HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1935-06-20, Page 20 Green tea drinkers Will . find a sheer delight in the exquisite flavour of Salada japan tea. Try a package. Mfl ■ 5 ■«< ■ ***>■ stairs,. He sprahg round. The !t T1 I- ore pa ''t i them, the. w can, tell you is where le fault. We never fail- «• jet*.. is it. really was romani was romanc him ..and he ■ I '.for; tee • • V . stfen ■ nwyj' v'fod’i in A. Huston Co, Ltds 46 , Toronto, _ -.‘ to they are to be used is ‘-- Montreal In- his. capacity "of tC'hari'cell'or. of’,- McGill University, E. -W4—B-ea«-y^dd-iyered“bhe—B-acvulariTC^ adui°'esb-"'to'.-tgyaduating-"~-s-tod:e-n-t-st accepted' fact. . . , So I say. to. my that,„ no .matter ho.w, got.her. ” ,He glanced round. -dii''Ja'l j-T rftnor...-'tirrtjiTgtr ..'.“Now' then, “We'Ve no r'eless today, (Editors Note,:; .Interest has mount­ ed in the recent articles in thia series, and. .this week's article, with its human interest problem,' makes —absorbing—reading-——Haye—you.—co.nx. suited this Graphologist on your problems ?) Httrlctod her limbs, seized a sb (jet, from pcinity. ; one of bitter strife and tvr- the- chancellor told' the J stu- “We^your elder;?—have dealt From our -fathers '“'No eF'jreign" manufacturer 'Fas7 ever approached the technical prir- ■fmorion of English - ware” the paper says: proudly.'' " , dust-laden diti-bn, the --chief has - prepared i fof ‘ ligiht ' shuttered for resisted WWr.JUUiiiiWi mTjoTMTTJJ THE EJLAVOft LASTS • ii f -I? your ri-z‘ I.ydrii A ,. Kelly of, '.'O' Ic fir -a.uy\ ,1 ,.,',/lowri. • -A /i.’ rr.^ /o'./ Vcgc-' ■ d, I f d rriC 7, i«kjr,g it fK/v/ St .',-64^'. b r,-.ay be ju4t ■ C Y.Oh" n'ee'L l smoke iof 'the hail. 7 J drl.W th./ • lapped' o.n APerhaps he it ws'.'- no/longer ‘ to take a look up 'her *8* ■ * ■ . !»' >■ < • - - S1TMOBSX8 . \ * ■ -- AdatB - Merigton. *“ ~: 'isbfe.' articled 1 to a ..solicitor, mgkea a bra ve bwt-- uftt?uece«sfui at-tehfot ' .to thwart tbjEAe.4hfe»w. 4jn_ a t>ag-»r»ambJng raid „ The bag was torn from the harida of a -Ai- gird; who- explaihs xhat—ITaJOotal-ns1 -the. • ’ rfay'k takings-of her ..father's shop. - Ue attempts tq tracK! the. thleyes ano react|«s an .old warehouse. Adaxn aunirn the ’building while • the girl 4 .wa.te.ijes-.the'door. -Suddenly, he hears t C f&it&ievs. ■ ■’ . '■/ ' ' ■ ■ . Tl»e »nan'turns out to be Adam s ei*ipioj:er—Corviile JperXiti, fils private toura ■ ex-peri-—i3iwj^wfttr^iibTt^wave^*Ai‘el-ess;—;------r Walling hornriward, Adain is nearly xuii' tlown' py a largeu s-vvlft- car. . ' He ealls on PrikcHia Nbrval.....7 ' . , Her father recounts tire history of ;■ -.e.>.,» ftnthipe chairs' be uoMsefises. Adam J s'extremely puzzled over the connection of Corville Perkin .and Montada who wants -the antique chairs. Then ‘Priscillh. Is spirited away. y .A&te'.foUll 'fitodd’ wSeFeT’fiiri was; "Yoti do your part,, now,” the lawyer commanded, and the hunchback mov- 7 ed-toward^ the end of/ the hall and .j th y)0-|J gii /Iff# r uti stairs. “Come along, Mertston.- " My tlbie'fi-' limited,' very limited.”. . / . ------Hrtxr~Adate£s^inind-A-fce-’edh«^i>Udn- wa-s slpy/Jy penetrating that he must ^do-hls utmost to delay! There vras' / the Professor sOmew'here outside and their driver. No matoh, either of • . them,, for the three who confronted him fopw, particularly as one at least ot these three was armed, but cap; r ablefoof creating a diversion of some kind possibly, and, at all 'events,’ the - -'"ojaiy-7 -r'e&oriree -'tie -had-.