HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1935-06-20, Page 8r MQlSlg; YOUR DOLLAR HAS MORE SENSE PACK BIGHT /’■ / FIT YOUR and 30 lb preceding year. TO MANY •„ CENTRES. ./■ contest iji butter by Mrs. Andy Orr. Campbell and Mrs. Refreshments were BY ASKING US TO FEET YOU ARE UNDER NO OB-' -EIGATIQN” TO BU¥< AND YOU WILL FIND OUR PRICES ARE SUITED TO YOUR PURSE. in Canada, .United States and Mfexico »'.."T*' ■ ■■■'■' - Travel By Arrow Coaches “For Your Convenience” Consult. Local Agent 0 T. W. SMITH Central. Garage . ,Phone 148 rainfall during hll the mdhth"bf June and July last year. 1 • : • . / ‘ A VISIT TO OUR STORE WILL PROVE TO YOU THAT OUR FIT­ TINGS ARE EQUAL STORES IN LARGER /?■' ///../•/: C ' - ’ ?i’ V ' "l- sOlWWWW■ LARGEf,... : AYLMER p. & BEANS, MEDIUM. . ■•’^HOtGEWlJALlTY' TOMATOES, 2$s.. CHOICE ^QUALITY TOMATOES, 2s, 2 CANS ^CHOiGteQUALiTY- TOMATOES, Is, 3.1CANS LIBBY’S TOMATO JUICE, 5 CANS ............... .-/NATURES’ BEST •» TOMATO JUICE,, 4 CANS CHOICE QUALITY PEAS, 2 CANS '^CHOICE QUALITY G. B.. CORN, 2 CANS .. ■LIBBY’S FANCY RED SALMON^ Ip canned pumpkin; large, can p & g Soap, 5 bars ■ *W PALinOLiVE SOAP, 4 BARS •1^ 7 HANDY'AMMONIA, 2 PKGS. ,.15c KIPPERED HERRING, . 15c ^■saMnes^7‘.t:7. . ..49c BAUMERT CHEESE' .IN PLAIN, PIMENTO ©nd. RELISH. ' FRESH FRUITS AND VEGETABLES ALWAYS ON HAND. SHOES •w V . * . . . ■ • 7’7' . Propely Fitted Should Require No Breaking In Rathwell and Reed Arrow BUS Schedule —Efff^tive-May^5thHI^35— LUCKNOW South Bound Week Days—9.45 A. M. Sunday, 445 PJM. Standard. Time Central Ont. Bus Lines Toronto McCormick-Deerins Hayinv Machines . No. 7 Mower with enclosed gears, running in a bath .of oil is the most modern on the ; market. '' J' f ' ' Self-iDump Steel Hay Rakes, Hay Tedders, Combined Side "! Delivery Rake and Tedders are leaders in thebe lines. ' j .The McCormick-Deering Steel Hay . Loader with adjustable Carriers and equipped with roller bearings is one of the, “"lightest"Rraft aKd'most durable .cylinder loaders. FOR SALE AT— W. G. Andrew’s THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL rr MISS WINNIFRR D ARMSTRONG daughter 7, of /Mr. and Mrs. F. . T. Armstrong, who was One of the graduating class of Toronto Hospi­ tal for Sick Children, was awarded the scholarship for efficient bedside nursing. ; - • “* ah Mr. SERVICE AT LANES The service in Lane’s • Church Sunday evening, conducted by George Lowey, was attended by a large—congregation, -which—has-en­ couraged the making of some neces­ sary improvements in the -church; The seating capacity is to be increas­ ed, the sound system improved and delco lighting: installed. The subject this Sunday- evening at 7.30 o’clock is from Leviticus 17:11 “It is the Blood that Maketh an Atonement for the Soul,’’.upon which Mr. Lowey -will speak and he invites everyone to come and hear this mes- sage/fromv God’s - -— - SPACE WAS LIMITED In last week’s issue, space was at such/a premium, many articles had to be withheld or omitted,; chief of these .being the report of Bruce CountyCouncirsJunesessionrEven a small item, in last week’s issue, explaining this, had to be omitted at the last minute. './■ SUMMER BIBLE SCHOOLS BOUNTIFUL RAIN In marked contrast tb last summer plentiful moisture in recent weeks hag”resulted“in“a~i)romising“outlpok- for. an abundant harvest and a heavy hay crop, which operations will get underway - shortly.