HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1935-06-20, Page 1OUR WHOLE WHEAT, SCONE LOAF & QUALITY BREAD, " f Cannot Be. Surpassed ■* '*4*i j /CREAM PUFFS ‘ Doughnuts DATE CAKE ft V p 7 ' * 1 DRUG SALE; . ' ■ / -■ /. r) ■■ segqijvei techestra Was Getting <HFO-R—-SA-M^ and mo^er.—Frank Miller, K. 5, '_■.... The T'^A^;~;Ci>medy' “SAFETY FIRST* Will be presented by Belgrave Dramatic Society Presbyterian Orchestra pared—Dance After. Sealed Tenders-, will be revived by . ”” . ‘ ■ on1 Monday the 2'4th: day of June, 1935,- ^orzt h Wstruc ti^n. : -the -30th j LOCKNOW, ONTm T^UHSPAY, JUNE 20th, 1935 Supper7 5^30 S ■ ——_i. ADMISSION:—35e 4 20c FOR SALE*-Yorkshire Sows .and • Young PigA. Apply to WBTred (,1‘eteT ' Farrish, K. Ri 7, ‘Lucknow. ■ ■ ■ . * GardenParty • Under Auspices Of St Peter’s Church • IN CALEDONIAN PARK LUCKNOW TUESDAY Jum 25th SINGLE COPIES 6 CENTS,$2.Q0 PER YEAR IN ADVA.Ni E; $2.50 OTHERWISE . VETERINARY SURGEON . W. J. KELLEHER,; B.V.Sc. ,\ ’Phone 29, Ripley, Ont. ‘ -----------------■ ,L.>/Dk..J.-E. LITTLE . Dentist .' .-/■ • : • OFFICE HOURS f 1 , ■ 9 a.m. . 'to 12 a.fii; .. 1.30 p.m. to 5 p.m. , 7.30 p,mi. to 9.30 p.m. ph*. Wednesday & Saturday Evening/ .... And“■ On Other’. '.T'7’’ 7 Appointment ’ ■ ■ . ■/ . X-tRAYSERVICE ■ “Ss, Office In The Johnston Block ' ——_______- •- - •----•--ft - -- ---- : ____r' . FOR SALE—Holstein or .Durhain Cow.—Apply gt Sentinel Office;. . ,V • . '................................... TP. RENT — A comfortable six- , roomx house, town water. —‘T.gmple Clarke. .— . s ■ . ; .«■ ~ ~ FOR JSALE—Buggy, waggon, Hay Rake:Washing Machine .Ringer? -1—Appi^at Sentinel. Office. • ■ FOR SALE:—'Good size refrigera­ tor in excellent, condition. Price very reasonable.—Apply Dr.’ BGyven, Luck- ’ now. ..... • ■ No.-5,. Kinldss. • Apply stating- salary and qualifications ■ to' Ross , McMillan, See’y., Hojyrood R. R, 3. ' AUCTION ' SALE--ri Miss'- .Gitetta. Campbell yWll hold an auction sale of ■ household effects at her residence, ~/^Caj^Wl“St~Lu*eknuw7^ 7 June 29th,' at ‘2 o’clock.' See bills, ' .; FOR SALE—r2 Kitchen Cabinets, . ’1 Buffet; 2 chests of drawers;, 2 ■sewing machines; ;3 organs; stoy.es, . beds; springs and mattresSes; kitchen li /arid dining room chairs, tables, tva'sh stands,.-bureaus, cupboards, ,;ceiitre table.—Apiply, R< J.Moore, Lucknow ",.M . '■ .-ATTENTION, - -,' .. . 4*Farmers and Threshermeri” . The new patented BlOw.cr Straw —^“■“';''''Cutt“et;irna'./S'hT'eWtu^ ■ gott Co.,* Mildmay,.' Ont. is giving ; 7 '>qntire satisfaction as. it not only cuts’ J the. straw but', shreds it as' well mak- -j—-------i-ing—itAmpre—acGep-ta-ble—to—the—Ca-ttle- 71 'for^food—and -pre-yenting- injury t-o- their mouths. ■ " js 70 lbs., uses'one Lt. P.. tooperate . find can be installed in ' any Threshing Machine. — Herrgott' •Co.. *.; ; / TOWNSHIP OF KIN LOSS * ■ -—the undersigned up till 3 p.m. Rain Prevents Holding $ Days* Street . Downpour As “Tuned fUp” ^Sehtte Crowds: Scur— rying—Several^Rrjzes Awarded By • ..•] Individual Merchants / ' , I ' \ ‘ \ Lucknow Dollar, Days! were, suc­ cessfully held last Friday, and'.'.'Sat— ■'^Tday- -and local ’" merchants- who “'went after” business, express them­ selves for. the most part as well sat­ isfied. with the. volume of business ,/one. “ A deluge of rain after ten o’clock :LEriday_(i.v.emn.g,^nd.ed^alLhopes<t.haL the free street dgnee would go ahead and. send the crowd scurrying for coyer' and home. Rain early in the evening, threatened to mar the“event/ sponsored by local merchants, .but in spite o'f the threatening evening, a large crowd of. people came to town. As- the evening wore on' without further rain, the pavement dried Up to some exten'fand preparations were- bein g mad e—to-atart—th e-dan c e—wh en- the short lived “cloud, burst” cam.e.A Many Prize Winners In some cases, merchants offered special attractions as well ..as special 'pri'^'s/'Fi%d'"'Kiei*t'F/a/nep and Mrs. Dun,can ' McLeod, won a complete i’oofn of wallpaper, of his “own selection, at Patersohfe.