-' -'.He?-wondered' at Their long-delay in following him, . tionally tor .pot having- rushed like him into ’/his trap. . '. -. - '.“For;'the last, time.” .said' Mr. Per-, sOl'>sad'.‘p.®£foe4 ifer©s^" lie siao^e-, .wreaife tfoe . -®Lth - lazy pwagejisi .cMudi. ■, S»n . jt sec;-. ■wsd .be Lad rea>rfoaa H was : .■ertajpiy, Al "the fQq-i of. stairs .'ilse/ j parsed lb -eaJl' at th.e ®f bis!, I -Toiee. braosig himself- every m-ofinem I io end"ur« lire 'cxssto. , j He c©aM - bear sccBeone . mWteg about overhead, ^oroe out* . Cow -euL, q-uici’” he -shoaled, .gasping in ■; the “smoke-’iadeii air. / | ;-“'E!h? .-Whams'.that r?'.--came an up-' ; P^-rtnrb-ed old-gentlenaaa’s.-voice froiri' j. overhead. • . • . . • >. J 1 ‘-'Come out-•'Come out, «! say!” !'' /fl take 'it you have found-rlhe youn;g-' 1 lady ? it, would b'e^worth - your yhile . though. There •Sfohas. been something, rery interesting <$> i going on,” c.apae'-the answer, from' the ipp” of .the std-irs. .■».' -I The dreadfufo - .imhurriabSe-' ,!stxie • ' man! 'Impossible to drive into his .head • - ■■ 2?-. - that- ihe'rej .^ras- -danger a: .couple- cfjbounds To the -top yof. tie/ . ^augfitothe. protesting-PrcMessfor . ..? i abfouf' <aefnratist, -1-^' ' j monib^fciy^across his shoulder ok^bonnds t&e -top :$>£■ lefwratist, slffigg' Mm uneere- ■. (____ .'/ ■ "and-' | stumbled .©ljindly down.-.again-liato -tSe ' 1 1 tr rz»r*t?it* ixxiF il'Jhim. twin fl'1 I1 go to kingdom come, too, vyou bald- ! “Hatifi’t.. y'ou .biexter bring -iMe cir- headgd- old nanny,-’“said the man. L-cuit- with-.y-ctm' Men£ioE?”--.h'e • He i him .say , pis "dashed through the saw the/- big room jto the window. f - ! it was njot until he'-had' be?en p’arisp- . e3’'lm^Ty'tQhrTfe''xpatH. outsider"th:aT. < the Toor Hittie man'got his,. chance tol protest . ' "\YIy dear Merlstote” he'b^-3 ; 'gari.' ’"This/ is' reaLy, if I may. say | I'.fiG-r—” ■ / '■ ; -.. ./•/ I- '-| ■ - “Get' back,.- y'pji Qld fcoll ’The''place | ; !'s mined. Y'ou’H-- be- blown up!1”'' . ,« .'■ ' 'r‘That~wfo^raF&e'i’"a’^ew"'ex'p€r’e5ee_ .'.'for' 'me ’ • ■/-■ /'began.'.the. old' fellow.-■ But- Adam internapied him by-pro-' -feeding, to -forth. him. Tioi'entlv baek- . • i'’, - j ■ ■ ■wards across the y&rd. , ■•' <To ye C-ontfnaedv) ,.^-bat4 , Adam was now four stairs up glanced down into the hall, t tw'o men fall bAck as if amazed,; from the doorway, heard' one of. them gasp out an astonished “Crikey!”* Felt a last , gentle prod from Perkin's gun, almost a timorous prod. Thenalmost a timorous prod. Then he heard the gun fall clattering-on t.he stairs. He sprahg round. The two men were tugging at the great hall . door.’ Mr. jPerk.in waklfasliTng~toTielp" them. .The Qiree. were mixed up in.a mad scramble in the course of which ■the 3oor sW.urig open. to., their .frantic.J _efCo-rt. Then they rushed out into the tahgled garden- and were lo:t .from his sight. -. , . ■~™~G00d”i^O’b^-y0iu-"'”‘pefrfe'ked"'aM?*4h;i . £ Vries/"',since' the! e". seems t<j be'hd^^ electric ■ light available here, though I.'must say they do make it extreme-!