____. Cojnmencing late Sunday evening and continuing throughout the night, a heavy and prolonged 10-hour rain­ fall resulted in 2% inches or rain, which fell in such a manner that it was practically all absorbed and pen- ruin"lhat™feiL“iiiTr‘ Heavy rain fell again during Tues­ day night when the town was in darkness due to a broken hydro wire on Havelock St. PRESENTATION MADE J?uly 2 —13 In order that the country boys and girls have the same privelege as the boys arid girls living in toWn, plans areunder-waytohave-SummerBible Schools in a number of the Country Churches—wherever/it is possible. ^—’rheSchools will open—Tuesday,- July 2_at 9 a.m. and will meet five mornings a . week for two weeks, closing with ri Demonstration similar co that of last year. All boys and girls 4 to 16 years Of age are corcL- lally invited to coirie and bring their "friends. . as tne red fog. of Coriamunism set­ tles down upon, our fair land/in an fa'run~of~-oux- PRESENTATION MADE ) MR. and MRS. POLLOCK ' ' —■—^-/ • i Mr. and Mrs. Carl Pollock (nee Jean-.. Grant) .were ..honoured, guests at a reception held at Poplar Beach xm Tuesday night, when: the young couple were presented with a well filled purse of money,, by friends and . neighbors of the community round about the 10th eon., Huron Twp. DECLINE TO TAKE ACTION Perth County Council has . adopted the recommendation of its road com-: mittee that no action be taken on the request that the provincial govern­ ment take over the Toad from Elmira to Amberley. The report was adopted after a. lengthy, discussion in which it was brought out that the county could cafe for the road as cheaply as the provincial government and at the same time retain a certain amouht of control over the road# in, the district. The request that the road be taken over was sent as a re­ sult of the meeting at .Listowel when, representatives of Elmira, Listowel, Bluevale, .Wingham, Lucknow Amberley met recently. WOMEN’S INSTITUTE LUCKY LUCKNOW With local relief discontinued more than two months’ agoj ratepayers ih,. the village should consider them-,, selves quite fortunate. Last week . the ’Chesley Enterprise reported favorably on relief conditions in that town, where May expenditure totak led $644.64, and which was only half the amount that relief tost Chesley Monthly during the months o£ the ''' ' With an' attendance Of about the' June meeting of the Women’s Institute was held on Friday at the horhe of Mrs, Geo. Andrew. /Mrs. T. Clarke presided. The roll call was Well responded to by ways of using and preserving strawberries. A splendid report of the’District An­ nual meeting held in Teeswater was given by Mrs. I. Campbell. Readings were given by Mrs. Freeman and Mrs. J. Garniss. An interesting fea­ ture of the afternoon was ah auction sale Of articles donated by members With Mrs. X.W. Joynt acting as auctioneer. The tarts was won Judges, Mrs. G. J. R., McNab, served. 3 • ' M. Johnston were the home of Mr. i ’ . THURSDAY,; JGNE 20TH, 1935 NYAD HEALTH SOAP (Carbolated) A reliable antiseptic soap for general use in the home. LARGE CAKE, 2 FOR 10c. — -DOROTHEADEANE— SPECIALS -■ ’^50c7Face~Powderr-2’~for“rir50c- — 50cVanishingCreamr2for50c ill the past few r FORMER LUCKNOW GHiL ABROAD ,WJ7D BUMBAND New Prints, Ginghams, ..Voiles, New ideaff-risn-Wa&h I)re«e n^ater-ial-j^'Ncv/ low, prices.—THE MARKET. STORE. fLOCAL and GENERAL ) ‘f '.......i-‘"i.....".....................; ■’■................. . ' ' ■; ; -Remember St, Peter’s Ghuych Garden Payty in/Caledonian Park, next Tuesday. - Mjen’s and Boys’ Work clothing, (Socks, Underwear, etc. New 'Low Prices.