HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1935-06-06, Page 8•r ¥ 4 b THE lucknqw sentinel ■ to* Summer Has Arrived 7 GOT PINCHED / 9 /X? years band. Vomg romK*ed up. i FRIGIDAIRL ngo, as . i ■ • / in The Sen- WEAR ONLY MADE^OB-YGU, on umbrella over by a car and to her HajnfitWD, g- at .-Fordyce-an^Vest^Os^ Mr; Baler has 'been- a Sen- i • t AGED LADY KILLED WHEN HIT BY A. o mOw/hM Mw- bt/bjih and f«T/fy# reader for many years yet. i—------———4 • HAD FINGER INJURED Mr. Hector Purdon of Whitechurch .QyO-Qfc:the”ineRz:eronloyed--bv----Mr.—- DONALD ROSS Mr.- Pfonald Ross, a, former resident of Ashfield Township, who passed- and’ Kfetiny- and akxug- jvttb. Jx>rne nd .and 'the. drummers, th<- * *- ined whether th* THURSDAY. JUNE 6th, 1935 , THOMPSON'S HERE YOUR DOLLAR HAS MORE SENSE WARNING .TO MOTORISTS bribed' by' a wealthy gentleman |to piece piece, piece JsiKiet H. ’>cnxrwtt » Mexico pipers from getting •’!» for. tike practice, of reoeriti^ re -prgamzed pipe band- P.Oy McKep^ie W^/duam from -&■ ’" *■ "■■ *' w> from McDom^d ,an$ "the- wrttai practice gAve' promise of firip Consult Local Agent T. W. SMITH Central Garage -,Phone 148 Central Ont. Bus Lines Toronto —------———-------REMEMBER”-- — --------- WHEN YOUR FEET HURT, YOU HURT ALL OVER. jgffgfimfesg Efffective May 5th,T935 ,i finally rourtded up their comrade and features of the evening, the trio made their way h'oniewafd. i- The Teeswater e&t included ------------------------9 _ ■ ?. Wraitl^, > Harry McBumey, New ’Curtains; Curtain . Material; Thomp/on, -• Reginald- Moore, Draperies, Congoleum Rug§, Rag Dickison, Mrs. D. Brow® and • 'O’ -w. . ■ ' ' ♦ i Rath well and Reed GIVES BOYS A CHASE BABY CHICKS .....-.-i. I.... ......'i.i ■ I- -i . , page eight - ........ "* < t; ' ' . V —. WHERE YOUR DOLLAR _ —— ------------------f----- --- PLUM JAM, 32 OZ.............. ORANGE MARMALADE, 32' OZ. ' CLOVER HONblY, 5 LB. . ........ "7 LARGE -can choige^qaiatoes, 3 CANS : GALLON TINS TOMATO JUICE C. & B. TOMATO -COSUP.. . ...., [MEDIUM, TOMATO CATSUP, 4 . < CANNED PEAS, 2 CANNED CORN, 3 v. r “ PALMOLIVE S$AP, 3 BARS . ; . - We PRINCESS SOAP FLAKES, 2 PKGS. .29c, r , /TOILET TISSUE,: 8 ROLLS . .............. • ------25c --'-FANCY ''RICE,'-A".LBS---------------------------- . 25c . ./:yAL. RAISINS WITH; SEEDS; 2 LBS. 25fc FRESH FRUITS AND VEGETABLES AL^VAYS ON HAND WHY NOT Join our growing, list of satisfied, customers who are wearing our PERFECT POISE SHOE by BLATCTIFORD? This shoe properly fitted" will iielpback ” to normal.I THIS SHOE HAS A BUILT IN ARCH AND METATARSAL PAD AND IS STOCKED IN ALL WIDTHS. -. Price $7.50 ' -;'; /t:'; ■' Travel By Arrow— Coaches — ^“EorYour^Convenience’’,.... Arrow BUS Schedule LEAVES LUCKNOW South Bound’ . Week Days-T-9.45 A. M. Sunday, 4,15 PAI. Standard^Time LEAVES LUCKNOW North Bound '. ^~~S^5-"Pr-Mr-IncIuding-lSunday— LIBERAL CANDIDATE HAS - RELATIVES-IN ASHFIELD Mr.R.J.Deechman/Liberal-can^- didate for North Huron in the forth­ coming Federal election, was a caller in town on VVednesday. Mr. D,eedi^~ man is a cousin of the Baird family" in Ashfield. ' His initial address in the riding was. made in Goderich last week and Fri­ day of next week Mr. Deechman will be one of the speakers at a Liberal i Rally in Wingham. Village Council Meets i The Village cpuncil held their re­ gular meeting on Tuesday, and, i,h‘ the absence of Reeve Hamilton, councillor Anderson, occupied the chair for the session - that did not prove particu- ; larly momenteous. The cpuncil met as a Court of Re­ vision and heard two appeals against village assessments. The appeal of ' Mrs. J. W. Treleaven pf Clinton’ against the $2000. assessment on her village „ residence and propertyi^was not