HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1935-06-20, Page 4SBSRSS thuimday, june ami, w • irodfihc ')r 9 !> HOLYROOD s ashfield Mr. * •« rs. ,0. Anderson. District dir- liss Ethel Merlin read a very been Leaf DL Jll before you buy your next car Jas. "August 2nd,'.1^71, Mr... Allen went. to | occasions.,. „ We cannot let this occasion pass I j =a •V <1 Mrs. Aimer Ackart and Jack the-week end at Brantford. BOUNDARY Two Reel Comedy— “HENRY’S SOCIAL SPLASH” OSWALD CARTOON and FOX NEWS -'' '■" —NEXT";'W#EK‘^-; ----- • Million Dollar Ransom express our feeling toward you,. as CREWE JLANGSIDE ST. HELENS Mr. Mixon of Auburn on friends in the village Tecently. Mr. John -'and. Mi«» Freda Khitoul X Toronte are vjsjters at their h°W<; here. ’ ' . , Recent of. ' were Mr*. <Keye« “and WilJle, Mr., Avejry and Air . John Irwin of R’pJey. Mr, and Mrs. Ja», Durnip and Earl hdr. and Mrs. John Cameron and Don and Mr. J. R.: Waster were. among these w’ho- attended the annual Web­ ster picnic held, nt the United Church summer camp pear Goderich on Sat- •uhday? /.'■ Mr. T. B. Taylor and Herb were recent visitors with Mr. Henry Dracey .st- Lz/sdon. . r ■W^;;QB.-.-IfirtMay "'■•.a' .. Gn Friday, afternoon, June lditn,- 'home/.of' ■Mr; and. .Mrs. 'WallacjL {Miller was the scene of a happy eyent twenty—five relatives and ffinnd MrSj. Fid Dprnin Whiteriurrch Wpman’-s Insta- ., _jr -TsssKEfa' wqpalr *®te‘ saw the IWWe -pf Mrs. W-esiey ■ |"srath faw. ^sririn snd -Friday 'iast, . -with I'ltaim. ' ■■ -' ' ■ elected-Mrs. RobL. ■ Un, ’Msfa as ■ ■presrigng- . ISae- ■r-ffiB (her- -parenss 'ss Gsrieri-dh. ■'- ■ ' ' IfW Bfcwesr 'amd -hfate on ijsers, ws, w456e eiffl wsa Sff isra® ssa» Shear reseatt jtext. nere. ' ■ .'' • |-aEreav£mjens_ was received -irdm,. ;W’- | Mr. °2SM Mgh Herb CiEnrao, <<£•• Carririi ■ «'awr? .-jhly I and' Jfcfi; / Saunders spes®. Sri&dsy, 'ev- J .n-n^-tes- fe. ■ ■ -he W&j', ering Mr. Jack. CtErran. ' ' rimer-csS vbs- -pBjsal day,'- * | Mrri.,■ J®&n. 'KSparriieh; Kahm -!vi?as- ■derided .a ' iSmen and Mrs. - Baym&n'd FiErigantamnng ' , j and Dojrisfe, visited Triewfog .nesg and --Mrri ■ Yirtosr'' Emers^p . a.®51 'i^rava. .- ■ ‘ ' ■; " W •’ Irdpfteins.' ° ■CSLsrimig'- and ' I" •’ The- T.iF.' M- at- rise. h&rie|^ tofr^ans. and Eoi^ng -the see-' W Mr yn-ff-M-rc ’P.u^ Treleaveh, /wad chripe faie szmhed’.as a projeri'. • .| ihsmwteffir ~ "Mjyk. JEa-rtk ■ The '-fhi—| snst®aL itegg-att; :rea-f^rig W--rihers Anr-mri ®y . Mrsu ,K -Bany;-, 'ICrsiaer ’and -Ben:' h^de Parings -Jhh' GiHespie "The tf».a pre-seateri^n. .'•' 'T- priori mate^’ rejori. fa the Disrmcte fAMEuaL--Mrs. Thia. Gaum.; sol©, ^rs- ; „ j We,' the members •< ' the YTOg -j SS& ^themTto do’, honor, to 'Mrs. ’ 'Soriety, Sunday IwWx.mother, Mrs. R. K. Miller On■ "the^ongregdrion -5 Grewe ' of her birthday.'Guests ’desdre,- to eom-ey W- yon . pi'fb ®Er.S-^®n~^3 'ejaa Busses...serves.issm._■ T- w q^u,7,m m!mm -')lhest wishas' fbr'a happy'aEid ps"hsp*er- | 'LAD-I^Se^Mdss; | pais ■» edited Iris. ' ■ We feri ' that MARaET . STORE, ^Friday iaxic MW Ritchie of Toronto Kcff- tei t,fe' -’21M '& ^nd,:.'