HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1935-06-27, Page 3(,x A brother toievery other. Scout, without regard to race or .creed \ fo—.......I. . ", ............................ - > Slim and Active through a Daily Dose ef Kruschen Salts J . It is offoa said that fat. girls must take the fileavingg” when it qomee |o choosing, rweethearts. That may be an exag­ geration; but certain it /ir foat most men, in/ this <)f ^grace” 1935/ <Jo jwef&r a slendef, winsome“ girl, After‘ fill, can you. blame thenqT ' L Fortunately, there is a ’ simple and a safe recipe which assists towards that mucif-desired slim and attractive figure.. The recipe is:— Every morn­ ing take pne , half-tea­ spoon of Kruschen Salts lm-fo -glass of hot-fovater- before breakfast. !• ' Kruschen. blend of *- various mineral salts? which help the Internal organs to ‘‘ function properly, and to throw off regularly hannful poisohs and waste mJa^4^t4eT^J:~Kru8chen---- actually builds up headfo- and energy—it makes you more active—and -with the ” increased . activity there1 comes a wonderfol im­ provement in your..figure. Kruschen Salts, is ol>....... tainableir at all Drug -§tores--at~45ci~and-'--75G---a—— bottle. During the first spring hike of- St. Mark’s Troop, - of. Midland, Ont., the .fo.rea.te.n4ng- blush fire. .- His Hon. Lt-Gov. Herbert A. Bruce, accompanied by Mrs, Bruce 'and Max­ well Bruce, -attended the annual Scout parade at Christ Church', Deer ■TtelE^TorbntorTifovTni ■ cock took as the topic of his - sermon “Scouts afod Scouting.” ' - "International Scout Jamiorees and 3heir Relation to World Peace,” was ie title of an address by Distric^ . .C.Qjn.mi.ssioner ...R.o.yJ .Wilson....of-. .St._ ■Johns, ■ Que.,, at the, annual regional meeting of United States Scout lead­ ers at Boston. St. John Scouts con­ tributed a display of Scout-craft that/ attracted much favourable comment. —^q^i-fbiu-i'y—Scou-ts-^-pla-n—thls-r-eum-nTeT-' ceeds of a' troop vegetable garden.__... ...... - The mifeeum of the 1st Coldwater - thing of a lopfo additions include „ _________ ...__ the Ringling] Circus .winter quarters | • in' Florida, a brick from foe big but Marksmen, Show • v ’ ......■;...... ; ' ,. A- * v. ■ -Splendid Scores p.omiiiion Championship Compe­ tition Results Announced , . Sensational scores, achieved by en­ trants In vfiious Domfoion Marksmen, competitions, arc now* made public by the “Dominion Ammunition’’ Divi­ sion of Canadian Industries, Lifoited, .under whose- auspices the competi­ tions foke place, annually. . . sIn the Doipipion Mark-omen* Chief Constables’ Association Senior Re*, volver Championship Competition, en,. ,tered by thirty-five teams, represent- , Ing seven different provinces, t*K” Division, R.C.M.P-, of .Banff, Alta;, notched a new high for this compe- titiou ' with foe, excellent fooore fofo 14r4:2! out ,”of 15bq/,.Sec6nd“"a’hd' tfilrjl wqre C.P.R. Ontario Team- (last year’s. Winners) with 1409, and Wihnipeg Qity Police/Team No- 1, of Winnipeg, itoian., with 1398. Tyro winner' was Winnipeg. City Police,. Team No., 4. with 13,53. ML F.'A. Randall, C-N.R., Moncton, N.B., won the Individual, High Score. Trophy with 293 out .of .' 300, \195 deliberate, and 98 rapid fire, ’ “ ’Equally' splendid"«aTe’M'he- -.scorea- | made,in the -22. S.M.L.E., Rifle couipe- tition, inaugurated this year to fillow : militia units ' and’ R.C.M.p, divisions ~fo’'c6.mpete . anwn'gst TTfehiselve's’ for' valuable awards,., with, foe officat ,22 riflle with wfiichi they are equipped. .This • Dominion Championsliip has beeh won by No. 6 Det, ’^Team;' of the Royal Canadian ’. Engineer.