^ ly diffi^hR to carry,” came the voice ; jn t Pottery Exhibition /in London ■ includes Teapot 250 < 8 Years Old London. ■ — Probably the oldest tesprit. in existence,, a diminutive' red and gilt affair of painted Staf-. fordshire ware,, 'is- one'of the fg4- tores-1 of an exhibition of English pottery 'from 1350 to f 1935 at the Victoria and. Albert /Museum. ' _ « Some probably beautiful and > cer­ tainly yrbalxhy lady of 250 years ago ■ brewed’ -haifrcups’ in . this doll’s t.pot at'’half" a 'gtiinea an ounce, remarlcs .the "News - Chronicle.'- - She washed ■■it“-heT«;^f^©f“foourser-vi’h-icb~i8t-AM.hy-j it stands’ with'out a '/flaw ■ in- -its - case, gnd -to- look at today. “’Let those who: think we take our pleasnfes sadly observe-in the 1.8th- ceaStary'room how- high .spirits can be .immortalized - in( a soupdiBh,” the ' writer .goes-, oh. i . . J ."Here' are enacfeant.!ng* tureens' ilt J the' shape ;of waggish rabbits, wh<^ seem. w’« be ‘cockihg their highly-- -giazeri . ears... to .j;a.tch .Ahril . jokes ].n 1 we table-talk “. > Tfie pottery of to- day makes wonderful patterns | against severe, linen-covered ...back­ grounds from'/ the streamlined kit­ chen and laboratory ■ utensils of | mass-pr>Qduciion to. the signed work rcrfysxuuio'. pott [•craft'j • ■ ■ .- ’" “The machine, I was told by Mr.’ Packha-m, Curator, of Ceramics, has ■not learned ■ "jo , copy' the flowing brush strokes of theartist” , - The • cfehm-colred', ware of' Josiah AY.eag‘§wbba7™a5Id77^ iboffeTehrii'a:' dishes -of Josiah’ Spq.de captured the world's markets 150 years tago be- ' cause they could foe washed for a generation ,without being .scratched. w>ho'E thik?” . The hunchback was- gii<i;6ng stealth- ... ■■ny/aWg-'t'^Side' -where you/are,. my man, unfoss Vp'a : Tdfjnric tn Qrhnnlfowant tovget a/thorough' fright,” adv.^;’ ...^110,^ -10 OttaW3 bcnOOh ed..Tthe Professor suavely. . j .' "I -• * T .-' "The hunchback paused and glanced, Ottawa-- — Tn an effort to check around him. He'paused just long en- ; the increasingly number of .accidents bugh to allow the “rays to be directed pn traffic to boys and gips on biqy- on him, .just Jong enough" for them police,, have. launched a .to take effect.-Then -»e put hj--<arms .<?ampa:gn in which .the assistance of up as If to protect -his head and 'char^ ■ s-thool . tubers'Js being. , sought to. ged bliridiy/for the open /ait.” ■ . '■ ; pediieat-e'-ehHdr&f- - to--^takeT^ate-r- .," "Eight seconds' at fifteen feet, a.’:care while ,on their bicycles./... particular!y susceptible subject,’^ ■co\rm^”''T'fi'rfef'Trnn'e“3^iaTT^^ merited the Professor, taking out his eft' public and,,separate' school, a sy- 'notebook. A moment later he droppednopals of the '-provincial and city, re- _ - ■; -- ,■ —~~—~ it.1 “IHrHoI - Snrok-for^-Hre said. Abate*> gulaUsns—g-c-var-ni-ng—t-he^-eq-u-i-p-m-eri-t. t ...daaneTinrp^tee—Etaihs-................................................. . . ?nd-~epe-Fawr-i-ofb;cycifck'---v.’itn----t-W"^---a'gateHt"h’S"ba;ckL""Afozrm^movete zJov,--: . ly forward and his slowness seethed to .