..,'ivrih .js /tesr" -^©gks with .^without dpptettemm ;Srite -as^ -Biestes. r . . ■....... ;.-ner parmte note ^ore going toW y^, always .taken ■ a|satorday to'.W<ertoa.T^~ .Mmkona tnbends spending |rery -depararism^ , 'Mr. and Mrs K.'lWa-'sp'riit.Sunday ■;tne staner zk-.-s. ■ 1of;xhe church work and'-.ye-prast, asjMr. ■ Mtr; "R.' Rricfee■ s>f 'SL'. This.- towmurtoywss-^ weu .r^re- ■' yc® ' are- • not-' leaving opr midhL that | ^4,^’ ■ .'.'■■ ’ • tested’' at the, Wriaster ..jneste ©a 1 dote. . . J ^r^.. ‘ S&str : anmasri- „ s-sa&ol camp -se_ Btoewater jetoek- ,aha -rocring e-nasr as -a sfcgtet; 2^^. -ri®n • ■ "____i' ■ ifsgssvEsy, norts. of 'Gpdeoch. .5®- of1 ossr Tesnecf for v&u. ' G~- '■» ‘A • nu ■, '- • ■ .•■*•■ ■ «f -S®. A ..-dance-- . ■■• '.. oj People’s Society. ■ Sunday1 School knd~ ' •■. MrL. Fitzgerald and Mri. ■ Barkley kGonriregarion. .■:,■• ' ' f ,r ■ w'f ■?• ■ -u ' A ' I'• _' - 1 - of 'Dusgamton ' rphri the week' earii Signed" on behalf ■ of tfae people ‘of ■ ■ .■with Mr. and Mto. Richard -Gardner.;Cnewe, ■■ . " Bert McWhdnney.f'41-'? • M^., Wm. xor ....._..Wr'.Ite* <a : ■' t-kaws,'were raeent ■■viritt^-'srito_-M£|.^s._.tne Scept «f W aenyhtes, ■• ■' Mrs.. F; Andemm- and -'Mr.'. ''arid-’uxday ' .afternoo-a,. • whe® a number-..-faL ~/ • . .. ’'RZ;'' -*J’- — • '/Mris-i Jbhn McDoriagh. • ■' .' igiris gat-hered' ha honor -fa £2teen,.,&-’.a ^ea;- ,a-eex 'wwn.,-Mr. P-pdf’Jsmi <■•/ Mrs; B. F-grrtor. :fa.. jrecent bride and , presented her ’fe^Tge gad Wesley .Tfam. 7 ■'■ ra>«»k' e.1 er*«i!»c? 4amx^^rianeous .-gynuwer, 'wits, Bemaca •-. - I. -1 jDurnin reathng '-fha. - ■ ■CTKZ-EN—, IzTES*_. - „ -^.,- ; ? bride, expressed her appreriatdcffi and-'” FGRMERLY' QF ’I>UNGANNON [' ftoBowtog-bhis_ail.-_.3£»ineri__in..’ringingfv,' - '.. . .../. ,.. ..-, .r.,.^;—: - .... .... ' |. -Tto She’s A' JeBy'-Gbbd.’. Fdltoir.”ri-A _.A- dainty lunch was served-.and . all rion ’as mator of Otfawa, was‘ended joined, m wishing., rhe 'bride. with toe -death -m Montrealt jsappy years of wedded life. - lof John J.' ■Altea, "wba'■ e&llapted ij3'a/| j , ’ ■ ; 1 ’T ; restaurant' m-.-tha-i rity. Previduslyj -Presbyterian- W- M- S.- .’'he-had served cna- tbs-.- bpgrd :of eontrul --jr--- — —■? .— - .- .--.-._ -- .. -<■ • The ' Ppesbyteria® W;. M.S. 'held and for 25 yeaxs had, been- a druggislook .forward - with pleasure to their-•regular-meeting .recently in toe-in Ottawa. Born'in Dungannon, Ont.,;^avihg 'you with ps again -on many ________________ ____ _ __________ __ ____ _ AI ■'■We cannot let this occasion pass y "Miss .MdT1tefs^T'gx^tote“'-farihe-<)3rteriu<;CnBege---&f-4-withoiit--atoem'b'l'ing in yo.ur hQme_.to ■___________________■_____________drag bbrinees 1 expies our feeling toward you,. as t^j^z±^rrinp4friehdv^^d7ne.ighborsy--w-ho--ha_ve^aL--- Lyceum Theatre WINGHAM H)u>w Hta.rta tat 'MO- P,M, FRIDAY and SATURDAY June 21-22 TWO DAYS ONLY BUCK JONES In . ■ ."■ • “Stone of Silver Creek * A WESTERN 'PICTURE ZION |mriuded Mr. J. W. SMkeld, Miss |Mary—fSalfceld,' Mrs.