—-THE MARKET STORE. Mrs. Walter Jones of Quebec is a visitor with//Mrs. D. H. McKenzie and Miss Lees, . ; Mr. ■ Sam Murchison is making favorablerirecovery from his recent serious illness, f Mrs. G/ Carftpbeir of " The^isalqn-ia yj.sJt.ing..her.msis.t.er,:Mi^.^Ira„.C^^ and other relatives. 1 7 'f ' *' •” V •?' ' * ’.’•••« T 7^: .Mrs, Levi Havens of Sts Helens is visiting/for a few weeks with her son, Alex Havens on Station St. , Mr. and Mrs. Joe Forster of Win­ nipeg are spending ,a two weeks’ visit' with ;the former’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. James Forster.. '■/...... BRIDGE and EUCHRE at Mrs. J. W. Joynt’s, Friday, June 21sti at 3 o’clock, under auspices > Lady Bowlers; 25c fee, lunch, prizes. Mr. and Mrs. Finlay Cook and Mr. and Mrs. Andy Hamilton of Colling­ wood were week-end guests of Mr. and Mrs. Wm, Robb. There iis a slight improvement in the" condition of Mr. W. J. Todd, who has been seriously days. Mr; and Mrs. D. recent visitors at _ . and Mrs. W. J. Todd, with Mrs. John­ ston remaining for a time. IVA CORN has ‘broken, her en­ gagement with Mr. Foot, .since he is using . Cress Corn Salve—At McKIM’S DRUG STORE. j -t—Mrv-Gordon-McInnes-has—been-en-- gaged in painting the homes of Mr. F. D. McLennan and •’ Mrs.- J. W.' Murray. . 7 Mr. Kenneth Murdie is attending Grand Lodge in Toronto today and tomorrow as a representative of Lucknow Lodge No. 112, L O. O. F. "Uobldhuafidh)" Schoor pupils- “are writing final examinations this week with members of the l<?cal staff pre­ siding. Students? ■ will all complete writing next week, while a number finish this week. . —— Mrs. Down- of Exeter, nuouaiiu, AVCV. U. YV . A7VVV11, LU the village the end of/tlie^week where he conducted services in the United Church on Sunday. ' Don’t miss seeing the-many new dresses < and summer suits .PEARL­ MAN'S brought frorii Toronto today. See the special Bridal Outfit in'the -window;—-^pec-ia-I^Lin&n-T—Suits-^fo-r *ot>ys“ and ■girls—lor Gnrlstl Oeiore it in coo late. ’ The more Volunteers we have fox cue work" vne niore^wiiT/^e ’accoui- plished so will those wild would like to volunteer trieir services fpr this very important work of helping u- cue bummer Biole Schools please sena your name in at once. / _ ' Any Country Church within a radius of 12 miies from Lucknow that would like to have a Summer Bible School put pn in your “Church with-., outanyexpenseattached,shouldget in touch with Pearl Henderson . as aS soon as possible. Telephone, 150 W. ". Please watch next week’s Sentinel I Or further information. UNIQUE ANNIVERSARY SERVICES AT ASHFIELD ' PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Morning Service Will Be Modelled On The “Old Form”—Rev/. Austin L. Budge Anniversary PjreachCr. ■ ~ K ' ...” ' '■ Next (Sunday -at. 11 a.m. and 7AS p.m. the Rev. Austin, L. Budge, MA-,; Clerk of Synod and recently elected, Moderator, also, • of the Synod •, ‘ M; Hamilton. and London, will .conduct anniversary services at ” the • Ashfield ■ Prt&byterian Church.,, The , morning i service 'rill be a .unique', one' in that; it will be modelled •entirely on"the"i “Old Form”, the congregation s-tand-i .ing- during the prayers, and Eitting', down, rejoicing, together ih' psalms'; of praise, as . they are led by Pi'eeen-; tor Donald. Maci^ean, the choir bring conspicuous by -its absence and > the'; organ in. its siler^e. The whole -j&er-i vice is calculated to stir sacred ories’ in the hearts of the. older people present and to.