-, Halifax,/-with the magnificent >. score of 488' but of 500. “HQ” Coy.* of. 1st' Bin,,... South.. 'Alb.erta ] Rggiment, Medi­ cine Hat,' and “A.” Coy.-of-princess Patricia’s . Canadian Light Infantry, Winnipeg, tied for second place, with. gramme by a Scout harmonica band. 485 points each- ' Third was No Goy, The numbers included solos and sev- J of Royal Canadian Signals, ' Camp fofoi~yO'Ga4"mfof-Fa4n'S-^r^h,e‘4bA‘ndT^h'U'^~-i'-DQr4.e-nr-w^ifo-~4.69--poihtsiAN.o.^foEe^ffi»!,. boring 25 “instruments,” . is -compos- No. 2 Coy., 6th.Div'.Signals,Gharlotte_. ed of Scout's'-fronTair the Scout troops town, and- 2A” Coy.- Q.O-T.0, Saska- TESTS DEVELOP WHEAT STRAINS Garnet Variety Is Much In, Demand Through West Farm Shorts ' ■ V* - ■ ■ ■ • ’'*>• . . T—! , ■ . (to According to the live stock so as at 'December 1, 1934., the number I of' hens and chickens of farms in ’ Canada was? 46,487,230. Milch cows in Canada increased in numbers from 3,659,200 head of Dec­ ember 1, 1933, to .3,847,400 of Dec­ ember 1, 1934, or 5.1 per uceht. During the fiscal’year -^nde’d March 31, 1935,. 198’916 boxes,- of about ,14,925,12.0 pounds, of Canadian dress­ ed'poultry wepe inspected for export and local ’and infeerprovincial . khipr ment' under the supervision of the Live Stock B,ranch. of foe Dominion D^artment of Agriculture^ This, was an, increase foLshfoj^nfo foyer the ‘ 1933-34 "fistat. year of 73^33f boxes or about 5,133,170 pounds. ’ .. fo As with other crops, the surface soil of the. it-ose bed should be' kept loose by frequent shallow hoeing or taking-. This practice not only keeps down weeds but allows -the aif to enter thevsoil and conserves moisture.' Otta.wa-<-4Just as Garnet wheat is about‘to be graded separately from other varieties o’f Canadian wheat, its popularity both. with growers and millers is increasing, officials of the Dominion . department, of agriculture • have been informe'd'. ’ , «- ‘ . ’i Following a. long controversy The Canada Grain Act was , qmended a ypar ago to.. provide ‘for separate grades for Garnet; and. the p^w’-'rejr •■■gu'lsttbnK WrKe"’ into7foff^cfofohist “fa’llf Therd is much speculation as. to the price Garnet whedt will command, but pb cidubf of the. popularity of this darly-ripening, ’high-yielding wheat from the northern part of the prairie provinces. . ■ Western grain companies, ^reported • they could place 10 cars more of pure- Garnet seed wheat than are available -with -Wes-fe-rn--for-mers-~--t-hi-s.'---s-prlng-. Part of this demand is attributed to :the government’s ■ crop^testing plan which has now -been, in operation four “yeaTs •^M”rs'7fob'WiTrg~^armers; .the desirability of.having wheat of a pure, strain suited -to local conditions ■in order to command..-the . highest prices. „ • ' .. ‘ . ’ British.