- J. Tz. and. >Mrs< Isaac /Salkeld of Goderich; Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Salkeld pf Lucknow; Mrs. "Gordtor, Mr. and,. Mrs. W. I. Miller J^Lnd_family: Rev, and Mrs. T. U. Wil-. ■ kinte/n' and family; Mr. G. S. MHn-' ■ tyre,/ Mrs.- E- J. Thom and Kathleen, In the’evening, Mrs, Miller enjoyed her/, annual telephone conversation with her son Stuart of Oyen, Alberta Presented On Departure ■'~jTte“ra3^^ ; to their new home in Lucknow on ^Thursday. On Tuesday evening their ■ r-— • ’ " i at their ie -when a pleasant social time was i After-lunch Mr. Peter Wath- .d an address and Mt. Jas. sm T?e6dajf cve |- ' | neighbors surprised them. ■■ j i______x.____; Bert M^WWaner-.t^'-JW- <« J^, __________________ ffWani Cr^rier- &a*.-3ast .• r^d an . address and1 MT. Jas. Mr.- and Mrs-. Miller iuL. ; . .' .■ , inade Atting repljes^and a- of those present made short 1 speeches expressing, regret - at Mr., ^nd/Mrs. Miller’s departure and all agreeing that they would - be'' greatly ■mbBed‘'./ih”""fEe1 cbmmunityr^ — sd&r. Mr. &a Mrs. Miller & Margaret, . ■ pt'o:ur many friends and neighbors le&rn with regret your decision to •dtpart from bur community, where yon have proved yourselves esteemed aid. ■valuable citizens. But since your, home is not so far away, we John McDonald.,- ■ ;■ “And . so • your- daughter is about!' . week end m Terumo with fyer s-tEterp . . • ' • JMn. B, gangster. ' ■'to msny. Do you really feel that* . v ’• . is- ready'for the 'battle ofl«- ■ Mr.• and Mrs. Aioart Littse returned. .. < ■ • < ' i now after spending their should,. be, shes peen ffi four | _____ _____ , -^.::;5U^.-^racrfa~2toe2dy“^322--■ KNEE ACTION s. of Mr. , at. . ,_• ■. . tfcasement. .of the .church. Mrs. _ . . . _ shair. The’scripfare Ottawa in - li*t**3 frimT' G-oderieh. ^■--2l-andJ_theL.l4-grd's_n'rayeri repeateh 'Mrs. ’ Fharmaey,- he set np' a'i. _ /B-.' Chesnut ' ga'ye.-fae; Bible sfady'TA.-a^’'m ^05“ ^terai'-mto"fartrKrrinp-__________ _ ___________ ___ _.. ri-ven_—S7-—grih- William Cochrane. Betwe?en | ways been ready’-to lend a helping ! : , Frark . Mae- l&fjo _apd ' 2S18 they ' est^hSs^ed-six- '; ls °feeB;g.enzie 'a^’“'2s^oxd’.Ostrander gaTe^bramh stores in’ tae^Te^^ajrrFoilow-T- Was followed by the'ixig his r^aremeni. from the- drug [topie which Mrs. -Dave Thompson-buriness in’’1^5,“he'devoted^his.-time jread. .The-Presbyikhial held in-Tees-,to service work,'' becoming president '•water in May whs reported by the of “.■the'", Ottawa welfare- bureau.' {delegates, Mrs.-.Wm. MacEenrie and '' Mr. ADen is survived by his wife ?.Mrs_', Horace Aite-his-on. The meeting'one daughter,- Mrs. Fitzgerald, wife, jclosed with the sieging of a hymn -of Rev; Boylan- Fitzgerald '.-pf- Fort land Mies Dorothy Donglas..led in M-orris.'N-^u U-S-A-, .and 'one-brother, l.fagyer. * -. ’ ■ ■ • Th-dmas A3ep 'of -Goderich.- /hand .wherever necessary. >■• k- We ask you to accept this gift and ohr sincere wish that you may be blessed with ihaiiyTyears;r-of- -Kealto and happiness in your new home.