sustained. " , / The appear of Russell Johnston for a lower assessment on 'the village office building was laid over as the Court adjourned. . \ , At- the request of a School -Rpiard fielPga^inir at a spepial^ineetiUg/ on Saturday evening,, council went ? on record as: favoring a resolution4 seek­ ing to have the local „ school raised tp the status of a high school. •Four, tenders for cement work on the bridge pn Canning street at the ^Carding Mill” were received at this meeting -and —the job ^awarded^ to Arthur Moore at a cost of $375, to include the construction of abutments and cement floor. Work at the bridge1 is -expected -to~get^5under-way---thi^ week. Oh Tuesday evehing; the clerk was advised to send letters to property owners, advising them that according to “their^ontravt-they~are—liable-Tor;- water rates of tenants and this lia­ bility will; be enforced after July 1. It .was pointed out that on a recent ’ visit of the Relief Officer, He“conygrat=: ulated the village on having no April relief accounts, which was the first town, he had visited where such was the case. ’ . ' " : Council decided to place a street light near the C. N. R. tracks at the grain elevator. / The roadway^ one block north of the post office, will be treated with -calcium—chle>ride-“as—a“T'esult~"Qf"'a" largely; signed petition by . ratepayers- in that section. The lawn at the pump house was given dv'er" td"Gounc^lok Bu^eli;"~t^ see that it is put in shape. Orchard grasp' will have to be removed and other work done as a result of dam­ age done in crossing the lawn, with the jyell drilling outfit and other ver- hicles. '.......r SERVICE AT LANES , Regular Sunday evening services ^re^ ttrbe^lrelfi"^t "~L^n^'s"^Mwfbrial Church, commencing^at7.30 p.m. The sbrvice this Sunday will be in charge of Miss Pearl Henderson, and the-followingSunday-evening—-it-ishere.- =expi!eted“that”MiT^Ge^ be in chargd. o (/LOCAL and GENERAL^) Mrs, Robert McCallum has .been visiting at the McCallum home 'here. Miss Loyna Campbell is a visitor in Toronto with Mr. and Mrs. P. J. Naylor. Mrs. Will Porteous has been quite sick, suffering with an attack, of the mumps. , / - • Mr. ‘ and Mrs. F. A. Nixon are spending the week with friends jin Detroit. '' - Miss Pearl Hend.erson of Detroit; has returned to her home here for the., summer months, / L / ' , WATCH, for next week’s , special advertising issue ^and •'-profit >by the opportunities It will offer. Mrs. Thomas Watson returned to the village the first of the week, after spending the winter “in^W innip eg.‘ Miss Florence McCarthy and Miss Isobe]^ Hornell are guests of their unfit: and utiBle," Mr. and Mrs. Wm? Cornell. ; . • The; Huron Old Boys’ Association is holding its -picnic and- summer re­ union at Exhibition Park, Toronto, this Saturday. Mr. arid Mrs.. Harold Freeman of Syracuse, -N,Y.,-- were week-end vis­ itors at. the home of Mr. and Mrs. J?W. Joynt. .. ’. ...—MISS_),USTA^KNlFE" had f bidbcl- poisoning. Now. she uses both Cress Corn and Bunion Salves., At McKIM’S DRUG STORE. , Mrs, J.1 Brown and daughters Alice and Annie? of Detroit and, Roderick Cameron of Palmerston were week­ end visitors at the home of .Mys. A. R. Finlayson." ■ ; And the law had nothing to do with it! It was a case of Bud and then Donna McCartney getting their’ fing­ ers jammed in the' car door. Bud was the. first , victim on Monday evening, and paid a visit with his dad to the I to abide by tiie new patking^egSia^ \tions, all of which xvill be strictly enforced. / , ___________ ' t» PLEASING PLAY. PRESENTED J.HERE BY TEES WATER SOCIETY 1 '“Jerry th$ •T^amp'C a gripping four-act drama, that had the audience in tears, was well presented to a r large -crowd in the Town Hall on Fri­ day evening by the Tees water Dram- had happened to her. So it Was Don­ na’s turn to visit the doctor! How- eVer, in neither cases were the joints broken, but the flesh Was broken and both brother arid sister have a sore and discolored finger, as evidence of the similarity Of their injuries. HOUSE PRESSES A^ . .. ................ • ..........................;' •’ 89® The best Prints used in these dresses. The styles are diff­ erent, the trimming organdy- dr pique; Size 16 - 44. . . d: - ■.. ''.I.' / '■ CREAM FLANNEL SKIRTS. Smart styles/ well tailored, $2.75; VOILES, ' PRINTS, LINENE, SPARVA & SEERSUCKER. A good assortment of the better • quality VOILES, Yd.-35c,. 43c. \ •’ v . •• ’■ ; " .. A5VNING STRIPES In good weight canvas for porch awnings^ and cushions. Per Yd. ..•. • •«• • • •' • • • • r • • ’, 45c & ^®c* "Navy”-' ^■ith^Red. hapds Short. Sleeves, at Mr. and Mrs. Robert Ross of towiT attended the. funeral of Mr, D. J. Falconer.at Bluevale On TuesdayMast -Mr-Falconer- was a guest at-the™Ross- wedding five weeks?"irgo: '-7:z ' —■ Dr. J. F. McKenzie, his son, Dr. Earl McKenzje and the latter’s son, Fraser, all-of Detroit, were visitors in town the latter part of the week at the home of Mr. James Henderson. ’ . .. ’ ; ' ■ ’ . ' ’ ‘ - ' ■ 'p ’ ' Miss Margaret McLennan of Tor- ontp-spent the week=end at her-home here, and with her father, Mr. F. D. McLennan, arid her ‘aunt, Mrs. John Murray, enjoyed a fishing trip while OBITUARY ' • DUNCAN MacKENZIE y Duncan-MacKenzie, aged’ 77, passed away on Saturday evening at the . home of Mrs, McMahon, vyhere he has been cared for, for the past sev­ eral weeks since"suffering a paralytic stroke! : i ' ■. ' Mr. McKenzie has been a lifelong: t resident of the immediate community and for several years has—resided with his other brothers, north of tne C/ N. R. statibri, who have passed On" until Duncan’s death leaves Alex the only surviving brother." Kenneth died about seven years ago and John about four ..years ago< Duncan was a son of the late Don­ ald and'Mary McKenzie, pioneer resi­ dents of Kinloss, who* lived on the present Henderson farm at the 2nd concession. Of a family of eighty Alex and a ■' sister,'.. ’.Mrs. ;:MJT M'c^ Millan of Fort William alone,- survive. The funeral service was held in South Kinloss Church, on Tuesday afternoon, conducted, by his pastor, Rev.( J.,L. Burgess, with interment in South Kinloss cemetery. The pallbearers were Adani Mc- Queen, D. IS. McDonald, Dan-*Fer- T^spnT^Rr'Ca'W^iiTrA^HMfeKenzre and Algx Gollan. '' ,_______ ■"•"■'rENE^T'Q'UAYNTA’NCES---- Visitors in the villa^e» bn Tuesday, Who were / renewing z a^qWntanees .of years ago, included Mr,, and'Mrs. - G. E. Baker of Tiverton, he/sister, Mrs, .Andrew McKay, and his sister- -in^laWy-MrsL-M. J. Baker of Chatham. . Mrs. g: E. Baker and Mrs' McKay are sisters1 of’Mr. Ralph Nixon, of zjon< 1 ~ / Mrs. M- J< Baker,, was formerly Miss Pascoe ... and . lived l. heire many....... years ago with her brother, who con­ ducted/ the | Pjascoe House, a . frame boteI--thatQtood—where—Neik-McKen--.-—— zie’s grocery now stands. Mrs. Bak- er’s husband, Who died a few yeai*s ago, was, a brother of Mr. Baker of Tiverton, who is a blacksmith by trade . and formerly plied his trade at Fordyce. But that was over forty-. £ve years ago. Kfirty-eight'' years ag$ >- Mr. Baker and Miss Nixon were mar- „ ried and shortly after moved to Tiv­ erton, where they have since resided. * Mr. Baker, is how retired, and last yearj--was -pr^sented-~w^ith-a—50-yeari- -. jewel that marked his, half cehtury ^TheSacramentof—Baptism—will not be administered this Sabbath, in the Presbyterian, Church, due, to the illness of Rev. C. H. MacDonald. Services both morning and evening will be conducted by Rev. Kenneth MacLean“of Wingham. Mr.