-annoy th'e gunsterc “Quicker,” he said and jabbed, harshly with the muz- Then an idea seemed 'You two go and take zle of the gun to.strike him. eare of the old fool arid the driver of Sbeir.foar, 1 can .manage this one.” which h.e- had entered ■what—d<j--y<nj"'’'ttrfnkJr-7’oriire'^praylTj’(fo.T exclaimed one pf time to- listen, to '.thank you.” "Ob, but. I am. this pn.e,” said the- vpice-of 'Pr.ot«5HHor Starling from the open door. "Keep your hair, I mean your hat, on, Merifston.” , ■ "You stop fooling and. dome along outside with me, unless you want, to of M/021^^r^ 40 It was.a two-stdrey".building with an request that the principal direct' attic and he began a hurried search, attention to their pupils to them, in on'the first floor; flinging open doors * .whatever way Seems best. In acj.- wt ^.UJCX ilel3 jucyaicJ eight primary rule's for safe cycling'which he believed would reduce the ,accident toll!' .if genera’; y adopted. The. rules' Co to.your druggist or department store and buy RIT Dye (any color, 15c—2 for 25c). Use it. Then tell us in a statement of. 50 words .or less, why you prefer. RIT—1,000 ' pairs of Monarch Debutante full* fashioned—shadow-free pure silk chiG ton stockings—latest Spring shades— guaranteed $1.00 value—r-will be given as prizes to I,COO entrants. There are dozens of reasons why you will prefer R.IT, RIT comes in 3(3 basic brilliant color's,'from. Which can be' produced o,ver 50of' the newest Paris shades, - ; FAST COLORS WITHOUT,BOILING I Only RIT diets this-advantagel PIT is the modern tint of dye—easier and surer—'far. suprfior to ordinary “surfac^ dyds” because . it contains a patented fogredient’that makes . the color rsziA in cktbir, set faster and last longer, Sold everywhere.. HOW TO« WIN ' .1. VZrite a jtfioit statement (under/JO words) on why you-prefer RIT Dyes and tend it ......lQJ?^rjwiidr|n empty TOT' package' (for ’ ,-reasonable facstm/Te) arj'I your harrie 'and ' address', to-John A. Huston Q). Ltd.' 46 Caledonia Rd., Toronto. • 2. .’Send as many as yon “wish;■ contest.closes midni/'h't J jnh 29,1935. , 3. I/XX) prizes will be awarded ori -the decision of the judges,. whir-h i/olJ be fmal. Whether you v,in a pair of silk stockings or we will mail to .all entrants free- o| A.B'.C, Your.Handwriting Reveals Your :: Character! w'< aii Rights Geoffrey St, Clair Reserved, Graphologist,'' ■ •! - o ., <• 1 > .. i 4. with, the girl who writes to.' me,, and not with the other giil. J^r .s-torieC of his love for Her are ^rouapij tnc fruits of her romanding 'and "desire, to have him love her, rather Than, an Heirs To Turmoil Also Left . ..Tools ■ -Hor: -iWork, Bea tty ' Says—Addre'ss At McGill... , Should 'a .girl make a real sacri­ fice for a friend,- when in „her heart she feels that she should follow her ™«w--n*—-c-!.o.uj~%q-™.'..weApA<Ui.yjg^.QX .Thfi.. friend..'' This' letter is a' little-“Tiny usual, and I am giving part of-it as. . this week’s problem: . ’ . ' ■'“Dear Mr. St; Glair: : My girl ; Himm'd^Trnd^lv-ai’e-—both-TiUnuisted—hx. th.e .same man;;. She has been telling me for many 'months. |hat--she is in ' TovcTwiUFfoilm'Tam riTriT'-onpro'crrt'esr A few-weeks ago 1. met him fOf the ’first- time'at the hojne -Of a mutual- frjend', -and he. instantly bceame in­ terested in me. Since then "he has, been meeting me quite • often and now affects a love for me, - When. I told him about niy girl friend, He - said that he had never been inter­ ested in .her .to . the extent-of- love, and .tlTar’sh?"friust have‘d)ecnTnal<“ :er threads Now niy girl friend is. c.rosri-With me for letting this, man 'takeifene out: and' say's .that a real __ __________ ____ • Straight rourft.fe. Riding In a zig-zag ^.erratic manner is very dangerous to; j’yourself and confusing'to the drivers of Other vehicles: , ' i ‘“Never take/hold of a street car • or automobile for. the. purpose of being drawn ^fong the street. .. i “Do not rid(,e. you-rjJbic-y.