-millers also are showing an ‘intef^st in Garnet wheat, provided they -can obtain '.it free from 'a mix- ,.Cure of other, strains, ..reguirgs special treatment and may be used in blending’ with' other .ty^es : of wheat to produce a satisfactory flour. The - department will , have more than 20,000 crop-testing' stationsfoin- nop.era±ioM“th'i^XeOT—-fo-^oonjnn&tion;. with -elevator companies. These .oper­ ate at.:practically foo cost to.the gov­ ernment .and have proved a tremend-- ous success.. . UUJUUE.JN V A KU I K LA and enjoy a really ? good smoke! - v [ALSO MADE yFtN. CIGARETTE TOBACCO] A Good Tinie/To , Raise A Foal ■ *'1 ' :/'j v ?w f According, to; the Dominion Ani­ mal 'Husbandman,, there is at present. a. definite scarcity of good, fresh, young horses for farpi and city work and ah increasing demand for them' at fairly remunerative and generally 4nc-r«asing~priCes;. ■ Si-nee-i-t -takes four - or five years to breed, raise and de­ velop a horse to marketable age, it will'fee ‘some tfiiih before/hq demand ■ c anr be^satisfiedy “ th'er efore ~ ■ pre sent'' prices may be. expected to hfoid or even improve for a number of years. It would- seem, therefore, that' if would be a profitable venture’ for any ■ •farmer, who has - a reasonably good draff brood mare/that he can spare, from.. heavy . work, to breed her and ■ foalse a foal. ....... . .'. If ybu- abe melancholy for the first, time, you will fin'd, up a little- enquiry, that 'others have been melancholy many times, and yet-are- cheerful now, Lei gh^-H-U'n-t-.—- -■■ v--., The tobacco producing areas of British Columbia extend 250 miles northward from . the . international-' ■Canadian Pacific Railway .- and in­ clude ... the districts , of Kereriios, Grand Fork's, Oliver, Summerland, Kelowna, Winfield, Lavfogtom Verno, Kamloops and Ashcroft. -.A -—— ' - . ' ■■ The' Egyptian market absorbs.-, a number of Canadian' products, such-, as cheese, bacon, evaporated/ milKy soap, leather and druggists’ sundries, flour, apples,- pears/canned salmon', A ‘baby ’ boy ' weighing twenty-two Steinman in New. York. The-child , is . ‘one-sixth the weight of■ his mother.-; Mrs. Steinman Jias eight other child-! rep, none - of whom'- Weighed .more than'eight pounds at-birth. - j^j. ■ “Race hatred jis’ one 'of "the jmost cruel and least civilized emotions to which men in the .mass are liable.”; j—Bertrand - Russell. x .............. ■i •• A ' . A 4- ■ ■ .. ' . toon, were unfortunately unable to compete.. The Individual High Score was won by Mr. J. S. McDonald,' 6th Divisional Signals located at\ Char- n^tt¥t&WTrr'4p7ErTw^i-th^h-e-^exfoel-leM ■ —5'C0re~-oL~295—out--of--S-O-dr■ ■ —-• ■—■■ •-—..- ...... / ' -' ■ ’-------—x-.—:—i—-- '■ » A Westerner Tells a.. .About Hoppers Fighting grasshoppers . in the 'Can­ adian West is something with which the average, farmer jin the East is. not familiar. There have . been seasons --w-hen.-.-grasshop-persCwene...-pleiitifuL.eni., ~r<)om_a.n(l—a^large'assenTbly-hall.-The^<)ugh,—but-they—hmv-e^nut—bdem-ar-foASt_ —; __ i,; _ _ • ---------,'l . . Lor^^plagu&^OmA=cankienaMlwell-=extG ^fohe- high m'ature. ough. Walking through pasture land. ----->-j — when it used to be dry and* the’ grass . fairly, longj At every step it seemed there was a dozen or so grasshoppers rising. The'lads going to school, on the tefith concession use^l to catch .grasshoppers for- the purpose of “making them” spit,’’ but apart 'for' that there was no^ interest in foem. of the city, ' " ' o '. * * Through the interest of the Lady ^k Home and School Club-, London, ?7~ScmnT'ana~Girl- Guides cOnnect- ■ ed -with ‘that rschoolr-will—be—gfoen—a~ week’s. holiday in eamp, . * * *. A-hike of six mfiles to secure na­ tural wood, staves was the scouty .pro­ ject carried out'.by a number of Woodstock-Scouts, ...... —w *... •**1 „ , The Scouts of Listowel, Ont.,‘ have been given fine new