- George Lowey, who with his wife and family is making his head­ quarters here, is conducting evan­ gelistic services in Port Huron for away in a Detroit hospital, folio wing. sa six weeks’ illness, was laid tp rest in Greenhill cemetery on Thursday last. Mr. Ross was well over the four score mark and had not been in good health for a long period. One of a family of six children of the late' Mr. and' Mrs, David Ross, Donald was born in Zorra anil came : to—Concession.12,-Ashfield-^-a-So,a~child- as a member of the I. 0, O.F., he having joined the order in Whigham, where he, still belongs,/while he was aresidentat-Fordyce—inWest, Wja^ wanosh. tinel subscriber for 49 years, and still: appears hale and' hearty/ which suggests that he will be a Sentinel ,. ... ~had'J-frTs~^g^^ most severed at the first, joint’when it was caught between cable and pul- . ley of a bucket derrick recently. Dr. . t Grove stitched the end section-• on again, and it is hoped that the’ re- jointirig may prove a success/ V Master Dick Treleaven arid his copsin, Bill Trele’aven of Hamilton, were week-end visitors with Miss Gertie Treleaven. The boys accom­ panied Miss Joan MdcCallum, who visited here With her mother and sisters. ' < ' . Seriously IH Much4 concern has been felt regard­ ing the condition of Mr.-, Sam Murchi­ son, which has been quite serious during the-past week, as a result of developments following a severe at­ tack of a type ,of ’flu which has, been prevalent in this district. At present his condition is mofe encouraging. , Mr. arid Mrs. George D. Stockham of Detroit were week-end guests of Mr. and Mrs. Alex McDiarmid. An­ other visitor at the McDiarmid home is Mr. M. R. Matheson of Granum, Alberta, who is spending a month in the east with relatives and ^re- newrmg old friendships in the . vicinity , J Bev C. H. MacDonald was seized d eath.« - < » .j with ' a week spell at the. home of v • I Mr. and Mrs; Horace -Aitehison on-hvmg at Palmerston,.I- , • . ■'■..ISunday evening. Early m -the week it ir. years ago at? . < * . ' ■ . that when he' feS under, the' . ■, . ■ ■ a ™ j-.l. ../= .ifiemvre''w.ould/force Mr. .MacDonald; * '£ nv? & duties- or not;' .. . Mr. and Mrs. .Patrick Browr were . . , 2; ,.MefeBr-r----___■ __ undo/otedly -he wjJJ be advised,•"r’^ .lurmer reuideirtt of LuuyesSiOr. Yu/' ’ ■ • „ , ' is feswmiH. Later they .riioved j.o : 1 ■' '' ii iWirigham" and ^or-a number cd years";'7' The storm and neavyraw on resided in Cliffbrd; vb'ert Mr. Lrown »day evening prevented some* of 4he ' predeceased bdtr wife a. lew ago. Mrr. Brpwx wat ■ daughter of. the late Mr. and .Idrs, Tuomat Moore of Ripley, x. _ t CAR Former East Wawanosh Lady Meets Death At Clifford—Her Son Killed By Train At Palmerston A Fe# Years Ago. ‘A trio of Kincardine Township otic Society. •. ‘ youths, who were a bit rowdy in town The play took the form of a thrill-, on Sunday evening, and who, when . ing adventure. , of an escaped convict, •spoken to by Constable Moofe, be- who, had been sentenced for a crime came ,p bit saucy, were giyen a .scare he did not co&mit. On jescapihg fie is' when threatened with the “lo'ck-Up.” bribed' by a wealthy gentlenaan fito •One of^ the boys took to' his heek aid in bringing about the - marriage'. With Constable. Moore in pursuit and- of a beautiful girl to a rich scoundrel after failing “io mount, the"reari’tife 'Around these facts hinged the touch- of a passing car, as a qw^k means ing drama thdt was enjoyed by the. of eScape, was seen disappearing into audience. . the darkness of some of the back A packed) feall attended the dance ■ streets- in the north west section of -that followed When the Hogan Orch-. the village. 