-—Mrs. W. II. IrvinCon. 9, Ashfield, won 2nd prize,, which., was a , complete -rooiU’--®L-waiKpaper.,--a^L^.el£c.ted—hy_ Mr. Paterson. Rev.. J. H. Geoghegan conducted this 'draw on Saturday evening. . Finlayson Brbs. gave 175 pounds of Robin. Hood"flour as prizes in' a. weight jjuessing contest. The big-bag in the window, as weighed by .Di'ck MeQuaig,’ tipped the' scales at 293 pounds... First’*, prize, a cw,t_of flour,, went . to ■ Chas. Thompson,, whose giVcss7' guesg^^F 290 lbs.-won 50 ..pounds'.of flour f°r Phillip Hogan and third prize, ‘ 2'5 -with ja-guess of' 297.~. \ 1 ; / ...; ^-j-l-7-5--p otrnd s-0 f "fl-o ur--,was-al-so--giveTr /way at T.releaven’s Flour Mill, ' as the (result' of a lucky draw .contest: Prize winners were as follows: Ern-- nst B’ak'e. cwt., of flour: James Fors- tor,' 48.', lbs. of flour and George Ken- ’mfiv. 2’4 lbs. .pf flour. ~ ■ MR. A- E; BUSWELL APPOINTED SCHOOL BOARD SECRETARY Takes Over Duties Which..Rev. C. H. MlacDonald Is Forced o Give Up Due To Recent-Illness . . . j Mr.< A, E? 'Buswell has been ap­ pointed -secretary-treasurer of the Lucknow School Board, and/assumed his /new duties, at*^rt)rief meeting on Monday evening. This’appointment bears with it a small remuneration. Rev. G. H. MacDonald, as a. mem7 her of' th§, School Board, took over the duties of secretary-treasurer, at the beginning of the year* succeeding ■MY;"D.Cr Taylor,“who* resigned after niany years on the , Board. / j Rev. Mr. MacDonald’s recent illness made it imperative that /Ke.be1 re­ lieved of the 'duties of* this office and hence the engaging of Mr. Buswell. Rev. MacDonald continues however as a* member of the Board, while Mr. Bus well acts only in the capacity of ^eeret-ary-treasurerw—— -r-.*---^ WEDpINLrBELLSj ' 7 McLEAN—COUSINS / A wedding, was quietly Solemnized irrthe-parlor—’ofKnoxchurch,-Goder=“ ich/ at 11 a.m. on Saturday, when Phyllis, Abigail Cousins,., youngest1 daughter of Mrs. A. Cousins and the late Edwin Cousins/1 formerly of Lucknow1, was united ip marrialge to Jtoald^Redmon^^ Mf.andMrs/johnMcLeanofWing- ham. ReV. D. J. Lan< officiated. The bride- was prettily dressed in a gown of blue crepe, and. wore a white hat. and gloves, with . accessories to match, and carried a bouquet pf valley lilies. The couple werd atten­ ded by the groom’s elder brother and his wife, Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Mc­ Lean of Wingham. In harmony with ITS” daugtef’r“w^eddin^'gWi^ Cousins also wore a. blue crepe dress. After the ceremony, the wedding -parity—gathered—at—the—home-bf—the- ffirMe’^^ahdparen^tsr^Tr=^d^M^“ ;EWDrinkW^er~Vfc^ the weddiqg dinner was served. The. house was1, decorated for thd occas­ ion with pretty spring .flowers. On Mrs. Cousins was bestowed the honor of cutting the large wedding cake. . Mr.. and Mrs. McLean remained in Xloflenrin ; oyer ;SaiurdayTsi Monster Crowd Met Pipe Band Saturday Eyj. A^y This NAwly Organized. Musical /^qciety Made It§ Initial Appear­ ance In The* Village p Lucknow’s, newly organized pipe band made a hit with a large croyvd ofypeopje that lined*Yhe;yillage~streets- : W^Satiirday' evenfrig; It " was 7^e Band’s first appearance, and with very little previous practise, the hour’s concert which they gave was. a creditable performance and with­ out doubt was thoroughly enjoyed by -the Saturday night, shopping, thong.. It is many years since Lucknow, has had a pipe band, and its reap-.' pearance has been anxiously awaited in this traditionally ; Scottish com­ munity, where it was mighty evident on Saturday evening that the skirl o’ the .pipes is still a