- Signed on behalf of the Neighbors, Jas. Lyons,- ?. Peter Watson. Mr. and Mrs. Coiling and children of Ripley were visitors on Friday with Rev. and Mrs. Wilkinson. Mr. Louis Grant has been under :-------4 ^'bhe^ ;:h:::fageetarigriof PRICED S QQ E Master FROM QQw 2-Pass.Cwe) DeErrere^, bitty equipped st factory> Ottsa&a, ■ • G^emnaeni R^eir&fi^a Fes ar^y eztra. Utfte«ew^tenfesl Serieisn«leb - priced as fow as W2 Siwea CHEVROLET The June, meeting of the ff. F. W- O. of' Paramount was"’TEeia'"‘“ar thfe"'*/ home of Mrs. Sam Keid qn Tuesday, / dune 18th. About thirty ‘five ladies .. •were present. The meeting opened by singing The Maple Leaf followed oy the .Lord's prayer repeated in uni­ son; The roll call was then answered .J^.?LWa.v.s^-oL.-making you head /tove -meeting—were- read-by—the secretary!'----- and adopted. The July meeting is'to ->e num at the home di Mrs. Mary McAuley. Roll call—How to keep ..cwm^uiu^jvsather. Program com.. Misses Edna am=~--- teson. .Papers by- Misses Verna Ham-^ . Liuii and' Jeaif McAuIey.Fiansforttie-— tncmc were discussed, it is to be on oaiurday, June 22nd at//o'ut’s Grove ■ ' Business papers were read . by secre­ tary containing an, interesting letter xroni Mrs. ,0. Anderson. District dir­ ector, Miss Ethel Martin read a very interesting paper, followed by a read­ ing by Mrs; Pete Cook; a solo by MrS. Ja§. Webster with auto harp; instrumental- by- Mrs. G. McDiarmid; . _ solo, Mrs. J. T. -Webster; instrumen- %’aTs™by^MTST^Farrier7~Miss-”V’erna.^. uamiitbn;^>ndJ, Miss Bessie Barnaby ; with; Mr. Wallace Miller convener, had? charge. Bob ■ 'Purves read the jscrini-ure, lesson and Kathleen Thom the Bible diaracteFTrT^lW ’w^A^ cension’’ was the subje.ct of a paper read/by Laurine Miller. Stanley Todd a review of an address given itly Jay Mr. Aubrey Oldham. Rev. son gave a very interesting n '“Form'ing Habits.” /MrsL R. J. Woods and.__Wilson were week/ end visitors with Mr. and. Mrs ■"’hitham-at Bauble Beach.- “Blundering Billy” is the name of ihe/'3-act comedy to be presented by ibdr. Teeswater Dramatic Club at the' annual United Church Garden Party to be/held in Miller’s orchard’ on riday evenirig, June 28th. tits. Susie Miller is! a visitor with Mr., and Mrs. Jds.JDurnin and attend­ ed the Webster ificnic with them, ‘ ■■■■ ■...-■ - - ■ ' - spent They were accompanied home on ^Sunday evening by Miss Gwendolyn Ackert who will spend ‘the holidays' with her mother, '■ ■ 'Mrs. Robert Elliott and babe, Mrs. McGee ’and Mr. Webster '/of Blyth spent Monday at Mrs. Aimer Ackert’s Mr. and Mrs® Charlie Cathers and Eldrid„ of Wroxeter, Mr. and Mrs. I Dave Eadie and Mrs. C. FlSdie oi Glenannnon, were the Sunday guests at Mr. Wm. Eadie’s. Mr. ancl Mrs.- Legge attended a shower at Tara in honor/of the ap­ proaching marriage of MiSs Graham, n sister of Mrs. Legge/s. . LADIES! Miss Swartz will, be at THE -MARKET STORE, Friday and Saturday, Juhe 21st & 22nd, with C-dats, Suits- anti Dresses. Mr. ahd Mrs. Wm/ Culbert and babe were recent visitors'- at ’ Vincent Ward.ell’s,. 12th con. Miss Margaret Smith has Hired as- teacher at Maple school for another year/ Mr. Mark Johnston was sawing •wood for Mr.. Elliott Johnston on Monday. . 