^le ~em the “Oh, It’s-you, at last,” she- cried .as i sidewalk or on ’a footpath. he" stooped tp'hack with his penknife I “Never carry another person on a at /her bonds. “You’ll have to hu<ry.J bicycle, designed .fqr one. ■ ' The place U-.on fire. That awful man I “Never pass a street' car on the said; we, should be blown Up* to- left-hand side or y/hen stopped to 7 ;fo take or'let .off* passengers;-- ' ..... ____ _____ A pungent 1 “When, coming out. ..to the street ■whfgp of smoke curled-lazily through from a )aney/ay or gateway, ride the doorway. There was no- further' sip-wiy and make sure-'that no pedes­ need to te^T him to- hurry. He made i'trians are nearby and that, there is a,-last slash at the linen that con-! no’approaehjing traffic, in the vi- strictrid her limbs, seized a whbet, from !'cinity. /' the bed and-, swinging her to the win- ■ “Never \remove your feet-from dow, proceeded tp lower her With the ' the pedals when going down hill.” ■"khefot-passed under her’arms/‘Hfo-bad J ••'••" . • , ■__;.-■- -- .--•■■ ■ • to let her drop', the last. few-, feet and ' immediately she was clear he- Ifov.-er- ed hirhself from the' kill and-..dropped too. A “professional’ fireman could not have performed a more efficient or a speedier rescue. . ■ ' Their car stood before the front [ door, still. /The , overgrov/n garde^ ■ was deserted and Mr. .perkln’s car had disappeared'. Adam hurried ;v,H/r | Priscilla, to 'some trees’ at what he ) doomed to be A safe distance. .“Stand-! well u’way from the house under-the , shelter- of the trees,." he to'id her.. “I 1 mu ,1. go and $r:'e t/iat. i'he othe.’s- arc. . cl oaf''" 'J, ' 4 ' ■ 1 ■ ■' He r'lshqd a^'sy and -forced a path . through th’d shrubbery at. the end of the bonH". At. the1 bac-k'the .driver was standing near ifoe open window lfgh<- riTTg-■a-“rfgar(rt7t-e'r - ■ ' --- '■'■■' ’‘Whorefo the 'ProteahOb?!'..., ..cried. ■ Adam • • , • - “He went .n t.n<,;re -'H-te; voj, a few' minutes ago.’' , • ‘ (jtiod, (iod . You. ge!,„ / o.'ind to. the. ’h'lf’k Quite •'front -qub.-k. 'J here's a >o.j,ng, lady there.. Look alter her, Tint keep well a wa/ f^om 'ho hrjtjfiO. Jyy ; Thri drisj-ri? th.//",’ od^ri Mt cigal-!' f| v,;ji. the .find 'such v.roi^drjg but. rdic and/-tapped' o.n ri.. -.Pc/haps he h a motor, ear U pot, likely to. f<di s.ajei . when !t wa:'- no/longer. p^Ae popular, sifoe'e 'regular Channel .’alight 'I hr-n hr- hur-ned off, keeping - H/eamers fioin (><>v<o: to Calais make be a powerful door that w s to p ped him' .th e n, • ' roughly furnished; dressing tdbi'ri. Its w.i eh uttered ..- Tying on bound female figure, linen blouse . and' a nlzed immediately. Id have This room v/as with a' bed . a.nd n flows were u'n- the bed was i a figure in ' a skirt he reCog-. Amphibian Car Crosses Channel Calais To Dover Trip On .. .