quarters'in the - basement-of -the Post Office building, consisting of an office, three parti-' "tioned'-ioif^'pafrol^rboms7^a’";'r'"wadtfng~- ,. .... .. ______ ___ _ camp—on—veget-a-bles7—ti'om—Lpro- -remodelling-'-was--carr-Ped—ouG by-the^ ’ Many"~Goba .Re^br'chf^ Made By Shorthorns Ont., ScoUt troop is becoming some-., thing of a institution. Recent additions include a horseshoe from 1 < In Florida, a never completed, Ringling Hotel, and ~to~Wfo to cuiTosMlug up on farmsTTn early Souts and'-Scouters. ' # . ■ ; U The annual Ontario Scout Forest-;, ry camp held over foe 2&jth of May. was this i year attended . by 140 .Scouts, who planted 100,000 trees.. This planting^'brings tp a, total of some 500,000 the trees planted in the. "Boy. Scout Forest” reforestation pro- . During the first four months -o'f 1935, 153 Shorthorn cows have quali­ fied in th'e .Canadian7Record of Per­ formances. - 'I In the ,365-day division, mature, -.records ayerage '-9,649 pounds . rhilk., '.390.foounds..;fat;_4.-yearrold, .8J.25 ffifo milk, 328 lbs., .fat; S-year-old,’ 7,766 ~.].bsT—*miik7~v’308—-lb&s—~fa-t j—and—..S-yeanr- “oldHLBW—lhh^m-dkv^7-7fol-bsT--f-a-t-^-----=,- period was.-made, by Northly^id Matchless ■■ 7th: (George ;Jackfoh Son, DownsviOw), 15,6884'MTfs. milk, 673 lbs,- fat. , Next to heV ’ comes White Blossom (M, .J.. Scobie, Ofo .goode Station), 14,012 lbs.. ipijk, 529 lbs. .fat. Thfoe are the two out-stand­ ing records of the year to-date, but the 3-year-old record of ■ North'lynd MORrTCOrLE AT TO BRITAIN THAN EVER BEFORE On .. April 15th Last, 10,320,- 000 Insured Persons. Be­ tween 14 and 64 Years of .’ Age Regularly. In Employ-. ment/. :> .- . ” ■/'. . . foeen assured: in reliable quarters, .the non-insurable workers have been fo- ' •sorbed into'industry at much '.the same'\ratio as . .the insurables, it is no/ unduly optimistic to,assume that /the number—of—actual. '.workers- _re-r. deemed from .idleness is. even greater . -'tha-n-thefo073-20;000":record-a-n-nouneed-= ■S1 ■fni-strwdai-this—week^-s—states In., recognition of the fact, that she has seven grandsons, in the Cube, Scouts or Rogers, Mrs.. R? Renwick was. made 'an honorary life .member "®r’tfiTTTdfitiW'"OnC^ ■ciub. . k » J.. A novel broadcast feature from Sydney, N-S., was a half hour's /,pro-] :le'ct.; hqar' Ang.uS'. Ttie camp has' beeh'j .;PP.erjit,ed_£oj/„kix^yjear.s,^uiLder-^Ah.e.. menUg-i' Lafffis and Forc-sts, ~ ...■ " An arrangement has .been made by which the Boy Scouts Association of New Brunswick and th© New,, Bruns- Department of Lands and Mines will' take over* Hom the Canadian Forest­ ry Association direction' of the Jun­ ior Fordst Wardens, of that province. foe north use ■ .tl^em 'as JfoTQor fis~EC & -fot. Premiers To Attend Cere­ mony At Fort Wil- ..... ■ ■'. V ' /' • Fort W'illiam—'Outstanding athlete's and prprniq_ent statesmen will attend 'the ceremony here fon July. 1 when . the silken'ribbon will be cut releasing the fistream "of. automobiles -to 'pass cfor the new highway between !the Lakehead and Winnipeg.- '■ The All-Canada route to^the West xahd one of the most' .important links 'In. the Trans-Canada highway project 'is to be opened by Hon. PetOr Hee- 'han, Ontario minister of lands and forests, and Prime Minister ‘ R. B. Bbhnett Will attend this event. Down ph the waterfront, Bobby .Pearce, world’s ..professional cham­ pion,/will' meet his old . rival,- Bill ■Milldr,. United' States' champion,uw a sculling race'.. ’ > ’ , - of® fc ‘ > Premier Mitchel F. Hepburn of Ontario and Premier John Bracken of Manitoba will jpin the Governors' of .'