1 Miss Annie Colwell will be the hew school.. teacher for the /10th con. school this year. . - ' ■ 1 *' " " Mrs. Ernest AckCrt, Win'nifted and Ethel Sp^fc Suhday with friends, at Misses Kathleen~an'd Ina Eckeh-’ swiHer of Tiverton. 8p6nt the week, end kt their home,. 10th coil. Mr. W. Murray' of Kinatadihe was a Visitor at Mr. Thos. Harm’ On readings by Mrs. Kempton amOSrSF jopn Mcintosn; solos by Miss Ruiby: / also Misses/_ Lorna and Doris Reid; \ recitation by ShirleyRobirisom--1-ItrT-^r- was ■ decided to ihvite the Karishea Club to meet with us at our August meeting. The program was brought to a close by. singing God Save the King. A .vote of thanks was given to Mrs. Reid for the use of her home A delightful lun..ch was then served ^■nd-a-_soc-ial_half_-hQiir_-sne.nL.. 1 _-LADlESI_/jVIissT^WhftZ will -be -at < - Codts/ Suits and Dresses. Miss Annie Ferguson ‘visited re- ■ceirUy^wi.tlu-h.eyjfriend,- rMiss Grace Webster. . : < • Miss Myrtle Webster of Wellesley spent the week end at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs, Jas. Web­ ster, Ashfield. Mr. Geo. Thompson and Harvey and Miss Myrtle also Mr. and Mrs. How­ ard Thompson of Kinlough, spent Sunday! with Mrs. Will Stanley and' 1 MrSyA-t., Irwin. ’ '■ -;- Mrs. Fred'MfcMullen of Toronto and Mr. Clayton McMullen • of Iroquois Falls were week end visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Dan Nicholson and family. Mr. Orville Richards has gone to Bervie to assist his uncle, Mr. Oscar Armstrong in the store. . ■ Murray McNtiin of, Amber-ley spent a,, few days jvith his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs., jas. Webster. Mr. and Mrs, Finlay Cook and Mr.- and Mrs. A. Hamilton of Collingwood' are holidaying with- Air. pud JMrs. Albert Cook'and family, Quite a number from the boundary attended the annual Webster picnic, which was held on Saturday* June 15th at. the Summer school picnic ground at Dunlop, All report a good time.- , Mrs, Rachel Webster, Airs. Clara Bean and Mr. Harry Slotter, of De­ troit spent the week end guests of * -Mr. and Mrs. Jas.’ Webster. Mrs. John Hamilton visited recent­ ly with her sister, Mrs. Strathdefe of Ripley. • A little boy cariio to the home of Mr. and Misi .Dan Nicholson on Sun- , . day, June 16th. Congratula’tiops. Mr. J,’J. Gilmpre and Miss Frances Gilmore of London motored up-Sun­ day, Misrg - Gilmore- renrarnirFg; for a few days with her parents, Mr; a,nd Mrs; R. E. Gilnjore. - • ’ ’ Mrs. Sherwood and Earl spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Less. . Ritchie. ■ ' Misses Della and Margaret Gilmore of St. Mary’s Tuning School, Kit­ chener, are spending their holidays with; their parents.-. — Mt. and Mrs, Leks. Rifchie and Alvin motored over '■to Wingharri Monday evening to visit Mrs. Andrew Gaunt. . Maria Long, R.nJ,' returned to Detroit after spending a month’s vacation with her mother. -Mr. and Mrs. F. J. Yeung and Anna Marie of Kitchener, spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. R. E. ’' Gilmore;