean Coulter of Wingham hospital, .spent last week with her parents, Mr. and Mrs, Wpi. J. Coul­ ter. __' ; , Miss Flora Addington of London, visited' last week with « Miss' Jean Coulte^. Mr. Angus” M.cKSy addressed the” W. M.-S. of South Kiriliiss,, church.,on Wednesday of this .week. ---— Aitch.eson, Aylmer ....... Alton, Berhadean...... Alton, Dorothy ^......L........ Andrew, Ellen. > -Blake, Muriel “ "Burns,''’Jamesp..;.^ piiswell,' Edwin.....—— ■ Cainpbell, Eileen——..... .. Campbell, Jitarion,. ....L- Carter, Mary .... -------- Collyer, June ..... Cook, Eliza .................. . Cook, Rhoda ......;__ Colwell, Currie ........... Cranston, Mary' .......... Farrish, Alex .... ~Farrish,; Anna Mae — Finlayson, Anna ------... Fisher, Maudie .......... . Gardner, Larife ...... --Gar4iss,. -Marguerite -... Gilmore, Helen ..;............. Graham, Dorothy .......... ■Hackett, Irlma ........ .... Hamilton; Catherine .■.... Hamilton, Helen, ..... Hamilton,. Laura -Hamiltorij ■ Marion Hamilton, Raymond .— Havens, Christine* \__ _ Inglis, John.....----------u. Jamieson; Ispbel ............ • Jewitt,\ Arlene .....— Jewitt, William ........... . Johnstone, Howard __... Lane, Hilda ............. ? iLee^Fr-el^ MacDonald', Etta Belle Macintosh, Kathleen ..r...L.......L™-„...P MacKinnon, Donald ___..;..... MacLeod, Grace ...^.h„;iP. - ’ ’MacMillan,’ Bruce .........„^.'.........l......... F. , MacLeod, Jack ................... P HMfcNallTnclffFor^ . ........... —McNalir-4J0ydP^^^ Morrison, June ........ Morrison. Melvin ___ ______ Paterson; Muriel 4.....;__........ Paterson, Orland .......-...a........ Patton, i Joseph _ _4...^. ;Pearlmari, Jennie ............ Pearlman, Morris Rae,. Margaret 4..;.^...;_ _____ _ "Reed, James' Richards^Raymond ................._— “Ritchie, /Doris ..4........... 4~.....P ilitchie, Mildred. I.-........ P "So^lom'onw.'M'Ujfi’cl” Z7.47-Z?.T44:P Steward^ - Zylda ...„„..M.,.?,.....P "TStruthers, Jean Z..................;.i .?..’?P > •'Struthers, Mary __„4„P ' Thomson, WinnifreR”^4?7.7.~:M7.4L “ • Twamley, Chester -1...:....;__L'.... Weatherhead, Nonha .....’, \ Allin, Har'old ...............................F • Carter, John ............. .................. Ostrander, Rexford ...).___ Ritchie, Harold __ ____ \., ■-==MIDDLE-SGHOO-L-D®PA-RJ P ......... F ..F „P „F P T P .F P -P ■Zp,V P ....p................ 'P < —p\ P P P . p.. p p p p < p ^-“7 broadcast trograam ^ 2: The following musicians from Duri- gannon, presented a program oyfer radio station CKNX, Wingham, at noo,n on Saturday: (William J. Robb arid daughter, | Miss Dorothy May Robb,, violins;' 'GedTge Hodges,' ac- morning session from 10.00 10^12.00 o’clockTs^iritended for members of the Seaforth Girls’ Garden and Can- ■ning^’Club. 'The '-after noon'*' s,es sion* from 1.30^to 4.00. p.m. is open to the public. This meeting is in charge of Miss Flora Durnin of Dungannon-' and members of all Junior and Senior cbfdian, accompanied on the piano Institutes in the^'County are cordially by Mrs. Donald Fowler. Barnes Mil- invited to be in attendance atH th'e lion, of Dungannon; was the announ - afternoon’s programme. \ J cer'of the • program \F : F A' ' otions; RIDE ’V lap: *7 • - P —p— — P— p p ,jerefOFe';“do not write, on the ■ .• ? ? ■'< J ; ' ■ ex 1 'll. 114 11 11 ■■ ■■11 0 WEATHERpRQQp . ■CABLE.VADLt.CONTROLLED ’ BRAKES >;< People Are Comparing — and Finding Out that Only Chevrolet Gives THESE UP-TO-DATE FEATURES in the Lowest Price Field MacDonald, Jack .? muriui MacKenzie, Frahk McMillan, J&an McKim, Mary Miller, Gordon Parker; Ruth Ritchie,. Violet Treleaven, Anna -Twamley, Hilda ’ V ■ . t ' ■ -MacDonald, Marion MacKinnon, Beth McKim, Mary Parker,’ Ruth . .I ■t V: that Chevrolet is marching ahead, in volume1 pro­ duction to meet public demand? Is it any wonder that we urge you—drive a Master Chevrolet before ’ you decide on any low-priced car! c-iesc IN every way," Chevrolet is marching ahead . . A in sales—in quantity production—in public pre­ ference! And the reason is’: Chevrolet offers ad­ vantages no’ other low-priced car can match. Your own eyes prqve it.- Look at the safe new; JQIRRET.-TOB-Fisher-bodies of splia steell JS^e: the proved, fully enclosed KNEE-ACTION bn Chevrolet’s front wheels!-. Look at the famous Fisher no-dfaft Ventilation—-the powerful arid economical Blue Flame Engine—the Cable-Controlled Brakes! ■ ' All five of these modern features are exclusive to the' Master Chevrolet—you don’t get even, brie of them on any competitive car! Is it any wonder, then, READY FOR IMMEDIATE DELIVERY . 9 . EASY GMAC TERMS PRICED ‘ Ck E!a (for th®. Wastes .... FROM 003 2-Pass.Coupe) Delivered, fully ^equipped at factory, Oshawo, . Government Registration Fee only extra. See the new Standard Series models priced as low as $712 ' « ®, L. M. McKENZIE-Dungannon 4th CON., KINLOSS . The June meeting of the U. F. W. 0.\was held at the home' of Mrs. Alex Sutherland, on Thursday, with a good -attendance. In the absence Mrs. .K. Middleton. pncsid,edi. Ijhe meeting opened by singing the- opening v sOng ’ followed by the creed. Mrs. W. -MacDonald X m of laSt arid gave tlie Measurer’s' r ,,A±ter 5°ntinupity - singing nnLu.°rdAS PraVcr <vas r?PSated in iA^t?lcni.c Was ranged for UrirJ?1hui:SdaY in Ju,y* W>en the South Kinloss “congregation was te bo invited. An’ invitation from' the Paramount Club was received for the monUi of August, which was ac­ cepted. 1 he roll call was responded to by thev-name of a man of woman i‘irkab lC lfe? f ch°bis by the sixth girls was fnuch ■ appreciated, 'also a dialogue by .Miss Grace and Murdean McLeod. Miss Dean McLeod gave tnSVknnld taIk and Mrs* A. Ackert read the current events. George Sid'" With a tuei li ii n li n ■ ■’ 11 F. E. McLEAN, (Prin.) read a’humorous journal? A ,vote oF ww. ■ C8 hostess was tehdefed. jinteresting fiafe■ on- ‘‘Howclosed by Singing God' fowl pay”; Mfe