^Minnesota, 'Wisconsin and North Dakota in attending the opening ceremonies. A motor party from trip ■■ Winnipeg will jm'ake ’the over - the new toad. first <■'"----------------------------* ' . - CRIME IN LONDON ' , A' notable reduction in ^serious, crime isl. mepopted . frown .London, white there.-Were,. 23 murders last year; They that serious crime in London. Here in New York'.^e.have mdr.e than .300 murders, a year. — New York Times. -t bt^' j HIGHSPEEDSHE, 30x3K 4.40/21 4.50/21 4.75/19 5.00/19 Oldfield 6;00 8.50 9.50 jO;50r . 11.25- Ollie? Sizes Pro|sorti<jnateiy'LoW 3 ' ayfor om’WSas kaTchewai^and- he said * the people in this province kn,ow nothing at sj.ll about grasshop­ pers. Before going West th’e lived on- -»a^f-ar«m^in-^^ j when he walked from his house to the. baSfo he would possibly ..kill hun­ dreds .of them because they were , so thick one could not help stepping on them. He drove his car only a4little but had tc£ have screens made for the Windows and a special scfoen fitted over the front of the car to Keep grasshoppers from' clogging the flow ^of air-' The grasshoppers would attack .and destroy -.nehrly everything which was green and there', -was- not a thing, to istop the attack. He had poisoned millions of.them he was certain, but other millions came along to take their, places. They, could devour more - poison bait*, than- he could supply,' This gentleman' who preferred'''not to. have his name used was aked if. .there would be-.-any cufo:’by” Spread-’ ing poison baft'from airplanes as. was now being'1 done in Alberta. He "re- ’plied it would help, but his view was that- Nature would attend to. it. How? Tltere will.fee , someVsprt. of an insect' which will food upon t-iie eggs of the- grasshopper. It generally' .’works'' Mhafway, he explained. When a pest comes there is'always something pro­ vided to' remedy the situation and. rc- ■ store'', the <■ balance. He informed its there were- places'in the West where j jyi-P-w itrafofbngr ’ment-F^r^ workers5'belonging to what is1 known as .the'.“insurable- category” ^offers __ ___.r______. ______________ heartening support '.of the Rt.' Hon._ ?make -for betterment' in the immedi- • Neville. Chamberlain’s Budget declar- - - ■ .• - ' ation that Britain *has regained 80’ per cent, of hbr oldtime' biosperityy and strengthens the feeling of .op­ timism-that is steadily spreading throughout:the pountry,' writes J, E. same....owners, qualified ■' NorttTlyiTff Jean 14th with 9,230 lbs. milk, 337 lbs. fat,.\bu.t Wild Rose ,(G. K. Alton- ■ by, Keoma, Alberta), 8,9G5 lbs. milk, 366 lbs. fat, leads foe 2-ye.ar-olds in "faVprodm^tton'r— In the. 305-day. division’, mature re­ cords average 8,4'55 lbs A milk,. 336 lbs. fat; :4-year-old, 7>879 lbs. . milk, a'SSl -lbs. fat.;- 3wear-old', 6,103 lbs. milk, 249 .lbs. fat; ahd 2-year-old, 5.,642 lbs. milk,' 234. lbs. fat. The,high milk record, fo/this div­ ision Was * made .by-WelMwood May Chieftain (William .Weld Co., Lon­ don), >11,794 lbs. milk, 418. lbs. fat'. In fat production, however; the lead is taken by Cossar Dairymaid ' (George C..'Cossar;-Lower Gagetown', N.B:)? ll.;130"4bsr’milk, '464 Jbs. fat. •' '• .' ' ___< ■ there’s no’ need to sacrifice quality and safety to buy . tires at so-called bargtiih' ( prices. For