\oyel Apparatus Made ■ Jn Eight Hours Dover, England,- A novel- amphi­ bian /noto’rear ■' ci-arnb'crftd,, dripping w'3t, ',r-.'o dhy land Iri/re reccfitly and roiJc-d nri toward Lon doh, after cross/ Ing the Cfiaririei from .Calais 'in eight hou.'s and 20-minutes'. The mdchine was <)[.,<■!atari >-by .Jacob iJoullg, Ger­ man .'-.j/OHsmap, _v-. . _;______ The Cbanfoel on‘t 'j- mfi.ri.L ■ agr.y, imc.ludlng- ones by /mer- ' rnaid'ri’ fm'-TlrirTf; Wter fofcycHfot^—a-nd- a man v/fio p.md' to walk acro«k .; on 'water skis piobably newer saw any- ak complacent as ■ this s!ow m'o'voig "Jafod fc-riy," chugging along w. ,t h Its pa d d-l c- - Wh /e I s c 'At I fig ■a, h-r.-.ui <Ty.. w ak“,' ' ..... | $ 'Tints ove# HitlsmoJnvw.kwt ■ 'HfCTr^'wafterwF-*' lor to mcasiHfii won't dft ovt « Urt MirkAge. coi i esponJrin-i much utey . fe.el’ indebted to her girl friend for , past' assistance, ..s-h.e -c-anriot,- in . ai. sincerity to herself a-S''.’•’•'>-’'11 as fo. tnt. ...fourn^g^^ help hf/rgiTl friend at all, it the-rrsa-B--- doesn’t Ibve' her, and I think he does­ n’t. ■' ' It is ■ all, very well sometimes; tc --btenv-^^ ‘tlteseCase's, and I have 'r.o' hesi/atior. in advising, my cprresfobnuent to g< <tihead'arix-l enc-ouragri tnmmsan”i'f~sfrr "7 really .loves' him'^and1' she ?a\s does'with all her heart An I I t you al! the-good luck you' des-ri friend would not double-cross' her as look-at the three writings. I' am- sending you, find give me your5 hon­ est opinion. Is the man deceiving me or friend friend ' tween of the university at a'.special serv’cc recently. • “The world ,of which yo'u are the r.eirs, is moil,” 1 dents. unfairly with'-you '■"wealth /“ ““ We" ‘ca^ed.'tete^hTa'skryf ’ ’ desert and to the. line, where good the north.' '.We ‘built railways from sea to sea. " .We linked .the conti­ nents with'ships. W-e) destroyed the barrier of. space-to human speech. ( We split platter into its. final frag­ ments—riven to the point where mat­ ter ceases to be matter and seems to be force! «We opened the store- . house of knowledge to ■ all. We broke down the; hars of caste. We gave.plain man the’luxury ofiancient kings. We widened liberty arid made toil no, longer a burden. “We risked all ‘Ibis in the'hazard of war and in a mad race, for profit and pleasure. You know what 'fol-' lowed-The crash of fortunes; the long line' of idle jnen appealing for help; the .rising clanior of discontent, and the ( coristant; bitter argument. ?concerning -the' case of' all' Our 'troubles. ' . j . “You have t'o rebuild what has- been wrecked. &’ou have to begin again the task of, building a-better world. With/all our errors we have ne tools With whichgiven" you work. Hoi for, you, toWarif “What w| lay our s.in| ed lacked. f||r' skill."We stressed too ■much the qualifies" of body and of mind. Wfo gavte too little. thought to those spiritual walues by which all human progrpss'^'must be .weigh­ ed.” ' | . Huge TrilliurxpL^ ;——_ , u . ifoL •_ Has- 22 Petals H ■ . Uanlley, Que./- c-d recently he hat- ' white trillium, .at agnosed., The t double .one, I^B7~®trvrfoTsd-(Tf^ grown a momtnoth d would/like it di- illiuni,’ a so/(:alle<l has •££ petals instead of the regulation t-hrjie'. Gow mid he dis­ covered the ftowej,' in the h'is home and ' tr^i-isplant^- garden, ' . , ' West, Toronto, Ont. All letters wih be confidential and-replies forward­ ed as quickly as possible./ ■ —2!