rousing melody. The band Was not at full strength for ■ the occasion, but at that five pipers arid three drummers, led by Doriaia^MficDOfialtT paraffed the main street and then played several tunes surrounded by a spirited circle Of listeners, who almost blocked the traffic, but which the orderly and good riatured cro^ mind in the. least. . ’ Saturday . evening concerts are planned regularjy for the summer, and with the' Citizen’s Band, yffiich needs no, laudatory comment, giving -ba-n'd~“~c6nc'erts~~crrr'Weflnesday evening. the village is becoming noted as a musical centre, . 7 BANDS TO TAKE PART IN TATTOO TO-MORROW Six “Brass” ^jands And Local Pipe __Band Give Promise Of' Successful Tattoo—-Interesting Program Pre-; '■ To--mbrrow evenirig, /Friday, June '21st, promises to~ He an outstanding evening of entertainment, when ..the LuOknow Citizens’. Band Tattoo / is staged in the Caledonian Park. Seven bands Will take part in this musical event, including Wjngham, Teeswater, Brussels, Harriston,*1 God­ erich and Lucknow bands and the —--- ■ ..steel. . , . . • ' —- .. . . ’ ii On Cement Culvert municipality ..to ' .1J 'Supply material on the. ground. ’ Specifications may be seen “ at the- office of the Road Supt. '. The Jowest or any tender, not nec­ essarily accepted. J. R. Lane, Tp. Clerk, R. 2 Holy­ rood,- Ontario. . z .*'/?. ■ ALL DAY PICNIC Par'amount Community Picnic will be held at Tout’s Grove' at Bruce - Beach on Saturday, June 22nd. All , day outing. Each family take lunch. / Visitors welcome. / ' . 5 BORN —. ANDERiSOiN — In ‘.'.Lucknow, . oh Wednesday,. June 12th, to Mr. and Mrs. W.‘B. Anderson, a son. AfilJJSTRONG—'In' .Port Arthur, on Tuesday, June 11th, to Mr. and ■ ‘ Mrs. Malcolm Armstrong (nee Bessie l&urdie) a son. . & ’ ‘ NICHOLSON — In , Lucknow, on Surfciay, June 16th, 1935, to Mr. and . Mrs. Dan Nicholson, Boundary West, a son—Kenneth Nelson. ■ engagements announced' “ . Mr. and Mrs. D. S. Macdonald of Ripley, Ont,, wish to announce the engagement of their eldest daughter, Virginia Margaret, R.N'., to Wilfred Reid Hackett, son' of Mr. and Mrs. Jaijies R. Hackett of Lucknow, Ont., the Carriage to take place the latter ' /part .of • June. ' > ’ • ■ ’ K I . - ' Mrs. Melinda Ketchabaw announ­ ces the engagemW of her-daughter, Annie Violet, to Wilfred E. Copeland. ■ ' son of the late M& and Mrs. Thomas Copeland, of Galt,-Ontario, the mrtr-. rifige to’ take place quietly the early part of July. " aoweek.: A .few of .the. special. vaules*. offered during, this sale will be found in an. ad on page 8.. These however, TepTesmTt - pnlyt-a—smaH -pgrtibn; .---of; practically the entire'range of Nyal' products .which will be on , display' and sold at bargain prices during-the week.. ; NATIVE OF BELFAST DIES The death occurred in Clinton on Thursday of Albert Borland, a form­ er resident of Concession J.2, Ashfield; and Belfast. 'Mr. Borland was one' of a large family .of seven sons and seven daughters. Mrs/Wm. Boles of .London is a sister... , ' . The funeral service • was held . in. Davison’s' Undertakings,Paidjors on Sunday, afterjioon, conducted, by Revs J. H. Gcoghcgan. Interment was in Greenhill . cemetery WON SCHOLARSHIP ’ Miss Florence McCarthy, who W Zfefien visiting her aunt, Mrs/- Wfo. Hornell, has received word .that she i, at Toronto' University, the ilar-shin—for ..French^ conversation ■S7- ' V iii connection .endowment by with the foundation Sir -Wilfred Laurier. ’ - *|Mjss McCarthy is to be' cogrfitulated /qri hef success in winning this umqiip ^scholarship, wh substantial casl ich carries with it h award. - i ; - " WINS SILVER MEDAL IN JUDGING COMPETITIONS ■■■■ 'll ' . —. . ' .fero.d McQuillin waS second -high mnii in the senior claSseS at. the Huron County, livestock .judging com­ petition hold, on farms near ■ Blyth