Firestone has a quality ft. in P'1?; . elasg---aslowas$4iiy9r~and. evtfry one carries the Hre- stone name and. fluafantee. i Get Firestone Safety and - SiK/toe at unusually low Ata.. Drive In tp^afo * to Vour nearest rirestone .. DeaW and see how little monfy Is requited to equip ybiir car, SENTINEL 4.99 6.35 6.95 ~7.75 8.40 A til) UP 3OX3'/fi ■ SENTINEL X There is, in addition, • another fea­ ture of the situation,’ which may ate future, though pausing some un­ easiness in perspective, and. that is,' .the decline in the natiorialXbirthrate. The war-period increase fon the birthrate was • naturally accoffipanjed Xby-fo-n—ihxmease—ixifoheMalieimy-eaxsjfoL-throughout the country, writes J, E, states That it is estimated that oK~ April- 15th there were tipproximately." 10,3-20,0.00 insured persons between'' the ages of 14 \y.ears and .64 years'in- employment,. the highest' figure • reV ••e ord efi-T-d-ufong—t-h e---per-fo'4^bf--l-4r-years-.. for which comparable, figures are available. ■ • ;;. . . •’It . shows, mor.over, that of the. 2,- 044,460 workers. Registered\as ‘’unem­ ployed at the date mentioned, out of • th© 1-729,O^Hndividuals oil the \regis- ter who applied for-benefit er unem­ ployment allowances about 51. per cent had bee,n idle less than .foree - months; others less than, six months', and only 22 per cent had been' with­ out wprk tor. a year,' In other word's the ;so-called, “hard coto” of unem­ ployed number’s in reality something Jn.cfole^meigh'15.or!io'’bd. Of. 790,000\fo-n'd-K - viduals. Again, of foele,. it is usually; estimated there , is'- an' employable- .class of- -between 3'00,000 ahd’ 45’0,'Q00r people; Inorder’to' obtain a better picture, of conditions here, it Xis ‘ necessary to .' refer to. that other numerous cate­ gory- t^f workers, those.-who do not. coifre within the 'scope of the unem- ffloyment measure. 'While, as .far'., as .1 can ascertain, there are. ho statist­ ics . dealing- with, thejse people .as a . i to 'work. In lOOl.ihe census showed that Vtbere .were slightly more than 21,- 000,0'00. people in, Britain’ “gainfully occupied” as- the cfoicial report'quaint­ ly 'puts it—*v]'z„ fomployed for w.ages ; or similar consideration—and of these- some 8,5,00.000- Wore not' momboLt of. - the ‘insurable, class...of workers fliat i| raore"than 50foerfofot of the v^rk- " fofo'fore not' covered in' Die’statistics' Issued by the Ministry of Dabor. -movement—dating—from-—t-ba—basic-’- .year- 1919 was passed in 1930 ahd it is to „ be. expected that, this annual exodus into." an already overcrowded, labor market of from 300,000' to ‘400,- T0fnTnm.vffiualT^ ......... ’» ■ -• - ■ - ' •'■ Classified Advertising BICYCI.E AND TIKE BAKGAINS Horse Is Loved * In Old England x ' t London—In 10 yearsMh^re has been,, a decline/ of 67 per cent. |n the num- .ber' of: horses drawing trqde vehicles in the. United Kingdom, xwm horses u^d-. for agricultural purposes nave deceased by 13 pfer centX, according to 'the Army Couneil'.s' census. ’• The, . , _ . , - _ total number of .horses' in the country 1 definite classification, the. 1931/census has fallen b\ .more .thanv 600.000- in foffevs basic .fifoirhs from which to “the decade.. '■ ” T” 4l'“ *’ ■ “This ddcs____ t„ ............. ..... ........ ....... . not jnean that in this already there were reliable 'reports-'country the-horse is .doomed fo early' of grasshopper eggs being eaten by I extinction^ says' the News-Chronicle some ;unknown, insect. His concl.ud-1 editorially. “The chief decrease'-is in­ Ing .remark, was' . “I wa ? ..born. and I draught, animals; which are -giving brought up in Huron County, and liv- . way everywhere, td ' the motor-van. _ed there .until I,was.-32 years 'pf .age; 1 But .there is no falling '■ olT in riding and. the truth Is I. never knew ,any-I horses . and huntdrs ’over 15 hands-^ ■thing', .about grasshoppers until*, tho-i.aud the nufoben; of thoroughbreds' Ifist few. yeai’g- In. the, West-.’ Think ' has actually increased. In a me'chani,- of It —-■ they can ufoer.Iy destroy alF ized' age- little . the crops- ©n a farm and leave the farmer .nothing. but what “ niay be growfoig undetgrfoffl'd. v--. - ’ • :—Straforcl- Bfocon-Herald $9,312,939 Saved Oh Low Dditiinion Salaries Ottawa Government, employes throughout Canada numbering 26,275, receiving salaries4 between $1,200 And $1,800 per year, contribute^ $9,812,- 939 to, the- federal treasury in the laist thre^ years as a result .of fob (Sivil Cervice Salary Deduction Act, Recording to a return tabled in the House of Commons recently, . r.oom 'remains for draught horses. . , ” ' ■ ■ “But* the Englishman’s .traditional loVd *d¥ 'th-a’’hprse -triunfohs over the 'machine. More people . are , riding hqrses than ever before..'The "riding' school is' becoming almost as, much of a dommoniflacd as the motor garage. We may cease to put horses between shafts. There is no reason why* wo should- ever surrender .the j,oy qf the . saddle.” 'I- , \ ■ INCREASED BY‘l9b,00b ’ Since the 1931 census the ranks of the insurables litis 'been increased by 1'90,60*15 workeus and, It Is reaso-nkbld’ tor-assuipo that the number's of.’foon- ill'stirables has- increased In .the'same ratio,' say by- '’95',00*0,. If, ■ as ’ I .have ■ > “Our experience Is. fixing us to fit ih Btefiveni” — D^nry i'ord. .1 ■< 46 "With Britain . and Amer. , \ ‘ ’■ ■ ica- in Cooperation., no other, $ ■ - ’ ■< country or countries ip, .the ■ ■ wqrld would attempt to dis-, thrb the peace if tile world/’ —Viscount Hailsbam $10 V.P; AUTOMOBILE TIRES, fo' j"0- v up, ■■ transportation paid. Free "catalogue. Peerless, 1 195 Dundas ■■ West,. Toronto'.' ■ . —■—■—---—;---------i—-------r——MALE HELP WASTED '. MENfolF YOU AfoE MECHANICALLY incifoed, have a fair ■ education aiid realize, the ■ future in Diefol industry,' w© will train'.you in spare time; small fee includes., instruction,' consultation arid employment services; alsd tools.-^ -‘-B©xWjj'Sofr’Pu'blis-h'ing^Cow-YjfdT-^k" Adelaide W., Toronto, Ont;____ ____fo——J___—L PRIZE CONTESTS for Artists and Authors ■ v T AUTHORITATIVE’ ■ COUN­ SEL ON WINNING PRIZE ’ CONTESTS is tlie title of ‘ an artic-le' by one. who is a . ’ consistent winner/1 ■'• ' ' ... This.,article :' iliKi monthly .' listings'/of Prize Contests,' "Syndicate Markets'and. Mar- . ■ k'ets: for I'lh^trations for. De-- . ■ s.igns, Greeting Card- . De- ■ , signs a'nd- X’erses, Sfdrie.s.and - —fur- r.jfehrly ’” sul'scription “of $2.00. .... GIFF B AKER- .39 LEE- AVENUE' • TORONTO •No Dtujt. No Oistir-j. Itot, ate 19;, gaku's ihs. tn 6 week. I Ko1 Anniianftsi ~ Vl ■ . S „ tn s mthe. | —No Drott. » w 20, J. 3| „ tn 16 day«. I No ... .. 40, li., in<L;,- laerswd tay awtt bdgbt to 6ft.. ?|tn» $ - Scai'Lidi-oii^U'l Elis'. { , tivndfr^i t/ Ttifimmialt ft«vi aO cV»r tA« «<wl i i ' <1 ■ '.b i ■ , \\'i ,!i ><'\v • ' MALCOLM ROSS Hp-e-ciallst, „ :