-be an object lesson' In Presbyterian’ Church History to the'''.yrimger ■■generation. •■■■...... Mr, 'Budge who is a profound stu- $eht of' the history of the Church in tts foriher days "<£. trial and ^joody' ,pe.rtecutiop because of its unwavering stand for ’the “faith' for our fathers,” is eminently qualified to. bring sages of enlightrnent^gnd great pro - fitrto the large congregation will surely be present next" Lord’s Day at Ashfield Presbyterian Chu.r<lh> The evening service, will be cph , ducted ip the. regular form, the choir bring in eridence .with stirring rpfes-. sageg in song, and ’to lead' in 'the service of praise, Mr.. Budlie will" bring h ficculiariy appropriate mes­ sage on ‘■’Tiie Rromibes of Presby terian.’» ; Tt is of interest to note that /the" apniversairy date, Jqpeh quit*; anniversary of flie adoption of :th< “Scottish Conf'ession^ by Pariiamct'd 375 years ago, 'whe^ the ' Covenanters said Store will he given out Saturday dyehing, June 22nd. 1st prize, Alfred ^^4titchie^~2nd-prize^-ArripId-Thdmp^ son. ■ *'':/ Miss Adda Treleaven and Miss Frapces Siddall of Toronto were week end, visitors here, and on "their return to the city were. accompanied by" Mis. N. L. Campbell. The many friends of Rev. C; H. ‘MacDonald will be pleased to know that^hehasnre^overed^romhisf ecent iillness, to the extent-that he expects . to take charge of the Services in the Presbyterian Church this Sunday. ' Mrs. Charles Cook, as a represen­ tative pf Jewel Rebekah Lodge, at4 tended the Rebekah Assembly which convened in tye Royal York Hotel, Toronto, the first of the week. MT. " arid 'Mrs: Lou Patterson . and two children of Galt and Miss Myrtle Johnston of Kitchener,, were Sunday, visitors with Robert .Thompson, at the home of his, parents, Mr. and Mrs. D. M. Thompson. Mr. .and Mrs. A; F., Mitchell of. Kirkland Lake have been spend^g a' ' two Mr. and ■arc- BARGAINS, Every One of Them ..................................' NEW FRENCH VOILES^rlovely fine quality. 38” wide. Fancy designb. Tub fust colors. Per Yard ............... .43c k.7,.yNENE„J§'tnjlNG--The. smartest material .for suits or tailor^ ed -grosses. 36" wide. Per yard .. .. •. .. •»* • . .CREAM FLANNEL SKlR71S--mcl4y tailored, smart styles and ' • the bjetter. quality flannel. Special .. G ......... .. • •. $245 - KNEE-HipH CHIFFON HOSE—kistex top. The shade to wear / . with white, shoes. ,Pr. .................. ................ .. • - ^^ROADjCLdTH...-SH0DT.s4£drtinp.p....Ma^^ '■ '(Special,/ Pair ........, .1. • • • .•••I®*; ? BROADCLOTH SHIRTS—Rifats attached, fancy checks arid stripes. Reg., $1.25 for ............ (OUR NYAL SERVICE DRUG STORE OFFERS..YOU EXTRA VALUES AND MONEY-SAVING PRICES DURING THIS !j|j j... NYAL 35TH ANNIVERSARY SALE;) ;—--50c -NyaL Eye—Drops— 50c Sun-Glare Glasses J BOTH FOR 59c 50c Sunburn Lotion 50c Sun-^Glare Glasses —-----BOTH-FOR-59C------------ NYAL ANTACID POWDER Relieves—Acid-~Stom achy— Indi­ gestion, Dyspepsia, Car and Sea Sickness. (Mildly laxative) ?4 ounce Tin 12 ounce jar 49c . ■ $1.00 __E.YERY_DAY NEEDS- A. B. $. £ C- Tablets .;.. .19c Fizz^ Salts, Large ........69c Fizz Salts, Small .......,30c MercurochroAie, ounce . 19c Tincture of Iodine,' 5% - 1 ounce ................... 