on. Friday. Fred scored a tdtap of 671 points out of a possible 750, ?.to win the Silver modal and was-only three . points behind : the high man,' William Popper, ^winner of .the silver cup. Fred took first place in the senior svvine judging class and the accompanying special prize of a weanling] pig. Alfred Patterson ‘won Second prize in the . senior, beef judg­ ing and George Altbn 2nd. prize . in the junior dairy cattle judging. ,GOSPEL AND PRAISE MEETING On Friday evening, June 21st, at the- residence of' Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Lowey (the . Albert Towle home) the home will be .Opened to the public and the evening--spent- in^Gbspel songs,-, testimony and a Gospel«message by Mr. Goo. Lowey, Let us" set this night apart junto the Lord “Who His Own "Self Bore our sins in I-iTs o^yTTBody on the free, that, wo being dead to sins, should live tpitd righteousness.” - God wjlling these .meetings' will continue through the entire, su.mmor. Everybody wel­ come. wn.mrr.nrr 'r ..rrrmir ' ! f The Bread U-80*’!The Bread of Health MoV l’O of Health QUALITY AND SERVICE OUR MOTTO . SPECIALS for the WEEK-END LAYER CAKES SPONGE CREAM CAKES JELLY ROLLS / FIG>nd APPLE SQUARES ”^'AM Many Others.To HOLLYMAN’S QUALITY BAKERY Phone 36 Lucknow VERY REV, W. L. ARMITAGE - PREACHED IN LUCKNOW ' ■ A. large congregation was present at St. Peter’s Anglican Church on Sunday evening, to hear an inspiring address delivered by Very Rev. W. L. Armitage, dean of Saskatoon, and a ■native of Kinldss Township. ’ Rev. Armitage is. a son Pf the late Mr. and Mrs. James Armitage, for­ mer Lucknow residents, He was born near Blackhorse where he received his early education and later taught school? in Kinldss and .Huron Toyni- Wips,"“OTi'df/tT'7c0lffi studying fox-the ministry.’- < ? Rev. Armitage’s parents* upon re- tiring^from the farm, moved to Luck­ now, and resided in the home now owried, by Mr, Joseph Mallough, .where Mr. Armitage later passed awayr-Mrs. A/mitage died-in~Londpn %ri^Avasy;buried~rherer”—™ ' besides Rey. Armitage, two other, brothers, Harry and Frank, ^reside, jn Oregon. . Rev. Armitage is this week attend­ ing in Windsor the convention of the. High Court of the Canadian Order of Foresters.; • ;• /. On Sunday morning, Rev. Armi­ tage occupied.his former pulpit at St. James Church, London and-was later motored to the village by Mr. T, W. “Snfith/"fit'whose^^home’^he^was'rthe- guest during his brief stay here. Mrs. T. W. Smith is. a first cousin of Rev. Armitage. ■ , " '7 S^UMMERHRE^IDEN-T-AT-——---------- POINT CLARK* PASSES James H, Cummings, Brother Of Mrs. A. P. Stewart, Dies In London Following Long Illness MENTAL & PHYSICAL FITNESS To achieve success you muat be mentally and physically fit. Anything-“that” ;interferes^'wtth’"''”~ that fitness is an obstacle. Eye strain does just that—interferes. —Many-^are—handicapped by eye----— =strain=^whb—are^unasmre-=of’=4fc=----- --x-Wise-foIkg/gee^^ — as possible. ARMSTRONGS Eyesight Service The bride’s .travelling costume was, a blue tweed suit, with white hat and gio yes...and'. jnatchingi .accessories.-.-.... POLLOCK—GRANT A quiet marriage was solemnized in Exeter on Saturday, June 8th, by Rev. Mr. Elliott, when'Barbara Jean, youngest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. R. Grant of Con. 12, Ashfield, was united in marriage to Carl Pollock, son of Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Pollock of Hqron. The young .couple were attended by Mr, arid Mrs. B. Chis­ holm of Ashfield? Mr. and Mrs. Pol­ lock are making their home on the g’roorii’s farm, Gon. 10, Huron. Town­ ship, near, the Bluewater Highway. DEATH COiWES SUDDENLY TO MR. ROBERT HENRY Respected Resident Of Wawanosh Passes Away Monday Morning*— Survives Wife Just Ten Months . Death came suddenly to