-^-------------„-------------------------—4 ■ Have you any problem^ that Mr St. Ciair can advise you fopon? 4 He will be frank, unbiassed, sympathetic and friendly. Have you any friend^' ’-w-hLa3'e'~rea;l--n-a-t-u-r-es.:‘-you-- -would- - likd. . to know? Your , handwriting .tells Tli^iuTe”sfory~of^b~uW^f;"^ acter, your innermost, nature. *( Set. d specimens'. ' o? the wrtings you Bwi-.b to be. analysed, stating birthdate in each case. —Scnd^l'C'c coin .for .each : specimen, and .enclose with 3c stamp­ ed 'addressed" envelope, to':, Geoffrey many ways, and that ...slie"TeeTs TmTU she- owes her something';. ■ somewhat from, the usual, pro Weins that are sent' to pie, but handwriting : and knowledge of psychology .will solve the problem in this case as in' most others. • To take the handwritings, ■ I find that the mah- is straightforward, not unduly affectionate—that' i-s', hd is not the type -to fall in love with any ■girl who comeS across his’ ofbit,' but he, is- a decent and. a 'cream-cut t'ypcc o.f fellow. The' girl who writes to me is affectionate, warmhearted, fond of being, 'on the go’, with a good sense of loyalty' and dignity. The'third' member of thi :■ triangle i .seems- inclin'd to build,, air-castles, she will romanth'ise, build up dreams, jvithin her mind, and even co-rn-e to believe-that 'tb<-y. are't4'ue After., ii while'.- . . 'The gill who Wuitc:'- to me has a.p- • parehtly forgo-tten -the i,c^o .trf- this' story, I- think! SY.e .-w llirig' to stand down for her frie/.'d,’ 'hr. doesn’t consider whe-'ther ji.e 'mon quite, as willing! And a, be i," really the key . t-o '.he wi,oj; ^o, not be ignored. It is rnv —EiTtTe—FaTIsfo...Minh- many years and then of-Colonel Charles.' A. - Lindbergh ’■ soon to be placed ip its condition o. fifteen years, ago when' Lindberg! last lived there. '• Enjoy areally hand-’made cigarette by rolling your otUn With GOLDEN VIRGINIA n iJr: .(.om- YEAST CONVENIENT NEW FORN( “Having suffered from sciatica for eighteen months, I was'ad­ vised to ivy INiillips Eure EHTE Yeast. most thankful ty " Wiy. I grit relief almost sts’srtjft* a\viiy.’’---Lceds,England----Ex-: tract, from original letter. "H'yTnnfre'ii'innkg”Th': have fotniil .Venst a splendid health hdpi \'".f.-li'-n. iih|< yoi'ir druggist for Phillips I’urril \I4V-I'’ Yenst. In this new yeast, nn| rs^v1in|i developtnerit,, a wa.v lwis been 1 hifmrl Io keep tbediye elements in the ,“ higlienl ,'-ilnto of activity without bother- I •ioino refrigeration and cafe. . Ho you rfoedn't'. bother about -getting. ■ - a'rd'w..;;iippl.v eachday. You c'an buy .tcvri'al weeks’ supply of Phillips I’.cast '■ai oiwe- 'aiul cut down the cost tre? ■ inem|(iii^|-.y. „ VVh'nl -Phillips Yeast will do for you I" to help' .vpir digestion, make -your lood /li'i ,v<>u the rtu'ixitnuin- of good, ana eiui'li ,\oni' blood. Phillips Yeast’ has been nun ijindingl.v successful both in, I'.nglnnd and l.iere iti Ctitt-ttda- A-l< sour druggist for' Phlll-ipf1 -In d'nv' ''upph du gr-.’iirides of ple:i<i.fig. rib fc) lor b()c ; 15 days' ^Upplj'i $1-00Z' were FOR SQUEAKING / Stand .the shoe”, for a shallow./tray of castor '.the-oil reach to the juncti -a-nd—u-p-pe-twi-nA-tn o fa r I h e’r j into, the lbfuthdi' of ‘ the i Will nevo/"‘beTiblg to pofi/