5 estra. nattily attired, provided fine The other two lads, whose car was music' for the dance throng. ■ ©n the main street were given a talk- The successful event was unm^r the ' ing to-by-the “Chief’’ who kept an ■ aufpiees- of the Lucknow -Joint _ ___ eye on them for a time, before they with a 25c admission, including hptb i^g idlled about fou Mats, etc.—THE. MARKET STORE. Button. “ ‘t ■ >“* —■ Government Approved Baby Chicks, at reduced prices for the balance of1the'season White Leghorns, Seven cents a Barred Rocks, eight cents White Rocks, eight cents -A Eight unrelated chicks free with each hundred ordered. After Julie. 15th, one cent per chick less than above prices. Started chicks two cents per week old over baby chick price. ’ ORDER NOW BEFORE IT IS Tdd LATE DUNCAN KENNEDY WINGHAM, ONT. / -’PHONE 38 Mr. and Mrs. Ben Naylor of West" Wawanbsh were in Clifford Yesterday attending the funeral of their cousin Mrs; Padrick Brown, who met death when struck »y a motor ear- on Sunday evemjag at ■ ClifTorrl ' ' Mrs. Brown,, who was seventy years of 'age/ w^.s returning .home from Church, and while walking t^e. roafrnrzi-y with <an. her bead, was struck ! carried . about feet, .. Idrs. Brown’s bon.’ i railway man' McLfean home in Ashfield. ■ 7 As a young man he married Mary Cameron of Lochalsh and the young C9uple moved to Calumet. Mrs, Ross oredeceased her husband, and he, for several years, has. been making his home in Detroit with his daughter, Mrs. ■’ Peter McKenzie, who accom­ panied the remains ’ to Lucknow. Mr. Ross is survived by his family of six children and also one 'sister, Mrs. McLay (Rebecca) of Calumet. A brother Jim' of Lucknow passed away about a year ago and a sister Mrs. McLean of Winnipeg about two years ago. , ' . New Wash Materials for ladies and misses Dresses. Voiles Crepes; Prin­ ted Piques; .English Prints, ' Etc.— THE MARKET STORE. FUNERAL OF MRS. J. BIRCH Your If' ' 'be made m^u,. factory » only by -y\»v .lenses'.' Your <$y« YOtTRS a«d.. ycurra O1NLT are" always' factors; 1 > apply .to no other ease. \ if you are, to eujoy seeing that nature intended, yv*^ must receive personal, jndsriduar scientific attention. , • \ ARMSTRONG*# Eyesight A talking-^ACture itxyseetiftd" Utofcor ,th< , au/>pKOE of the 'bwk'.'*■< Mail Jasrt Thursday np’’'<utoM, but tu nm/Band few pollan Ta4 fioox ' jiKouimtod by1 ti.e. CapHulj /•’aituu ztU', was na«d t/> b< ! j • ' t . < g^M:' a<4l. ra-/v4',ry;; fca Service’, | W*W 1 The.following despatch from Margo which appeared in the Saskatoon Star '•ecbrds/the funeral of Mrs. J. Birch formeriy of A.shfieJd, and Whose death A'as recently announced twael. ’ . ■ .■ ^The .funeral of Mrs. 'who passed . a way at the -brother, .’.A illness was- held in the Margo United Church with the Reverend Mr. l/urley, ■'of^Vd.wc; aod^Mr. /Myers of Margo officiating, Many oldtimers of ..the distriH were present to pay their respe<ts to one who had been highly respected. PaBbearers were / A. Cooper, J. Maedr/naW, A. Ran- W. Clark, J. W. Bartley, Angus Drumond. Interment was made in the Margo cemeiery. Mrs Rir<b v/*s horn In A shield, Huron Cuunty; Ontario. Khe made h«r home with her' brother since the dea«tfc of he/'- hu&ba.n,d , Jfi years $he vw, . knwn 'Aunt to <;wyohe here She Uia.y’fss her two brothers, of Marg' Kfe* of Uv'Agf'ic. b/rely floral .tributes . W* e$t J. Birch,. 67p home of her MacRae.. after.a. short I I 'T’HE Automatic Tray.Re- lease slides ice trays out of the Frigidaire ’35 at a . finger touch -no matter how stiffly frozen. See this feature and the score of others today. Prices are lbw — payments easy. The General Motors Refrigerator MADE IN CANADA T. W. SMITH Phone 148 lucknow