19c Mineral Oik 16 ounces . . . .59c ,* Sanitary Pads Give a safe protection. Most economical , 2 PKGS. FOR 45c NYAL EAS^EM ■■ ' : . ^.A borated,, medicated Foot Powder for Sore, Tired,- Ach- 7 ing, Burning Feet _______LARGE TIN 21c_„.._?r//. ■. MURIEL ASTOR SPECIALS 50c Face Powder ....Both for _25cARerfume___ ___ ___7__50c 50c Face Powder ... .Both .for 50c Rouge MILK OF MAGNESIA TOOTHPASTE 25c Windsor Tooth Brush 25c tube Tooth Paste, both 33c 25c Tang Shaving Cream ' 25c tube Tooth Pastej both 35c 59c 50c Bottle MILK OF MAGNESIA « . And . One 25fc Bottle . MILK QF MAGNESIA - (Mint Flavored or Plain) BOTH FOR. 49c ——2—;ire~r.ot_"7satisIiedr~briiig.boGi JFROM Sat. June 22, TO Sat. June .29 .] * F.I IYAL Q M. PATERSON UALITIf STORE PHONE CENTRAL; ' s" •' *' l’' ■' ■ w a: weeks* vaea.ti.oj3 at. fihe home1 /of M. Mitchell Mrs, A: E. 'Pitcher son who motored down wjth them remaining for a few/weeks. ■ Mrs,; Margaret E» Dudley of Luck* now received ’ word on Wednesday of -the death, of .her father rin-daw, Mr/ George Dudley in Toronto on June 9th, Mrs. Dudley 'received the word too , late to be in attendance, at" the- .fweral"r" "~"r " s ■'"' "" ""7 ■......"' ... ‘ ..... / „JL4ttle Kyrth . Kilpatrick, young sori ■bf W/ wTd'W^ •Crewe, , was taken ■■ suddenly7 ill the I latter part of the week with a rapid.[fallowing to say ia,': the to become village residents, but-were in error in. stating they had purchased, the Mullin home." t ■Mr. John Miller, Deputy County Master of Lucknow• L. 0. L. 428 and. Mr. Petter Carter, County Marshall of L. 0. L. 1139 Kinldugh, attended the semi-county meeting held in Amberley Wednesday evening, June 12th, when it was recommended that West Bruce, attend the celebration on. the 12th'July in Wingham. Mr.-, and Mrs. W. -L Davison, and Mr. and Mrs. F-. M„ Paterton made a flying trip as far as Tobermory last 7'hursday, Where they enjoyed .a brief fishing trip. Mr. Davison delivered Yurnitu’re. to Lions . Head that day and the party continued on through that, scenic and rugged country that, leads to Bruce County’s most northerly point. ", ■ . . Faster Choose the which <:ari> W office been :. & C. Cooper, s Ivor raa 7 > <;>. gfiu/r of Mi/'i J. W. “Mr he hn>,{. the M<, ntai Mr%, J. if Gu<;kr,'/vi, dau cf pnevihon fortunately was checked in sta^s of .-the .illfiesr. < A new’ series of stamps received at the local port, attractive colors and deS5gn», rang ipg .in values from* $1.00 down to l> uhd including'a fk; air mail’ starnj, 7’here is also a the JK'.ing* on ' the Mr,, and Mrk .^ri’h'n Miiler. id Wc close td the historic date,■'June J7U; IWawanosh'-haw''taken hup r««id<w> different portrait of 1 and. g cent rtampG in_ €he derm. cloned that Mr. and Mrt..'Miller were .former Robert Mpllk. In a xjssur wo JJVERY Frlgidaire ’35 gives 'you -five kinds of cold—all in one cabinet. Faster freezing is just one feature. The' Frigidaire ’35 Super Freezer also gives yon frozen storage} extra cold stor­ age; moist storage; find’ normal K storage below 50°. Come in for a demonstration., . , The Gonera l Mofor* Refrigerator T. W. SMITH *. 1 M ' Phone 148 Lucknow 77 clou • T/G HtUlf »/f t hi*, pv^itxo'n »a/j (roin^ And/ewh, 'Alan/I,-V/ lake a udua'A- jf, bi« chosen ”H<- and Mrs. wall July f.O c/pc/l tn b<- abscrif. a year. ^'•’Kr .wGi j;/ obably take the her already o..y aj ■* t/ a in i p g aJao w hi 1 c or, riyned' to St. - -gi \ •# yrtdnriy of adding -a/ </«• MW: ■ fee • W- fil.C w> r >fL ’ r 4>-1< "riasri/'S teacher” Go J Jo;/; ate, baa r« i will mis« tho«e clever * and y^yng <jOz<'n?< huft they, will 7/l«ho« of. all for a . trip «rdl Mojourn in Briitain a W* return to Canada.?MADE IN CANADA