Mr. Robert John Henry, on Monday morning, jqst ten months,, to the day since the delath of' Mrs. Henry, who passed away on the 17th of August last ypar Mr. Henry was the youngest son of, the late Mr. and Mrs. „Thomas Hemfy and was sixty-five' years of age. Born in Ashfield a.nd for the past few years/. living on \ the Wawanosh side of the road, Mr. Henry has been a lifelong resident \of the 9th con­ cession community Pat the Gravel Road. A respected find honourable, citizen he was well and favorably known, throughout the district and many friends grieve at his passing. Although in boor health* for*ir con­ siderable time, Mr. Henry attended Blake Church on Sunday morning and the funeral of_.AIbert-BoHand--im T/ucknow that afternoon. Feeling ill on Monday morning, while his Son George was at the’ barn doing the chores, Mr. Henry Summoned by ’phone his daughter., Mrs. Sam Alton, who .lives nearby. - Arriving at the home, Mrs. Alton met her brother coming from the-barn and together they entered the house ^o find pthat their father.'had 'paSsedTaway. The funeral" service was held at. his- late* residence tori Wednesday after-' noon,.conducted by Rev. W. J. .Patton and wa| largely attended as a tribute of respect to one who had proved -hinTSelf- a^worthy friend“;wl 'neTghbpT'' Interment was in Greenhill ■ cemetery, Mr; .Henry’s death is mourned by one daughter, Mrs. .Sam, Alton, o’f Ashfield and four sons,/Irvine, a,nd Muea^uUS,asK«u uy. and T0n^o?^theS^BankWoffe Montreal hom6 aS do6§' ftOt’ his7, audience, which 8.1?. Cameron Geddes, vocalist; High­ land dancing and other numbers will contribute to an/all7r0und pleasant program, culminating in that brilliant spectacle “^hd March Past” at ten o’clock. The massed bands will- then parade uptowh, where! a monster street dance' will conclude ‘ the even­ ing:. ; ■' ,, b ' . '■ Admission tOkthe park is 25c for adults and 1.5'ct for children, -which inculdes the tax. New Congoleiiii Gold Seal Rugs at reduced prices, i— THE MARKET STORE.'■ _____ _____■ ' _ ' .. \ RADIO PROGRAM TO-MORROW Radio fans in the' district are as­ sured of an interesting hour’s broad­ cast on Friday, when Lucknow talent, presents a , program that was post-* poned from last week.1 The broadcast is frdm the .Wingham Radio Station and continues’ from 12 to .one o’clock tomorrow at noon. Don’t forget to tune in on this pro­ gram which will- consist ' of such numbers'As violin selections by Art McCartney; humorous monologues by0 John Heyworth; Lagpipe selections by Lome MacDonald and vocal nurii- bers by Willard Thompson, Mirs. P. Stewart, Mrs. J„ W. Joynt and Cam­ eron Ge‘ddes with Mrs,. Newton ac-i companist. . ? ' • "• \ ' ■ . ■■■ ... j.. PRIZE-WINNING graduate y ■ , Mr. and Mrs. F. T. Armstrong afid Miss Frances Armstrong, were in attendance at the* graduation exer­ cises of the Training - School for Nurses of the Hospital 'for Sick Children, held on Friday evening in Convocation Hall,’ Toronto; Miss Winnifrefi Armstrong was orie- of the graduating class and is to be congratulated • hpo^i winning the i&cholasShip for efficient bedside nurs- ing. Winnifred^ ^JdtUre appeared,..in Toronto papers last week m' coririebL" tion with the event. ■ ' Miss Arms’trohg js at -present en- jdyirig two-;Weeks’ i holidays at her- ^^^me&^H/^GummingS;-of.-Londo^ Joseph’s Hospital on Wednesday last following a prolonged illness of h(&Tt--trottbte^^^ was 54 years of- age, was well and favorably known in .this community, as he and his family have for several, years, been regular summer residents at Point Clark; '-Mr. Cummings was born in Wing- ham, son of the late Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Cummings. He spent his . early life^ in “that district and then took a position with a private banking firm in Northern Ontario. Leaving this firm, he entered .the employmentypf the Royal Bank, where he ha^CTved in various capacities for a period of 30 years. Mr. Cummings,^ widely known in. the province through his connection wilh the bank, had been manager of branches in Kincardine, Essex, Toronto, North Bay, Lakefield Ayton and Melbourne, Mr. Cummings suffered from i heart illness _ . ago, he was forced to retire. For two years since his retirement, he lived in .Northern Ontario, where he was interested in gold holdings. Two years? ago he moved to London. Mr. Cum­ mings tfras • a Presbyterian find M Mason. In addition. to his wife, Lil­ lian, he is . survived by »two sons, William and Andrew, both students of the University 'of Western Ontar­ io; two sisters, Mrs. A; P. Stewart of. Luckriow and Miss Elizabeth Cum­ mings of Toronto. Interment was ini Whigham Cemetery where the fun­ eral was heidj on Friday. MAILING LIST CORRECTED Our mailing list; has been corrected -'up-Ao-June:‘l’5th.and"Subseribers—who ^J their address label, and see if prq.per credit has been given. In case of error it'^T^imTpofTaW“tha^you notify, this office at once. . 1 ? Subscribers who are in arrears or whose subscription is now due* are requested to give this matter their prompt attention. m IS IMPROVING a condition for 20 ‘years. His became so serious four years The condition of Mrs.-George Gil-* lies, an aged resident of the village, is much improved, following a. re­ cent critical illness. Some three weeks ago, while making his rounds on the bread cftrt, Cameron McDonald found Mrs. Gillies overcome bya seizure so serious that for a time Her recovery was problematic.. ‘ Mrs, Gillies Spent the winter with her daughter in Palmerston, return- . ing this spring to her home here. Part of Mrs. Gillies’ home is occupied by Mr. and JMrs, Emerson Irwin, who however, on the day Mrs’. Gillies waa stricken, were absent from . home, assisting Mrs. Irwin’s parents, Mr. 5qnd Mrs. Phillips,/to‘move, to their new quarters, in the- Graham resi­ dence north of the Anglican Church. a *V '?4 ' fl ‘ / NOTED CLERGYMEN IN THIS DISTRICT SUNDAY Sunday was aiy eventful day in churches in. tKis ’district; when no less . than three- clergymen of wide note were special, speakers; In Chalmer’s * Presbyteri*ri church. ” Whitechurch, the i71st anniversary was observed "with Rev. J. <S. Shortt, ‘ ' M.A., Dip., of Barrie; farmer mod­ erator. of the Presbyterian Church, conducting inspiring services. Rev. ‘ Shortt spoke 4 in Erskine, Presbyterian Church, Dungannon, in the afternoon Rev. Dr. D. T/ L. McKerroll, who tWo weeks’ ago succeeded Rev. Shortt as 'Moderatdr of , the Presbyterian Church; conducted his first service, since elected to this high office, in fcnox Church, .Kincardine. , . ’ • The congregation of St. Peter’s “ChurcE/TuCknow, was'Eighly7 Honored On Sunday evening, when Very Rev. • W. L-. ArmHagci. Dean of Saskatoon, And "a” native, Oi t?Kmioss7’^^nducfrid •Jun. oi wawiLuuBii itcui ue so nome ■. ■ J .. * ’the evening Service And delivered a “ and Tom of‘the Bank of Montreal ^0”16 fid she doM fibt complete hisf audience, which''AS a rule Avfis roqsifig sermbri th the large corigrb- \ staff at Lefiffiingtbri, her training- until latd■ ih the Fall, fairly large each evening. . gfition preSerit. 1 ■ > Show Departs , * * Following a not-too-profitable week spent in the village, Professor McKenna and the members of his stage show, , pulled up stakes and departed from ’the village on Tuesday For about a week, in their tent on the arena site, the company had given shows of rhugife*. dancing and comedy purposed], to . advertise . arid promote l]^"^ale/dr_trie nunie/ous'fenfedieS' of the McKenna Medidinri Co. The Professor Also - undertook' t3 reply .to d'u&stforis, aSkbd by, any member of **■ I \ I 1 ' '' A / ' J V /X; 1 '•i'-’JI